path: root/test/testrunner.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 705 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/testrunner.tcl b/test/testrunner.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da4efde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testrunner.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+# Usage:
+proc usage {} {
+ set a0 testrunner.tcl
+ set ::argv [list]
+ uplevel [list source $::testdir/permutations.test]
+ puts stderr "Usage: $a0 ?SWITCHES? ?PERMUTATION? ?PATTERNS?"
+ puts stderr ""
+ puts stderr "where SWITCHES are:"
+ puts stderr " --jobs NUMBER-OF-JOBS"
+ puts stderr ""
+ puts stderr "available PERMUTATION values are:"
+ set ii 0
+ foreach name [lsort [array names ::testspec]] {
+ if {($ii % 3)==0} { puts -nonewline stderr " " }
+ puts -nonewline stderr [format "% -22s" $name]
+ if {($ii % 3)==2} { puts stderr "" }
+ incr ii
+ }
+ puts stderr ""
+ puts stderr ""
+ puts stderr "Examples:"
+ puts stderr " 1) Run the veryquick tests:"
+ puts stderr " $a0"
+ puts stderr " 2) Run all test scripts in the source tree:"
+ puts stderr " $a0 full"
+ puts stderr " 2) Run the 'memsubsys1' permutation:"
+ puts stderr " $a0 memsubsys1"
+ puts stderr " 3) Run all permutations usually run by \[make fulltest\]"
+ puts stderr " $a0 release"
+ puts stderr " 4) Run all scripts that match the pattern 'select%':"
+ puts stderr " $a0 select%"
+ puts stderr " $a0 all select%"
+ puts stderr " $a0 full select%"
+ puts stderr " 5) Run all scripts that are part of the veryquick permutation and match the pattern 'select%':"
+ puts stderr " $a0 veryquick select%"
+ puts stderr " 6) Run the 'memsubsys1' permutation, but just those scripts that match 'window%':"
+ puts stderr " $a0 memsubsys1 window%"
+ puts stderr " 7) Run all the permutations, but only the scripts that match either 'fts5%' or 'rtree%':"
+ puts stderr " $a0 release fts5% rtree%"
+ exit 1
+# The database schema used by the testrunner.db database.
+set R(schema) {
+ CREATE TABLE script(
+ config TEXT,
+ filename TEXT, -- full path to test script
+ slow BOOLEAN, -- true if script is "slow"
+ state TEXT CHECK( state IN ('ready', 'running', 'done') ),
+ testfixtureid, -- Id of process that ran script
+ time INTEGER, -- Time in ms
+ nerr INTEGER, -- if 'done', the number of errors
+ ntest INTEGER, -- if 'done', the number of tests
+ output TEXT, -- full output of test script
+ PRIMARY KEY(config, filename)
+ );
+ CREATE TABLE malloc(
+ nmalloc INTEGER,
+ nbyte INTEGER,
+ leaker TEXT
+ );
+ msg TEXT
+ );
+# Try to estimate a the number of processes to use.
+# Command [guess_number_of_cores] attempts to glean the number of logical
+# cores. Command [default_njob] returns the default value for the --jobs
+# switch.
+proc guess_number_of_cores {} {
+ set ret 4
+ if {$::tcl_platform(os)=="Darwin"} {
+ set cmd "sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu"
+ } else {
+ set cmd "nproc"
+ }
+ catch {
+ set fd [open "|$cmd" r]
+ set ret [gets $fd]
+ close $fd
+ set ret [expr $ret]
+ }
+ return $ret
+proc default_njob {} {
+ set nCore [guess_number_of_cores]
+ set nHelper [expr int($nCore*0.75)]
+ expr $nHelper>0 ? $nHelper : 1
+set R(dbname) [file normalize testrunner.db]
+set R(logname) [file normalize testrunner.log]
+set R(info_script) [file normalize [info script]]
+set R(timeout) 10000 ;# Default busy-timeout for testrunner.
+set R(nJob) [default_njob] ;# Default number of helper processes
+set R(leaker) "" ;# Name of first script to leak memory
+set R(patternlist) [list]
+set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
+# Parse the command line options. There are two ways to invoke this
+# script - to create a helper or coordinator process. If there are
+# no helper processes, the coordinator runs test scripts.
+# To create a helper process:
+# testrunner.tcl helper ID
+# where ID is an integer greater than 0. The process will create and
+# run tests in the "testdir$ID" directory. Helper processes are only
+# created by coordinators - there is no need for a user to create
+# helper processes manually.
+# If the first argument is anything other than "helper", then a coordinator
+# process is started. See the implementation of the [usage] proc above for
+# details.
+switch -- [lindex $argv 0] {
+ helper {
+ set R(helper) 1
+ set R(helper_id) [lindex $argv 1]
+ set argv [list --testdir=testdir$R(helper_id)]
+ }
+ default {
+ set R(helper) 0
+ set R(helper_id) 0
+ }
+if {$R(helper)==0} {
+ for {set ii 0} {$ii < [llength $argv]} {incr ii} {
+ set a [lindex $argv $ii]
+ set n [string length $a]
+ if {[string range $a 0 0]=="-"} {
+ if {($n>2 && [string match "$a*" --jobs]) || $a=="-j"} {
+ incr ii
+ set R(nJob) [lindex $argv $ii]
+ } else {
+ usage
+ }
+ } else {
+ lappend R(patternlist) [string map {% *} $a]
+ }
+ }
+ set argv [list]
+source $testdir/permutations.test
+# Return a list of tests to run. Each element of the list is itself a
+# list of two elements - the name of a permuations.test configuration
+# followed by the full path to a test script. i.e.:
+proc testset_patternlist {patternlist} {
+ set first [lindex $patternlist 0]
+ if {$first=="all"} { set first "full" }
+ if {$first=="release"} {
+ # The following mirrors the set of test suites invoked by "all.test".
+ #
+ set clist {
+ full
+ no_optimization memsubsys1 memsubsys2 singlethread
+ multithread onefile utf16 exclusive persistent_journal
+ persistent_journal_error no_journal no_journal_error
+ autovacuum_ioerr no_mutex_try fullmutex journaltest
+ inmemory_journal pcache0 pcache10 pcache50 pcache90
+ pcache100 prepare mmap
+ }
+ ifcapable rbu { lappend clist rbu }
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform)=="unix"} {
+ ifcapable !default_autovacuum {
+ lappend clist autovacuum_crash
+ }
+ }
+ set patternlist [lrange $patternlist 1 end]
+ } elseif {[info exists ::testspec($first)]} {
+ set clist $first
+ set patternlist [lrange $patternlist 1 end]
+ } elseif { [llength $patternlist]==0 } {
+ set clist veryquick
+ } else {
+ set clist full
+ }
+ set testset [list]
+ foreach config $clist {
+ catch { array unset O }
+ array set O $::testspec($config)
+ foreach f $O(-files) {
+ if {[file pathtype $f]!="absolute"} {
+ set f [file join $::testdir $f]
+ }
+ lappend testset [list $config [file normalize $f]]
+ }
+ }
+ if {[llength $patternlist]>0} {
+ foreach t $testset {
+ set tail [file tail [lindex $t 1]]
+ foreach p $patternlist {
+ if {[string match $p $tail]} {
+ lappend ret $t
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ set ret $testset
+ }
+ set ret
+proc r_write_db {tcl} {
+ global R
+ sqlite3_test_control_pending_byte 0x010000
+ sqlite3 db $R(dbname)
+ db timeout $R(timeout)
+ db eval { BEGIN EXCLUSIVE }
+ uplevel $tcl
+ db eval { COMMIT }
+ db close
+proc make_new_testset {} {
+ global R
+ set tests [testset_patternlist $R(patternlist)]
+ r_write_db {
+ db eval $R(schema)
+ foreach t $tests {
+ foreach {c s} $t {}
+ set slow 0
+ set fd [open $s]
+ for {set ii 0} {$ii<100 && ![eof $fd]} {incr ii} {
+ set line [gets $fd]
+ if {[string match -nocase *testrunner:* $line]} {
+ regexp -nocase {.*testrunner:(.*)} $line -> properties
+ foreach p $properties {
+ if {$p=="slow"} { set slow 1 }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close $fd
+ db eval {
+ INSERT INTO script(config, filename, slow, state)
+ VALUES ($c, $s, $slow, 'ready')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Find the next job in the database and mark it as 'running'. Then return
+# a list consisting of the
+# pair for the test.
+proc get_next_test {} {
+ global R
+ set myid $R(helper_id)
+ r_write_db {
+ set f ""
+ set c ""
+ db eval {
+ SELECT config, filename FROM script WHERE state='ready'
+ (slow * (($myid+1) % 2)) DESC,
+ config!='full',
+ config,
+ filename
+ } {
+ set c $config
+ set f $filename
+ }
+ if {$f!=""} {
+ db eval {
+ UPDATE script SET state='running', testfixtureid=$myid
+ WHERE (config, filename) = ($c, $f)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$f==""} { return "" }
+ list $c $f
+proc r_testname {config filename} {
+ set name [file tail $filename]
+ if {$config!="" && $config!="full" && $config!="veryquick"} {
+ set name "$config-$name"
+ }
+ return $name
+proc r_set_test_result {config filename ms nerr ntest output} {
+ global R
+ set f [r_testname $config $filename]
+ if {$nerr==0} {
+ set msg "$f... Ok"
+ } else {
+ set msg "$f... FAILED - $nerr errors of $ntest tests"
+ }
+ append msg " (${ms}ms)"
+ if {$R(helper)} {
+ append msg " (helper $R(helper_id))"
+ }
+ sqlite3_shutdown
+ set nMalloc [lindex [sqlite3_status SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_COUNT 0] 1]
+ set nByte [sqlite3_memory_used]
+ if {($nByte>0 || $nMalloc>0) && $R(leaker)==""} {
+ set R(leaker) $f
+ }
+ r_write_db {
+ db eval {
+ UPDATE script
+ SET state='done', output=$output, nerr=$nerr, ntest=$ntest, time=$ms
+ WHERE (config, filename)=($config, $filename);
+ INSERT INTO msg(msg) VALUES ($msg);
+ }
+ }
+set R(iNextMsg) 1
+proc r_get_messages {{db ""}} {
+ global R
+ sqlite3_test_control_pending_byte 0x010000
+ if {$db==""} {
+ sqlite3 rgmhandle $R(dbname)
+ set dbhandle rgmhandle
+ $dbhandle timeout $R(timeout)
+ } else {
+ set dbhandle $db
+ }
+ $dbhandle transaction {
+ set next $R(iNextMsg)
+ set ret [$dbhandle eval {SELECT msg FROM msg WHERE id>=$next}]
+ set R(iNextMsg) [$dbhandle one {SELECT COALESCE(max(id), 0)+1 FROM msg}]
+ }
+ if {$db==""} {
+ rgmhandle close
+ }
+ set ret
+# This is called after all tests have been run to write the leaked memory
+# report into the malloc table of testrunner.db.
+proc r_memory_report {} {
+ global R
+ sqlite3_shutdown
+ set nMalloc [lindex [sqlite3_status SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_COUNT 0] 1]
+ set nByte [sqlite3_memory_used]
+ set id $R(helper_id)
+ set leaker $R(leaker)
+ r_write_db {
+ db eval {
+ INSERT INTO malloc(id, nMalloc, nByte, leaker)
+ VALUES($id, $nMalloc, $nByte, $leaker)
+ }
+ }
+ proc puts_sts_wrapper {args} {
+ set n [llength $args]
+ if {$n==1 || ($n==2 && [string first [lindex $args 0] -nonewline]==0)} {
+ uplevel puts_into_caller $args
+ } else {
+ # A channel was explicitly specified.
+ uplevel puts_sts_original $args
+ }
+ }
+ rename puts puts_sts_original
+ proc puts {args} { uplevel puts_sts_wrapper $args }
+proc r_install_puts_wrapper {} $::R_INSTALL_PUTS_WRAPPER
+proc r_uninstall_puts_wrapper {} {
+ rename puts ""
+ rename puts_sts_original puts
+proc slave_test_script {script} {
+ # Create the interpreter used to run the test script.
+ interp create tinterp
+ # Populate some global variables that tester.tcl expects to see.
+ foreach {var value} [list \
+ ::argv0 $::argv0 \
+ ::argv {} \
+ ::SLAVE 1 \
+ ] {
+ interp eval tinterp [list set $var $value]
+ }
+ # The alias used to access the global test counters.
+ tinterp alias set_test_counter set_test_counter
+ # Set up an empty ::cmdlinearg array in the slave.
+ interp eval tinterp [list array set ::cmdlinearg [array get ::cmdlinearg]]
+ # Set up the ::G array in the slave.
+ interp eval tinterp [list array set ::G [array get ::G]]
+ interp eval tinterp [list set ::G(runner.tcl) 1]
+ interp eval tinterp $::R_INSTALL_PUTS_WRAPPER
+ tinterp alias puts_into_caller puts_into_caller
+ # Load the various test interfaces implemented in C.
+ load_testfixture_extensions tinterp
+ # Run the test script.
+ set rc [catch { interp eval tinterp $script } msg opt]
+ if {$rc} {
+ puts_into_caller $msg
+ puts_into_caller [dict get $opt -errorinfo]
+ incr ::TC(errors)
+ }
+ # Check if the interpreter call [run_thread_tests]
+ if { [interp eval tinterp {info exists ::run_thread_tests_called}] } {
+ set ::run_thread_tests_called 1
+ }
+ # Delete the interpreter used to run the test script.
+ interp delete tinterp
+proc slave_test_file {zFile} {
+ set tail [file tail $zFile]
+ # Remember the value of the shared-cache setting. So that it is possible
+ # to check afterwards that it was not modified by the test script.
+ #
+ ifcapable shared_cache { set scs [sqlite3_enable_shared_cache] }
+ # Run the test script in a slave interpreter.
+ #
+ unset -nocomplain ::run_thread_tests_called
+ reset_prng_state
+ set ::sqlite_open_file_count 0
+ set time [time { slave_test_script [list source $zFile] }]
+ set ms [expr [lindex $time 0] / 1000]
+ r_install_puts_wrapper
+ # Test that all files opened by the test script were closed. Omit this
+ # if the test script has "thread" in its name. The open file counter
+ # is not thread-safe.
+ #
+ if {[info exists ::run_thread_tests_called]==0} {
+ do_test ${tail}-closeallfiles { expr {$::sqlite_open_file_count>0} } {0}
+ }
+ set ::sqlite_open_file_count 0
+ # Test that the global "shared-cache" setting was not altered by
+ # the test script.
+ #
+ ifcapable shared_cache {
+ set res [expr {[sqlite3_enable_shared_cache] == $scs}]
+ do_test ${tail}-sharedcachesetting [list set {} $res] 1
+ }
+ # Add some info to the output.
+ #
+ output2 "Time: $tail $ms ms"
+ show_memstats
+ r_uninstall_puts_wrapper
+ return $ms
+proc puts_into_caller {args} {
+ global R
+ if {[llength $args]==1} {
+ append R(output) [lindex $args 0]
+ append R(output) "\n"
+ } else {
+ append R(output) [lindex $args 1]
+ }
+proc r_final_report {} {
+ global R
+ sqlite3_test_control_pending_byte 0x010000
+ sqlite3 db $R(dbname)
+ db timeout $R(timeout)
+ set errcode 0
+ # Create the text log file. This is just the concatenation of the
+ # 'output' column of the database for every script that was run.
+ set fd [open $R(logname) w]
+ db eval {SELECT output FROM script ORDER BY config!='full',config,filename} {
+ puts $fd $output
+ }
+ close $fd
+ # Check if any scripts reported errors. If so, print one line noting
+ # how many errors, and another identifying the scripts in which they
+ # occured. Or, if no errors occurred, print out "no errors at all!".
+ sqlite3 db $R(dbname)
+ db timeout $R(timeout)
+ db eval { SELECT sum(nerr) AS nerr, sum(ntest) AS ntest FROM script } { }
+ puts "$nerr errors from $ntest tests."
+ if {$nerr>0} {
+ db eval { SELECT config, filename FROM script WHERE nerr>0 } {
+ lappend errlist [r_testname $config $filename]
+ }
+ puts "Errors in: $errlist"
+ set errcode 1
+ }
+ # Check if any scripts were not run or did not finish. Print out a
+ # line identifying them if there are any.
+ set errlist [list]
+ db eval { SELECT config, filename FROM script WHERE state!='done' } {
+ lappend errlist [r_testname $config $filename]
+ }
+ if {$errlist!=[list]} {
+ puts "Tests DID NOT FINISH (crashed?): $errlist"
+ set errcode 1
+ }
+ set bLeak 0
+ db eval {
+ SELECT id, nmalloc, nbyte, leaker FROM malloc
+ WHERE nmalloc>0 OR nbyte>0
+ } {
+ if {$id==0} {
+ set line "This process "
+ } else {
+ set line "Helper $id "
+ }
+ append line "leaked $nbyte byte in $nmalloc allocations"
+ if {$leaker!=""} { append line " (perhaps in [file tail $leaker])" }
+ puts $line
+ set bLeak 1
+ }
+ if {$bLeak==0} {
+ puts "No leaks - all allocations freed."
+ }
+ db close
+ puts "Test database is $R(dbname)"
+ puts "Test log file is $R(logname)"
+ if {$errcode} {
+ puts "This test has FAILED."
+ }
+ return $errcode
+if {$R(helper)==0} {
+ make_new_testset
+set R(nHelperRunning) 0
+if {$R(helper)==0 && $R(nJob)>1} {
+ cd $cmdlinearg(TESTFIXTURE_HOME)
+ for {set ii 1} {$ii <= $R(nJob)} {incr ii} {
+ set cmd "[info nameofexec] $R(info_script) helper $ii 2>@1"
+ puts "Launching helper $ii ($cmd)"
+ set chan [open "|$cmd" r]
+ fconfigure $chan -blocking false
+ fileevent $chan readable [list r_helper_readable $ii $chan]
+ incr R(nHelperRunning)
+ }
+ cd $cmdlinearg(testdir)
+proc r_helper_readable {id chan} {
+ set data [gets $chan]
+ if {$data!=""} { puts "helper $id:$data" }
+ if {[eof $chan]} {
+ puts "helper $id is finished"
+ incr ::R(nHelperRunning) -1
+ close $chan
+ }
+if {$R(nHelperRunning)==0} {
+ while { ""!=[set t [get_next_test]] } {
+ set R(output) ""
+ set TC(count) 0
+ set TC(errors) 0
+ foreach {config filename} $t {}
+ array set O $::testspec($config)
+ set ::G(perm:name) $config
+ set ::G(perm:prefix) $O(-prefix)
+ set ::G(isquick) 1
+ set ::G(perm:dbconfig) $O(-dbconfig)
+ set ::G(perm:presql) $O(-presql)
+ eval $O(-initialize)
+ set ms [slave_test_file $filename]
+ eval $O(-shutdown)
+ unset -nocomplain ::G(perm:sqlite3_args)
+ unset ::G(perm:name)
+ unset ::G(perm:prefix)
+ unset ::G(perm:dbconfig)
+ unset ::G(perm:presql)
+ r_set_test_result $config $filename $ms $TC(errors) $TC(count) $R(output)
+ if {$R(helper)==0} {
+ foreach msg [r_get_messages] { puts $msg }
+ }
+ }
+ # Tests are finished - write a record into testrunner.db describing
+ # any memory leaks.
+ r_memory_report
+} else {
+ set TTT 0
+ sqlite3 db $R(dbname)
+ db timeout $R(timeout)
+ while {$R(nHelperRunning)>0} {
+ after 250 { incr TTT }
+ vwait TTT
+ foreach msg [r_get_messages db] { puts $msg }
+ }
+ db close
+set errcode 0
+if {$R(helper)==0} {
+ set errcode [r_final_report]
+exit $errcode