/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define IMGOUTERTEXTSPACE 5 #define EXTRAFONTSIZE 5 #define GAPTOEXTRAPREVIEW 10 #define MINGAPWIDTH 2 #define FONTNAMEBOXMRUENTRIESFILE "/user/config/fontnameboxmruentries" BorderWidthImpl::BorderWidthImpl( BorderWidthImplFlags nFlags, double nRate1, double nRate2, double nRateGap ): m_nFlags( nFlags ), m_nRate1( nRate1 ), m_nRate2( nRate2 ), m_nRateGap( nRateGap ) { } bool BorderWidthImpl::operator== ( const BorderWidthImpl& r ) const { return ( m_nFlags == r.m_nFlags ) && ( m_nRate1 == r.m_nRate1 ) && ( m_nRate2 == r.m_nRate2 ) && ( m_nRateGap == r.m_nRateGap ); } long BorderWidthImpl::GetLine1( long nWidth ) const { long result = static_cast(m_nRate1); if ( m_nFlags & BorderWidthImplFlags::CHANGE_LINE1 ) { long const nConstant2 = (m_nFlags & BorderWidthImplFlags::CHANGE_LINE2) ? 0 : m_nRate2; long const nConstantD = (m_nFlags & BorderWidthImplFlags::CHANGE_DIST ) ? 0 : m_nRateGap; result = std::max(0, static_cast((m_nRate1 * nWidth) + 0.5) - (nConstant2 + nConstantD)); if (result == 0 && m_nRate1 > 0.0 && nWidth > 0) { // fdo#51777: hack to essentially treat 1 twip DOUBLE border result = 1; // as 1 twip SINGLE border } } return result; } long BorderWidthImpl::GetLine2( long nWidth ) const { long result = static_cast(m_nRate2); if ( m_nFlags & BorderWidthImplFlags::CHANGE_LINE2) { long const nConstant1 = (m_nFlags & BorderWidthImplFlags::CHANGE_LINE1) ? 0 : m_nRate1; long const nConstantD = (m_nFlags & BorderWidthImplFlags::CHANGE_DIST ) ? 0 : m_nRateGap; result = std::max(0, static_cast((m_nRate2 * nWidth) + 0.5) - (nConstant1 + nConstantD)); } return result; } long BorderWidthImpl::GetGap( long nWidth ) const { long result = static_cast(m_nRateGap); if ( m_nFlags & BorderWidthImplFlags::CHANGE_DIST ) { long const nConstant1 = (m_nFlags & BorderWidthImplFlags::CHANGE_LINE1) ? 0 : m_nRate1; long const nConstant2 = (m_nFlags & BorderWidthImplFlags::CHANGE_LINE2) ? 0 : m_nRate2; result = std::max(0, static_cast((m_nRateGap * nWidth) + 0.5) - (nConstant1 + nConstant2)); } // Avoid having too small distances (less than 0.1pt) if ( result < MINGAPWIDTH && m_nRate1 > 0 && m_nRate2 > 0 ) result = MINGAPWIDTH; return result; } static double lcl_getGuessedWidth( long nTested, double nRate, bool bChanging ) { double nWidth = -1.0; if ( bChanging ) nWidth = double( nTested ) / nRate; else { if ( rtl::math::approxEqual(double( nTested ), nRate) ) nWidth = nRate; } return nWidth; } long BorderWidthImpl::GuessWidth( long nLine1, long nLine2, long nGap ) { std::vector< double > aToCompare; bool bInvalid = false; bool bLine1Change = bool( m_nFlags & BorderWidthImplFlags::CHANGE_LINE1 ); double nWidth1 = lcl_getGuessedWidth( nLine1, m_nRate1, bLine1Change ); if ( bLine1Change ) aToCompare.push_back( nWidth1 ); else if (nWidth1 < 0) bInvalid = true; bool bLine2Change = bool( m_nFlags & BorderWidthImplFlags::CHANGE_LINE2 ); double nWidth2 = lcl_getGuessedWidth( nLine2, m_nRate2, bLine2Change ); if ( bLine2Change ) aToCompare.push_back( nWidth2 ); else if (nWidth2 < 0) bInvalid = true; bool bGapChange = bool( m_nFlags & BorderWidthImplFlags::CHANGE_DIST ); double nWidthGap = lcl_getGuessedWidth( nGap, m_nRateGap, bGapChange ); if ( bGapChange && nGap >= MINGAPWIDTH ) aToCompare.push_back( nWidthGap ); else if ( !bGapChange && nWidthGap < 0 ) bInvalid = true; // non-constant line width factors must sum to 1 assert((((bLine1Change) ? m_nRate1 : 0) + ((bLine2Change) ? m_nRate2 : 0) + ((bGapChange) ? m_nRateGap : 0)) - 1.0 < 0.00001 ); double nWidth = 0.0; if ( (!bInvalid) && (!aToCompare.empty()) ) { nWidth = *aToCompare.begin(); for (auto const& elem : aToCompare) { bInvalid = ( nWidth != elem ); if (bInvalid) break; } nWidth = bInvalid ? 0.0 : nLine1 + nLine2 + nGap; } return nWidth; } static void lclDrawPolygon( OutputDevice& rDev, const basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPolygon, long nWidth, SvxBorderLineStyle nDashing ) { AntialiasingFlags nOldAA = rDev.GetAntialiasing(); rDev.SetAntialiasing( nOldAA & ~AntialiasingFlags::EnableB2dDraw ); long nPix = rDev.PixelToLogic(Size(1, 1)).Width(); basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPolygons = svtools::ApplyLineDashing(rPolygon, nDashing, nPix); // Handle problems of width 1px in Pixel mode: 0.5px gives a 1px line if (rDev.GetMapMode().GetMapUnit() == MapUnit::MapPixel && nWidth == nPix) nWidth = 0; for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < aPolygons.count( ); i++ ) { const basegfx::B2DPolygon& aDash = aPolygons.getB2DPolygon( i ); basegfx::B2DPoint aStart = aDash.getB2DPoint( 0 ); basegfx::B2DPoint aEnd = aDash.getB2DPoint( aDash.count() - 1 ); basegfx::B2DVector aVector( aEnd - aStart ); aVector.normalize( ); const basegfx::B2DVector aPerpendicular(basegfx::getPerpendicular(aVector)); const basegfx::B2DVector aWidthOffset( double( nWidth ) / 2 * aPerpendicular); basegfx::B2DPolygon aDashPolygon; aDashPolygon.append( aStart + aWidthOffset ); aDashPolygon.append( aEnd + aWidthOffset ); aDashPolygon.append( aEnd - aWidthOffset ); aDashPolygon.append( aStart - aWidthOffset ); aDashPolygon.setClosed( true ); rDev.DrawPolygon( aDashPolygon ); } rDev.SetAntialiasing( nOldAA ); } namespace svtools { /** * Dashing array must start with a line width and end with a blank width. */ static std::vector GetDashing( SvxBorderLineStyle nDashing ) { std::vector aPattern; switch (nDashing) { case SvxBorderLineStyle::DOTTED: aPattern.push_back( 1.0 ); // line aPattern.push_back( 2.0 ); // blank break; case SvxBorderLineStyle::DASHED: aPattern.push_back( 16.0 ); // line aPattern.push_back( 5.0 ); // blank break; case SvxBorderLineStyle::FINE_DASHED: aPattern.push_back( 6.0 ); // line aPattern.push_back( 2.0 ); // blank break; case SvxBorderLineStyle::DASH_DOT: aPattern.push_back( 16.0 ); // line aPattern.push_back( 5.0 ); // blank aPattern.push_back( 5.0 ); // line aPattern.push_back( 5.0 ); // blank break; case SvxBorderLineStyle::DASH_DOT_DOT: aPattern.push_back( 16.0 ); // line aPattern.push_back( 5.0 ); // blank aPattern.push_back( 5.0 ); // line aPattern.push_back( 5.0 ); // blank aPattern.push_back( 5.0 ); // line aPattern.push_back( 5.0 ); // blank break; default: ; } return aPattern; } namespace { class ApplyScale { double mfScale; public: explicit ApplyScale( double fScale ) : mfScale(fScale) {} void operator() ( double& rVal ) { rVal *= mfScale; } }; } std::vector GetLineDashing( SvxBorderLineStyle nDashing, double fScale ) { std::vector aPattern = GetDashing(nDashing); std::for_each(aPattern.begin(), aPattern.end(), ApplyScale(fScale)); return aPattern; } basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon ApplyLineDashing( const basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPolygon, SvxBorderLineStyle nDashing, double fScale ) { std::vector aPattern = GetDashing(nDashing); std::for_each(aPattern.begin(), aPattern.end(), ApplyScale(fScale)); basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPolygons; if (aPattern.empty()) aPolygons.append(rPolygon); else basegfx::utils::applyLineDashing(rPolygon, aPattern, &aPolygons); return aPolygons; } void DrawLine( OutputDevice& rDev, const Point& rP1, const Point& rP2, sal_uInt32 nWidth, SvxBorderLineStyle nDashing ) { DrawLine( rDev, basegfx::B2DPoint( rP1.X(), rP1.Y() ), basegfx::B2DPoint( rP2.X(), rP2.Y( ) ), nWidth, nDashing ); } void DrawLine( OutputDevice& rDev, const basegfx::B2DPoint& rP1, const basegfx::B2DPoint& rP2, sal_uInt32 nWidth, SvxBorderLineStyle nDashing ) { basegfx::B2DPolygon aPolygon; aPolygon.append( rP1 ); aPolygon.append( rP2 ); lclDrawPolygon( rDev, aPolygon, nWidth, nDashing ); } } static Size gUserItemSz; static int gFontNameBoxes; static size_t gPreviewsPerDevice; static std::vector> gFontPreviewVirDevs; static std::vector gRenderedFontNames; FontNameBox::FontNameBox(std::unique_ptr p) : m_xComboBox(std::move(p)) , mnPreviewProgress(0) , mbWYSIWYG(false) , maUpdateIdle("FontNameBox Preview Update") { ++gFontNameBoxes; InitFontMRUEntriesFile(); maUpdateIdle.SetPriority(TaskPriority::LOWEST); maUpdateIdle.SetInvokeHandler(LINK(this, FontNameBox, UpdateHdl)); } FontNameBox::~FontNameBox() { if (mpFontList) { SaveMRUEntries (maFontMRUEntriesFile); ImplDestroyFontList(); } --gFontNameBoxes; if (!gFontNameBoxes) { for (auto &rDev : gFontPreviewVirDevs) rDev.disposeAndClear(); gFontPreviewVirDevs.clear(); gRenderedFontNames.clear(); } } void FontNameBox::SaveMRUEntries(const OUString& aFontMRUEntriesFile) const { OString aEntries(OUStringToOString(m_xComboBox->get_mru_entries(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8)); if (aEntries.isEmpty() || aFontMRUEntriesFile.isEmpty()) return; SvFileStream aStream; aStream.Open( aFontMRUEntriesFile, StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::TRUNC ); if( ! (aStream.IsOpen() && aStream.IsWritable()) ) { SAL_INFO("svtools.control", "FontNameBox::SaveMRUEntries: opening mru entries file " << aFontMRUEntriesFile << " failed"); return; } aStream.SetLineDelimiter( LINEEND_LF ); aStream.WriteLine( aEntries ); aStream.WriteLine( OString() ); } void FontNameBox::LoadMRUEntries( const OUString& aFontMRUEntriesFile ) { if (aFontMRUEntriesFile.isEmpty()) return; SvtFontOptions aFontOpt; if (!aFontOpt.IsFontHistoryEnabled()) return; SvFileStream aStream( aFontMRUEntriesFile, StreamMode::READ ); if( ! aStream.IsOpen() ) { SAL_INFO("svtools.control", "FontNameBox::LoadMRUEntries: opening mru entries file " << aFontMRUEntriesFile << " failed"); return; } OString aLine; aStream.ReadLine( aLine ); OUString aEntries = OStringToOUString(aLine, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); m_xComboBox->set_mru_entries(aEntries); } void FontNameBox::InitFontMRUEntriesFile() { OUString sUserConfigDir("${$BRAND_BASE_DIR/" LIBO_ETC_FOLDER "/" SAL_CONFIGFILE( "bootstrap") "::UserInstallation}"); rtl::Bootstrap::expandMacros(sUserConfigDir); maFontMRUEntriesFile = sUserConfigDir; if( !maFontMRUEntriesFile.isEmpty() ) { maFontMRUEntriesFile += FONTNAMEBOXMRUENTRIESFILE; } } void FontNameBox::ImplDestroyFontList() { mpFontList.reset(); mnPreviewProgress = 0; maUpdateIdle.Stop(); } void FontNameBox::Fill( const FontList* pList ) { // store old text and clear box OUString aOldText = m_xComboBox->get_active_text(); OUString rEntries = m_xComboBox->get_mru_entries(); bool bLoadFromFile = rEntries.isEmpty(); m_xComboBox->freeze(); m_xComboBox->clear(); ImplDestroyFontList(); mpFontList.reset(new ImplFontList); // insert fonts size_t nFontCount = pList->GetFontNameCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nFontCount; ++i) { const FontMetric& rFontMetric = pList->GetFontName(i); m_xComboBox->append(OUString::number(i), rFontMetric.GetFamilyName()); mpFontList->push_back(rFontMetric); } if (bLoadFromFile) LoadMRUEntries(maFontMRUEntriesFile); else m_xComboBox->set_mru_entries(rEntries); m_xComboBox->thaw(); if (mbWYSIWYG && nFontCount) { assert(mnPreviewProgress == 0 && "ImplDestroyFontList wasn't called"); maUpdateIdle.Start(); } // restore text if (!aOldText.isEmpty()) set_active_or_entry_text(aOldText); } void FontNameBox::EnableWYSIWYG(bool bEnable) { if (comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive()) return; if (mbWYSIWYG == bEnable) return; mbWYSIWYG = bEnable; static bool bGlobalsInited; if (mbWYSIWYG && !bGlobalsInited) { gUserItemSz = Size(m_xComboBox->get_approximate_digit_width() * 52, m_xComboBox->get_text_height()); gUserItemSz.setHeight(gUserItemSz.Height() * 16); gUserItemSz.setHeight(gUserItemSz.Height() / 10); size_t nMaxDeviceHeight = SAL_MAX_INT16 / 2; // see limitXCreatePixmap gPreviewsPerDevice = nMaxDeviceHeight / gUserItemSz.Height(); bGlobalsInited = true; } if (mbWYSIWYG) { m_xComboBox->connect_custom_get_size(LINK(this, FontNameBox, CustomGetSizeHdl)); m_xComboBox->connect_custom_render(LINK(this, FontNameBox, CustomRenderHdl)); } else { m_xComboBox->connect_custom_get_size(Link()); m_xComboBox->connect_custom_render(Link()); } m_xComboBox->set_custom_renderer(mbWYSIWYG); } IMPL_STATIC_LINK_NOARG(FontNameBox, CustomGetSizeHdl, OutputDevice&, Size) { return gUserItemSz; } namespace { long shrinkFontToFit(OUString const &rSampleText, long nH, vcl::Font &rFont, OutputDevice &rDevice, tools::Rectangle &rTextRect) { long nWidth = 0; Size aSize( rFont.GetFontSize() ); //Make sure it fits in the available height while (aSize.Height() > 0) { if (!rDevice.GetTextBoundRect(rTextRect, rSampleText)) break; if (rTextRect.GetHeight() <= nH) { nWidth = rTextRect.GetWidth(); break; } aSize.AdjustHeight( -(EXTRAFONTSIZE) ); rFont.SetFontSize(aSize); rDevice.SetFont(rFont); } return nWidth; } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(FontNameBox, UpdateHdl, Timer*, void) { CachePreview(mnPreviewProgress++, nullptr); // tdf#132536 limit to ~25 pre-rendered for now. The font caches look // b0rked, the massive charmaps are ~never swapped out, and don't count // towards the size of a font in the font cache and if the freetype font // cache size is set experimentally very low then we crash, so there's an // awful lot to consider there. if (mnPreviewProgress < std::min(25, mpFontList->size())) maUpdateIdle.Start(); } static void DrawPreview(const FontMetric& rFontMetric, const Point& rTopLeft, OutputDevice& rDevice, bool bSelected) { rDevice.Push(PushFlags::TEXTCOLOR); const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); if (bSelected) rDevice.SetTextColor(rStyleSettings.GetHighlightTextColor()); else rDevice.SetTextColor(rStyleSettings.GetDialogTextColor()); long nX = rTopLeft.X(); long nH = gUserItemSz.Height(); nX += IMGOUTERTEXTSPACE; const bool bSymbolFont = isSymbolFont(rFontMetric); vcl::Font aOldFont(rDevice.GetFont()); Size aSize( aOldFont.GetFontSize() ); aSize.AdjustHeight(EXTRAFONTSIZE ); vcl::Font aFont( rFontMetric ); aFont.SetFontSize( aSize ); rDevice.SetFont(aFont); bool bUsingCorrectFont = true; tools::Rectangle aTextRect; // Preview the font name const OUString& sFontName = rFontMetric.GetFamilyName(); //If it shouldn't or can't draw its own name because it doesn't have the glyphs if (!canRenderNameOfSelectedFont(rDevice)) bUsingCorrectFont = false; else { //Make sure it fits in the available height, shrinking the font if necessary bUsingCorrectFont = shrinkFontToFit(sFontName, nH, aFont, rDevice, aTextRect) != 0; } if (!bUsingCorrectFont) { rDevice.SetFont(aOldFont); rDevice.GetTextBoundRect(aTextRect, sFontName); } long nTextHeight = aTextRect.GetHeight(); long nDesiredGap = (nH-nTextHeight)/2; long nVertAdjust = nDesiredGap - aTextRect.Top(); Point aPos( nX, rTopLeft.Y() + nVertAdjust ); rDevice.DrawText(aPos, sFontName); long nTextX = aPos.X() + aTextRect.GetWidth() + GAPTOEXTRAPREVIEW; if (!bUsingCorrectFont) rDevice.SetFont(aFont); OUString sSampleText; if (!bSymbolFont) { const bool bNameBeginsWithLatinText = rFontMetric.GetFamilyName()[0] <= 'z'; if (bNameBeginsWithLatinText || !bUsingCorrectFont) sSampleText = makeShortRepresentativeTextForSelectedFont(rDevice); } //If we're not a symbol font, but could neither render our own name and //we can't determine what script it would like to render, then try a //few well known scripts if (sSampleText.isEmpty() && !bUsingCorrectFont) { static const UScriptCode aScripts[] = { USCRIPT_ARABIC, USCRIPT_HEBREW, USCRIPT_BENGALI, USCRIPT_GURMUKHI, USCRIPT_GUJARATI, USCRIPT_ORIYA, USCRIPT_TAMIL, USCRIPT_TELUGU, USCRIPT_KANNADA, USCRIPT_MALAYALAM, USCRIPT_SINHALA, USCRIPT_DEVANAGARI, USCRIPT_THAI, USCRIPT_LAO, USCRIPT_GEORGIAN, USCRIPT_TIBETAN, USCRIPT_SYRIAC, USCRIPT_MYANMAR, USCRIPT_ETHIOPIC, USCRIPT_KHMER, USCRIPT_MONGOLIAN, USCRIPT_KOREAN, USCRIPT_JAPANESE, USCRIPT_HAN, USCRIPT_SIMPLIFIED_HAN, USCRIPT_TRADITIONAL_HAN, USCRIPT_GREEK }; for (const UScriptCode& rScript : aScripts) { OUString sText = makeShortRepresentativeTextForScript(rScript); if (!sText.isEmpty()) { bool bHasSampleTextGlyphs = (-1 == rDevice.HasGlyphs(aFont, sText)); if (bHasSampleTextGlyphs) { sSampleText = sText; break; } } } static const UScriptCode aMinimalScripts[] = { USCRIPT_HEBREW, //e.g. biblical hebrew USCRIPT_GREEK }; for (const UScriptCode& rMinimalScript : aMinimalScripts) { OUString sText = makeShortMinimalTextForScript(rMinimalScript); if (!sText.isEmpty()) { bool bHasSampleTextGlyphs = (-1 == rDevice.HasGlyphs(aFont, sText)); if (bHasSampleTextGlyphs) { sSampleText = sText; break; } } } } //If we're a symbol font, or for some reason the font still couldn't //render something representative of what it would like to render then //make up some semi-random text that it *can* display if (bSymbolFont || (!bUsingCorrectFont && sSampleText.isEmpty())) sSampleText = makeShortRepresentativeSymbolTextForSelectedFont(rDevice); if (!sSampleText.isEmpty()) { const Size &rItemSize = gUserItemSz; //leave a little border at the edge long nSpace = rItemSize.Width() - nTextX - IMGOUTERTEXTSPACE; if (nSpace >= 0) { //Make sure it fits in the available height, and get how wide that would be long nWidth = shrinkFontToFit(sSampleText, nH, aFont, rDevice, aTextRect); //Chop letters off until it fits in the available width while (nWidth > nSpace || nWidth > gUserItemSz.Width()) { sSampleText = sSampleText.copy(0, sSampleText.getLength()-1); nWidth = rDevice.GetTextBoundRect(aTextRect, sSampleText) ? aTextRect.GetWidth() : 0; } //center the text on the line if (!sSampleText.isEmpty() && nWidth) { nTextHeight = aTextRect.GetHeight(); nDesiredGap = (nH-nTextHeight)/2; nVertAdjust = nDesiredGap - aTextRect.Top(); aPos = Point(nTextX + nSpace - nWidth, rTopLeft.Y() + nVertAdjust); rDevice.DrawText(aPos, sSampleText); } } } rDevice.SetFont(aOldFont); rDevice.Pop(); } OutputDevice& FontNameBox::CachePreview(size_t nIndex, Point* pTopLeft) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; const FontMetric& rFontMetric = (*mpFontList)[nIndex]; const OUString& rFontName = rFontMetric.GetFamilyName(); size_t nPreviewIndex; auto xFind = std::find(gRenderedFontNames.begin(), gRenderedFontNames.end(), rFontName); bool bPreviewAvailable = xFind != gRenderedFontNames.end(); if (!bPreviewAvailable) { nPreviewIndex = gRenderedFontNames.size(); gRenderedFontNames.push_back(rFontName); } else nPreviewIndex = std::distance(gRenderedFontNames.begin(), xFind); size_t nPage = nPreviewIndex / gPreviewsPerDevice; size_t nIndexInPage = nPreviewIndex - (nPage * gPreviewsPerDevice); Point aTopLeft(0, gUserItemSz.Height() * nIndexInPage); if (!bPreviewAvailable) { if (nPage >= gFontPreviewVirDevs.size()) { gFontPreviewVirDevs.emplace_back(m_xComboBox->create_render_virtual_device()); VirtualDevice& rDevice = *gFontPreviewVirDevs.back(); rDevice.SetOutputSizePixel(Size(gUserItemSz.Width(), gUserItemSz.Height() * gPreviewsPerDevice)); if (vcl::Window* pDefaultDevice = dynamic_cast(Application::GetDefaultDevice())) pDefaultDevice->SetPointFont(rDevice, m_xComboBox->get_font()); assert(gFontPreviewVirDevs.size() == nPage + 1); } DrawPreview(rFontMetric, aTopLeft, *gFontPreviewVirDevs.back(), false); } if (pTopLeft) *pTopLeft = aTopLeft; return *gFontPreviewVirDevs[nPage]; } IMPL_LINK(FontNameBox, CustomRenderHdl, weld::ComboBox::render_args, aPayload, void) { vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext = std::get<0>(aPayload); const ::tools::Rectangle& rRect = std::get<1>(aPayload); bool bSelected = std::get<2>(aPayload); const OUString& rId = std::get<3>(aPayload); sal_uInt32 nIndex = rId.toUInt32(); Point aDestPoint(rRect.TopLeft()); auto nMargin = (rRect.GetHeight() - gUserItemSz.Height()) / 2; aDestPoint.AdjustY(nMargin); if (bSelected) { const FontMetric& rFontMetric = (*mpFontList)[nIndex]; DrawPreview(rFontMetric, aDestPoint, rRenderContext, true); } else { // use cache of unselected entries Point aTopLeft; OutputDevice& rDevice = CachePreview(nIndex, &aTopLeft); rRenderContext.DrawOutDev(aDestPoint, gUserItemSz, aTopLeft, gUserItemSz, rDevice); } } void FontNameBox::set_active_or_entry_text(const OUString& rText) { const int nFound = m_xComboBox->find_text(rText); if (nFound != -1) m_xComboBox->set_active(nFound); m_xComboBox->set_entry_text(rText); } FontStyleBox::FontStyleBox(std::unique_ptr p) : m_xComboBox(std::move(p)) { //Use the standard texts to get an optimal size and stick to that size. //That should stop the character dialog dancing around. auto nMaxLen = m_xComboBox->get_pixel_size(SvtResId(STR_SVT_STYLE_LIGHT)).Width(); nMaxLen = std::max(nMaxLen, m_xComboBox->get_pixel_size(SvtResId(STR_SVT_STYLE_LIGHT_ITALIC)).Width()); nMaxLen = std::max(nMaxLen, m_xComboBox->get_pixel_size(SvtResId(STR_SVT_STYLE_NORMAL)).Width()); nMaxLen = std::max(nMaxLen, m_xComboBox->get_pixel_size(SvtResId(STR_SVT_STYLE_NORMAL_ITALIC)).Width()); nMaxLen = std::max(nMaxLen, m_xComboBox->get_pixel_size(SvtResId(STR_SVT_STYLE_BOLD)).Width()); nMaxLen = std::max(nMaxLen, m_xComboBox->get_pixel_size(SvtResId(STR_SVT_STYLE_BOLD_ITALIC)).Width()); nMaxLen = std::max(nMaxLen, m_xComboBox->get_pixel_size(SvtResId(STR_SVT_STYLE_BLACK)).Width()); nMaxLen = std::max(nMaxLen, m_xComboBox->get_pixel_size(SvtResId(STR_SVT_STYLE_BLACK_ITALIC)).Width()); m_xComboBox->set_entry_width_chars(std::ceil(nMaxLen / m_xComboBox->get_approximate_digit_width())); } void FontStyleBox::Fill( const OUString& rName, const FontList* pList ) { m_xComboBox->freeze(); OUString aOldText = m_xComboBox->get_active_text(); int nPos = m_xComboBox->get_active(); m_xComboBox->clear(); // does a font with this name already exist? sal_Handle hFontMetric = pList->GetFirstFontMetric( rName ); if ( hFontMetric ) { OUString aStyleText; FontWeight eLastWeight = WEIGHT_DONTKNOW; FontItalic eLastItalic = ITALIC_NONE; FontWidth eLastWidth = WIDTH_DONTKNOW; bool bNormal = false; bool bItalic = false; bool bBold = false; bool bBoldItalic = false; bool bInsert = false; FontMetric aFontMetric; while ( hFontMetric ) { aFontMetric = FontList::GetFontMetric( hFontMetric ); FontWeight eWeight = aFontMetric.GetWeight(); FontItalic eItalic = aFontMetric.GetItalic(); FontWidth eWidth = aFontMetric.GetWidthType(); // Only if the attributes are different, we insert the // Font to avoid double Entries in different languages if ( (eWeight != eLastWeight) || (eItalic != eLastItalic) || (eWidth != eLastWidth) ) { if ( bInsert ) m_xComboBox->append_text(aStyleText); if ( eWeight <= WEIGHT_NORMAL ) { if ( eItalic != ITALIC_NONE ) bItalic = true; else bNormal = true; } else { if ( eItalic != ITALIC_NONE ) bBoldItalic = true; else bBold = true; } // For wrong StyleNames we replace this with the correct once aStyleText = pList->GetStyleName( aFontMetric ); bInsert = m_xComboBox->find_text(aStyleText) == -1; if ( !bInsert ) { aStyleText = pList->GetStyleName( eWeight, eItalic ); bInsert = m_xComboBox->find_text(aStyleText) == -1; } eLastWeight = eWeight; eLastItalic = eItalic; eLastWidth = eWidth; } else { if ( bInsert ) { // If we have two names for the same attributes // we prefer the translated standard names const OUString& rAttrStyleText = pList->GetStyleName( eWeight, eItalic ); if (rAttrStyleText != aStyleText) { OUString aTempStyleText = pList->GetStyleName( aFontMetric ); if (rAttrStyleText == aTempStyleText) aStyleText = rAttrStyleText; bInsert = m_xComboBox->find_text(aStyleText) == -1; } } } if ( !bItalic && (aStyleText == pList->GetItalicStr()) ) bItalic = true; else if ( !bBold && (aStyleText == pList->GetBoldStr()) ) bBold = true; else if ( !bBoldItalic && (aStyleText == pList->GetBoldItalicStr()) ) bBoldItalic = true; hFontMetric = FontList::GetNextFontMetric( hFontMetric ); } if ( bInsert ) m_xComboBox->append_text(aStyleText); // certain style as copy if ( bNormal ) { if ( !bItalic ) m_xComboBox->append_text(pList->GetItalicStr()); if ( !bBold ) m_xComboBox->append_text(pList->GetBoldStr()); } if ( !bBoldItalic ) { if ( bNormal || bItalic || bBold ) m_xComboBox->append_text(pList->GetBoldItalicStr()); } if (!aOldText.isEmpty()) { int nFound = m_xComboBox->find_text(aOldText); if (nFound != -1) m_xComboBox->set_active(nFound); else { if (nPos >= m_xComboBox->get_count()) m_xComboBox->set_active(0); else m_xComboBox->set_active(nPos); } } } else { // insert standard styles if no font m_xComboBox->append_text(pList->GetNormalStr()); m_xComboBox->append_text(pList->GetItalicStr()); m_xComboBox->append_text(pList->GetBoldStr()); m_xComboBox->append_text(pList->GetBoldItalicStr()); if (!aOldText.isEmpty()) { if (nPos >= m_xComboBox->get_count()) m_xComboBox->set_active(0); else m_xComboBox->set_active(nPos); } } m_xComboBox->thaw(); } FontSizeBox::FontSizeBox(std::unique_ptr p) : pFontList(nullptr) , nSavedValue(0) , nMin(20) , nMax(9999) , eUnit(FieldUnit::POINT) , nDecimalDigits(1) , nRelMin(0) , nRelMax(0) , nRelStep(0) , nPtRelMin(0) , nPtRelMax(0) , nPtRelStep(0) , bRelativeMode(false) , bRelative(false) , bPtRelative(false) , bStdSize(false) , m_xComboBox(std::move(p)) { m_xComboBox->set_entry_width_chars(std::ceil(m_xComboBox->get_pixel_size(format_number(105)).Width() / m_xComboBox->get_approximate_digit_width())); m_xComboBox->connect_focus_out(LINK(this, FontSizeBox, ReformatHdl)); m_xComboBox->connect_changed(LINK(this, FontSizeBox, ModifyHdl)); } void FontSizeBox::set_active_or_entry_text(const OUString& rText) { const int nFound = m_xComboBox->find_text(rText); if (nFound != -1) m_xComboBox->set_active(nFound); m_xComboBox->set_entry_text(rText); } IMPL_LINK(FontSizeBox, ReformatHdl, weld::Widget&, rWidget, void) { FontSizeNames aFontSizeNames(Application::GetSettings().GetUILanguageTag().getLanguageType()); if (!bRelativeMode || !aFontSizeNames.IsEmpty()) { if (aFontSizeNames.Name2Size(m_xComboBox->get_active_text()) != 0) return; } set_value(get_value()); m_aFocusOutHdl.Call(rWidget); } IMPL_LINK(FontSizeBox, ModifyHdl, weld::ComboBox&, rBox, void) { if (bRelativeMode) { OUString aStr = comphelper::string::stripStart(rBox.get_active_text(), ' '); bool bNewMode = bRelative; bool bOldPtRelMode = bPtRelative; if ( bRelative ) { bPtRelative = false; const sal_Unicode* pStr = aStr.getStr(); while ( *pStr ) { if ( ((*pStr < '0') || (*pStr > '9')) && (*pStr != '%') && !unicode::isSpace(*pStr) ) { if ( ('-' == *pStr || '+' == *pStr) && !bPtRelative ) bPtRelative = true; else if ( bPtRelative && 'p' == *pStr && 't' == *++pStr ) ; else { bNewMode = false; break; } } pStr++; } } else if (!aStr.isEmpty()) { if ( -1 != aStr.indexOf('%') ) { bNewMode = true; bPtRelative = false; } if ( '-' == aStr[0] || '+' == aStr[0] ) { bNewMode = true; bPtRelative = true; } } if ( bNewMode != bRelative || bPtRelative != bOldPtRelMode ) SetRelative( bNewMode ); } m_aChangeHdl.Call(rBox); } void FontSizeBox::Fill( const FontMetric* pFontMetric, const FontList* pList ) { // remember for relative mode pFontList = pList; // no font sizes need to be set for relative mode if ( bRelative ) return; // query font sizes const sal_IntPtr* pTempAry; const sal_IntPtr* pAry = nullptr; if( pFontMetric ) { aFontMetric = *pFontMetric; pAry = pList->GetSizeAry( *pFontMetric ); } else { pAry = FontList::GetStdSizeAry(); } // first insert font size names (for simplified/traditional chinese) FontSizeNames aFontSizeNames( Application::GetSettings().GetUILanguageTag().getLanguageType() ); if ( pAry == FontList::GetStdSizeAry() ) { // for standard sizes we don't need to bother if (bStdSize && m_xComboBox->get_count() && aFontSizeNames.IsEmpty()) return; bStdSize = true; } else bStdSize = false; int nSelectionStart, nSelectionEnd; m_xComboBox->get_entry_selection_bounds(nSelectionStart, nSelectionEnd); OUString aStr = m_xComboBox->get_active_text(); m_xComboBox->freeze(); m_xComboBox->clear(); int nPos = 0; if ( !aFontSizeNames.IsEmpty() ) { if ( pAry == FontList::GetStdSizeAry() ) { // for scalable fonts all font size names sal_uLong nCount = aFontSizeNames.Count(); for( sal_uLong i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { OUString aSizeName = aFontSizeNames.GetIndexName( i ); sal_IntPtr nSize = aFontSizeNames.GetIndexSize( i ); OUString sId(OUString::number(-nSize)); // mark as special m_xComboBox->insert(nPos, aSizeName, &sId, nullptr, nullptr); nPos++; } } else { // for fixed size fonts only selectable font size names pTempAry = pAry; while ( *pTempAry ) { OUString aSizeName = aFontSizeNames.Size2Name( *pTempAry ); if ( !aSizeName.isEmpty() ) { OUString sId(OUString::number(-(*pTempAry))); // mark as special m_xComboBox->insert(nPos, aSizeName, &sId, nullptr, nullptr); nPos++; } pTempAry++; } } } // then insert numerical font size values pTempAry = pAry; while (*pTempAry) { InsertValue(*pTempAry); ++pTempAry; } set_active_or_entry_text(aStr); m_xComboBox->select_entry_region(nSelectionStart, nSelectionEnd); m_xComboBox->thaw(); } void FontSizeBox::EnableRelativeMode( sal_uInt16 nNewMin, sal_uInt16 nNewMax, sal_uInt16 nStep ) { bRelativeMode = true; nRelMin = nNewMin; nRelMax = nNewMax; nRelStep = nStep; SetUnit(FieldUnit::POINT); } void FontSizeBox::EnablePtRelativeMode( short nNewMin, short nNewMax, short nStep ) { bRelativeMode = true; nPtRelMin = nNewMin; nPtRelMax = nNewMax; nPtRelStep = nStep; SetUnit(FieldUnit::POINT); } void FontSizeBox::InsertValue(int i) { OUString sNumber(OUString::number(i)); m_xComboBox->append(sNumber, format_number(i)); } void FontSizeBox::SetRelative( bool bNewRelative ) { if ( !bRelativeMode ) return; int nSelectionStart, nSelectionEnd; m_xComboBox->get_entry_selection_bounds(nSelectionStart, nSelectionEnd); OUString aStr = comphelper::string::stripStart(m_xComboBox->get_active_text(), ' '); if (bNewRelative) { bRelative = true; bStdSize = false; m_xComboBox->clear(); if (bPtRelative) { SetDecimalDigits( 1 ); SetRange(nPtRelMin, nPtRelMax); SetUnit(FieldUnit::POINT); short i = nPtRelMin, n = 0; // JP 30.06.98: more than 100 values are not useful while ( i <= nPtRelMax && n++ < 100 ) { InsertValue( i ); i = i + nPtRelStep; } } else { SetDecimalDigits(0); SetRange(nRelMin, nRelMax); SetUnit(FieldUnit::PERCENT); sal_uInt16 i = nRelMin; while ( i <= nRelMax ) { InsertValue( i ); i = i + nRelStep; } } } else { if (pFontList) m_xComboBox->clear(); bRelative = bPtRelative = false; SetDecimalDigits(1); SetRange(20, 9999); SetUnit(FieldUnit::POINT); if ( pFontList) Fill( &aFontMetric, pFontList ); } set_active_or_entry_text(aStr); m_xComboBox->select_entry_region(nSelectionStart, nSelectionEnd); } OUString FontSizeBox::format_number(int nValue) const { OUString sRet; //pawn percent off to icu to decide whether percent is separated from its number for this locale if (eUnit == FieldUnit::PERCENT) { double fValue = nValue; fValue /= weld::SpinButton::Power10(nDecimalDigits); sRet = unicode::formatPercent(fValue, Application::GetSettings().GetUILanguageTag()); } else { const SvtSysLocale aSysLocale; const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleData = aSysLocale.GetLocaleData(); sRet = rLocaleData.getNum(nValue, nDecimalDigits, true, false); if (eUnit != FieldUnit::NONE && eUnit != FieldUnit::DEGREE) sRet += " "; assert(eUnit != FieldUnit::PERCENT); sRet += weld::MetricSpinButton::MetricToString(eUnit); } if (bRelativeMode && bPtRelative && (0 <= nValue) && !sRet.isEmpty()) sRet = "+" + sRet; return sRet; } void FontSizeBox::SetValue(int nNewValue, FieldUnit eInUnit) { auto nTempValue = vcl::ConvertValue(nNewValue, 0, GetDecimalDigits(), eInUnit, GetUnit()); if (nTempValue < nMin) nTempValue = nMin; else if (nTempValue > nMax) nTempValue = nMax; if (!bRelative) { FontSizeNames aFontSizeNames(Application::GetSettings().GetUILanguageTag().getLanguageType()); // conversion loses precision; however font sizes should // never have a problem with that OUString aName = aFontSizeNames.Size2Name(nTempValue); if (!aName.isEmpty() && m_xComboBox->find_text(aName) != -1) { m_xComboBox->set_active_text(aName); return; } } OUString aResult = format_number(nTempValue); set_active_or_entry_text(aResult); } void FontSizeBox::set_value(int nNewValue) { SetValue(nNewValue, eUnit); } int FontSizeBox::get_value() const { OUString aStr = m_xComboBox->get_active_text(); if (!bRelative) { FontSizeNames aFontSizeNames(Application::GetSettings().GetUILanguageTag().getLanguageType()); auto nValue = aFontSizeNames.Name2Size(aStr); if (nValue) return vcl::ConvertValue(nValue, 0, GetDecimalDigits(), GetUnit(), GetUnit()); } const SvtSysLocale aSysLocale; const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleData = aSysLocale.GetLocaleData(); double fResult(0.0); (void)vcl::TextToValue(aStr, fResult, 0, GetDecimalDigits(), rLocaleData, GetUnit()); if (!aStr.isEmpty()) { if (fResult < nMin) fResult = nMin; else if (fResult > nMax) fResult = nMax; } return fResult; } SvxBorderLineStyle SvtLineListBox::GetSelectEntryStyle() const { if (m_xLineSet->IsNoSelection()) return SvxBorderLineStyle::NONE; auto nId = m_xLineSet->GetSelectedItemId(); return static_cast(nId - 1); } namespace { Size getPreviewSize(const weld::Widget& rControl) { return Size(rControl.get_approximate_digit_width() * 15, rControl.get_text_height()); } } void SvtLineListBox::ImpGetLine( long nLine1, long nLine2, long nDistance, Color aColor1, Color aColor2, Color aColorDist, SvxBorderLineStyle nStyle, BitmapEx& rBmp ) { Size aSize(getPreviewSize(*m_xControl)); // SourceUnit to Twips if ( eSourceUnit == FieldUnit::POINT ) { nLine1 /= 5; nLine2 /= 5; nDistance /= 5; } // Paint the lines aSize = aVirDev->PixelToLogic( aSize ); long nPix = aVirDev->PixelToLogic( Size( 0, 1 ) ).Height(); sal_uInt32 n1 = nLine1; sal_uInt32 n2 = nLine2; long nDist = nDistance; n1 += nPix-1; n1 -= n1%nPix; if ( n2 ) { nDist += nPix-1; nDist -= nDist%nPix; n2 += nPix-1; n2 -= n2%nPix; } long nVirHeight = n1+nDist+n2; if ( nVirHeight > aSize.Height() ) aSize.setHeight( nVirHeight ); // negative width should not be drawn if ( aSize.Width() <= 0 ) return; Size aVirSize = aVirDev->LogicToPixel( aSize ); if ( aVirDev->GetOutputSizePixel() != aVirSize ) aVirDev->SetOutputSizePixel( aVirSize ); aVirDev->SetFillColor( aColorDist ); aVirDev->DrawRect( tools::Rectangle( Point(), aSize ) ); aVirDev->SetFillColor( aColor1 ); double y1 = double( n1 ) / 2; svtools::DrawLine( *aVirDev, basegfx::B2DPoint( 0, y1 ), basegfx::B2DPoint( aSize.Width( ), y1 ), n1, nStyle ); if ( n2 ) { double y2 = n1 + nDist + double( n2 ) / 2; aVirDev->SetFillColor( aColor2 ); svtools::DrawLine( *aVirDev, basegfx::B2DPoint( 0, y2 ), basegfx::B2DPoint( aSize.Width(), y2 ), n2, SvxBorderLineStyle::SOLID ); } rBmp = aVirDev->GetBitmapEx( Point(), Size( aSize.Width(), n1+nDist+n2 ) ); } namespace { OUString GetLineStyleName(SvxBorderLineStyle eStyle) { OUString sRet; for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < SAL_N_ELEMENTS(RID_SVXSTR_BORDERLINE); ++i) { if (eStyle == RID_SVXSTR_BORDERLINE[i].second) { sRet = SvtResId(RID_SVXSTR_BORDERLINE[i].first); break; } } return sRet; } } SvtLineListBox::SvtLineListBox(std::unique_ptr pControl) : m_xControl(std::move(pControl)) , m_xBuilder(Application::CreateBuilder(m_xControl.get(), "svt/ui/linewindow.ui")) , m_xTopLevel(m_xBuilder->weld_widget("line_popup_window")) , m_xNoneButton(m_xBuilder->weld_button("none_line_button")) , m_xLineSet(new ValueSet(nullptr)) , m_xLineSetWin(new weld::CustomWeld(*m_xBuilder, "lineset", *m_xLineSet)) , m_nWidth( 5 ) , aVirDev(VclPtr::Create()) , aColor(COL_BLACK) , maPaintCol(COL_BLACK) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); m_xLineSet->SetStyle(WinBits(WB_FLATVALUESET | WB_NO_DIRECTSELECT | WB_TABSTOP)); m_xLineSet->SetItemHeight(rStyleSettings.GetListBoxPreviewDefaultPixelSize().Height() + 1); m_xLineSet->SetColCount(1); m_xLineSet->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SvtLineListBox, ValueSelectHdl)); m_xNoneButton->connect_clicked(LINK(this, SvtLineListBox, NoneHdl)); m_xTopLevel->connect_focus_in(LINK(this, SvtLineListBox, FocusHdl)); m_xControl->set_popover(m_xTopLevel.get()); m_xControl->connect_toggled(LINK(this, SvtLineListBox, ToggleHdl)); // lock size to these maxes height/width so it doesn't jump around in size m_xControl->set_label(GetLineStyleName(SvxBorderLineStyle::NONE)); Size aNonePrefSize = m_xControl->get_preferred_size(); m_xControl->set_label(""); aVirDev->SetOutputSizePixel(getPreviewSize(*m_xControl)); m_xControl->set_image(aVirDev); Size aSolidPrefSize = m_xControl->get_preferred_size(); m_xControl->set_size_request(std::max(aNonePrefSize.Width(), aSolidPrefSize.Width()), std::max(aNonePrefSize.Height(), aSolidPrefSize.Height())); eSourceUnit = FieldUnit::POINT; aVirDev->SetLineColor(); aVirDev->SetMapMode(MapMode(MapUnit::MapTwip)); UpdatePaintLineColor(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvtLineListBox, FocusHdl, weld::Widget&, void) { if (GetSelectEntryStyle() == SvxBorderLineStyle::NONE) m_xNoneButton->grab_focus(); else m_xLineSet->GrabFocus(); } IMPL_LINK(SvtLineListBox, ToggleHdl, weld::ToggleButton&, rButton, void) { if (rButton.get_active()) FocusHdl(*m_xTopLevel); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvtLineListBox, NoneHdl, weld::Button&, void) { SelectEntry(SvxBorderLineStyle::NONE); ValueSelectHdl(nullptr); } SvtLineListBox::~SvtLineListBox() { } sal_Int32 SvtLineListBox::GetStylePos( sal_Int32 nListPos ) { sal_Int32 nPos = -1; --nListPos; sal_Int32 n = 0; size_t i = 0; size_t nCount = m_vLineList.size(); while ( nPos == -1 && i < nCount ) { if ( nListPos == n ) nPos = static_cast(i); n++; i++; } return nPos; } void SvtLineListBox::SelectEntry(SvxBorderLineStyle nStyle) { if (nStyle == SvxBorderLineStyle::NONE) m_xLineSet->SetNoSelection(); else m_xLineSet->SelectItem(static_cast(nStyle) + 1); UpdatePreview(); } void SvtLineListBox::InsertEntry( const BorderWidthImpl& rWidthImpl, SvxBorderLineStyle nStyle, long nMinWidth, ColorFunc pColor1Fn, ColorFunc pColor2Fn, ColorDistFunc pColorDistFn ) { m_vLineList.emplace_back(new ImpLineListData( rWidthImpl, nStyle, nMinWidth, pColor1Fn, pColor2Fn, pColorDistFn)); } void SvtLineListBox::UpdatePaintLineColor() { const StyleSettings& rSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); Color aNewCol(rSettings.GetWindowColor().IsDark() ? rSettings.GetLabelTextColor() : aColor); bool bRet = aNewCol != maPaintCol; if( bRet ) maPaintCol = aNewCol; } void SvtLineListBox::UpdateEntries() { UpdatePaintLineColor( ); SvxBorderLineStyle eSelected = GetSelectEntryStyle(); // Remove the old entries m_xLineSet->Clear(); // Add the new entries based on the defined width sal_uInt16 n = 0; sal_uInt16 nCount = m_vLineList.size( ); while ( n < nCount ) { auto& pData = m_vLineList[ n ]; BitmapEx aBmp; ImpGetLine( pData->GetLine1ForWidth( m_nWidth ), pData->GetLine2ForWidth( m_nWidth ), pData->GetDistForWidth( m_nWidth ), GetColorLine1(m_xLineSet->GetItemCount()), GetColorLine2(m_xLineSet->GetItemCount()), GetColorDist(m_xLineSet->GetItemCount()), pData->GetStyle(), aBmp ); sal_Int16 nItemId = static_cast(pData->GetStyle()) + 1; m_xLineSet->InsertItem(nItemId, Image(aBmp), GetLineStyleName(pData->GetStyle())); if (pData->GetStyle() == eSelected) m_xLineSet->SelectItem(nItemId); n++; } m_xLineSet->SetOptimalSize(); } Color SvtLineListBox::GetColorLine1( sal_Int32 nPos ) { sal_Int32 nStyle = GetStylePos( nPos ); if (nStyle == -1) return GetPaintColor( ); auto& pData = m_vLineList[ nStyle ]; return pData->GetColorLine1( GetColor( ) ); } Color SvtLineListBox::GetColorLine2( sal_Int32 nPos ) { sal_Int32 nStyle = GetStylePos(nPos); if (nStyle == -1) return GetPaintColor( ); auto& pData = m_vLineList[ nStyle ]; return pData->GetColorLine2( GetColor( ) ); } Color SvtLineListBox::GetColorDist( sal_Int32 nPos ) { const StyleSettings& rSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); Color rResult = rSettings.GetFieldColor(); sal_Int32 nStyle = GetStylePos( nPos ); if (nStyle == -1) return rResult; auto& pData = m_vLineList[ nStyle ]; return pData->GetColorDist( GetColor( ), rResult ); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvtLineListBox, ValueSelectHdl, ValueSet*, void) { maSelectHdl.Call(*this); UpdatePreview(); if (m_xControl->get_active()) m_xControl->set_active(false); } void SvtLineListBox::UpdatePreview() { SvxBorderLineStyle eStyle = GetSelectEntryStyle(); for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < SAL_N_ELEMENTS(RID_SVXSTR_BORDERLINE); ++i) { if (eStyle == RID_SVXSTR_BORDERLINE[i].second) { m_xControl->set_label(SvtResId(RID_SVXSTR_BORDERLINE[i].first)); break; } } if (eStyle == SvxBorderLineStyle::NONE) { m_xControl->set_image(nullptr); m_xControl->set_label(GetLineStyleName(SvxBorderLineStyle::NONE)); } else { Image aImage(m_xLineSet->GetItemImage(m_xLineSet->GetSelectedItemId())); m_xControl->set_label(""); const auto nPos = (aVirDev->GetOutputSizePixel().Height() - aImage.GetSizePixel().Height()) / 2; aVirDev->Push(PushFlags::MAPMODE); aVirDev->SetMapMode(MapMode(MapUnit::MapPixel)); aVirDev->Erase(); aVirDev->DrawImage(Point(0, nPos), aImage); m_xControl->set_image(aVirDev.get()); aVirDev->Pop(); } } SvtCalendarBox::SvtCalendarBox(std::unique_ptr pControl) : m_xControl(std::move(pControl)) , m_xBuilder(Application::CreateBuilder(m_xControl.get(), "svt/ui/datewindow.ui")) , m_xTopLevel(m_xBuilder->weld_widget("date_popup_window")) , m_xCalendar(m_xBuilder->weld_calendar("date")) { m_xControl->set_popover(m_xTopLevel.get()); m_xCalendar->connect_selected(LINK(this, SvtCalendarBox, SelectHdl)); m_xCalendar->connect_activated(LINK(this, SvtCalendarBox, ActivateHdl)); } void SvtCalendarBox::set_date(const Date& rDate) { m_xCalendar->set_date(rDate); set_label_from_date(); } void SvtCalendarBox::set_label_from_date() { const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleData = Application::GetSettings().GetLocaleDataWrapper(); m_xControl->set_label(rLocaleData.getDate(m_xCalendar->get_date())); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvtCalendarBox, SelectHdl, weld::Calendar&, void) { set_label_from_date(); m_aSelectHdl.Call(*this); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvtCalendarBox, ActivateHdl, weld::Calendar&, void) { if (m_xControl->get_active()) m_xControl->set_active(false); m_aActivatedHdl.Call(*this); } SvtCalendarBox::~SvtCalendarBox() { } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */