# 2018-02-14 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # # Test cases for the editdist3() function in the spellfix extension. # set testdir [file dirname $argv0] source $testdir/tester.tcl set testprefix spellfix4 ifcapable !vtab { finish_test ; return } load_static_extension db spellfix do_execsql_test 100 { CREATE TABLE cost1(iLang, cFrom, cTo, iCost); INSERT INTO cost1 VALUES (0, '', '?', 97), (0, '?', '', 98), (0, '?', '?', 99), (0, 'm', 'n', 50), (0, 'n', 'm', 50) ; SELECT editdist3('cost1'); SELECT editdist3('anchor','amchor'); } {{} 50} do_execsql_test 110 { SELECT editdist3('anchor','anchoxr'); } {97} do_execsql_test 111 { SELECT editdist3('anchor','xanchor'); } {97} do_execsql_test 112 { SELECT editdist3('anchor','anchorx'); } {97} do_execsql_test 120 { SELECT editdist3('anchor','anchr'); } {98} do_execsql_test 121 { SELECT editdist3('anchor','ancho'); } {98} do_execsql_test 122 { SELECT editdist3('anchor','nchor'); } {98} do_execsql_test 130 { SELECT editdist3('anchor','anchur'); } {99} do_execsql_test 131 { SELECT editdist3('anchor','onchor'); } {99} do_execsql_test 132 { SELECT editdist3('anchor','anchot'); } {99} do_execsql_test 140 { SELECT editdist3('anchor','omchor'); } {149} do_execsql_test 200 { INSERT INTO cost1 VALUES (0, 'a', 'ä', 5), (0, 'ss', 'ß', 8) ; SELECT editdist3('cost1'); SELECT editdist3('strasse','straße'); SELECT editdist3('straße','strasse'); } {{} 8 196} do_execsql_test 210 { SELECT editdist3('baume','bäume'); } {5} do_execsql_test 220 { SELECT editdist3('baum','bäume'); } {102} do_execsql_test 230 { INSERT INTO cost1 VALUES (0, 'ä', 'a', 5), (0, 'ß', 'ss', 8) ; SELECT editdist3('cost1'); SELECT editdist3('strasse','straße'); SELECT editdist3('straße','strasse'); } {{} 8 8} do_execsql_test 300 { DELETE FROM cost1; INSERT INTO cost1 VALUES (0, '', '?', 97), (0, '?', '', 98), (0, '?', '?', 99), (0, 'a', 'e', 50), (0, 'a', 'i', 70), (0, 'a', 'o', 75), (0, 'a', 'u', 81), (0, 'e', 'a', 50), (0, 'e', 'i', 52), (0, 'e', 'o', 72), (0, 'e', 'u', 82), (0, 'i', 'a', 70), (0, 'i', 'e', 52), (0, 'i', 'o', 75), (0, 'i', 'u', 83), (0, 'o', 'a', 75), (0, 'o', 'e', 72), (0, 'o', 'i', 75), (0, 'o', 'u', 40), (0, 'u', 'a', 81), (0, 'u', 'e', 82), (0, 'u', 'i', 83), (0, 'u', 'o', 40), (0, 'm', 'n', 45), (0, 'n', 'm', 45) ; CREATE TABLE words(x TEXT); INSERT INTO words VALUES ('abraham'), ('action'), ('africa'), ('aladdin'), ('alert'), ('alien'), ('amazon'), ('analog'), ('animal'), ('apollo'), ('archive'), ('arnold'), ('aspirin'), ('august'), ('average'), ('bahama'), ('bambino'), ('barcode'), ('bazooka'), ('belgium'), ('between'), ('biology'), ('blonde'), ('border'), ('brave'), ('british'), ('bucket'), ('button'), ('caesar'), ('camilla'), ('cannon'), ('caramel'), ('carpet'), ('catalog'), ('century'), ('chaos'), ('chef'), ('china'), ('circus'), ('classic'), ('clinic'), ('coconut'), ('combine'), ('complex'), ('congo'), ('convert'), ('cosmos'), ('crack'), ('crown'), ('cyclone'), ('deal'), ('delete'), ('denver'), ('detail'), ('diana'), ('direct'), ('dolby'), ('double'), ('dublin'), ('echo'), ('edition'), ('electra'), ('emotion'), ('enjoy'), ('escape'), ('everest'), ('exile'), ('express'), ('family'), ('ferrari'), ('filter'), ('fish'), ('florida'), ('ford'), ('forum'), ('frank'), ('frozen'), ('gallery'), ('garlic'), ('geneva'), ('gibson'), ('gloria'), ('gordon'), ('gravity'), ('ground'), ('habitat'), ('harlem'), ('hazard'), ('herbert'), ('hobby'), ('house'), ('icon'), ('immune'), ('india'), ('inside'), ('isotope'), ('jamaica'), ('jazz'), ('joker'), ('juliet'), ('jupiter'), ('kevin'), ('korea'), ('latin'), ('legal'), ('lexicon'), ('limbo'), ('lithium'), ('logo'), ('lucas'), ('madrid'), ('major'), ('manual'), ('mars'), ('maximum'), ('medical'), ('mental'), ('meter'), ('miguel'), ('mimosa'), ('miranda'), ('modern'), ('money'), ('morgan'), ('motor'), ('mystic'), ('nebula'), ('network'), ('nice'), ('nitro'), ('norway'), ('nurse'), ('octavia'), ('olympic'), ('opus'), ('orient'), ('othello'), ('pacific'), ('panama'), ('paper'), ('parking'), ('pasta'), ('paul'), ('people'), ('permit'), ('phrase'), ('pilgrim'), ('planet'), ('pocket'), ('police'), ('popular'), ('prefer'), ('presto'), ('private'), ('project'), ('proxy'), ('python'), ('quota'), ('rainbow'), ('raymond'), ('region'), ('report'), ('reward'), ('risk'), ('robot'), ('rose'), ('russian'), ('sailor'), ('salt'), ('saturn'), ('scorpio'), ('second'), ('seminar'), ('shadow'), ('shave'), ('shock'), ('silence'), ('sinatra'), ('sleep'), ('social'), ('sonata'), ('spain'), ('sphere'), ('spray'), ('state'), ('stone'), ('strong'), ('sugar'), ('supreme'), ('swing'), ('talent'), ('telecom'), ('thermos'), ('tina'), ('tommy'), ('torso'), ('trade'), ('trick'), ('tropic'), ('turtle'), ('uniform'), ('user'), ('vega'), ('vertigo'), ('village'), ('visible'), ('vocal'), ('voyage'), ('weekend'), ('winter'), ('year'), ('zipper') ; SELECT editdist3('cost1'); } {{}} do_execsql_test 310 { SELECT editdist3(a.x,b.x), a.x, b.x FROM words a, words b WHERE a.x