# # mod-h2 test suite # check HTTP/2 timeout behaviour # import time from threading import Thread import pytest from .env import H2Conf, H2TestEnv from pyhttpd.result import ExecResult @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=H2TestEnv.is_unsupported, reason="mod_http2 not supported here") class TestShutdown: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class') def _class_scope(self, env): conf = H2Conf(env) conf.add_vhost_cgi() conf.install() assert env.apache_restart() == 0 def test_h2_106_01(self, env): url = env.mkurl("https", "cgi", "/necho.py") lines = 100000 text = "123456789" wait2 = 1.0 self.r = None def long_request(): args = ["-vvv", "-F", f"count={lines}", "-F", f"text={text}", "-F", f"wait2={wait2}", ] self.r = env.curl_get(url, 5, options=args) t = Thread(target=long_request) t.start() time.sleep(0.5) assert env.apache_reload() == 0 t.join() # noinspection PyTypeChecker time.sleep(1) r: ExecResult = self.r assert r.exit_code == 0 assert r.response, f"no response via {r.args} in {r.stderr}\nstdout: {len(r.stdout)} bytes" assert r.response["status"] == 200, f"{r}" assert len(r.response["body"]) == (lines * (len(text)+1)), f"{r}" def test_h2_106_02(self, env): # PR65731: invalid GOAWAY frame at session start when # MaxRequestsPerChild is reached # Create a low limit and only 2 children, so we'll encounter this easily conf = H2Conf(env, extras={ 'base': [ "ServerLimit 2", "MaxRequestsPerChild 3" ] }) conf.add_vhost_test1() conf.install() assert env.apache_restart() == 0 url = env.mkurl("https", "test1", "/index.html") for i in range(7): r = env.curl_get(url, options=['-v']) # requests should succeed, but rarely connections get closed # before the response is received if r.exit_code in [16, 55]: # curl send error assert r.response is None else: assert r.exit_code == 0, f"failed on {i}. request: {r.stdout} {r.stderr}" assert r.response["status"] == 200 assert "HTTP/2" == r.response["protocol"]