path: root/translations/source/gd/basctl/messages.po
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'translations/source/gd/basctl/messages.po')
1 files changed, 990 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/translations/source/gd/basctl/messages.po b/translations/source/gd/basctl/messages.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8847b7280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/source/gd/basctl/messages.po
@@ -0,0 +1,990 @@
+#. extracted from basctl/inc
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-25 19:59+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-23 00:33+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Michael Bauer <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: gd\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1555979622.000000\n"
+#. fniWp
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:25
+msgid "<All>"
+msgstr "<A h-uile>"
+#. S2GR5
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:26
+msgid "< No Module >"
+msgstr "< Gun mhòideal >"
+#. XoGeT
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:27
+msgid "Incorrect Password"
+msgstr "Facal-faire ceàrr"
+#. LGqtN
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:28
+msgid "The file does not contain any BASIC libraries"
+msgstr "Chan eil leabharlann BASIC sam bith san fhaidhle seo"
+#. 3UEnC
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:29
+msgid "Invalid Name"
+msgstr "Ainm mì-dhligheach"
+#. tYTFm
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:30
+msgid "A library name can have up to 30 characters."
+msgstr "Faodaidh suas gu 30 caractar a bhith ann an ainm leabharlainne."
+#. hGBUF
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:31
+msgid "Macros from other documents are not accessible."
+msgstr "Chan eil inntrigeadh ann dha na macrothan o sgrìobhainnean eile."
+#. nqQPr
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:32
+msgid "This library is read-only."
+msgstr "Tha an leabharlann seo ri leughadh a-mhàin."
+#. 8DoDR
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:33
+msgid "'XX' cannot be replaced."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh rud a chur an àite 'XX'."
+#. ZrC8a
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:34
+msgid "'XX' cannot be added."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh 'XX' a chur ris."
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:35
+msgid "'XX' was not added."
+msgstr "Cha deach 'XX' a chur ris."
+#. BEk6F
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:36
+msgid "Enter password for 'XX'"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach facal-faire airson 'XX'"
+#. kQpnq
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:37
+msgid "Name already exists"
+msgstr "Tha an t-ainm seo ann mu thràth"
+#. JWDCy
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:38
+msgctxt "RID_STR_SIGNED"
+msgid "(Signed)"
+msgstr "(Soidhnichte)"
+#. 6ubXB
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:39
+msgid "Object with same name already exists"
+msgstr "Tha oibseact leis an dearbh-ainm ann mu thràth"
+#. Gnb5H
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:40
+msgid ""
+"For security reasons, you cannot run this macro.\n"
+"For more information, check the security settings."
+msgstr ""
+"Chan urrainn dhut am macro seo a ruith air sgàth adhbharan tèarainteachd.\n"
+"Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh, cuir sùil air na roghainnean tèarainteachd."
+#. FGWLw
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:41
+msgid "Search key not found"
+msgstr "Cha deach an iuchair-luirg a lorg"
+#. ZJgvX
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:42
+msgid "Search to last module complete. Continue at first module?"
+msgstr "Deiseil leis an lorg gun mhòideal mu dheireadh. A bheil thu airson leantainn ort on chiad mhòideal?"
+#. 4yDcC
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:43
+msgid "Search key replaced XX times"
+msgstr "Chaidh rud a chur an àite na h-iuchrach-luirg XX tursan"
+#. 85z2z
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:44
+msgid "The file could not be read"
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am faidhle a leughadh"
+#. VSAAi
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:45
+msgid "The file could not be saved"
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am faidhle a shàbhaladh"
+#. qgd4b
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:46
+msgid "The name of the default library cannot be changed."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh ainm na leabharlainne bhunaiteach seo atharrachadh."
+#. EobDV
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:47
+msgid "Generating source"
+msgstr "A' gintinn an tùis"
+#. Re6Gc
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:48
+msgid "File name:"
+msgstr "Ainm an fhaidhle:"
+#. zYyVi
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:49
+msgid "Import Libraries"
+msgstr "Ion-phortaich leabharlannan"
+#. tasV7
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:50
+msgid "Do you want to delete the macro XX?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson am macro XX a sguabadh às?"
+#. Nw7mk
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:51
+msgid "Do you want to delete the XX dialog?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson an còmhradh XX a sguabadh às?"
+#. 3Vw9F
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:52
+msgid "Do you want to delete the XX library?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson an leabharlann XX a sguabadh às?"
+#. x2D9Y
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:53
+msgid "Do you want to delete the reference to the XX library?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson an reifreans air leabhar-lann XX a sguabadh às?"
+#. oUGKc
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:54
+msgid "Do you want to delete the XX module?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson am mòideal XX a sguabadh às?"
+#. Ctsr7
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:55
+msgctxt "RID_STR_BASIC"
+msgid "BASIC"
+msgstr "BASIC"
+#. WMcJq
+#. Abbreviation for 'line'
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:57
+msgctxt "RID_STR_LINE"
+msgid "Ln"
+msgstr "Ln"
+#. pKEQb
+#. Abbreviation for 'column'
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:59
+msgctxt "RID_STR_COLUMN"
+msgid "Col"
+msgstr "Col"
+#. 86aZY
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:60
+msgid "The window cannot be closed while BASIC is running."
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dhut an uinneag a dhùnadh fhad 's a tha BASIC a' ruith."
+#. CUG7C
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:61
+msgid "The default library cannot be replaced."
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dhut rud a chur an àite na leabharlainne bhunaiteach."
+#. eWwfN
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:62
+msgid "Reference to 'XX' not possible."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh reifreans air “XX” a dhèanamh."
+#. A7sSq
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:63
+msgid "Watch"
+msgstr "Cum faire"
+#. 84TYn
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:64
+msgid "Call Stack"
+msgstr "Stac nan gairmean"
+#. DBfyu
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:65
+msgid "Dialog"
+msgstr "Còmhradh"
+#. hUHfi
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:66
+msgctxt "RID_STR_NEWLIB"
+msgid "New Library"
+msgstr "Leabharlann ùr"
+#. kisd2
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:67
+msgctxt "RID_STR_NEWMOD"
+msgid "New Module"
+msgstr "Mòideal ùr"
+#. YeULe
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:68
+msgctxt "RID_STR_NEWDLG"
+msgid "New Dialog"
+msgstr "Còmhradh ùr"
+#. jYa97
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:69
+msgctxt "RID_STR_ALL"
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "A h-uile"
+#. yF2LY
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:70
+msgctxt "RID_STR_PAGE"
+msgid "Page"
+msgstr "Duilleag"
+#. DHuFN
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:71
+msgid ""
+"You will have to restart the program after this edit.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Bi agad ris am prògram ath-thòiseachadh as dèidh an deasachaidh seo.\n"
+"A bheil thu airson leantainn ort?"
+#. 4qWED
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:72
+msgid "Do you want to replace the text in all active modules?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson a chur an àite an teacsa anns gach mòideal beò?"
+#. FFBmA
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:73
+msgid "Watch:"
+msgstr "Cum faire:"
+#. ndtng
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:74
+msgctxt "RID_STR_STACK"
+msgid "Calls: "
+msgstr "Gairmean: "
+#. wwfg3
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:75
+msgid "My Macros"
+msgstr "Na macrothan agam"
+#. XenwN
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:76
+msgid "My Dialogs"
+msgstr "Na còmhraidhean agam"
+#. Mwj7u
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:77
+msgid "My Macros & Dialogs"
+msgstr "Na còmhraidhean ⁊ macrothan agam"
+#. EAJgs
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:78
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Macros"
+msgstr "Macrothan %PRODUCTNAME"
+#. tPefb
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:79
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Dialogs"
+msgstr "Còmhraidhean %PRODUCTNAME"
+#. BNWgY
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:80
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Macros & Dialogs"
+msgstr "Macrothan ⁊ còmhraidhean %PRODUCTNAME"
+#. BAMA5
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:81
+msgid "Remove Watch"
+msgstr "Sguir dhen fhaire"
+#. oUqF6
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:82
+msgid "Do you want to overwrite the XX macro?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson sgrìobhadh thairis air a' mhacro XX?"
+#. Tho9k
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:83
+msgid "<Not localized>"
+msgstr "<Gun ionadaileadh>"
+#. xQyRD
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:84
+msgid "[Default Language]"
+msgstr "[An cànan bunaiteach]"
+#. PqDTe
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:85
+msgid "Document Objects"
+msgstr "Oibseactan na sgrìobhainne"
+#. N3DE8
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:86
+msgid "Forms"
+msgstr "Foirmichean"
+#. 4dGqP
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:87
+msgid "Modules"
+msgstr "Mòidealan"
+#. u87jq
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:88
+msgid "Class Modules"
+msgstr "Mòidealan clas"
+#. 8gC8E
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:89
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "Thoir ainm ùr air"
+#. FCqSS
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:90
+msgid "Replace"
+msgstr "Cuir 'na àite"
+#. 5EucM
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:91
+msgid "Dialog Import - Name already used"
+msgstr "An còmhradh ion-phortaidh - Ainm 'ga chleachdadh mu thràth"
+#. yG2bx
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:92
+msgid ""
+"The library already contains a dialog with the name:\n"
+"Rename dialog to keep current dialog or replace existing dialog.\n"
+" "
+msgstr ""
+"Tha còmhradh ann air a bheil an t-ainm a leanas mu thràth:\n"
+"Thoir ainm eile air gus an còmhradh làithreach a ghlèidheadh no cuir an àite a’ chòmhraidh làithrich.\n"
+" "
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:93
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Cuir ris"
+#. inETw
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:94
+msgid "Omit"
+msgstr "Fàg às"
+#. 227xE
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:95
+msgid "Dialog Import - Language Mismatch"
+msgstr "An còmhradh ion-phortaidh - Droch mhaids cànain"
+#. zcJw8
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:96
+msgid ""
+"The dialog to be imported supports other languages than the target library.\n"
+"Add these languages to the library to keep additional language resources provided by the dialog or omit them to stay with the current library languages.\n"
+"Note: For languages not supported by the dialog the resources of the dialog's default language will be used.\n"
+" "
+msgstr ""
+"Tha an còmhradh a tha ri ion-phortadh a' cur taic ri cànain eile na an leabharlann-uidhe.\n"
+"Cuir na cànain seo ris an leabharlann gus na goireasan cànain a bharrachd seo (a tha sa chòmhradh) a ghlèidheadh no fàg às iad ma tha thu airson cànain làithreach na leabharlainne a chumail.\n"
+"Aire: Thèid goireasan cànan bunaiteach a' chòmhraidh a chleachdadh airson cànain nach eil taic ann thuca leis a' chòmhradh.\n"
+" "
+#. FcvDu
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:97
+msgid "Pages:"
+msgstr "Duilleagan:"
+#. 4AR5D
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:98
+msgid "All ~Pages"
+msgstr "A h-uile ~duilleag"
+#. xfLXi
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:99
+msgid "Pa~ges:"
+msgstr "Duillea~gan:"
+#. Q9KBj
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:100
+msgid "~Even pages"
+msgstr "Duill~eagan cothrom"
+#. 93Gmy
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:101
+msgid "~Odd pages"
+msgstr "Duilleagan c~orra"
+#. dALHq
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:102
+msgctxt "RID_STR_CHOOSE"
+msgid "Choose"
+msgstr "Tagh"
+#. edPrX
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:103
+msgctxt "RID_STR_RUN"
+msgid "Run"
+msgstr "Ruith"
+#. DJbpA
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:104
+msgctxt "RID_STR_RECORD"
+msgid "~Save"
+msgstr "~Sàbhail"
+#. 7Gzqz
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:105
+msgid "Object Catalog"
+msgstr "Catalog oibseactan"
+#. NtqMk
+#. Property Browser Headline ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:107
+msgid "Properties: "
+msgstr "Roghainnean: "
+#. FnkAZ
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:108
+msgid "No Control marked"
+msgstr "Cha deach uidheam-smachd a chomharradh"
+#. aeAPC
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:109
+msgid "Multiselection"
+msgstr "Ioma-thaghadh"
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:110
+msgctxt "RID_STR_DEF_LANG"
+msgid "[Default Language]"
+msgstr "[An cànan bunaiteach]"
+#. uf3Kt
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:111
+msgid "<Press 'Add' to create language resources>"
+msgstr "<Briog air \"Cuir ris\" gus na goireasan cànain a chruthachadh>"
+#. jnJoF
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:112
+msgid "Export library as extension"
+msgstr "Às-phortaich an leabhar-lann mar leudachan"
+#. SnKF3
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:113
+msgid "Export as BASIC library"
+msgstr "Às-phortaich mar leabhar-lann BASIC"
+#. G6SqW
+#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:114
+msgid "Extension"
+msgstr "Leudachan"
+#. GaJFV
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:26
+msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|BasicMacroDialog"
+msgid "Basic Macros"
+msgstr ""
+#. tFg7s
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:46
+msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|run"
+msgid "Run"
+msgstr "Ruith"
+#. 5TRqv
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:166
+msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|existingmacrosft"
+msgid "Existing Macros In:"
+msgstr "Macrothan làithreach ann an:"
+#. Mfysc
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:248
+msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|macrofromft"
+msgid "Macro From"
+msgstr "Macro o"
+#. Qth4v
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:264
+msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|macrotoft"
+msgid "Save Macro In"
+msgstr "Sàbhail am macro ann an"
+#. BpDb6
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:311
+msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|libraryft1"
+msgid "Macro Name"
+msgstr "Ainm a' mhacro"
+#. izDZr
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:334
+msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|assign"
+msgid "Assign..."
+msgstr "Iomruin..."
+#. dxu7W
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:348
+msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|edit"
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Deasaich"
+#. 9Uhec
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:362
+msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|delete"
+msgid "_Delete"
+msgstr "_Sguab às"
+#. XkqFC
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:376
+msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|new"
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "Ù_r"
+#. Gh52t
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:390
+msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|organize"
+msgid "Organizer..."
+msgstr "Eagraiche..."
+#. wAJj2
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:404
+msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|newlibrary"
+msgid "New Library"
+msgstr "Leabhar-lann ùr"
+#. 2xdsE
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:418
+msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|newmodule"
+msgid "New Module"
+msgstr "Mòideal ùr"
+#. MDBgX
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/breakpointmenus.ui:12
+msgctxt "breakpointmenus|manage"
+msgid "Manage Breakpoints..."
+msgstr "Stiùirich na puingean-brisidh..."
+#. faXzj
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/breakpointmenus.ui:23
+msgctxt "breakpointmenus|active"
+msgid "_Active"
+msgstr "_Gnìomhach"
+#. FhiYE
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/breakpointmenus.ui:37
+msgctxt "breakpointmenus|properties"
+msgid "_Properties..."
+msgstr "_Roghainnean..."
+#. G55tN
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/defaultlanguage.ui:30
+msgctxt "defaultlanguage|DefaultLanguageDialog"
+msgid "Set Default User Interface Language"
+msgstr "Suidhich cànan bunaiteach airson eadar-aghaidh a' chleachdaiche"
+#. xYz56
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/defaultlanguage.ui:117
+msgctxt "defaultlanguage|defaultlabel"
+msgid "Default language:"
+msgstr "An cànan bunaiteach:"
+#. C9ruF
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/defaultlanguage.ui:224
+msgctxt "defaultlanguage|checkedlabel"
+msgid "Available languages:"
+msgstr "Cànain a tha ri fhaighinn:"
+#. fBZNF
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/defaultlanguage.ui:261
+msgctxt "defaultlanguage|defined"
+msgid "Select a language to define the default user interface language. All currently present strings will be assigned to the resources created for the selected language."
+msgstr "Tagh cànan gus cànan bunaiteach a thaghadh airson eadar-aghaidh a' chleachdaiche. Thèid gach sreang a tha ann an-dràsta a cheangal ris na goireasan a thèid a chruthachadh airson a' chànain a thagh thu."
+#. pk7Wj
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/defaultlanguage.ui:276
+msgctxt "defaultlanguage|added"
+msgid "Select languages to be added. Resources for these languages will be created in the library. Strings of the current default user interface language will be copied to these new resources by default."
+msgstr "Tagh na cànain a tha thu airson a chur ris. Thèid goireasan airson nan cànan sin a chruthachadh san leabhar-lann. Thèid lethbhreacan de shreangan a' chànain làithrich a chur ris na goireasan ùra seo a ghnàth."
+#. QWxzi
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/defaultlanguage.ui:291
+msgctxt "defaultlanguage|alttitle"
+msgid "Add User Interface Languages"
+msgstr "Cuir ris cànain airson eadar-aghaidh a' chleachdaiche"
+#. GCNcE
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/deletelangdialog.ui:7
+msgctxt "deletelangdialog|DeleteLangDialog"
+msgid "Delete Language Resources"
+msgstr "Sguab às goireasan a' chànain"
+#. Upj8a
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/deletelangdialog.ui:14
+msgctxt "deletelangdialog|DeleteLangDialog"
+msgid "Do you want to delete the resources of the selected language(s)?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson goireasan nan cànan a thagh thu a sguabadh às?"
+#. CThUw
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/deletelangdialog.ui:15
+msgctxt "deletelangdialog|DeleteLangDialog"
+msgid "You are about to delete the resources for the selected language(s). All user interface strings for this language(s) will be deleted."
+msgstr "Tha thu an impis goireasan nan cànan a thagh thu a sguabadh às. Thèid eadar-theangachadh nan abairtean air fad a chithear air an sgrìn a thoirt air falbh."
+#. gErRZ
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:38
+msgctxt "dialogpage|label1"
+msgid "Dialog:"
+msgstr "Còmhradh:"
+#. n9VLU
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:129
+msgctxt "dialogpage|newmodule"
+msgid "_New..."
+msgstr "Ù_r..."
+#. kBzSW
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:144
+msgctxt "dialogpage|newdialog"
+msgid "_New..."
+msgstr "Ù_r..."
+#. k64f4
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:175
+msgctxt "dialogpage|password"
+msgid "_Password..."
+msgstr "_Facal-faire..."
+#. sHS7f
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:189
+msgctxt "dialogpage|import"
+msgid "_Import..."
+msgstr "_Ion-phortaich..."
+#. ubE5G
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:203
+msgctxt "dialogpage|export"
+msgid "_Export..."
+msgstr "Às-_phortaich..."
+#. EGyCn
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dockingwatch.ui:110
+msgctxt "dockingwatch|RID_STR_WATCHVARIABLE"
+msgid "Variable"
+msgstr ""
+#. QUHSf
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dockingwatch.ui:122
+msgctxt "dockingwatch|RID_STR_WATCHVALUE"
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr ""
+#. ik3CG
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dockingwatch.ui:136
+msgctxt "dockingwatch|RID_STR_WATCHTYPE"
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr ""
+#. worE9
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/exportdialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "exportdialog|ExportDialog"
+msgid "Export Basic library"
+msgstr "Às-phortaich leabhar-lann BASIC"
+#. hvm9y
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/exportdialog.ui:89
+msgctxt "exportdialog|extension"
+msgid "Export as _extension"
+msgstr "Às-phortaich mar l_eudachan"
+#. pK9mG
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/exportdialog.ui:105
+msgctxt "exportdialog|basic"
+msgid "Export as BASIC library"
+msgstr "Às-phortaich mar leabhar-lann BASIC"
+#. foHKi
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/gotolinedialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "gotolinedialog|GotoLineDialog"
+msgid "Go to Line"
+msgstr "Rach gun loidhne"
+#. GbpSc
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/gotolinedialog.ui:87
+msgctxt "gotolinedialog|area"
+msgid "_Line number:"
+msgstr "Àirea_mh na loidhne:"
+#. C6VgC
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/importlibdialog.ui:22
+msgctxt "importlibdialog|ImportLibDialog"
+msgid "Import Libraries"
+msgstr "Ion-phortaich leabhar-lannan"
+#. C8ny7
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/importlibdialog.ui:119
+msgctxt "importlibdialog|ref"
+msgid "Insert as reference (read-only)"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach mar reifreans (ri leughadh a-mhàin)"
+#. B9N7w
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/importlibdialog.ui:134
+msgctxt "importlibdialog|replace"
+msgid "Replace existing libraries"
+msgstr "Cuir an àite nan leabhar-lannan a tha ann an-dràsta"
+#. GGb7Q
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/importlibdialog.ui:155
+msgctxt "importlibdialog|label1"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Roghainnean"
+#. XdZ7e
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:42
+msgctxt "libpage|label1"
+msgid "L_ocation:"
+msgstr "I_onad:"
+#. C4mjh
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:81
+msgctxt "libpage|lingudictsft"
+msgid "_Library:"
+msgstr "_Leabhar-lann:"
+#. AjENj
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:181
+msgctxt "libpage|password"
+msgid "_Password..."
+msgstr "_Facal-faire..."
+#. bzX6x
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:195
+msgctxt "libpage|new"
+msgid "_New..."
+msgstr "Ù_r..."
+#. EBVPe
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:210
+msgctxt "libpage|import"
+msgid "_Import..."
+msgstr "_Ion-phortaich..."
+#. GhHRH
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:225
+msgctxt "libpage|export"
+msgid "_Export..."
+msgstr "Às-_phortaich..."
+#. zrJTt
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managebreakpoints.ui:16
+msgctxt "managebreakpoints|ManageBreakpointsDialog"
+msgid "Manage Breakpoints"
+msgstr "Stiùirich na puingean-brisidh"
+#. PcuyN
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managebreakpoints.ui:139
+msgctxt "managebreakpoints|active"
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Gnìomhach"
+#. VDCwR
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managebreakpoints.ui:237
+msgctxt "managebreakpoints|label2"
+msgid "Pass count:"
+msgstr "Àireamh nam pas:"
+#. 5dExG
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managebreakpoints.ui:260
+msgctxt "managebreakpoints|label1"
+msgid "Breakpoints"
+msgstr "Puingean-brisidh"
+#. M2Sx2
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managelanguages.ui:16
+msgctxt "managelanguages|ManageLanguagesDialog"
+msgid "Manage User Interface Languages [$1]"
+msgstr "Rianaich cànain eadar-aghaidh a' chleachdaiche [$1]"
+#. h23XK
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managelanguages.ui:80
+msgctxt "managelanguages|label1"
+msgid "Present languages:"
+msgstr "Cànain a tha ri fhaighinn:"
+#. eDZBN
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managelanguages.ui:94
+msgctxt "managelanguages|label2"
+msgid "The default language is used if no localization for a user interface locale is present. Furthermore all strings from the default language are copied to resources of newly added languages."
+msgstr "Thèid an cànan bunaiteach a chleachdadh mur eil eadar-theangachadh ann an cànan an sgeama ionadail. A bharrachd air sin, thèid lethbhreac de gach sreang sa chànan bhunaiteach a chur ri goireasan de chànain a chaidh a chur ris."
+#. WE7kt
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managelanguages.ui:120
+msgctxt "managelanguages|add"
+msgid "Add..."
+msgstr "Cuir ris..."
+#. MqU2f
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managelanguages.ui:148
+msgctxt "managelanguages|default"
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Bun-roghainn"
+#. aMjkJ
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:38
+msgctxt "modulepage|label1"
+msgid "M_odule:"
+msgstr "_Mòideal:"
+#. KjBGM
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:129
+msgctxt "modulepage|newmodule"
+msgid "_New..."
+msgstr "Ù_r..."
+#. RakoP
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:144
+msgctxt "modulepage|newdialog"
+msgid "_New..."
+msgstr "Ù_r..."
+#. 5FC8g
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:175
+msgctxt "modulepage|password"
+msgid "_Password..."
+msgstr "_Facal-faire..."
+#. EgCDE
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:189
+msgctxt "modulepage|import"
+msgid "_Import..."
+msgstr "_Ion-phortaich..."
+#. GAYBh
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:203
+msgctxt "modulepage|export"
+msgid "_Export..."
+msgstr "Às-phor_taich..."
+#. Skwd5
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/newlibdialog.ui:86
+msgctxt "newlibdialog|area"
+msgid "_Name:"
+msgstr "_Ainm:"
+#. uVgXz
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/organizedialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "organizedialog|OrganizeDialog"
+msgid "Basic Macro Organizer"
+msgstr ""
+#. 7cVSj
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/organizedialog.ui:110
+msgctxt "organizedialog|modules"
+msgid "Modules"
+msgstr "Mòidealan"
+#. fXFQr
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/organizedialog.ui:156
+msgctxt "organizedialog|dialogs"
+msgid "Dialogs"
+msgstr "Còmhraidhean"
+#. f7Wxa
+#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/organizedialog.ui:203
+msgctxt "organizedialog|libraries"
+msgid "Libraries"
+msgstr "Leabhar-lannan"