use strict; use lib qw(lib ../lib); use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Apache::TestRun (); package MyTest; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Apache::TestRun); #subclass new_test_config to add some config vars which will #be replaced in generated config, see t/conf/ #'make test' runs -clean by default, so to actually see the replacements: #perl t/TEST apxs ... #cat t/conf/extra.conf #perl t/TEST -clean sub new_test_config { my $self = shift; $self->{conf_opts}->{authname} = 'gold club'; $self->{conf_opts}->{allowed_users} = 'dougm sterling'; return $self->SUPER::new_test_config; } sub bug_report { my $self = shift; print <new->run(@ARGV);