path: root/alpine
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
4 files changed, 957 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/alpine/.editorconfig b/alpine/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72e197b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpine/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+; This file is for unifying the coding style for different editors and IDEs.
+; Plugins are available for notepad++, emacs, vim, gedit,
+; textmate, visual studio, and more.
+; See for details.
+# Top-most EditorConfig file.
+root = true
+indent_style = tab
+end_of_line = lf
+insert_final_newline = true
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
diff --git a/alpine/APKBUILD b/alpine/APKBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b0b2664b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpine/APKBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+# Contributor: John Coyle <>
+# Maintainer: John Coyle <>
+pkgdesc="Ceph is a distributed object store and file system"
+license="LGPL-2.1 and CC-BY-SA-1.0 and GPL-2.0 and BSL-1.0 and \
+GPL-2.0-with-autoconf-exception and BSD-3-Clause and MIT"
+depends="ceph-osd ceph-mds ceph-mgr ceph-mon"
+# grep --quiet option required
+# diffutils -y option required by
+# util-linux uuidgen required
+ acl-dev
+ argp-standalone
+ bc
+ boost-dev
+ btrfs-progs
+ bzip2-dev
+ cmake
+ coreutils
+ cryptsetup
+ curl-dev
+ cython-dev
+ diffutils
+ eudev-dev
+ expat-dev
+ fcgi-dev
+ flex
+ fuse-dev
+ git
+ grep
+ jq
+ keyutils-dev
+ leveldb-dev
+ libaio-dev
+ libedit-dev
+ libressl-dev
+ libtirpc-dev
+ libtool
+ libxml2-dev
+ linux-headers
+ lvm2-dev
+ nss-dev
+ openldap-dev
+ krb5-dev
+ parted
+ procps
+ python-dev
+ py-pip
+ py-nose
+ py-sphinx
+ py-virtualenv
+ readline-dev
+ rpcgen
+ snappy-dev
+ userspace-rcu-dev
+ util-linux
+ xfsprogs-dev
+ xmlstarlet
+ yasm
+ $pkgname-base
+ $pkgname-common
+ $pkgname-mds
+ $pkgname-mgr
+ $pkgname-mon
+ $pkgname-fuse:ceph_fuse
+ $pkgname-radosgw
+ $pkgname-osd
+ $pkgname-doc
+ $pkgname-bash-completion:bash_completion
+ rbd-fuse:rbd_fuse
+ rbd-mirror:rbd_mirror
+ rbd-nbd:rbd_nbd
+ librbd
+ librbd-dev:librbd_dev
+ libcephfs
+ libcephfs-dev:libcephfs_dev
+ librados
+ librados-dev:librados_dev
+ librgw
+ librgw-dev:librgw_dev
+ py-rados:py_rados
+ py-rgw:py_rgw
+ libradosstriper
+ libradosstriper-dev:libradosstriper_dev
+ py-rbd:py_rbd
+ py-cephfs:py_cephfs
+if [ -n "$CEPH_TEST_PKG" ]; then
+ subpackages="$subpackages $pkgname-test:ceph_test"
+build() {
+ export CEPH_BUILD_VIRTUALENV=$builddir
+ mkdir -p $builddir/build
+ cd $builddir/build
+ if [ -n "$MAKE_CHECK" ] || [ -n "$CEPH_TEST_PKG" ]; then
+ local _with_tests=ON
+ fi
+ cmake .. \
+ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR=$_docdir/ceph \
+ -DWITH_TESTS=${_with_tests:-OFF} \
+ || return 1
+ make -j${JOBS:-2} || return 1
+ if [ -n "$MAKE_CHECK" ]; then
+ ctest -j${JOBS:-2}
+ fi
+package() {
+ cd $builddir/build
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install || return 1
+ cd ..
+ rm -f $pkgdir$_sysconfdir/init.d/ceph
+ install -m 0644 -D src/etc-rbdmap $pkgdir$_sysconfdir/ceph/rbdmap \
+ || return 1
+ install -m 0644 -D src/logrotate.conf $pkgdir$_sysconfdir/logrotate.d/ceph \
+ || return 1
+ chmod 0644 $pkgdir$_docdir/ceph/sample.ceph.conf || return 1
+ # udev rules
+ install -m 0644 -D udev/50-rbd.rules $pkgdir$_udevrulesdir/50-rbd.rules || return 1
+base() {
+ pkgdesc="Base is the package that includes all the files shared amongst ceph servers"
+ depends="
+ ceph-common
+ cryptsetup
+ librbd
+ librados
+ libcephfs
+ librgw
+ logrotate
+ py-requests
+ py-setuptools
+ util-linux
+ xfsprogs
+ "
+ _pkg $_bindir crushtool monmaptool osdmaptool ceph-run
+ _pkg $_sbindir ceph-create-keys mount.ceph
+ _pkg $_libexecdir/ceph
+ _pkg $_libdir/rados-classes *.so*
+ _pkg $_libdir/ceph/erasure-code libec_*.so*
+ _pkg $_libdir/ceph/compressor libceph_*.so*
+ _pkg $_sysconfdir/logrotate.d ceph
+ for dir in tmp bootstrap-osd bootstrap-mds bootstrap-rgw; do
+ install -m 750 -o $_ceph_uid -g $_ceph_gid -d \
+ $subpkgdir$_localstatedir/lib/ceph/$dir || return 1
+ done
+common() {
+ pkgdesc="Common utilities to mount and interact with a ceph storage cluster."
+ depends="py-rados py-rbd py-cephfs"
+ install="$pkgname-common.pre-install"
+ _pkg $_bindir ceph \
+ ceph-authtool \
+ ceph-conf \
+ ceph-dencoder \
+ ceph-rbdnamer \
+ ceph-syn \
+ cephfs-data-scan \
+ cephfs-journal-tool \
+ cephfs-table-tool \
+ rados \
+ rbd \
+ rbd-replay \
+ rbd-replay-many \
+ rbdmap \
+ ceph-post-file \
+ ceph-brag
+ _pkg $_datadir/ceph \
+ _pkg $_sysconfdir/ceph rbdmap
+ _pkg $_python_sitelib**
+ _pkg $_udevrulesdir 50-rbd.rules
+ install -m 3770 -o $_ceph_uid -g $_ceph_gid -d \
+ $subpkgdir$_localstatedir/log/ceph || return 1
+ install -m 750 -o $_ceph_uid -g $_ceph_gid -d \
+ $subpkgdir$_localstatedir/lib/ceph
+mds() {
+ pkgdesc="Metadata server daemon for the Ceph distributed file system."
+ depends="ceph-base"
+ _pkg $_bindir ceph-mds
+ install -m 750 -o $_ceph_uid -g $_ceph_gid -d \
+ $subpkgdir$_localstatedir/lib/ceph/mds
+mon() {
+ pkgdesc="Cluster monitor daemon for the Ceph distributed file system."
+ depends="ceph-base"
+ _pkg $_bindir ceph-mon ceph-rest-api
+ _pkg $_python_sitelib*
+ install -m 750 -o $_ceph_uid -g $_ceph_gid -d \
+ $subpkgdir$_localstatedir/lib/ceph/mon
+ceph_fuse() {
+ pkgdesc="FUSE based client for Ceph distributed network file system."
+ _pkg $_bindir ceph-fuse
+ _pkg $_sbindir mount.fuse.ceph
+rbd_fuse() {
+ pkgdesc="FUSE based client to map Ceph rbd images to files."
+ depends="librados librbd"
+ _pkg $_bindir rbd-fuse
+rbd_mirror() {
+ pkgdesc="Daemon for mirroring RBD images between Ceph clusters."
+ depends="ceph-common librados"
+ _pkg $_bindir rbd-mirror
+rbd_nbd() {
+ pkgdesc="NBD based client to map Ceph rbd images to local device."
+ depends="librbd librados"
+ _pkg $_bindir rbd-nbd
+radosgw() {
+ pkgdesc="Rados REST gateway which implements Amazon's S3 and OpenStack's Swift APIs."
+ depends="ceph-common"
+ _pkg $_bindir radosgw radosgw-admin radosgw-token radosgw-es radosgw-object-expirer
+ mkdir -p $subpkgdir$_localstatedir/lib/ceph/radosgw
+osd() {
+ pkgdesc="Object storage daemon for the Ceph distributed file system."
+ depends="ceph-base parted gptfdisk"
+ _pkg $_bindir ceph-clsinfo ceph-bluefs-tool ceph-objectstore-tool ceph-osd
+ _pkg $_sbindir ceph-volume
+ _pkg $_libexecdir/ceph
+ install -m 750 -o $_ceph_uid -g $_ceph_gid -d \
+ $subpkgdir$_localstatedir/lib/ceph/osd
+librados() {
+ pkgdesc="RADOS distributed object store client library"
+ _pkg $_libdir*
+librados_dev() {
+ pkgdesc="RADOS distributed object store client library headers"
+ depends="librados"
+ _pkg $_includedir/rados librados.h \
+ librados.hpp \
+ buffer.h \
+ buffer_fwd.h \
+ inline_memory.h \
+ page.h \
+ crc32c.h \
+ rados_types.h \
+ rados_types.hpp
+ _pkg $_libdir
+ _pkg $_bindir librados-config
+librgw() {
+ pkgdesc="RADOS gateway client library"
+ depends="librados"
+ _pkg $_libdir*
+librgw_dev() {
+ pkgdesc="RADOS gateway client library headers"
+ depends="librados"
+ _pkg $_includedir/rados librgw.h rgw_file.h
+ _pkg $_libdir
+py_rgw() {
+ pkgdesc="Python 2 libraries for the RADOS gateway"
+ depends="librgw py-rados"
+ _pkg $_python_sitelib rgw-*.egg-info
+py_rados() {
+ pkgdesc="Python libraries for the RADOS object store"
+ depends="librados"
+ _pkg $_python_sitelib rados-*.egg-info
+libradosstriper() {
+ pkgdesc="RADOS striping library"
+ depends="librados"
+ _pkg $_libdir*
+libradosstriper_dev() {
+ pkgdesc="RADOS striping library headers"
+ depends="libradosstriper librados-dev"
+ _pkg $_includedir/radosstriper libradosstriper.h libradosstriper.hpp
+ _pkg $_libdir
+librbd() {
+ pkgdesc="RADOS block device client library"
+ depends="librados"
+ _pkg $_libdir*
+librbd_dev() {
+ pkgdesc="RADOS block device client library headers"
+ depends="librbd librados-dev"
+ _pkg $_includedir/rbd features.h librbd.h librbd.hpp
+ _pkg $_libdir
+py_rbd() {
+ pkgdesc="Python libraries for the RADOS block device"
+ depends="librbd py-rados"
+ _pkg $_python_sitelib rbd-*.egg-info
+libcephfs() {
+ pkgdesc="Ceph distributed file system client library"
+ _pkg $_libdir*
+libcephfs_dev() {
+ pkgdesc="Ceph distributed file system client library headers"
+ depends="libcephfs librados-devel"
+ _pkg $_includedir/cephfs ceph_ll_client.h libcephfs.h
+ _pkg $_libdir
+py_cephfs() {
+ pkgdesc="Python libraries for Ceph distributed file system"
+ depends="libcephfs py-rados"
+ _pkg $_python_sitelib cephfs-*.egg-info*
+ceph_test() {
+ pkgdesc="Ceph benchmarks and test tools"
+ depends="ceph-common xmlstarlet"
+ _pkg $_bindir ceph-client-debug \
+ ceph_bench_log \
+ ceph_kvstorebench \
+ ceph_multi_stress_watch \
+ ceph_erasure_code \
+ ceph_erasure_code_benchmark \
+ ceph_omapbench \
+ ceph_objectstore_bench \
+ ceph_perf_objectstore \
+ ceph_perf_local \
+ ceph_perf_msgr_client \
+ ceph_perf_msgr_server \
+ ceph_psim \
+ ceph_radosacl \
+ ceph_rgw_jsonparser \
+ ceph_rgw_multiparser \
+ ceph_scratchtool \
+ ceph_scratchtoolpp \
+ ceph_test_* \
+ ceph-coverage \
+ ceph-monstore-tool \
+ ceph-osdomap-tool \
+ ceph-kvstore-tool \
+ ceph-debugpack \
+ cephdeduptool
+ _pkg $_libdir ceph/
+bash_completion() {
+ depends="bash-completion"
+ pkgdesc="Bash completions for Ceph"
+ _pkg $_sysconfdir/bash_completion.d ceph rados radosgw-admin rbd
+mgr() {
+ pkgdesc="Ceph Manager Daemon"
+ depends="ceph-base"
+ _pkg $_bindir ceph-mgr
+ _pkg $_libdir/ceph mgr
+ install -m 750 -o $_ceph_uid -g $_ceph_gid -d \
+ $subpkgdir$_localstatedir/lib/ceph/mgr
+_pkg() {
+ local path=$1
+ shift
+ local files=$@
+ mkdir -p $subpkgdir$path || exit 1
+ for _file in $files; do
+ mv $pkgdir$path/$_file $subpkgdir$path || exit 1
+ done
diff --git a/alpine/ b/alpine/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1fcd986c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpine/
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+# Contributor: John Coyle <>
+# Maintainer: John Coyle <>
+pkgdesc="Ceph is a distributed object store and file system"
+license="LGPL-2.1 and CC-BY-SA-1.0 and GPL-2.0 and BSL-1.0 and \
+GPL-2.0-with-autoconf-exception and BSD-3-Clause and MIT"
+depends="ceph-osd ceph-mds ceph-mgr ceph-mon"
+# grep --quiet option required
+# diffutils -y option required by
+# util-linux uuidgen required
+ acl-dev
+ argp-standalone
+ bc
+ boost-dev
+ btrfs-progs
+ bzip2-dev
+ cmake
+ coreutils
+ cryptsetup
+ curl-dev
+ cython-dev
+ diffutils
+ eudev-dev
+ expat-dev
+ fcgi-dev
+ flex
+ fuse-dev
+ git
+ grep
+ jq
+ keyutils-dev
+ leveldb-dev
+ libaio-dev
+ libedit-dev
+ libressl-dev
+ libtirpc-dev
+ libtool
+ libxml2-dev
+ linux-headers
+ lvm2-dev
+ nss-dev
+ openldap-dev
+ krb5-dev
+ parted
+ procps
+ python-dev
+ py-pip
+ py-nose
+ py-sphinx
+ py-virtualenv
+ readline-dev
+ rpcgen
+ snappy-dev
+ userspace-rcu-dev
+ util-linux
+ xfsprogs-dev
+ xmlstarlet
+ yasm
+ $pkgname-base
+ $pkgname-common
+ $pkgname-mds
+ $pkgname-mgr
+ $pkgname-mon
+ $pkgname-fuse:ceph_fuse
+ $pkgname-radosgw
+ $pkgname-osd
+ $pkgname-doc
+ $pkgname-bash-completion:bash_completion
+ rbd-fuse:rbd_fuse
+ rbd-mirror:rbd_mirror
+ rbd-nbd:rbd_nbd
+ librbd
+ librbd-dev:librbd_dev
+ libcephfs
+ libcephfs-dev:libcephfs_dev
+ librados
+ librados-dev:librados_dev
+ librgw
+ librgw-dev:librgw_dev
+ py-rados:py_rados
+ py-rgw:py_rgw
+ libradosstriper
+ libradosstriper-dev:libradosstriper_dev
+ py-rbd:py_rbd
+ py-cephfs:py_cephfs
+if [ -n "$CEPH_TEST_PKG" ]; then
+ subpackages="$subpackages $pkgname-test:ceph_test"
+build() {
+ export CEPH_BUILD_VIRTUALENV=$builddir
+ mkdir -p $builddir/build
+ cd $builddir/build
+ if [ -n "$MAKE_CHECK" ] || [ -n "$CEPH_TEST_PKG" ]; then
+ local _with_tests=ON
+ fi
+ cmake .. \
+ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR=$_docdir/ceph \
+ -DWITH_TESTS=${_with_tests:-OFF} \
+ || return 1
+ make -j${JOBS:-2} || return 1
+ if [ -n "$MAKE_CHECK" ]; then
+ ctest -j${JOBS:-2}
+ fi
+package() {
+ cd $builddir/build
+ make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install || return 1
+ cd ..
+ rm -f $pkgdir$_sysconfdir/init.d/ceph
+ install -m 0644 -D src/etc-rbdmap $pkgdir$_sysconfdir/ceph/rbdmap \
+ || return 1
+ install -m 0644 -D src/logrotate.conf $pkgdir$_sysconfdir/logrotate.d/ceph \
+ || return 1
+ chmod 0644 $pkgdir$_docdir/ceph/sample.ceph.conf || return 1
+ # udev rules
+ install -m 0644 -D udev/50-rbd.rules $pkgdir$_udevrulesdir/50-rbd.rules || return 1
+base() {
+ pkgdesc="Base is the package that includes all the files shared amongst ceph servers"
+ depends="
+ ceph-common
+ cryptsetup
+ librbd
+ librados
+ libcephfs
+ librgw
+ logrotate
+ py-requests
+ py-setuptools
+ util-linux
+ xfsprogs
+ "
+ _pkg $_bindir crushtool monmaptool osdmaptool ceph-run
+ _pkg $_sbindir ceph-create-keys mount.ceph
+ _pkg $_libexecdir/ceph
+ _pkg $_libdir/rados-classes *.so*
+ _pkg $_libdir/ceph/erasure-code libec_*.so*
+ _pkg $_libdir/ceph/compressor libceph_*.so*
+ _pkg $_sysconfdir/logrotate.d ceph
+ for dir in tmp bootstrap-osd bootstrap-mds bootstrap-rgw; do
+ install -m 750 -o $_ceph_uid -g $_ceph_gid -d \
+ $subpkgdir$_localstatedir/lib/ceph/$dir || return 1
+ done
+common() {
+ pkgdesc="Common utilities to mount and interact with a ceph storage cluster."
+ depends="py-rados py-rbd py-cephfs"
+ install="$pkgname-common.pre-install"
+ _pkg $_bindir ceph \
+ ceph-authtool \
+ ceph-conf \
+ ceph-dencoder \
+ ceph-rbdnamer \
+ ceph-syn \
+ cephfs-data-scan \
+ cephfs-journal-tool \
+ cephfs-table-tool \
+ rados \
+ rbd \
+ rbd-replay \
+ rbd-replay-many \
+ rbdmap \
+ ceph-post-file \
+ ceph-brag
+ _pkg $_datadir/ceph \
+ _pkg $_sysconfdir/ceph rbdmap
+ _pkg $_python_sitelib**
+ _pkg $_udevrulesdir 50-rbd.rules
+ install -m 3770 -o $_ceph_uid -g $_ceph_gid -d \
+ $subpkgdir$_localstatedir/log/ceph || return 1
+ install -m 750 -o $_ceph_uid -g $_ceph_gid -d \
+ $subpkgdir$_localstatedir/lib/ceph
+mds() {
+ pkgdesc="Metadata server daemon for the Ceph distributed file system."
+ depends="ceph-base"
+ _pkg $_bindir ceph-mds
+ install -m 750 -o $_ceph_uid -g $_ceph_gid -d \
+ $subpkgdir$_localstatedir/lib/ceph/mds
+mon() {
+ pkgdesc="Cluster monitor daemon for the Ceph distributed file system."
+ depends="ceph-base"
+ _pkg $_bindir ceph-mon ceph-rest-api
+ _pkg $_python_sitelib*
+ install -m 750 -o $_ceph_uid -g $_ceph_gid -d \
+ $subpkgdir$_localstatedir/lib/ceph/mon
+ceph_fuse() {
+ pkgdesc="FUSE based client for Ceph distributed network file system."
+ _pkg $_bindir ceph-fuse
+ _pkg $_sbindir mount.fuse.ceph
+rbd_fuse() {
+ pkgdesc="FUSE based client to map Ceph rbd images to files."
+ depends="librados librbd"
+ _pkg $_bindir rbd-fuse
+rbd_mirror() {
+ pkgdesc="Daemon for mirroring RBD images between Ceph clusters."
+ depends="ceph-common librados"
+ _pkg $_bindir rbd-mirror
+rbd_nbd() {
+ pkgdesc="NBD based client to map Ceph rbd images to local device."
+ depends="librbd librados"
+ _pkg $_bindir rbd-nbd
+radosgw() {
+ pkgdesc="Rados REST gateway which implements Amazon's S3 and OpenStack's Swift APIs."
+ depends="ceph-common"
+ _pkg $_bindir radosgw radosgw-admin radosgw-token radosgw-es radosgw-object-expirer
+ mkdir -p $subpkgdir$_localstatedir/lib/ceph/radosgw
+osd() {
+ pkgdesc="Object storage daemon for the Ceph distributed file system."
+ depends="ceph-base parted gptfdisk"
+ _pkg $_bindir ceph-clsinfo ceph-bluefs-tool ceph-objectstore-tool ceph-osd
+ _pkg $_sbindir ceph-volume
+ _pkg $_libexecdir/ceph
+ install -m 750 -o $_ceph_uid -g $_ceph_gid -d \
+ $subpkgdir$_localstatedir/lib/ceph/osd
+librados() {
+ pkgdesc="RADOS distributed object store client library"
+ _pkg $_libdir*
+librados_dev() {
+ pkgdesc="RADOS distributed object store client library headers"
+ depends="librados"
+ _pkg $_includedir/rados librados.h \
+ librados.hpp \
+ buffer.h \
+ buffer_fwd.h \
+ inline_memory.h \
+ page.h \
+ crc32c.h \
+ rados_types.h \
+ rados_types.hpp
+ _pkg $_libdir
+ _pkg $_bindir librados-config
+librgw() {
+ pkgdesc="RADOS gateway client library"
+ depends="librados"
+ _pkg $_libdir*
+librgw_dev() {
+ pkgdesc="RADOS gateway client library headers"
+ depends="librados"
+ _pkg $_includedir/rados librgw.h rgw_file.h
+ _pkg $_libdir
+py_rgw() {
+ pkgdesc="Python 2 libraries for the RADOS gateway"
+ depends="librgw py-rados"
+ _pkg $_python_sitelib rgw-*.egg-info
+py_rados() {
+ pkgdesc="Python libraries for the RADOS object store"
+ depends="librados"
+ _pkg $_python_sitelib rados-*.egg-info
+libradosstriper() {
+ pkgdesc="RADOS striping library"
+ depends="librados"
+ _pkg $_libdir*
+libradosstriper_dev() {
+ pkgdesc="RADOS striping library headers"
+ depends="libradosstriper librados-dev"
+ _pkg $_includedir/radosstriper libradosstriper.h libradosstriper.hpp
+ _pkg $_libdir
+librbd() {
+ pkgdesc="RADOS block device client library"
+ depends="librados"
+ _pkg $_libdir*
+librbd_dev() {
+ pkgdesc="RADOS block device client library headers"
+ depends="librbd librados-dev"
+ _pkg $_includedir/rbd features.h librbd.h librbd.hpp
+ _pkg $_libdir
+py_rbd() {
+ pkgdesc="Python libraries for the RADOS block device"
+ depends="librbd py-rados"
+ _pkg $_python_sitelib rbd-*.egg-info
+libcephfs() {
+ pkgdesc="Ceph distributed file system client library"
+ _pkg $_libdir*
+libcephfs_dev() {
+ pkgdesc="Ceph distributed file system client library headers"
+ depends="libcephfs librados-devel"
+ _pkg $_includedir/cephfs ceph_ll_client.h libcephfs.h
+ _pkg $_libdir
+py_cephfs() {
+ pkgdesc="Python libraries for Ceph distributed file system"
+ depends="libcephfs py-rados"
+ _pkg $_python_sitelib cephfs-*.egg-info*
+ceph_test() {
+ pkgdesc="Ceph benchmarks and test tools"
+ depends="ceph-common xmlstarlet"
+ _pkg $_bindir ceph-client-debug \
+ ceph_bench_log \
+ ceph_kvstorebench \
+ ceph_multi_stress_watch \
+ ceph_erasure_code \
+ ceph_erasure_code_benchmark \
+ ceph_omapbench \
+ ceph_objectstore_bench \
+ ceph_perf_objectstore \
+ ceph_perf_local \
+ ceph_perf_msgr_client \
+ ceph_perf_msgr_server \
+ ceph_psim \
+ ceph_radosacl \
+ ceph_rgw_jsonparser \
+ ceph_rgw_multiparser \
+ ceph_scratchtool \
+ ceph_scratchtoolpp \
+ ceph_test_* \
+ ceph-coverage \
+ ceph-monstore-tool \
+ ceph-osdomap-tool \
+ ceph-kvstore-tool \
+ ceph-debugpack \
+ cephdeduptool
+ _pkg $_libdir ceph/
+bash_completion() {
+ depends="bash-completion"
+ pkgdesc="Bash completions for Ceph"
+ _pkg $_sysconfdir/bash_completion.d ceph rados radosgw-admin rbd
+mgr() {
+ pkgdesc="Ceph Manager Daemon"
+ depends="ceph-base"
+ _pkg $_bindir ceph-mgr
+ _pkg $_libdir/ceph mgr
+ install -m 750 -o $_ceph_uid -g $_ceph_gid -d \
+ $subpkgdir$_localstatedir/lib/ceph/mgr
+_pkg() {
+ local path=$1
+ shift
+ local files=$@
+ mkdir -p $subpkgdir$path || exit 1
+ for _file in $files; do
+ mv $pkgdir$path/$_file $subpkgdir$path || exit 1
+ done
diff --git a/alpine/ceph-common.pre-install b/alpine/ceph-common.pre-install
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bae4f09d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpine/ceph-common.pre-install
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+addgroup ceph -g 167 -S 2>/dev/null
+adduser ceph -u 167 -S -G ceph -s /sbin/nologin -h /var/lib/ceph -g "Ceph Daemons" 2> /dev/null
+exit 0