Latest download version PrismJS 1.20.0 Using prism.js for Basic code highlight License MIT (see prism.js) Download page Theme: Coy Languages to download: Visual Basic + Python + defaults pre-sets Plugins: line numbers, normalize-whitespace: configure after Prism.plugins.NormalizeWhitespace = new NormalizeWhitespace({ 'remove-trailing': true, 'remove-indent': true, 'left-trim': true, 'right-trim': true, /*'break-lines': 80, 'indent': 2,*/ 'remove-initial-line-feed': true, /*'tabs-to-spaces': 4, 'spaces-to-tabs': 4*/ }); Usage: Add prism.js and prism.css to html page, Add class 'language-visual-basic' and 'line-numbers' to <code> as in <xsl:template match="bascode"> <div class="bascode" itemscope="true" itemtype="" itemprop="codeSampleType" content="snippet"> <pre><code class="language-visual-basic line-numbers"><xsl:apply-templates /></code></pre></div> </xsl:template>