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Page 1 ???(???) 00/00/0000, 00:00:00 Page 1/ 99 MAXIFS Function Result TRUE Sheet Result Description 1 TRUE Simple MAXIFS formulas with local references and values Function Expected Correct FunctionString Comment Data 4 3.5 1.2 Weight Grade Weight Grade Class Level Weight Grade Class Level Weight Grade Weight Grade Class Level Zone x y z 91 91 TRUE =MAXIFS(J30:J35,K30:K35,1) 4 3 5 3.6 1.3 10 b 10 b Business 100 10 b Business 8 10 b 10 b Business 100 Zone0 x 374.3 y -14.6 z 284.8 Zone0 10 10 TRUE =MAXIFS(O2:O5,P3:P6,"a") The criteria_range and max_range aren't aligned, but they are the same shape and size. 3.5 6 3.7 1.4 1 a 1 a Technical 100 1 a Technical 8 1 a 1 a Technical 100 Zone1 x -45.6 y -16.5 z 171.6 Zone1 50 50 TRUE =MAXIFS(R2:R7,S2:S7,"b",U2:U7,">100") 1.2 7 3.8 1.5 100 a 100 a Business 200 100 a Business 8 100 a 100 a Business 200 Zone2 x -130.6 y -10.7 z 1014.5 Zone2 12 12 TRUE =MAXIFS(W2:W7,X2:X7,"b",Z2:Z7,W8) 8 3.9 1.6 1 b 1 b Technical 300 11 b Technical 0 1 b 1 b Technical 300 Zone0 x 374.6 y -14.5 z 287.9 Err:502 error TRUE =MAXIFS(AB2:AB5,AC2:AD6,"a") a 9 4 1.7 1 a 1 a Technical 100 1 a Technical 8 1 a 1 a Technical 100 Zone1 x -44.2 y -16.4 z 176.4 0 0 TRUE =MAXIFS(AE2:AE6,AF2:AF6,"a",AG2:AG6,">200") 10 4.1 1.8 1 a 50 b Business 400 12 b Business 0 1 a 1 a Business 400 Zone2 x -131.1 y -10.7 z 1013.6 374.700000 374.7 TRUE =MAXIFS(AL:AL,$AJ:$AJ,"="&$AS2) Tdf#107892 11 4.2 1.9 Zone0 x 374.5 y -14.6 z 286.9 -43.600000 -43.6 TRUE =MAXIFS(AL:AL,$AJ:$AJ,"="&$AS3) Zone1 x -44.2 y -16.4 z 176.4 -130.100000 -130.1 TRUE =MAXIFS(AL:AL,$AJ:$AJ,"="&$AS4) Zone2 x -131.6 y -10.7 z 1012.7 -14.500000 -14.5 TRUE =MAXIFS(AN:AN,$AJ:$AJ,"="&$AS2) Zone0 x 374.5 y -14.6 z 286.9 -16.400000 -16.4 TRUE =MAXIFS(AN:AN,$AJ:$AJ,"="&$AS3) a Zone1 x -44.7 y -16.4 z 174.5 -10.700000 -10.7 TRUE =MAXIFS(AN:AN,$AJ:$AJ,"="&$AS4) b Zone2 x -130.1 y -10.7 z 1015.4 288.900000 288.9 TRUE =MAXIFS(AP:AP,$AJ:$AJ,"="&$AS2) c 12.04.2009 $1.00 Date order is sorted ascending. 01.06.2009 $100.00 Zone0 x 374.4 y -14.6 z 285.8 178.300000 178.3 TRUE =MAXIFS(AP:AP,$AJ:$AJ,"="&$AS3) -1 27.04.2009 $28.00 4 dates in May 23.05.2009 $28.00 Zone1 x -44.5 y -16.4 z 175.4 1015.400000 1015.4 TRUE =MAXIFS(AP:AP,$AJ:$AJ,"="&$AS4) 27.04.2009 $46.00 Max function works, but 20.05.2009 $49.00 Zone2 x -131.1 y -10.7 z 1013.6 2 2 TRUE =MAXIFS(ROW($J$2:$J2),$J$2:$J2,3) tdf#119137 30.04.2009 $74.00 Min does not. 13.05.2009 $51.00 Zone0 x 374.4 y -14.6 z 285.8 12.04.2009 $6.00 12.04.2009 $6.00 13.05.2009 $43.00 Zone1 x -44.5 y -16.4 z 175.4 23.05.2009 $28.00 12.04.2009 $1.00 30.04.2009 $74.00 Zone2 x -131.1 y -10.7 z 1013.6 13.05.2009 $51.00 27.04.2009 $28.00 27.04.2009 $28.00 Zone0 x 374.4 y -14.6 z 285.8 13.05.2009 $43.00 27.04.2009 $46.00 27.04.2009 $46.00 Zone1 x -43.6 y -16.4 z 178.3 20.05.2009 $49.00 30.04.2009 $74.00 12.04.2009 $6.00 Zone2 x -131.1 y -10.7 z 1013.6 01.06.2009 $100.00 13.05.2009 $43.00 12.04.2009 $1.00 Zone0 x 374.4 y -14.6 z 285.8 13.05.2009 $51.00 Zone1 x -44.5 y -16.4 z 175.4 20.05.2009 $49.00 Zone2 x -130.6 y -10.7 z 1014.5 23.05.2009 $28.00 Zone0 x 374.6 y -14.5 z 287.9 01.06.2009 $100.00 Zone1 x -45 y -16.4 z 173.5 Zone2 x -130.1 y -10.7 z 1015.4 89 1 Zone0 x 374.6 y -14.5 z 287.9 93 2 Zone1 x -45 y -16.4 z 173.5 96 2 Zone2 x -130.1 y -10.7 z 1015.4 85 3 Zone0 x 374.4 y -14.6 z 285.8 91 1 Zone1 x -46.4 y -16.5 z 168.7 88 1 Zone2 x -130.6 y -10.7 z 1014.5 Zone0 x 374.4 y -14.6 z 285.8 Zone1 x -43.9 y -16.4 z 177.4 Zone2 x -130.6 y -10.7 z 1014.5 Zone0 x 363.8 y -14.6 z 286.5 Zone1 x -45 y -16.4 z 173.5 Zone2 x -130.6 y -10.7 z 1014.5 Zone0 x 374.6 y -14.5 z 287.9 Zone1 x -43.9 y -16.4 z 177.4 Zone2 x -130.6 y -10.7 z 1014.5 Zone0 x 374.6 y -14.5 z 287.9 Zone1 x -43.9 y -16.4 z 177.4 Zone2 x -130.6 y -10.7 z 1014.5 Zone0 x 374.6 y -14.5 z 287.9 Zone1 x -45.9 y -16.5 z 170.6 Zone2 x -130.6 y -10.7 z 1014.5 Zone0 x 374.6 y -14.5 z 287.9 Zone1 x -45.9 y -16.5 z 170.6 Zone2 x -130.6 y -10.7 z 1014.5 Zone0 x 374.7 y -14.5 z 288.9 Zone1 x -43.9 y -16.4 z 177.4 Zone2 x -131.1 y -10.7 z 1013.6