PO4A-HEADER:mode=after;position=^\.SH "SEE ALSO";beginboundary=^\.SH .SH TRANSLATOR(S) This manpage has been translated by TRANSLATOR NAME on TRANSLATION DATE. If you find any mistake in this translation, please send an e-mail to the translator or to the .nh <\fIdebian\-l10n\-LANGUAGE@lists.debian.org\fR>, .hy mailing-list. # Note to translators: # Please translate this text in a file called translator_language.add # The addendum MUST use the same encoding as your po file # Feel free to adapt the text at your convenience. # Do not forget to translate "SEE ALSO" and "TRANSLATOR(S)" # The "SEE ALSO" part in the header must be *exactly* the same translation # as the one in your xx.po file. # Do not include this comment in your addendum (i.e. all lines starting # with a #). # See po4a(7) for further information.