path: root/ext/repair/sqlite3_checker.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/repair/sqlite3_checker.tcl b/ext/repair/sqlite3_checker.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ae6e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/repair/sqlite3_checker.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# This TCL script is the main driver script for the sqlite3_checker utility
+# program.
+# Special case:
+# sqlite3_checker --test FILENAME ARGS
+# uses FILENAME in place of this script.
+if {[lindex $argv 0]=="--test" && [llength $argv]>1} {
+ set ::argv0 [lindex $argv 1]
+ set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]
+ source $argv0
+ exit 0
+# Emulate a TCL shell
+proc tclsh {} {
+ set line {}
+ while {![eof stdin]} {
+ if {$line!=""} {
+ puts -nonewline "> "
+ } else {
+ puts -nonewline "% "
+ }
+ flush stdout
+ append line [gets stdin]
+ if {[info complete $line]} {
+ if {[catch {uplevel #0 $line} result]} {
+ puts stderr "Error: $result"
+ } elseif {$result!=""} {
+ puts $result
+ }
+ set line {}
+ } else {
+ append line \n
+ }
+ }
+# Do an incremental integrity check of a single index
+proc check_index {idxname batchsize bTrace} {
+ set i 0
+ set more 1
+ set nerr 0
+ set pct 00.0
+ set max [db one {SELECT nEntry FROM sqlite_btreeinfo('main')
+ WHERE name=$idxname}]
+ puts -nonewline "$idxname: $i of $max rows ($pct%)\r"
+ flush stdout
+ if {$bTrace} {
+ set sql {SELECT errmsg, current_key AS key,
+ CASE WHEN rowid=1 THEN scanner_sql END AS traceOut
+ FROM incremental_index_check($idxname)
+ WHERE after_key=$key
+ LIMIT $batchsize}
+ } else {
+ set sql {SELECT errmsg, current_key AS key, NULL AS traceOut
+ FROM incremental_index_check($idxname)
+ WHERE after_key=$key
+ LIMIT $batchsize}
+ }
+ while {$more} {
+ set more 0
+ db eval $sql {
+ set more 1
+ if {$errmsg!=""} {
+ incr nerr
+ puts "$idxname: key($key): $errmsg"
+ } elseif {$traceOut!=""} {
+ puts "$idxname: $traceOut"
+ }
+ incr i
+ }
+ set x [format {%.1f} [expr {($i*100.0)/$max}]]
+ if {$x!=$pct} {
+ puts -nonewline "$idxname: $i of $max rows ($pct%)\r"
+ flush stdout
+ set pct $x
+ }
+ }
+ puts "$idxname: $nerr errors out of $i entries"
+# Print a usage message on standard error, then quit.
+proc usage {} {
+ set argv0 [file rootname [file tail [info nameofexecutable]]]
+ puts stderr "Usage: $argv0 OPTIONS database-filename"
+ puts stderr {
+Do sanity checking on a live SQLite3 database file specified by the
+"database-filename" argument.
+ --batchsize N Number of rows to check per transaction
+ --freelist Perform a freelist check
+ --index NAME Run a check of the index NAME
+ --summary Print summary information about the database
+ --table NAME Run a check of all indexes for table NAME
+ --tclsh Run the built-in TCL interpreter (for debugging)
+ --trace (Debugging only:) Output trace information on the scan
+ --version Show the version number of SQLite
+ exit 1
+set file_to_analyze {}
+append argv {}
+set bFreelistCheck 0
+set bSummary 0
+set zIndex {}
+set zTable {}
+set batchsize 1000
+set bAll 1
+set bTrace 0
+set argc [llength $argv]
+for {set i 0} {$i<$argc} {incr i} {
+ set arg [lindex $argv $i]
+ if {[regexp {^-+tclsh$} $arg]} {
+ tclsh
+ exit 0
+ }
+ if {[regexp {^-+version$} $arg]} {
+ sqlite3 mem :memory:
+ puts [mem one {SELECT sqlite_version()||' '||sqlite_source_id()}]
+ mem close
+ exit 0
+ }
+ if {[regexp {^-+freelist$} $arg]} {
+ set bFreelistCheck 1
+ set bAll 0
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[regexp {^-+summary$} $arg]} {
+ set bSummary 1
+ set bAll 0
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[regexp {^-+trace$} $arg]} {
+ set bTrace 1
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[regexp {^-+batchsize$} $arg]} {
+ incr i
+ if {$i>=$argc} {
+ puts stderr "missing argument on $arg"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ set batchsize [lindex $argv $i]
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[regexp {^-+index$} $arg]} {
+ incr i
+ if {$i>=$argc} {
+ puts stderr "missing argument on $arg"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ set zIndex [lindex $argv $i]
+ set bAll 0
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[regexp {^-+table$} $arg]} {
+ incr i
+ if {$i>=$argc} {
+ puts stderr "missing argument on $arg"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ set zTable [lindex $argv $i]
+ set bAll 0
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[regexp {^-} $arg]} {
+ puts stderr "Unknown option: $arg"
+ usage
+ }
+ if {$file_to_analyze!=""} {
+ usage
+ } else {
+ set file_to_analyze $arg
+ }
+if {$file_to_analyze==""} usage
+# If a TCL script is specified on the command-line, then run that
+# script.
+if {[file extension $file_to_analyze]==".tcl"} {
+ source $file_to_analyze
+ exit 0
+set root_filename $file_to_analyze
+regexp {^file:(//)?([^?]*)} $file_to_analyze all x1 root_filename
+if {![file exists $root_filename]} {
+ puts stderr "No such file: $root_filename"
+ exit 1
+if {![file readable $root_filename]} {
+ puts stderr "File is not readable: $root_filename"
+ exit 1
+if {[catch {sqlite3 db $file_to_analyze} res]} {
+ puts stderr "Cannot open datababase $root_filename: $res"
+ exit 1
+if {$bFreelistCheck || $bAll} {
+ puts -nonewline "freelist-check: "
+ flush stdout
+ db eval BEGIN
+ puts [db one {SELECT checkfreelist('main')}]
+ db eval END
+if {$bSummary} {
+ set scale 0
+ set pgsz [db one {PRAGMA page_size}]
+ db eval {SELECT nPage*$pgsz AS sz, name, tbl_name
+ FROM sqlite_btreeinfo
+ WHERE type='index'
+ ORDER BY 1 DESC, name} {
+ if {$scale==0} {
+ if {$sz>10000000} {
+ set scale 1000000.0
+ set unit MB
+ } else {
+ set scale 1000.0
+ set unit KB
+ }
+ }
+ puts [format {%7.1f %s index %s of table %s} \
+ [expr {$sz/$scale}] $unit $name $tbl_name]
+ }
+if {$zIndex!=""} {
+ check_index $zIndex $batchsize $bTrace
+if {$zTable!=""} {
+ foreach idx [db eval {SELECT name FROM sqlite_master
+ WHERE type='index' AND rootpage>0
+ AND tbl_name=$zTable}] {
+ check_index $idx $batchsize $bTrace
+ }
+if {$bAll} {
+ set allidx [db eval {SELECT name FROM sqlite_btreeinfo('main')
+ WHERE type='index' AND rootpage>0
+ ORDER BY nEntry}]
+ foreach idx $allidx {
+ check_index $idx $batchsize $bTrace
+ }