path: root/doc/ceph-volume
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+.. _ceph-volume:
+Deploy OSDs with different device technologies like lvm or physical disks using
+pluggable tools (:doc:`lvm/index` itself is treated like a plugin) and trying to
+follow a predictable, and robust way of preparing, activating, and starting OSDs.
+:ref:`Overview <ceph-volume-overview>` |
+:ref:`Plugin Guide <ceph-volume-plugins>` |
+**Command Line Subcommands**
+There is currently support for ``lvm``, and plain disks (with GPT partitions)
+that may have been deployed with ``ceph-disk``.
+``zfs`` support is available for running a FreeBSD cluster.
+* :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm`
+* :ref:`ceph-volume-simple`
+* :ref:`ceph-volume-zfs`
+**Node inventory**
+The :ref:`ceph-volume-inventory` subcommand provides information and metadata
+about a nodes physical disk inventory.
+Starting on Ceph version 13.0.0, ``ceph-disk`` is deprecated. Deprecation
+warnings will show up that will link to this page. It is strongly suggested
+that users start consuming ``ceph-volume``. There are two paths for migrating:
+#. Keep OSDs deployed with ``ceph-disk``: The :ref:`ceph-volume-simple` command
+ provides a way to take over the management while disabling ``ceph-disk``
+ triggers.
+#. Redeploy existing OSDs with ``ceph-volume``: This is covered in depth on
+ :ref:`rados-replacing-an-osd`
+For details on why ``ceph-disk`` was removed please see the :ref:`Why was
+ceph-disk replaced? <ceph-disk-replaced>` section.
+New deployments
+For new deployments, :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm` is recommended, it can use any
+logical volume as input for data OSDs, or it can setup a minimal/naive logical
+volume from a device.
+Existing OSDs
+If the cluster has OSDs that were provisioned with ``ceph-disk``, then
+``ceph-volume`` can take over the management of these with
+:ref:`ceph-volume-simple`. A scan is done on the data device or OSD directory,
+and ``ceph-disk`` is fully disabled. Encryption is fully supported.
+.. toctree::
+ :hidden:
+ :maxdepth: 3
+ :caption: Contents:
+ intro
+ systemd
+ inventory
+ lvm/index
+ lvm/activate
+ lvm/batch
+ lvm/encryption
+ lvm/prepare
+ lvm/create
+ lvm/scan
+ lvm/systemd
+ lvm/list
+ lvm/zap
+ simple/index
+ simple/activate
+ simple/scan
+ simple/systemd
+ zfs/index
+ zfs/inventory
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+.. _ceph-volume-overview:
+The ``ceph-volume`` tool aims to be a single purpose command line tool to deploy
+logical volumes as OSDs, trying to maintain a similar API to ``ceph-disk`` when
+preparing, activating, and creating OSDs.
+It deviates from ``ceph-disk`` by not interacting or relying on the udev rules
+that come installed for Ceph. These rules allow automatic detection of
+previously setup devices that are in turn fed into ``ceph-disk`` to activate
+.. _ceph-disk-replaced:
+Replacing ``ceph-disk``
+The ``ceph-disk`` tool was created at a time were the project was required to
+support many different types of init systems (upstart, sysvinit, etc...) while
+being able to discover devices. This caused the tool to concentrate initially
+(and exclusively afterwards) on GPT partitions. Specifically on GPT GUIDs,
+which were used to label devices in a unique way to answer questions like:
+* is this device a Journal?
+* an encrypted data partition?
+* was the device left partially prepared?
+To solve these, it used ``UDEV`` rules to match the GUIDs, that would call
+``ceph-disk``, and end up in a back and forth between the ``ceph-disk`` systemd
+unit and the ``ceph-disk`` executable. The process was very unreliable and time
+consuming (a timeout of close to three hours **per OSD** had to be put in
+place), and would cause OSDs to not come up at all during the boot process of
+a node.
+It was hard to debug, or even replicate these problems given the asynchronous
+behavior of ``UDEV``.
+Since the world-view of ``ceph-disk`` had to be GPT partitions exclusively, it meant
+that it couldn't work with other technologies like LVM, or similar device
+mapper devices. It was ultimately decided to create something modular, starting
+with LVM support, and the ability to expand on other technologies as needed.
+GPT partitions are simple?
+Although partitions in general are simple to reason about, ``ceph-disk``
+partitions were not simple by any means. It required a tremendous amount of
+special flags in order to get them to work correctly with the device discovery
+workflow. Here is an example call to create a data partition::
+ /sbin/sgdisk --largest-new=1 --change-name=1:ceph data --partition-guid=1:f0fc39fd-eeb2-49f1-b922-a11939cf8a0f --typecode=1:89c57f98-2fe5-4dc0-89c1-f3ad0ceff2be --mbrtogpt -- /dev/sdb
+Not only creating these was hard, but these partitions required devices to be
+exclusively owned by Ceph. For example, in some cases a special partition would
+be created when devices were encrypted, which would contain unencrypted keys.
+This was ``ceph-disk`` domain knowledge, which would not translate to a "GPT
+partitions are simple" understanding. Here is an example of that special
+partition being created::
+ /sbin/sgdisk --new=5:0:+10M --change-name=5:ceph lockbox --partition-guid=5:None --typecode=5:fb3aabf9-d25f-47cc-bf5e-721d181642be --mbrtogpt -- /dev/sdad
+``ceph-volume`` was designed to be a modular tool because we anticipate that
+there are going to be lots of ways that people provision the hardware devices
+that we need to consider. There are already two: legacy ceph-disk devices that
+are still in use and have GPT partitions (handled by :ref:`ceph-volume-simple`),
+and lvm. SPDK devices where we manage NVMe devices directly from userspace are
+on the immediate horizon, where LVM won't work there since the kernel isn't
+involved at all.
+``ceph-volume lvm``
+By making use of :term:`LVM tags`, the :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm` sub-command is
+able to store and later re-discover and query devices associated with OSDs so
+that they can later be activated.
+LVM performance penalty
+In short: we haven't been able to notice any significant performance penalties
+associated with the change to LVM. By being able to work closely with LVM, the
+ability to work with other device mapper technologies was a given: there is no
+technical difficulty in working with anything that can sit below a Logical Volume.
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+.. _ceph-volume-inventory:
+The ``inventory`` subcommand queries a host's disc inventory and provides
+hardware information and metadata on every physical device.
+By default the command returns a short, human-readable report of all physical disks.
+For programmatic consumption of this report pass ``--format json`` to generate a
+JSON formatted report. This report includes extensive information on the
+physical drives such as disk metadata (like model and size), logical volumes
+and whether they are used by ceph, and if the disk is usable by ceph and
+reasons why not.
+A device path can be specified to report extensive information on a device in
+both plain and json format.
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+.. _ceph-volume-lvm-activate:
+Once :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-prepare` is completed, and all the various steps
+that entails are done, the volume is ready to get "activated".
+This activation process enables a systemd unit that persists the OSD ID and its
+UUID (also called ``fsid`` in Ceph CLI tools), so that at boot time it can
+understand what OSD is enabled and needs to be mounted.
+.. note:: The execution of this call is fully idempotent, and there is no
+ side-effects when running multiple times
+New OSDs
+To activate newly prepared OSDs both the :term:`OSD id` and :term:`OSD uuid`
+need to be supplied. For example::
+ ceph-volume lvm activate --bluestore 0 0263644D-0BF1-4D6D-BC34-28BD98AE3BC8
+.. note:: The UUID is stored in the ``fsid`` file in the OSD path, which is
+ generated when :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-prepare` is used.
+Activating all OSDs
+It is possible to activate all existing OSDs at once by using the ``--all``
+flag. For example::
+ ceph-volume lvm activate --all
+This call will inspect all the OSDs created by ceph-volume that are inactive
+and will activate them one by one. If any of the OSDs are already running, it
+will report them in the command output and skip them, making it safe to rerun
+requiring uuids
+The :term:`OSD uuid` is being required as an extra step to ensure that the
+right OSD is being activated. It is entirely possible that a previous OSD with
+the same id exists and would end up activating the incorrect one.
+If the OSD was prepared with dmcrypt by ceph-volume, there is no need to
+specify ``--dmcrypt`` on the command line again (that flag is not available for
+the ``activate`` subcommand). An encrypted OSD will be automatically detected.
+With OSDs previously created by ``ceph-volume``, a *discovery* process is
+performed using :term:`LVM tags` to enable the systemd units.
+The systemd unit will capture the :term:`OSD id` and :term:`OSD uuid` and
+persist it. Internally, the activation will enable it like::
+ systemctl enable ceph-volume@lvm-$id-$uuid
+For example::
+ systemctl enable ceph-volume@lvm-0-8715BEB4-15C5-49DE-BA6F-401086EC7B41
+Would start the discovery process for the OSD with an id of ``0`` and a UUID of
+.. note:: for more details on the systemd workflow see :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-systemd`
+The systemd unit will look for the matching OSD device, and by looking at its
+:term:`LVM tags` will proceed to:
+# mount the device in the corresponding location (by convention this is
+ ``/var/lib/ceph/osd/<cluster name>-<osd id>/``)
+# ensure that all required devices are ready for that OSD. In the case of
+a journal (when ``--filestore`` is selected) the device will be queried (with
+``blkid`` for partitions, and lvm for logical volumes) to ensure that the
+correct device is being linked. The symbolic link will *always* be re-done to
+ensure that the correct device is linked.
+# start the ``ceph-osd@0`` systemd unit
+.. note:: The system infers the objectstore type (filestore or bluestore) by
+ inspecting the LVM tags applied to the OSD devices
+Existing OSDs
+For existing OSDs that have been deployed with ``ceph-disk``, they need to be
+scanned and activated :ref:`using the simple sub-command <ceph-volume-simple>`.
+If a different tooling was used then the only way to port them over to the new
+mechanism is to prepare them again (losing data). See
+:ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-existing-osds` for details on how to proceed.
+To recap the ``activate`` process for :term:`bluestore`:
+#. require both :term:`OSD id` and :term:`OSD uuid`
+#. enable the system unit with matching id and uuid
+#. Create the ``tmpfs`` mount at the OSD directory in
+ ``/var/lib/ceph/osd/$cluster-$id/``
+#. Recreate all the files needed with ``ceph-bluestore-tool prime-osd-dir`` by
+ pointing it to the OSD ``block`` device.
+#. the systemd unit will ensure all devices are ready and linked
+#. the matching ``ceph-osd`` systemd unit will get started
+And for :term:`filestore`:
+#. require both :term:`OSD id` and :term:`OSD uuid`
+#. enable the system unit with matching id and uuid
+#. the systemd unit will ensure all devices are ready and mounted (if needed)
+#. the matching ``ceph-osd`` systemd unit will get started
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+.. _ceph-volume-lvm-batch:
+The subcommand allows to create multiple OSDs at the same time given
+an input of devices.
+The subcommand is based to :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-create`, and will use the very
+same code path. All ``batch`` does is to calculate the appropriate sizes of all
+volumes and skip over already created volumes.
+All the features that ``ceph-volume lvm create`` supports, like ``dmcrypt``,
+avoiding ``systemd`` units from starting, defining bluestore or filestore,
+are supported.
+.. _ceph-volume-lvm-batch_auto:
+Automatic sorting of disks
+If ``batch`` receives only a single list of devices and the ``--no-auto`` option
+ is not passed, ``ceph-volume`` will auto-sort disks by its rotational
+ property and use non-rotating disks for ``block.db`` or ``journal`` depending
+ on the objectstore used.
+This behavior is now DEPRECATED and will be removed in future releases. Instead
+ an ``auto`` option will be introduced to retain this behavior.
+It is recommended to make use of the explicit device lists for ``block.db``,
+ ``block.wal`` and ``journal``.
+For example assuming :term:`bluestore` is used and ``--no-auto`` is not passed,
+ the deprecated behavior would deploy the following, depending on the devices
+ passed:
+#. Devices are all spinning HDDs: 1 OSD is created per device
+#. Devices are all SSDs: 2 OSDs are created per device
+#. Devices are a mix of HDDs and SSDs: data is placed on the spinning device,
+ the ``block.db`` is created on the SSD, as large as possible.
+.. note:: Although operations in ``ceph-volume lvm create`` allow usage of
+ ``block.wal`` it isn't supported with the ``auto`` behavior.
+.. _ceph-volume-lvm-batch_bluestore:
+By default ``batch`` will print a report of the computed OSD layout and ask the
+user to confirm. This can be overridden by passing ``--yes``.
+If one wants to try out several invocations with being asked to deploy
+``--report`` can be passed. ``ceph-volume`` will exit after printing the report.
+Consider the following invocation::
+ $ ceph-volume lvm batch --report /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd --db-devices /dev/nvme0n1
+This will deploy three OSDs with external ``db`` and ``wal`` volumes on
+an NVME device.
+**pretty reporting**
+The ``pretty`` report format (the default) would
+look like this::
+ $ ceph-volume lvm batch --report /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd --db-devices /dev/nvme0n1
+ Total OSDs: 3
+**JSON reporting**
+Reporting can produce a structured output with ``--format json``::
+ $ ceph-volume lvm batch --report /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd --db-devices /dev/nvme0n1
+When no sizing arguments are passed, `ceph-volume` will derive the sizing from
+the passed device lists (or the sorted lists when using the automatic sorting).
+`ceph-volume batch` will attempt to fully utilize a devices available capacity.
+Relying on automatic sizing is recommended.
+If one requires a different sizing policy for wal, db or journal devices,
+`ceph-volume` offers implicit and explicit sizing rules.
+Implicit sizing
+Scenarios in which either devices are under-comitted or not all data devices are
+currently ready for use (due to a broken disk for example), one can still rely
+on `ceph-volume` automatic sizing.
+Users can provide hints to `ceph-volume` as to how many data devices should have
+their external volumes on a set of fast devices. These options are:
+* `--block-db-slots`
+* `--block-wal-slots`
+* `--journal-slots`
+For example consider an OSD host that is supposed to contain 5 data devices and
+one device for wal/db volumes. However one data device is currently broken and
+is being replaced. Instead of calculating the explicit sizes for the wal/db
+volume one can simply call::
+ $ ceph-volume lvm batch --report /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde --db-devices /dev/nvme0n1 --block-db-slots 5
+Explicit sizing
+It is also possible to provide explicit sizes to `ceph-volume` via the arguments
+* `--block-db-size`
+* `--block-wal-size`
+* `--journal-size`
+`ceph-volume` will try to satisfy the requested sizes given the passed disks. If
+this is not possible, no OSDs will be deployed.
+Idempotency and disk replacements
+`ceph-volume lvm batch` intends to be idempotent, i.e. calling the same command
+repeatedly must result in the same outcome. For example calling::
+ $ ceph-volume lvm batch --report /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd --db-devices /dev/nvme0n1
+will result in three deployed OSDs (if all disks were available). Calling this
+command again, you will still end up with three OSDs and ceph-volume will exit
+with return code 0.
+Suppose /dev/sdc goes bad and needs to be replaced. After destroying the OSD and
+replacing the hardware, you can again call the same command and `ceph-volume`
+will detect that only two out of the three wanted OSDs are setup and re-create
+the missing OSD.
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+.. _ceph-volume-lvm-create:
+This subcommand wraps the two-step process to provision a new osd (calling
+``prepare`` first and then ``activate``) into a single
+one. The reason to prefer ``prepare`` and then ``activate`` is to gradually
+introduce new OSDs into a cluster, and avoiding large amounts of data being
+The single-call process unifies exactly what :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-prepare` and
+:ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-activate` do, with the convenience of doing it all at
+There is nothing different to the process except the OSD will become up and in
+immediately after completion.
+The backing objectstore can be specified with:
+* :ref:`--filestore <ceph-volume-lvm-prepare_filestore>`
+* :ref:`--bluestore <ceph-volume-lvm-prepare_bluestore>`
+All command line flags and options are the same as ``ceph-volume lvm prepare``.
+Please refer to :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-prepare` for details.
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+.. _ceph-volume-lvm-encryption:
+Logical volumes can be encrypted using ``dmcrypt`` by specifying the
+``--dmcrypt`` flag when creating OSDs. Encryption can be done in different ways,
+specially with LVM. ``ceph-volume`` is somewhat opinionated with the way it
+sets up encryption with logical volumes so that the process is consistent and
+In this case, ``ceph-volume lvm`` follows these constraints:
+* only LUKS (version 1) is used
+* Logical Volumes are encrypted, while their underlying PVs (physical volumes)
+ aren't
+* Non-LVM devices like partitions are also encrypted with the same OSD key
+There are currently two versions of LUKS, 1 and 2. Version 2 is a bit easier
+to implement but not widely available in all distros Ceph supports. LUKS 1 is
+not going to be deprecated in favor of LUKS 2, so in order to have as wide
+support as possible, ``ceph-volume`` uses LUKS version 1.
+.. note:: Version 1 of LUKS is just referenced as "LUKS" whereas version 2 is
+ referred to as LUKS2
+Encryption is done on top of existing logical volumes (unlike encrypting the
+physical device). Any single logical volume can be encrypted while other
+volumes can remain unencrypted. This method also allows for flexible logical
+volume setups, since encryption will happen once the LV is created.
+When setting up the OSD, a secret key will be created, that will be passed
+along to the monitor in JSON format as ``stdin`` to prevent the key from being
+captured in the logs.
+The JSON payload looks something like::
+ {
+ "cephx_secret": CEPHX_SECRET,
+ "dmcrypt_key": DMCRYPT_KEY,
+ "cephx_lockbox_secret": LOCKBOX_SECRET,
+ }
+The naming convention for the keys is **strict**, and they are named like that
+for the hardcoded (legacy) names ceph-disk used.
+* ``cephx_secret`` : The cephx key used to authenticate
+* ``dmcrypt_key`` : The secret (or private) key to unlock encrypted devices
+* ``cephx_lockbox_secret`` : The authentication key used to retrieve the
+ ``dmcrypt_key``. It is named *lockbox* because ceph-disk used to have an
+ unencrypted partition named after it, used to store public keys and other
+ OSD metadata.
+The naming convention is strict because Monitors supported the naming
+convention by ceph-disk, which used these key names. In order to keep
+compatibility and prevent ceph-disk from breaking, ceph-volume will use the same
+naming convention *although they don't make sense for the new encryption
+After the common steps of setting up the OSD during the prepare stage, either
+with :term:`filestore` or :term:`bluestore`, the logical volume is left ready
+to be activated, regardless of the state of the device (encrypted or decrypted).
+At activation time, the logical volume will get decrypted and the OSD started
+once the process completes correctly.
+Summary of the encryption workflow for creating a new OSD:
+#. OSD is created, both lockbox and dmcrypt keys are created, and sent along
+ with JSON to the monitors, indicating an encrypted OSD.
+#. All complementary devices (like journal, db, or wal) get created and
+ encrypted with the same OSD key. Key is stored in the LVM metadata of the
+#. Activation continues by ensuring devices are mounted, retrieving the dmcrypt
+ secret key from the monitors and decrypting before the OSD gets started.
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+.. _ceph-volume-lvm:
+Implements the functionality needed to deploy OSDs from the ``lvm`` subcommand:
+``ceph-volume lvm``
+**Command Line Subcommands**
+* :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-prepare`
+* :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-activate`
+* :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-create`
+* :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-list`
+.. not yet implemented
+.. * :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-scan`
+**Internal functionality**
+There are other aspects of the ``lvm`` subcommand that are internal and not
+exposed to the user, these sections explain how these pieces work together,
+clarifying the workflows of the tool.
+:ref:`Systemd Units <ceph-volume-lvm-systemd>` |
+:ref:`lvm <ceph-volume-lvm-api>`
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+.. _ceph-volume-lvm-list:
+This subcommand will list any devices (logical and physical) that may be
+associated with a Ceph cluster, as long as they contain enough metadata to
+allow for that discovery.
+Output is grouped by the OSD ID associated with the devices, and unlike
+``ceph-disk`` it does not provide any information for devices that aren't
+associated with Ceph.
+Command line options:
+* ``--format`` Allows a ``json`` or ``pretty`` value. Defaults to ``pretty``
+ which will group the device information in a human-readable format.
+Full Reporting
+When no positional arguments are used, a full reporting will be presented. This
+means that all devices and logical volumes found in the system will be
+Full ``pretty`` reporting for two OSDs, one with a lv as a journal, and another
+one with a physical device may look similar to::
+ # ceph-volume lvm list
+ ====== osd.1 =======
+ [journal] /dev/journals/journal1
+ journal uuid C65n7d-B1gy-cqX3-vZKY-ZoE0-IEYM-HnIJzs
+ osd id 1
+ cluster fsid ce454d91-d748-4751-a318-ff7f7aa18ffd
+ type journal
+ osd fsid 661b24f8-e062-482b-8110-826ffe7f13fa
+ data uuid SlEgHe-jX1H-QBQk-Sce0-RUls-8KlY-g8HgcZ
+ journal device /dev/journals/journal1
+ data device /dev/test_group/data-lv2
+ devices /dev/sda
+ [data] /dev/test_group/data-lv2
+ journal uuid C65n7d-B1gy-cqX3-vZKY-ZoE0-IEYM-HnIJzs
+ osd id 1
+ cluster fsid ce454d91-d748-4751-a318-ff7f7aa18ffd
+ type data
+ osd fsid 661b24f8-e062-482b-8110-826ffe7f13fa
+ data uuid SlEgHe-jX1H-QBQk-Sce0-RUls-8KlY-g8HgcZ
+ journal device /dev/journals/journal1
+ data device /dev/test_group/data-lv2
+ devices /dev/sdb
+ ====== osd.0 =======
+ [data] /dev/test_group/data-lv1
+ journal uuid cd72bd28-002a-48da-bdf6-d5b993e84f3f
+ osd id 0
+ cluster fsid ce454d91-d748-4751-a318-ff7f7aa18ffd
+ type data
+ osd fsid 943949f0-ce37-47ca-a33c-3413d46ee9ec
+ data uuid TUpfel-Q5ZT-eFph-bdGW-SiNW-l0ag-f5kh00
+ journal device /dev/sdd1
+ data device /dev/test_group/data-lv1
+ devices /dev/sdc
+ [journal] /dev/sdd1
+ PARTUUID cd72bd28-002a-48da-bdf6-d5b993e84f3f
+For logical volumes the ``devices`` key is populated with the physical devices
+associated with the logical volume. Since LVM allows multiple physical devices
+to be part of a logical volume, the value will be comma separated when using
+``pretty``, but an array when using ``json``.
+.. note:: Tags are displayed in a readable format. The ``osd id`` key is stored
+ as a ``ceph.osd_id`` tag. For more information on lvm tag conventions
+ see :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-tag-api`
+Single Reporting
+Single reporting can consume both devices and logical volumes as input
+(positional parameters). For logical volumes, it is required to use the group
+name as well as the logical volume name.
+For example the ``data-lv2`` logical volume, in the ``test_group`` volume group
+can be listed in the following way::
+ # ceph-volume lvm list test_group/data-lv2
+ ====== osd.1 =======
+ [data] /dev/test_group/data-lv2
+ journal uuid C65n7d-B1gy-cqX3-vZKY-ZoE0-IEYM-HnIJzs
+ osd id 1
+ cluster fsid ce454d91-d748-4751-a318-ff7f7aa18ffd
+ type data
+ osd fsid 661b24f8-e062-482b-8110-826ffe7f13fa
+ data uuid SlEgHe-jX1H-QBQk-Sce0-RUls-8KlY-g8HgcZ
+ journal device /dev/journals/journal1
+ data device /dev/test_group/data-lv2
+ devices /dev/sdc
+.. note:: Tags are displayed in a readable format. The ``osd id`` key is stored
+ as a ``ceph.osd_id`` tag. For more information on lvm tag conventions
+ see :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-tag-api`
+For plain disks, the full path to the device is required. For example, for
+a device like ``/dev/sdd1`` it can look like::
+ # ceph-volume lvm list /dev/sdd1
+ ====== osd.0 =======
+ [journal] /dev/sdd1
+ PARTUUID cd72bd28-002a-48da-bdf6-d5b993e84f3f
+``json`` output
+All output using ``--format=json`` will show everything the system has stored
+as metadata for the devices, including tags.
+No changes for readability are done with ``json`` reporting, and all
+information is presented as-is. Full output as well as single devices can be
+For brevity, this is how a single logical volume would look with ``json``
+output (note how tags aren't modified)::
+ # ceph-volume lvm list --format=json test_group/data-lv1
+ {
+ "0": [
+ {
+ "devices": ["/dev/sda"],
+ "lv_name": "data-lv1",
+ "lv_path": "/dev/test_group/data-lv1",
+ "lv_tags": "ceph.cluster_fsid=ce454d91-d748-4751-a318-ff7f7aa18ffd,ceph.data_device=/dev/test_group/data-lv1,ceph.data_uuid=TUpfel-Q5ZT-eFph-bdGW-SiNW-l0ag-f5kh00,ceph.journal_device=/dev/sdd1,ceph.journal_uuid=cd72bd28-002a-48da-bdf6-d5b993e84f3f,ceph.osd_fsid=943949f0-ce37-47ca-a33c-3413d46ee9ec,ceph.osd_id=0,ceph.type=data",
+ "lv_uuid": "TUpfel-Q5ZT-eFph-bdGW-SiNW-l0ag-f5kh00",
+ "name": "data-lv1",
+ "path": "/dev/test_group/data-lv1",
+ "tags": {
+ "ceph.cluster_fsid": "ce454d91-d748-4751-a318-ff7f7aa18ffd",
+ "ceph.data_device": "/dev/test_group/data-lv1",
+ "ceph.data_uuid": "TUpfel-Q5ZT-eFph-bdGW-SiNW-l0ag-f5kh00",
+ "ceph.journal_device": "/dev/sdd1",
+ "ceph.journal_uuid": "cd72bd28-002a-48da-bdf6-d5b993e84f3f",
+ "ceph.osd_fsid": "943949f0-ce37-47ca-a33c-3413d46ee9ec",
+ "ceph.osd_id": "0",
+ "ceph.type": "data"
+ },
+ "type": "data",
+ "vg_name": "test_group"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Synchronized information
+Before any listing type, the lvm API is queried to ensure that physical devices
+that may be in use haven't changed naming. It is possible that non-persistent
+devices like ``/dev/sda1`` could change to ``/dev/sdb1``.
+The detection is possible because the ``PARTUUID`` is stored as part of the
+metadata in the logical volume for the data lv. Even in the case of a journal
+that is a physical device, this information is still stored on the data logical
+volume associated with it.
+If the name is no longer the same (as reported by ``blkid`` when using the
+``PARTUUID``), the tag will get updated and the report will use the newly
+refreshed information.
diff --git a/doc/ceph-volume/lvm/prepare.rst b/doc/ceph-volume/lvm/prepare.rst
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+.. _ceph-volume-lvm-prepare:
+This subcommand allows a :term:`filestore` or :term:`bluestore` setup. It is
+recommended to pre-provision a logical volume before using it with
+``ceph-volume lvm``.
+Logical volumes are not altered except for adding extra metadata.
+.. note:: This is part of a two step process to deploy an OSD. If looking for
+ a single-call way, please see :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-create`
+To help identify volumes, the process of preparing a volume (or volumes) to
+work with Ceph, the tool will assign a few pieces of metadata information using
+:term:`LVM tags`.
+:term:`LVM tags` makes volumes easy to discover later, and help identify them as
+part of a Ceph system, and what role they have (journal, filestore, bluestore,
+Although initially :term:`filestore` is supported (and supported by default)
+the back end can be specified with:
+* :ref:`--filestore <ceph-volume-lvm-prepare_filestore>`
+* :ref:`--bluestore <ceph-volume-lvm-prepare_bluestore>`
+.. _ceph-volume-lvm-prepare_bluestore:
+The :term:`bluestore` objectstore is the default for new OSDs. It offers a bit
+more flexibility for devices compared to :term:`filestore`.
+Bluestore supports the following configurations:
+* A block device, a block.wal, and a block.db device
+* A block device and a block.wal device
+* A block device and a block.db device
+* A single block device
+The bluestore subcommand accepts physical block devices, partitions on
+physical block devices or logical volumes as arguments for the various device parameters
+If a physical device is provided, a logical volume will be created. A volume group will
+either be created or reused it its name begins with ``ceph``.
+This allows a simpler approach at using LVM but at the cost of flexibility:
+there are no options or configurations to change how the LV is created.
+The ``block`` is specified with the ``--data`` flag, and in its simplest use
+case it looks like::
+ ceph-volume lvm prepare --bluestore --data vg/lv
+A raw device can be specified in the same way::
+ ceph-volume lvm prepare --bluestore --data /path/to/device
+For enabling :ref:`encryption <ceph-volume-lvm-encryption>`, the ``--dmcrypt`` flag is required::
+ ceph-volume lvm prepare --bluestore --dmcrypt --data vg/lv
+If a ``block.db`` or a ``block.wal`` is needed (they are optional for
+bluestore) they can be specified with ``--block.db`` and ``--block.wal``
+accordingly. These can be a physical device, a partition or
+a logical volume.
+For both ``block.db`` and ``block.wal`` partitions aren't made logical volumes
+because they can be used as-is.
+While creating the OSD directory, the process will use a ``tmpfs`` mount to
+place all the files needed for the OSD. These files are initially created by
+``ceph-osd --mkfs`` and are fully ephemeral.
+A symlink is always created for the ``block`` device, and optionally for
+``block.db`` and ``block.wal``. For a cluster with a default name, and an OSD
+id of 0, the directory could look like::
+ # ls -l /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0
+ lrwxrwxrwx. 1 ceph ceph 93 Oct 20 13:05 block -> /dev/ceph-be2b6fbd-bcf2-4c51-b35d-a35a162a02f0/osd-block-25cf0a05-2bc6-44ef-9137-79d65bd7ad62
+ lrwxrwxrwx. 1 ceph ceph 93 Oct 20 13:05 block.db -> /dev/sda1
+ lrwxrwxrwx. 1 ceph ceph 93 Oct 20 13:05 block.wal -> /dev/ceph/osd-wal-0
+ -rw-------. 1 ceph ceph 37 Oct 20 13:05 ceph_fsid
+ -rw-------. 1 ceph ceph 37 Oct 20 13:05 fsid
+ -rw-------. 1 ceph ceph 55 Oct 20 13:05 keyring
+ -rw-------. 1 ceph ceph 6 Oct 20 13:05 ready
+ -rw-------. 1 ceph ceph 10 Oct 20 13:05 type
+ -rw-------. 1 ceph ceph 2 Oct 20 13:05 whoami
+In the above case, a device was used for ``block`` so ``ceph-volume`` create
+a volume group and a logical volume using the following convention:
+* volume group name: ``ceph-{cluster fsid}`` or if the vg exists already
+ ``ceph-{random uuid}``
+* logical volume name: ``osd-block-{osd_fsid}``
+.. _ceph-volume-lvm-prepare_filestore:
+This is the OSD backend that allows preparation of logical volumes for
+a :term:`filestore` objectstore OSD.
+It can use a logical volume for the OSD data and a physical device, a partition
+or logical volume for the journal. A physical device will have a logical volume
+created on it. A volume group will either be created or reused it its name begins
+with ``ceph``. No special preparation is needed for these volumes other than
+following the minimum size requirements for data and journal.
+The CLI call looks like this of a basic standalone filestore OSD::
+ ceph-volume lvm prepare --filestore --data <data block device>
+To deploy file store with an external journal::
+ ceph-volume lvm prepare --filestore --data <data block device> --journal <journal block device>
+For enabling :ref:`encryption <ceph-volume-lvm-encryption>`, the ``--dmcrypt`` flag is required::
+ ceph-volume lvm prepare --filestore --dmcrypt --data <data block device> --journal <journal block device>
+Both the journal and data block device can take three forms:
+* a physical block device
+* a partition on a physical block device
+* a logical volume
+When using logical volumes the value *must* be of the format
+``volume_group/logical_volume``. Since logical volume names
+are not enforced for uniqueness, this prevents accidentally
+choosing the wrong volume.
+When using a partition, it *must* contain a ``PARTUUID``, that can be
+discovered by ``blkid``. THis ensure it can later be identified correctly
+regardless of the device name (or path).
+For example: passing a logical volume for data and a partition ``/dev/sdc1`` for
+the journal::
+ ceph-volume lvm prepare --filestore --data volume_group/lv_name --journal /dev/sdc1
+Passing a bare device for data and a logical volume ias the journal::
+ ceph-volume lvm prepare --filestore --data /dev/sdc --journal volume_group/journal_lv
+A generated uuid is used to ask the cluster for a new OSD. These two pieces are
+crucial for identifying an OSD and will later be used throughout the
+:ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-activate` process.
+The OSD data directory is created using the following convention::
+ /var/lib/ceph/osd/<cluster name>-<osd id>
+At this point the data volume is mounted at this location, and the journal
+volume is linked::
+ ln -s /path/to/journal /var/lib/ceph/osd/<cluster_name>-<osd-id>/journal
+The monmap is fetched using the bootstrap key from the OSD::
+ /usr/bin/ceph --cluster ceph --name client.bootstrap-osd
+ --keyring /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring
+ mon getmap -o /var/lib/ceph/osd/<cluster name>-<osd id>/activate.monmap
+``ceph-osd`` will be called to populate the OSD directory, that is already
+mounted, re-using all the pieces of information from the initial steps::
+ ceph-osd --cluster ceph --mkfs --mkkey -i <osd id> \
+ --monmap /var/lib/ceph/osd/<cluster name>-<osd id>/activate.monmap --osd-data \
+ /var/lib/ceph/osd/<cluster name>-<osd id> --osd-journal /var/lib/ceph/osd/<cluster name>-<osd id>/journal \
+ --osd-uuid <osd uuid> --keyring /var/lib/ceph/osd/<cluster name>-<osd id>/keyring \
+ --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph
+.. _ceph-volume-lvm-partitions:
+``ceph-volume lvm`` does not currently create partitions from a whole device.
+If using device partitions the only requirement is that they contain the
+``PARTUUID`` and that it is discoverable by ``blkid``. Both ``fdisk`` and
+``parted`` will create that automatically for a new partition.
+For example, using a new, unformatted drive (``/dev/sdd`` in this case) we can
+use ``parted`` to create a new partition. First we list the device
+ $ parted --script /dev/sdd print
+ Model: VBOX HARDDISK (scsi)
+ Disk /dev/sdd: 11.5GB
+ Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
+ Disk Flags:
+This device is not even labeled yet, so we can use ``parted`` to create
+a ``gpt`` label before we create a partition, and verify again with ``parted
+ $ parted --script /dev/sdd mklabel gpt
+ $ parted --script /dev/sdd print
+ Model: VBOX HARDDISK (scsi)
+ Disk /dev/sdd: 11.5GB
+ Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
+ Partition Table: gpt
+ Disk Flags:
+Now lets create a single partition, and verify later if ``blkid`` can find
+a ``PARTUUID`` that is needed by ``ceph-volume``::
+ $ parted --script /dev/sdd mkpart primary 1 100%
+ $ blkid /dev/sdd1
+ /dev/sdd1: PARTLABEL="primary" PARTUUID="16399d72-1e1f-467d-96ee-6fe371a7d0d4"
+.. _ceph-volume-lvm-existing-osds:
+Existing OSDs
+For existing clusters that want to use this new system and have OSDs that are
+already running there are a few things to take into account:
+.. warning:: this process will forcefully format the data device, destroying
+ existing data, if any.
+* OSD paths should follow this convention::
+ /var/lib/ceph/osd/<cluster name>-<osd id>
+* Preferably, no other mechanisms to mount the volume should exist, and should
+ be removed (like fstab mount points)
+The one time process for an existing OSD, with an ID of 0 and using
+a ``"ceph"`` cluster name would look like (the following command will **destroy
+any data** in the OSD)::
+ ceph-volume lvm prepare --filestore --osd-id 0 --osd-fsid E3D291C1-E7BF-4984-9794-B60D9FA139CB
+The command line tool will not contact the monitor to generate an OSD ID and
+will format the LVM device in addition to storing the metadata on it so that it
+can be started later (for detailed metadata description see
+Crush device class
+To set the crush device class for the OSD, use the ``--crush-device-class`` flag. This will
+work for both bluestore and filestore OSDs::
+ ceph-volume lvm prepare --bluestore --data vg/lv --crush-device-class foo
+.. _ceph-volume-lvm-multipath:
+``multipath`` support
+Devices that come from ``multipath`` are not supported as-is. The tool will
+refuse to consume a raw multipath device and will report a message like::
+ --> RuntimeError: Cannot use device (/dev/mapper/<name>). A vg/lv path or an existing device is needed
+The reason for not supporting multipath is that depending on the type of the
+multipath setup, if using an active/passive array as the underlying physical
+devices, filters are required in ``lvm.conf`` to exclude the disks that are part of
+those underlying devices.
+It is unfeasible for ceph-volume to understand what type of configuration is
+needed for LVM to be able to work in various different multipath scenarios. The
+functionality to create the LV for you is merely a (naive) convenience,
+anything that involves different settings or configuration must be provided by
+a config management system which can then provide VGs and LVs for ceph-volume
+to consume.
+This situation will only arise when trying to use the ceph-volume functionality
+that creates a volume group and logical volume from a device. If a multipath
+device is already a logical volume it *should* work, given that the LVM
+configuration is done correctly to avoid issues.
+Storing metadata
+The following tags will get applied as part of the preparation process
+regardless of the type of volume (journal or data) or OSD objectstore:
+* ``cluster_fsid``
+* ``encrypted``
+* ``osd_fsid``
+* ``osd_id``
+* ``crush_device_class``
+For :term:`filestore` these tags will be added:
+* ``journal_device``
+* ``journal_uuid``
+For :term:`bluestore` these tags will be added:
+* ``block_device``
+* ``block_uuid``
+* ``db_device``
+* ``db_uuid``
+* ``wal_device``
+* ``wal_uuid``
+.. note:: For the complete lvm tag conventions see :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-tag-api`
+To recap the ``prepare`` process for :term:`bluestore`:
+#. Accepts raw physical devices, partitions on physical devices or logical volumes as arguments.
+#. Creates logical volumes on any raw physical devices.
+#. Generate a UUID for the OSD
+#. Ask the monitor get an OSD ID reusing the generated UUID
+#. OSD data directory is created on a tmpfs mount.
+#. ``block``, ``block.wal``, and ``block.db`` are symlinked if defined.
+#. monmap is fetched for activation
+#. Data directory is populated by ``ceph-osd``
+#. Logical Volumes are assigned all the Ceph metadata using lvm tags
+And the ``prepare`` process for :term:`filestore`:
+#. Accepts raw physical devices, partitions on physical devices or logical volumes as arguments.
+#. Generate a UUID for the OSD
+#. Ask the monitor get an OSD ID reusing the generated UUID
+#. OSD data directory is created and data volume mounted
+#. Journal is symlinked from data volume to journal location
+#. monmap is fetched for activation
+#. devices is mounted and data directory is populated by ``ceph-osd``
+#. data and journal volumes are assigned all the Ceph metadata using lvm tags
diff --git a/doc/ceph-volume/lvm/scan.rst b/doc/ceph-volume/lvm/scan.rst
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+This sub-command will allow to discover Ceph volumes previously setup by the
+tool by looking into the system's logical volumes and their tags.
+As part of the :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-prepare` process, the logical volumes are assigned
+a few tags with important pieces of information.
+.. note:: This sub-command is not yet implemented
diff --git a/doc/ceph-volume/lvm/systemd.rst b/doc/ceph-volume/lvm/systemd.rst
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+.. _ceph-volume-lvm-systemd:
+Upon startup, it will identify the logical volume using :term:`LVM tags`,
+finding a matching ID and later ensuring it is the right one with
+the :term:`OSD uuid`.
+After identifying the correct volume it will then proceed to mount it by using
+the OSD destination conventions, that is::
+ /var/lib/ceph/osd/<cluster name>-<osd id>
+For our example OSD with an id of ``0``, that means the identified device will
+be mounted at::
+ /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0
+Once that process is complete, a call will be made to start the OSD::
+ systemctl start ceph-osd@0
+The systemd portion of this process is handled by the ``ceph-volume lvm
+trigger`` sub-command, which is only in charge of parsing metadata coming from
+systemd and startup, and then dispatching to ``ceph-volume lvm activate`` which
+would proceed with activation.
diff --git a/doc/ceph-volume/lvm/zap.rst b/doc/ceph-volume/lvm/zap.rst
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+.. _ceph-volume-lvm-zap:
+This subcommand is used to zap lvs, partitions or raw devices that have been used
+by ceph OSDs so that they may be reused. If given a path to a logical
+volume it must be in the format of vg/lv. Any filesystems present
+on the given lv or partition will be removed and all data will be purged.
+.. note:: The lv or partition will be kept intact.
+.. note:: If the logical volume, raw device or partition is being used for any ceph related
+ mount points they will be unmounted.
+Zapping a logical volume::
+ ceph-volume lvm zap {vg name/lv name}
+Zapping a partition::
+ ceph-volume lvm zap /dev/sdc1
+Removing Devices
+When zapping, and looking for full removal of the device (lv, vg, or partition)
+use the ``--destroy`` flag. A common use case is to simply deploy OSDs using
+a whole raw device. If you do so and then wish to reuse that device for another
+OSD you must use the ``--destroy`` flag when zapping so that the vgs and lvs
+that ceph-volume created on the raw device will be removed.
+.. note:: Multiple devices can be accepted at once, to zap them all
+Zapping a raw device and destroying any vgs or lvs present::
+ ceph-volume lvm zap /dev/sdc --destroy
+This action can be performed on partitions, and logical volumes as well::
+ ceph-volume lvm zap /dev/sdc1 --destroy
+ ceph-volume lvm zap osd-vg/data-lv --destroy
+Finally, multiple devices can be detected if filtering by OSD ID and/or OSD
+FSID. Either identifier can be used or both can be used at the same time. This
+is useful in situations where multiple devices associated with a specific ID
+need to be purged. When using the FSID, the filtering is stricter, and might
+not match other (possibly invalid) devices associated to an ID.
+By ID only::
+ ceph-volume lvm zap --destroy --osd-id 1
+By FSID::
+ ceph-volume lvm zap --destroy --osd-fsid 2E8FBE58-0328-4E3B-BFB7-3CACE4E9A6CE
+By both::
+ ceph-volume lvm zap --destroy --osd-fsid 2E8FBE58-0328-4E3B-BFB7-3CACE4E9A6CE --osd-id 1
+.. warning:: If the systemd unit associated with the OSD ID to be zapped is
+ detected as running, the tool will refuse to zap until the daemon is stopped.
diff --git a/doc/ceph-volume/simple/activate.rst b/doc/ceph-volume/simple/activate.rst
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+.. _ceph-volume-simple-activate:
+Once :ref:`ceph-volume-simple-scan` has been completed, and all the metadata
+captured for an OSD has been persisted to ``/etc/ceph/osd/{id}-{uuid}.json``
+the OSD is now ready to get "activated".
+This activation process **disables** all ``ceph-disk`` systemd units by masking
+them, to prevent the UDEV/ceph-disk interaction that will attempt to start them
+up at boot time.
+The disabling of ``ceph-disk`` units is done only when calling ``ceph-volume
+simple activate`` directly, but is is avoided when being called by systemd when
+the system is booting up.
+The activation process requires using both the :term:`OSD id` and :term:`OSD uuid`
+To activate parsed OSDs::
+ ceph-volume simple activate 0 6cc43680-4f6e-4feb-92ff-9c7ba204120e
+The above command will assume that a JSON configuration will be found in::
+ /etc/ceph/osd/0-6cc43680-4f6e-4feb-92ff-9c7ba204120e.json
+Alternatively, using a path to a JSON file directly is also possible::
+ ceph-volume simple activate --file /etc/ceph/osd/0-6cc43680-4f6e-4feb-92ff-9c7ba204120e.json
+requiring uuids
+The :term:`OSD uuid` is being required as an extra step to ensure that the
+right OSD is being activated. It is entirely possible that a previous OSD with
+the same id exists and would end up activating the incorrect one.
+With OSDs previously scanned by ``ceph-volume``, a *discovery* process is
+performed using ``blkid`` and ``lvm``. There is currently support only for
+devices with GPT partitions and LVM logical volumes.
+The GPT partitions will have a ``PARTUUID`` that can be queried by calling out
+to ``blkid``, and the logical volumes will have a ``lv_uuid`` that can be
+queried against ``lvs`` (the LVM tool to list logical volumes).
+This discovery process ensures that devices can be correctly detected even if
+they are repurposed into another system or if their name changes (as in the
+case of non-persisting names like ``/dev/sda1``)
+The JSON configuration file used to map what devices go to what OSD will then
+coordinate the mounting and symlinking as part of activation.
+To ensure that the symlinks are always correct, if they exist in the OSD
+directory, the symlinks will be re-done.
+A systemd unit will capture the :term:`OSD id` and :term:`OSD uuid` and
+persist it. Internally, the activation will enable it like::
+ systemctl enable ceph-volume@simple-$id-$uuid
+For example::
+ systemctl enable ceph-volume@simple-0-8715BEB4-15C5-49DE-BA6F-401086EC7B41
+Would start the discovery process for the OSD with an id of ``0`` and a UUID of
+The systemd process will call out to activate passing the information needed to
+identify the OSD and its devices, and it will proceed to:
+# mount the device in the corresponding location (by convention this is
+ ``/var/lib/ceph/osd/<cluster name>-<osd id>/``)
+# ensure that all required devices are ready for that OSD and properly linked,
+regardless of objectstore used (filestore or bluestore). The symbolic link will
+**always** be re-done to ensure that the correct device is linked.
+# start the ``ceph-osd@0`` systemd unit
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+.. _ceph-volume-simple:
+Implements the functionality needed to manage OSDs from the ``simple`` subcommand:
+``ceph-volume simple``
+**Command Line Subcommands**
+* :ref:`ceph-volume-simple-scan`
+* :ref:`ceph-volume-simple-activate`
+* :ref:`ceph-volume-simple-systemd`
+By *taking over* management, it disables all ``ceph-disk`` systemd units used
+to trigger devices at startup, relying on basic (customizable) JSON
+configuration and systemd for starting up OSDs.
+This process involves two steps:
+#. :ref:`Scan <ceph-volume-simple-scan>` the running OSD or the data device
+#. :ref:`Activate <ceph-volume-simple-activate>` the scanned OSD
+The scanning will infer everything that ``ceph-volume`` needs to start the OSD,
+so that when activation is needed, the OSD can start normally without getting
+interference from ``ceph-disk``.
+As part of the activation process the systemd units for ``ceph-disk`` in charge
+of reacting to ``udev`` events, are linked to ``/dev/null`` so that they are
+fully inactive.
diff --git a/doc/ceph-volume/simple/scan.rst b/doc/ceph-volume/simple/scan.rst
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index 00000000..2749b14b
--- /dev/null
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+.. _ceph-volume-simple-scan:
+Scanning allows to capture any important details from an already-deployed OSD
+so that ``ceph-volume`` can manage it without the need of any other startup
+workflows or tools (like ``udev`` or ``ceph-disk``). Encryption with LUKS or
+PLAIN formats is fully supported.
+The command has the ability to inspect a running OSD, by inspecting the
+directory where the OSD data is stored, or by consuming the data partition.
+The command can also scan all running OSDs if no path or device is provided.
+Once scanned, information will (by default) persist the metadata as JSON in
+a file in ``/etc/ceph/osd``. This ``JSON`` file will use the naming convention
+of: ``{OSD ID}-{OSD FSID}.json``. An OSD with an id of 1, and an FSID like
+``86ebd829-1405-43d3-8fd6-4cbc9b6ecf96`` the absolute path of the file would
+ /etc/ceph/osd/1-86ebd829-1405-43d3-8fd6-4cbc9b6ecf96.json
+The ``scan`` subcommand will refuse to write to this file if it already exists.
+If overwriting the contents is needed, the ``--force`` flag must be used::
+ ceph-volume simple scan --force {path}
+If there is no need to persist the ``JSON`` metadata, there is support to send
+the contents to ``stdout`` (no file will be written)::
+ ceph-volume simple scan --stdout {path}
+.. _ceph-volume-simple-scan-directory:
+Running OSDs scan
+Using this command without providing an OSD directory or device will scan the
+directories of any currently running OSDs. If a running OSD was not created
+by ceph-disk it will be ignored and not scanned.
+To scan all running ceph-disk OSDs, the command would look like::
+ ceph-volume simple scan
+Directory scan
+The directory scan will capture OSD file contents from interesting files. There
+are a few files that must exist in order to have a successful scan:
+* ``ceph_fsid``
+* ``fsid``
+* ``keyring``
+* ``ready``
+* ``type``
+* ``whoami``
+If the OSD is encrypted, it will additionally add the following keys:
+* ``encrypted``
+* ``encryption_type``
+* ``lockbox_keyring``
+In the case of any other file, as long as it is not a binary or a directory, it
+will also get captured and persisted as part of the JSON object.
+The convention for the keys in the JSON object is that any file name will be
+a key, and its contents will be its value. If the contents are a single line
+(like in the case of the ``whoami``) the contents are trimmed, and the newline
+is dropped. For example with an OSD with an id of 1, this is how the JSON entry
+would look like::
+ "whoami": "1",
+For files that may have more than one line, the contents are left as-is, except
+for keyrings which are treated specially and parsed to extract the keyring. For
+example, a ``keyring`` that gets read as::
+ [osd.1]\n\tkey = AQBBJ/dZp57NIBAAtnuQS9WOS0hnLVe0rZnE6Q==\n
+Would get stored as::
+ "keyring": "AQBBJ/dZp57NIBAAtnuQS9WOS0hnLVe0rZnE6Q==",
+For a directory like ``/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-1``, the command could look
+ ceph-volume simple scan /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph1
+.. _ceph-volume-simple-scan-device:
+Device scan
+When an OSD directory is not available (OSD is not running, or device is not
+mounted) the ``scan`` command is able to introspect the device to capture
+required data. Just like :ref:`ceph-volume-simple-scan-directory`, it would
+still require a few files present. This means that the device to be scanned
+**must be** the data partition of the OSD.
+As long as the data partition of the OSD is being passed in as an argument, the
+sub-command can scan its contents.
+In the case where the device is already mounted, the tool can detect this
+scenario and capture file contents from that directory.
+If the device is not mounted, a temporary directory will be created, and the
+device will be mounted temporarily just for scanning the contents. Once
+contents are scanned, the device will be unmounted.
+For a device like ``/dev/sda1`` which **must** be a data partition, the command
+could look like::
+ ceph-volume simple scan /dev/sda1
+.. _ceph-volume-simple-scan-json:
+``JSON`` contents
+The contents of the JSON object is very simple. The scan not only will persist
+information from the special OSD files and their contents, but will also
+validate paths and device UUIDs. Unlike what ``ceph-disk`` would do, by storing
+them in ``{device type}_uuid`` files, the tool will persist them as part of the
+device type key.
+For example, a ``block.db`` device would look something like::
+ "block.db": {
+ "path": "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/6cc43680-4f6e-4feb-92ff-9c7ba204120e",
+ "uuid": "6cc43680-4f6e-4feb-92ff-9c7ba204120e"
+ },
+But it will also persist the ``ceph-disk`` special file generated, like so::
+ "block.db_uuid": "6cc43680-4f6e-4feb-92ff-9c7ba204120e",
+This duplication is in place because the tool is trying to ensure the
+# Support OSDs that may not have ceph-disk special files
+# Check the most up-to-date information on the device, by querying against LVM
+and ``blkid``
+# Support both logical volumes and GPT devices
+This is a sample ``JSON`` metadata, from an OSD that is using ``bluestore``::
+ {
+ "active": "ok",
+ "block": {
+ "path": "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/40fd0a64-caa5-43a3-9717-1836ac661a12",
+ "uuid": "40fd0a64-caa5-43a3-9717-1836ac661a12"
+ },
+ "block.db": {
+ "path": "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/6cc43680-4f6e-4feb-92ff-9c7ba204120e",
+ "uuid": "6cc43680-4f6e-4feb-92ff-9c7ba204120e"
+ },
+ "block.db_uuid": "6cc43680-4f6e-4feb-92ff-9c7ba204120e",
+ "block_uuid": "40fd0a64-caa5-43a3-9717-1836ac661a12",
+ "bluefs": "1",
+ "ceph_fsid": "c92fc9eb-0610-4363-aafc-81ddf70aaf1b",
+ "cluster_name": "ceph",
+ "data": {
+ "path": "/dev/sdr1",
+ "uuid": "86ebd829-1405-43d3-8fd6-4cbc9b6ecf96"
+ },
+ "fsid": "86ebd829-1405-43d3-8fd6-4cbc9b6ecf96",
+ "keyring": "AQBBJ/dZp57NIBAAtnuQS9WOS0hnLVe0rZnE6Q==",
+ "kv_backend": "rocksdb",
+ "magic": "ceph osd volume v026",
+ "mkfs_done": "yes",
+ "ready": "ready",
+ "systemd": "",
+ "type": "bluestore",
+ "whoami": "3"
+ }
diff --git a/doc/ceph-volume/simple/systemd.rst b/doc/ceph-volume/simple/systemd.rst
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+.. _ceph-volume-simple-systemd:
+Upon startup, it will identify the logical volume by loading the JSON file in
+``/etc/ceph/osd/{id}-{uuid}.json`` corresponding to the instance name of the
+systemd unit.
+After identifying the correct volume it will then proceed to mount it by using
+the OSD destination conventions, that is::
+ /var/lib/ceph/osd/{cluster name}-{osd id}
+For our example OSD with an id of ``0``, that means the identified device will
+be mounted at::
+ /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0
+Once that process is complete, a call will be made to start the OSD::
+ systemctl start ceph-osd@0
+The systemd portion of this process is handled by the ``ceph-volume simple
+trigger`` sub-command, which is only in charge of parsing metadata coming from
+systemd and startup, and then dispatching to ``ceph-volume simple activate`` which
+would proceed with activation.
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+.. _ceph-volume-systemd:
+As part of the activation process (either with :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-activate`
+or :ref:`ceph-volume-simple-activate`), systemd units will get enabled that
+will use the OSD id and uuid as part of their name. These units will be run
+when the system boots, and will proceed to activate their corresponding
+volumes via their sub-command implementation.
+The API for activation is a bit loose, it only requires two parts: the
+subcommand to use and any extra meta information separated by a dash. This
+convention makes the units look like::
+ ceph-volume@{command}-{extra metadata}
+The *extra metadata* can be anything needed that the subcommand implementing
+the processing might need. In the case of :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm` and
+:ref:`ceph-volume-simple`, both look to consume the :term:`OSD id` and :term:`OSD uuid`,
+but this is not a hard requirement, it is just how the sub-commands are
+Both the command and extra metadata gets persisted by systemd as part of the
+*"instance name"* of the unit. For example an OSD with an ID of 0, for the
+``lvm`` sub-command would look like::
+ systemctl enable ceph-volume@lvm-0-0A3E1ED2-DA8A-4F0E-AA95-61DEC71768D6
+The enabled unit is a :term:`systemd oneshot` service, meant to start at boot
+after the local filesystem is ready to be used.
+Failure and Retries
+It is common to have failures when a system is coming up online. The devices
+are sometimes not fully available and this unpredictable behavior may cause an
+OSD to not be ready to be used.
+There are two configurable environment variables used to set the retry
+* ``CEPH_VOLUME_SYSTEMD_TRIES``: Defaults to 30
+The *"tries"* is a number that sets the maximum amount of times the unit will
+attempt to activate an OSD before giving up.
+The *"interval"* is a value in seconds that determines the waiting time before
+initiating another try at activating the OSD.
diff --git a/doc/ceph-volume/zfs/index.rst b/doc/ceph-volume/zfs/index.rst
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+.. _ceph-volume-zfs:
+Implements the functionality needed to deploy OSDs from the ``zfs`` subcommand:
+``ceph-volume zfs``
+The current implementation only works for ZFS on FreeBSD
+**Command Line Subcommands**
+* :ref:`ceph-volume-zfs-inventory`
+.. not yet implemented
+.. * :ref:`ceph-volume-zfs-prepare`
+.. * :ref:`ceph-volume-zfs-activate`
+.. * :ref:`ceph-volume-zfs-create`
+.. * :ref:`ceph-volume-zfs-list`
+.. * :ref:`ceph-volume-zfs-scan`
+**Internal functionality**
+There are other aspects of the ``zfs`` subcommand that are internal and not
+exposed to the user, these sections explain how these pieces work together,
+clarifying the workflows of the tool.
+:ref:`zfs <ceph-volume-zfs-api>`
diff --git a/doc/ceph-volume/zfs/inventory.rst b/doc/ceph-volume/zfs/inventory.rst
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+.. _ceph-volume-zfs-inventory:
+The ``inventory`` subcommand queries a host's disc inventory through GEOM and provides
+hardware information and metadata on every physical device.
+This only works on a FreeBSD platform.
+By default the command returns a short, human-readable report of all physical disks.
+For programmatic consumption of this report pass ``--format json`` to generate a
+JSON formatted report. This report includes extensive information on the
+physical drives such as disk metadata (like model and size), logical volumes
+and whether they are used by ceph, and if the disk is usable by ceph and
+reasons why not.
+A device path can be specified to report extensive information on a device in
+both plain and json format.