path: root/svtools/source/table/tablecontrol_impl.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'svtools/source/table/tablecontrol_impl.cxx')
1 files changed, 2553 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svtools/source/table/tablecontrol_impl.cxx b/svtools/source/table/tablecontrol_impl.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4cf55917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/table/tablecontrol_impl.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2553 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#include <table/tablecontrol.hxx>
+#include <table/defaultinputhandler.hxx>
+#include <table/tablemodel.hxx>
+#include "tabledatawindow.hxx"
+#include "tablecontrol_impl.hxx"
+#include "tablegeometry.hxx"
+#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/XAccessible.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleTableModelChange.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleEventId.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleTableModelChangeType.hpp>
+#include <comphelper/flagguard.hxx>
+#include <vcl/accessiblefactory.hxx>
+#include <vcl/scrbar.hxx>
+#include <vcl/seleng.hxx>
+#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
+#include <vcl/image.hxx>
+#include <tools/diagnose_ex.h>
+#include <tools/debug.hxx>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <numeric>
+namespace svt::table
+ using ::com::sun::star::accessibility::AccessibleTableModelChange;
+ using ::com::sun::star::uno::makeAny;
+ using ::com::sun::star::uno::Any;
+ using ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible;
+ using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference;
+ namespace AccessibleEventId = ::com::sun::star::accessibility::AccessibleEventId;
+ namespace AccessibleTableModelChangeType = ::com::sun::star::accessibility::AccessibleTableModelChangeType;
+ //= SuppressCursor
+ namespace {
+ class SuppressCursor
+ {
+ private:
+ ITableControl& m_rTable;
+ public:
+ explicit SuppressCursor( ITableControl& _rTable )
+ :m_rTable( _rTable )
+ {
+ m_rTable.hideCursor();
+ }
+ ~SuppressCursor()
+ {
+ m_rTable.showCursor();
+ }
+ };
+ //= EmptyTableModel
+ /** default implementation of an ->ITableModel, used as fallback when no
+ real model is present
+ Instances of this class are static in any way, and provide the least
+ necessary default functionality for a table model.
+ */
+ class EmptyTableModel : public ITableModel
+ {
+ public:
+ EmptyTableModel()
+ {
+ }
+ // ITableModel overridables
+ virtual TableSize getColumnCount() const override
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual TableSize getRowCount() const override
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual bool hasColumnHeaders() const override
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual bool hasRowHeaders() const override
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual PColumnModel getColumnModel( ColPos ) override
+ {
+ OSL_FAIL( "EmptyTableModel::getColumnModel: invalid call!" );
+ return PColumnModel();
+ }
+ virtual PTableRenderer getRenderer() const override
+ {
+ return PTableRenderer();
+ }
+ virtual PTableInputHandler getInputHandler() const override
+ {
+ return PTableInputHandler();
+ }
+ virtual TableMetrics getRowHeight() const override
+ {
+ return 5 * 100;
+ }
+ virtual TableMetrics getColumnHeaderHeight() const override
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual TableMetrics getRowHeaderWidth() const override
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual ScrollbarVisibility getVerticalScrollbarVisibility() const override
+ {
+ return ScrollbarShowNever;
+ }
+ virtual ScrollbarVisibility getHorizontalScrollbarVisibility() const override
+ {
+ return ScrollbarShowNever;
+ }
+ virtual void addTableModelListener( const PTableModelListener& ) override {}
+ virtual void removeTableModelListener( const PTableModelListener& ) override {}
+ virtual ::std::optional< ::Color > getLineColor() const override
+ {
+ return ::std::optional< ::Color >();
+ }
+ virtual ::std::optional< ::Color > getHeaderBackgroundColor() const override
+ {
+ return ::std::optional< ::Color >();
+ }
+ virtual ::std::optional< ::Color > getHeaderTextColor() const override
+ {
+ return ::std::optional< ::Color >();
+ }
+ virtual ::std::optional< ::Color > getActiveSelectionBackColor() const override
+ {
+ return ::std::optional< ::Color >();
+ }
+ virtual ::std::optional< ::Color > getInactiveSelectionBackColor() const override
+ {
+ return ::std::optional< ::Color >();
+ }
+ virtual ::std::optional< ::Color > getActiveSelectionTextColor() const override
+ {
+ return ::std::optional< ::Color >();
+ }
+ virtual ::std::optional< ::Color > getInactiveSelectionTextColor() const override
+ {
+ return ::std::optional< ::Color >();
+ }
+ virtual ::std::optional< ::Color > getTextColor() const override
+ {
+ return ::std::optional< ::Color >();
+ }
+ virtual ::std::optional< ::Color > getTextLineColor() const override
+ {
+ return ::std::optional< ::Color >();
+ }
+ virtual ::std::optional< ::std::vector< ::Color > > getRowBackgroundColors() const override
+ {
+ return ::std::optional< ::std::vector< ::Color > >();
+ }
+ virtual css::style::VerticalAlignment getVerticalAlign() const override
+ {
+ return css::style::VerticalAlignment(0);
+ }
+ virtual ITableDataSort* getSortAdapter() override
+ {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ virtual bool isEnabled() const override
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual void getCellContent( ColPos const, RowPos const, css::uno::Any& o_cellContent ) override
+ {
+ o_cellContent.clear();
+ }
+ virtual void getCellToolTip( ColPos const, RowPos const, css::uno::Any& ) override
+ {
+ }
+ virtual Any getRowHeading( RowPos const ) const override
+ {
+ return Any();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ TableControl_Impl::TableControl_Impl( TableControl& _rAntiImpl )
+ :m_rAntiImpl ( _rAntiImpl )
+ ,m_pModel ( std::make_shared<EmptyTableModel>() )
+ ,m_pInputHandler ( )
+ ,m_nRowHeightPixel ( 15 )
+ ,m_nColHeaderHeightPixel( 0 )
+ ,m_nRowHeaderWidthPixel ( 0 )
+ ,m_nColumnCount ( 0 )
+ ,m_nRowCount ( 0 )
+ ,m_nCurColumn ( COL_INVALID )
+ ,m_nCurRow ( ROW_INVALID )
+ ,m_nLeftColumn ( 0 )
+ ,m_nTopRow ( 0 )
+ ,m_nCursorHidden ( 1 )
+ ,m_pDataWindow ( VclPtr<TableDataWindow>::Create( *this ) )
+ ,m_pVScroll ( nullptr )
+ ,m_pHScroll ( nullptr )
+ ,m_pScrollCorner ( nullptr )
+ ,m_aSelectedRows ( )
+ ,m_pTableFunctionSet ( new TableFunctionSet( this ) )
+ ,m_nAnchor ( -1 )
+ ,m_bUpdatingColWidths ( false )
+ ,m_pAccessibleTable ( nullptr )
+ {
+ m_pSelEngine.reset( new SelectionEngine( m_pDataWindow.get(), m_pTableFunctionSet.get() ) );
+ m_pSelEngine->SetSelectionMode(SelectionMode::Single);
+ m_pDataWindow->SetPosPixel( Point( 0, 0 ) );
+ m_pDataWindow->Show();
+ }
+ TableControl_Impl::~TableControl_Impl()
+ {
+ m_pVScroll.disposeAndClear();
+ m_pHScroll.disposeAndClear();
+ m_pScrollCorner.disposeAndClear();
+ m_pDataWindow.disposeAndClear();
+ m_pTableFunctionSet.reset();
+ m_pSelEngine.reset();
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::setModel( const PTableModel& _pModel )
+ {
+ SuppressCursor aHideCursor( *this );
+ if ( m_pModel )
+ m_pModel->removeTableModelListener( shared_from_this() );
+ m_pModel = _pModel;
+ if ( !m_pModel)
+ m_pModel = std::make_shared<EmptyTableModel>();
+ m_pModel->addTableModelListener( shared_from_this() );
+ m_nCurRow = ROW_INVALID;
+ m_nCurColumn = COL_INVALID;
+ // recalc some model-dependent cached info
+ impl_ni_updateCachedModelValues();
+ impl_ni_relayout();
+ // completely invalidate
+ m_rAntiImpl.Invalidate();
+ // reset cursor to (0,0)
+ if ( m_nRowCount ) m_nCurRow = 0;
+ if ( m_nColumnCount ) m_nCurColumn = 0;
+ }
+ namespace
+ {
+ bool lcl_adjustSelectedRows( ::std::vector< RowPos >& io_selectionIndexes, RowPos const i_firstAffectedRowIndex, TableSize const i_offset )
+ {
+ bool didChanges = false;
+ for (auto & selectionIndex : io_selectionIndexes)
+ {
+ if ( selectionIndex < i_firstAffectedRowIndex )
+ continue;
+ selectionIndex += i_offset;
+ didChanges = true;
+ }
+ return didChanges;
+ }
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::rowsInserted( RowPos i_first, RowPos i_last )
+ {
+ OSL_PRECOND( i_last >= i_first, "TableControl_Impl::rowsInserted: invalid row indexes!" );
+ TableSize const insertedRows = i_last - i_first + 1;
+ // adjust selection, if necessary
+ bool const selectionChanged = lcl_adjustSelectedRows( m_aSelectedRows, i_first, insertedRows );
+ // adjust our cached row count
+ m_nRowCount = m_pModel->getRowCount();
+ // if the rows have been inserted before the current row, adjust this
+ if ( i_first <= m_nCurRow )
+ goTo( m_nCurColumn, m_nCurRow + insertedRows );
+ // relayout, since the scrollbar need might have changed
+ impl_ni_relayout();
+ // notify A1YY events
+ if ( impl_isAccessibleAlive() )
+ {
+ impl_commitAccessibleEvent( AccessibleEventId::TABLE_MODEL_CHANGED,
+ makeAny( AccessibleTableModelChange( AccessibleTableModelChangeType::INSERT, i_first, i_last, 0, m_pModel->getColumnCount() ) )
+ );
+ }
+ // schedule repaint
+ invalidateRowRange( i_first, ROW_INVALID );
+ // call selection handlers, if necessary
+ if ( selectionChanged )
+ m_rAntiImpl.Select();
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::rowsRemoved( RowPos i_first, RowPos i_last )
+ {
+ sal_Int32 firstRemovedRow = i_first;
+ sal_Int32 lastRemovedRow = i_last;
+ // adjust selection, if necessary
+ bool selectionChanged = false;
+ if ( i_first == -1 )
+ {
+ selectionChanged = markAllRowsAsDeselected();
+ firstRemovedRow = 0;
+ lastRemovedRow = m_nRowCount - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ENSURE_OR_RETURN_VOID( i_last >= i_first, "TableControl_Impl::rowsRemoved: illegal indexes!" );
+ for ( sal_Int32 row = i_first; row <= i_last; ++row )
+ {
+ if ( markRowAsDeselected( row ) )
+ selectionChanged = true;
+ }
+ if ( lcl_adjustSelectedRows( m_aSelectedRows, i_last + 1, i_first - i_last - 1 ) )
+ selectionChanged = true;
+ }
+ // adjust cached row count
+ m_nRowCount = m_pModel->getRowCount();
+ // adjust the current row, if it is larger than the row count now
+ if ( m_nCurRow >= m_nRowCount )
+ {
+ if ( m_nRowCount > 0 )
+ goTo( m_nCurColumn, m_nRowCount - 1 );
+ else
+ {
+ m_nCurRow = ROW_INVALID;
+ m_nTopRow = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( m_nRowCount == 0 )
+ {
+ m_nTopRow = 0;
+ }
+ // relayout, since the scrollbar need might have changed
+ impl_ni_relayout();
+ // notify A11Y events
+ if ( impl_isAccessibleAlive() )
+ {
+ commitTableEvent(
+ AccessibleEventId::TABLE_MODEL_CHANGED,
+ makeAny( AccessibleTableModelChange(
+ AccessibleTableModelChangeType::DELETE,
+ firstRemovedRow,
+ lastRemovedRow,
+ 0,
+ m_pModel->getColumnCount()
+ ) ),
+ Any()
+ );
+ }
+ // schedule a repaint
+ invalidateRowRange( firstRemovedRow, ROW_INVALID );
+ // call selection handlers, if necessary
+ if ( selectionChanged )
+ m_rAntiImpl.Select();
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::columnInserted()
+ {
+ m_nColumnCount = m_pModel->getColumnCount();
+ impl_ni_relayout();
+ m_rAntiImpl.Invalidate();
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::columnRemoved()
+ {
+ m_nColumnCount = m_pModel->getColumnCount();
+ // adjust the current column, if it is larger than the column count now
+ if ( m_nCurColumn >= m_nColumnCount )
+ {
+ if ( m_nColumnCount > 0 )
+ goTo( m_nCurColumn - 1, m_nCurRow );
+ else
+ m_nCurColumn = COL_INVALID;
+ }
+ impl_ni_relayout();
+ m_rAntiImpl.Invalidate();
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::allColumnsRemoved()
+ {
+ m_nColumnCount = m_pModel->getColumnCount();
+ impl_ni_relayout();
+ m_rAntiImpl.Invalidate();
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::cellsUpdated( RowPos const i_firstRow, RowPos const i_lastRow )
+ {
+ invalidateRowRange( i_firstRow, i_lastRow );
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::tableMetricsChanged()
+ {
+ impl_ni_updateCachedTableMetrics();
+ impl_ni_relayout();
+ m_rAntiImpl.Invalidate();
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::impl_invalidateColumn( ColPos const i_column )
+ {
+ tools::Rectangle const aAllCellsArea( impl_getAllVisibleCellsArea() );
+ const TableColumnGeometry aColumn( *this, aAllCellsArea, i_column );
+ if ( aColumn.isValid() )
+ m_rAntiImpl.Invalidate( aColumn.getRect() );
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::columnChanged( ColPos const i_column, ColumnAttributeGroup const i_attributeGroup )
+ {
+ ColumnAttributeGroup nGroup( i_attributeGroup );
+ if ( nGroup & ColumnAttributeGroup::APPEARANCE )
+ {
+ impl_invalidateColumn( i_column );
+ nGroup &= ~ColumnAttributeGroup::APPEARANCE;
+ }
+ if ( nGroup & ColumnAttributeGroup::WIDTH )
+ {
+ if ( !m_bUpdatingColWidths )
+ {
+ impl_ni_relayout( i_column );
+ invalidate( TableArea::All );
+ }
+ nGroup &= ~ColumnAttributeGroup::WIDTH;
+ }
+ OSL_ENSURE( ( nGroup == ColumnAttributeGroup::NONE ) || ( i_attributeGroup == ColumnAttributeGroup::ALL ),
+ "TableControl_Impl::columnChanged: don't know how to handle this change!" );
+ }
+ tools::Rectangle TableControl_Impl::impl_getAllVisibleCellsArea() const
+ {
+ tools::Rectangle aArea( Point( 0, 0 ), Size( 0, 0 ) );
+ // determine the right-most border of the last column which is
+ // at least partially visible
+ aArea.SetRight( m_nRowHeaderWidthPixel );
+ if ( !m_aColumnWidths.empty() )
+ {
+ // the number of pixels which are scrolled out of the left hand
+ // side of the window
+ const long nScrolledOutLeft = m_nLeftColumn == 0 ? 0 : m_aColumnWidths[ m_nLeftColumn - 1 ].getEnd();
+ ColumnPositions::const_reverse_iterator loop = m_aColumnWidths.rbegin();
+ do
+ {
+ aArea.SetRight( loop->getEnd() - nScrolledOutLeft + m_nRowHeaderWidthPixel );
+ ++loop;
+ }
+ while ( ( loop != m_aColumnWidths.rend() )
+ && ( loop->getEnd() - nScrolledOutLeft >= aArea.Right() )
+ );
+ }
+ // so far, aArea.Right() denotes the first pixel *after* the cell area
+ aArea.AdjustRight( -1 );
+ // determine the last row which is at least partially visible
+ aArea.SetBottom(
+ m_nColHeaderHeightPixel
+ + impl_getVisibleRows( true ) * m_nRowHeightPixel
+ - 1 );
+ return aArea;
+ }
+ tools::Rectangle TableControl_Impl::impl_getAllVisibleDataCellArea() const
+ {
+ tools::Rectangle aArea( impl_getAllVisibleCellsArea() );
+ aArea.SetLeft( m_nRowHeaderWidthPixel );
+ aArea.SetTop( m_nColHeaderHeightPixel );
+ return aArea;
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::impl_ni_updateCachedTableMetrics()
+ {
+ m_nRowHeightPixel = m_rAntiImpl.LogicToPixel(Size(0, m_pModel->getRowHeight()), MapMode(MapUnit::MapAppFont)).Height();
+ m_nColHeaderHeightPixel = 0;
+ if ( m_pModel->hasColumnHeaders() )
+ m_nColHeaderHeightPixel = m_rAntiImpl.LogicToPixel(Size(0, m_pModel->getColumnHeaderHeight()), MapMode(MapUnit::MapAppFont)).Height();
+ m_nRowHeaderWidthPixel = 0;
+ if ( m_pModel->hasRowHeaders() )
+ m_nRowHeaderWidthPixel = m_rAntiImpl.LogicToPixel(Size(m_pModel->getRowHeaderWidth(), 0), MapMode(MapUnit::MapAppFont)).Width();
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::impl_ni_updateCachedModelValues()
+ {
+ m_pInputHandler = m_pModel->getInputHandler();
+ if ( !m_pInputHandler )
+ m_pInputHandler = std::make_shared<DefaultInputHandler>();
+ m_nColumnCount = m_pModel->getColumnCount();
+ if ( m_nLeftColumn >= m_nColumnCount )
+ m_nLeftColumn = ( m_nColumnCount > 0 ) ? m_nColumnCount - 1 : 0;
+ m_nRowCount = m_pModel->getRowCount();
+ if ( m_nTopRow >= m_nRowCount )
+ m_nTopRow = ( m_nRowCount > 0 ) ? m_nRowCount - 1 : 0;
+ impl_ni_updateCachedTableMetrics();
+ }
+ namespace
+ {
+ /// determines whether a scrollbar is needed for the given values
+ bool lcl_determineScrollbarNeed( long const i_position, ScrollbarVisibility const i_visibility,
+ long const i_availableSpace, long const i_neededSpace )
+ {
+ if ( i_visibility == ScrollbarShowNever )
+ return false;
+ if ( i_visibility == ScrollbarShowAlways )
+ return true;
+ if ( i_position > 0 )
+ return true;
+ if ( i_availableSpace >= i_neededSpace )
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ void lcl_setButtonRepeat( vcl::Window& _rWindow )
+ {
+ AllSettings aSettings = _rWindow.GetSettings();
+ MouseSettings aMouseSettings = aSettings.GetMouseSettings();
+ aMouseSettings.SetButtonRepeat( 0 );
+ aSettings.SetMouseSettings( aMouseSettings );
+ _rWindow.SetSettings( aSettings, true );
+ }
+ bool lcl_updateScrollbar( vcl::Window& _rParent, VclPtr<ScrollBar>& _rpBar,
+ bool const i_needBar, long _nVisibleUnits,
+ long _nPosition, long _nRange,
+ bool _bHorizontal, const Link<ScrollBar*,void>& _rScrollHandler )
+ {
+ // do we currently have the scrollbar?
+ bool bHaveBar = _rpBar != nullptr;
+ // do we need to correct the scrollbar visibility?
+ if ( bHaveBar && !i_needBar )
+ {
+ if ( _rpBar->IsTracking() )
+ _rpBar->EndTracking();
+ _rpBar.disposeAndClear();
+ }
+ else if ( !bHaveBar && i_needBar )
+ {
+ _rpBar = VclPtr<ScrollBar>::Create(
+ &_rParent,
+ WB_DRAG | ( _bHorizontal ? WB_HSCROLL : WB_VSCROLL )
+ );
+ _rpBar->SetScrollHdl( _rScrollHandler );
+ // get some speed into the scrolling...
+ lcl_setButtonRepeat( *_rpBar );
+ }
+ if ( _rpBar )
+ {
+ _rpBar->SetRange( Range( 0, _nRange ) );
+ _rpBar->SetVisibleSize( _nVisibleUnits );
+ _rpBar->SetPageSize( _nVisibleUnits );
+ _rpBar->SetLineSize( 1 );
+ _rpBar->SetThumbPos( _nPosition );
+ _rpBar->Show();
+ }
+ return ( bHaveBar != i_needBar );
+ }
+ /** returns the number of rows fitting into the given range,
+ for the given row height. Partially fitting rows are counted, too, if the
+ respective parameter says so.
+ */
+ TableSize lcl_getRowsFittingInto( long _nOverallHeight, long _nRowHeightPixel, bool _bAcceptPartialRow )
+ {
+ return _bAcceptPartialRow
+ ? ( _nOverallHeight + ( _nRowHeightPixel - 1 ) ) / _nRowHeightPixel
+ : _nOverallHeight / _nRowHeightPixel;
+ }
+ /** returns the number of columns fitting into the given area,
+ with the first visible column as given. Partially fitting columns are counted, too,
+ if the respective parameter says so.
+ */
+ TableSize lcl_getColumnsVisibleWithin( const tools::Rectangle& _rArea, ColPos _nFirstVisibleColumn,
+ const TableControl_Impl& _rControl, bool _bAcceptPartialRow )
+ {
+ TableSize visibleColumns = 0;
+ TableColumnGeometry aColumn( _rControl, _rArea, _nFirstVisibleColumn );
+ while ( aColumn.isValid() )
+ {
+ if ( !_bAcceptPartialRow )
+ if ( aColumn.getRect().Right() > _rArea.Right() )
+ // this column is only partially visible, and this is not allowed
+ break;
+ aColumn.moveRight();
+ ++visibleColumns;
+ }
+ return visibleColumns;
+ }
+ }
+ long TableControl_Impl::impl_ni_calculateColumnWidths( ColPos const i_assumeInflexibleColumnsUpToIncluding,
+ bool const i_assumeVerticalScrollbar, ::std::vector< long >& o_newColWidthsPixel ) const
+ {
+ // the available horizontal space
+ long gridWidthPixel = m_rAntiImpl.GetOutputSizePixel().Width();
+ ENSURE_OR_RETURN( !!m_pModel, "TableControl_Impl::impl_ni_calculateColumnWidths: not allowed without a model!", gridWidthPixel );
+ if ( m_pModel->hasRowHeaders() && ( gridWidthPixel != 0 ) )
+ {
+ gridWidthPixel -= m_nRowHeaderWidthPixel;
+ }
+ if ( i_assumeVerticalScrollbar && ( m_pModel->getVerticalScrollbarVisibility() != ScrollbarShowNever ) )
+ {
+ long nScrollbarMetrics = m_rAntiImpl.GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize();
+ gridWidthPixel -= nScrollbarMetrics;
+ }
+ // no need to do anything without columns
+ TableSize const colCount = m_pModel->getColumnCount();
+ if ( colCount == 0 )
+ return gridWidthPixel;
+ // collect some meta data for our columns:
+ // - their current (pixel) metrics
+ long accumulatedCurrentWidth = 0;
+ ::std::vector< long > currentColWidths;
+ currentColWidths.reserve( colCount );
+ typedef ::std::vector< ::std::pair< long, long > > ColumnLimits;
+ ColumnLimits effectiveColumnLimits;
+ effectiveColumnLimits.reserve( colCount );
+ long accumulatedMinWidth = 0;
+ long accumulatedMaxWidth = 0;
+ // - their relative flexibility
+ ::std::vector< ::sal_Int32 > columnFlexibilities;
+ columnFlexibilities.reserve( colCount );
+ long flexibilityDenominator = 0;
+ size_t flexibleColumnCount = 0;
+ for ( ColPos col = 0; col < colCount; ++col )
+ {
+ PColumnModel const pColumn = m_pModel->getColumnModel( col );
+ ENSURE_OR_THROW( !!pColumn, "invalid column returned by the model!" );
+ // current width
+ long const currentWidth = appFontWidthToPixel( pColumn->getWidth() );
+ currentColWidths.push_back( currentWidth );
+ // accumulated width
+ accumulatedCurrentWidth += currentWidth;
+ // flexibility
+ ::sal_Int32 flexibility = pColumn->getFlexibility();
+ OSL_ENSURE( flexibility >= 0, "TableControl_Impl::impl_ni_calculateColumnWidths: a column's flexibility should be non-negative." );
+ if ( ( flexibility < 0 ) // normalization
+ || ( !pColumn->isResizable() ) // column not resizable => no auto-resize
+ || ( col <= i_assumeInflexibleColumnsUpToIncluding ) // column shall be treated as inflexible => respect this
+ )
+ flexibility = 0;
+ // min/max width
+ long effectiveMin = currentWidth, effectiveMax = currentWidth;
+ // if the column is not flexible, it will not be asked for min/max, but we assume the current width as limit then
+ if ( flexibility > 0 )
+ {
+ long const minWidth = appFontWidthToPixel( pColumn->getMinWidth() );
+ if ( minWidth > 0 )
+ effectiveMin = minWidth;
+ else
+ effectiveMin = MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH_PIXEL;
+ long const maxWidth = appFontWidthToPixel( pColumn->getMaxWidth() );
+ OSL_ENSURE( minWidth <= maxWidth, "TableControl_Impl::impl_ni_calculateColumnWidths: pretty undecided 'bout its width limits, this column!" );
+ if ( ( maxWidth > 0 ) && ( maxWidth >= minWidth ) )
+ effectiveMax = maxWidth;
+ else
+ effectiveMax = gridWidthPixel; // TODO: any better guess here?
+ if ( effectiveMin == effectiveMax )
+ // if the min and the max are identical, this implies no flexibility at all
+ flexibility = 0;
+ }
+ columnFlexibilities.push_back( flexibility );
+ flexibilityDenominator += flexibility;
+ if ( flexibility > 0 )
+ ++flexibleColumnCount;
+ effectiveColumnLimits.emplace_back( effectiveMin, effectiveMax );
+ accumulatedMinWidth += effectiveMin;
+ accumulatedMaxWidth += effectiveMax;
+ }
+ o_newColWidthsPixel = currentColWidths;
+ if ( flexibilityDenominator == 0 )
+ {
+ // no column is flexible => don't adjust anything
+ }
+ else if ( gridWidthPixel > accumulatedCurrentWidth )
+ { // we have space to give away ...
+ long distributePixel = gridWidthPixel - accumulatedCurrentWidth;
+ if ( gridWidthPixel > accumulatedMaxWidth )
+ {
+ // ... but the column's maximal widths are still less than we have
+ // => set them all to max
+ for ( svt::table::TableSize i = 0; i < colCount; ++i )
+ {
+ o_newColWidthsPixel[i] = effectiveColumnLimits[i].second;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool startOver = false;
+ do
+ {
+ startOver = false;
+ // distribute the remaining space amongst all columns with a positive flexibility
+ for ( size_t i=0; i<o_newColWidthsPixel.size() && !startOver; ++i )
+ {
+ long const columnFlexibility = columnFlexibilities[i];
+ if ( columnFlexibility == 0 )
+ continue;
+ long newColWidth = currentColWidths[i] + columnFlexibility * distributePixel / flexibilityDenominator;
+ if ( newColWidth > effectiveColumnLimits[i].second )
+ { // that was too much, we hit the col's maximum
+ // set the new width to exactly this maximum
+ newColWidth = effectiveColumnLimits[i].second;
+ // adjust the flexibility denominator ...
+ flexibilityDenominator -= columnFlexibility;
+ columnFlexibilities[i] = 0;
+ --flexibleColumnCount;
+ // ... and the remaining width ...
+ long const difference = newColWidth - currentColWidths[i];
+ distributePixel -= difference;
+ // ... this way, we ensure that the width not taken up by this column is consumed by the other
+ // flexible ones (if there are some)
+ // and start over with the first column, since there might be earlier columns which need
+ // to be recalculated now
+ startOver = true;
+ }
+ o_newColWidthsPixel[i] = newColWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ while ( startOver );
+ // are there pixels left (might be caused by rounding errors)?
+ distributePixel = gridWidthPixel - ::std::accumulate( o_newColWidthsPixel.begin(), o_newColWidthsPixel.end(), 0 );
+ while ( ( distributePixel > 0 ) && ( flexibleColumnCount > 0 ) )
+ {
+ // yes => ignore relative flexibilities, and subsequently distribute single pixels to all flexible
+ // columns which did not yet reach their maximum.
+ for ( size_t i=0; ( i < o_newColWidthsPixel.size() ) && ( distributePixel > 0 ); ++i )
+ {
+ if ( columnFlexibilities[i] == 0 )
+ continue;
+ OSL_ENSURE( o_newColWidthsPixel[i] <= effectiveColumnLimits[i].second,
+ "TableControl_Impl::impl_ni_calculateColumnWidths: inconsistency!" );
+ if ( o_newColWidthsPixel[i] >= effectiveColumnLimits[i].first )
+ {
+ columnFlexibilities[i] = 0;
+ --flexibleColumnCount;
+ continue;
+ }
+ ++o_newColWidthsPixel[i];
+ --distributePixel;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( gridWidthPixel < accumulatedCurrentWidth )
+ { // we need to take away some space from the columns which allow it ...
+ long takeAwayPixel = accumulatedCurrentWidth - gridWidthPixel;
+ if ( gridWidthPixel < accumulatedMinWidth )
+ {
+ // ... but the column's minimal widths are still more than we have
+ // => set them all to min
+ for ( svt::table::TableSize i = 0; i < colCount; ++i )
+ {
+ o_newColWidthsPixel[i] = effectiveColumnLimits[i].first;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool startOver = false;
+ do
+ {
+ startOver = false;
+ // take away the space we need from the columns with a positive flexibility
+ for ( size_t i=0; i<o_newColWidthsPixel.size() && !startOver; ++i )
+ {
+ long const columnFlexibility = columnFlexibilities[i];
+ if ( columnFlexibility == 0 )
+ continue;
+ long newColWidth = currentColWidths[i] - columnFlexibility * takeAwayPixel / flexibilityDenominator;
+ if ( newColWidth < effectiveColumnLimits[i].first )
+ { // that was too much, we hit the col's minimum
+ // set the new width to exactly this minimum
+ newColWidth = effectiveColumnLimits[i].first;
+ // adjust the flexibility denominator ...
+ flexibilityDenominator -= columnFlexibility;
+ columnFlexibilities[i] = 0;
+ --flexibleColumnCount;
+ // ... and the remaining width ...
+ long const difference = currentColWidths[i] - newColWidth;
+ takeAwayPixel -= difference;
+ // and start over with the first column, since there might be earlier columns which need
+ // to be recalculated now
+ startOver = true;
+ }
+ o_newColWidthsPixel[i] = newColWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ while ( startOver );
+ // are there pixels left (might be caused by rounding errors)?
+ takeAwayPixel = ::std::accumulate( o_newColWidthsPixel.begin(), o_newColWidthsPixel.end(), 0 ) - gridWidthPixel;
+ while ( ( takeAwayPixel > 0 ) && ( flexibleColumnCount > 0 ) )
+ {
+ // yes => ignore relative flexibilities, and subsequently take away pixels from all flexible
+ // columns which did not yet reach their minimum.
+ for ( size_t i=0; ( i < o_newColWidthsPixel.size() ) && ( takeAwayPixel > 0 ); ++i )
+ {
+ if ( columnFlexibilities[i] == 0 )
+ continue;
+ OSL_ENSURE( o_newColWidthsPixel[i] >= effectiveColumnLimits[i].first,
+ "TableControl_Impl::impl_ni_calculateColumnWidths: inconsistency!" );
+ if ( o_newColWidthsPixel[i] <= effectiveColumnLimits[i].first )
+ {
+ columnFlexibilities[i] = 0;
+ --flexibleColumnCount;
+ continue;
+ }
+ --o_newColWidthsPixel[i];
+ --takeAwayPixel;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return gridWidthPixel;
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::impl_ni_relayout( ColPos const i_assumeInflexibleColumnsUpToIncluding )
+ {
+ ENSURE_OR_RETURN_VOID( !m_bUpdatingColWidths, "TableControl_Impl::impl_ni_relayout: recursive call detected!" );
+ m_aColumnWidths.resize( 0 );
+ if ( !m_pModel )
+ return;
+ ::comphelper::FlagRestorationGuard const aWidthUpdateFlag( m_bUpdatingColWidths, true );
+ SuppressCursor aHideCursor( *this );
+ // layouting steps:
+ // 1. adjust column widths, leaving space for a vertical scrollbar
+ // 2. determine need for a vertical scrollbar
+ // - V-YES: all fine, result from 1. is still valid
+ // - V-NO: result from 1. is still under consideration
+ // 3. determine need for a horizontal scrollbar
+ // - H-NO: all fine, result from 2. is still valid
+ // - H-YES: reconsider need for a vertical scrollbar, if result of 2. was V-NO
+ // - V-YES: all fine, result from 1. is still valid
+ // - V-NO: redistribute the remaining space (if any) amongst all columns which allow it
+ ::std::vector< long > newWidthsPixel;
+ long gridWidthPixel = impl_ni_calculateColumnWidths( i_assumeInflexibleColumnsUpToIncluding, true, newWidthsPixel );
+ // the width/height of a scrollbar, needed several times below
+ long const nScrollbarMetrics = m_rAntiImpl.GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize();
+ // determine the playground for the data cells (excluding headers)
+ // TODO: what if the control is smaller than needed for the headers/scrollbars?
+ tools::Rectangle aDataCellPlayground( Point( 0, 0 ), m_rAntiImpl.GetOutputSizePixel() );
+ aDataCellPlayground.SetLeft( m_nRowHeaderWidthPixel );
+ aDataCellPlayground.SetTop( m_nColHeaderHeightPixel );
+ OSL_ENSURE( ( m_nRowCount == m_pModel->getRowCount() ) && ( m_nColumnCount == m_pModel->getColumnCount() ),
+ "TableControl_Impl::impl_ni_relayout: how is this expected to work with invalid data?" );
+ long const nAllColumnsWidth = ::std::accumulate( newWidthsPixel.begin(), newWidthsPixel.end(), 0 );
+ ScrollbarVisibility const eVertScrollbar = m_pModel->getVerticalScrollbarVisibility();
+ ScrollbarVisibility const eHorzScrollbar = m_pModel->getHorizontalScrollbarVisibility();
+ // do we need a vertical scrollbar?
+ bool bNeedVerticalScrollbar = lcl_determineScrollbarNeed(
+ m_nTopRow, eVertScrollbar, aDataCellPlayground.GetHeight(), m_nRowHeightPixel * m_nRowCount );
+ bool bFirstRoundVScrollNeed = false;
+ if ( bNeedVerticalScrollbar )
+ {
+ aDataCellPlayground.AdjustRight( -nScrollbarMetrics );
+ bFirstRoundVScrollNeed = true;
+ }
+ // do we need a horizontal scrollbar?
+ bool const bNeedHorizontalScrollbar = lcl_determineScrollbarNeed(
+ m_nLeftColumn, eHorzScrollbar, aDataCellPlayground.GetWidth(), nAllColumnsWidth );
+ if ( bNeedHorizontalScrollbar )
+ {
+ aDataCellPlayground.AdjustBottom( -nScrollbarMetrics );
+ // now that we just found that we need a horizontal scrollbar,
+ // the need for a vertical one may have changed, since the horizontal
+ // SB might just occupy enough space so that not all rows do fit
+ // anymore
+ if ( !bFirstRoundVScrollNeed )
+ {
+ bNeedVerticalScrollbar = lcl_determineScrollbarNeed(
+ m_nTopRow, eVertScrollbar, aDataCellPlayground.GetHeight(), m_nRowHeightPixel * m_nRowCount );
+ if ( bNeedVerticalScrollbar )
+ {
+ aDataCellPlayground.AdjustRight( -nScrollbarMetrics );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // the initial call to impl_ni_calculateColumnWidths assumed that we need a vertical scrollbar. If, by now,
+ // we know that this is not the case, re-calculate the column widths.
+ if ( !bNeedVerticalScrollbar )
+ gridWidthPixel = impl_ni_calculateColumnWidths( i_assumeInflexibleColumnsUpToIncluding, false, newWidthsPixel );
+ // update the column objects with the new widths we finally calculated
+ TableSize const colCount = m_pModel->getColumnCount();
+ m_aColumnWidths.reserve( colCount );
+ long accumulatedWidthPixel = m_nRowHeaderWidthPixel;
+ bool anyColumnWidthChanged = false;
+ for ( ColPos col = 0; col < colCount; ++col )
+ {
+ const long columnStart = accumulatedWidthPixel;
+ const long columnEnd = columnStart + newWidthsPixel[col];
+ m_aColumnWidths.emplace_back( columnStart, columnEnd );
+ accumulatedWidthPixel = columnEnd;
+ // and don't forget to forward this to the column models
+ PColumnModel const pColumn = m_pModel->getColumnModel( col );
+ ENSURE_OR_THROW( !!pColumn, "invalid column returned by the model!" );
+ long const oldColumnWidthAppFont = pColumn->getWidth();
+ long const newColumnWidthAppFont = pixelWidthToAppFont( newWidthsPixel[col] );
+ pColumn->setWidth( newColumnWidthAppFont );
+ anyColumnWidthChanged |= ( oldColumnWidthAppFont != newColumnWidthAppFont );
+ }
+ // if the column widths changed, ensure everything is repainted
+ if ( anyColumnWidthChanged )
+ invalidate( TableArea::All );
+ // if the column resizing happened to leave some space at the right, but there are columns
+ // scrolled out to the left, scroll them in
+ while ( ( m_nLeftColumn > 0 )
+ && ( accumulatedWidthPixel - m_aColumnWidths[ m_nLeftColumn - 1 ].getStart() <= gridWidthPixel )
+ )
+ {
+ --m_nLeftColumn;
+ }
+ // now adjust the column metrics, since they currently ignore the horizontal scroll position
+ if ( m_nLeftColumn > 0 )
+ {
+ const long offsetPixel = m_aColumnWidths[ 0 ].getStart() - m_aColumnWidths[ m_nLeftColumn ].getStart();
+ for (auto & columnWidth : m_aColumnWidths)
+ {
+ columnWidth.move( offsetPixel );
+ }
+ }
+ // show or hide the scrollbars as needed, and position the data window
+ impl_ni_positionChildWindows( aDataCellPlayground, bNeedVerticalScrollbar, bNeedHorizontalScrollbar );
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::impl_ni_positionChildWindows( tools::Rectangle const & i_dataCellPlayground,
+ bool const i_verticalScrollbar, bool const i_horizontalScrollbar )
+ {
+ long const nScrollbarMetrics = m_rAntiImpl.GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize();
+ // create or destroy the vertical scrollbar, as needed
+ lcl_updateScrollbar(
+ m_rAntiImpl,
+ m_pVScroll,
+ i_verticalScrollbar,
+ lcl_getRowsFittingInto( i_dataCellPlayground.GetHeight(), m_nRowHeightPixel, false ),
+ // visible units
+ m_nTopRow, // current position
+ m_nRowCount, // range
+ false, // vertical
+ LINK( this, TableControl_Impl, OnScroll ) // scroll handler
+ );
+ // position it
+ if ( m_pVScroll )
+ {
+ tools::Rectangle aScrollbarArea(
+ Point( i_dataCellPlayground.Right() + 1, 0 ),
+ Size( nScrollbarMetrics, i_dataCellPlayground.Bottom() + 1 )
+ );
+ m_pVScroll->SetPosSizePixel(
+ aScrollbarArea.TopLeft(), aScrollbarArea.GetSize() );
+ }
+ // create or destroy the horizontal scrollbar, as needed
+ lcl_updateScrollbar(
+ m_rAntiImpl,
+ m_pHScroll,
+ i_horizontalScrollbar,
+ lcl_getColumnsVisibleWithin( i_dataCellPlayground, m_nLeftColumn, *this, false ),
+ // visible units
+ m_nLeftColumn, // current position
+ m_nColumnCount, // range
+ true, // horizontal
+ LINK( this, TableControl_Impl, OnScroll ) // scroll handler
+ );
+ // position it
+ if ( m_pHScroll )
+ {
+ TableSize const nVisibleUnits = lcl_getColumnsVisibleWithin( i_dataCellPlayground, m_nLeftColumn, *this, false );
+ TableMetrics const nRange = m_nColumnCount;
+ if( m_nLeftColumn + nVisibleUnits == nRange - 1 )
+ {
+ if ( m_aColumnWidths[ nRange - 1 ].getStart() - m_aColumnWidths[ m_nLeftColumn ].getEnd() + m_aColumnWidths[ nRange-1 ].getWidth() > i_dataCellPlayground.GetWidth() )
+ {
+ m_pHScroll->SetVisibleSize( nVisibleUnits -1 );
+ m_pHScroll->SetPageSize( nVisibleUnits - 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ tools::Rectangle aScrollbarArea(
+ Point( 0, i_dataCellPlayground.Bottom() + 1 ),
+ Size( i_dataCellPlayground.Right() + 1, nScrollbarMetrics )
+ );
+ m_pHScroll->SetPosSizePixel(
+ aScrollbarArea.TopLeft(), aScrollbarArea.GetSize() );
+ }
+ // the corner window connecting the two scrollbars in the lower right corner
+ bool bHaveScrollCorner = nullptr != m_pScrollCorner;
+ bool bNeedScrollCorner = ( nullptr != m_pHScroll ) && ( nullptr != m_pVScroll );
+ if ( bHaveScrollCorner && !bNeedScrollCorner )
+ {
+ m_pScrollCorner.disposeAndClear();
+ }
+ else if ( !bHaveScrollCorner && bNeedScrollCorner )
+ {
+ m_pScrollCorner = VclPtr<ScrollBarBox>::Create( &m_rAntiImpl );
+ m_pScrollCorner->SetSizePixel( Size( nScrollbarMetrics, nScrollbarMetrics ) );
+ m_pScrollCorner->SetPosPixel( Point( i_dataCellPlayground.Right() + 1, i_dataCellPlayground.Bottom() + 1 ) );
+ m_pScrollCorner->Show();
+ }
+ else if(bHaveScrollCorner && bNeedScrollCorner)
+ {
+ m_pScrollCorner->SetPosPixel( Point( i_dataCellPlayground.Right() + 1, i_dataCellPlayground.Bottom() + 1 ) );
+ m_pScrollCorner->Show();
+ }
+ // resize the data window
+ m_pDataWindow->SetSizePixel( Size(
+ i_dataCellPlayground.GetWidth() + m_nRowHeaderWidthPixel,
+ i_dataCellPlayground.GetHeight() + m_nColHeaderHeightPixel
+ ) );
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::onResize()
+ {
+ impl_ni_relayout();
+ checkCursorPosition();
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::doPaintContent(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle& _rUpdateRect)
+ {
+ if (!getModel())
+ return;
+ PTableRenderer pRenderer = getModel()->getRenderer();
+ DBG_ASSERT(!!pRenderer, "TableDataWindow::doPaintContent: invalid renderer!");
+ if (!pRenderer)
+ return;
+ // our current style settings, to be passed to the renderer
+ const StyleSettings& rStyle = rRenderContext.GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ m_nRowCount = m_pModel->getRowCount();
+ // the area occupied by all (at least partially) visible cells, including
+ // headers
+ tools::Rectangle const aAllCellsWithHeaders( impl_getAllVisibleCellsArea() );
+ // draw the header column area
+ if (m_pModel->hasColumnHeaders())
+ {
+ TableRowGeometry const aHeaderRow(*this, tools::Rectangle(Point(0, 0), aAllCellsWithHeaders.BottomRight()), ROW_COL_HEADERS);
+ tools::Rectangle const aColRect(aHeaderRow.getRect());
+ pRenderer->PaintHeaderArea(rRenderContext, aColRect, true, false, rStyle);
+ // Note that strictly, aHeaderRow.getRect() also contains the intersection between column
+ // and row header area. However, below we go to paint this intersection, again,
+ // so this hopefully doesn't hurt if we already paint it here.
+ for (TableCellGeometry aCell(aHeaderRow, m_nLeftColumn); aCell.isValid(); aCell.moveRight())
+ {
+ if (_rUpdateRect.GetIntersection(aCell.getRect()).IsEmpty())
+ continue;
+ pRenderer->PaintColumnHeader(aCell.getColumn(), rRenderContext, aCell.getRect(), rStyle);
+ }
+ }
+ // the area occupied by the row header, if any
+ tools::Rectangle aRowHeaderArea;
+ if (m_pModel->hasRowHeaders())
+ {
+ aRowHeaderArea = aAllCellsWithHeaders;
+ aRowHeaderArea.SetRight( m_nRowHeaderWidthPixel - 1 );
+ TableSize const nVisibleRows = impl_getVisibleRows(true);
+ TableSize nActualRows = nVisibleRows;
+ if (m_nTopRow + nActualRows > m_nRowCount)
+ nActualRows = m_nRowCount - m_nTopRow;
+ aRowHeaderArea.SetBottom( m_nColHeaderHeightPixel + m_nRowHeightPixel * nActualRows - 1 );
+ pRenderer->PaintHeaderArea(rRenderContext, aRowHeaderArea, false, true, rStyle);
+ // Note that strictly, aRowHeaderArea also contains the intersection between column
+ // and row header area. However, below we go to paint this intersection, again,
+ // so this hopefully doesn't hurt if we already paint it here.
+ if (m_pModel->hasColumnHeaders())
+ {
+ TableCellGeometry const aIntersection(*this, tools::Rectangle(Point(0, 0), aAllCellsWithHeaders.BottomRight()),
+ tools::Rectangle const aInters(aIntersection.getRect());
+ pRenderer->PaintHeaderArea(rRenderContext, aInters, true, true, rStyle);
+ }
+ }
+ // draw the table content row by row
+ TableSize colCount = getModel()->getColumnCount();
+ // paint all rows
+ tools::Rectangle const aAllDataCellsArea(impl_getAllVisibleDataCellArea());
+ for (TableRowGeometry aRowIterator(*this, aAllCellsWithHeaders, getTopRow()); aRowIterator.isValid(); aRowIterator.moveDown())
+ {
+ if (_rUpdateRect.GetIntersection(aRowIterator.getRect() ).IsEmpty())
+ continue;
+ bool const isControlFocused = m_rAntiImpl.HasControlFocus();
+ bool const isSelectedRow = isRowSelected(aRowIterator.getRow());
+ tools::Rectangle const aRect = aRowIterator.getRect().GetIntersection(aAllDataCellsArea);
+ // give the renderer a chance to prepare the row
+ pRenderer->PrepareRow(aRowIterator.getRow(), isControlFocused, isSelectedRow, rRenderContext, aRect, rStyle);
+ // paint the row header
+ if (m_pModel->hasRowHeaders())
+ {
+ const tools::Rectangle aCurrentRowHeader(aRowHeaderArea.GetIntersection(aRowIterator.getRect()));
+ pRenderer->PaintRowHeader(rRenderContext, aCurrentRowHeader, rStyle);
+ }
+ if (!colCount)
+ continue;
+ // paint all cells in this row
+ for (TableCellGeometry aCell(aRowIterator, m_nLeftColumn); aCell.isValid(); aCell.moveRight())
+ {
+ pRenderer->PaintCell(aCell.getColumn(), isSelectedRow, isControlFocused,
+ rRenderContext, aCell.getRect(), rStyle);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::hideCursor()
+ {
+ if ( ++m_nCursorHidden == 1 )
+ impl_ni_doSwitchCursor( false );
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::showCursor()
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( m_nCursorHidden > 0, "TableControl_Impl::showCursor: cursor not hidden!" );
+ if ( --m_nCursorHidden == 0 )
+ impl_ni_doSwitchCursor( true );
+ }
+ bool TableControl_Impl::dispatchAction( TableControlAction _eAction )
+ {
+ bool bSuccess = false;
+ bool selectionChanged = false;
+ switch ( _eAction )
+ {
+ case cursorDown:
+ if ( m_pSelEngine->GetSelectionMode() == SelectionMode::Single )
+ {
+ //if other rows already selected, deselect them
+ if(!m_aSelectedRows.empty())
+ {
+ invalidateSelectedRows();
+ m_aSelectedRows.clear();
+ }
+ if ( m_nCurRow < m_nRowCount-1 )
+ {
+ ++m_nCurRow;
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ }
+ else
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ invalidateRow( m_nCurRow );
+ ensureVisible(m_nCurColumn,m_nCurRow);
+ selectionChanged = true;
+ bSuccess = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( m_nCurRow < m_nRowCount - 1 )
+ bSuccess = goTo( m_nCurColumn, m_nCurRow + 1 );
+ }
+ break;
+ case cursorUp:
+ if(m_pSelEngine->GetSelectionMode() == SelectionMode::Single)
+ {
+ if(!m_aSelectedRows.empty())
+ {
+ invalidateSelectedRows();
+ m_aSelectedRows.clear();
+ }
+ if(m_nCurRow>0)
+ {
+ --m_nCurRow;
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ invalidateRow( m_nCurRow );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ invalidateRow( m_nCurRow );
+ }
+ ensureVisible(m_nCurColumn,m_nCurRow);
+ selectionChanged = true;
+ bSuccess = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( m_nCurRow > 0 )
+ bSuccess = goTo( m_nCurColumn, m_nCurRow - 1 );
+ }
+ break;
+ case cursorLeft:
+ if ( m_nCurColumn > 0 )
+ bSuccess = goTo( m_nCurColumn - 1, m_nCurRow );
+ else
+ if ( ( m_nCurColumn == 0) && ( m_nCurRow > 0 ) )
+ bSuccess = goTo( m_nColumnCount - 1, m_nCurRow - 1 );
+ break;
+ case cursorRight:
+ if ( m_nCurColumn < m_nColumnCount - 1 )
+ bSuccess = goTo( m_nCurColumn + 1, m_nCurRow );
+ else
+ if ( ( m_nCurColumn == m_nColumnCount - 1 ) && ( m_nCurRow < m_nRowCount - 1 ) )
+ bSuccess = goTo( 0, m_nCurRow + 1 );
+ break;
+ case cursorToLineStart:
+ bSuccess = goTo( 0, m_nCurRow );
+ break;
+ case cursorToLineEnd:
+ bSuccess = goTo( m_nColumnCount - 1, m_nCurRow );
+ break;
+ case cursorToFirstLine:
+ bSuccess = goTo( m_nCurColumn, 0 );
+ break;
+ case cursorToLastLine:
+ bSuccess = goTo( m_nCurColumn, m_nRowCount - 1 );
+ break;
+ case cursorPageUp:
+ {
+ RowPos nNewRow = ::std::max( RowPos(0), m_nCurRow - impl_getVisibleRows( false ) );
+ bSuccess = goTo( m_nCurColumn, nNewRow );
+ }
+ break;
+ case cursorPageDown:
+ {
+ RowPos nNewRow = ::std::min( m_nRowCount - 1, m_nCurRow + impl_getVisibleRows( false ) );
+ bSuccess = goTo( m_nCurColumn, nNewRow );
+ }
+ break;
+ case cursorTopLeft:
+ bSuccess = goTo( 0, 0 );
+ break;
+ case cursorBottomRight:
+ bSuccess = goTo( m_nColumnCount - 1, m_nRowCount - 1 );
+ break;
+ case cursorSelectRow:
+ {
+ if(m_pSelEngine->GetSelectionMode() == SelectionMode::NONE)
+ return false;
+ //pos is the position of the current row in the vector of selected rows, if current row is selected
+ int pos = getRowSelectedNumber(m_aSelectedRows, m_nCurRow);
+ //if current row is selected, it should be deselected, when ALT+SPACE are pressed
+ if(pos>-1)
+ {
+ m_aSelectedRows.erase(m_aSelectedRows.begin()+pos);
+ if(m_aSelectedRows.empty() && m_nAnchor != -1)
+ m_nAnchor = -1;
+ }
+ //else select the row->put it in the vector
+ else
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ invalidateRow( m_nCurRow );
+ selectionChanged = true;
+ bSuccess = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case cursorSelectRowUp:
+ {
+ if(m_pSelEngine->GetSelectionMode() == SelectionMode::NONE)
+ return false;
+ else if(m_pSelEngine->GetSelectionMode() == SelectionMode::Single)
+ {
+ //if there are other selected rows, deselect them
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //there are other selected rows
+ if(!m_aSelectedRows.empty())
+ {
+ //the anchor wasn't set -> a region is not selected, that's why clear all selection
+ //and select the current row
+ if(m_nAnchor==-1)
+ {
+ invalidateSelectedRows();
+ m_aSelectedRows.clear();
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ invalidateRow( m_nCurRow );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //a region is already selected, prevRow is last selected row and the row above - nextRow - should be selected
+ int prevRow = getRowSelectedNumber(m_aSelectedRows, m_nCurRow);
+ int nextRow = getRowSelectedNumber(m_aSelectedRows, m_nCurRow-1);
+ if(prevRow>-1)
+ {
+ //if m_nCurRow isn't the upper one, can move up, otherwise not
+ if(m_nCurRow>0)
+ m_nCurRow--;
+ else
+ return true;
+ //if nextRow already selected, deselect it, otherwise select it
+ if(nextRow>-1 && m_aSelectedRows[nextRow] == m_nCurRow)
+ {
+ m_aSelectedRows.erase(m_aSelectedRows.begin()+prevRow);
+ invalidateRow( m_nCurRow + 1 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ invalidateRow( m_nCurRow );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(m_nCurRow>0)
+ {
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ m_nCurRow--;
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ invalidateSelectedRegion( m_nCurRow+1, m_nCurRow );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //if nothing is selected and the current row isn't the upper one
+ //select the current and one row above
+ //otherwise select only the upper row
+ if(m_nCurRow>0)
+ {
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ m_nCurRow--;
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ invalidateSelectedRegion( m_nCurRow+1, m_nCurRow );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ invalidateRow( m_nCurRow );
+ }
+ }
+ m_pSelEngine->SetAnchor(true);
+ m_nAnchor = m_nCurRow;
+ ensureVisible(m_nCurColumn, m_nCurRow);
+ selectionChanged = true;
+ bSuccess = true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case cursorSelectRowDown:
+ {
+ if(m_pSelEngine->GetSelectionMode() == SelectionMode::NONE)
+ bSuccess = false;
+ else if(m_pSelEngine->GetSelectionMode() == SelectionMode::Single)
+ {
+ bSuccess = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!m_aSelectedRows.empty())
+ {
+ //the anchor wasn't set -> a region is not selected, that's why clear all selection
+ //and select the current row
+ if(m_nAnchor==-1)
+ {
+ invalidateSelectedRows();
+ m_aSelectedRows.clear();
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ invalidateRow( m_nCurRow );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //a region is already selected, prevRow is last selected row and the row beneath - nextRow - should be selected
+ int prevRow = getRowSelectedNumber(m_aSelectedRows, m_nCurRow);
+ int nextRow = getRowSelectedNumber(m_aSelectedRows, m_nCurRow+1);
+ if(prevRow>-1)
+ {
+ //if m_nCurRow isn't the last one, can move down, otherwise not
+ if(m_nCurRow<m_nRowCount-1)
+ m_nCurRow++;
+ else
+ return true;
+ //if next row already selected, deselect it, otherwise select it
+ if(nextRow>-1 && m_aSelectedRows[nextRow] == m_nCurRow)
+ {
+ m_aSelectedRows.erase(m_aSelectedRows.begin()+prevRow);
+ invalidateRow( m_nCurRow - 1 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ invalidateRow( m_nCurRow );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(m_nCurRow<m_nRowCount-1)
+ {
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ m_nCurRow++;
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ invalidateSelectedRegion( m_nCurRow-1, m_nCurRow );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //there wasn't any selection, select current and row beneath, otherwise only row beneath
+ if(m_nCurRow<m_nRowCount-1)
+ {
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ m_nCurRow++;
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ invalidateSelectedRegion( m_nCurRow-1, m_nCurRow );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(m_nCurRow);
+ invalidateRow( m_nCurRow );
+ }
+ }
+ m_pSelEngine->SetAnchor(true);
+ m_nAnchor = m_nCurRow;
+ ensureVisible(m_nCurColumn, m_nCurRow);
+ selectionChanged = true;
+ bSuccess = true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case cursorSelectRowAreaTop:
+ {
+ if(m_pSelEngine->GetSelectionMode() == SelectionMode::NONE)
+ bSuccess = false;
+ else if(m_pSelEngine->GetSelectionMode() == SelectionMode::Single)
+ bSuccess = false;
+ else
+ {
+ //select the region between the current and the upper row
+ RowPos iter = m_nCurRow;
+ invalidateSelectedRegion( m_nCurRow, 0 );
+ //put the rows in vector
+ while(iter>=0)
+ {
+ if ( !isRowSelected( iter ) )
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(iter);
+ --iter;
+ }
+ m_nCurRow = 0;
+ m_nAnchor = m_nCurRow;
+ m_pSelEngine->SetAnchor(true);
+ ensureVisible(m_nCurColumn, 0);
+ selectionChanged = true;
+ bSuccess = true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case cursorSelectRowAreaBottom:
+ {
+ if(m_pSelEngine->GetSelectionMode() == SelectionMode::NONE)
+ return false;
+ else if(m_pSelEngine->GetSelectionMode() == SelectionMode::Single)
+ return false;
+ //select the region between the current and the last row
+ RowPos iter = m_nCurRow;
+ invalidateSelectedRegion( m_nCurRow, m_nRowCount-1 );
+ //put the rows in the vector
+ while(iter<=m_nRowCount)
+ {
+ if ( !isRowSelected( iter ) )
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(iter);
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ m_nCurRow = m_nRowCount-1;
+ m_nAnchor = m_nCurRow;
+ m_pSelEngine->SetAnchor(true);
+ ensureVisible(m_nCurColumn, m_nRowCount-1);
+ selectionChanged = true;
+ bSuccess = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ OSL_FAIL( "TableControl_Impl::dispatchAction: unsupported action!" );
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( bSuccess && selectionChanged )
+ {
+ m_rAntiImpl.Select();
+ }
+ return bSuccess;
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::impl_ni_doSwitchCursor( bool _bShow )
+ {
+ PTableRenderer pRenderer = m_pModel ? m_pModel->getRenderer() : PTableRenderer();
+ if ( pRenderer )
+ {
+ tools::Rectangle aCellRect;
+ impl_getCellRect( m_nCurColumn, m_nCurRow, aCellRect );
+ if ( _bShow )
+ pRenderer->ShowCellCursor( *m_pDataWindow, aCellRect );
+ else
+ pRenderer->HideCellCursor( *m_pDataWindow );
+ }
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::impl_getCellRect( ColPos _nColumn, RowPos _nRow, tools::Rectangle& _rCellRect ) const
+ {
+ if ( !m_pModel
+ || ( COL_INVALID == _nColumn )
+ || ( ROW_INVALID == _nRow )
+ )
+ {
+ _rCellRect.SetEmpty();
+ return;
+ }
+ TableCellGeometry aCell( *this, impl_getAllVisibleCellsArea(), _nColumn, _nRow );
+ _rCellRect = aCell.getRect();
+ }
+ RowPos TableControl_Impl::getRowAtPoint( const Point& rPoint ) const
+ {
+ return impl_getRowForAbscissa( rPoint.Y() );
+ }
+ ColPos TableControl_Impl::getColAtPoint( const Point& rPoint ) const
+ {
+ return impl_getColumnForOrdinate( rPoint.X() );
+ }
+ TableCell TableControl_Impl::hitTest( Point const & i_point ) const
+ {
+ TableCell aCell( getColAtPoint( i_point ), getRowAtPoint( i_point ) );
+ if ( aCell.nColumn > COL_ROW_HEADERS )
+ {
+ PColumnModel const pColumn = m_pModel->getColumnModel( aCell.nColumn );
+ MutableColumnMetrics const & rColInfo( m_aColumnWidths[ aCell.nColumn ] );
+ if ( ( rColInfo.getEnd() - 3 <= i_point.X() )
+ && ( rColInfo.getEnd() >= i_point.X() )
+ && pColumn->isResizable()
+ )
+ {
+ aCell.eArea = ColumnDivider;
+ }
+ }
+ return aCell;
+ }
+ ColumnMetrics TableControl_Impl::getColumnMetrics( ColPos const i_column ) const
+ {
+ ENSURE_OR_RETURN( ( i_column >= 0 ) && ( i_column < m_pModel->getColumnCount() ),
+ "TableControl_Impl::getColumnMetrics: illegal column index!", ColumnMetrics() );
+ return m_aColumnWidths[ i_column ];
+ }
+ PTableModel TableControl_Impl::getModel() const
+ {
+ return m_pModel;
+ }
+ ColPos TableControl_Impl::getCurrentColumn() const
+ {
+ return m_nCurColumn;
+ }
+ RowPos TableControl_Impl::getCurrentRow() const
+ {
+ return m_nCurRow;
+ }
+ ::Size TableControl_Impl::getTableSizePixel() const
+ {
+ return m_pDataWindow->GetOutputSizePixel();
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::setPointer( PointerStyle i_pointer )
+ {
+ m_pDataWindow->SetPointer( i_pointer );
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::captureMouse()
+ {
+ m_pDataWindow->CaptureMouse();
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::releaseMouse()
+ {
+ m_pDataWindow->ReleaseMouse();
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::invalidate( TableArea const i_what )
+ {
+ switch ( i_what )
+ {
+ case TableArea::ColumnHeaders:
+ m_pDataWindow->Invalidate( calcHeaderRect( true ) );
+ break;
+ case TableArea::RowHeaders:
+ m_pDataWindow->Invalidate( calcHeaderRect( false ) );
+ break;
+ case TableArea::All:
+ m_pDataWindow->Invalidate();
+ m_pDataWindow->GetParent()->Invalidate( InvalidateFlags::Transparent );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ long TableControl_Impl::pixelWidthToAppFont( long const i_pixels ) const
+ {
+ return m_pDataWindow->PixelToLogic(Size(i_pixels, 0), MapMode(MapUnit::MapAppFont)).Width();
+ }
+ long TableControl_Impl::appFontWidthToPixel( long const i_appFontUnits ) const
+ {
+ return m_pDataWindow->LogicToPixel(Size(i_appFontUnits, 0), MapMode(MapUnit::MapAppFont)).Width();
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::hideTracking()
+ {
+ m_pDataWindow->HideTracking();
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::showTracking( tools::Rectangle const & i_location, ShowTrackFlags const i_flags )
+ {
+ m_pDataWindow->ShowTracking( i_location, i_flags );
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::activateCell( ColPos const i_col, RowPos const i_row )
+ {
+ goTo( i_col, i_row );
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::invalidateSelectedRegion( RowPos _nPrevRow, RowPos _nCurRow )
+ {
+ // get the visible area of the table control and set the Left and right border of the region to be repainted
+ tools::Rectangle const aAllCells( impl_getAllVisibleCellsArea() );
+ tools::Rectangle aInvalidateRect;
+ aInvalidateRect.SetLeft( aAllCells.Left() );
+ aInvalidateRect.SetRight( aAllCells.Right() );
+ // if only one row is selected
+ if ( _nPrevRow == _nCurRow )
+ {
+ tools::Rectangle aCellRect;
+ impl_getCellRect( m_nCurColumn, _nCurRow, aCellRect );
+ aInvalidateRect.SetTop( aCellRect.Top() );
+ aInvalidateRect.SetBottom( aCellRect.Bottom() );
+ }
+ //if the region is above the current row
+ else if(_nPrevRow < _nCurRow )
+ {
+ tools::Rectangle aCellRect;
+ impl_getCellRect( m_nCurColumn, _nPrevRow, aCellRect );
+ aInvalidateRect.SetTop( aCellRect.Top() );
+ impl_getCellRect( m_nCurColumn, _nCurRow, aCellRect );
+ aInvalidateRect.SetBottom( aCellRect.Bottom() );
+ }
+ //if the region is beneath the current row
+ else
+ {
+ tools::Rectangle aCellRect;
+ impl_getCellRect( m_nCurColumn, _nCurRow, aCellRect );
+ aInvalidateRect.SetTop( aCellRect.Top() );
+ impl_getCellRect( m_nCurColumn, _nPrevRow, aCellRect );
+ aInvalidateRect.SetBottom( aCellRect.Bottom() );
+ }
+ invalidateRect(aInvalidateRect);
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::invalidateRect(const tools::Rectangle &rInvalidateRect)
+ {
+ m_pDataWindow->Invalidate( rInvalidateRect,
+ m_pDataWindow->GetControlBackground().GetTransparency() ? InvalidateFlags::Transparent : InvalidateFlags::NONE );
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::invalidateSelectedRows()
+ {
+ for (auto const& selectedRow : m_aSelectedRows)
+ {
+ invalidateRow(selectedRow);
+ }
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::invalidateRowRange( RowPos const i_firstRow, RowPos const i_lastRow )
+ {
+ RowPos const firstRow = i_firstRow < m_nTopRow ? m_nTopRow : i_firstRow;
+ RowPos const lastVisibleRow = m_nTopRow + impl_getVisibleRows( true ) - 1;
+ RowPos const lastRow = ( ( i_lastRow == ROW_INVALID ) || ( i_lastRow > lastVisibleRow ) ) ? lastVisibleRow : i_lastRow;
+ tools::Rectangle aInvalidateRect;
+ tools::Rectangle const aVisibleCellsArea( impl_getAllVisibleCellsArea() );
+ TableRowGeometry aRow( *this, aVisibleCellsArea, firstRow, true );
+ while ( aRow.isValid() && ( aRow.getRow() <= lastRow ) )
+ {
+ aInvalidateRect.Union( aRow.getRect() );
+ aRow.moveDown();
+ }
+ if ( i_lastRow == ROW_INVALID )
+ aInvalidateRect.SetBottom( m_pDataWindow->GetOutputSizePixel().Height() );
+ invalidateRect(aInvalidateRect);
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::checkCursorPosition()
+ {
+ TableSize nVisibleRows = impl_getVisibleRows(true);
+ TableSize nVisibleCols = impl_getVisibleColumns(true);
+ if ( ( m_nTopRow + nVisibleRows > m_nRowCount )
+ && ( m_nRowCount >= nVisibleRows )
+ )
+ {
+ --m_nTopRow;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_nTopRow = 0;
+ }
+ if ( ( m_nLeftColumn + nVisibleCols > m_nColumnCount )
+ && ( m_nColumnCount >= nVisibleCols )
+ )
+ {
+ --m_nLeftColumn;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_nLeftColumn = 0;
+ }
+ m_pDataWindow->Invalidate();
+ }
+ TableSize TableControl_Impl::impl_getVisibleRows( bool _bAcceptPartialRow ) const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( m_pDataWindow, "TableControl_Impl::impl_getVisibleRows: no data window!" );
+ return lcl_getRowsFittingInto(
+ m_pDataWindow->GetOutputSizePixel().Height() - m_nColHeaderHeightPixel,
+ m_nRowHeightPixel,
+ _bAcceptPartialRow
+ );
+ }
+ TableSize TableControl_Impl::impl_getVisibleColumns( bool _bAcceptPartialCol ) const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( m_pDataWindow, "TableControl_Impl::impl_getVisibleColumns: no data window!" );
+ return lcl_getColumnsVisibleWithin(
+ tools::Rectangle( Point( 0, 0 ), m_pDataWindow->GetOutputSizePixel() ),
+ m_nLeftColumn,
+ *this,
+ _bAcceptPartialCol
+ );
+ }
+ bool TableControl_Impl::goTo( ColPos _nColumn, RowPos _nRow )
+ {
+ // TODO: give veto listeners a chance
+ if ( ( _nColumn < 0 ) || ( _nColumn >= m_nColumnCount )
+ || ( _nRow < 0 ) || ( _nRow >= m_nRowCount )
+ )
+ {
+ OSL_ENSURE( false, "TableControl_Impl::goTo: invalid row or column index!" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ SuppressCursor aHideCursor( *this );
+ m_nCurColumn = _nColumn;
+ m_nCurRow = _nRow;
+ // ensure that the new cell is visible
+ ensureVisible( m_nCurColumn, m_nCurRow );
+ return true;
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::ensureVisible( ColPos _nColumn, RowPos _nRow )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( ( _nColumn >= 0 ) && ( _nColumn < m_nColumnCount )
+ && ( _nRow >= 0 ) && ( _nRow < m_nRowCount ),
+ "TableControl_Impl::ensureVisible: invalid coordinates!" );
+ SuppressCursor aHideCursor( *this );
+ if ( _nColumn < m_nLeftColumn )
+ impl_scrollColumns( _nColumn - m_nLeftColumn );
+ else
+ {
+ TableSize nVisibleColumns = impl_getVisibleColumns( false/*bAcceptPartialVisibility*/ );
+ if ( _nColumn > m_nLeftColumn + nVisibleColumns - 1 )
+ {
+ impl_scrollColumns( _nColumn - ( m_nLeftColumn + nVisibleColumns - 1 ) );
+ // TODO: since not all columns have the same width, this might in theory result
+ // in the column still not being visible.
+ }
+ }
+ if ( _nRow < m_nTopRow )
+ impl_scrollRows( _nRow - m_nTopRow );
+ else
+ {
+ TableSize nVisibleRows = impl_getVisibleRows( false/*_bAcceptPartialVisibility*/ );
+ if ( _nRow > m_nTopRow + nVisibleRows - 1 )
+ impl_scrollRows( _nRow - ( m_nTopRow + nVisibleRows - 1 ) );
+ }
+ }
+ OUString TableControl_Impl::getCellContentAsString( RowPos const i_row, ColPos const i_col )
+ {
+ Any aCellValue;
+ m_pModel->getCellContent( i_col, i_row, aCellValue );
+ OUString sCellStringContent;
+ m_pModel->getRenderer()->GetFormattedCellString( aCellValue, sCellStringContent );
+ return sCellStringContent;
+ }
+ TableSize TableControl_Impl::impl_ni_ScrollRows( TableSize _nRowDelta )
+ {
+ // compute new top row
+ RowPos nNewTopRow =
+ ::std::max(
+ ::std::min( static_cast<RowPos>( m_nTopRow + _nRowDelta ), static_cast<RowPos>( m_nRowCount - 1 ) ),
+ RowPos(0)
+ );
+ RowPos nOldTopRow = m_nTopRow;
+ m_nTopRow = nNewTopRow;
+ // if updates are enabled currently, scroll the viewport
+ if ( m_nTopRow != nOldTopRow )
+ {
+ SuppressCursor aHideCursor( *this );
+ // TODO: call an onStartScroll at our listener (or better an own onStartScroll,
+ // which hides the cursor and then calls the listener)
+ // Same for onEndScroll
+ // scroll the view port, if possible
+ long nPixelDelta = m_nRowHeightPixel * ( m_nTopRow - nOldTopRow );
+ tools::Rectangle aDataArea( Point( 0, m_nColHeaderHeightPixel ), m_pDataWindow->GetOutputSizePixel() );
+ if ( m_pDataWindow->GetBackground().IsScrollable()
+ && std::abs( nPixelDelta ) < aDataArea.GetHeight()
+ )
+ {
+ m_pDataWindow->Scroll( 0, static_cast<long>(-nPixelDelta), aDataArea, ScrollFlags::Clip | ScrollFlags::Update | ScrollFlags::Children);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pDataWindow->Invalidate( InvalidateFlags::Update );
+ m_pDataWindow->GetParent()->Invalidate( InvalidateFlags::Transparent );
+ }
+ // update the position at the vertical scrollbar
+ if ( m_pVScroll != nullptr )
+ m_pVScroll->SetThumbPos( m_nTopRow );
+ }
+ // The scroll bar availability might change when we scrolled.
+ // For instance, imagine a view with 10 rows, if which 5 fit into the window, numbered 1 to 10.
+ // Now let
+ // - the user scroll to row number 6, so the last 5 rows are visible
+ // - somebody remove the last 4 rows
+ // - the user scroll to row number 5 being the top row, so the last two rows are visible
+ // - somebody remove row number 6
+ // - the user scroll to row number 1
+ // => in this case, the need for the scrollbar vanishes immediately.
+ if ( m_nTopRow == 0 )
+ m_rAntiImpl.PostUserEvent( LINK( this, TableControl_Impl, OnUpdateScrollbars ) );
+ return static_cast<TableSize>( m_nTopRow - nOldTopRow );
+ }
+ TableSize TableControl_Impl::impl_scrollRows( TableSize const i_rowDelta )
+ {
+ return impl_ni_ScrollRows( i_rowDelta );
+ }
+ TableSize TableControl_Impl::impl_ni_ScrollColumns( TableSize _nColumnDelta )
+ {
+ // compute new left column
+ const ColPos nNewLeftColumn =
+ ::std::max(
+ ::std::min( static_cast<ColPos>( m_nLeftColumn + _nColumnDelta ), static_cast<ColPos>( m_nColumnCount - 1 ) ),
+ ColPos(0)
+ );
+ const ColPos nOldLeftColumn = m_nLeftColumn;
+ m_nLeftColumn = nNewLeftColumn;
+ // if updates are enabled currently, scroll the viewport
+ if ( m_nLeftColumn != nOldLeftColumn )
+ {
+ SuppressCursor aHideCursor( *this );
+ // TODO: call an onStartScroll at our listener (or better an own onStartScroll,
+ // which hides the cursor and then calls the listener)
+ // Same for onEndScroll
+ // scroll the view port, if possible
+ const tools::Rectangle aDataArea( Point( m_nRowHeaderWidthPixel, 0 ), m_pDataWindow->GetOutputSizePixel() );
+ long nPixelDelta =
+ m_aColumnWidths[ nOldLeftColumn ].getStart()
+ - m_aColumnWidths[ m_nLeftColumn ].getStart();
+ // update our column positions
+ // Do this *before* scrolling, as ScrollFlags::Update will trigger a paint, which already needs the correct
+ // information in m_aColumnWidths
+ for (auto & columnWidth : m_aColumnWidths)
+ {
+ columnWidth.move(nPixelDelta);
+ }
+ // scroll the window content (if supported and possible), or invalidate the complete window
+ if ( m_pDataWindow->GetBackground().IsScrollable()
+ && std::abs( nPixelDelta ) < aDataArea.GetWidth()
+ )
+ {
+ m_pDataWindow->Scroll( nPixelDelta, 0, aDataArea, ScrollFlags::Clip | ScrollFlags::Update );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pDataWindow->Invalidate( InvalidateFlags::Update );
+ m_pDataWindow->GetParent()->Invalidate( InvalidateFlags::Transparent );
+ }
+ // update the position at the horizontal scrollbar
+ if ( m_pHScroll != nullptr )
+ m_pHScroll->SetThumbPos( m_nLeftColumn );
+ }
+ // The scroll bar availability might change when we scrolled. This is because we do not hide
+ // the scrollbar when it is, in theory, unnecessary, but currently at a position > 0. In this case, it will
+ // be auto-hidden when it's scrolled back to pos 0.
+ if ( m_nLeftColumn == 0 )
+ m_rAntiImpl.PostUserEvent( LINK( this, TableControl_Impl, OnUpdateScrollbars ) );
+ return static_cast<TableSize>( m_nLeftColumn - nOldLeftColumn );
+ }
+ TableSize TableControl_Impl::impl_scrollColumns( TableSize const i_columnDelta )
+ {
+ return impl_ni_ScrollColumns( i_columnDelta );
+ }
+ SelectionEngine* TableControl_Impl::getSelEngine()
+ {
+ return m_pSelEngine.get();
+ }
+ bool TableControl_Impl::isRowSelected( RowPos i_row ) const
+ {
+ return ::std::find( m_aSelectedRows.begin(), m_aSelectedRows.end(), i_row ) != m_aSelectedRows.end();
+ }
+ RowPos TableControl_Impl::getSelectedRowIndex( size_t const i_selectionIndex ) const
+ {
+ if ( i_selectionIndex < m_aSelectedRows.size() )
+ return m_aSelectedRows[ i_selectionIndex ];
+ return ROW_INVALID;
+ }
+ int TableControl_Impl::getRowSelectedNumber(const ::std::vector<RowPos>& selectedRows, RowPos current)
+ {
+ std::vector<RowPos>::const_iterator it = ::std::find(selectedRows.begin(),selectedRows.end(),current);
+ if ( it != selectedRows.end() )
+ {
+ return it - selectedRows.begin();
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ColPos TableControl_Impl::impl_getColumnForOrdinate( long const i_ordinate ) const
+ {
+ if ( ( m_aColumnWidths.empty() ) || ( i_ordinate < 0 ) )
+ return COL_INVALID;
+ if ( i_ordinate < m_nRowHeaderWidthPixel )
+ ColumnPositions::const_iterator lowerBound = ::std::lower_bound(
+ m_aColumnWidths.begin(),
+ m_aColumnWidths.end(),
+ MutableColumnMetrics(i_ordinate+1, i_ordinate+1),
+ ColumnInfoPositionLess()
+ );
+ if ( lowerBound == m_aColumnWidths.end() )
+ {
+ // point is *behind* the start of the last column ...
+ if ( i_ordinate < m_aColumnWidths.rbegin()->getEnd() )
+ // ... but still before its end
+ return m_nColumnCount - 1;
+ return COL_INVALID;
+ }
+ return lowerBound - m_aColumnWidths.begin();
+ }
+ RowPos TableControl_Impl::impl_getRowForAbscissa( long const i_abscissa ) const
+ {
+ if ( i_abscissa < 0 )
+ return ROW_INVALID;
+ if ( i_abscissa < m_nColHeaderHeightPixel )
+ long const abscissa = i_abscissa - m_nColHeaderHeightPixel;
+ long const row = m_nTopRow + abscissa / m_nRowHeightPixel;
+ return row < m_pModel->getRowCount() ? row : ROW_INVALID;
+ }
+ bool TableControl_Impl::markRowAsDeselected( RowPos const i_rowIndex )
+ {
+ ::std::vector< RowPos >::iterator selPos = ::std::find( m_aSelectedRows.begin(), m_aSelectedRows.end(), i_rowIndex );
+ if ( selPos == m_aSelectedRows.end() )
+ return false;
+ m_aSelectedRows.erase( selPos );
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool TableControl_Impl::markRowAsSelected( RowPos const i_rowIndex )
+ {
+ if ( isRowSelected( i_rowIndex ) )
+ return false;
+ SelectionMode const eSelMode = getSelEngine()->GetSelectionMode();
+ switch ( eSelMode )
+ {
+ case SelectionMode::Single:
+ if ( !m_aSelectedRows.empty() )
+ {
+ OSL_ENSURE( m_aSelectedRows.size() == 1, "TableControl::markRowAsSelected: SingleSelection with more than one selected element?" );
+ m_aSelectedRows[0] = i_rowIndex;
+ break;
+ }
+ [[fallthrough]];
+ case SelectionMode::Multiple:
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back( i_rowIndex );
+ break;
+ default:
+ OSL_ENSURE( false, "TableControl_Impl::markRowAsSelected: unsupported selection mode!" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool TableControl_Impl::markAllRowsAsDeselected()
+ {
+ if ( m_aSelectedRows.empty() )
+ return false;
+ m_aSelectedRows.clear();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool TableControl_Impl::markAllRowsAsSelected()
+ {
+ SelectionMode const eSelMode = getSelEngine()->GetSelectionMode();
+ ENSURE_OR_RETURN_FALSE( eSelMode == SelectionMode::Multiple, "TableControl_Impl::markAllRowsAsSelected: unsupported selection mode!" );
+ if ( m_aSelectedRows.size() == size_t( m_pModel->getRowCount() ) )
+ {
+ for ( TableSize row = 0; row < m_pModel->getRowCount(); ++row )
+ {
+ OSL_ENSURE( isRowSelected( row ), "TableControl_Impl::markAllRowsAsSelected: inconsistency in the selected rows!" );
+ }
+ #endif
+ // already all rows marked as selected
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_aSelectedRows.clear();
+ for ( RowPos i=0; i < m_pModel->getRowCount(); ++i )
+ m_aSelectedRows.push_back(i);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::commitAccessibleEvent( sal_Int16 const i_eventID )
+ {
+ impl_commitAccessibleEvent( i_eventID, Any() );
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::commitCellEvent( sal_Int16 const i_eventID, const Any& i_newValue, const Any& i_oldValue )
+ {
+ if ( impl_isAccessibleAlive() )
+ m_pAccessibleTable->commitCellEvent( i_eventID, i_newValue, i_oldValue );
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::commitTableEvent( sal_Int16 const i_eventID, const Any& i_newValue, const Any& i_oldValue )
+ {
+ if ( impl_isAccessibleAlive() )
+ m_pAccessibleTable->commitTableEvent( i_eventID, i_newValue, i_oldValue );
+ }
+ tools::Rectangle TableControl_Impl::calcHeaderRect(bool bColHeader)
+ {
+ tools::Rectangle const aRectTableWithHeaders( impl_getAllVisibleCellsArea() );
+ Size const aSizeTableWithHeaders( aRectTableWithHeaders.GetSize() );
+ if ( bColHeader )
+ return tools::Rectangle( aRectTableWithHeaders.TopLeft(), Size( aSizeTableWithHeaders.Width(), m_nColHeaderHeightPixel ) );
+ else
+ return tools::Rectangle( aRectTableWithHeaders.TopLeft(), Size( m_nRowHeaderWidthPixel, aSizeTableWithHeaders.Height() ) );
+ }
+ tools::Rectangle TableControl_Impl::calcHeaderCellRect( bool bColHeader, sal_Int32 nPos )
+ {
+ tools::Rectangle const aHeaderRect = calcHeaderRect( bColHeader );
+ TableCellGeometry const aGeometry(
+ *this, aHeaderRect,
+ bColHeader ? nPos : COL_ROW_HEADERS,
+ bColHeader ? ROW_COL_HEADERS : nPos
+ );
+ return aGeometry.getRect();
+ }
+ tools::Rectangle TableControl_Impl::calcTableRect()
+ {
+ return impl_getAllVisibleDataCellArea();
+ }
+ tools::Rectangle TableControl_Impl::calcCellRect( sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nCol )
+ {
+ tools::Rectangle aCellRect;
+ impl_getCellRect( nRow, nCol, aCellRect );
+ return aCellRect;
+ }
+ IMPL_LINK_NOARG( TableControl_Impl, OnUpdateScrollbars, void*, void )
+ {
+ // TODO: can't we simply use lcl_updateScrollbar here, so the scrollbars ranges are updated, instead of
+ // doing a complete re-layout?
+ impl_ni_relayout();
+ }
+ IMPL_LINK( TableControl_Impl, OnScroll, ScrollBar*, _pScrollbar, void )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( ( _pScrollbar == m_pVScroll ) || ( _pScrollbar == m_pHScroll ),
+ "TableControl_Impl::OnScroll: where did this come from?" );
+ if ( _pScrollbar == m_pVScroll )
+ impl_ni_ScrollRows( _pScrollbar->GetDelta() );
+ else
+ impl_ni_ScrollColumns( _pScrollbar->GetDelta() );
+ }
+ Reference< XAccessible > TableControl_Impl::getAccessible( vcl::Window& i_parentWindow )
+ {
+ if ( m_pAccessibleTable == nullptr )
+ {
+ Reference< XAccessible > const xAccParent = i_parentWindow.GetAccessible();
+ if ( )
+ {
+ m_pAccessibleTable = m_aFactoryAccess.getFactory().createAccessibleTableControl(
+ xAccParent, m_rAntiImpl
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ Reference< XAccessible > xAccessible;
+ if ( m_pAccessibleTable )
+ xAccessible = m_pAccessibleTable->getMyself();
+ return xAccessible;
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::disposeAccessible()
+ {
+ if ( m_pAccessibleTable )
+ m_pAccessibleTable->DisposeAccessImpl();
+ m_pAccessibleTable = nullptr;
+ }
+ bool TableControl_Impl::impl_isAccessibleAlive() const
+ {
+ return ( nullptr != m_pAccessibleTable ) && m_pAccessibleTable->isAlive();
+ }
+ void TableControl_Impl::impl_commitAccessibleEvent( sal_Int16 const i_eventID, Any const & i_newValue )
+ {
+ if ( impl_isAccessibleAlive() )
+ m_pAccessibleTable->commitEvent( i_eventID, i_newValue );
+ }
+ //= TableFunctionSet
+ TableFunctionSet::TableFunctionSet(TableControl_Impl* _pTableControl)
+ :m_pTableControl( _pTableControl)
+ ,m_nCurrentRow( ROW_INVALID )
+ {
+ }
+ TableFunctionSet::~TableFunctionSet()
+ {
+ }
+ void TableFunctionSet::BeginDrag()
+ {
+ }
+ void TableFunctionSet::CreateAnchor()
+ {
+ m_pTableControl->setAnchor( m_pTableControl->getCurRow() );
+ }
+ void TableFunctionSet::DestroyAnchor()
+ {
+ m_pTableControl->setAnchor( ROW_INVALID );
+ }
+ void TableFunctionSet::SetCursorAtPoint(const Point& rPoint, bool bDontSelectAtCursor)
+ {
+ // newRow is the row which includes the point, getCurRow() is the last selected row, before the mouse click
+ RowPos newRow = m_pTableControl->getRowAtPoint( rPoint );
+ if ( newRow == ROW_COL_HEADERS )
+ newRow = m_pTableControl->getTopRow();
+ ColPos newCol = m_pTableControl->getColAtPoint( rPoint );
+ if ( newCol == COL_ROW_HEADERS )
+ newCol = m_pTableControl->getLeftColumn();
+ if ( ( newRow == ROW_INVALID ) || ( newCol == COL_INVALID ) )
+ return;
+ if ( bDontSelectAtCursor )
+ {
+ if ( m_pTableControl->getSelectedRowCount() > 1 )
+ m_pTableControl->getSelEngine()->AddAlways(true);
+ }
+ else if ( m_pTableControl->getAnchor() == m_pTableControl->getCurRow() )
+ {
+ //selected region lies above the last selection
+ if( m_pTableControl->getCurRow() >= newRow)
+ {
+ //put selected rows in vector
+ while ( m_pTableControl->getAnchor() >= newRow )
+ {
+ m_pTableControl->markRowAsSelected( m_pTableControl->getAnchor() );
+ m_pTableControl->setAnchor( m_pTableControl->getAnchor() - 1 );
+ }
+ m_pTableControl->setAnchor( m_pTableControl->getAnchor() + 1 );
+ }
+ //selected region lies beneath the last selected row
+ else
+ {
+ while ( m_pTableControl->getAnchor() <= newRow )
+ {
+ m_pTableControl->markRowAsSelected( m_pTableControl->getAnchor() );
+ m_pTableControl->setAnchor( m_pTableControl->getAnchor() + 1 );
+ }
+ m_pTableControl->setAnchor( m_pTableControl->getAnchor() - 1 );
+ }
+ m_pTableControl->invalidateSelectedRegion( m_pTableControl->getCurRow(), newRow );
+ }
+ //no region selected
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !m_pTableControl->hasRowSelection() )
+ m_pTableControl->markRowAsSelected( newRow );
+ else
+ {
+ if ( m_pTableControl->getSelEngine()->GetSelectionMode() == SelectionMode::Single )
+ {
+ DeselectAll();
+ m_pTableControl->markRowAsSelected( newRow );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pTableControl->markRowAsSelected( newRow );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( m_pTableControl->getSelectedRowCount() > 1 && m_pTableControl->getSelEngine()->GetSelectionMode() != SelectionMode::Single )
+ m_pTableControl->getSelEngine()->AddAlways(true);
+ m_pTableControl->invalidateRow( newRow );
+ }
+ m_pTableControl->goTo( newCol, newRow );
+ }
+ bool TableFunctionSet::IsSelectionAtPoint( const Point& rPoint )
+ {
+ m_pTableControl->getSelEngine()->AddAlways(false);
+ if ( !m_pTableControl->hasRowSelection() )
+ return false;
+ else
+ {
+ RowPos curRow = m_pTableControl->getRowAtPoint( rPoint );
+ m_pTableControl->setAnchor( ROW_INVALID );
+ bool selected = m_pTableControl->isRowSelected( curRow );
+ m_nCurrentRow = curRow;
+ return selected;
+ }
+ }
+ void TableFunctionSet::DeselectAtPoint( const Point& )
+ {
+ m_pTableControl->invalidateRow( m_nCurrentRow );
+ m_pTableControl->markRowAsDeselected( m_nCurrentRow );
+ }
+ void TableFunctionSet::DeselectAll()
+ {
+ if ( m_pTableControl->hasRowSelection() )
+ {
+ for ( size_t i=0; i<m_pTableControl->getSelectedRowCount(); ++i )
+ {
+ RowPos const rowIndex = m_pTableControl->getSelectedRowIndex(i);
+ m_pTableControl->invalidateRow( rowIndex );
+ }
+ m_pTableControl->markAllRowsAsDeselected();
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace svt::table
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