use 5.005; use lib qw(lib); use Apache::Test5005compat; use strict; use warnings; # was this file invoked directly via perl, or via the top-level # (mp2) Makefile.PL? if top-level, this env var will be set use constant TOP_LEVEL => $ENV{MOD_PERL_2_BUILD}; if (!TOP_LEVEL) { # see if we are building from within mp root, add src lib if we are eval { require File::Spec }; unless ($@) { if ( -e File::Spec->catdir('..', 'lib') ) { # building A-T from mp subdirectory, use the mp lib unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir('..', 'lib'); } } } use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use Symbol; use File::Find qw(finddepth); use Apache::TestMM qw(test clean); #enable 'make test and make clean' use Apache::TestRun; use Apache::TestTrace; use Apache::TestReport; use Apache::TestConfig (); use Apache::TestRunPerl; my $VERSION; set_version(); Apache::TestMM::filter_args(); my @scripts = qw(t/TEST); finddepth(sub { return if $_ eq 'Apache-TestItSelf'; return unless /(.*?\.pl)\.PL$/; push @scripts, "$File::Find::dir/$1"; }, '.'); for (@scripts) { Apache::TestMM::generate_script($_); } Apache::TestReport->generate_script; my @clean_files = qw(.mypacklist t/TEST t/REPORT Makefile.old ); my %prereq = ( 'File::Spec' => '0.8', 'Cwd' => '2.06', ); # Apache::TestServer uses Win32::Process on Windows. if ($^O =~ /MSWin32/i) { $prereq{'Win32::Process'} = '0' } # Apache-Test/META.yml is excluded from mp2 distro to make PAUSE # indexer happy, but then perl Makefile.PL complains about a missing # META.yml, so autogenerate it if it wasn't in the distro my $no_meta = TOP_LEVEL ? 1 : 0; WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Apache::Test', VERSION => $VERSION, PREREQ_PM => \%prereq, NO_META => $no_meta, dist => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', PREOP => 'find $(DISTVNAME) -type d -print|xargs chmod 0755 && ' . 'find $(DISTVNAME) -type f -print|xargs chmod 0644', TO_UNIX => 'find $(DISTVNAME) -type f -print|xargs dos2unix' }, clean => { FILES => "@clean_files", }, ); # after CPAN/CPANPLUS had a chance to satisfy the requirements, # enforce those (for those who run things manually) check_prereqs(); sub check_prereqs { my %fail = (); for (sort keys %prereq) { unless (chk_version($_, $prereq{$_})) { $fail{$_} = $prereq{$_}; } } if (%fail) { error "\nThe following Apache-Test dependencies aren't satisfied:", map { "\t$_: $fail{$_}" } sort keys %fail; error "Install those from and try again"; exit 0; } } sub chk_version { my($pkg, $wanted) = @_; no strict 'refs'; local $| = 1; print "Checking for $pkg..."; (my $p = $pkg . ".pm") =~ s#::#/#g; eval { require $p;}; print("not ok\n$@"), return if $@; my $vstr = ${"${pkg}::VERSION"} ? "found v" . ${"${pkg}::VERSION"} : "not found"; my $vnum = eval(${"${pkg}::VERSION"}) || 0; print $vnum >= $wanted ? "ok\n" : " " . $vstr . "\n"; $vnum >= $wanted; } sub set_version { $VERSION = $Apache::Test::VERSION; my $fh = Symbol::gensym(); open $fh, 'Changes' or die "Can't open Changes: $!"; while (<$fh>) { if(/^=item.*-(dev|rc\d+)/) { $VERSION .= "-$1"; last; } last if /^=item/; } close $fh; } sub add_dep { my($string, $targ, $add) = @_; $$string =~ s/($targ\s+::)/$1 $add/; } no warnings 'redefine'; sub MY::postamble { my $self = shift; my $q = ($^O =~ /MSWin32/i ? '"' : "'"); my $string = $self->MM::postamble; $string .= <<"EOF"; tag : svn copy -m $q\$(VERSION_SYM) tag$q\$(VERSION_SYM) EOF return $string; } sub MY::test { my $self = shift; # run tests normally if non root user return $self->Apache::TestMM::test(@_) if (($> != 0) # root user or (Apache::TestConfig::WINFU)); # win users # or win32 return <MM::constants; # mp2 installs this into INSTALLSITEARCH, so in order to avoid # problems when users forget 'make install UNINST=1', trick MM into # installing pure perl modules to the sitearch location, when this is # not installed as a part of mp2 build if (!$ENV{MOD_PERL_2_BUILD}) { $string .= <<'EOI'; # install into the same location as mod_perl 2.0 INSTALLSITELIB = $(INSTALLSITEARCH) DESTINSTALLSITELIB = $(DESTINSTALLSITEARCH) EOI } $string; }