/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <unotools/fontoptions.hxx>
#include <unotools/configitem.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>

#include <rtl/instance.hxx>
#include "itemholder1.hxx"

using namespace ::utl;
using namespace ::osl;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;

#define ROOTNODE_FONT                       "Office.Common/Font"

#define PROPERTYNAME_REPLACEMENTTABLE       "Substitution/Replacement"
#define PROPERTYNAME_FONTHISTORY            "View/History"
#define PROPERTYNAME_FONTWYSIWYG            "View/ShowFontBoxWYSIWYG"


class SvtFontOptions_Impl : public ConfigItem

        virtual ~SvtFontOptions_Impl() override;

            @short      called for notify of configmanager
            @descr      This method is called from the ConfigManager before the application ends or from the
                        PropertyChangeListener if the sub tree broadcasts changes. You must update your
                        internal values.

            @seealso    baseclass ConfigItem

            @param      "seqPropertyNames" is the list of properties which should be updated.

        virtual void Notify( const Sequence< OUString >& seqPropertyNames ) override;

            @short      access method to get internal values
            @descr      These method give us a chance to regulate access to our internal values.
                        It's not used in the moment - but it's possible for the feature!

        bool    IsFontHistoryEnabled        (                   ) const { return m_bFontHistory;}

        bool    IsFontWYSIWYGEnabled        (                   ) const { return m_bFontWYSIWYG;}
        void        EnableFontWYSIWYG           ( bool bState   );


        virtual void ImplCommit() override;

            @short      return list of key names of our configuration management which represent our module tree
            @descr      This method returns a static const list of key names. We need it to get needed values from our
                        configuration management.
            @return     A list of needed configuration keys is returned.

        static Sequence< OUString > impl_GetPropertyNames();


        bool        m_bReplacementTable;
        bool        m_bFontHistory;
        bool        m_bFontWYSIWYG;

//  constructor

    // Init baseclasses first
    :   ConfigItem          ( ROOTNODE_FONT )
    // Init member then.
    ,   m_bReplacementTable ( false     )
    ,   m_bFontHistory      ( false     )
    ,   m_bFontWYSIWYG      ( false     )
    // Use our static list of configuration keys to get his values.
    Sequence< OUString >    seqNames    = impl_GetPropertyNames (           );
    Sequence< Any >         seqValues   = GetProperties         ( seqNames  );

    // Safe impossible cases.
    // We need values from ALL configuration keys.
    // Follow assignment use order of values in relation to our list of key names!
    DBG_ASSERT( !(seqNames.getLength()!=seqValues.getLength()), "SvtFontOptions_Impl::SvtFontOptions_Impl()\nI miss some values of configuration keys!\n" );

    // Copy values from list in right order to our internal member.
    sal_Int32 nPropertyCount = seqValues.getLength();
    for( sal_Int32 nProperty=0; nProperty<nPropertyCount; ++nProperty )
        // Safe impossible cases.
        // Check any for valid value.
        DBG_ASSERT( seqValues[nProperty].hasValue(), "SvtFontOptions_Impl::SvtFontOptions_Impl()\nInvalid property value detected!\n" );
        switch( nProperty )
                                                            DBG_ASSERT(!(seqValues[nProperty].getValueTypeClass()!=TypeClass_BOOLEAN), "SvtFontOptions_Impl::SvtFontOptions_Impl()\nWho has changed the value type of \"Office.Common\\Font\\Substitution\\Replacement\"?" );
                                                            seqValues[nProperty] >>= m_bReplacementTable;
            case PROPERTYHANDLE_FONTHISTORY         :   {
                                                            DBG_ASSERT(!(seqValues[nProperty].getValueTypeClass()!=TypeClass_BOOLEAN), "SvtFontOptions_Impl::SvtFontOptions_Impl()\nWho has changed the value type of \"Office.Common\\Font\\View\\History\"?" );
                                                            seqValues[nProperty] >>= m_bFontHistory;
            case PROPERTYHANDLE_FONTWYSIWYG         :   {
                                                            DBG_ASSERT(!(seqValues[nProperty].getValueTypeClass()!=TypeClass_BOOLEAN), "SvtFontOptions_Impl::SvtFontOptions_Impl()\nWho has changed the value type of \"Office.Common\\Font\\View\\ShowFontBoxWYSIWYG\"?" );
                                                            seqValues[nProperty] >>= m_bFontWYSIWYG;

    // Enable notification mechanism of our baseclass.
    // We need it to get information about changes outside these class on our used configuration keys!
    EnableNotification( seqNames );

//  destructor

    assert(!IsModified()); // should have been committed

//  public method

void SvtFontOptions_Impl::Notify( const Sequence< OUString >& seqPropertyNames )
    // Use given list of updated properties to get his values from configuration directly!
    Sequence< Any > seqValues = GetProperties( seqPropertyNames );
    // Safe impossible cases.
    // We need values from ALL notified configuration keys.
    DBG_ASSERT( !(seqPropertyNames.getLength()!=seqValues.getLength()), "SvtFontOptions_Impl::Notify()\nI miss some values of configuration keys!\n" );
    // Step over list of property names and get right value from coreesponding value list to set it on internal members!
    sal_Int32 nCount = seqPropertyNames.getLength();
    for( sal_Int32 nProperty=0; nProperty<nCount; ++nProperty )
        if( seqPropertyNames[nProperty] == PROPERTYNAME_REPLACEMENTTABLE )
            DBG_ASSERT(!(seqValues[nProperty].getValueTypeClass()!=TypeClass_BOOLEAN), "SvtFontOptions_Impl::Notify()\nWho has changed the value type of \"Office.Common\\Font\\Substitution\\Replacement\"?" );
            seqValues[nProperty] >>= m_bReplacementTable;
        if( seqPropertyNames[nProperty] == PROPERTYNAME_FONTHISTORY )
            DBG_ASSERT(!(seqValues[nProperty].getValueTypeClass()!=TypeClass_BOOLEAN), "SvtFontOptions_Impl::Notify()\nWho has changed the value type of \"Office.Common\\Font\\View\\History\"?" );
            seqValues[nProperty] >>= m_bFontHistory;
        if( seqPropertyNames[nProperty] == PROPERTYNAME_FONTWYSIWYG )
            DBG_ASSERT(!(seqValues[nProperty].getValueTypeClass()!=TypeClass_BOOLEAN), "SvtFontOptions_Impl::Notify()\nWho has changed the value type of \"Office.Common\\Font\\View\\ShowFontBoxWYSIWYG\"?" );
            seqValues[nProperty] >>= m_bFontWYSIWYG;
        else assert(false && "Unknown property detected ... I can't handle these!");

//  public method

void SvtFontOptions_Impl::ImplCommit()
    // Get names of supported properties, create a list for values and copy current values to it.
    Sequence< OUString >    seqNames    = impl_GetPropertyNames();
    sal_Int32               nCount      = seqNames.getLength();
    Sequence< Any >         seqValues   ( nCount );
    for( sal_Int32 nProperty=0; nProperty<nCount; ++nProperty )
        switch( nProperty )
                                                            seqValues[nProperty] <<= m_bReplacementTable;
            case PROPERTYHANDLE_FONTHISTORY         :   {
                                                            seqValues[nProperty] <<= m_bFontHistory;
            case PROPERTYHANDLE_FONTWYSIWYG         :   {
                                                            seqValues[nProperty] <<= m_bFontWYSIWYG;
    // Set properties in configuration.
    PutProperties( seqNames, seqValues );

//  public method

void SvtFontOptions_Impl::EnableFontWYSIWYG( bool bState )
    m_bFontWYSIWYG = bState;

//  private method

Sequence< OUString > SvtFontOptions_Impl::impl_GetPropertyNames()
    return Sequence< OUString >

namespace {

std::weak_ptr<SvtFontOptions_Impl> g_pFontOptions;


    // Global access, must be guarded (multithreading!).
    MutexGuard aGuard( impl_GetOwnStaticMutex() );

    m_pImpl = g_pFontOptions.lock();
    if( !m_pImpl )
        m_pImpl = std::make_shared<SvtFontOptions_Impl>();
        g_pFontOptions = m_pImpl;

    // Global access, must be guarded (multithreading!)
    MutexGuard aGuard( impl_GetOwnStaticMutex() );


//  public method

bool SvtFontOptions::IsFontHistoryEnabled() const
    MutexGuard aGuard( impl_GetOwnStaticMutex() );
    return m_pImpl->IsFontHistoryEnabled();

//  public method

bool SvtFontOptions::IsFontWYSIWYGEnabled() const
    MutexGuard aGuard( impl_GetOwnStaticMutex() );
    return m_pImpl->IsFontWYSIWYGEnabled();

//  public method

void SvtFontOptions::EnableFontWYSIWYG( bool bState )
    MutexGuard aGuard( impl_GetOwnStaticMutex() );
    m_pImpl->EnableFontWYSIWYG( bState );

    class theFontOptionsMutex : public rtl::Static<osl::Mutex, theFontOptionsMutex> {};

//  private method

Mutex& SvtFontOptions::impl_GetOwnStaticMutex()
    return theFontOptionsMutex::get();

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