use strict; use lib qw(../../lib ../lib ./lib); use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Test::Harness; use FindBin; use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir); use Apache::TestTrace; use Cwd qw(cwd); use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); my %usage = ( 'base-dir' => 'which dir to run the tests in (default: Apache-TestMe)', 'config-file' => 'which config file to use', 'help' => 'display this message', 'trace=T' => 'change tracing default to: warning, notice, ' . 'info, debug, ...', 'verbose[=1]' => 'verbose output', ); my @flag_opts = qw(verbose help); my @string_opts = qw(config-file base-dir trace); my %opts; # grab from @ARGV only the options that we expect GetOptions(\%opts, @flag_opts, (map "$_=s", @string_opts)); # t/TEST -v -base /home/$ENV{USER}/ \ # -config /home/$ENV{USER}/.apache-test/ # $Test::Harness::verbose = 1 if $opts{verbose}; opt_help() if $opts{help}; opt_help() unless $opts{'config-file'}; if ($opts{'base-dir'}) { unless (-d $opts{'base-dir'}) { error "can't find $opts{'base-dir'}"; opt_help(); } } else { my $dir = catdir $FindBin::Bin, qw(.. Apache-TestMe); # get rid of relative paths die "can't find the default dir $dir" unless -d $dir; my $from = cwd(); chdir $dir or die "can't chdir to $dir: $!"; $dir = cwd(); chdir $from or die "can't chdir to $from: $!"; $opts{'base-dir'} = $dir; } unless (-r $opts{'config-file'}) { error "can't read $opts{'config-file'}"; opt_help(); } if ($opts{trace}) { my %levels = map {$_ => 1} @Apache::TestTrace::Levels; if (exists $levels{ $opts{trace} }) { $Apache::TestTrace::Level = $opts{trace}; # propogate the override for the server-side. # -trace overrides any previous APACHE_TEST_TRACE_LEVEL settings $ENV{APACHE_TEST_TRACE_LEVEL} = $opts{trace}; } else { error "unknown trace level: $opts{trace}", "valid levels are: @Apache::TestTrace::Levels"; opt_help(); } } # forward the data to the sub-processes run by Test::Harness $ENV{APACHE_TESTITSELF_CONFIG_FILE} = $opts{'config-file'}; $ENV{APACHE_TESTITSELF_BASE_DIR} = $opts{'base-dir'}; run_my_tests(); sub run_my_tests { my $base = "t"; unless (-d $base) { # try to move into the top-level directory chdir ".." or die "Can't chdir: $!"; } my @tests; if (@ARGV) { for (@ARGV) { if (-d $_) { push @tests, <$_/*.t>; } else { $_ .= ".t" unless /\.t$/; push @tests, $_; } } } else { chdir $base; @tests = sort (<*.t>); chdir ".."; @tests = map { "$base/$_" } @tests; } runtests @tests; } sub opt_help { print <