import os import sys import stat import errno import functools as ft # use "import libmount" for in a standard way installed python binding import pylibmount as mnt def usage(tss): print("\nUsage:\n\t{:s} [testoptions]\nTests:\n".format(sys.argv[0])) for i in tss: print("\t{15:-s}".format(i[0])) if i[2] != "": print(" {:s}\n".format(i[2])) print("\n") return 1 def mnt_run_test(tss, argv): rc = -1 if ((len(argv) < 2) or (argv[1] == "--help") or (argv[1] == "-h")): return usage(tss) #mnt_init_debug(0) i=() for i in tss: if i[0] == argv[1]: rc = i[1](i, argv[1:]) if rc: print("FAILED [rc={:d}]".format(rc)) break if ((rc < 0) and (i == ())): return usage(tss) return not not rc #because !!rc is too mainstream for python def parser_errcb(tb, fname, line): print("{:s}:{:d}: parse error".format(fname, line)) return 1 def create_table(f, comments): if not f: return None tb = mnt.Table() tb.enable_comments(comments) tb.errcb = parser_errcb try: tb.parse_file(f) except Exception: print("{:s}: parsing failed".format(f)) return None return tb def test_copy_fs(ts, argv): rc = -1 tb = create_table(argv[1], False) fs = tb.find_target("/", mnt.MNT_ITER_FORWARD) if not fs: return rc print("ORIGINAL:") fs.print_debug() fs = fs.copy_fs(None) if not fs: return rc print("COPY:") fs.print_debug() return 0 def test_parse(ts, argv): parse_comments = False if len(argv) == 3 and argv[2] == "--comments": parse_comments = True tb = create_table(argv[1], parse_comments) if tb.intro_comment: print("Initial comment:\n\"{:s}\"".format(tb.intro_comment)) #while ((fs = tb.next_fs()) != None): for fs in iter(ft.partial(tb.next_fs), None): fs.print_debug() if tb.trailing_comment: print("Trailing comment:\n\"{:s}\"".format(tb.trailing_comment)) return 0 def test_find(ts, argv, dr): if len(argv) != 4: print("try --help") return -errno.EINVAL f, find, what = argv[1:] tb = create_table(f, False) if find.lower() == "source": fs = tb.find_source(what, dr) elif find.lower() == "target": fs = tb.find_target(what, dr) if not fs: print("{:s}: not found {:s} '{:s}'".format(f, find, what)) else: fs.print_debug() return 0 def test_find_fw(ts, argv): return test_find(ts, argv, mnt.MNT_ITER_FORWARD) def test_find_bw(ts, argv): return test_find(ts, argv, mnt.MNT_ITER_BACKWARD) def test_find_pair(ts, argv): rc = -1 tb = create_table(argv[1], False) fs = tb.find_pair(argv[2], argv[3], mnt.MNT_ITER_FORWARD) if not fs: return rc fs.print_debug() return 0 def test_is_mounted(ts, argv): rc = -1 tb = mnt.Tab(path="/proc/self/mountinfo") if not tb: print("failed to parse mountinto") return rc fstab = create_table(argv[1], False) if not fstab: return rc fs = () for fs in ft.iter(tb.next_fs(), -1): if tb.is_fs_mounted(fs): print("{:s} already mounted on {:s}".format(fs.source, else: print("{:s} not mounted on {:s}".format(fs.source, return 0 def test_find_mountpoint(ts, argv): rc = -1 tb = mnt.Table("/proc/self/mountinfo") if not tb: return rc fs = tb.find_mountpoint(argv[1], mnt.MNT_ITER_BACKWARD) if not fs: return rc fs.print_debug() return 0 tss = ( ( "--parse", test_parse, " [--comments] parse and print(tab" ), ( "--find-forward", test_find_fw, " " ), ( "--find-backward", test_find_bw, " " ), ( "--find-pair", test_find_pair, " " ), ( "--find-mountpoint", test_find_mountpoint, "" ), ( "--copy-fs", test_copy_fs, " copy root FS from the file" ), ( "--is-mounted", test_is_mounted, " check what from are already mounted" ), ) sys.exit(mnt_run_test(tss, sys.argv))