## Release Schedule **Tagging Deadline:** **Public Release:** ## Release Checklist ## 2 Working Days Before the Tagging Deadline - [ ] ***(QA)*** Check whether all issues assigned to the release milestone are resolved[^1]. - [ ] ***(QA)*** Ensure that there are no outstanding merge requests in the private repository[^1] (Subscription Edition only). - [ ] ***(QA)*** Ensure all merge requests marked for backporting have been indeed backported. ## Before the Tagging Deadline - [ ] ***(QA)*** Inform Support/Marketing of impending release (and give estimated release dates). - [ ] ***(QA)*** Check Perflab to ensure there has been no unexplained drop in performance for the versions being released. - [ ] ***(SwEng)*** Update API files for libraries with new version information. - [ ] ***(SwEng)*** Change software version and library versions in `configure.ac` (new major release only). - [ ] ***(SwEng)*** Rebuild `configure` using Autoconf on `docs.isc.org`. - [ ] ***(SwEng)*** Update `CHANGES`. - [ ] ***(SwEng)*** Update `CHANGES.SE` (Subscription Edition only). - [ ] ***(SwEng)*** Update `README.md`. - [ ] ***(SwEng)*** Update `version`. - [ ] ***(SwEng)*** Build documentation on `docs.isc.org`. - [ ] ***(QA)*** Check that all the above steps were performed correctly. - [ ] ***(QA)*** Check that the contents of release notes match the merge requests comprising the releases. - [ ] ***(QA)*** Check that the formatting is correct for text, PDF, and HTML versions of release notes. - [ ] ***(SwEng)*** Tag the releases[^2]. (Tags may only be pushed to the public repository for releases which are *not* security releases.) - [ ] ***(SwEng)*** If this is the first tag for a release (e.g. beta), create a release branch named `release_v9_X_Y` to allow development to continue on the maintenance branch whilst release engineering continues. ## Before the ASN Deadline (for ASN Releases) or the Public Release Date (for Regular Releases) - [ ] ***(QA)*** Verify GitLab CI results for the tags created and prepare a QA report for the releases to be published. - [ ] ***(QA)*** Request signatures for the tarballs, providing their location and checksums. - [ ] ***(Signers)*** Validate tarball checksums, sign tarballs, and upload signatures. - [ ] ***(QA)*** Verify tarball signatures and check tarball checksums again. - [ ] ***(Support)*** Pre-publish ASN and/or Subscription Edition tarballs so that packages can be built. - [ ] ***(QA)*** Build and test ASN and/or Subscription Edition packages. - [ ] ***(QA)*** Notify Support that the releases have been prepared. - [ ] ***(Support)*** Send out ASNs (if applicable). ## On the Day of Public Release - [ ] ***(Support)*** Wait for clearance from Security Officer to proceed with the public release (if applicable). - [ ] ***(Support)*** Place tarballs in public location on FTP site. - [ ] ***(Support)*** Publish links to downloads on ISC website. - [ ] ***(Support)*** Write release email to *bind-announce*. - [ ] ***(Support)*** Write email to *bind-users* (if a major release). - [ ] ***(Support)*** Update tickets in case of waiting support customers. - [ ] ***(QA)*** Build and test any outstanding private packages. - [ ] ***(QA)*** Build public packages (`*.deb`, RPMs). - [ ] ***(QA)*** Inform Marketing of the release. - [ ] ***(QA)*** Update the internal [BIND release dates wiki page](https://wiki.isc.org/bin/view/Main/BindReleaseDates) when public announcement has been made. - [ ] ***(Marketing)*** Post short note to Twitter. - [ ] ***(Marketing)*** Update [Wikipedia entry for BIND](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIND). - [ ] ***(Marketing)*** Write blog article (if a major release). - [ ] ***(QA)*** Ensure all new tags are annotated and signed. - [ ] ***(SwEng)*** Push tags for the published releases to the public repository. - [ ] ***(SwEng)*** Merge the automatically prepared `prep 9.X.Y` commit which updates `version` and documentation on the release branch into the relevant maintenance branch (`v9_X`). [^1]: If not, use the time remaining until the tagging deadline to ensure all outstanding issues are either resolved or moved to a different milestone. [^2]: Preferred command line: `git tag -u -a -s -m "BIND 9.X.Y[alphatag]" v9_X_Y[alphatag]`, where `[alphatag]` is an optional string such as `b1`, `rc1`, etc.