The Apache-Test project is co-maintained by several developers, who take turns at making CPAN releases. Therefore you may find several CPAN directories containing Apache-Test releases. The best way to find the latest release is to use If you have a question or you want to submit a bug report or make a contribution, please do not email individual authors, but send an email to the test-dev mailing list. This list is moderated, so unless you are subscribed to it, your message will have to be approved first by a moderator. Therefore please allow some time (up to a few days) for your post to propagate to the list. If 'make test' fails to start, with an error message: !!! no test server configured, please specify an httpd or apxs or put either in your PATH. For example: t/TEST -httpd /path/to/bin/httpd or similar, please don't submit a bug report, since this is a user error, not a bug in Apache-Test. Instead, do what the error message suggests; Apache-Test needs to know where it can find Apache and other components. If you have apxs installed you can run the test suite via: % t/TEST -apxs /path/to/bin/apxs or if you set the APXS environment variable, via make: % APXS=/path/to/bin/apxs make test If you don't have 'apxs', tell Apache-Test where your httpd can be found: % t/TEST -httpd /path/to/bin/httpd or via the APACHE environment variable: % APACHE=/path/to/bin/httpd make test *** CPAN Testers *** CPAN Testers using CPANPLUS and running under 'root' are required to update their perl installation to have IPC::Run 0.78 or higher. Please do not post failure reports unless you have this prerequisite satisfied. It has nothing to do with Apache-Test itself, and needed for CPANPLUS to flush the STDERR and STDOUT streams at the right time, allowing you to skip the test suite if the conditions aren't suitable for its execution. *** Apache C modules bug reports *** It's now possible to easily create tarballs with self-contained bug reports for Apache modules in C. Geoff developed and maintains the skeleton: So next time you want to send a reproducable bug report for some C module, grab that tarball, put your code in and submit it to the relevant list.