diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/testdir/gen_opt_test.vim')
-rw-r--r-- | src/testdir/gen_opt_test.vim | 241 |
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/gen_opt_test.vim b/src/testdir/gen_opt_test.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f205d43 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/testdir/gen_opt_test.vim @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ +" Script to generate testdir/opt_test.vim from option.c + +set cpo=&vim + +" Only do this when build with the +eval feature. +if 1 + +set nomore + +" The terminal size is restored at the end. +" Clear out t_WS, we don't want to resize the actual terminal. +let script = [ + \ '" DO NOT EDIT: Generated with gen_opt_test.vim', + \ '" Used by test_options.vim.', + \ '', + \ 'let save_columns = &columns', + \ 'let save_lines = &lines', + \ 'set t_WS=', + \ ] + +/#define p_term +let end = line('.') + +" font name that works everywhere (hopefully) +let fontname = has('win32') ? 'fixedsys' : 'fixed' + +" Two lists with values: values that work and values that fail. +" When not listed, "othernum" or "otherstring" is used. +let test_values = { + \ 'cmdheight': [[1, 2, 10], [-1, 0]], + \ 'cmdwinheight': [[1, 2, 10], [-1, 0]], + \ 'columns': [[12, 80], [-1, 0, 10]], + \ 'conceallevel': [[0, 1, 2, 3], [-1, 4, 99]], + \ 'foldcolumn': [[0, 1, 4, 12], [-1, 13, 999]], + \ 'helpheight': [[0, 10, 100], [-1]], + \ 'history': [[0, 1, 100], [-1, 10001]], + \ 'iminsert': [[0, 1], [-1, 3, 999]], + \ 'imsearch': [[-1, 0, 1], [-2, 3, 999]], + \ 'imstyle': [[0, 1], [-1, 2, 999]], + \ 'lines': [[2, 24], [-1, 0, 1]], + \ 'linespace': [[0, 2, 4], ['']], + \ 'numberwidth': [[1, 4, 8, 10, 11, 20], [-1, 0, 21]], + \ 'regexpengine': [[0, 1, 2], [-1, 3, 999]], + \ 'report': [[0, 1, 2, 9999], [-1]], + \ 'scroll': [[0, 1, 2, 20], [-1]], + \ 'scrolljump': [[-50, -1, 0, 1, 2, 20], [999]], + \ 'scrolloff': [[0, 1, 2, 20], [-1]], + \ 'shiftwidth': [[0, 1, 8, 999], [-1]], + \ 'sidescroll': [[0, 1, 8, 999], [-1]], + \ 'sidescrolloff': [[0, 1, 8, 999], [-1]], + \ 'tabstop': [[1, 4, 8, 12], [-1, 0]], + \ 'textwidth': [[0, 1, 8, 99], [-1]], + \ 'timeoutlen': [[0, 8, 99999], [-1]], + \ 'titlelen': [[0, 1, 8, 9999], [-1]], + \ 'updatecount': [[0, 1, 8, 9999], [-1]], + \ 'updatetime': [[0, 1, 8, 9999], [-1]], + \ 'verbose': [[-1, 0, 1, 8, 9999], []], + \ 'wildcharm': [[-1, 0, 100], []], + \ 'winheight': [[1, 10, 999], [-1, 0]], + \ 'winminheight': [[0, 1], [-1]], + \ 'winminwidth': [[0, 1, 10], [-1]], + \ 'winwidth': [[1, 10, 999], [-1, 0]], + \ + \ 'ambiwidth': [['', 'single'], ['xxx']], + \ 'background': [['', 'light', 'dark'], ['xxx']], + \ 'backspace': [[0, 2, 3, '', 'eol', 'eol,start', 'indent,eol,nostop'], ['4', 'xxx']], + \ 'backupcopy': [['yes', 'auto'], ['', 'xxx', 'yes,no']], + \ 'backupext': [['xxx'], ['']], + \ 'belloff': [['', 'all', 'copy,error'], ['xxx']], + \ 'breakindentopt': [['', 'min:3', 'sbr'], ['xxx', 'min', 'min:x']], + \ 'browsedir': [['', 'last', '/'], ['xxx']], + \ 'bufhidden': [['', 'hide', 'wipe'], ['xxx', 'hide,wipe']], + \ 'buftype': [['', 'help', 'nofile'], ['xxx', 'help,nofile']], + \ 'casemap': [['', 'internal'], ['xxx']], + \ 'cedit': [['', '\<Esc>'], ['xxx', 'f']], + \ 'clipboard': [['', 'unnamed', 'autoselect,unnamed', 'html', 'exclude:vimdisplay'], ['xxx', '\ze*', 'exclude:\\%(']], + \ 'colorcolumn': [['', '8', '+2'], ['xxx']], + \ 'comments': [['', 'b:#'], ['xxx']], + \ 'commentstring': [['', '/*%s*/'], ['xxx']], + \ 'complete': [['', 'w,b'], ['xxx']], + \ 'concealcursor': [['', 'n', 'nvic'], ['xxx']], + \ 'completeopt': [['', 'menu', 'menu,longest'], ['xxx', 'menu,,,longest,']], + \ 'completepopup': [['', 'height:13', 'highlight:That', 'width:10,height:234,highlight:Mine'], ['height:yes', 'width:no', 'xxx', 'xxx:99', 'border:maybe', 'border:1']], + \ 'completeslash': [['', 'slash', 'backslash'], ['xxx']], + \ 'cryptmethod': [['', 'zip'], ['xxx']], + \ 'cscopequickfix': [['', 's-', 's-,c+,e0'], ['xxx', 's,g,d']], + \ 'cursorlineopt': [['both', 'line', 'number', 'screenline', 'line,number'], ['', 'xxx', 'line,screenline']], + \ 'debug': [['', 'msg', 'msg', 'beep'], ['xxx']], + \ 'diffopt': [['', 'filler', 'icase,iwhite'], ['xxx', 'algorithm:xxx', 'algorithm:']], + \ 'display': [['', 'lastline', 'lastline,uhex'], ['xxx']], + \ 'eadirection': [['', 'both', 'ver'], ['xxx', 'ver,hor']], + \ 'encoding': [['latin1'], ['xxx', '']], + \ 'eventignore': [['', 'WinEnter', 'WinLeave,winenter', 'all,WinEnter'], ['xxx']], + \ 'fileencoding': [['', 'latin1', 'xxx'], []], + \ 'fileformat': [['', 'dos', 'unix'], ['xxx']], + \ 'fileformats': [['', 'dos', 'dos,unix'], ['xxx']], + \ 'fillchars': [['', 'vert:x'], ['xxx']], + \ 'foldclose': [['', 'all'], ['xxx']], + \ 'foldmethod': [['manual', 'indent'], ['', 'xxx', 'expr,diff']], + \ 'foldopen': [['', 'all', 'hor,jump'], ['xxx']], + \ 'foldmarker': [['((,))'], ['', 'xxx']], + \ 'formatoptions': [['', 'vt', 'v,t'], ['xxx']], + \ 'guicursor': [['', 'n:block-Cursor'], ['xxx']], + \ 'guifont': [['', fontname], []], + \ 'guifontwide': [['', fontname], []], + \ 'guifontset': [['', fontname], []], + \ 'guioptions': [['', 'a'], ['Q']], + \ 'helplang': [['', 'de', 'de,it'], ['xxx']], + \ 'highlight': [['', 'e:Error'], ['xxx']], + \ 'imactivatekey': [['', 'S-space'], ['xxx']], + \ 'isfname': [['', '@', '@,48-52'], ['xxx', '@48']], + \ 'isident': [['', '@', '@,48-52'], ['xxx', '@48']], + \ 'iskeyword': [['', '@', '@,48-52'], ['xxx', '@48']], + \ 'isprint': [['', '@', '@,48-52'], ['xxx', '@48']], + \ 'keymap': [['', 'accents'], ['xxx']], + \ 'keymodel': [['', 'startsel', 'startsel,stopsel'], ['xxx']], + \ 'keyprotocol': [['', 'xxx:none', 'yyy:mok2', 'zzz:kitty'], + \ [':none', 'xxx:', 'x:non', 'y:mok3', 'z:kittty']], + \ 'langmap': [['', 'xX', 'aA,bB'], ['xxx']], + \ 'lispoptions': [['', 'expr:0', 'expr:1'], ['xxx']], + \ 'listchars': [['', 'eol:x', 'eol:x,space:y'], ['xxx']], + \ 'matchpairs': [['', '(:)', '(:),<:>'], ['xxx']], + \ 'mkspellmem': [['10000,100,12'], ['', 'xxx']], + \ 'mouse': [['', 'a', 'nvi'], ['xxx', 'n,v,i']], + \ 'mousemodel': [['', 'popup'], ['xxx']], + \ 'mouseshape': [['', 'n:arrow'], ['xxx']], + \ 'nrformats': [['', 'alpha', 'alpha,hex,bin'], ['xxx']], + \ 'previewpopup': [['', 'height:13', 'width:10,height:234'], ['height:yes', 'xxx', 'xxx:99']], + \ 'printmbfont': [['', 'r:some', 'b:Bold,c:yes'], ['xxx']], + \ 'printoptions': [['', 'header:0', 'left:10pc,top:5pc'], ['xxx']], + \ 'scrollopt': [['', 'ver', 'ver,hor'], ['xxx']], + \ 'renderoptions': [[''], ['xxx']], + \ 'rightleftcmd': [['search'], ['xxx']], + \ 'selection': [['old', 'inclusive'], ['', 'xxx']], + \ 'selectmode': [['', 'mouse', 'key,cmd'], ['xxx']], + \ 'sessionoptions': [['', 'blank', 'help,options,slash'], ['xxx']], + \ 'showcmdloc': [['last', 'statusline', 'tabline'], ['xxx']], + \ 'signcolumn': [['', 'auto', 'no'], ['xxx', 'no,yes']], + \ 'spellfile': [['', 'file.en.add', '/tmp/dir\ with\ space/en.utf-8.add'], ['xxx', '/tmp/file']], + \ 'spelllang': [['', 'xxx', 'sr@latin'], ['not&lang', "that\\\rthere"]], + \ 'spelloptions': [['', 'camel'], ['xxx']], + \ 'spellsuggest': [['', 'best', 'double,33'], ['xxx']], + \ 'splitkeep': [['cursor', 'screen', 'topline'], ['xxx']], + \ 'swapsync': [['', 'sync', 'fsync'], ['xxx']], + \ 'switchbuf': [['', 'useopen', 'split,newtab'], ['xxx']], + \ 'tagcase': [['smart', 'match'], ['', 'xxx', 'smart,match']], + \ 'term': [[], []], + \ 'termguicolors': [[], []], + \ 'termencoding': [has('gui_gtk') ? [] : ['', 'utf-8'], ['xxx']], + \ 'termwinsize': [['', '24x80', '0x80', '32x0', '0x0'], ['xxx', '80', '8ax9', '24x80b']], + \ 'termwintype': [['', 'winpty', 'conpty'], ['xxx']], + \ 'toolbar': [['', 'icons', 'text'], ['xxx']], + \ 'toolbariconsize': [['', 'tiny', 'huge'], ['xxx']], + \ 'ttymouse': [['', 'xterm'], ['xxx']], + \ 'ttytype': [[], []], + \ 'varsofttabstop': [['8', '4,8,16,32'], ['xxx', '-1', '4,-1,20']], + \ 'vartabstop': [['8', '4,8,16,32'], ['xxx', '-1', '4,-1,20']], + \ 'viewoptions': [['', 'cursor', 'unix,slash'], ['xxx']], + \ 'viminfo': [['', '''50', '"30'], ['xxx']], + \ 'virtualedit': [['', 'all', 'all,block'], ['xxx']], + \ 'whichwrap': [['', 'b,s', 'bs'], ['xxx']], + \ 'wildmode': [['', 'full', 'list:full', 'full,longest'], ['xxx', 'a4', 'full,full,full,full,full']], + \ 'wildoptions': [['', 'tagfile', 'pum', 'fuzzy'], ['xxx']], + \ 'winaltkeys': [['menu', 'no'], ['', 'xxx']], + \ + \ 'luadll': [[], []], + \ 'perldll': [[], []], + \ 'pythondll': [[], []], + \ 'pythonthreedll': [[], []], + \ 'pyxversion': [[], []], + \ 'rubydll': [[], []], + \ 'tcldll': [[], []], + \ + \ 'othernum': [[-1, 0, 100], ['']], + \ 'otherstring': [['', 'xxx'], []], + \} + +1 +/struct vimoption options +while 1 + /{" + if line('.') > end + break + endif + let line = getline('.') + let name = substitute(line, '.*{"\([^"]*\)".*', '\1', '') + let shortname = substitute(line, '.*"\([^"]*\)".*', '\1', '') + + if has_key(test_values, name) + let a = test_values[name] + elseif line =~ 'P_NUM' + let a = test_values['othernum'] + else + let a = test_values['otherstring'] + endif + if len(a[0]) > 0 || len(a[1]) > 0 + if line =~ 'P_BOOL' + call add(script, 'set ' . name) + call add(script, 'set ' . shortname) + call add(script, 'set no' . name) + call add(script, 'set no' . shortname) + else + for val in a[0] + call add(script, 'set ' . name . '=' . val) + call add(script, 'set ' . shortname . '=' . val) + endfor + + " setting an option can only fail when it's implemented. + call add(script, "if exists('+" . name . "')") + for val in a[1] + call add(script, "silent! call assert_fails('set " . name . "=" . val . "')") + call add(script, "silent! call assert_fails('set " . shortname . "=" . val . "')") + endfor + call add(script, "endif") + endif + + " cannot change 'termencoding' in GTK + if name != 'termencoding' || !has('gui_gtk') + call add(script, 'set ' . name . '&') + call add(script, 'set ' . shortname . '&') + endif + if name == 'verbosefile' + call add(script, 'call delete("xxx")') + endif + + if name == 'more' + call add(script, 'set nomore') + elseif name == 'lines' + call add(script, 'let &lines = save_lines') + endif + endif +endwhile + +call add(script, 'let &columns = save_columns') +call add(script, 'let &lines = save_lines') + +call writefile(script, 'opt_test.vim') + +endif + +qa! |