Apache 2 Packaging Guidelines

This document describes handling and behavior of reverse dependencies which
would like to interact with the Apache 2 HTTP server


	1. Overview

	2. Packaging Modules
                2.1 '.load' and '.conf' files
                2.2 Maintainer scripts

	3. Packaging Sites and Configurations for Web Applications
                3.1 Web application module dependencies
                3.2 Package dependencies

	4. Maintainer Scripts
		4.1 Enabling Configurations
		4.2 Switching MPMs

	5. Tools
		5.1 a2query
		5.2 apache2-maintscript-helper
		5.3 dh_apache2

        6. Version
                6.1 Changes

1 Overview

The Apache 2 web server package in Debian supports two types of reverse
dependencies: modules and web applications. They need to be treated differently
as their requirements are different. We have special requirements for how to
declare dependencies against Apache 2 web server packages depending on the type
of package. Refer to the appropriate parts for extensive information.

Furthermore, there are several helper tools available to assist with common
tasks. These are outlined in their respective sub sections as well. You should
use these tools to get maintainer scripts and dependencies right.

This document adopts the normative wording of the Debian Policy Manual ยง1.1[1].
The words "must", "should", and "may", and the adjectives "required",
"recommended", and "optional", are used to distinguish the significance of the
various guidelines in this policy document.

[1] http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-scope.html#s1.1

2 Packaging Modules

Modules are packages which are installing third party extensions to the Apache 2
web server which can be loaded at runtime to extend the functionality of the
core server. Please be aware that such compiled modules make use of a stable
Application Binary Interface (ABI) and therefore need a recompile if the web
server changes. Hence be careful how you declare dependencies against the web
server. You need to make sure it does not break upon upgrades.

A module package providing an Apache module must obey these policies to make
sure it can be upgraded without breakage of local sites. To achieve this, a
package must build-depend on apache2-dev. That package provides the 'apxs'
compile helper which makes sure the module to be compiled is compatible with the
Apache 2 web server and the C headers the server is providing as a public
interface. If an updated package is not buildable with Apache 2.2 anymore, the
apache2-dev build-dependency should be versioned ">> 2.4~", because older
versions of apache2-threaded-dev did provide apache2-dev.

A module package that uses openssl specific interfaces in mod_ssl, either by
using the mod_ssl_openssl.h header, or by using mod_ssl-internal private
interfaces (don't do that!), must build-depend on apache2-ssl-dev to ensure
that the correct version of the openssl headers are used. In this case,
dh_apache2 will also create a dependency on a apache2-api-YYYYMMDD-opensslM.M
virtual package.

The resulting binary package should be called libapache2-mod-<modulename> and
MUST NOT depend on apache2 or apache2-bin. Instead a module package must depend
on our virtual package providing the module magic number which denotes the ABI
compatibility version number. The virtual package is called apache2-api-YYYYMMDD
and is guaranteed to be stable through all binary updates of 2.4.x. The
dh_apache2 helper assists in getting the dependencies right.

2.1 '.load' and '.conf' files

The module must install a 'module.load' file to /etc/apache2/modules-available,
where 'module' is the name of the installed module minus the "mod_" prefix. The
'.load' file must contain an appropriate "LoadModule" directive only.
Additionally maintainers may use a magic line in '.load' files to declare
module dependencies and conflicts which need to be resolved to load a module for
a local site. This is useful if a module depends on other modules to be
loaded, or to conflict with other modules if they can't be loaded at the same
time. a2enmod and a2dismod will parse any "magic comment lines" with the format
"# Depends: module [module [...]]" and "# Conflicts: module [module [...]]";
for example to load mod_foo:

In 'foo.load':

	# Depends: bar
	# Conflicts: baz
	LoadModule foo_module /usr/lib/modules/mod_foo.so

Additionally, if required, a 'foo.conf' configuration file to configure the
module may be installed along with the 'load' file, following the same naming
scheme. This is useful if the module in question requires some initial
configuration to be useful. No magic comments are recognized in '.conf' files.
Otherwise they have the same functionality and requirements as configuration
files (see section 3 below). You should use only directives provided by default
by our web server configuration or which are provided by your module itelf in a
supplied '.conf' file.

In some rare cases it can't be avoided that a module depends on an another
module being loaded already before its own loading process can succeed. The
module load order is guaranteed to be sorted alphabetically, which could lead to
problems if the new module to be loaded sorts later. In most cases such
pre-load dependencies can be avoided upstream - consider filing a bug. If there
is no way out of this problem, you may want to add a conditional Include in your
own module file.

Suppose mod_foo relies on mod_bar to be loaded first. You may want to write a
module 'load' file like this:

	# Depends: bar
	<IfModule !mod_bar.c>
		Include mods-enabled/bar.load

	LoadModule foo_module /usr/lib/modules/mod_foo.so

Please note that the bar.load file must also contain a matching "<IfModule
!mod_bar.c>" guard as it would be loaded twice otherwise. Use this method
extremely sparingly and in agreement with related package maintainers only.
Note that such a module '.load' file must still contain a "Depends:" magic line
to make sure that the a2enmod/a2dismod dependency resolver works correctly.

2.2 Maintainer scripts

Maintainer scripts should not invoke a2enmod directly. Instead, the
apache2-maintscript-helper should be used. Please be aware that the helper is
not guaranteed to be installed on the target system. There are certain setups
which do not require Debian specific configurations, so modules must not do
anything in maintainer scripts which makes use of Debian-specific enhancements
like apache2-maintscript-helper, a2enmod, or a2query unconditionally. It is
recommended to invoke it like this:

        if [ -e /usr/share/apache2/apache2-maintscript-helper ] ; then
		. /usr/share/apache2/apache2-maintscript-helper
		apache2_invoke enmod foo

The dh_apache2 helper can be used to install module configuration and load
files. Additionally it generates appropriate maintainer scripts. The
apache2-maintscript-helper provides a few functions for common tasks. See their
respective reference documentations below.

If maintainer scripts use a2enmod/a2dismod manually, they must invoke them with
the "-m" (maintainer mode) switch.

3 Packaging Sites and Configurations for Web Applications

Web applications are different from modules in that they do not have a hard
dependency on the web server. Typically they require a running web server,
but they do not need to worry about binary compatibility of modules. We accept
that there are other web servers besides Apache; thus we discourage package
maintainers of web applications from depending unconditionally on Apache. That
said, we provide several helpers to assist web application packagers to invoke
configuration snippets to enable a web application in the Apache 2 web server.

We differentiate between two sub-types: sites and general configuration. Sites
are installed to /etc/apache2/sites-available and configure a particular
virtual host. Special care must be taken when installing a site configuration
to make sure it does not interfere with site-local configuration used by the
administrator. Typically there are only a few use cases where a Debian
package should include a virtual host configuration.

The general configuration snippets are installed to /etc/apache2/conf-available
instead. Package maintainers are advised to avoid "local-" prefixes to
installed conffiles, and ideally use "packagename.conf" to avoid name clashes.
This type of configuration must be used when installing a global (i.e. virtual
host independent) configuration. Usually these configuration snippets will be
included in the global server context via the conf-enabled directory. However,
it is planned to allow the administrator to only enable the configuration
snippets in a selected set of virtual hosts.

Typically a "packagename.conf" should enable a global alias pointing to your web
application along with a script-dependendent per-script configuration; for

	Alias /packagename /usr/share/packagename

	<Directory /usr/share/packagename>

Please be careful about the directives you are using. Some might be provided by
modules which are not enabled by default. By default you can unconditionally use
directives from these modules: mod_access_compat, mod_alias, mod_auth_basic,
mod_authn_file, mod_authz_host, mod_authz_user, mod_autoindex, mod_deflate,
mod_dir, mod_env, mod_filter, mod_logio, mod_mime, mod_negotiation,
mod_setenvif, mod_unixd, mod_version, mod_watchdog. Check the module
documentation for the modules providing directives you are using.

Note that not all directives are really required. If your <Directory>
configuration can be enhanced by mod_rewrite rules, but does not necessarily
need to use them, you could do something like:

	<Directory /usr/share/packagename>
	  <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
	   RewriteEngine on
	   RewriteRule ...

(Note that some common uses of mod_rewrite for web applications can be replaced
by the relatively new FallbackResource directive.)

3.1 Web application module dependencies

There are use cases where a configuration really needs a certain module to be
enabled. This is tricky to achieve for web applications as dependencies could
lead to complex dependency chains which could break unrelated web applications
installed alongside your package. Thus, we do not resolve module dependencies
for web applications automatically, but they may be expressed (see 'load' files
in section 2.1), and a2enconf will warn the site administrator about modules
which need to enabled. Moreover, modules can be arbitrarily enabled and
disabled by local administrators, so a web application must make sure not to
break the web server's start-up if a required module is not available.

The syntax for config snippets to express dependencies is identical to the
syntax in modules' '.load' files.  Within your package.conf file you still need
to protect non-default directives with <IfModule> clauses as there is no
guarantee that the modules are actually enabled. It is acceptable if your
configuration file turns into a no-op as long as it does not break the server

For both types of configuration (configurations and sites), dh_apache2 can be
used to assist packagers.

3.2 Package dependencies

Web applications must only depend on (or recommend) the apache2 package. Web
applications must not depend on or recommend the packages apache2-bin or
apache2-data. Generally, web server dependencies should be declared in the form:

	Depends: apache2 | <alternative web servers you support> | httpd-cgi

Using dh_apache2 assists you to do so, although dh_apache2 declares a weaker
Recommends relation only. While a consolidated and consistent behavior among web
applications would be desirable, from Apache's point of view, both alternatives
are acceptable. If your web application depends on a particular web server module
you need to depend on that, too. For example, PHP applications might need to
formulate dependency lines in the form:

	Depends: libapache2-mod-php5 | php5-cgi | php5-fpm
	Recommends: apache2 | <alternative web servers you support> | httpd-cgi

A with modules, web applications may enable their configuration files in
maintainer scripts. Use of dh_apache2 is recommended to achieve this. Generally,
special care should be taken not to use Apache2 Debian helper scripts like
a2query and a2enmod unconditionally. You can use the apache2-maintscript-helper
tools provided by the apache2 package for common tasks this way:

        if [ -e /usr/share/apache2/apache2-maintscript-helper ] ; then
		. /usr/share/apache2/apache2-maintscript-helper
		apache2_invoke enconf foo

Refer to the reference documentation below to learn how to use
apache2-maintscript-helper. Do not enable or disable modules in web
application maintainer scripts; instead protect your configuration with
<IfModule> clauses if you require non-standard modules.

4 Maintainer Scripts

Though already discussed briefly in previous sections, here follow some
clarifications regarding the invocation of wrapper scripts in maintainer scripts
of modules and web applications.

4.1 Enabling Configurations

Both modules and web applications should use the apache2-maintscript-helper in
general. The helper will obey local policies to decide when to enable a piece of
configuration, to reload the web server, and so on. Moreover, it will remember
whether a module was activated by the site administrator or a maintainer script.
Thus, it is particularly important you do not use "a2enmod" and so on directly
(though a2query is acceptable).

This is a summary of how the apache2-maintscript-helper should be invoked in
maintainer scripts:

	Unless a maintainer or debconf script verified that no configuration was
	to be installed at all, e.g. for scripts supporting several web servers,
	modules should unconditionally call apache2_invoke in their "postinst
	configure" sections. It will obey site-local policies in future and will
	make sure that disabled modules are not enabled again during upgrades of
	a module package.

	Modules need to be disabled on removal (and purge anyway), as otherwise
	their configuration will be broken (as LoadModule would fail because of
	the missing shared object file). Thus, modules need to call
	"apache2_invoke dismod" on both removal and purge. It's apache2_invoke's
	job to deal with upgrades and it will remember modules it removed during
	removal and will reenable them during re-install.

Web Applications:
	Web Applications derive the same behavior as modules if the web
	application can be run with a sensible out-of-box configuration; don't
	enable it otherwise. Likewise, web application should also be disabled
	on removal (and on purge anyway), because important files may be missing
	(and that's the point of package removal, anyway).

4.2 Switching MPMs

Only modules are allowed to switch the enabled MPM. Web applications must not
switch the enabled MPM in their maintainer scripts. To actually switch the MPM,
packagers can use a2query to find out whether it is necessary, and if so, can
switch it by using the corresponding helper function provided in
apache2-maintscript-helper. Do not try to switch the MPM yourself - the helper
function takes special care not to leave the site in a state without an enabled
MPM, which is a fatal error.

The helper call may fail. Your maintainer script must cope with this
possibility. It is not recommended to make your maintainer script fail if the
MPM could not be changed. Instead emit a warning. You can use the apache2_msg
function from apache2-maintscript-helper which will also log to syslog. If you
are using debconf anyway you may want to consider using that - but continue
operation. However, make sure you only enable the module in question if the MPM
was changed successfully.  See below for an example snippet:

	if [ -e /usr/share/apache2/apache2-maintscript-helper ] ; then
		. /usr/share/apache2/apache2-maintscript-helper

		# mod_foo requires the prefork MPM
		if [ $(a2query -M) != 'prefork' ] ; then
			if apache2_switch_mpm prefork ; then
				apache2_invoke enmod foo
				apache2_msg err "Could not switch to prefork, not enabling mod_foo"
			apache2_invoke enmod foo


5. Tools

This is an overview of tools supplied with the Apache2 package which can assist
in building web application and module packages.

5.1 apache2-maintscript-helper

The apache2-maintscript-helper is a collection of functions which can be
sourced in maintainer scripts to do required tasks in a simple and
standardized way. It is NOT a script; it is a library (insofar as shell
functions can be libraries). This is to avoid users calling these functions.
They are not meant to be used by users. The helper is installed within the
apache2 binary package. Thus you MUST NOT use any function of it
unconditionally, as for both modules and web applications there are use cases
when this package is not added as a dependency. Thus, use it in a protected
conditional like this only:

        if [ -e /usr/share/apache2/apache2-maintscript-helper ] ; then
		. /usr/share/apache2/apache2-maintscript-helper
		<call apache2-maintscript-helper specific functions>

The helper provides functions to enable and disable configuration files,
restart the web server, switch the MPM in use and similar. Refer to the source
code for detailed interface documentation. When available, please use the
apache2-maintscript-helper instead of calling helper scripts directly, as these
functions are careful to invoke and use the appropriate helper. Later versions
may be configurable to allow the administrator to influence which actions are

Always check the return code of the called function to find out whether
something went wrong:

	if ! apache2_invoke enmod modulename ; then
		echo "Whoops! Something went wrong"

5.2 dh_apache2

dh_apache2 is a debhelper which can be used to install modules, module
configuration, site configuration, and global configuration snippets. It assists
you to set appropriate dependencies and maintainer scripts. Refer to
dh_apache2(1) for full usage guidelines.

5.2 a2enmod

a2enmod and its special invocations a2enconf, a2ensite, a2dismod, a2dissite and
a2disconf can be used to enable all types of Apache 2 configuration files. When
invoking these helpers in maintainer scripts, you should carefully check their
error return codes. These scripts must always be used with the -q (quiet) and -m
(maintainer mode) switches in maintainer scripts. Preferably, you should not
interface with this scripts directly; instead it is recommended to use
apache2-maintscript-helper. For detailed usage refer to their respective man

5.3 a2query

a2query is a query tool to retrieve runtime status information about the Apache
2 web server instance. You can use this tool to get information about loaded
modules, the MPM used on the installation site, the module magic number and
other useful information. Use this script instead of accessing configuration
files in /etc/apache2 directly as it tries its best to return useful information
even on incomplete or broken configurations.

For example, you can use a2query to retrieve the MPM enabled on the local site
and make actions dependent on the result like this:

        [ -x /usr/sbin/a2query ] || exit $?
        CUR_MPM=$(a2query -M) || exit $?
	case "$CUR_MPM" in

Refer to the a2query(1) man page for the full documentation. Please note that
the apache2-maintscript-helper can be used to interface with this task as well.

6 Version

Document version: 1.0

Starting with Apache2 2.4.2-2 this document is versioned. Any change which affects
packaging is denoted by an increased major nummer; clarifications, spelling fixes
and minor edits are denoted by minor numbers. In future, a changelog will appear
here as well.

6.1 Changes

        * first version of this document which is versioned.