path: root/doc/cephfs/fs-volumes.rst
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+.. _fs-volumes-and-subvolumes:
+FS volumes and subvolumes
+A single source of truth for CephFS exports is implemented in the volumes
+module of the :term:`Ceph Manager` daemon (ceph-mgr). The OpenStack shared
+file system service (manila_), Ceph Containter Storage Interface (CSI_),
+storage administrators among others can use the common CLI provided by the
+ceph-mgr volumes module to manage the CephFS exports.
+The ceph-mgr volumes module implements the following file system export
+* FS volumes, an abstraction for CephFS file systems
+* FS subvolumes, an abstraction for independent CephFS directory trees
+* FS subvolume groups, an abstraction for a directory level higher than FS
+ subvolumes to effect policies (e.g., :doc:`/cephfs/file-layouts`) across a
+ set of subvolumes
+Some possible use-cases for the export abstractions:
+* FS subvolumes used as manila shares or CSI volumes
+* FS subvolume groups used as manila share groups
+* Nautilus (14.2.x) or a later version of Ceph
+* Cephx client user (see :doc:`/rados/operations/user-management`) with
+ the following minimum capabilities::
+ mon 'allow r'
+ mgr 'allow rw'
+FS Volumes
+Create a volume using::
+ $ ceph fs volume create <vol_name>
+This creates a CephFS file sytem and its data and metadata pools. It also tries
+to create MDSes for the filesytem using the enabled ceph-mgr orchestrator
+module (see :doc:`/mgr/orchestrator_cli`) , e.g., rook.
+Remove a volume using::
+ $ ceph fs volume rm <vol_name> [--yes-i-really-mean-it]
+This removes a file system and its data and metadata pools. It also tries to
+remove MDSes using the enabled ceph-mgr orchestrator module.
+List volumes using::
+ $ ceph fs volume ls
+FS Subvolume groups
+Create a subvolume group using::
+ $ ceph fs subvolumegroup create <vol_name> <group_name> [--pool_layout <data_pool_name>] [--uid <uid>] [--gid <gid>] [--mode <octal_mode>]
+The command succeeds even if the subvolume group already exists.
+When creating a subvolume group you can specify its data pool layout (see
+:doc:`/cephfs/file-layouts`), uid, gid, and file mode in octal numerals. By default, the
+subvolume group is created with an octal file mode '755', uid '0', gid '0' and data pool
+layout of its parent directory.
+Remove a subvolume group using::
+ $ ceph fs subvolumegroup rm <vol_name> <group_name> [--force]
+The removal of a subvolume group fails if it is not empty or non-existent.
+'--force' flag allows the non-existent subvolume group remove command to succeed.
+Fetch the absolute path of a subvolume group using::
+ $ ceph fs subvolumegroup getpath <vol_name> <group_name>
+List subvolume groups using::
+ $ ceph fs subvolumegroup ls <vol_name>
+.. note:: Subvolume group snapshot feature is no longer supported in nautilus CephFS (existing group
+ snapshots can still be listed and deleted)
+Remove a snapshot of a subvolume group using::
+ $ ceph fs subvolumegroup snapshot rm <vol_name> <group_name> <snap_name> [--force]
+Using the '--force' flag allows the command to succeed that would otherwise
+fail if the snapshot did not exist.
+List snapshots of a subvolume group using::
+ $ ceph fs subvolumegroup snapshot ls <vol_name> <group_name>
+FS Subvolumes
+Create a subvolume using::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume create <vol_name> <subvol_name> [--size <size_in_bytes>] [--group_name <subvol_group_name>] [--pool_layout <data_pool_name>] [--uid <uid>] [--gid <gid>] [--mode <octal_mode>] [--namespace-isolated]
+The command succeeds even if the subvolume already exists.
+When creating a subvolume you can specify its subvolume group, data pool layout,
+uid, gid, file mode in octal numerals, and size in bytes. The size of the subvolume is
+specified by setting a quota on it (see :doc:`/cephfs/quota`). The subvolume can be
+created in a separate RADOS namespace by specifying --namespace-isolated option. By
+default a subvolume is created within the default subvolume group, and with an octal file
+mode '755', uid of its subvolume group, gid of its subvolume group, data pool layout of
+its parent directory and no size limit.
+Remove a subvolume using::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume rm <vol_name> <subvol_name> [--group_name <subvol_group_name>] [--force] [--retain-snapshots]
+The command removes the subvolume and its contents. It does this in two steps.
+First, it moves the subvolume to a trash folder, and then asynchronously purges
+its contents.
+The removal of a subvolume fails if it has snapshots, or is non-existent.
+'--force' flag allows the non-existent subvolume remove command to succeed.
+A subvolume can be removed retaining existing snapshots of the subvolume using the
+'--retain-snapshots' option. If snapshots are retained, the subvolume is considered
+empty for all operations not involving the retained snapshots.
+.. note:: Snapshot retained subvolumes can be recreated using 'ceph fs subvolume create'
+.. note:: Retained snapshots can be used as a clone source to recreate the subvolume, or clone to a newer subvolume.
+Resize a subvolume using::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume resize <vol_name> <subvol_name> <new_size> [--group_name <subvol_group_name>] [--no_shrink]
+The command resizes the subvolume quota using the size specified by 'new_size'.
+'--no_shrink' flag prevents the subvolume to shrink below the current used size of the subvolume.
+The subvolume can be resized to an infinite size by passing 'inf' or 'infinite' as the new_size.
+Authorize cephx auth IDs, the read/read-write access to fs subvolumes::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume authorize <vol_name> <sub_name> <auth_id> [--group_name=<group_name>] [--access_level=<access_level>]
+The 'access_level' takes 'r' or 'rw' as value.
+Deauthorize cephx auth IDs, the read/read-write access to fs subvolumes::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume deauthorize <vol_name> <sub_name> <auth_id> [--group_name=<group_name>]
+List cephx auth IDs authorized to access fs subvolume::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume authorized_list <vol_name> <sub_name> [--group_name=<group_name>]
+Evict fs clients based on auth ID and subvolume mounted::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume evict <vol_name> <sub_name> <auth_id> [--group_name=<group_name>]
+Fetch the absolute path of a subvolume using::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume getpath <vol_name> <subvol_name> [--group_name <subvol_group_name>]
+Fetch the metadata of a subvolume using::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume info <vol_name> <subvol_name> [--group_name <subvol_group_name>]
+The output format is json and contains fields as follows.
+* atime: access time of subvolume path in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
+* mtime: modification time of subvolume path in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
+* ctime: change time of subvolume path in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
+* uid: uid of subvolume path
+* gid: gid of subvolume path
+* mode: mode of subvolume path
+* mon_addrs: list of monitor addresses
+* bytes_pcent: quota used in percentage if quota is set, else displays "undefined"
+* bytes_quota: quota size in bytes if quota is set, else displays "infinite"
+* bytes_used: current used size of the subvolume in bytes
+* created_at: time of creation of subvolume in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
+* data_pool: data pool the subvolume belongs to
+* path: absolute path of a subvolume
+* type: subvolume type indicating whether it's clone or subvolume
+* pool_namespace: RADOS namespace of the subvolume
+* features: features supported by the subvolume
+* state: current state of the subvolume
+If a subvolume has been removed retaining its snapshots, the output only contains fields as follows.
+* type: subvolume type indicating whether it's clone or subvolume
+* features: features supported by the subvolume
+* state: current state of the subvolume
+The subvolume "features" are based on the internal version of the subvolume and is a list containing
+a subset of the following features,
+* "snapshot-clone": supports cloning using a subvolumes snapshot as the source
+* "snapshot-autoprotect": supports automatically protecting snapshots, that are active clone sources, from deletion
+* "snapshot-retention": supports removing subvolume contents, retaining any existing snapshots
+The subvolume "state" is based on the current state of the subvolume and contains one of the following values.
+* "complete": subvolume is ready for all operations
+* "snapshot-retained": subvolume is removed but its snapshots are retained
+List subvolumes using::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume ls <vol_name> [--group_name <subvol_group_name>]
+.. note:: subvolumes that are removed but have snapshots retained, are also listed.
+Create a snapshot of a subvolume using::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume snapshot create <vol_name> <subvol_name> <snap_name> [--group_name <subvol_group_name>]
+Remove a snapshot of a subvolume using::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume snapshot rm <vol_name> <subvol_name> <snap_name> [--group_name <subvol_group_name>] [--force]
+Using the '--force' flag allows the command to succeed that would otherwise
+fail if the snapshot did not exist.
+.. note:: if the last snapshot within a snapshot retained subvolume is removed, the subvolume is also removed
+List snapshots of a subvolume using::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume snapshot ls <vol_name> <subvol_name> [--group_name <subvol_group_name>]
+Fetch the metadata of a snapshot using::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume snapshot info <vol_name> <subvol_name> <snap_name> [--group_name <subvol_group_name>]
+The output format is json and contains fields as follows.
+* created_at: time of creation of snapshot in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS:ffffff"
+* data_pool: data pool the snapshot belongs to
+* has_pending_clones: "yes" if snapshot clone is in progress otherwise "no"
+* size: snapshot size in bytes
+Cloning Snapshots
+Subvolumes can be created by cloning subvolume snapshots. Cloning is an asynchronous operation involving copying
+data from a snapshot to a subvolume. Due to this bulk copy nature, cloning is currently inefficient for very huge
+data sets.
+.. note:: Removing a snapshot (source subvolume) would fail if there are pending or in progress clone operations.
+Protecting snapshots prior to cloning was a pre-requisite in the Nautilus release, and the commands to protect/unprotect
+snapshots were introduced for this purpose. This pre-requisite, and hence the commands to protect/unprotect, is being
+deprecated in mainline CephFS, and may be removed from a future release.
+The commands being deprecated are::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume snapshot protect <vol_name> <subvol_name> <snap_name> [--group_name <subvol_group_name>]
+ $ ceph fs subvolume snapshot unprotect <vol_name> <subvol_name> <snap_name> [--group_name <subvol_group_name>]
+.. note:: Using the above commands would not result in an error, but they serve no useful function.
+.. note:: Use subvolume info command to fetch subvolume metadata regarding supported "features" to help decide if protect/unprotect of snapshots is required, based on the "snapshot-autoprotect" feature availability.
+To initiate a clone operation use::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume snapshot clone <vol_name> <subvol_name> <snap_name> <target_subvol_name>
+If a snapshot (source subvolume) is a part of non-default group, the group name needs to be specified as per::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume snapshot clone <vol_name> <subvol_name> <snap_name> <target_subvol_name> --group_name <subvol_group_name>
+Cloned subvolumes can be a part of a different group than the source snapshot (by default, cloned subvolumes are created in default group). To clone to a particular group use::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume snapshot clone <vol_name> <subvol_name> <snap_name> <target_subvol_name> --target_group_name <subvol_group_name>
+Similar to specifying a pool layout when creating a subvolume, pool layout can be specified when creating a cloned subvolume. To create a cloned subvolume with a specific pool layout use::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume snapshot clone <vol_name> <subvol_name> <snap_name> <target_subvol_name> --pool_layout <pool_layout>
+Configure maximum number of concurrent clones. The default is set to 4::
+ $ ceph config set mgr mgr/volumes/max_concurrent_clones <value>
+To check the status of a clone operation use::
+ $ ceph fs clone status <vol_name> <clone_name> [--group_name <group_name>]
+A clone can be in one of the following states:
+#. `pending` : Clone operation has not started
+#. `in-progress` : Clone operation is in progress
+#. `complete` : Clone operation has successfully finished
+#. `failed` : Clone operation has failed
+Sample output from an `in-progress` clone operation::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume snapshot clone cephfs subvol1 snap1 clone1
+ $ ceph fs clone status cephfs clone1
+ {
+ "status": {
+ "state": "in-progress",
+ "source": {
+ "volume": "cephfs",
+ "subvolume": "subvol1",
+ "snapshot": "snap1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+(NOTE: since `subvol1` is in default group, `source` section in `clone status` does not include group name)
+.. note:: Cloned subvolumes are accessible only after the clone operation has successfully completed.
+For a successful clone operation, `clone status` would look like so::
+ $ ceph fs clone status cephfs clone1
+ {
+ "status": {
+ "state": "complete"
+ }
+ }
+or `failed` state when clone is unsuccessful.
+On failure of a clone operation, the partial clone needs to be deleted and the clone operation needs to be retriggered.
+To delete a partial clone use::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume rm <vol_name> <clone_name> [--group_name <group_name>] --force
+.. note:: Cloning only synchronizes directories, regular files and symbolic links. Also, inode timestamps (access and
+ modification times) are synchronized upto seconds granularity.
+An `in-progress` or a `pending` clone operation can be canceled. To cancel a clone operation use the `clone cancel` command::
+ $ ceph fs clone cancel <vol_name> <clone_name> [--group_name <group_name>]
+On successful cancelation, the cloned subvolume is moved to `canceled` state::
+ $ ceph fs subvolume snapshot clone cephfs subvol1 snap1 clone1
+ $ ceph fs clone cancel cephfs clone1
+ $ ceph fs clone status cephfs clone1
+ {
+ "status": {
+ "state": "canceled",
+ "source": {
+ "volume": "cephfs",
+ "subvolume": "subvol1",
+ "snapshot": "snap1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+.. note:: The canceled cloned can be deleted by using --force option in `fs subvolume rm` command.
+.. _manila:
+.. _CSI: