/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <editeng/ulspitem.hxx>
#include <fmtclds.hxx>
#include <fmtfordr.hxx>
#include <frmfmt.hxx>
#include <frmatr.hxx>
#include <frmtool.hxx>
#include <colfrm.hxx>
#include <pagefrm.hxx>
#include <bodyfrm.hxx>
#include <rootfrm.hxx>
#include <sectfrm.hxx>
#include <calbck.hxx>
#include <ftnfrm.hxx>
#include <IDocumentState.hxx>
#include <IDocumentLayoutAccess.hxx>
#include <IDocumentUndoRedo.hxx>

SwColumnFrame::SwColumnFrame( SwFrameFormat *pFormat, SwFrame* pSib ):
    SwFootnoteBossFrame( pFormat, pSib )
    mnFrameType = SwFrameType::Column;
    SwBodyFrame* pColBody = new SwBodyFrame( pFormat->GetDoc()->GetDfltFrameFormat(), pSib );
    pColBody->InsertBehind( this, nullptr ); // ColumnFrames now with BodyFrame
    SetMaxFootnoteHeight( LONG_MAX );

void SwColumnFrame::DestroyImpl()
    SwFrameFormat *pFormat = GetFormat();
    SwDoc *pDoc;
    if ( !(pDoc = pFormat->GetDoc())->IsInDtor() && pFormat->HasOnlyOneListener() )
        //I'm the only one, delete the format.
        //Get default format before, so the base class can cope with it.
        pDoc->GetDfltFrameFormat()->Add( this );
        // tdf#134009, like #i32968# avoid SwUndoFrameFormatDelete creation,
        // the format is owned by the SwColumnFrame, see lcl_AddColumns()
        ::sw::UndoGuard const ug(pDoc->GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
        pDoc->DelFrameFormat( pFormat );



static void lcl_RemoveColumns( SwLayoutFrame *pCont, sal_uInt16 nCnt )
    OSL_ENSURE( pCont && pCont->Lower() && pCont->Lower()->IsColumnFrame(),
            "no columns to remove." );

    SwColumnFrame *pColumn = static_cast<SwColumnFrame*>(pCont->Lower());
    sw_RemoveFootnotes( pColumn, true, true );
    while ( pColumn->GetNext() )
        OSL_ENSURE( pColumn->GetNext()->IsColumnFrame(),
                "neighbor of ColumnFrame is no ColumnFrame." );
        pColumn = static_cast<SwColumnFrame*>(pColumn->GetNext());
    for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nCnt; ++i )
        SwColumnFrame *pTmp = static_cast<SwColumnFrame*>(pColumn->GetPrev());
        SwFrame::DestroyFrame(pColumn); //format is going to be destroyed in the DTor if needed.
        pColumn = pTmp;

static SwLayoutFrame * lcl_FindColumns( SwLayoutFrame *pLay, sal_uInt16 nCount )
    SwFrame *pCol = pLay->Lower();
    if ( pLay->IsPageFrame() )
        pCol = static_cast<SwPageFrame*>(pLay)->FindBodyCont()->Lower();

    if ( pCol && pCol->IsColumnFrame() )
        SwFrame *pTmp = pCol;
        sal_uInt16 i;
        for ( i = 0; pTmp; pTmp = pTmp->GetNext(), ++i )
            /* do nothing */;
        return i == nCount ? static_cast<SwLayoutFrame*>(pCol) : nullptr;
    return nullptr;

static bool lcl_AddColumns( SwLayoutFrame *pCont, sal_uInt16 nCount )
    SwDoc *pDoc = pCont->GetFormat()->GetDoc();
    const bool bMod = pDoc->getIDocumentState().IsModified();

    //Formats should be shared whenever possible. If a neighbour already has
    //the same column settings we can add them to the same format.
    //The neighbour can be searched using the format, however the owner of the
    //attribute depends on the frame type.
    SwLayoutFrame *pAttrOwner = pCont;
    if ( pCont->IsBodyFrame() )
        pAttrOwner = pCont->FindPageFrame();
    SwLayoutFrame *pNeighbourCol = nullptr;
    SwIterator<SwLayoutFrame,SwFormat> aIter( *pAttrOwner->GetFormat() );
    SwLayoutFrame *pNeighbour = aIter.First();

    sal_uInt16 nAdd = 0;
    SwFrame *pCol = pCont->Lower();
    if ( pCol && pCol->IsColumnFrame() )
        for ( nAdd = 1; pCol; pCol = pCol->GetNext(), ++nAdd )
            /* do nothing */;
    while ( pNeighbour )
        if ( nullptr != (pNeighbourCol = lcl_FindColumns( pNeighbour, nCount+nAdd )) &&
             pNeighbourCol != pCont )
        pNeighbourCol = nullptr;
        pNeighbour = aIter.Next();

    bool bRet;
    SwTwips nMax = pCont->IsPageBodyFrame() ?
                   pCont->FindPageFrame()->GetMaxFootnoteHeight() : LONG_MAX;
    if ( pNeighbourCol )
        bRet = false;
        SwFrame *pTmp = pCont->Lower();
        while ( pTmp )
            pTmp = pTmp->GetNext();
            pNeighbourCol = static_cast<SwLayoutFrame*>(pNeighbourCol->GetNext());
        for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
            SwColumnFrame *pTmpCol = new SwColumnFrame( pNeighbourCol->GetFormat(), pCont );
            pTmpCol->SetMaxFootnoteHeight( nMax );
            pTmpCol->InsertBefore( pCont, nullptr );
            pNeighbourCol = static_cast<SwLayoutFrame*>(pNeighbourCol->GetNext());
        bRet = true;
        // tdf#103359, like #i32968# Inserting columns in the section causes MakeFrameFormat to put
        // nCount objects of type SwUndoFrameFormat on the undo stack. We don't want them.
        ::sw::UndoGuard const undoGuard(pDoc->GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
        for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
            SwFrameFormat *pFormat = pDoc->MakeFrameFormat(OUString(), pDoc->GetDfltFrameFormat());
            SwColumnFrame *pTmp = new SwColumnFrame( pFormat, pCont );
            pTmp->SetMaxFootnoteHeight( nMax );
            pTmp->Paste( pCont );

    if ( !bMod )
    return bRet;

/** add or remove columns from a layoutframe.
 * Normally, a layoutframe with a column attribute of 1 or 0 columns contains
 * no columnframe. However, a sectionframe with "footnotes at the end" needs
 * a columnframe.
 * @param rOld
 * @param rNew
 * @param bChgFootnote if true, the columnframe will be inserted or removed, if necessary.
void SwLayoutFrame::ChgColumns( const SwFormatCol &rOld, const SwFormatCol &rNew,
    const bool bChgFootnote )
    if ( rOld.GetNumCols() <= 1 && rNew.GetNumCols() <= 1 && !bChgFootnote )
    // #i97379#
    // If current lower is a no text frame, then columns are not allowed
    if ( Lower() && Lower()->IsNoTextFrame() &&
         rNew.GetNumCols() > 1 )

    sal_uInt16 nNewNum, nOldNum = 1;
    if( Lower() && Lower()->IsColumnFrame() )
        SwFrame* pCol = Lower();
        while( nullptr != (pCol=pCol->GetNext()) )
    nNewNum = rNew.GetNumCols();
    if( !nNewNum )
    bool bAtEnd;
    if( IsSctFrame() )
        bAtEnd = static_cast<SwSectionFrame*>(this)->IsAnyNoteAtEnd();
        bAtEnd = false;

    //Setting the column width is only needed for new formats.
    bool bAdjustAttributes = nOldNum != rOld.GetNumCols();

    //The content is saved and restored if the column count is different.
    SwFrame *pSave = nullptr;
    if( nOldNum != nNewNum || bChgFootnote )
        SwDoc *pDoc = GetFormat()->GetDoc();
        OSL_ENSURE( pDoc, "FrameFormat doesn't return a document." );
        // SaveContent would also suck up the content of the footnote container
        // and store it within the normal text flow.
        if( IsPageBodyFrame() )
            pDoc->getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentLayout()->RemoveFootnotes( static_cast<SwPageFrame*>(GetUpper()) );
        pSave = ::SaveContent( this );

        //If columns exist, they get deleted if a column count of 0 or 1 is requested.
        if ( nNewNum == 1 && !bAtEnd )
            ::lcl_RemoveColumns( this, nOldNum );
            if ( IsBodyFrame() )
                SetFrameFormat( pDoc->GetDfltFrameFormat() );
                GetFormat()->SetFormatAttr( SwFormatFillOrder() );
            if ( pSave )
                ::RestoreContent( pSave, this, nullptr );
        if ( nOldNum == 1 )
            if ( IsBodyFrame() )
                SetFrameFormat( pDoc->GetColumnContFormat() );
                GetFormat()->SetFormatAttr( SwFormatFillOrder( ATT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT ) );
            if( !Lower() || !Lower()->IsColumnFrame() )
        if ( nOldNum > nNewNum )
            ::lcl_RemoveColumns( this, nOldNum - nNewNum );
            bAdjustAttributes = true;
        else if( nOldNum < nNewNum )
            sal_uInt16 nAdd = nNewNum - nOldNum;
            bAdjustAttributes = lcl_AddColumns( this, nAdd );

    if ( !bAdjustAttributes )
        if ( rOld.GetLineWidth()    != rNew.GetLineWidth() ||
             rOld.GetWishWidth()    != rNew.GetWishWidth() ||
             rOld.IsOrtho()         != rNew.IsOrtho() )
            bAdjustAttributes = true;
            const size_t nCount = std::min( rNew.GetColumns().size(), rOld.GetColumns().size() );
            for ( size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
                if ( !(rOld.GetColumns()[i] == rNew.GetColumns()[i]) )
                    bAdjustAttributes = true;

    //The columns can now be easily adjusted.
    AdjustColumns( &rNew, bAdjustAttributes );

    //Don't restore the content before. An earlier restore would trigger useless
    //actions during setup.
    if ( pSave )
        OSL_ENSURE( Lower() && Lower()->IsLayoutFrame() &&
                static_cast<SwLayoutFrame*>(Lower())->Lower() &&
                "no column body." );   // ColumnFrames contain BodyFrames
        ::RestoreContent( pSave, static_cast<SwLayoutFrame*>(static_cast<SwLayoutFrame*>(Lower())->Lower()), nullptr );

void SwLayoutFrame::AdjustColumns( const SwFormatCol *pAttr, bool bAdjustAttributes )
    if( !Lower()->GetNext() )
        Lower()->ChgSize( getFramePrintArea().SSize() );

    const bool bVert = IsVertical();

    SwRectFn fnRect = bVert ? ( IsVertLR() ? (IsVertLRBT() ? fnRectVertL2RB2T : fnRectVertL2R) : fnRectVert ) : fnRectHori;

    //If we have a pointer or we have to configure an attribute, we set the
    //column widths in any case. Otherwise we check if a configuration is needed.
    if ( !pAttr )
        pAttr = &GetFormat()->GetCol();
        if ( !bAdjustAttributes )
            long nAvail = (getFramePrintArea().*fnRect->fnGetWidth)();
            for ( SwLayoutFrame *pCol = static_cast<SwLayoutFrame*>(Lower());
                  pCol = static_cast<SwLayoutFrame*>(pCol->GetNext()) )
                nAvail -= (pCol->getFrameArea().*fnRect->fnGetWidth)();
            if ( !nAvail )

    //The columns can now be easily adjusted.
    //The widths get counted so we can give the reminder to the last one.
    SwTwips nAvail = (getFramePrintArea().*fnRect->fnGetWidth)();
    const bool bLine = pAttr->GetLineAdj() != COLADJ_NONE;
    const sal_uInt16 nMin = bLine ? sal_uInt16( 20 + ( pAttr->GetLineWidth() / 2) ) : 0;

    const bool bR2L = IsRightToLeft();
    SwFrame *pCol = bR2L ? GetLastLower() : Lower();

    // #i27399#
    // bOrtho means we have to adjust the column frames manually. Otherwise
    // we may use the values returned by CalcColWidth:
    const bool bOrtho = pAttr->IsOrtho() && pAttr->GetNumCols() > 0;
    long nGutter = 0;

    for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pAttr->GetNumCols() && pCol; ++i ) //i118878, value returned by GetNumCols() can't be trusted
        if( !bOrtho )
            const SwTwips nWidth = i == (pAttr->GetNumCols() - 1) ?
                                   nAvail :
                                   pAttr->CalcColWidth( i, sal_uInt16( (getFramePrintArea().*fnRect->fnGetWidth)() ) );

            const Size aColSz = bVert ?
                                Size( getFramePrintArea().Width(), nWidth ) :
                                Size( nWidth, getFramePrintArea().Height() );

            pCol->ChgSize( aColSz );

            // With this, the ColumnBodyFrames from page columns gets adjusted and
            // their bFixHeight flag is set so they won't shrink/grow.
            // Don't use the flag with frame columns because BodyFrames in frame
            // columns can grow/shrink.
            if( IsBodyFrame() )
                static_cast<SwLayoutFrame*>(pCol)->Lower()->ChgSize( aColSz );

            nAvail -= nWidth;

        if ( bOrtho || bAdjustAttributes )
            const SwColumn *pC = &pAttr->GetColumns()[i];
            const SwAttrSet* pSet = pCol->GetAttrSet();
            SvxLRSpaceItem aLR( pSet->GetLRSpace() );

            //In order to have enough space for the separation lines, we have to
            //take them into account here. Every time two columns meet we
            //calculate a clearance of 20 + half the pen width on the left or
            //right side, respectively.
            const sal_uInt16 nLeft = pC->GetLeft();
            const sal_uInt16 nRight = pC->GetRight();

            aLR.SetLeft ( nLeft );
            aLR.SetRight( nRight );

            if ( bLine )
                if ( i == 0 )
                    aLR.SetRight( std::max( nRight, nMin ) );
                else if ( i == pAttr->GetNumCols() - 1 )
                    aLR.SetLeft ( std::max( nLeft, nMin ) );
                    aLR.SetLeft ( std::max( nLeft,  nMin ) );
                    aLR.SetRight( std::max( nRight, nMin ) );

            if ( bAdjustAttributes )
                SvxULSpaceItem aUL( pSet->GetULSpace() );

                static_cast<SwLayoutFrame*>(pCol)->GetFormat()->SetFormatAttr( aLR );
                static_cast<SwLayoutFrame*>(pCol)->GetFormat()->SetFormatAttr( aUL );

            nGutter += aLR.GetLeft() + aLR.GetRight();

        pCol = bR2L ? pCol->GetPrev() : pCol->GetNext();

    if( bOrtho )
        long nInnerWidth = ( nAvail - nGutter ) / pAttr->GetNumCols();
        pCol = Lower();
        for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pAttr->GetNumCols() && pCol; pCol = pCol->GetNext(), ++i ) //i118878, value returned by GetNumCols() can't be trusted
            SwTwips nWidth;
            if ( i == pAttr->GetNumCols() - 1 )
                nWidth = nAvail;
                SvxLRSpaceItem aLR( pCol->GetAttrSet()->GetLRSpace() );
                nWidth = nInnerWidth + aLR.GetLeft() + aLR.GetRight();
            if( nWidth < 0 )
                nWidth = 0;

            const Size aColSz = bVert ?
                                Size( getFramePrintArea().Width(), nWidth ) :
                                Size( nWidth, getFramePrintArea().Height() );

            pCol->ChgSize( aColSz );

            if( IsBodyFrame() )
                static_cast<SwLayoutFrame*>(pCol)->Lower()->ChgSize( aColSz );

            nAvail -= nWidth;

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