path: root/doc/man
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
43 files changed, 8365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/man/8/CMakeLists.txt b/doc/man/8/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..819afc05
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@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ ceph-syn.rst
+ ceph-conf.rst
+ ceph.rst
+ ceph-authtool.rst
+ ceph-kvstore-tool.rst
+ rados.rst
+ ceph-post-file.rst
+ ceph-dencoder.rst)
+ ceph-deploy.rst
+ crushtool.rst
+ ceph-run.rst
+ mount.ceph.rst
+ ceph-create-keys.rst)
+list(APPEND server_srcs
+ ceph-debugpack.rst)
+ ceph-clsinfo.rst
+ ceph-volume.rst
+ ceph-volume-systemd.rst
+ ceph-osd.rst
+ osdmaptool.rst
+ ceph-bluestore-tool.rst)
+ ceph-mon.rst
+ monmaptool.rst)
+list(APPEND man_srcs
+ ${client_srcs}
+ ${server_srcs}
+ ${osd_srcs}
+ ${mon_srcs}
+ ceph-mds.rst
+ librados-config.rst)
+ list(APPEND man_srcs
+ ceph-fuse.rst
+ rbd-fuse.rst)
+ list(APPEND man_srcs
+ radosgw.rst
+ radosgw-admin.rst
+ rgw-orphan-list.rst
+ ceph-diff-sorted.rst)
+ list(APPEND man_srcs
+ ceph-rbdnamer.rst
+ rbd-mirror.rst
+ rbd-replay-many.rst
+ rbd-replay-prep.rst
+ rbd-replay.rst
+ rbdmap.rst
+ rbd.rst)
+ if(LINUX)
+ list(APPEND man_srcs rbd-nbd.rst)
+ endif()
+ list(APPEND man_srcs rbd-ggate.rst)
+ endif()
+foreach(man ${man_srcs})
+ list(APPEND sphinx_input ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${man})
+ # mount.ceph.rst => mount if we use
+ # get_filename_component(cmd ${man} NAME_WE)
+ string(REGEX REPLACE ".rst$" "" cmd ${man})
+ list(APPEND sphinx_output ${sphinx_output_dir}/${cmd}.8)
+ install(FILES ${sphinx_output_dir}/${cmd}.8
+set(sphinx_input ${sphinx_input} PARENT_SCOPE)
+set(sphinx_output ${sphinx_output} PARENT_SCOPE)
diff --git a/doc/man/8/ceph-authtool.rst b/doc/man/8/ceph-authtool.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05532f55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/man/8/ceph-authtool.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ ceph-authtool -- ceph keyring manipulation tool
+.. program:: ceph-authtool
+| **ceph-authtool** *keyringfile*
+ [ -l | --list ]
+ [ -p | --print-key ]
+ [ -C | --create-keyring ]
+ [ -g | --gen-key ]
+ [ --gen-print-key ]
+ [ --import-keyring *otherkeyringfile* ]
+ [ -n | --name *entityname* ]
+ [ -a | --add-key *base64_key* ]
+ [ --cap *subsystem* *capability* ]
+ [ --caps *capfile* ]
+ [ --mode *mode* ]
+**ceph-authtool** is a utility to create, view, and modify a Ceph keyring
+file. A keyring file stores one or more Ceph authentication keys and
+possibly an associated capability specification. Each key is
+associated with an entity name, of the form
+**WARNING** Ceph provides authentication and protection against
+man-in-the-middle attacks once secret keys are in place. However,
+data over the wire is not encrypted, which may include the messages
+used to configure said keys. The system is primarily intended to be
+used in trusted environments.
+.. option:: -l, --list
+ will list all keys and capabilities present in the keyring
+.. option:: -p, --print-key
+ will print an encoded key for the specified entityname. This is
+ suitable for the ``mount -o secret=`` argument
+.. option:: -C, --create-keyring
+ will create a new keyring, overwriting any existing keyringfile
+.. option:: -g, --gen-key
+ will generate a new secret key for the specified entityname
+.. option:: --gen-print-key
+ will generate a new secret key for the specified entityname,
+ without altering the keyringfile, printing the secret to stdout
+.. option:: --import-keyring *secondkeyringfile*
+ will import the content of a given keyring to the keyringfile
+.. option:: -n, --name *name*
+ specify entityname to operate on
+.. option:: -a, --add-key *base64_key*
+ will add an encoded key to the keyring
+.. option:: --cap *subsystem* *capability*
+ will set the capability for given subsystem
+.. option:: --caps *capsfile*
+ will set all of capabilities associated with a given key, for all subsystems
+ .. option:: --mode *mode*
+ will set the desired file mode to the keyring e.g: 0644, defaults to 0600
+The subsystem is the name of a Ceph subsystem: ``mon``, ``mds``, or
+The capability is a string describing what the given user is allowed
+to do. This takes the form of a comma separated list of allow
+clauses with a permission specifier containing one or more of rwx for
+read, write, and execute permission. The ``allow *`` grants full
+superuser permissions for the given subsystem.
+For example::
+ # can read, write, and execute objects
+ osd = "allow rwx"
+ # can access mds server
+ mds = "allow"
+ # can modify cluster state (i.e., is a server daemon)
+ mon = "allow rwx"
+A librados user restricted to a single pool might look like::
+ mon = "allow r"
+ osd = "allow rw pool foo"
+A client using rbd with read access to one pool and read/write access to another::
+ mon = "allow r"
+ osd = "allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow pool templates r class-read, allow pool vms rwx"
+A client mounting the file system with minimal permissions would need caps like::
+ mds = "allow"
+ osd = "allow rw pool data"
+ mon = "allow r"
+OSD Capabilities
+In general, an osd capability follows the grammar::
+ osdcap := grant[,grant...]
+ grant := allow (match capspec | capspec match)
+ match := [ pool[=]<poolname> | object_prefix <prefix>
+ | namespace[=]<rados-namespace>
+ | tag <application-name> <key>=<value> ]
+ capspec := * | [r][w][x] [class-read] [class-write]
+The capspec determines what kind of operations the entity can perform::
+ r = read access to objects
+ w = write access to objects
+ x = can call any class method (same as class-read class-write)
+ class-read = can call class methods that are reads
+ class-write = can call class methods that are writes
+ * or "all" = equivalent to rwx, plus the ability to run osd admin commands,
+ i.e. ceph osd tell ...
+The match criteria restrict a grant based on the pool being accessed.
+Grants are additive if the client fulfills the match condition. For
+example, if a client has the osd capabilities: "allow r object_prefix
+prefix, allow w pool foo, allow x pool bar", then it has rw access to
+pool foo, rx access to pool bar, and r access to objects whose
+names begin with 'prefix' in any pool.
+Caps file format
+The caps file format consists of zero or more key/value pairs, one per
+line. The key and value are separated by an ``=``, and the value must
+be quoted (with ``'`` or ``"``) if it contains any whitespace. The key
+is the name of the Ceph subsystem (``osd``, ``mds``, ``mon``), and the
+value is the capability string (see above).
+To create a new keyring containing a key for with a 0644 file mode::
+ ceph-authtool -C -n --gen-key keyring --mode 0644
+To associate some capabilities with the key (namely, the ability to
+mount a Ceph filesystem)::
+ ceph-authtool -n --cap mds 'allow' --cap osd 'allow rw pool=data' --cap mon 'allow r' keyring
+To display the contents of the keyring::
+ ceph-authtool -l keyring
+When mounting a Ceph file system, you can grab the appropriately encoded secret key with::
+ mount -t ceph serverhost:/ mountpoint -o name=foo,secret=`ceph-authtool -p -n keyring`
+**ceph-authtool** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please
+refer to the Ceph documentation at for more
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8)
diff --git a/doc/man/8/ceph-bluestore-tool.rst b/doc/man/8/ceph-bluestore-tool.rst
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index 00000000..667c330d
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+ ceph-bluestore-tool -- bluestore administrative tool
+.. program:: ceph-bluestore-tool
+| **ceph-bluestore-tool** *command*
+ [ --dev *device* ... ]
+ [ --path *osd path* ]
+ [ --out-dir *dir* ]
+ [ --log-file | -l *filename* ]
+ [ --deep ]
+| **ceph-bluestore-tool** fsck|repair --path *osd path* [ --deep ]
+| **ceph-bluestore-tool** show-label --dev *device* ...
+| **ceph-bluestore-tool** prime-osd-dir --dev *device* --path *osd path*
+| **ceph-bluestore-tool** bluefs-export --path *osd path* --out-dir *dir*
+| **ceph-bluestore-tool** bluefs-bdev-new-wal --path *osd path* --dev-target *new-device*
+| **ceph-bluestore-tool** bluefs-bdev-new-db --path *osd path* --dev-target *new-device*
+| **ceph-bluestore-tool** bluefs-bdev-migrate --path *osd path* --dev-target *new-device* --devs-source *device1* [--devs-source *device2*]
+| **ceph-bluestore-tool** free-dump|free-score --path *osd path* [ --allocator block/bluefs-wal/bluefs-db/bluefs-slow ]
+**ceph-bluestore-tool** is a utility to perform low-level administrative
+operations on a BlueStore instance.
+ show help
+:command:`fsck` [ --deep ]
+ run consistency check on BlueStore metadata. If *--deep* is specified, also read all object data and verify checksums.
+ Run a consistency check *and* repair any errors we can.
+ Export the contents of BlueFS (i.e., rocksdb files) to an output directory.
+:command:`bluefs-bdev-sizes` --path *osd path*
+ Print the device sizes, as understood by BlueFS, to stdout.
+:command:`bluefs-bdev-expand` --path *osd path*
+ Instruct BlueFS to check the size of its block devices and, if they have expanded, make use of the additional space.
+:command:`bluefs-bdev-new-wal` --path *osd path* --dev-target *new-device*
+ Adds WAL device to BlueFS, fails if WAL device already exists.
+:command:`bluefs-bdev-new-db` --path *osd path* --dev-target *new-device*
+ Adds DB device to BlueFS, fails if DB device already exists.
+:command:`bluefs-bdev-migrate` --dev-target *new-device* --devs-source *device1* [--devs-source *device2*]
+ Moves BlueFS data from source device(s) to the target one, source devices
+ (except the main one) are removed on success. Target device can be both
+ already attached or new device. In the latter case it's added to OSD
+ replacing one of the source devices. Following replacement rules apply
+ (in the order of precedence, stop on the first match):
+ - if source list has DB volume - target device replaces it.
+ - if source list has WAL volume - target device replace it.
+ - if source list has slow volume only - operation isn't permitted, requires explicit allocation via new-db/new-wal command.
+:command:`show-label` --dev *device* [...]
+ Show device label(s).
+:command:`free-dump` --path *osd path* [ --allocator block/bluefs-wal/bluefs-db/bluefs-slow ]
+ Dump all free regions in allocator.
+:command:`free-score` --path *osd path* [ --allocator block/bluefs-wal/bluefs-db/bluefs-slow ]
+ Give a [0-1] number that represents quality of fragmentation in allocator.
+ 0 represents case when all free space is in one chunk. 1 represents worst possible fragmentation.
+.. option:: --dev *device*
+ Add *device* to the list of devices to consider
+.. option:: --devs-source *device*
+ Add *device* to the list of devices to consider as sources for migrate operation
+.. option:: --dev-target *device*
+ Specify target *device* migrate operation or device to add for adding new DB/WAL.
+.. option:: --path *osd path*
+ Specify an osd path. In most cases, the device list is inferred from the symlinks present in *osd path*. This is usually simpler than explicitly specifying the device(s) with --dev.
+.. option:: --out-dir *dir*
+ Output directory for bluefs-export
+.. option:: -l, --log-file *log file*
+ file to log to
+.. option:: --log-level *num*
+ debug log level. Default is 30 (extremely verbose), 20 is very
+ verbose, 10 is verbose, and 1 is not very verbose.
+.. option:: --deep
+ deep scrub/repair (read and validate object data, not just metadata)
+.. option:: --allocator *name*
+ Useful for *free-dump* and *free-score* actions. Selects allocator(s).
+Device labels
+Every BlueStore block device has a single block label at the beginning of the
+device. You can dump the contents of the label with::
+ ceph-bluestore-tool show-label --dev *device*
+The main device will have a lot of metadata, including information
+that used to be stored in small files in the OSD data directory. The
+auxiliary devices (db and wal) will only have the minimum required
+fields (OSD UUID, size, device type, birth time).
+OSD directory priming
+You can generate the content for an OSD data directory that can start up a
+BlueStore OSD with the *prime-osd-dir* command::
+ ceph-bluestore-tool prime-osd-dir --dev *main device* --path /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-*id*
+BlueFS log rescue
+Some versions of BlueStore were susceptible to BlueFS log growing extremaly large -
+beyond the point of making booting OSD impossible. This state is indicated by
+booting that takes very long and fails in _replay function.
+This can be fixed by::
+ ceph-bluestore-tool fsck --path *osd path* --bluefs_replay_recovery=true
+It is advised to first check if rescue process would be successfull::
+ ceph-bluestore-tool fsck --path *osd path* \
+ --bluefs_replay_recovery=true --bluefs_replay_recovery_disable_compact=true
+If above fsck is successfull fix procedure can be applied.
+**ceph-bluestore-tool** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable,
+open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to the Ceph
+documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph-osd <ceph-osd>`\(8)
diff --git a/doc/man/8/ceph-clsinfo.rst b/doc/man/8/ceph-clsinfo.rst
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+ ceph-clsinfo -- show class object information
+.. program:: ceph-clsinfo
+| **ceph-clsinfo** [ *options* ] ... *filename*
+**ceph-clsinfo** can show name, version, and architecture information
+about a specific class object.
+.. option:: -n, --name
+ Shows the class name
+.. option:: -v, --version
+ Shows the class version
+.. option:: -a, --arch
+ Shows the class architecture
+**ceph-clsinfo** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please
+refer to the Ceph documentation at for more
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8)
diff --git a/doc/man/8/ceph-conf.rst b/doc/man/8/ceph-conf.rst
new file mode 100644
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+ ceph-conf -- ceph conf file tool
+.. program:: ceph-conf
+| **ceph-conf** -c *conffile* --list-all-sections
+| **ceph-conf** -c *conffile* -L
+| **ceph-conf** -c *conffile* -l *prefix*
+| **ceph-conf** *key* -s *section1* ...
+| **ceph-conf** [-s *section* ] [-r] --lookup *key*
+| **ceph-conf** [-s *section* ] *key*
+**ceph-conf** is a utility for getting information from a ceph
+configuration file. As with most Ceph programs, you can specify which
+Ceph configuration file to use with the ``-c`` flag.
+Note that unlike other ceph tools, **ceph-conf** will *only* read from
+config files (or return compiled-in default values)--it will *not*
+fetch config values from the monitor cluster. For this reason it is
+recommended that **ceph-conf** only be used in legacy environments
+that are strictly config-file based. New deployments and tools should
+instead rely on either querying the monitor explicitly for
+configuration (e.g., ``ceph config get <daemon> <option>``) or use
+daemons themselves to fetch effective config options (e.g.,
+``ceph-osd -i 123 --show-config-value osd_data``). The latter option
+has the advantages of drawing from compiled-in defaults (which
+occasionally vary between daemons), config files, and the monitor's
+config database, providing the exact value that that daemon would be
+using if it were started.
+**ceph-conf** performs one of the following actions:
+.. option:: -L, --list-all-sections
+ list all sections in the configuration file.
+.. option:: -l, --list-sections *prefix*
+ list the sections with the given *prefix*. For example, ``--list-sections mon``
+ would list all sections beginning with ``mon``.
+.. option:: --lookup *key*
+ search and print the specified configuration setting. Note: ``--lookup`` is
+ the default action. If no other actions are given on the command line, we will
+ default to doing a lookup.
+.. option:: -h, --help
+ print a summary of usage.
+.. option:: -c *conffile*
+ the Ceph configuration file.
+.. option:: --filter-key *key*
+ filter section list to only include sections with given *key* defined.
+.. option:: --filter-key-value *key* ``=`` *value*
+ filter section list to only include sections with given *key*/*value* pair.
+.. option:: --name **
+ the Ceph name in which the sections are searched (default 'client.admin').
+ For example, if we specify ``--name osd.0``, the following sections will be
+ searched: [osd.0], [osd], [global]
+.. option:: -r, --resolve-search
+ search for the first file that exists and can be opened in the resulted
+ comma delimited search list.
+.. option:: -s, --section
+ additional sections to search. These additional sections will be searched
+ before the sections that would normally be searched. As always, the first
+ matching entry we find will be returned.
+To find out what value osd 0 will use for the "osd data" option::
+ ceph-conf -c foo.conf --name osd.0 --lookup "osd data"
+To find out what value will mds a use for the "log file" option::
+ ceph-conf -c foo.conf --name mds.a "log file"
+To list all sections that begin with "osd"::
+ ceph-conf -c foo.conf -l osd
+To list all sections::
+ ceph-conf -c foo.conf -L
+To print the path of the "keyring" used by "client.0"::
+ ceph-conf --name client.0 -r -l keyring
+``/etc/ceph/$cluster.conf``, ``~/.ceph/$cluster.conf``, ``$cluster.conf``
+the Ceph configuration files to use if not specified.
+**ceph-conf** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer
+to the Ceph documentation at for more
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8),
diff --git a/doc/man/8/ceph-create-keys.rst b/doc/man/8/ceph-create-keys.rst
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index 00000000..20b6560b
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+++ b/doc/man/8/ceph-create-keys.rst
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+ceph-create-keys -- ceph keyring generate tool
+.. program:: ceph-create-keys
+| **ceph-create-keys** [-h] [-v] [-t seconds] [--cluster *name*] --id *id*
+:program:`ceph-create-keys` is a utility to generate bootstrap keyrings using
+the given monitor when it is ready.
+It creates following auth entities (or users)
+ and its key for your client host.
+``client.bootstrap-{osd, rgw, mds}``
+ and their keys for bootstrapping corresponding services
+To list all users in the cluster::
+ ceph auth ls
+.. option:: --cluster
+ name of the cluster (default 'ceph').
+.. option:: -t
+ time out after **seconds** (default: 600) waiting for a response from the monitor
+.. option:: -i, --id
+ id of a ceph-mon that is coming up. **ceph-create-keys** will wait until it joins quorum.
+.. option:: -v, --verbose
+ be more verbose.
+**ceph-create-keys** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer
+to the Ceph documentation at for more
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8)
diff --git a/doc/man/8/ceph-debugpack.rst b/doc/man/8/ceph-debugpack.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f2c4f2f
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+ ceph-debugpack -- ceph debug packer utility
+.. program:: ceph-debugpack
+| **ceph-debugpack** [ *options* ] *filename.tar.gz*
+**ceph-debugpack** will build a tarball containing various items that are
+useful for debugging crashes. The resulting tarball can be shared with
+Ceph developers when debugging a problem.
+The tarball will include the binaries for ceph-mds, ceph-osd, and ceph-mon, radosgw, any
+log files, the ceph.conf configuration file, any core files we can
+find, and (if the system is running) dumps of the current cluster state
+as reported by 'ceph report'.
+.. option:: -c ceph.conf, --conf=ceph.conf
+ Use *ceph.conf* configuration file instead of the default
+ ``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf`` to determine monitor addresses during
+ startup.
+**ceph-debugpack** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please
+refer to the Ceph documentation at for more
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8)
+:doc:`ceph-post-file <ceph-post-file>`\(8)
diff --git a/doc/man/8/ceph-dencoder.rst b/doc/man/8/ceph-dencoder.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09032aa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/man/8/ceph-dencoder.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ ceph-dencoder -- ceph encoder/decoder utility
+.. program:: ceph-dencoder
+| **ceph-dencoder** [commands...]
+**ceph-dencoder** is a utility to encode, decode, and dump ceph data
+structures. It is used for debugging and for testing inter-version
+**ceph-dencoder** takes a simple list of commands and performs them
+in order.
+.. option:: version
+ Print the version string for the **ceph-dencoder** binary.
+.. option:: import <file>
+ Read a binary blob of encoded data from the given file. It will be
+ placed in an in-memory buffer.
+.. option:: export <file>
+ Write the contents of the current in-memory buffer to the given
+ file.
+.. option:: list_types
+ List the data types known to this build of **ceph-dencoder**.
+.. option:: type <name>
+ Select the given type for future ``encode`` or ``decode`` operations.
+.. option:: skip <bytes>
+ Seek <bytes> into the imported file before reading data structure, use
+ this with objects that have a preamble/header before the object of interest.
+.. option:: decode
+ Decode the contents of the in-memory buffer into an instance of the
+ previously selected type. If there is an error, report it.
+.. option:: encode
+ Encode the contents of the in-memory instance of the previously
+ selected type to the in-memory buffer.
+.. option:: dump_json
+ Print a JSON-formatted description of the in-memory object.
+.. option:: count_tests
+ Print the number of built-in test instances of the previously
+ selected type that **ceph-dencoder** is able to generate.
+.. option:: select_test <n>
+ Select the given build-in test instance as a the in-memory instance
+ of the type.
+.. option:: get_features
+ Print the decimal value of the feature set supported by this version
+ of **ceph-dencoder**. Each bit represents a feature. These correspond to
+ CEPH_FEATURE_* defines in src/include/ceph_features.h.
+.. option:: set_features <f>
+ Set the feature bits provided to ``encode`` to *f*. This allows
+ you to encode objects such that they can be understood by old
+ versions of the software (for those types that support it).
+Say you want to examine an attribute on an object stored by ``ceph-osd``. You can do this:
+ $ cd /mnt/osd.12/current/2.b_head
+ $ attr -l foo_bar_head_EFE6384B
+ Attribute "ceph.snapset" has a 31 byte value for foo_bar_head_EFE6384B
+ Attribute "ceph._" has a 195 byte value for foo_bar_head_EFE6384B
+ $ attr foo_bar_head_EFE6384B -g ceph._ -q > /tmp/a
+ $ ceph-dencoder type object_info_t import /tmp/a decode dump_json
+ { "oid": { "oid": "foo",
+ "key": "bar",
+ "snapid": -2,
+ "hash": 4024842315,
+ "max": 0},
+ "locator": { "pool": 2,
+ "preferred": -1,
+ "key": "bar"},
+ "category": "",
+ "version": "9'1",
+ "prior_version": "0'0",
+ "last_reqid": "client.4116.0:1",
+ "size": 1681,
+ "mtime": "2012-02-21 08:58:23.666639",
+ "lost": 0,
+ "wrlock_by": "unknown.0.0:0",
+ "snaps": [],
+ "truncate_seq": 0,
+ "truncate_size": 0,
+ "watchers": {}}
+Alternatively, perhaps you wish to dump an internal CephFS metadata object, you might
+do that like this:
+ $ rados -p metadata get mds_snaptable mds_snaptable.bin
+ $ ceph-dencoder type SnapServer skip 8 import mds_snaptable.bin decode dump_json
+ { "snapserver": { "last_snap": 1,
+ "pending_noop": [],
+ "snaps": [],
+ "need_to_purge": {},
+ "pending_create": [],
+ "pending_destroy": []}}
+**ceph-dencoder** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please
+refer to the Ceph documentation at for more
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8)
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+.. _ceph-deploy:
+ ceph-deploy -- Ceph deployment tool
+.. program:: ceph-deploy
+| **ceph-deploy** **new** [*initial-monitor-node(s)*]
+| **ceph-deploy** **install** [*ceph-node*] [*ceph-node*...]
+| **ceph-deploy** **mon** *create-initial*
+| **ceph-deploy** **osd** *create* *--data* *device* *ceph-node*
+| **ceph-deploy** **admin** [*admin-node*][*ceph-node*...]
+| **ceph-deploy** **purgedata** [*ceph-node*][*ceph-node*...]
+| **ceph-deploy** **forgetkeys**
+:program:`ceph-deploy` is a tool which allows easy and quick deployment of a
+Ceph cluster without involving complex and detailed manual configuration. It
+uses ssh to gain access to other Ceph nodes from the admin node, sudo for
+administrator privileges on them and the underlying Python scripts automates
+the manual process of Ceph installation on each node from the admin node itself.
+It can be easily run on an workstation and doesn't require servers, databases or
+any other automated tools. With :program:`ceph-deploy`, it is really easy to set
+up and take down a cluster. However, it is not a generic deployment tool. It is
+a specific tool which is designed for those who want to get Ceph up and running
+quickly with only the unavoidable initial configuration settings and without the
+overhead of installing other tools like ``Chef``, ``Puppet`` or ``Juju``. Those
+who want to customize security settings, partitions or directory locations and
+want to set up a cluster following detailed manual steps, should use other tools
+i.e, ``Chef``, ``Puppet``, ``Juju`` or ``Crowbar``.
+With :program:`ceph-deploy`, you can install Ceph packages on remote nodes,
+create a cluster, add monitors, gather/forget keys, add OSDs and metadata
+servers, configure admin hosts or take down the cluster.
+Start deploying a new cluster and write a configuration file and keyring for it.
+It tries to copy ssh keys from admin node to gain passwordless ssh to monitor
+node(s), validates host IP, creates a cluster with a new initial monitor node or
+nodes for monitor quorum, a ceph configuration file, a monitor secret keyring and
+a log file for the new cluster. It populates the newly created Ceph configuration
+file with ``fsid`` of cluster, hostnames and IP addresses of initial monitor
+members under ``[global]`` section.
+ ceph-deploy new [MON][MON...]
+Here, [MON] is the initial monitor hostname (short hostname i.e, ``hostname -s``).
+Other options like :option:`--no-ssh-copykey`, :option:`--fsid`,
+:option:`--cluster-network` and :option:`--public-network` can also be used with
+this command.
+If more than one network interface is used, ``public network`` setting has to be
+added under ``[global]`` section of Ceph configuration file. If the public subnet
+is given, ``new`` command will choose the one IP from the remote host that exists
+within the subnet range. Public network can also be added at runtime using
+:option:`--public-network` option with the command as mentioned above.
+Install Ceph packages on remote hosts. As a first step it installs
+``yum-plugin-priorities`` in admin and other nodes using passwordless ssh and sudo
+so that Ceph packages from upstream repository get more priority. It then detects
+the platform and distribution for the hosts and installs Ceph normally by
+downloading distro compatible packages if adequate repo for Ceph is already added.
+``--release`` flag is used to get the latest release for installation. During
+detection of platform and distribution before installation, if it finds the
+``distro.init`` to be ``sysvinit`` (Fedora, CentOS/RHEL etc), it doesn't allow
+installation with custom cluster name and uses the default name ``ceph`` for the
+If the user explicitly specifies a custom repo url with :option:`--repo-url` for
+installation, anything detected from the configuration will be overridden and
+the custom repository location will be used for installation of Ceph packages.
+If required, valid custom repositories are also detected and installed. In case
+of installation from a custom repo a boolean is used to determine the logic
+needed to proceed with a custom repo installation. A custom repo install helper
+is used that goes through config checks to retrieve repos (and any extra repos
+defined) and installs them. ``cd_conf`` is the object built from ``argparse``
+that holds the flags and information needed to determine what metadata from the
+configuration is to be used.
+A user can also opt to install only the repository without installing Ceph and
+its dependencies by using :option:`--repo` option.
+ ceph-deploy install [HOST][HOST...]
+Here, [HOST] is/are the host node(s) where Ceph is to be installed.
+An option ``--release`` is used to install a release known as CODENAME
+(default: firefly).
+Other options like :option:`--testing`, :option:`--dev`, :option:`--adjust-repos`,
+:option:`--no-adjust-repos`, :option:`--repo`, :option:`--local-mirror`,
+:option:`--repo-url` and :option:`--gpg-url` can also be used with this command.
+Deploy Ceph mds on remote hosts. A metadata server is needed to use CephFS and
+the ``mds`` command is used to create one on the desired host node. It uses the
+subcommand ``create`` to do so. ``create`` first gets the hostname and distro
+information of the desired mds host. It then tries to read the ``bootstrap-mds``
+key for the cluster and deploy it in the desired host. The key generally has a
+format of ``{cluster}.bootstrap-mds.keyring``. If it doesn't finds a keyring,
+it runs ``gatherkeys`` to get the keyring. It then creates a mds on the desired
+host under the path ``/var/lib/ceph/mds/`` in ``/var/lib/ceph/mds/{cluster}-{name}``
+format and a bootstrap keyring under ``/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mds/`` in
+``/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mds/{cluster}.keyring`` format. It then runs appropriate
+commands based on ``distro.init`` to start the ``mds``.
+ ceph-deploy mds create [HOST[:DAEMON-NAME]] [HOST[:DAEMON-NAME]...]
+The [DAEMON-NAME] is optional.
+Deploy Ceph monitor on remote hosts. ``mon`` makes use of certain subcommands
+to deploy Ceph monitors on other nodes.
+Subcommand ``create-initial`` deploys for monitors defined in
+``mon initial members`` under ``[global]`` section in Ceph configuration file,
+wait until they form quorum and then gatherkeys, reporting the monitor status
+along the process. If monitors don't form quorum the command will eventually
+time out.
+ ceph-deploy mon create-initial
+Subcommand ``create`` is used to deploy Ceph monitors by explicitly specifying
+the hosts which are desired to be made monitors. If no hosts are specified it
+will default to use the ``mon initial members`` defined under ``[global]``
+section of Ceph configuration file. ``create`` first detects platform and distro
+for desired hosts and checks if hostname is compatible for deployment. It then
+uses the monitor keyring initially created using ``new`` command and deploys the
+monitor in desired host. If multiple hosts were specified during ``new`` command
+i.e, if there are multiple hosts in ``mon initial members`` and multiple keyrings
+were created then a concatenated keyring is used for deployment of monitors. In
+this process a keyring parser is used which looks for ``[entity]`` sections in
+monitor keyrings and returns a list of those sections. A helper is then used to
+collect all keyrings into a single blob that will be used to inject it to monitors
+with :option:`--mkfs` on remote nodes. All keyring files are concatenated to be
+in a directory ending with ``.keyring``. During this process the helper uses list
+of sections returned by keyring parser to check if an entity is already present
+in a keyring and if not, adds it. The concatenated keyring is used for deployment
+of monitors to desired multiple hosts.
+ ceph-deploy mon create [HOST] [HOST...]
+Here, [HOST] is hostname of desired monitor host(s).
+Subcommand ``add`` is used to add a monitor to an existing cluster. It first
+detects platform and distro for desired host and checks if hostname is compatible
+for deployment. It then uses the monitor keyring, ensures configuration for new
+monitor host and adds the monitor to the cluster. If the section for the monitor
+exists and defines a monitor address that will be used, otherwise it will fallback by
+resolving the hostname to an IP. If :option:`--address` is used it will override
+all other options. After adding the monitor to the cluster, it gives it some time
+to start. It then looks for any monitor errors and checks monitor status. Monitor
+errors arise if the monitor is not added in ``mon initial members``, if it doesn't
+exist in ``monmap`` and if neither ``public_addr`` nor ``public_network`` keys
+were defined for monitors. Under such conditions, monitors may not be able to
+form quorum. Monitor status tells if the monitor is up and running normally. The
+status is checked by running ``ceph daemon mon.hostname mon_status`` on remote
+end which provides the output and returns a boolean status of what is going on.
+``False`` means a monitor that is not fine even if it is up and running, while
+``True`` means the monitor is up and running correctly.
+ ceph-deploy mon add [HOST]
+ ceph-deploy mon add [HOST] --address [IP]
+Here, [HOST] is the hostname and [IP] is the IP address of the desired monitor
+node. Please note, unlike other ``mon`` subcommands, only one node can be
+specified at a time.
+Subcommand ``destroy`` is used to completely remove monitors on remote hosts.
+It takes hostnames as arguments. It stops the monitor, verifies if ``ceph-mon``
+daemon really stopped, creates an archive directory ``mon-remove`` under
+``/var/lib/ceph/``, archives old monitor directory in
+``{cluster}-{hostname}-{stamp}`` format in it and removes the monitor from
+cluster by running ``ceph remove...`` command.
+ ceph-deploy mon destroy [HOST] [HOST...]
+Here, [HOST] is hostname of monitor that is to be removed.
+Gather authentication keys for provisioning new nodes. It takes hostnames as
+arguments. It checks for and fetches ``client.admin`` keyring, monitor keyring
+and ``bootstrap-mds/bootstrap-osd`` keyring from monitor host. These
+authentication keys are used when new ``monitors/OSDs/MDS`` are added to the
+ ceph-deploy gatherkeys [HOST] [HOST...]
+Here, [HOST] is hostname of the monitor from where keys are to be pulled.
+Manage disks on a remote host. It actually triggers the ``ceph-volume`` utility
+and its subcommands to manage disks.
+Subcommand ``list`` lists disk partitions and Ceph OSDs.
+ ceph-deploy disk list HOST
+Subcommand ``zap`` zaps/erases/destroys a device's partition table and
+contents. It actually uses ``ceph-volume lvm zap`` remotely, alternatively
+allowing someone to remove the Ceph metadata from the logical volume.
+Manage OSDs by preparing data disk on remote host. ``osd`` makes use of certain
+subcommands for managing OSDs.
+Subcommand ``create`` prepares a device for Ceph OSD. It first checks against
+multiple OSDs getting created and warns about the possibility of more than the
+recommended which would cause issues with max allowed PIDs in a system. It then
+reads the bootstrap-osd key for the cluster or writes the bootstrap key if not
+It then uses :program:`ceph-volume` utility's ``lvm create`` subcommand to
+prepare the disk, (and journal if using filestore) and deploy the OSD on the desired host.
+Once prepared, it gives some time to the OSD to start and checks for any
+possible errors and if found, reports to the user.
+Bluestore Usage::
+ ceph-deploy osd create --data DISK HOST
+Filestore Usage::
+ ceph-deploy osd create --data DISK --journal JOURNAL HOST
+.. note:: For other flags available, please see the man page or the --help menu
+ on ceph-deploy osd create
+Subcommand ``list`` lists devices associated to Ceph as part of an OSD.
+It uses the ``ceph-volume lvm list`` output that has a rich output, mapping
+OSDs to devices and other interesting information about the OSD setup.
+ ceph-deploy osd list HOST
+Push configuration and ``client.admin`` key to a remote host. It takes
+the ``{cluster}.client.admin.keyring`` from admin node and writes it under
+``/etc/ceph`` directory of desired node.
+ ceph-deploy admin [HOST] [HOST...]
+Here, [HOST] is desired host to be configured for Ceph administration.
+Push/pull configuration file to/from a remote host. It uses ``push`` subcommand
+to takes the configuration file from admin host and write it to remote host under
+``/etc/ceph`` directory. It uses ``pull`` subcommand to do the opposite i.e, pull
+the configuration file under ``/etc/ceph`` directory of remote host to admin node.
+ ceph-deploy config push [HOST] [HOST...]
+ ceph-deploy config pull [HOST] [HOST...]
+Here, [HOST] is the hostname of the node where config file will be pushed to or
+pulled from.
+Remove Ceph packages from remote hosts. It detects the platform and distro of
+selected host and uninstalls Ceph packages from it. However, some dependencies
+like ``librbd1`` and ``librados2`` will not be removed because they can cause
+issues with ``qemu-kvm``.
+ ceph-deploy uninstall [HOST] [HOST...]
+Here, [HOST] is hostname of the node from where Ceph will be uninstalled.
+Remove Ceph packages from remote hosts and purge all data. It detects the
+platform and distro of selected host, uninstalls Ceph packages and purges all
+data. However, some dependencies like ``librbd1`` and ``librados2`` will not be
+removed because they can cause issues with ``qemu-kvm``.
+ ceph-deploy purge [HOST] [HOST...]
+Here, [HOST] is hostname of the node from where Ceph will be purged.
+Purge (delete, destroy, discard, shred) any Ceph data from ``/var/lib/ceph``.
+Once it detects the platform and distro of desired host, it first checks if Ceph
+is still installed on the selected host and if installed, it won't purge data
+from it. If Ceph is already uninstalled from the host, it tries to remove the
+contents of ``/var/lib/ceph``. If it fails then probably OSDs are still mounted
+and needs to be unmounted to continue. It unmount the OSDs and tries to remove
+the contents of ``/var/lib/ceph`` again and checks for errors. It also removes
+contents of ``/etc/ceph``. Once all steps are successfully completed, all the
+Ceph data from the selected host are removed.
+ ceph-deploy purgedata [HOST] [HOST...]
+Here, [HOST] is hostname of the node from where Ceph data will be purged.
+Remove authentication keys from the local directory. It removes all the
+authentication keys i.e, monitor keyring, client.admin keyring, bootstrap-osd
+and bootstrap-mds keyring from the node.
+ ceph-deploy forgetkeys
+Manage packages on remote hosts. It is used for installing or removing packages
+from remote hosts. The package names for installation or removal are to be
+specified after the command. Two options :option:`--install` and
+:option:`--remove` are used for this purpose.
+ ceph-deploy pkg --install [PKGs] [HOST] [HOST...]
+ ceph-deploy pkg --remove [PKGs] [HOST] [HOST...]
+Here, [PKGs] is comma-separated package names and [HOST] is hostname of the
+remote node where packages are to be installed or removed from.
+.. option:: --address
+ IP address of the host node to be added to the cluster.
+.. option:: --adjust-repos
+ Install packages modifying source repos.
+.. option:: --ceph-conf
+ Use (or reuse) a given ``ceph.conf`` file.
+.. option:: --cluster
+ Name of the cluster.
+.. option:: --dev
+ Install a bleeding edge built from Git branch or tag (default: master).
+.. option:: --cluster-network
+ Specify the (internal) cluster network.
+.. option:: --dmcrypt
+ Encrypt [data-path] and/or journal devices with ``dm-crypt``.
+.. option:: --dmcrypt-key-dir
+ Directory where ``dm-crypt`` keys are stored.
+.. option:: --install
+ Comma-separated package(s) to install on remote hosts.
+.. option:: --fs-type
+ Filesystem to use to format disk ``(xfs, btrfs or ext4)``. Note that support for btrfs and ext4 is no longer tested or recommended; please use xfs.
+.. option:: --fsid
+ Provide an alternate FSID for ``ceph.conf`` generation.
+.. option:: --gpg-url
+ Specify a GPG key url to be used with custom repos (defaults to
+.. option:: --keyrings
+ Concatenate multiple keyrings to be seeded on new monitors.
+.. option:: --local-mirror
+ Fetch packages and push them to hosts for a local repo mirror.
+.. option:: --mkfs
+ Inject keys to MONs on remote nodes.
+.. option:: --no-adjust-repos
+ Install packages without modifying source repos.
+.. option:: --no-ssh-copykey
+ Do not attempt to copy ssh keys.
+.. option:: --overwrite-conf
+ Overwrite an existing conf file on remote host (if present).
+.. option:: --public-network
+ Specify the public network for a cluster.
+.. option:: --remove
+ Comma-separated package(s) to remove from remote hosts.
+.. option:: --repo
+ Install repo files only (skips package installation).
+.. option:: --repo-url
+ Specify a repo url that mirrors/contains Ceph packages.
+.. option:: --testing
+ Install the latest development release.
+.. option:: --username
+ The username to connect to the remote host.
+.. option:: --version
+ The current installed version of :program:`ceph-deploy`.
+.. option:: --zap-disk
+ Destroy the partition table and content of a disk.
+:program:`ceph-deploy` is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to
+the documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph-mon <ceph-mon>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph-osd <ceph-osd>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph-volume <ceph-volume>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph-mds <ceph-mds>`\(8)
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+ ceph-diff-sorted -- compare two sorted files line by line
+.. program:: ceph-diff-sorted
+| **ceph-diff-sorted** *file1* *file2*
+:program:`ceph-diff-sorted` is a simplifed *diff* utility optimized
+for comparing two files with lines that are lexically sorted.
+The output is simplified in comparison to that of the standard `diff`
+tool available in POSIX systems. Angle brackets ('<' and '>') are used
+to show lines that appear in one file but not the other. The output is
+not compatible with the `patch` tool.
+This tool was created in order to perform diffs of large files (e.g.,
+containing billions of lines) that the standard `diff` tool cannot
+handle efficiently. Knowing that the lines are sorted allows this to
+be done efficiently with minimal memory overhead.
+The sorting of each file needs to be done lexcially. Most POSIX
+systems use the *LANG* environment variable to determine the `sort`
+tool's sorting order. To sort lexically we would need something such
+ $ LANG=C sort some-file.txt >some-file-sorted.txt
+Compare two files::
+ $ ceph-diff-sorted fileA.txt fileB.txt
+Exit Status
+When complete, the exit status will be set to one of the following:
+ files same
+ files different
+ usage problem (e.g., wrong number of command-line arguments)
+ problem opening input file
+ bad file content (e.g., unsorted order or empty lines)
+:program:`ceph-diff-sorted` is part of Ceph, a massively scalable,
+open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to the Ceph
+documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`rgw-orphan-list <rgw-orphan-list>`\(8)
diff --git a/doc/man/8/ceph-fuse.rst b/doc/man/8/ceph-fuse.rst
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+ ceph-fuse -- FUSE-based client for ceph
+.. program:: ceph-fuse
+| **ceph-fuse** [-n *client.username*] [ -m *monaddr*:*port* ] *mountpoint* [ *fuse options* ]
+**ceph-fuse** is a FUSE (File system in USErspace) client for Ceph
+distributed file system. It will mount a ceph file system specified
+via the -m option or described by ceph.conf (see below) at the
+specific mount point. See `Mount CephFS using FUSE`_ for detailed
+The file system can be unmounted with::
+ fusermount -u mountpoint
+or by sending ``SIGINT`` to the ``ceph-fuse`` process.
+Any options not recognized by ceph-fuse will be passed on to libfuse.
+.. option:: -o opt,[opt...]
+ Mount options.
+.. option:: -d
+ Run in foreground, send all log output to stderr and enable FUSE debugging (-o debug).
+.. option:: -c ceph.conf, --conf=ceph.conf
+ Use *ceph.conf* configuration file instead of the default
+ ``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf`` to determine monitor addresses during startup.
+.. option:: -m monaddress[:port]
+ Connect to specified monitor (instead of looking through ceph.conf).
+.. option:: -k <path-to-keyring>
+ Provide path to keyring; useful when it's absent in standard locations.
+.. option:: --client_mountpoint/-r root_directory
+ Use root_directory as the mounted root, rather than the full Ceph tree.
+.. option:: -f
+ Foreground: do not daemonize after startup (run in foreground). Do not generate a pid file.
+.. option:: -s
+ Disable multi-threaded operation.
+**ceph-fuse** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to
+the Ceph documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8)
+.. _Mount CephFS using FUSE: ../../../cephfs/fuse/
diff --git a/doc/man/8/ceph-kvstore-tool.rst b/doc/man/8/ceph-kvstore-tool.rst
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+ ceph-kvstore-tool -- ceph kvstore manipulation tool
+.. program:: ceph-kvstore-tool
+| **ceph-kvstore-tool** <leveldb|rocksdb|bluestore-kv> <store path> *command* [args...]
+:program:`ceph-kvstore-tool` is a kvstore manipulation tool. It allows users to manipulate
+leveldb/rocksdb's data (like OSD's omap) offline.
+:program:`ceph-kvstore-tool` utility uses many commands for debugging purpose
+which are as follows:
+:command:`list [prefix]`
+ Print key of all KV pairs stored with the URL encoded prefix.
+:command:`list-crc [prefix]`
+ Print CRC of all KV pairs stored with the URL encoded prefix.
+:command:`dump [prefix]`
+ Print key and value of all KV pairs stored with the URL encoded prefix.
+:command:`exists <prefix> [key]`
+ Check if there is any KV pair stored with the URL encoded prefix. If key
+ is also specified, check for the key with the prefix instead.
+:command:`get <prefix> <key> [out <file>]`
+ Get the value of the KV pair stored with the URL encoded prefix and key.
+ If file is also specified, write the value to the file.
+:command:`crc <prefix> <key>`
+ Get the CRC of the KV pair stored with the URL encoded prefix and key.
+:command:`get-size [<prefix> <key>]`
+ Get estimated store size or size of value specified by prefix and key.
+:command:`set <prefix> <key> [ver <N>|in <file>]`
+ Set the value of the KV pair stored with the URL encoded prefix and key.
+ The value could be *version_t* or text.
+:command:`rm <prefix> <key>`
+ Remove the KV pair stored with the URL encoded prefix and key.
+:command:`rm-prefix <prefix>`
+ Remove all KV pairs stored with the URL encoded prefix.
+:command:`store-copy <path> [num-keys-per-tx]`
+ Copy all KV pairs to another directory specified by ``path``.
+ [num-keys-per-tx] is the number of KV pairs copied for a transaction.
+:command:`store-crc <path>`
+ Store CRC of all KV pairs to a file specified by ``path``.
+ Subcommand ``compact`` is used to compact all data of kvstore. It will open
+ the database, and trigger a database's compaction. After compaction, some
+ disk space may be released.
+:command:`compact-prefix <prefix>`
+ Compact all entries specified by the URL encoded prefix.
+:command:`compact-range <prefix> <start> <end>`
+ Compact some entries specified by the URL encoded prefix and range.
+ Make a (potentially destructive) effort to recover a corrupted database.
+ Note that in the case of rocksdb this may corrupt an otherwise uncorrupted
+ database--use this only as a last resort!
+ Prints statistics from underlying key-value database. This is only for informative purposes.
+ Format and information content may vary between releases. For RocksDB information includes
+ compactions stats, performance counters, memory usage and internal RocksDB stats.
+**ceph-kvstore-tool** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to
+the Ceph documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8)
diff --git a/doc/man/8/ceph-mds.rst b/doc/man/8/ceph-mds.rst
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+ ceph-mds -- ceph metadata server daemon
+.. program:: ceph-mds
+| **ceph-mds** -i <*ID*> [flags]
+**ceph-mds** is the metadata server daemon for the Ceph distributed file
+system. One or more instances of ceph-mds collectively manage the file
+system namespace, coordinating access to the shared OSD cluster.
+Each ceph-mds daemon instance should have a unique name. The name is used
+to identify daemon instances in the ceph.conf.
+Once the daemon has started, the monitor cluster will normally assign
+it a logical rank, or put it in a standby pool to take over for
+another daemon that crashes. Some of the specified options can cause
+other behaviors.
+.. option:: -f, --foreground
+ Foreground: do not daemonize after startup (run in foreground). Do
+ not generate a pid file. Useful when run via :doc:`ceph-run
+ <ceph-run>`\(8).
+.. option:: -d
+ Debug mode: like ``-f``, but also send all log output to stderr.
+.. option:: --setuser userorgid
+ Set uid after starting. If a username is specified, the user
+ record is looked up to get a uid and a gid, and the gid is also set
+ as well, unless --setgroup is also specified.
+.. option:: --setgroup grouporgid
+ Set gid after starting. If a group name is specified the group
+ record is looked up to get a gid.
+.. option:: -c ceph.conf, --conf=ceph.conf
+ Use *ceph.conf* configuration file instead of the default
+ ``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf`` to determine monitor addresses during
+ startup.
+.. option:: -m monaddress[:port]
+ Connect to specified monitor (instead of looking through
+ ``ceph.conf``).
+.. option:: --id/-i ID
+ Set ID portion of the MDS name.
+**ceph-mds** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to the Ceph documentation at
+ for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph-mon <ceph-mon>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph-osd <ceph-osd>`\(8)
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+ ceph-mon -- ceph monitor daemon
+.. program:: ceph-mon
+| **ceph-mon** -i *monid* [ --mon-data *mondatapath* ]
+**ceph-mon** is the cluster monitor daemon for the Ceph distributed
+file system. One or more instances of **ceph-mon** form a Paxos
+part-time parliament cluster that provides extremely reliable and
+durable storage of cluster membership, configuration, and state.
+The *mondatapath* refers to a directory on a local file system storing
+monitor data. It is normally specified via the ``mon data`` option in
+the configuration file.
+.. option:: -f, --foreground
+ Foreground: do not daemonize after startup (run in foreground). Do
+ not generate a pid file. Useful when run via :doc:`ceph-run <ceph-run>`\(8).
+.. option:: -d
+ Debug mode: like ``-f``, but also send all log output to stderr.
+.. option:: --setuser userorgid
+ Set uid after starting. If a username is specified, the user
+ record is looked up to get a uid and a gid, and the gid is also set
+ as well, unless --setgroup is also specified.
+.. option:: --setgroup grouporgid
+ Set gid after starting. If a group name is specified the group
+ record is looked up to get a gid.
+.. option:: -c ceph.conf, --conf=ceph.conf
+ Use *ceph.conf* configuration file instead of the default
+ ``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf`` to determine monitor addresses during
+ startup.
+.. option:: --mkfs
+ Initialize the ``mon data`` directory with seed information to form
+ and initial ceph file system or to join an existing monitor
+ cluster. Three pieces of information must be provided:
+ - The cluster fsid. This can come from a monmap (``--monmap <path>``) or
+ explicitly via ``--fsid <uuid>``.
+ - A list of monitors and their addresses. This list of monitors
+ can come from a monmap (``--monmap <path>``), the ``mon host``
+ configuration value (in *ceph.conf* or via ``-m
+ host1,host2,...``), or (for backward compatibility) the deprecated ``mon addr`` lines in *ceph.conf*. If this
+ monitor is to be part of the initial monitor quorum for a new
+ Ceph cluster, then it must be included in the initial list,
+ matching either the name or address of a monitor in the list.
+ When matching by address, either the ``public addr`` or ``public
+ subnet`` options may be used.
+ - The monitor secret key ``mon.``. This must be included in the
+ keyring provided via ``--keyring <path>``.
+.. option:: --keyring
+ Specify a keyring for use with ``--mkfs``.
+**ceph-mon** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer
+to the Ceph documentation at for more
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph-mds <ceph-mds>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph-osd <ceph-osd>`\(8)
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+ ceph-osd -- ceph object storage daemon
+.. program:: ceph-osd
+| **ceph-osd** -i *osdnum* [ --osd-data *datapath* ] [ --osd-journal
+ *journal* ] [ --mkfs ] [ --mkjournal ] [--flush-journal] [--check-allows-journal] [--check-wants-journal] [--check-needs-journal] [ --mkkey ]
+**ceph-osd** is the object storage daemon for the Ceph distributed file
+system. It is responsible for storing objects on a local file system
+and providing access to them over the network.
+The datapath argument should be a directory on a xfs file system
+where the object data resides. The journal is optional, and is only
+useful performance-wise when it resides on a different disk than
+datapath with low latency (ideally, an NVRAM device).
+.. option:: -f, --foreground
+ Foreground: do not daemonize after startup (run in foreground). Do
+ not generate a pid file. Useful when run via :doc:`ceph-run <ceph-run>`\(8).
+.. option:: -d
+ Debug mode: like ``-f``, but also send all log output to stderr.
+.. option:: --setuser userorgid
+ Set uid after starting. If a username is specified, the user
+ record is looked up to get a uid and a gid, and the gid is also set
+ as well, unless --setgroup is also specified.
+.. option:: --setgroup grouporgid
+ Set gid after starting. If a group name is specified the group
+ record is looked up to get a gid.
+.. option:: --osd-data osddata
+ Use object store at *osddata*.
+.. option:: --osd-journal journal
+ Journal updates to *journal*.
+.. option:: --check-wants-journal
+ Check whether a journal is desired.
+.. option:: --check-allows-journal
+ Check whether a journal is allowed.
+.. option:: --check-needs-journal
+ Check whether a journal is required.
+.. option:: --mkfs
+ Create an empty object repository. This also initializes the journal
+ (if one is defined).
+.. option:: --mkkey
+ Generate a new secret key. This is normally used in combination
+ with ``--mkfs`` as it is more convenient than generating a key by
+ hand with :doc:`ceph-authtool <ceph-authtool>`\(8).
+.. option:: --mkjournal
+ Create a new journal file to match an existing object repository.
+ This is useful if the journal device or file is wiped out due to a
+ disk or file system failure.
+.. option:: --flush-journal
+ Flush the journal to permanent store. This runs in the foreground
+ so you know when it's completed. This can be useful if you want to
+ resize the journal or need to otherwise destroy it: this guarantees
+ you won't lose data.
+.. option:: --get-cluster-fsid
+ Print the cluster fsid (uuid) and exit.
+.. option:: --get-osd-fsid
+ Print the OSD's fsid and exit. The OSD's uuid is generated at
+ --mkfs time and is thus unique to a particular instantiation of
+ this OSD.
+.. option:: --get-journal-fsid
+ Print the journal's uuid. The journal fsid is set to match the OSD
+ fsid at --mkfs time.
+.. option:: -c ceph.conf, --conf=ceph.conf
+ Use *ceph.conf* configuration file instead of the default
+ ``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf`` for runtime configuration options.
+.. option:: -m monaddress[:port]
+ Connect to specified monitor (instead of looking through
+ ``ceph.conf``).
+**ceph-osd** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to
+the Ceph documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph-mds <ceph-mds>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph-mon <ceph-mon>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph-authtool <ceph-authtool>`\(8)
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+ ceph-post-file -- post files for ceph developers
+.. program:: ceph-post-file
+| **ceph-post-file** [-d *description] [-u *user*] *file or dir* ...
+**ceph-post-file** will upload files or directories to for
+later analysis by Ceph developers.
+Each invocation uploads files or directories to a separate directory
+with a unique tag. That tag can be passed to a developer or
+referenced in a bug report ( Once the
+upload completes, the directory is marked non-readable and
+non-writeable to prevent access or modification by other users.
+Basic measures are taken to make posted data be visible only to
+developers with access to infrastructure. However, users
+should think twice and/or take appropriate precautions before
+posting potentially sensitive data (for example, logs or data
+directories that contain Ceph secrets).
+.. option:: -d *description*, --description *description*
+ Add a short description for the upload. This is a good opportunity
+ to reference a bug number. There is no default value.
+.. option:: -u *user*
+ Set the user metadata for the upload. This defaults to `whoami`@`hostname -f`.
+To upload a single log::
+ ceph-post-file /var/log/ceph/ceph-mon.`hostname`.log
+To upload several directories::
+ ceph-post-file -d 'mon data directories' /var/log/ceph/mon/*
+**ceph-post-file** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to
+the Ceph documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph-debugpack <ceph-debugpack>`\(8),
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+ ceph-rbdnamer -- udev helper to name RBD devices
+.. program:: ceph-rbdnamer
+| **ceph-rbdnamer** *num*
+**ceph-rbdnamer** prints the pool and image name for the given RBD devices
+to stdout. It is used by `udev` (using a rule like the one below) to
+set up a device symlink.
+ KERNEL=="rbd[0-9]*", PROGRAM="/usr/bin/ceph-rbdnamer %n", SYMLINK+="rbd/%c{1}/%c{2}"
+**ceph-rbdnamer** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please
+refer to the Ceph documentation at for more
+See also
+:doc:`rbd <rbd>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8)
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+ ceph-run -- restart daemon on core dump
+.. program:: ceph-run
+| **ceph-run** *command* ...
+**ceph-run** is a simple wrapper that will restart a daemon if it exits
+with a signal indicating it crashed and possibly core dumped (that is,
+signals 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, or 11).
+The command should run the daemon in the foreground. For Ceph daemons,
+that means the ``-f`` option.
+**ceph-run** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to
+the Ceph documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph-mon <ceph-mon>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph-mds <ceph-mds>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph-osd <ceph-osd>`\(8)
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+ ceph-syn -- ceph synthetic workload generator
+.. program:: ceph-syn
+| **ceph-syn** [ -m *monaddr*:*port* ] --syn *command* *...*
+**ceph-syn** is a simple synthetic workload generator for the Ceph
+distributed file system. It uses the userspace client library to
+generate simple workloads against a currently running file system. The
+file system need not be mounted via ceph-fuse(8) or the kernel client.
+One or more ``--syn`` command arguments specify the particular
+workload, as documented below.
+.. option:: -d
+ Detach from console and daemonize after startup.
+.. option:: -c ceph.conf, --conf=ceph.conf
+ Use *ceph.conf* configuration file instead of the default
+ ``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf`` to determine monitor addresses during
+ startup.
+.. option:: -m monaddress[:port]
+ Connect to specified monitor (instead of looking through
+ ``ceph.conf``).
+.. option:: --num_client num
+ Run num different clients, each in a separate thread.
+.. option:: --syn workloadspec
+ Run the given workload. May be specified as many times as
+ needed. Workloads will normally run sequentially.
+Each workload should be preceded by ``--syn`` on the command
+line. This is not a complete list.
+:command:`mknap` *path* *snapname*
+ Create a snapshot called *snapname* on *path*.
+:command:`rmsnap` *path* *snapname*
+ Delete snapshot called *snapname* on *path*.
+:command:`rmfile` *path*
+ Delete/unlink *path*.
+:command:`writefile` *sizeinmb* *blocksize*
+ Create a file, named after our client id, that is *sizeinmb* MB by
+ writing *blocksize* chunks.
+:command:`readfile` *sizeinmb* *blocksize*
+ Read file, named after our client id, that is *sizeinmb* MB by
+ writing *blocksize* chunks.
+:command:`rw` *sizeinmb* *blocksize*
+ Write file, then read it back, as above.
+:command:`makedirs` *numsubdirs* *numfiles* *depth*
+ Create a hierarchy of directories that is *depth* levels deep. Give
+ each directory *numsubdirs* subdirectories and *numfiles* files.
+ Recursively walk the file system (like find).
+**ceph-syn** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to
+the Ceph documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph-fuse <ceph-fuse>`\(8)
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+ ceph-volume-systemd -- systemd ceph-volume helper tool
+.. program:: ceph-volume-systemd
+| **ceph-volume-systemd** *systemd instance name*
+:program:`ceph-volume-systemd` is a systemd helper tool that receives input
+from (dynamically created) systemd units so that activation of OSDs can
+It translates the input into a system call to ceph-volume for activation
+purposes only.
+Its input is the ``systemd instance name`` (represented by ``%i`` in a systemd
+unit), and it should be in the following format::
+ <ceph-volume subcommand>-<extra metadata>
+In the case of ``lvm`` a call could look like::
+ /usr/bin/ceph-volume-systemd lvm-0-8715BEB4-15C5-49DE-BA6F-401086EC7B41
+Which in turn will call ``ceph-volume`` in the following way::
+ ceph-volume lvm trigger 0-8715BEB4-15C5-49DE-BA6F-401086EC7B41
+Any other subcommand will need to have implemented a ``trigger`` command that
+can consume the extra metadata in this format.
+:program:`ceph-volume-systemd` is part of Ceph, a massively scalable,
+open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to the documentation at
+ for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph-osd <ceph-osd>`\(8),
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+ ceph-volume -- Ceph OSD deployment and inspection tool
+.. program:: ceph-volume
+| **ceph-volume** [-h] [--cluster CLUSTER] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL]
+| [--log-path LOG_PATH]
+| **ceph-volume** **inventory**
+| **ceph-volume** **lvm** [ *trigger* | *create* | *activate* | *prepare*
+| *zap* | *list* | *batch*]
+| **ceph-volume** **simple** [ *trigger* | *scan* | *activate* ]
+:program:`ceph-volume` is a single purpose command line tool to deploy logical
+volumes as OSDs, trying to maintain a similar API to ``ceph-disk`` when
+preparing, activating, and creating OSDs.
+It deviates from ``ceph-disk`` by not interacting or relying on the udev rules
+that come installed for Ceph. These rules allow automatic detection of
+previously setup devices that are in turn fed into ``ceph-disk`` to activate
+This subcommand provides information about a host's physical disc inventory and
+reports metadata about these discs. Among this metadata one can find disc
+specific data items (like model, size, rotational or solid state) as well as
+data items specific to ceph using a device, such as if it is available for
+use with ceph or if logical volumes are present.
+ ceph-volume inventory
+ ceph-volume inventory /dev/sda
+ ceph-volume inventory --format json-pretty
+Optional arguments:
+* [-h, --help] show the help message and exit
+* [--format] report format, valid values are ``plain`` (default),
+ ``json`` and ``json-pretty``
+By making use of LVM tags, the ``lvm`` sub-command is able to store and later
+re-discover and query devices associated with OSDs so that they can later
+Creates OSDs from a list of devices using a ``filestore``
+or ``bluestore`` (default) setup. It will create all necessary volume groups
+and logical volumes required to have a working OSD.
+Example usage with three devices::
+ ceph-volume lvm batch --bluestore /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc
+Optional arguments:
+* [-h, --help] show the help message and exit
+* [--bluestore] Use the bluestore objectstore (default)
+* [--filestore] Use the filestore objectstore
+* [--yes] Skip the report and prompt to continue provisioning
+* [--prepare] Only prepare OSDs, do not activate
+* [--dmcrypt] Enable encryption for the underlying OSD devices
+* [--crush-device-class] Define a CRUSH device class to assign the OSD to
+* [--no-systemd] Do not enable or create any systemd units
+* [--report] Report what the potential outcome would be for the
+ current input (requires devices to be passed in)
+* [--format] Output format when reporting (used along with
+ --report), can be one of 'pretty' (default) or 'json'
+* [--block-db-size] Set (or override) the "bluestore_block_db_size" value,
+ in bytes
+* [--journal-size] Override the "osd_journal_size" value, in megabytes
+Required positional arguments:
+* <DEVICE> Full path to a raw device, like ``/dev/sda``. Multiple
+ ``<DEVICE>`` paths can be passed in.
+Enables a systemd unit that persists the OSD ID and its UUID (also called
+``fsid`` in Ceph CLI tools), so that at boot time it can understand what OSD is
+enabled and needs to be mounted.
+ ceph-volume lvm activate --bluestore <osd id> <osd fsid>
+Optional Arguments:
+* [-h, --help] show the help message and exit
+* [--auto-detect-objectstore] Automatically detect the objectstore by inspecting
+ the OSD
+* [--bluestore] bluestore objectstore (default)
+* [--filestore] filestore objectstore
+* [--all] Activate all OSDs found in the system
+* [--no-systemd] Skip creating and enabling systemd units and starting of OSD
+ services
+Multiple OSDs can be activated at once by using the (idempotent) ``--all`` flag::
+ ceph-volume lvm activate --all
+Prepares a logical volume to be used as an OSD and journal using a ``filestore``
+or ``bluestore`` (default) setup. It will not create or modify the logical volumes
+except for adding extra metadata.
+ ceph-volume lvm prepare --filestore --data <data lv> --journal <journal device>
+Optional arguments:
+* [-h, --help] show the help message and exit
+* [--journal JOURNAL] A logical group name, path to a logical volume, or path to a device
+* [--bluestore] Use the bluestore objectstore (default)
+* [--block.wal] Path to a bluestore block.wal logical volume or partition
+* [--block.db] Path to a bluestore block.db logical volume or partition
+* [--filestore] Use the filestore objectstore
+* [--dmcrypt] Enable encryption for the underlying OSD devices
+* [--osd-id OSD_ID] Reuse an existing OSD id
+* [--osd-fsid OSD_FSID] Reuse an existing OSD fsid
+* [--crush-device-class] Define a CRUSH device class to assign the OSD to
+Required arguments:
+* --data A logical group name or a path to a logical volume
+For encrypting an OSD, the ``--dmcrypt`` flag must be added when preparing
+(also supported in the ``create`` sub-command).
+Wraps the two-step process to provision a new osd (calling ``prepare`` first
+and then ``activate``) into a single one. The reason to prefer ``prepare`` and
+then ``activate`` is to gradually introduce new OSDs into a cluster, and
+avoiding large amounts of data being rebalanced.
+The single-call process unifies exactly what ``prepare`` and ``activate`` do,
+with the convenience of doing it all at once. Flags and general usage are
+equivalent to those of the ``prepare`` and ``activate`` subcommand.
+This subcommand is not meant to be used directly, and it is used by systemd so
+that it proxies input to ``ceph-volume lvm activate`` by parsing the
+input from systemd, detecting the UUID and ID associated with an OSD.
+ ceph-volume lvm trigger <SYSTEMD-DATA>
+The systemd "data" is expected to be in the format of::
+The lvs associated with the OSD need to have been prepared previously,
+so that all needed tags and metadata exist.
+Positional arguments:
+* <SYSTEMD_DATA> Data from a systemd unit containing ID and UUID of the OSD.
+List devices or logical volumes associated with Ceph. An association is
+determined if a device has information relating to an OSD. This is
+verified by querying LVM's metadata and correlating it with devices.
+The lvs associated with the OSD need to have been prepared previously by
+ceph-volume so that all needed tags and metadata exist.
+ ceph-volume lvm list
+List a particular device, reporting all metadata about it::
+ ceph-volume lvm list /dev/sda1
+List a logical volume, along with all its metadata (vg is a volume
+group, and lv the logical volume name)::
+ ceph-volume lvm list {vg/lv}
+Positional arguments:
+* <DEVICE> Either in the form of ``vg/lv`` for logical volumes,
+ ``/path/to/sda1`` or ``/path/to/sda`` for regular devices.
+Zaps the given logical volume or partition. If given a path to a logical
+volume it must be in the format of vg/lv. Any filesystems present
+on the given lv or partition will be removed and all data will be purged.
+However, the lv or partition will be kept intact.
+Usage, for logical volumes::
+ ceph-volume lvm zap {vg/lv}
+Usage, for logical partitions::
+ ceph-volume lvm zap /dev/sdc1
+For full removal of the device use the ``--destroy`` flag (allowed for all
+device types)::
+ ceph-volume lvm zap --destroy /dev/sdc1
+Multiple devices can be removed by specifying the OSD ID and/or the OSD FSID::
+ ceph-volume lvm zap --destroy --osd-id 1
+ ceph-volume lvm zap --destroy --osd-id 1 --osd-fsid C9605912-8395-4D76-AFC0-7DFDAC315D59
+Positional arguments:
+* <DEVICE> Either in the form of ``vg/lv`` for logical volumes,
+ ``/path/to/sda1`` or ``/path/to/sda`` for regular devices.
+Scan legacy OSD directories or data devices that may have been created by
+ceph-disk, or manually.
+Enables a systemd unit that persists the OSD ID and its UUID (also called
+``fsid`` in Ceph CLI tools), so that at boot time it can understand what OSD is
+enabled and needs to be mounted, while reading information that was previously
+created and persisted at ``/etc/ceph/osd/`` in JSON format.
+ ceph-volume simple activate --bluestore <osd id> <osd fsid>
+Optional Arguments:
+* [-h, --help] show the help message and exit
+* [--bluestore] bluestore objectstore (default)
+* [--filestore] filestore objectstore
+Note: It requires a matching JSON file with the following format::
+ /etc/ceph/osd/<osd id>-<osd fsid>.json
+Scan a running OSD or data device for an OSD for metadata that can later be
+used to activate and manage the OSD with ceph-volume. The scan method will
+create a JSON file with the required information plus anything found in the OSD
+directory as well.
+Optionally, the JSON blob can be sent to stdout for further inspection.
+Usage on all running OSDs::
+ ceph-voume simple scan
+Usage on data devices::
+ ceph-volume simple scan <data device>
+Running OSD directories::
+ ceph-volume simple scan <path to osd dir>
+Optional arguments:
+* [-h, --help] show the help message and exit
+* [--stdout] Send the JSON blob to stdout
+* [--force] If the JSON file exists at destination, overwrite it
+Optional Positional arguments:
+* <DATA DEVICE or OSD DIR> Actual data partition or a path to the running OSD
+This subcommand is not meant to be used directly, and it is used by systemd so
+that it proxies input to ``ceph-volume simple activate`` by parsing the
+input from systemd, detecting the UUID and ID associated with an OSD.
+ ceph-volume simple trigger <SYSTEMD-DATA>
+The systemd "data" is expected to be in the format of::
+The JSON file associated with the OSD need to have been persisted previously by
+a scan (or manually), so that all needed metadata can be used.
+Positional arguments:
+* <SYSTEMD_DATA> Data from a systemd unit containing ID and UUID of the OSD.
+:program:`ceph-volume` is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to
+the documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph-osd <ceph-osd>`\(8),
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+ ceph -- ceph administration tool
+.. program:: ceph
+| **ceph** **auth** [ *add* \| *caps* \| *del* \| *export* \| *get* \| *get-key* \| *get-or-create* \| *get-or-create-key* \| *import* \| *list* \| *print-key* \| *print_key* ] ...
+| **ceph** **compact**
+| **ceph** **config-key** [ *rm* | *exists* | *get* | *ls* | *dump* | *set* ] ...
+| **ceph** **daemon** *<name>* \| *<path>* *<command>* ...
+| **ceph** **daemonperf** *<name>* \| *<path>* [ *interval* [ *count* ] ]
+| **ceph** **df** *{detail}*
+| **ceph** **fs** [ *ls* \| *new* \| *reset* \| *rm* ] ...
+| **ceph** **fsid**
+| **ceph** **health** *{detail}*
+| **ceph** **heap** [ *dump* \| *start_profiler* \| *stop_profiler* \| *release* \| *get_release_rate* \| *set_release_rate* \| *stats* ] ...
+| **ceph** **injectargs** *<injectedargs>* [ *<injectedargs>*... ]
+| **ceph** **log** *<logtext>* [ *<logtext>*... ]
+| **ceph** **mds** [ *compat* \| *fail* \| *rm* \| *rmfailed* \| *set_state* \| *stat* \| *repaired* ] ...
+| **ceph** **mon** [ *add* \| *dump* \| *getmap* \| *remove* \| *stat* ] ...
+| **ceph** **mon_status**
+| **ceph** **osd** [ *blacklist* \| *blocked-by* \| *create* \| *new* \| *deep-scrub* \| *df* \| *down* \| *dump* \| *erasure-code-profile* \| *find* \| *getcrushmap* \| *getmap* \| *getmaxosd* \| *in* \| *ls* \| *lspools* \| *map* \| *metadata* \| *ok-to-stop* \| *out* \| *pause* \| *perf* \| *pg-temp* \| *force-create-pg* \| *primary-affinity* \| *primary-temp* \| *repair* \| *reweight* \| *reweight-by-pg* \| *rm* \| *destroy* \| *purge* \| *safe-to-destroy* \| *scrub* \| *set* \| *setcrushmap* \| *setmaxosd* \| *stat* \| *tree* \| *unpause* \| *unset* ] ...
+| **ceph** **osd** **crush** [ *add* \| *add-bucket* \| *create-or-move* \| *dump* \| *get-tunable* \| *link* \| *move* \| *remove* \| *rename-bucket* \| *reweight* \| *reweight-all* \| *reweight-subtree* \| *rm* \| *rule* \| *set* \| *set-tunable* \| *show-tunables* \| *tunables* \| *unlink* ] ...
+| **ceph** **osd** **pool** [ *create* \| *delete* \| *get* \| *get-quota* \| *ls* \| *mksnap* \| *rename* \| *rmsnap* \| *set* \| *set-quota* \| *stats* ] ...
+| **ceph** **osd** **pool** **application** [ *disable* \| *enable* \| *get* \| *rm* \| *set* ] ...
+| **ceph** **osd** **tier** [ *add* \| *add-cache* \| *cache-mode* \| *remove* \| *remove-overlay* \| *set-overlay* ] ...
+| **ceph** **pg** [ *debug* \| *deep-scrub* \| *dump* \| *dump_json* \| *dump_pools_json* \| *dump_stuck* \| *getmap* \| *ls* \| *ls-by-osd* \| *ls-by-pool* \| *ls-by-primary* \| *map* \| *repair* \| *scrub* \| *stat* ] ...
+| **ceph** **quorum** [ *enter* \| *exit* ]
+| **ceph** **quorum_status**
+| **ceph** **report** { *<tags>* [ *<tags>...* ] }
+| **ceph** **scrub**
+| **ceph** **status**
+| **ceph** **sync** **force** {--yes-i-really-mean-it} {--i-know-what-i-am-doing}
+| **ceph** **tell** *<name (> <command> [options...]*
+| **ceph** **version**
+:program:`ceph` is a control utility which is used for manual deployment and maintenance
+of a Ceph cluster. It provides a diverse set of commands that allows deployment of
+monitors, OSDs, placement groups, MDS and overall maintenance, administration
+of the cluster.
+Manage authentication keys. It is used for adding, removing, exporting
+or updating of authentication keys for a particular entity such as a monitor or
+OSD. It uses some additional subcommands.
+Subcommand ``add`` adds authentication info for a particular entity from input
+file, or random key if no input is given and/or any caps specified in the command.
+ ceph auth add <entity> {<caps> [<caps>...]}
+Subcommand ``caps`` updates caps for **name** from caps specified in the command.
+ ceph auth caps <entity> <caps> [<caps>...]
+Subcommand ``del`` deletes all caps for ``name``.
+ ceph auth del <entity>
+Subcommand ``export`` writes keyring for requested entity, or master keyring if
+none given.
+ ceph auth export {<entity>}
+Subcommand ``get`` writes keyring file with requested key.
+ ceph auth get <entity>
+Subcommand ``get-key`` displays requested key.
+ ceph auth get-key <entity>
+Subcommand ``get-or-create`` adds authentication info for a particular entity
+from input file, or random key if no input given and/or any caps specified in the
+ ceph auth get-or-create <entity> {<caps> [<caps>...]}
+Subcommand ``get-or-create-key`` gets or adds key for ``name`` from system/caps
+pairs specified in the command. If key already exists, any given caps must match
+the existing caps for that key.
+ ceph auth get-or-create-key <entity> {<caps> [<caps>...]}
+Subcommand ``import`` reads keyring from input file.
+ ceph auth import
+Subcommand ``ls`` lists authentication state.
+ ceph auth ls
+Subcommand ``print-key`` displays requested key.
+ ceph auth print-key <entity>
+Subcommand ``print_key`` displays requested key.
+ ceph auth print_key <entity>
+Causes compaction of monitor's leveldb storage.
+ ceph compact
+Manage configuration key. It uses some additional subcommands.
+Subcommand ``rm`` deletes configuration key.
+ ceph config-key rm <key>
+Subcommand ``exists`` checks for configuration keys existence.
+ ceph config-key exists <key>
+Subcommand ``get`` gets the configuration key.
+ ceph config-key get <key>
+Subcommand ``ls`` lists configuration keys.
+ ceph config-key ls
+Subcommand ``dump`` dumps configuration keys and values.
+ ceph config-key dump
+Subcommand ``set`` puts configuration key and value.
+ ceph config-key set <key> {<val>}
+Submit admin-socket commands.
+ ceph daemon {daemon_name|socket_path} {command} ...
+ ceph daemon osd.0 help
+Watch performance counters from a Ceph daemon.
+ ceph daemonperf {daemon_name|socket_path} [{interval} [{count}]]
+Show cluster's free space status.
+ ceph df {detail}
+.. _ceph features:
+Show the releases and features of all connected daemons and clients connected
+to the cluster, along with the numbers of them in each bucket grouped by the
+corresponding features/releases. Each release of Ceph supports a different set
+of features, expressed by the features bitmask. New cluster features require
+that clients support the feature, or else they are not allowed to connect to
+these new features. As new features or capabilities are enabled after an
+upgrade, older clients are prevented from connecting.
+ ceph features
+Manage cephfs filesystems. It uses some additional subcommands.
+Subcommand ``ls`` to list filesystems
+ ceph fs ls
+Subcommand ``new`` to make a new filesystem using named pools <metadata> and <data>
+ ceph fs new <fs_name> <metadata> <data>
+Subcommand ``reset`` is used for disaster recovery only: reset to a single-MDS map
+ ceph fs reset <fs_name> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
+Subcommand ``rm`` to disable the named filesystem
+ ceph fs rm <fs_name> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
+Show cluster's FSID/UUID.
+ ceph fsid
+Show cluster's health.
+ ceph health {detail}
+Show heap usage info (available only if compiled with tcmalloc)
+ ceph heap dump|start_profiler|stop_profiler|stats
+Subcommand ``release`` to make TCMalloc to releases no-longer-used memory back to the kernel at once.
+ ceph heap release
+Subcommand ``(get|set)_release_rate`` get or set the TCMalloc memory release rate. TCMalloc releases
+no-longer-used memory back to the kernel gradually. the rate controls how quickly this happens.
+Increase this setting to make TCMalloc to return unused memory more frequently. 0 means never return
+memory to system, 1 means wait for 1000 pages after releasing a page to system. It is ``1.0`` by default..
+ ceph heap get_release_rate|set_release_rate {<val>}
+Inject configuration arguments into monitor.
+ ceph injectargs <injected_args> [<injected_args>...]
+Log supplied text to the monitor log.
+ ceph log <logtext> [<logtext>...]
+Manage metadata server configuration and administration. It uses some
+additional subcommands.
+Subcommand ``compat`` manages compatible features. It uses some additional
+Subcommand ``rm_compat`` removes compatible feature.
+ ceph mds compat rm_compat <int[0-]>
+Subcommand ``rm_incompat`` removes incompatible feature.
+ ceph mds compat rm_incompat <int[0-]>
+Subcommand ``show`` shows mds compatibility settings.
+ ceph mds compat show
+Subcommand ``fail`` forces mds to status fail.
+ ceph mds fail <role|gid>
+Subcommand ``rm`` removes inactive mds.
+ ceph mds rm <int[0-]> <name> (>
+Subcommand ``rmfailed`` removes failed mds.
+ ceph mds rmfailed <int[0-]>
+Subcommand ``set_state`` sets mds state of <gid> to <numeric-state>.
+ ceph mds set_state <int[0-]> <int[0-20]>
+Subcommand ``stat`` shows MDS status.
+ ceph mds stat
+Subcommand ``repaired`` mark a damaged MDS rank as no longer damaged.
+ ceph mds repaired <role>
+Manage monitor configuration and administration. It uses some additional
+Subcommand ``add`` adds new monitor named <name> at <addr>.
+ ceph mon add <name> <IPaddr[:port]>
+Subcommand ``dump`` dumps formatted monmap (optionally from epoch)
+ ceph mon dump {<int[0-]>}
+Subcommand ``getmap`` gets monmap.
+ ceph mon getmap {<int[0-]>}
+Subcommand ``remove`` removes monitor named <name>.
+ ceph mon remove <name>
+Subcommand ``stat`` summarizes monitor status.
+ ceph mon stat
+Reports status of monitors.
+ ceph mon_status
+Ceph manager daemon configuration and management.
+Subcommand ``dump`` dumps the latest MgrMap, which describes the active
+and standby manager daemons.
+ ceph mgr dump
+Subcommand ``fail`` will mark a manager daemon as failed, removing it
+from the manager map. If it is the active manager daemon a standby
+will take its place.
+ ceph mgr fail <name>
+Subcommand ``module ls`` will list currently enabled manager modules (plugins).
+ ceph mgr module ls
+Subcommand ``module enable`` will enable a manager module. Available modules are included in MgrMap and visible via ``mgr dump``.
+ ceph mgr module enable <module>
+Subcommand ``module disable`` will disable an active manager module.
+ ceph mgr module disable <module>
+Subcommand ``metadata`` will report metadata about all manager daemons or, if the name is specified, a single manager daemon.
+ ceph mgr metadata [name]
+Subcommand ``versions`` will report a count of running daemon versions.
+ ceph mgr versions
+Subcommand ``count-metadata`` will report a count of any daemon metadata field.
+ ceph mgr count-metadata <field>
+.. _ceph-admin-osd:
+Manage OSD configuration and administration. It uses some additional
+Subcommand ``blacklist`` manage blacklisted clients. It uses some additional
+Subcommand ``add`` add <addr> to blacklist (optionally until <expire> seconds
+from now)
+ ceph osd blacklist add <EntityAddr> {<float[0.0-]>}
+Subcommand ``ls`` show blacklisted clients
+ ceph osd blacklist ls
+Subcommand ``rm`` remove <addr> from blacklist
+ ceph osd blacklist rm <EntityAddr>
+Subcommand ``blocked-by`` prints a histogram of which OSDs are blocking their peers
+ ceph osd blocked-by
+Subcommand ``create`` creates new osd (with optional UUID and ID).
+This command is DEPRECATED as of the Luminous release, and will be removed in
+a future release.
+Subcommand ``new`` should instead be used.
+ ceph osd create {<uuid>} {<id>}
+Subcommand ``new`` can be used to create a new OSD or to recreate a previously
+destroyed OSD with a specific *id*. The new OSD will have the specified *uuid*,
+and the command expects a JSON file containing the base64 cephx key for auth
+entity *client.osd.<id>*, as well as optional base64 cepx key for dm-crypt
+lockbox access and a dm-crypt key. Specifying a dm-crypt requires specifying
+the accompanying lockbox cephx key.
+ ceph osd new {<uuid>} {<id>} -i {<params.json>}
+The parameters JSON file is optional but if provided, is expected to maintain
+a form of the following format::
+ {
+ "cephx_secret": "AQBWtwhZdBO5ExAAIDyjK2Bh16ZXylmzgYYEjg==",
+ "crush_device_class": "myclass"
+ }
+ {
+ "cephx_secret": "AQBWtwhZdBO5ExAAIDyjK2Bh16ZXylmzgYYEjg==",
+ "cephx_lockbox_secret": "AQDNCglZuaeVCRAAYr76PzR1Anh7A0jswkODIQ==",
+ "dmcrypt_key": "<dm-crypt key>",
+ "crush_device_class": "myclass"
+ }
+ {
+ "crush_device_class": "myclass"
+ }
+The "crush_device_class" property is optional. If specified, it will set the
+initial CRUSH device class for the new OSD.
+Subcommand ``crush`` is used for CRUSH management. It uses some additional
+Subcommand ``add`` adds or updates crushmap position and weight for <name> with
+<weight> and location <args>.
+ ceph osd crush add <osdname (id|> <float[0.0-]> <args> [<args>...]
+Subcommand ``add-bucket`` adds no-parent (probably root) crush bucket <name> of
+type <type>.
+ ceph osd crush add-bucket <name> <type>
+Subcommand ``create-or-move`` creates entry or moves existing entry for <name>
+<weight> at/to location <args>.
+ ceph osd crush create-or-move <osdname (id|> <float[0.0-]> <args>
+ [<args>...]
+Subcommand ``dump`` dumps crush map.
+ ceph osd crush dump
+Subcommand ``get-tunable`` get crush tunable straw_calc_version
+ ceph osd crush get-tunable straw_calc_version
+Subcommand ``link`` links existing entry for <name> under location <args>.
+ ceph osd crush link <name> <args> [<args>...]
+Subcommand ``move`` moves existing entry for <name> to location <args>.
+ ceph osd crush move <name> <args> [<args>...]
+Subcommand ``remove`` removes <name> from crush map (everywhere, or just at
+ ceph osd crush remove <name> {<ancestor>}
+Subcommand ``rename-bucket`` renames bucket <srcname> to <dstname>
+ ceph osd crush rename-bucket <srcname> <dstname>
+Subcommand ``reweight`` change <name>'s weight to <weight> in crush map.
+ ceph osd crush reweight <name> <float[0.0-]>
+Subcommand ``reweight-all`` recalculate the weights for the tree to
+ensure they sum correctly
+ ceph osd crush reweight-all
+Subcommand ``reweight-subtree`` changes all leaf items beneath <name>
+to <weight> in crush map
+ ceph osd crush reweight-subtree <name> <weight>
+Subcommand ``rm`` removes <name> from crush map (everywhere, or just at
+ ceph osd crush rm <name> {<ancestor>}
+Subcommand ``rule`` is used for creating crush rules. It uses some additional
+Subcommand ``create-erasure`` creates crush rule <name> for erasure coded pool
+created with <profile> (default default).
+ ceph osd crush rule create-erasure <name> {<profile>}
+Subcommand ``create-simple`` creates crush rule <name> to start from <root>,
+replicate across buckets of type <type>, using a choose mode of <firstn|indep>
+(default firstn; indep best for erasure pools).
+ ceph osd crush rule create-simple <name> <root> <type> {firstn|indep}
+Subcommand ``dump`` dumps crush rule <name> (default all).
+ ceph osd crush rule dump {<name>}
+Subcommand ``ls`` lists crush rules.
+ ceph osd crush rule ls
+Subcommand ``rm`` removes crush rule <name>.
+ ceph osd crush rule rm <name>
+Subcommand ``set`` used alone, sets crush map from input file.
+ ceph osd crush set
+Subcommand ``set`` with osdname/ update crushmap position and weight
+for <name> to <weight> with location <args>.
+ ceph osd crush set <osdname (id|> <float[0.0-]> <args> [<args>...]
+Subcommand ``set-tunable`` set crush tunable <tunable> to <value>. The only
+tunable that can be set is straw_calc_version.
+ ceph osd crush set-tunable straw_calc_version <value>
+Subcommand ``show-tunables`` shows current crush tunables.
+ ceph osd crush show-tunables
+Subcommand ``tree`` shows the crush buckets and items in a tree view.
+ ceph osd crush tree
+Subcommand ``tunables`` sets crush tunables values to <profile>.
+ ceph osd crush tunables legacy|argonaut|bobtail|firefly|hammer|optimal|default
+Subcommand ``unlink`` unlinks <name> from crush map (everywhere, or just at
+ ceph osd crush unlink <name> {<ancestor>}
+Subcommand ``df`` shows OSD utilization
+ ceph osd df {plain|tree}
+Subcommand ``deep-scrub`` initiates deep scrub on specified osd.
+ ceph osd deep-scrub <who>
+Subcommand ``down`` sets osd(s) <id> [<id>...] down.
+ ceph osd down <ids> [<ids>...]
+Subcommand ``dump`` prints summary of OSD map.
+ ceph osd dump {<int[0-]>}
+Subcommand ``erasure-code-profile`` is used for managing the erasure code
+profiles. It uses some additional subcommands.
+Subcommand ``get`` gets erasure code profile <name>.
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile get <name>
+Subcommand ``ls`` lists all erasure code profiles.
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile ls
+Subcommand ``rm`` removes erasure code profile <name>.
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile rm <name>
+Subcommand ``set`` creates erasure code profile <name> with [<key[=value]> ...]
+pairs. Add a --force at the end to override an existing profile (IT IS RISKY).
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile set <name> {<profile> [<profile>...]}
+Subcommand ``find`` find osd <id> in the CRUSH map and shows its location.
+ ceph osd find <int[0-]>
+Subcommand ``getcrushmap`` gets CRUSH map.
+ ceph osd getcrushmap {<int[0-]>}
+Subcommand ``getmap`` gets OSD map.
+ ceph osd getmap {<int[0-]>}
+Subcommand ``getmaxosd`` shows largest OSD id.
+ ceph osd getmaxosd
+Subcommand ``in`` sets osd(s) <id> [<id>...] in.
+ ceph osd in <ids> [<ids>...]
+Subcommand ``lost`` marks osd as permanently lost. THIS DESTROYS DATA IF NO
+ ceph osd lost <int[0-]> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
+Subcommand ``ls`` shows all OSD ids.
+ ceph osd ls {<int[0-]>}
+Subcommand ``lspools`` lists pools.
+ ceph osd lspools {<int>}
+Subcommand ``map`` finds pg for <object> in <pool>.
+ ceph osd map <poolname> <objectname>
+Subcommand ``metadata`` fetches metadata for osd <id>.
+ ceph osd metadata {int[0-]} (default all)
+Subcommand ``out`` sets osd(s) <id> [<id>...] out.
+ ceph osd out <ids> [<ids>...]
+Subcommand ``ok-to-stop`` checks whether the list of OSD(s) can be
+stopped without immediately making data unavailable. That is, all
+data should remain readable and writeable, although data redundancy
+may be reduced as some PGs may end up in a degraded (but active)
+state. It will return a success code if it is okay to stop the
+OSD(s), or an error code and informative message if it is not or if no
+conclusion can be drawn at the current time.
+ ceph osd ok-to-stop <id> [<ids>...]
+Subcommand ``pause`` pauses osd.
+ ceph osd pause
+Subcommand ``perf`` prints dump of OSD perf summary stats.
+ ceph osd perf
+Subcommand ``pg-temp`` set pg_temp mapping pgid:[<id> [<id>...]] (developers
+ ceph osd pg-temp <pgid> {<id> [<id>...]}
+Subcommand ``force-create-pg`` forces creation of pg <pgid>.
+ ceph osd force-create-pg <pgid>
+Subcommand ``pool`` is used for managing data pools. It uses some additional
+Subcommand ``create`` creates pool.
+ ceph osd pool create <poolname> <int[0-]> {<int[0-]>} {replicated|erasure}
+ {<erasure_code_profile>} {<rule>} {<int>}
+Subcommand ``delete`` deletes pool.
+ ceph osd pool delete <poolname> {<poolname>} {--yes-i-really-really-mean-it}
+Subcommand ``get`` gets pool parameter <var>.
+ ceph osd pool get <poolname> size|min_size|pg_num|pgp_num|crush_rule|write_fadvise_dontneed
+Only for tiered pools::
+ ceph osd pool get <poolname> hit_set_type|hit_set_period|hit_set_count|hit_set_fpp|
+ target_max_objects|target_max_bytes|cache_target_dirty_ratio|cache_target_dirty_high_ratio|
+ cache_target_full_ratio|cache_min_flush_age|cache_min_evict_age|
+ min_read_recency_for_promote|hit_set_grade_decay_rate|hit_set_search_last_n
+Only for erasure coded pools::
+ ceph osd pool get <poolname> erasure_code_profile
+Use ``all`` to get all pool parameters that apply to the pool's type::
+ ceph osd pool get <poolname> all
+Subcommand ``get-quota`` obtains object or byte limits for pool.
+ ceph osd pool get-quota <poolname>
+Subcommand ``ls`` list pools
+ ceph osd pool ls {detail}
+Subcommand ``mksnap`` makes snapshot <snap> in <pool>.
+ ceph osd pool mksnap <poolname> <snap>
+Subcommand ``rename`` renames <srcpool> to <destpool>.
+ ceph osd pool rename <poolname> <poolname>
+Subcommand ``rmsnap`` removes snapshot <snap> from <pool>.
+ ceph osd pool rmsnap <poolname> <snap>
+Subcommand ``set`` sets pool parameter <var> to <val>.
+ ceph osd pool set <poolname> size|min_size|pg_num|
+ pgp_num|crush_rule|hashpspool|nodelete|nopgchange|nosizechange|
+ hit_set_type|hit_set_period|hit_set_count|hit_set_fpp|debug_fake_ec_pool|
+ target_max_bytes|target_max_objects|cache_target_dirty_ratio|
+ cache_target_dirty_high_ratio|
+ cache_target_full_ratio|cache_min_flush_age|cache_min_evict_age|
+ min_read_recency_for_promote|write_fadvise_dontneed|hit_set_grade_decay_rate|
+ hit_set_search_last_n
+ <val> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
+Subcommand ``set-quota`` sets object or byte limit on pool.
+ ceph osd pool set-quota <poolname> max_objects|max_bytes <val>
+Subcommand ``stats`` obtain stats from all pools, or from specified pool.
+ ceph osd pool stats {<name>}
+Subcommand ``application`` is used for adding an annotation to the given
+pool. By default, the possible applications are object, block, and file
+storage (corresponding app-names are "rgw", "rbd", and "cephfs"). However,
+there might be other applications as well. Based on the application, there
+may or may not be some processing conducted.
+Subcommand ``disable`` disables the given application on the given pool.
+ ceph osd pool application disable <pool-name> <app> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
+Subcommand ``enable`` adds an annotation to the given pool for the mentioned
+ ceph osd pool application enable <pool-name> <app> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
+Subcommand ``get`` displays the value for the given key that is assosciated
+with the given application of the given pool. Not passing the optional
+arguments would display all key-value pairs for all applications for all
+ ceph osd pool application get {<pool-name>} {<app>} {<key>}
+Subcommand ``rm`` removes the key-value pair for the given key in the given
+application of the given pool.
+ ceph osd pool application rm <pool-name> <app> <key>
+Subcommand ``set`` assosciates or updates, if it already exists, a key-value
+pair with the given application for the given pool.
+ ceph osd pool application set <pool-name> <app> <key> <value>
+Subcommand ``primary-affinity`` adjust osd primary-affinity from 0.0 <=<weight>
+<= 1.0
+ ceph osd primary-affinity <osdname (id|> <float[0.0-1.0]>
+Subcommand ``primary-temp`` sets primary_temp mapping pgid:<id>|-1 (developers
+ ceph osd primary-temp <pgid> <id>
+Subcommand ``repair`` initiates repair on a specified osd.
+ ceph osd repair <who>
+Subcommand ``reweight`` reweights osd to 0.0 < <weight> < 1.0.
+ osd reweight <int[0-]> <float[0.0-1.0]>
+Subcommand ``reweight-by-pg`` reweight OSDs by PG distribution
+[overload-percentage-for-consideration, default 120].
+ ceph osd reweight-by-pg {<int[100-]>} {<poolname> [<poolname...]}
+ {--no-increasing}
+Subcommand ``reweight-by-utilization`` reweight OSDs by utilization
+[overload-percentage-for-consideration, default 120].
+ ceph osd reweight-by-utilization {<int[100-]>}
+ {--no-increasing}
+Subcommand ``rm`` removes osd(s) <id> [<id>...] from the OSD map.
+ ceph osd rm <ids> [<ids>...]
+Subcommand ``destroy`` marks OSD *id* as *destroyed*, removing its cephx
+entity's keys and all of its dm-crypt and daemon-private config key
+This command will not remove the OSD from crush, nor will it remove the
+OSD from the OSD map. Instead, once the command successfully completes,
+the OSD will show marked as *destroyed*.
+In order to mark an OSD as destroyed, the OSD must first be marked as
+ ceph osd destroy <id> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
+Subcommand ``purge`` performs a combination of ``osd destroy``,
+``osd rm`` and ``osd crush remove``.
+ ceph osd purge <id> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}
+Subcommand ``safe-to-destroy`` checks whether it is safe to remove or
+destroy an OSD without reducing overall data redundancy or durability.
+It will return a success code if it is definitely safe, or an error
+code and informative message if it is not or if no conclusion can be
+drawn at the current time.
+ ceph osd safe-to-destroy <id> [<ids>...]
+Subcommand ``scrub`` initiates scrub on specified osd.
+ ceph osd scrub <who>
+Subcommand ``set`` sets <key>.
+ ceph osd set full|pause|noup|nodown|noout|noin|nobackfill|
+ norebalance|norecover|noscrub|nodeep-scrub|notieragent
+Subcommand ``setcrushmap`` sets crush map from input file.
+ ceph osd setcrushmap
+Subcommand ``setmaxosd`` sets new maximum osd value.
+ ceph osd setmaxosd <int[0-]>
+Subcommand ``set-require-min-compat-client`` enforces the cluster to be backward
+compatible with the specified client version. This subcommand prevents you from
+making any changes (e.g., crush tunables, or using new features) that
+would violate the current setting. Please note, This subcommand will fail if
+any connected daemon or client is not compatible with the features offered by
+the given <version>. To see the features and releases of all clients connected
+to cluster, please see `ceph features`_.
+ ceph osd set-require-min-compat-client <version>
+Subcommand ``stat`` prints summary of OSD map.
+ ceph osd stat
+Subcommand ``tier`` is used for managing tiers. It uses some additional
+Subcommand ``add`` adds the tier <tierpool> (the second one) to base pool <pool>
+(the first one).
+ ceph osd tier add <poolname> <poolname> {--force-nonempty}
+Subcommand ``add-cache`` adds a cache <tierpool> (the second one) of size <size>
+to existing pool <pool> (the first one).
+ ceph osd tier add-cache <poolname> <poolname> <int[0-]>
+Subcommand ``cache-mode`` specifies the caching mode for cache tier <pool>.
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode <poolname> none|writeback|forward|readonly|
+ readforward|readproxy
+Subcommand ``remove`` removes the tier <tierpool> (the second one) from base pool
+<pool> (the first one).
+ ceph osd tier remove <poolname> <poolname>
+Subcommand ``remove-overlay`` removes the overlay pool for base pool <pool>.
+ ceph osd tier remove-overlay <poolname>
+Subcommand ``set-overlay`` set the overlay pool for base pool <pool> to be
+ ceph osd tier set-overlay <poolname> <poolname>
+Subcommand ``tree`` prints OSD tree.
+ ceph osd tree {<int[0-]>}
+Subcommand ``unpause`` unpauses osd.
+ ceph osd unpause
+Subcommand ``unset`` unsets <key>.
+ ceph osd unset full|pause|noup|nodown|noout|noin|nobackfill|
+ norebalance|norecover|noscrub|nodeep-scrub|notieragent
+It is used for managing the placement groups in OSDs. It uses some
+additional subcommands.
+Subcommand ``debug`` shows debug info about pgs.
+ ceph pg debug unfound_objects_exist|degraded_pgs_exist
+Subcommand ``deep-scrub`` starts deep-scrub on <pgid>.
+ ceph pg deep-scrub <pgid>
+Subcommand ``dump`` shows human-readable versions of pg map (only 'all' valid
+with plain).
+ ceph pg dump {all|summary|sum|delta|pools|osds|pgs|pgs_brief} [{all|summary|sum|delta|pools|osds|pgs|pgs_brief...]}
+Subcommand ``dump_json`` shows human-readable version of pg map in json only.
+ ceph pg dump_json {all|summary|sum|delta|pools|osds|pgs|pgs_brief} [{all|summary|sum|delta|pools|osds|pgs|pgs_brief...]}
+Subcommand ``dump_pools_json`` shows pg pools info in json only.
+ ceph pg dump_pools_json
+Subcommand ``dump_stuck`` shows information about stuck pgs.
+ ceph pg dump_stuck {inactive|unclean|stale|undersized|degraded [inactive|unclean|stale|undersized|degraded...]}
+ {<int>}
+Subcommand ``getmap`` gets binary pg map to -o/stdout.
+ ceph pg getmap
+Subcommand ``ls`` lists pg with specific pool, osd, state
+ ceph pg ls {<int>} {<pg-state> [<pg-state>...]}
+Subcommand ``ls-by-osd`` lists pg on osd [osd]
+ ceph pg ls-by-osd <osdname (id|> {<int>}
+ {<pg-state> [<pg-state>...]}
+Subcommand ``ls-by-pool`` lists pg with pool = [poolname]
+ ceph pg ls-by-pool <poolstr> {<int>} {<pg-state> [<pg-state>...]}
+Subcommand ``ls-by-primary`` lists pg with primary = [osd]
+ ceph pg ls-by-primary <osdname (id|> {<int>}
+ {<pg-state> [<pg-state>...]}
+Subcommand ``map`` shows mapping of pg to osds.
+ ceph pg map <pgid>
+Subcommand ``repair`` starts repair on <pgid>.
+ ceph pg repair <pgid>
+Subcommand ``scrub`` starts scrub on <pgid>.
+ ceph pg scrub <pgid>
+Subcommand ``stat`` shows placement group status.
+ ceph pg stat
+Cause MON to enter or exit quorum.
+ ceph quorum enter|exit
+Note: this only works on the MON to which the ``ceph`` command is connected.
+If you want a specific MON to enter or exit quorum, use this syntax::
+ ceph tell mon.<id> quorum enter|exit
+Reports status of monitor quorum.
+ ceph quorum_status
+Reports full status of cluster, optional title tag strings.
+ ceph report {<tags> [<tags>...]}
+Scrubs the monitor stores.
+ ceph scrub
+Shows cluster status.
+ ceph status
+sync force
+Forces sync of and clear monitor store.
+ ceph sync force {--yes-i-really-mean-it} {--i-know-what-i-am-doing}
+Sends a command to a specific daemon.
+ ceph tell <name (> <command> [options...]
+List all available commands.
+ ceph tell <name (> help
+Show mon daemon version
+ ceph version
+.. option:: -i infile
+ will specify an input file to be passed along as a payload with the
+ command to the monitor cluster. This is only used for specific
+ monitor commands.
+.. option:: -o outfile
+ will write any payload returned by the monitor cluster with its
+ reply to outfile. Only specific monitor commands (e.g. osd getmap)
+ return a payload.
+.. option:: --setuser user
+ will apply the appropriate user ownership to the file specified by
+ the option '-o'.
+.. option:: --setgroup group
+ will apply the appropriate group ownership to the file specified by
+ the option '-o'.
+.. option:: -c ceph.conf, --conf=ceph.conf
+ Use ceph.conf configuration file instead of the default
+ ``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf`` to determine monitor addresses during startup.
+.. option:: --id CLIENT_ID, --user CLIENT_ID
+ Client id for authentication.
+.. option:: --name CLIENT_NAME, -n CLIENT_NAME
+ Client name for authentication.
+.. option:: --cluster CLUSTER
+ Name of the Ceph cluster.
+.. option:: --admin-daemon ADMIN_SOCKET, daemon DAEMON_NAME
+ Submit admin-socket commands via admin sockets in /var/run/ceph.
+.. option:: --admin-socket ADMIN_SOCKET_NOPE
+ You probably mean --admin-daemon
+.. option:: -s, --status
+ Show cluster status.
+.. option:: -w, --watch
+ Watch live cluster changes.
+.. option:: --watch-debug
+ Watch debug events.
+.. option:: --watch-info
+ Watch info events.
+.. option:: --watch-sec
+ Watch security events.
+.. option:: --watch-warn
+ Watch warning events.
+.. option:: --watch-error
+ Watch error events.
+.. option:: --version, -v
+ Display version.
+.. option:: --verbose
+ Make verbose.
+.. option:: --concise
+ Make less verbose.
+.. option:: -f {json,json-pretty,xml,xml-pretty,plain}, --format
+ Format of output.
+.. option:: --connect-timeout CLUSTER_TIMEOUT
+ Set a timeout for connecting to the cluster.
+.. option:: --no-increasing
+ ``--no-increasing`` is off by default. So increasing the osd weight is allowed
+ using the ``reweight-by-utilization`` or ``test-reweight-by-utilization`` commands.
+ If this option is used with these commands, it will help not to increase osd weight
+ even the osd is under utilized.
+.. option:: --block
+ block until completion (scrub and deep-scrub only)
+:program:`ceph` is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to
+the Ceph documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph-mon <ceph-mon>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph-osd <ceph-osd>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph-mds <ceph-mds>`\(8)
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+ crushtool -- CRUSH map manipulation tool
+.. program:: crushtool
+| **crushtool** ( -d *map* | -c *map.txt* | --build --num_osds *numosds*
+ *layer1* *...* | --test ) [ -o *outfile* ]
+**crushtool** is a utility that lets you create, compile, decompile
+and test CRUSH map files.
+CRUSH is a pseudo-random data distribution algorithm that efficiently
+maps input values (which, in the context of Ceph, correspond to Placement
+Groups) across a heterogeneous, hierarchically structured device map.
+The algorithm was originally described in detail in the following paper
+(although it has evolved some since then)::
+The tool has four modes of operation.
+.. option:: --compile|-c map.txt
+ will compile a plaintext map.txt into a binary map file.
+.. option:: --decompile|-d map
+ will take the compiled map and decompile it into a plaintext source
+ file, suitable for editing.
+.. option:: --build --num_osds {num-osds} layer1 ...
+ will create map with the given layer structure. See below for a
+ detailed explanation.
+.. option:: --test
+ will perform a dry run of a CRUSH mapping for a range of input
+ values ``[--min-x,--max-x]`` (default ``[0,1023]``) which can be
+ thought of as simulated Placement Groups. See below for a more
+ detailed explanation.
+Unlike other Ceph tools, **crushtool** does not accept generic options
+such as **--debug-crush** from the command line. They can, however, be
+provided via the CEPH_ARGS environment variable. For instance, to
+silence all output from the CRUSH subsystem::
+ CEPH_ARGS="--debug-crush 0" crushtool ...
+Running tests with --test
+The test mode will use the input crush map ( as specified with **-i
+map** ) and perform a dry run of CRUSH mapping or random placement
+(if **--simulate** is set ). On completion, two kinds of reports can be
+1) The **--show-...** option outputs human readable information
+on stderr.
+2) The **--output-csv** option creates CSV files that are
+documented by the **--help-output** option.
+Note: Each Placement Group (PG) has an integer ID which can be obtained
+from ``ceph pg dump`` (for example PG 2.2f means pool id 2, PG id 32).
+The pool and PG IDs are combined by a function to get a value which is
+given to CRUSH to map it to OSDs. crushtool does not know about PGs or
+pools; it only runs simulations by mapping values in the range
+.. option:: --show-statistics
+ Displays a summary of the distribution. For instance::
+ rule 1 (metadata) num_rep 5 result size == 5: 1024/1024
+ shows that rule **1** which is named **metadata** successfully
+ mapped **1024** values to **result size == 5** devices when trying
+ to map them to **num_rep 5** replicas. When it fails to provide the
+ required mapping, presumably because the number of **tries** must
+ be increased, a breakdown of the failures is displayed. For instance::
+ rule 1 (metadata) num_rep 10 result size == 8: 4/1024
+ rule 1 (metadata) num_rep 10 result size == 9: 93/1024
+ rule 1 (metadata) num_rep 10 result size == 10: 927/1024
+ shows that although **num_rep 10** replicas were required, **4**
+ out of **1024** values ( **4/1024** ) were mapped to **result size
+ == 8** devices only.
+.. option:: --show-mappings
+ Displays the mapping of each value in the range ``[--min-x,--max-x]``.
+ For instance::
+ CRUSH rule 1 x 24 [11,6]
+ shows that value **24** is mapped to devices **[11,6]** by rule
+ **1**.
+.. option:: --show-bad-mappings
+ Displays which value failed to be mapped to the required number of
+ devices. For instance::
+ bad mapping rule 1 x 781 num_rep 7 result [8,10,2,11,6,9]
+ shows that when rule **1** was required to map **7** devices, it
+ could map only six : **[8,10,2,11,6,9]**.
+.. option:: --show-utilization
+ Displays the expected and actual utilization for each device, for
+ each number of replicas. For instance::
+ device 0: stored : 951 expected : 853.333
+ device 1: stored : 963 expected : 853.333
+ ...
+ shows that device **0** stored **951** values and was expected to store **853**.
+ Implies **--show-statistics**.
+.. option:: --show-utilization-all
+ Displays the same as **--show-utilization** but does not suppress
+ output when the weight of a device is zero.
+ Implies **--show-statistics**.
+.. option:: --show-choose-tries
+ Displays how many attempts were needed to find a device mapping.
+ For instance::
+ 0: 95224
+ 1: 3745
+ 2: 2225
+ ..
+ shows that **95224** mappings succeeded without retries, **3745**
+ mappings succeeded with one attempts, etc. There are as many rows
+ as the value of the **--set-choose-total-tries** option.
+.. option:: --output-csv
+ Creates CSV files (in the current directory) containing information
+ documented by **--help-output**. The files are named after the rule
+ used when collecting the statistics. For instance, if the rule
+ : 'metadata' is used, the CSV files will be::
+ metadata-absolute_weights.csv
+ metadata-device_utilization.csv
+ ...
+ The first line of the file shortly explains the column layout. For
+ instance::
+ metadata-absolute_weights.csv
+ Device ID, Absolute Weight
+ 0,1
+ ...
+.. option:: --output-name NAME
+ Prepend **NAME** to the file names generated when **--output-csv**
+ is specified. For instance **--output-name FOO** will create
+ files::
+ FOO-metadata-absolute_weights.csv
+ FOO-metadata-device_utilization.csv
+ ...
+The **--set-...** options can be used to modify the tunables of the
+input crush map. The input crush map is modified in
+memory. For example::
+ $ crushtool -i mymap --test --show-bad-mappings
+ bad mapping rule 1 x 781 num_rep 7 result [8,10,2,11,6,9]
+could be fixed by increasing the **choose-total-tries** as follows:
+ $ crushtool -i mymap --test \
+ --show-bad-mappings \
+ --set-choose-total-tries 500
+Building a map with --build
+The build mode will generate hierarchical maps. The first argument
+specifies the number of devices (leaves) in the CRUSH hierarchy. Each
+layer describes how the layer (or devices) preceding it should be
+Each layer consists of::
+ bucket ( uniform | list | tree | straw ) size
+The **bucket** is the type of the buckets in the layer
+(e.g. "rack"). Each bucket name will be built by appending a unique
+number to the **bucket** string (e.g. "rack0", "rack1"...).
+The second component is the type of bucket: **straw** should be used
+most of the time.
+The third component is the maximum size of the bucket. A size of zero
+means a bucket of infinite capacity.
+Suppose we have two rows with two racks each and 20 nodes per rack. Suppose
+each node contains 4 storage devices for Ceph OSD Daemons. This configuration
+allows us to deploy 320 Ceph OSD Daemons. Lets assume a 42U rack with 2U nodes,
+leaving an extra 2U for a rack switch.
+To reflect our hierarchy of devices, nodes, racks and rows, we would execute
+the following::
+ $ crushtool -o crushmap --build --num_osds 320 \
+ node straw 4 \
+ rack straw 20 \
+ row straw 2 \
+ root straw 0
+ # id weight type name reweight
+ -87 320 root root
+ -85 160 row row0
+ -81 80 rack rack0
+ -1 4 node node0
+ 0 1 osd.0 1
+ 1 1 osd.1 1
+ 2 1 osd.2 1
+ 3 1 osd.3 1
+ -2 4 node node1
+ 4 1 osd.4 1
+ 5 1 osd.5 1
+ ...
+CRUSH rules are created so the generated crushmap can be
+tested. They are the same rules as the ones created by default when
+creating a new Ceph cluster. They can be further edited with::
+ # decompile
+ crushtool -d crushmap -o map.txt
+ # edit
+ emacs map.txt
+ # recompile
+ crushtool -c map.txt -o crushmap
+The *reclassify* function allows users to transition from older maps that
+maintain parallel hierarchies for OSDs of different types to a modern CRUSH
+map that makes use of the *device class* feature. For more information,
+Example output from --test
+for sample ``crushtool --test`` commands and output produced thereby.
+**crushtool** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please
+refer to the Ceph documentation at for more
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8),
+:doc:`osdmaptool <osdmaptool>`\(8),
+John Wilkins, Sage Weil, Loic Dachary
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+ librados-config -- display information about librados
+.. program:: librados-config
+| **librados-config** [ --version ] [ --vernum ]
+**librados-config** is a utility that displays information about the
+ installed ``librados``.
+.. option:: --version
+ Display ``librados`` version
+.. option:: --vernum
+ Display the ``librados`` version code
+**librados-config** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system.
+Please refer to the Ceph documentation at for
+more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8),
+:doc:`rados <rados>`\(8)
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+ monmaptool -- ceph monitor cluster map manipulation tool
+.. program:: monmaptool
+| **monmaptool** *mapfilename* [ --clobber ] [ --print ] [ --create ]
+ [ --add *ip*:*port* *...* ] [ --rm *ip*:*port* *...* ]
+**monmaptool** is a utility to create, view, and modify a monitor
+cluster map for the Ceph distributed storage system. The monitor map
+specifies the only fixed addresses in the Ceph distributed system.
+All other daemons bind to arbitrary addresses and register themselves
+with the monitors.
+When creating a map with --create, a new monitor map with a new,
+random UUID will be created. It should be followed by one or more
+monitor addresses.
+The default Ceph monitor port is 6789.
+.. option:: --print
+ will print a plaintext dump of the map, after any modifications are
+ made.
+.. option:: --clobber
+ will allow monmaptool to overwrite mapfilename if changes are made.
+.. option:: --create
+ will create a new monitor map with a new UUID (and with it, a new,
+ empty Ceph file system).
+.. option:: --generate
+ generate a new monmap based on the values on the command line or specified
+ in the ceph configuration. This is, in order of preference,
+ #. ``--monmap filename`` to specify a monmap to load
+ #. ``--mon-host 'host1,ip2'`` to specify a list of hosts or ip addresses
+ #. ``[]`` sections containing ``mon addr`` settings in the config. Note that this method is not recommended and support will be removed in a future release.
+.. option:: --filter-initial-members
+ filter the initial monmap by applying the ``mon initial members``
+ setting. Monitors not present in that list will be removed, and
+ initial members not present in the map will be added with dummy
+ addresses.
+.. option:: --add name ip:port
+ will add a monitor with the specified ip:port to the map.
+.. option:: --rm name
+ will remove the monitor with the specified ip:port from the map.
+.. option:: --fsid uuid
+ will set the fsid to the given uuid. If not specified with --create, a random fsid will be generated.
+To create a new map with three monitors (for a fresh Ceph file system)::
+ monmaptool --create --add mon.a --add mon.b \
+ --add mon.c --clobber monmap
+To display the contents of the map::
+ monmaptool --print monmap
+To replace one monitor::
+ monmaptool --rm mon.a --add mon.a --clobber monmap
+**monmaptool** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed
+storage system. Please refer to the Ceph documentation at
+for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8),
+:doc:`crushtool <crushtool>`\(8),
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+ mount.ceph -- mount a ceph file system
+.. program:: mount.ceph
+| **mount.ceph** [*monaddr1*\ ,\ *monaddr2*\ ,...]:/[*subdir*] *dir* [
+ -o *options* ]
+**mount.ceph** is a helper for mounting the Ceph file system on
+a Linux host. It serves to resolve monitor hostname(s) into IP
+addresses and read authentication keys from disk; the Linux kernel
+client component does most of the real work. In fact, it is possible
+to mount a non-authenticated Ceph file system without mount.ceph by
+specifying monitor address(es) by IP::
+ mount -t ceph mountpoint
+Each monitor address monaddr takes the form host[:port]. If the port
+is not specified, the Ceph default of 6789 is assumed.
+Multiple monitor addresses can be separated by commas. Only one
+responsible monitor is needed to successfully mount; the client will
+learn about all monitors from any responsive monitor. However, it is a
+good idea to specify more than one in case one happens to be down at
+the time of mount.
+If the host portion of the device is left blank, then **mount.ceph** will
+attempt to determine monitor addresses using local configuration files
+and/or DNS SRV records.
+A subdirectory subdir may be specified if a subset of the file system
+is to be mounted.
+Mount helper application conventions dictate that the first two
+options are device to be mounted and destination path. Options must be
+passed only after these fixed arguments.
+ int (bytes), max write size. Default: 16777216 (16*1024*1024) (writeback uses smaller of wsize
+ and stripe unit)
+ int (bytes), max read size. Default: 16777216 (16*1024*1024)
+ int (bytes), max readahead. Default: 8388608 (8192*1024)
+ int (seconds), Default: 60
+ int, Default: 5
+ int (seconds), Default: 60
+ int (seconds), Default: 60
+ int, cap release delay, Default: 5
+ int, cap release delay, Default: 60
+ int, Default: calculated
+ int, Default: 1024
+ int, Default: 524288 (512*1024)
+ int (kb), max writeback in flight. scale with available
+ memory. Default: calculated from available memory
+ string, set the name of the hidden snapdir. Default: .snap
+ RADOS user to authenticate as when using cephx. Default: guest
+ secret key for use with cephx. This option is insecure because it exposes
+ the secret on the command line. To avoid this, use the secretfile option.
+ path to file containing the secret key to use with cephx
+ my ip
+ create a new client instance, instead of sharing an existing
+ instance of a client mounting the same cluster
+ funky `cat dirname` for stats, Default: off
+ no funky `cat dirname` for stats
+ Report the recursive size of the directory contents for st_size on
+ directories. Default: off
+ Do not report the recursive size of the directory contents for
+ st_size on directories.
+ no data crc on writes
+ no dcache readdir
+ Path to a ceph.conf file. This is used to initialize the ceph context
+ for autodiscovery of monitor addresses and auth secrets. The default is
+ to use the standard search path for ceph.conf files.
+Mount Secrets
+If the `secret` and `secretfile` options are not specified on the command-line
+then the mount helper will spawn a child process that will use the standard
+ceph library routines to find a keyring and fetch the secret from it.
+Mount the full file system::
+ mount.ceph monhost:/ /mnt/foo
+If there are multiple monitors::
+ mount.ceph monhost1,monhost2,monhost3:/ /mnt/foo
+If :doc:`ceph-mon <ceph-mon>`\(8) is running on a non-standard
+ mount.ceph monhost1:7000,monhost2:7000,monhost3:7000:/ /mnt/foo
+To automatically determine the monitor addresses from local configuration::
+ mount.ceph :/ /mnt/foo
+To mount only part of the namespace::
+ mount.ceph monhost1:/some/small/thing /mnt/thing
+Assuming mount.ceph(8) is installed properly, it should be
+automatically invoked by mount(8) like so::
+ mount -t ceph monhost:/ /mnt/foo
+**mount.ceph** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please
+refer to the Ceph documentation at for more
+See also
+:doc:`ceph-fuse <ceph-fuse>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8)
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+ mount.fuse.ceph -- mount ceph-fuse from /etc/fstab.
+.. program:: mount.fuse.ceph
+| **mount.fuse.ceph** [-h] [-o OPTIONS [*OPTIONS* ...]]
+ device [*device* ...]
+ mountpoint [*mountpoint* ...]
+**mount.fuse.ceph** is a helper for mounting ceph-fuse from
+To use mount.fuse.ceph, add an entry in ``/etc/fstab`` like::
+ none /mnt/ceph fuse.ceph,_netdev,defaults 0 0
+ none /mnt/ceph fuse.ceph,_netdev,defaults 0 0
+ none /mnt/ceph fuse.ceph,ceph.conf=/etc/ceph/foo.conf,_netdev,defaults 0 0
+ceph-fuse options are specified in the ``OPTIONS`` column and must begin
+with '``ceph.``' prefix. This way ceph related fs options will be passed to
+ceph-fuse and others will be ignored by ceph-fuse.
+.. option::<username>
+ Specify that the ceph-fuse will authenticate as the given user.
+.. option::
+ Specify that the ceph-fuse will authenticate as client.admin
+.. option:: ceph.conf=/etc/ceph/foo.conf
+ Sets 'conf' option to /etc/ceph/foo.conf via ceph-fuse command line.
+Any valid ceph-fuse options can be passed this way.
+Additional Info
+The old format /etc/fstab entries are also supported::
+ id=admin /mnt/ceph fuse.ceph defaults 0 0
+ id=myuser,conf=/etc/ceph/foo.conf /mnt/ceph fuse.ceph defaults 0 0
+**mount.fuse.ceph** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please
+refer to the Ceph documentation at for more
+See also
+:doc:`ceph-fuse <ceph-fuse>`\(8),
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8)
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+.. _osdmaptool:
+ osdmaptool -- ceph osd cluster map manipulation tool
+.. program:: osdmaptool
+| **osdmaptool** *mapfilename* [--print] [--createsimple *numosd*
+ [--pgbits *bitsperosd* ] ] [--clobber]
+| **osdmaptool** *mapfilename* [--import-crush *crushmap*]
+| **osdmaptool** *mapfilename* [--export-crush *crushmap*]
+| **osdmaptool** *mapfilename* [--upmap *file*] [--upmap-max *max-optimizations*]
+ [--upmap-deviation *max-deviation*] [--upmap-pool *poolname*]
+ [--upmap-save *file*] [--upmap-save *newosdmap*] [--upmap-active]
+| **osdmaptool** *mapfilename* [--upmap-cleanup] [--upmap-save *newosdmap*]
+**osdmaptool** is a utility that lets you create, view, and manipulate
+OSD cluster maps from the Ceph distributed storage system. Notably, it
+lets you extract the embedded CRUSH map or import a new CRUSH map.
+It can also simulate the upmap balancer mode so you can get a sense of
+what is needed to balance your PGs.
+.. option:: --print
+ will simply make the tool print a plaintext dump of the map, after
+ any modifications are made.
+.. option:: --dump <format>
+ displays the map in plain text when <format> is 'plain', 'json' if specified
+ format is not supported. This is an alternative to the print option.
+.. option:: --clobber
+ will allow osdmaptool to overwrite mapfilename if changes are made.
+.. option:: --import-crush mapfile
+ will load the CRUSH map from mapfile and embed it in the OSD map.
+.. option:: --export-crush mapfile
+ will extract the CRUSH map from the OSD map and write it to
+ mapfile.
+.. option:: --createsimple numosd [--pg-bits bitsperosd] [--pgp-bits bits]
+ will create a relatively generic OSD map with the numosd devices.
+ If --pg-bits is specified, the initial placement group counts will
+ be set with bitsperosd bits per OSD. That is, the pg_num map
+ attribute will be set to numosd shifted by bitsperosd.
+ If --pgp-bits is specified, then the pgp_num map attribute will
+ be set to numosd shifted by bits.
+.. option:: --create-from-conf
+ creates an osd map with default configurations.
+.. option:: --test-map-pgs [--pool poolid] [--range-first <first> --range-last <last>]
+ will print out the mappings from placement groups to OSDs.
+ If range is specified, then it iterates from first to last in the directory
+ specified by argument to osdmaptool.
+ Eg: **osdmaptool --test-map-pgs --range-first 0 --range-last 2 osdmap_dir**.
+ This will iterate through the files named 0,1,2 in osdmap_dir.
+.. option:: --test-map-pgs-dump [--pool poolid] [--range-first <first> --range-last <last>]
+ will print out the summary of all placement groups and the mappings from them to the mapped OSDs.
+ If range is specified, then it iterates from first to last in the directory
+ specified by argument to osdmaptool.
+ Eg: **osdmaptool --test-map-pgs-dump --range-first 0 --range-last 2 osdmap_dir**.
+ This will iterate through the files named 0,1,2 in osdmap_dir.
+.. option:: --test-map-pgs-dump-all [--pool poolid] [--range-first <first> --range-last <last>]
+ will print out the summary of all placement groups and the mappings
+ from them to all the OSDs.
+ If range is specified, then it iterates from first to last in the directory
+ specified by argument to osdmaptool.
+ Eg: **osdmaptool --test-map-pgs-dump-all --range-first 0 --range-last 2 osdmap_dir**.
+ This will iterate through the files named 0,1,2 in osdmap_dir.
+.. option:: --test-random
+ does a random mapping of placement groups to the OSDs.
+.. option:: --test-map-pg <pgid>
+ map a particular placement group(specified by pgid) to the OSDs.
+.. option:: --test-map-object <objectname> [--pool <poolid>]
+ map a particular placement group(specified by objectname) to the OSDs.
+.. option:: --test-crush [--range-first <first> --range-last <last>]
+ map placement groups to acting OSDs.
+ If range is specified, then it iterates from first to last in the directory
+ specified by argument to osdmaptool.
+ Eg: **osdmaptool --test-crush --range-first 0 --range-last 2 osdmap_dir**.
+ This will iterate through the files named 0,1,2 in osdmap_dir.
+.. option:: --mark-up-in
+ mark osds up and in (but do not persist).
+.. option:: --mark-out
+ mark an osd as out (but do not persist)
+.. option:: --tree
+ Displays a hierarchical tree of the map.
+.. option:: --clear-temp
+ clears pg_temp and primary_temp variables.
+.. option:: --clean-temps
+ clean pg_temps.
+.. option:: --health
+ dump health checks
+.. option:: --with-default-pool
+ include default pool when creating map
+.. option:: --upmap-cleanup <file>
+ clean up pg_upmap[_items] entries, writing commands to <file> [default: - for stdout]
+.. option:: --upmap <file>
+ calculate pg upmap entries to balance pg layout writing commands to <file> [default: - for stdout]
+.. option:: --upmap-max <max-optimizations>
+ set max upmap entries to calculate [default: 10]
+.. option:: --upmap-deviation <max-deviation>
+ max deviation from target [default: 5]
+.. option:: --upmap-pool <poolname>
+ restrict upmap balancing to 1 pool or the option can be repeated for multiple pools
+.. option:: --upmap-save
+ write modified OSDMap with upmap changes
+.. option:: --upmap-active
+ Act like an active balancer, keep applying changes until balanced
+To create a simple map with 16 devices::
+ osdmaptool --createsimple 16 osdmap --clobber
+To view the result::
+ osdmaptool --print osdmap
+To view the mappings of placement groups for pool 1::
+ osdmaptool osdmap --test-map-pgs-dump --pool 1
+ pool 0 pg_num 8
+ 1.0 [0,2,1] 0
+ 1.1 [2,0,1] 2
+ 1.2 [0,1,2] 0
+ 1.3 [2,0,1] 2
+ 1.4 [0,2,1] 0
+ 1.5 [0,2,1] 0
+ 1.6 [0,1,2] 0
+ 1.7 [1,0,2] 1
+ #osd count first primary c wt wt
+ osd.0 8 5 5 1 1
+ osd.1 8 1 1 1 1
+ osd.2 8 2 2 1 1
+ in 3
+ avg 8 stddev 0 (0x) (expected 2.3094 0.288675x))
+ min osd.0 8
+ max osd.0 8
+ size 0 0
+ size 1 0
+ size 2 0
+ size 3 8
+In which,
+ #. pool 1 has 8 placement groups. And two tables follow:
+ #. A table for placement groups. Each row presents a placement group. With columns of:
+ * placement group id,
+ * acting set, and
+ * primary OSD.
+ #. A table for all OSDs. Each row presents an OSD. With columns of:
+ * count of placement groups being mapped to this OSD,
+ * count of placement groups where this OSD is the first one in their acting sets,
+ * count of placement groups where this OSD is the primary of them,
+ * the CRUSH weight of this OSD, and
+ * the weight of this OSD.
+ #. Looking at the number of placement groups held by 3 OSDs. We have
+ * avarge, stddev, stddev/average, expected stddev, expected stddev / average
+ * min and max
+ #. The number of placement groups mapping to n OSDs. In this case, all 8 placement
+ groups are mapping to 3 different OSDs.
+In a less-balanced cluster, we could have following output for the statistics of
+placement group distribution, whose standard deviation is 1.41421::
+ #osd count first primary c wt wt
+ osd.0 8 5 5 1 1
+ osd.1 8 1 1 1 1
+ osd.2 8 2 2 1 1
+ #osd count first primary c wt wt
+ osd.0 33 9 9 0.0145874 1
+ osd.1 34 14 14 0.0145874 1
+ osd.2 31 7 7 0.0145874 1
+ osd.3 31 13 13 0.0145874 1
+ osd.4 30 14 14 0.0145874 1
+ osd.5 33 7 7 0.0145874 1
+ in 6
+ avg 32 stddev 1.41421 (0.0441942x) (expected 5.16398 0.161374x))
+ min osd.4 30
+ max osd.1 34
+ size 00
+ size 10
+ size 20
+ size 364
+ To simulate the active balancer in upmap mode::
+ osdmaptool --upmap upmaps.out --upmap-active --upmap-deviation 6 --upmap-max 11 osdmap
+ osdmaptool: osdmap file 'osdmap'
+ writing upmap command output to: upmaps.out
+ checking for upmap cleanups
+ upmap, max-count 11, max deviation 6
+ pools movies photos metadata data
+ prepared 11/11 changes
+ Time elapsed 0.00310404 secs
+ pools movies photos metadata data
+ prepared 11/11 changes
+ Time elapsed 0.00283402 secs
+ pools data metadata movies photos
+ prepared 11/11 changes
+ Time elapsed 0.003122 secs
+ pools photos metadata data movies
+ prepared 11/11 changes
+ Time elapsed 0.00324372 secs
+ pools movies metadata data photos
+ prepared 1/11 changes
+ Time elapsed 0.00222609 secs
+ pools data movies photos metadata
+ prepared 0/11 changes
+ Time elapsed 0.00209916 secs
+ Unable to find further optimization, or distribution is already perfect
+ osd.0 pgs 41
+ osd.1 pgs 42
+ osd.2 pgs 42
+ osd.3 pgs 41
+ osd.4 pgs 46
+ osd.5 pgs 39
+ osd.6 pgs 39
+ osd.7 pgs 43
+ osd.8 pgs 41
+ osd.9 pgs 46
+ osd.10 pgs 46
+ osd.11 pgs 46
+ osd.12 pgs 46
+ osd.13 pgs 41
+ osd.14 pgs 40
+ osd.15 pgs 40
+ osd.16 pgs 39
+ osd.17 pgs 46
+ osd.18 pgs 46
+ osd.19 pgs 39
+ osd.20 pgs 42
+ Total time elapsed 0.0167765 secs, 5 rounds
+**osdmaptool** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please
+refer to the Ceph documentation at for more
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8),
+:doc:`crushtool <crushtool>`\(8),
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+ rados -- rados object storage utility
+.. program:: rados
+| **rados** [ *options* ] [ *command* ]
+**rados** is a utility for interacting with a Ceph object storage
+cluster (RADOS), part of the Ceph distributed storage system.
+.. option:: -p pool, --pool pool
+ Interact with the given pool. Required by most commands.
+.. option:: --pgid
+ As an alternative to ``--pool``, ``--pgid`` also allow users to specify the
+ PG id to which the command will be directed. With this option, certain
+ commands like ``ls`` allow users to limit the scope of the command to the given PG.
+.. option:: -N namespace, --namespace namespace
+ Specify the rados namespace to use for the object.
+.. option:: -s snap, --snap snap
+ Read from the given pool snapshot. Valid for all pool-specific read operations.
+.. option:: -i infile
+ will specify an input file to be passed along as a payload with the
+ command to the monitor cluster. This is only used for specific
+ monitor commands.
+.. option:: -o outfile
+ will write any payload returned by the monitor cluster with its
+ reply to outfile. Only specific monitor commands (e.g. osd getmap)
+ return a payload.
+.. option:: -c ceph.conf, --conf=ceph.conf
+ Use ceph.conf configuration file instead of the default
+ /etc/ceph/ceph.conf to determine monitor addresses during startup.
+.. option:: -m monaddress[:port]
+ Connect to specified monitor (instead of looking through ceph.conf).
+.. option:: -b block_size
+ Set the block size for put/get/append ops and for write benchmarking.
+.. option:: --striper
+ Uses the striping API of rados rather than the default one.
+ Available for stat, stat2, get, put, append, truncate, rm, ls
+ and all xattr related operation
+.. option:: -O object_size
+ Set the object size for put/get ops and for write benchmarking
+Global commands
+ List object pools
+ Show utilization statistics, including disk usage (bytes) and object
+ counts, over the entire system and broken down by pool.
+:command:`list-inconsistent-pg` *pool*
+ List inconsistent PGs in given pool.
+:command:`list-inconsistent-obj` *pgid*
+ List inconsistent objects in given PG.
+:command:`list-inconsistent-snapset` *pgid*
+ List inconsistent snapsets in given PG.
+Pool specific commands
+:command:`get` *name* *outfile*
+ Read object name from the cluster and write it to outfile.
+:command:`put` *name* *infile* [--offset offset]
+ Write object name with start offset (default:0) to the cluster with contents from infile.
+ **Warning:** The put command creates a single RADOS object, sized just as
+ large as your input file. Unless your objects are of reasonable and consistent sizes, that
+ is probably not what you want -- consider using RGW/S3, CephFS, or RBD instead.
+:command:`append` *name* *infile*
+ Append object name to the cluster with contents from infile.
+:command:`rm` *name*
+ Remove object name.
+:command:`listwatchers` *name*
+ List the watchers of object name.
+:command:`ls` *outfile*
+ List objects in the given pool and write to outfile. Instead of ``--pool`` if ``--pgid`` will be specified, ``ls`` will only list the objects in the given PG.
+ List snapshots for given pool.
+:command:`clonedata` *srcname* *dstname* --object-locator *key*
+ Clone object byte data from *srcname* to *dstname*. Both objects must be stored with the locator key *key* (usually either *srcname* or *dstname*). Object attributes and omap keys are not copied or cloned.
+:command:`mksnap` *foo*
+ Create pool snapshot named *foo*.
+:command:`rmsnap` *foo*
+ Remove pool snapshot named *foo*.
+:command:`bench` *seconds* *mode* [ -b *objsize* ] [ -t *threads* ]
+ Benchmark for *seconds*. The mode can be *write*, *seq*, or
+ *rand*. *seq* and *rand* are read benchmarks, either
+ sequential or random. Before running one of the reading benchmarks,
+ run a write benchmark with the *--no-cleanup* option. The default
+ object size is 4 MB, and the default number of simulated threads
+ (parallel writes) is 16. The *--run-name <label>* option is useful
+ for benchmarking a workload test from multiple clients. The *<label>*
+ is an arbitrary object name. It is "benchmark_last_metadata" by
+ default, and is used as the underlying object name for "read" and
+ "write" ops.
+ Note: -b *objsize* option is valid only in *write* mode.
+ Note: *write* and *seq* must be run on the same host otherwise the
+ objects created by *write* will have names that will fail *seq*.
+:command:`cleanup` [ --run-name *run_name* ] [ --prefix *prefix* ]
+ Clean up a previous benchmark operation.
+ Note: the default run-name is "benchmark_last_metadata"
+:command:`listxattr` *name*
+ List all extended attributes of an object.
+:command:`getxattr` *name* *attr*
+ Dump the extended attribute value of *attr* of an object.
+:command:`setxattr` *name* *attr* *value*
+ Set the value of *attr* in the extended attributes of an object.
+:command:`rmxattr` *name* *attr*
+ Remove *attr* from the extended attributes of an object.
+:command:`stat` *name*
+ Get stat (ie. mtime, size) of given object
+:command:`stat2` *name*
+ Get stat (similar to stat, but with high precision time) of given object
+:command:`listomapkeys` *name*
+ List all the keys stored in the object map of object name.
+:command:`listomapvals` *name*
+ List all key/value pairs stored in the object map of object name.
+ The values are dumped in hexadecimal.
+:command:`getomapval` [ --omap-key-file *file* ] *name* *key* [ *out-file* ]
+ Dump the hexadecimal value of key in the object map of object name.
+ If the optional *out-file* argument is not provided, the value will be
+ written to standard output.
+:command:`setomapval` [ --omap-key-file *file* ] *name* *key* [ *value* ]
+ Set the value of key in the object map of object name. If the optional
+ *value* argument is not provided, the value will be read from standard
+ input.
+:command:`rmomapkey` [ --omap-key-file *file* ] *name* *key*
+ Remove key from the object map of object name.
+:command:`getomapheader` *name*
+ Dump the hexadecimal value of the object map header of object name.
+:command:`setomapheader` *name* *value*
+ Set the value of the object map header of object name.
+:command:`export` *filename*
+ Serialize pool contents to a file or standard output.\n"
+:command:`import` [--dry-run] [--no-overwrite] < filename | - >
+ Load pool contents from a file or standard input
+To view cluster utilization::
+ rados df
+To get a list object in pool foo sent to stdout::
+ rados -p foo ls -
+To get a list of objects in PG 0.6::
+ rados --pgid 0.6 ls
+To write an object::
+ rados -p foo put myobject blah.txt
+To create a snapshot::
+ rados -p foo mksnap mysnap
+To delete the object::
+ rados -p foo rm myobject
+To read a previously snapshotted version of an object::
+ rados -p foo -s mysnap get myobject blah.txt.old
+To list inconsistent objects in PG 0.6::
+ rados list-inconsistent-obj 0.6 --format=json-pretty
+**rados** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to
+the Ceph documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8)
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+ radosgw-admin -- rados REST gateway user administration utility
+.. program:: radosgw-admin
+| **radosgw-admin** *command* [ *options* *...* ]
+:program:`radosgw-admin` is a RADOS gateway user administration utility. It
+allows creating and modifying users.
+:program:`radosgw-admin` utility uses many commands for administration purpose
+which are as follows:
+:command:`user create`
+ Create a new user.
+:command:`user modify`
+ Modify a user.
+:command:`user info`
+ Display information of a user, and any potentially available
+ subusers and keys.
+:command:`user rm`
+ Remove a user.
+:command:`user suspend`
+ Suspend a user.
+:command:`user enable`
+ Re-enable user after suspension.
+:command:`user check`
+ Check user info.
+:command:`user stats`
+ Show user stats as accounted by quota subsystem.
+:command:`user list`
+ List all users.
+:command:`caps add`
+ Add user capabilities.
+:command:`caps rm`
+ Remove user capabilities.
+:command:`subuser create`
+ Create a new subuser (primarily useful for clients using the Swift API).
+:command:`subuser modify`
+ Modify a subuser.
+:command:`subuser rm`
+ Remove a subuser.
+:command:`key create`
+ Create access key.
+:command:`key rm`
+ Remove access key.
+:command:`bucket list`
+ List buckets, or, if bucket specified with --bucket=<bucket>,
+ list its objects. If bucket specified adding --allow-unordered
+ removes ordering requirement, possibly generating results more
+ quickly in buckets with large number of objects.
+:command:`bucket limit check`
+ Show bucket sharding stats.
+:command:`bucket link`
+ Link bucket to specified user.
+:command:`bucket unlink`
+ Unlink bucket from specified user.
+:command:`bucket stats`
+ Returns bucket statistics.
+:command:`bucket rm`
+ Remove a bucket.
+:command:`bucket check`
+ Check bucket index.
+:command:`bucket rewrite`
+ Rewrite all objects in the specified bucket.
+:command:`bucket reshard`
+ Reshard a bucket.
+:command:`bucket sync disable`
+ Disable bucket sync.
+:command:`bucket sync enable`
+ Enable bucket sync.
+:command:`bi get`
+ Retrieve bucket index object entries.
+:command:`bi put`
+ Store bucket index object entries.
+:command:`bi list`
+ List raw bucket index entries.
+:command:`bi purge`
+ Purge bucket index entries.
+:command:`object rm`
+ Remove an object.
+:command:`object stat`
+ Stat an object for its metadata.
+:command:`object unlink`
+ Unlink object from bucket index.
+:command:`object rewrite`
+ Rewrite the specified object.
+:command:`objects expire`
+ Run expired objects cleanup.
+:command:`period rm`
+ Remove a period.
+:command:`period get`
+ Get the period info.
+:command:`period get-current`
+ Get the current period info.
+:command:`period pull`
+ Pull a period.
+:command:`period push`
+ Push a period.
+:command:`period list`
+ List all periods.
+:command:`period update`
+ Update the staging period.
+:command:`period commit`
+ Commit the staging period.
+:command:`quota set`
+ Set quota params.
+:command:`quota enable`
+ Enable quota.
+:command:`quota disable`
+ Disable quota.
+:command:`global quota get`
+ View global quota parameters.
+:command:`global quota set`
+ Set global quota parameters.
+:command:`global quota enable`
+ Enable a global quota.
+:command:`global quota disable`
+ Disable a global quota.
+:command:`realm create`
+ Create a new realm.
+:command:`realm rm`
+ Remove a realm.
+:command:`realm get`
+ Show the realm info.
+:command:`realm get-default`
+ Get the default realm name.
+:command:`realm list`
+ List all realms.
+:command:`realm list-periods`
+ List all realm periods.
+:command:`realm rename`
+ Rename a realm.
+:command:`realm set`
+ Set the realm info (requires infile).
+:command:`realm default`
+ Set the realm as default.
+:command:`realm pull`
+ Pull a realm and its current period.
+:command:`zonegroup add`
+ Add a zone to a zonegroup.
+:command:`zonegroup create`
+ Create a new zone group info.
+:command:`zonegroup default`
+ Set the default zone group.
+:command:`zonegroup rm`
+ Remove a zone group info.
+:command:`zonegroup get`
+ Show the zone group info.
+:command:`zonegroup modify`
+ Modify an existing zonegroup.
+:command:`zonegroup set`
+ Set the zone group info (requires infile).
+:command:`zonegroup remove`
+ Remove a zone from a zonegroup.
+:command:`zonegroup rename`
+ Rename a zone group.
+:command:`zonegroup list`
+ List all zone groups set on this cluster.
+:command:`zonegroup placement list`
+ List zonegroup's placement targets.
+:command:`zonegroup placement add`
+ Add a placement target id to a zonegroup.
+:command:`zonegroup placement modify`
+ Modify a placement target of a specific zonegroup.
+:command:`zonegroup placement rm`
+ Remove a placement target from a zonegroup.
+:command:`zonegroup placement default`
+ Set a zonegroup's default placement target.
+:command:`zone create`
+ Create a new zone.
+:command:`zone rm`
+ Remove a zone.
+:command:`zone get`
+ Show zone cluster params.
+:command:`zone set`
+ Set zone cluster params (requires infile).
+:command:`zone modify`
+ Modify an existing zone.
+:command:`zone list`
+ List all zones set on this cluster.
+:command:`metadata sync status`
+ Get metadata sync status.
+:command:`metadata sync init`
+ Init metadata sync.
+:command:`metadata sync run`
+ Run metadata sync.
+:command:`data sync status`
+ Get data sync status of the specified source zone.
+:command:`data sync init`
+ Init data sync for the specified source zone.
+:command:`data sync run`
+ Run data sync for the specified source zone.
+:command:`sync error list`
+ list sync error.
+:command:`sync error trim`
+ trim sync error.
+:command:`zone rename`
+ Rename a zone.
+:command:`zone placement list`
+ List zone's placement targets.
+:command:`zone placement add`
+ Add a zone placement target.
+:command:`zone placement modify`
+ Modify a zone placement target.
+:command:`zone placement rm`
+ Remove a zone placement target.
+:command:`pool add`
+ Add an existing pool for data placement.
+:command:`pool rm`
+ Remove an existing pool from data placement set.
+:command:`pools list`
+ List placement active set.
+ Display bucket/object policy.
+:command:`log list`
+ List log objects.
+:command:`log show`
+ Dump a log from specific object or (bucket + date + bucket-id).
+ (NOTE: required to specify formatting of date to "YYYY-MM-DD-hh")
+:command:`log rm`
+ Remove log object.
+:command:`usage show`
+ Show the usage information (with optional user and date range).
+:command:`usage trim`
+ Trim usage information (with optional user and date range).
+:command:`gc list`
+ Dump expired garbage collection objects (specify --include-all to list all
+ entries, including unexpired).
+:command:`gc process`
+ Manually process garbage.
+:command:`lc list`
+ List all bucket lifecycle progress.
+:command:`lc process`
+ Manually process lifecycle.
+:command:`metadata get`
+ Get metadata info.
+:command:`metadata put`
+ Put metadata info.
+:command:`metadata rm`
+ Remove metadata info.
+:command:`metadata list`
+ List metadata info.
+:command:`mdlog list`
+ List metadata log.
+:command:`mdlog trim`
+ Trim metadata log.
+:command:`mdlog status`
+ Read metadata log status.
+:command:`bilog list`
+ List bucket index log.
+:command:`bilog trim`
+ Trim bucket index log (use start-marker, end-marker).
+:command:`datalog list`
+ List data log.
+:command:`datalog trim`
+ Trim data log.
+:command:`datalog status`
+ Read data log status.
+:command:`orphans find`
+ Init and run search for leaked rados objects
+:command:`orphans finish`
+ Clean up search for leaked rados objects
+:command:`orphans list-jobs`
+ List the current job-ids for the orphans search.
+:command:`role create`
+ create a new AWS role for use with STS.
+:command:`role rm`
+ Remove a role.
+:command:`role get`
+ Get a role.
+:command:`role list`
+ List the roles with specified path prefix.
+:command:`role modify`
+ Modify the assume role policy of an existing role.
+:command:`role-policy put`
+ Add/update permission policy to role.
+:command:`role-policy list`
+ List the policies attached to a role.
+:command:`role-policy get`
+ Get the specified inline policy document embedded with the given role.
+:command:`role-policy rm`
+ Remove the policy attached to a role
+:command:`reshard add`
+ Schedule a resharding of a bucket
+:command:`reshard list`
+ List all bucket resharding or scheduled to be resharded
+:command:`reshard process`
+ Process of scheduled reshard jobs
+:command:`reshard status`
+ Resharding status of a bucket
+:command:`reshard cancel`
+ Cancel resharding a bucket
+.. option:: -c ceph.conf, --conf=ceph.conf
+ Use ``ceph.conf`` configuration file instead of the default
+ ``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf`` to determine monitor addresses during
+ startup.
+.. option:: -m monaddress[:port]
+ Connect to specified monitor (instead of looking through ceph.conf).
+.. option:: --tenant=<tenant>
+ Name of the tenant.
+.. option:: --uid=uid
+ The radosgw user ID.
+.. option:: --subuser=<name>
+ Name of the subuser.
+.. option:: --access-key=<key>
+ S3 access key.
+.. option:: --email=email
+ The e-mail address of the user.
+.. option:: --secret/--secret-key=<key>
+ The secret key.
+.. option:: --gen-access-key
+ Generate random access key (for S3).
+.. option:: --gen-secret
+ Generate random secret key.
+.. option:: --key-type=<type>
+ key type, options are: swift, s3.
+.. option:: --temp-url-key[-2]=<key>
+ Temporary url key.
+.. option:: --max-buckets
+ max number of buckets for a user (0 for no limit, negative value to disable bucket creation).
+ Default is 1000.
+.. option:: --access=<access>
+ Set the access permissions for the sub-user.
+ Available access permissions are read, write, readwrite and full.
+.. option:: --display-name=<name>
+ The display name of the user.
+.. option:: --admin
+ Set the admin flag on the user.
+.. option:: --system
+ Set the system flag on the user.
+.. option:: --bucket=bucket
+ Specify the bucket name.
+.. option:: --pool=<pool>
+ Specify the pool name.
+ Also used with `orphans find` as data pool to scan for leaked rados objects.
+.. option:: --object=object
+ Specify the object name.
+.. option:: --date=yyyy-mm-dd
+ The date in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
+.. option:: --start-date=yyyy-mm-dd
+ The start date in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
+.. option:: --end-date=yyyy-mm-dd
+ The end date in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
+.. option:: --bucket-id=<bucket-id>
+ Specify the bucket id.
+.. option:: --shard-id=<shard-id>
+ Optional for mdlog list, data sync status. Required for ``mdlog trim``.
+.. option:: --max-entries=<entries>
+ Optional for listing operations to specify the max entires
+.. option:: --purge-data
+ When specified, user removal will also purge all the user data.
+.. option:: --purge-keys
+ When specified, subuser removal will also purge all the subuser keys.
+.. option:: --purge-objects
+ When specified, the bucket removal will also purge all objects in it.
+.. option:: --metadata-key=<key>
+ Key to retrieve metadata from with ``metadata get``.
+.. option:: --remote=<remote>
+ Zone or zonegroup id of remote gateway.
+.. option:: --period=<id>
+ Period id.
+.. option:: --url=<url>
+ url for pushing/pulling period or realm.
+.. option:: --epoch=<number>
+ Period epoch.
+.. option:: --commit
+ Commit the period during 'period update'.
+.. option:: --staging
+ Get the staging period info.
+.. option:: --master
+ Set as master.
+.. option:: --master-zone=<id>
+ Master zone id.
+.. option:: --rgw-realm=<name>
+ The realm name.
+.. option:: --realm-id=<id>
+ The realm id.
+.. option:: --realm-new-name=<name>
+ New name of realm.
+.. option:: --rgw-zonegroup=<name>
+ The zonegroup name.
+.. option:: --zonegroup-id=<id>
+ The zonegroup id.
+.. option:: --zonegroup-new-name=<name>
+ The new name of the zonegroup.
+.. option:: --rgw-zone=<zone>
+ Zone in which radosgw is running.
+.. option:: --zone-id=<id>
+ The zone id.
+.. option:: --zone-new-name=<name>
+ The new name of the zone.
+.. option:: --source-zone
+ The source zone for data sync.
+.. option:: --default
+ Set the entity (realm, zonegroup, zone) as default.
+.. option:: --read-only
+ Set the zone as read-only when adding to the zonegroup.
+.. option:: --placement-id
+ Placement id for the zonegroup placement commands.
+.. option:: --tags=<list>
+ The list of tags for zonegroup placement add and modify commands.
+.. option:: --tags-add=<list>
+ The list of tags to add for zonegroup placement modify command.
+.. option:: --tags-rm=<list>
+ The list of tags to remove for zonegroup placement modify command.
+.. option:: --endpoints=<list>
+ The zone endpoints.
+.. option:: --index-pool=<pool>
+ The placement target index pool.
+.. option:: --data-pool=<pool>
+ The placement target data pool.
+.. option:: --data-extra-pool=<pool>
+ The placement target data extra (non-ec) pool.
+.. option:: --placement-index-type=<type>
+ The placement target index type (normal, indexless, or #id).
+.. option:: --tier-type=<type>
+ The zone tier type.
+.. option:: --tier-config=<k>=<v>[,...]
+ Set zone tier config keys, values.
+.. option:: --tier-config-rm=<k>[,...]
+ Unset zone tier config keys.
+.. option:: --sync-from-all[=false]
+ Set/reset whether zone syncs from all zonegroup peers.
+.. option:: --sync-from=[zone-name][,...]
+ Set the list of zones to sync from.
+.. option:: --sync-from-rm=[zone-name][,...]
+ Remove the zones from list of zones to sync from.
+.. option:: --fix
+ Besides checking bucket index, will also fix it.
+.. option:: --check-objects
+ bucket check: Rebuilds bucket index according to actual objects state.
+.. option:: --format=<format>
+ Specify output format for certain operations. Supported formats: xml, json.
+.. option:: --sync-stats
+ Option for 'user stats' command. When specified, it will update user stats with
+ the current stats reported by user's buckets indexes.
+.. option:: --show-log-entries=<flag>
+ Enable/disable dump of log entries on log show.
+.. option:: --show-log-sum=<flag>
+ Enable/disable dump of log summation on log show.
+.. option:: --skip-zero-entries
+ Log show only dumps entries that don't have zero value in one of the numeric
+ field.
+.. option:: --infile
+ Specify a file to read in when setting data.
+.. option:: --categories=<list>
+ Comma separated list of categories, used in usage show.
+.. option:: --caps=<caps>
+ List of caps (e.g., "usage=read, write; user=read".
+.. option:: --compression=<compression-algorithm>
+ Placement target compression algorithm (lz4|snappy|zlib|zstd)
+.. option:: --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ Required for certain operations.
+.. option:: --min-rewrite-size
+ Specify the min object size for bucket rewrite (default 4M).
+.. option:: --max-rewrite-size
+ Specify the max object size for bucket rewrite (default ULLONG_MAX).
+.. option:: --min-rewrite-stripe-size
+ Specify the min stripe size for object rewrite (default 0). If the value
+ is set to 0, then the specified object will always be
+ rewritten for restriping.
+.. option:: --warnings-only
+ When specified with bucket limit check,
+ list only buckets nearing or over the current max objects per shard value.
+.. option:: --bypass-gc
+ When specified with bucket deletion,
+ triggers object deletions by not involving GC.
+.. option:: --inconsistent-index
+ When specified with bucket deletion and bypass-gc set to true,
+ ignores bucket index consistency.
+Quota Options
+.. option:: --max-objects
+ Specify max objects (negative value to disable).
+.. option:: --max-size
+ Specify max size (in B/K/M/G/T, negative value to disable).
+.. option:: --quota-scope
+ The scope of quota (bucket, user).
+Orphans Search Options
+.. option:: --num-shards
+ Number of shards to use for keeping the temporary scan info
+.. option:: --orphan-stale-secs
+ Number of seconds to wait before declaring an object to be an orphan.
+ Default is 86400 (24 hours).
+.. option:: --job-id
+ Set the job id (for orphans find)
+.. option:: --max-concurrent-ios
+ Maximum concurrent ios for orphans find.
+ Default is 32.
+Orphans list-jobs options
+.. option:: --extra-info
+ Provide extra info in the job list.
+Role Options
+.. option:: --role-name
+ The name of the role to create.
+.. option:: --path
+ The path to the role.
+.. option:: --assume-role-policy-doc
+ The trust relationship policy document that grants an entity permission to
+ assume the role.
+.. option:: --policy-name
+ The name of the policy document.
+.. option:: --policy-doc
+ The permission policy document.
+.. option:: --path-prefix
+ The path prefix for filtering the roles.
+Generate a new user::
+ $ radosgw-admin user create --display-name="johnny rotten" --uid=johnny
+ { "user_id": "johnny",
+ "rados_uid": 0,
+ "display_name": "johnny rotten",
+ "email": "",
+ "suspended": 0,
+ "subusers": [],
+ "keys": [
+ { "user": "johnny",
+ "access_key": "TCICW53D9BQ2VGC46I44",
+ "secret_key": "tfm9aHMI8X76L3UdgE+ZQaJag1vJQmE6HDb5Lbrz"}],
+ "swift_keys": []}
+Remove a user::
+ $ radosgw-admin user rm --uid=johnny
+Remove a user and all associated buckets with their contents::
+ $ radosgw-admin user rm --uid=johnny --purge-data
+Remove a bucket::
+ $ radosgw-admin bucket rm --bucket=foo
+Link bucket to specified user::
+ $ radosgw-admin bucket link --bucket=foo --bucket_id=<bucket id> --uid=johnny
+Unlink bucket from specified user::
+ $ radosgw-admin bucket unlink --bucket=foo --uid=johnny
+Show the logs of a bucket from April 1st, 2012::
+ $ radosgw-admin log show --bucket=foo --date=2012-04-01-01 --bucket-id=default.14193.1
+Show usage information for user from March 1st to (but not including) April 1st, 2012::
+ $ radosgw-admin usage show --uid=johnny \
+ --start-date=2012-03-01 --end-date=2012-04-01
+Show only summary of usage information for all users::
+ $ radosgw-admin usage show --show-log-entries=false
+Trim usage information for user until March 1st, 2012::
+ $ radosgw-admin usage trim --uid=johnny --end-date=2012-04-01
+:program:`radosgw-admin` is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source,
+distributed storage system. Please refer to the Ceph documentation at
+ for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8)
+:doc:`radosgw <radosgw>`\(8)
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+ radosgw -- rados REST gateway
+.. program:: radosgw
+| **radosgw**
+:program:`radosgw` is an HTTP REST gateway for the RADOS object store, a part
+of the Ceph distributed storage system. It is implemented as a FastCGI
+module using libfcgi, and can be used in conjunction with any FastCGI
+capable web server.
+.. option:: -c ceph.conf, --conf=ceph.conf
+ Use ``ceph.conf`` configuration file instead of the default
+ ``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf`` to determine monitor addresses during startup.
+.. option:: -m monaddress[:port]
+ Connect to specified monitor (instead of looking through ``ceph.conf``).
+.. option:: -i ID, --id ID
+ Set the ID portion of name for radosgw
+.. option:: -n TYPE.ID, --name TYPE.ID
+ Set the rados user name for the gateway (eg. client.radosgw.gateway)
+.. option:: --cluster NAME
+ Set the cluster name (default: ceph)
+.. option:: -d
+ Run in foreground, log to stderr
+.. option:: -f
+ Run in foreground, log to usual location
+.. option:: --rgw-socket-path=path
+ Specify a unix domain socket path.
+.. option:: --rgw-region=region
+ The region where radosgw runs
+.. option:: --rgw-zone=zone
+ The zone where radosgw runs
+Earlier RADOS Gateway had to be configured with ``Apache`` and ``mod_fastcgi``.
+Now, ``mod_proxy_fcgi`` module is used instead of ``mod_fastcgi``.
+``mod_proxy_fcgi`` works differently than a traditional FastCGI module. This
+module requires the service of ``mod_proxy`` which provides support for the
+FastCGI protocol. So, to be able to handle FastCGI protocol, both ``mod_proxy``
+and ``mod_proxy_fcgi`` have to be present in the server. Unlike ``mod_fastcgi``,
+``mod_proxy_fcgi`` cannot start the application process. Some platforms have
+``fcgistarter`` for that purpose. However, external launching of application
+or process management may be available in the FastCGI application framework
+in use.
+``Apache`` can be configured in a way that enables ``mod_proxy_fcgi`` to be used
+with localhost tcp or through unix domain socket. ``mod_proxy_fcgi`` that doesn't
+support unix domain socket such as the ones in Apache 2.2 and earlier versions of
+Apache 2.4, needs to be configured for use with localhost tcp. Later versions of
+Apache like Apache 2.4.9 or later support unix domain socket and as such they
+allow for the configuration with unix domain socket instead of localhost tcp.
+The following steps show the configuration in Ceph's configuration file i.e,
+``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf`` and the gateway configuration file i.e,
+``/etc/httpd/conf.d/rgw.conf`` (RPM-based distros) or
+``/etc/apache2/conf-available/rgw.conf`` (Debian-based distros) with localhost
+tcp and through unix domain socket:
+#. For distros with Apache 2.2 and early versions of Apache 2.4 that use
+ localhost TCP and do not support Unix Domain Socket, append the following
+ contents to ``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf``::
+ [client.radosgw.gateway]
+ host = {hostname}
+ keyring = /etc/ceph/ceph.client.radosgw.keyring
+ rgw socket path = ""
+ log file = /var/log/ceph/client.radosgw.gateway.log
+ rgw frontends = fastcgi socket_port=9000 socket_host=
+ rgw print continue = false
+#. Add the following content in the gateway configuration file:
+ For Debian/Ubuntu add in ``/etc/apache2/conf-available/rgw.conf``::
+ <VirtualHost *:80>
+ ServerName localhost
+ DocumentRoot /var/www/html
+ ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/rgw_error.log
+ CustomLog /var/log/apache2/rgw_access.log combined
+ # LogLevel debug
+ RewriteEngine On
+ RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]
+ SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
+ ProxyPass / fcgi://localhost:9000/
+ </VirtualHost>
+ For CentOS/RHEL add in ``/etc/httpd/conf.d/rgw.conf``::
+ <VirtualHost *:80>
+ ServerName localhost
+ DocumentRoot /var/www/html
+ ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/rgw_error.log
+ CustomLog /var/log/httpd/rgw_access.log combined
+ # LogLevel debug
+ RewriteEngine On
+ RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]
+ SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
+ ProxyPass / fcgi://localhost:9000/
+ </VirtualHost>
+#. For distros with Apache 2.4.9 or later that support Unix Domain Socket,
+ append the following configuration to ``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf``::
+ [client.radosgw.gateway]
+ host = {hostname}
+ keyring = /etc/ceph/ceph.client.radosgw.keyring
+ rgw socket path = /var/run/ceph/ceph.radosgw.gateway.fastcgi.sock
+ log file = /var/log/ceph/client.radosgw.gateway.log
+ rgw print continue = false
+#. Add the following content in the gateway configuration file:
+ For CentOS/RHEL add in ``/etc/httpd/conf.d/rgw.conf``::
+ <VirtualHost *:80>
+ ServerName localhost
+ DocumentRoot /var/www/html
+ ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/rgw_error.log
+ CustomLog /var/log/httpd/rgw_access.log combined
+ # LogLevel debug
+ RewriteEngine On
+ RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]
+ SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
+ ProxyPass / unix:///var/run/ceph/ceph.radosgw.gateway.fastcgi.sock|fcgi://localhost:9000/
+ </VirtualHost>
+ Please note, ``Apache 2.4.7`` does not have Unix Domain Socket support in
+ it and as such it has to be configured with localhost tcp. The Unix Domain
+ Socket support is available in ``Apache 2.4.9`` and later versions.
+#. Generate a key for radosgw to use for authentication with the cluster. ::
+ ceph-authtool -C -n client.radosgw.gateway --gen-key /etc/ceph/keyring.radosgw.gateway
+ ceph-authtool -n client.radosgw.gateway --cap mon 'allow rw' --cap osd 'allow rwx' /etc/ceph/keyring.radosgw.gateway
+#. Add the key to the auth entries. ::
+ ceph auth add client.radosgw.gateway --in-file=keyring.radosgw.gateway
+#. Start Apache and radosgw.
+ Debian/Ubuntu::
+ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start
+ sudo /etc/init.d/radosgw start
+ CentOS/RHEL::
+ sudo apachectl start
+ sudo /etc/init.d/ceph-radosgw start
+Usage Logging
+:program:`radosgw` maintains an asynchronous usage log. It accumulates
+statistics about user operations and flushes it periodically. The
+logs can be accessed and managed through :program:`radosgw-admin`.
+The information that is being logged contains total data transfer,
+total operations, and total successful operations. The data is being
+accounted in an hourly resolution under the bucket owner, unless the
+operation was done on the service (e.g., when listing a bucket) in
+which case it is accounted under the operating user.
+Following is an example configuration::
+ [client.radosgw.gateway]
+ rgw enable usage log = true
+ rgw usage log tick interval = 30
+ rgw usage log flush threshold = 1024
+ rgw usage max shards = 32
+ rgw usage max user shards = 1
+The total number of shards determines how many total objects hold the
+usage log information. The per-user number of shards specify how many
+objects hold usage information for a single user. The tick interval
+configures the number of seconds between log flushes, and the flush
+threshold specify how many entries can be kept before resorting to
+synchronous flush.
+:program:`radosgw` is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed
+storage system. Please refer to the Ceph documentation at for
+more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8)
+:doc:`radosgw-admin <radosgw-admin>`\(8)
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+ rbd-fuse -- expose rbd images as files
+.. program:: rbd-fuse
+| **rbd-fuse** [ -p pool ] [-c conffile] *mountpoint* [ *fuse options* ]
+**rbd-fuse** is a FUSE (File system in USErspace) client for RADOS
+block device (rbd) images. Given a pool containing rbd images,
+it will mount a userspace filesystem allowing access to those images
+as regular files at **mountpoint**.
+The file system can be unmounted with::
+ fusermount -u mountpoint
+or by sending ``SIGINT`` to the ``rbd-fuse`` process.
+Any options not recognized by rbd-fuse will be passed on to libfuse.
+.. option:: -c ceph.conf
+ Use *ceph.conf* configuration file instead of the default
+ ``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf`` to determine monitor addresses during startup.
+.. option:: -p pool
+ Use *pool* as the pool to search for rbd images. Default is ``rbd``.
+**rbd-fuse** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to
+the Ceph documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`rbd <rbd>`\(8)
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+ rbd-ggate -- map rbd images via FreeBSD GEOM Gate
+.. program:: rbd-ggate
+| **rbd-ggate** [--read-only] [--exclusive] [--device *ggate device*] map *image-spec* | *snap-spec*
+| **rbd-ggate** unmap *ggate device*
+| **rbd-ggate** list
+**rbd-ggate** is a client for RADOS block device (rbd) images. It will
+map a rbd image to a ggate (FreeBSD GEOM Gate class) device, allowing
+access it as regular local block device.
+Spawn a process responsible for the creation of ggate device and
+forwarding I/O requests between the GEOM Gate kernel subsystem and
+Destroy ggate device and terminate the process responsible for it.
+List mapped ggate devices.
+.. option:: --device *ggate device*
+ Specify ggate device path.
+.. option:: --read-only
+ Map read-only.
+.. option:: --exclusive
+ Forbid writes by other clients.
+Image and snap specs
+| *image-spec* is [*pool-name*]/*image-name*
+| *snap-spec* is [*pool-name*]/*image-name*\ @\ *snap-name*
+The default for *pool-name* is "rbd". If an image name contains a slash
+character ('/'), *pool-name* is required.
+**rbd-ggate** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source,
+distributed storage system. Please refer to the Ceph documentation at
+ for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`rbd <rbd>`\(8)
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8)
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+ rbd-mirror -- Ceph daemon for mirroring RBD images
+.. program:: rbd-mirror
+| **rbd-mirror**
+:program:`rbd-mirror` is a daemon for asynchronous mirroring of RADOS
+block device (rbd) images among Ceph clusters. It replays changes to
+images in remote clusters in a local cluster, for disaster recovery.
+It connects to remote clusters via the RADOS protocol, relying on
+default search paths to find ceph.conf files, monitor addresses and
+authentication information for them, i.e. ``/etc/ceph/$cluster.conf``,
+``/etc/ceph/$cluster.keyring``, and
+``/etc/ceph/$cluster.$name.keyring``, where ``$cluster`` is the
+human-friendly name of the cluster, and ``$name`` is the rados user to
+connect as, e.g. ``client.rbd-mirror``.
+.. option:: -c ceph.conf, --conf=ceph.conf
+ Use ``ceph.conf`` configuration file instead of the default
+ ``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf`` to determine monitor addresses during startup.
+.. option:: -m monaddress[:port]
+ Connect to specified monitor (instead of looking through ``ceph.conf``).
+.. option:: -i ID, --id ID
+ Set the ID portion of name for rbd-mirror
+.. option:: -n TYPE.ID, --name TYPE.ID
+ Set the rados user name for the gateway (eg. client.rbd-mirror)
+.. option:: --cluster NAME
+ Set the cluster name (default: ceph)
+.. option:: -d
+ Run in foreground, log to stderr
+.. option:: -f
+ Run in foreground, log to usual location
+:program:`rbd-mirror` is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed
+storage system. Please refer to the Ceph documentation at for
+more information.
+See also
+:doc:`rbd <rbd>`\(8)
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+ rbd-nbd -- map rbd images to nbd device
+.. program:: rbd-nbd
+| **rbd-nbd** [-c conf] [--read-only] [--device *nbd device*] [--nbds_max *limit*] [--max_part *limit*] [--exclusive] [--timeout *seconds*] map *image-spec* | *snap-spec*
+| **rbd-nbd** unmap *nbd device*
+| **rbd-nbd** list-mapped
+**rbd-nbd** is a client for RADOS block device (rbd) images like rbd kernel module.
+It will map a rbd image to a nbd (Network Block Device) device, allowing access it
+as regular local block device.
+.. option:: -c ceph.conf
+ Use *ceph.conf* configuration file instead of the default
+ ``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf`` to determine monitor addresses during startup.
+.. option:: --read-only
+ Map read-only.
+.. option:: --nbds_max *limit*
+ Override the parameter of NBD kernel module when modprobe, used to
+ limit the count of nbd device.
+.. option:: --max_part *limit*
+ Override for module param nbds_max.
+.. option:: --exclusive
+ Forbid writes by other clients.
+.. option:: --timeout *seconds*
+ Override device timeout. Linux kernel will default to a 30 second request timeout.
+ Allow the user to optionally specify an alternate timeout.
+Image and snap specs
+| *image-spec* is [*pool-name*]/*image-name*
+| *snap-spec* is [*pool-name*]/*image-name*\ @\ *snap-name*
+The default for *pool-name* is "rbd". If an image name contains a slash
+character ('/'), *pool-name* is required.
+**rbd-nbd** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to
+the Ceph documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`rbd <rbd>`\(8)
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+ rbd-replay-many -- replay a rados block device (RBD) workload on several clients
+.. program:: rbd-replay-many
+| **rbd-replay-many** [ *options* ] --original-image *name* *host1* [ *host2* [ ... ] ] -- *rbd_replay_args*
+**rbd-replay-many** is a utility for replaying a rados block device (RBD) workload on several clients.
+Although all clients use the same workload, they replay against separate images.
+This matches normal use of librbd, where each original client is a VM with its own image.
+Configuration and replay files are not automatically copied to clients.
+Replay images must already exist.
+.. option:: --original-image name
+ Specifies the name (and snap) of the originally traced image.
+ Necessary for correct name mapping.
+.. option:: --image-prefix prefix
+ Prefix of image names to replay against.
+ Specifying --image-prefix=foo results in clients replaying against foo-0, foo-1, etc.
+ Defaults to the original image name.
+.. option:: --exec program
+ Path to the rbd-replay executable.
+.. option:: --delay seconds
+ Delay between starting each client. Defaults to 0.
+Typical usage::
+ rbd-replay-many host-0 host-1 --original-image=image -- -c ceph.conf replay.bin
+This results in the following commands being executed::
+ ssh host-0 'rbd-replay' --map-image 'image=image-0' -c ceph.conf replay.bin
+ ssh host-1 'rbd-replay' --map-image 'image=image-1' -c ceph.conf replay.bin
+**rbd-replay-many** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to
+the Ceph documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`rbd-replay <rbd-replay>`\(8),
+:doc:`rbd <rbd>`\(8)
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+ rbd-replay-prep -- prepare captured rados block device (RBD) workloads for replay
+.. program:: rbd-replay-prep
+| **rbd-replay-prep** [ --window *seconds* ] [ --anonymize ] *trace_dir* *replay_file*
+**rbd-replay-prep** processes raw rados block device (RBD) traces to prepare them for **rbd-replay**.
+.. option:: --window seconds
+ Requests further apart than 'seconds' seconds are assumed to be independent.
+.. option:: --anonymize
+ Anonymizes image and snap names.
+.. option:: --verbose
+ Print all processed events to console
+To prepare workload1-trace for replay::
+ rbd-replay-prep workload1-trace/ust/uid/1000/64-bit workload1
+**rbd-replay-prep** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to
+the Ceph documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`rbd-replay <rbd-replay>`\(8),
+:doc:`rbd <rbd>`\(8)
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+ rbd-replay -- replay rados block device (RBD) workloads
+.. program:: rbd-replay
+| **rbd-replay** [ *options* ] *replay_file*
+**rbd-replay** is a utility for replaying rados block device (RBD) workloads.
+.. option:: -c ceph.conf, --conf ceph.conf
+ Use ceph.conf configuration file instead of the default /etc/ceph/ceph.conf to
+ determine monitor addresses during startup.
+.. option:: -p pool, --pool pool
+ Interact with the given pool. Defaults to 'rbd'.
+.. option:: --latency-multiplier
+ Multiplies inter-request latencies. Default: 1.
+.. option:: --read-only
+ Only replay non-destructive requests.
+.. option:: --map-image rule
+ Add a rule to map image names in the trace to image names in the replay cluster.
+ A rule of image1@snap1=image2@snap2 would map snap1 of image1 to snap2 of image2.
+.. option:: --dump-perf-counters
+ **Experimental**
+ Dump performance counters to standard out before an image is closed.
+ Performance counters may be dumped multiple times if multiple images are closed,
+ or if the same image is opened and closed multiple times.
+ Performance counters and their meaning may change between versions.
+To replay workload1 as fast as possible::
+ rbd-replay --latency-multiplier=0 workload1
+To replay workload1 but use test_image instead of prod_image::
+ rbd-replay --map-image=prod_image=test_image workload1
+**rbd-replay** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to
+the Ceph documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`rbd-replay-prep <rbd-replay-prep>`\(8),
+:doc:`rbd <rbd>`\(8)
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+ rbd -- manage rados block device (RBD) images
+.. program:: rbd
+| **rbd** [ -c *ceph.conf* ] [ -m *monaddr* ] [--cluster *cluster-name*]
+ [ -p | --pool *pool* ] [ *command* ... ]
+**rbd** is a utility for manipulating rados block device (RBD) images,
+used by the Linux rbd driver and the rbd storage driver for QEMU/KVM.
+RBD images are simple block devices that are striped over objects and
+stored in a RADOS object store. The size of the objects the image is
+striped over must be a power of two.
+.. option:: -c ceph.conf, --conf ceph.conf
+ Use ceph.conf configuration file instead of the default /etc/ceph/ceph.conf to
+ determine monitor addresses during startup.
+.. option:: -m monaddress[:port]
+ Connect to specified monitor (instead of looking through ceph.conf).
+.. option:: --cluster cluster-name
+ Use different cluster name as compared to default cluster name *ceph*.
+.. option:: -p pool-name, --pool pool-name
+ Interact with the given pool. Required by most commands.
+.. option:: --namespace namespace-name
+ Use a pre-defined image namespace within a pool
+.. option:: --no-progress
+ Do not output progress information (goes to standard error by
+ default for some commands).
+.. option:: --image-format format-id
+ Specifies which object layout to use. The default is 2.
+ * format 1 - (deprecated) Use the original format for a new rbd image. This
+ format is understood by all versions of librbd and the kernel rbd module,
+ but does not support newer features like cloning.
+ * format 2 - Use the second rbd format, which is supported by
+ librbd and kernel since version 3.11 (except for striping). This adds
+ support for cloning and is more easily extensible to allow more
+ features in the future.
+.. option:: -s size-in-M/G/T, --size size-in-M/G/T
+ Specifies the size of the new rbd image or the new size of the existing rbd
+ image in M/G/T. If no suffix is given, unit M is assumed.
+.. option:: --object-size size-in-B/K/M
+ Specifies the object size in B/K/M. Object size will be rounded up the
+ nearest power of two; if no suffix is given, unit B is assumed. The default
+ object size is 4M, smallest is 4K and maximum is 32M.
+.. option:: --stripe-unit size-in-B/K/M
+ Specifies the stripe unit size in B/K/M. If no suffix is given, unit B is
+ assumed. See striping section (below) for more details.
+.. option:: --stripe-count num
+ Specifies the number of objects to stripe over before looping back
+ to the first object. See striping section (below) for more details.
+.. option:: --snap snap
+ Specifies the snapshot name for the specific operation.
+.. option:: --id username
+ Specifies the username (without the ``client.`` prefix) to use with the map command.
+.. option:: --keyring filename
+ Specifies a keyring file containing a secret for the specified user
+ to use with the map command. If not specified, the default keyring
+ locations will be searched.
+.. option:: --keyfile filename
+ Specifies a file containing the secret key of ``--id user`` to use with the map command.
+ This option is overridden by ``--keyring`` if the latter is also specified.
+.. option:: --shared lock-tag
+ Option for `lock add` that allows multiple clients to lock the
+ same image if they use the same tag. The tag is an arbitrary
+ string. This is useful for situations where an image must
+ be open from more than one client at once, like during
+ live migration of a virtual machine, or for use underneath
+ a clustered filesystem.
+.. option:: --format format
+ Specifies output formatting (default: plain, json, xml)
+.. option:: --pretty-format
+ Make json or xml formatted output more human-readable.
+.. option:: -o krbd-options, --options krbd-options
+ Specifies which options to use when mapping or unmapping an image via the
+ rbd kernel driver. krbd-options is a comma-separated list of options
+ (similar to mount(8) mount options). See kernel rbd (krbd) options section
+ below for more details.
+.. option:: --read-only
+ Map the image read-only. Equivalent to -o ro.
+.. option:: --image-feature feature-name
+ Specifies which RBD format 2 feature should be enabled when creating
+ an image. Multiple features can be enabled by repeating this option
+ multiple times. The following features are supported:
+ * layering: layering support
+ * striping: striping v2 support
+ * exclusive-lock: exclusive locking support
+ * object-map: object map support (requires exclusive-lock)
+ * fast-diff: fast diff calculations (requires object-map)
+ * deep-flatten: snapshot flatten support
+ * journaling: journaled IO support (requires exclusive-lock)
+ * data-pool: erasure coded pool support
+.. option:: --image-shared
+ Specifies that the image will be used concurrently by multiple clients.
+ This will disable features that are dependent upon exclusive ownership
+ of the image.
+.. option:: --whole-object
+ Specifies that the diff should be limited to the extents of a full object
+ instead of showing intra-object deltas. When the object map feature is
+ enabled on an image, limiting the diff to the object extents will
+ dramatically improve performance since the differences can be computed
+ by examining the in-memory object map instead of querying RADOS for each
+ object within the image.
+.. option:: --limit
+ Specifies the limit for the number of snapshots permitted.
+.. TODO rst "option" directive seems to require --foo style options, parsing breaks on subcommands.. the args show up as bold too
+:command:`bench` --io-type <read | write | readwrite | rw> [--io-size *size-in-B/K/M/G/T*] [--io-threads *num-ios-in-flight*] [--io-total *size-in-B/K/M/G/T*] [--io-pattern seq | rand] [--rw-mix-read *read proportion in readwrite*] *image-spec*
+ Generate a series of IOs to the image and measure the IO throughput and
+ latency. If no suffix is given, unit B is assumed for both --io-size and
+ --io-total. Defaults are: --io-size 4096, --io-threads 16, --io-total 1G,
+ --io-pattern seq, --rw-mix-read 50.
+:command:`children` *snap-spec*
+ List the clones of the image at the given snapshot. This checks
+ every pool, and outputs the resulting poolname/imagename.
+ This requires image format 2.
+:command:`clone` [--object-size *size-in-B/K/M*] [--stripe-unit *size-in-B/K/M* --stripe-count *num*] [--image-feature *feature-name*] [--image-shared] *parent-snap-spec* *child-image-spec*
+ Will create a clone (copy-on-write child) of the parent snapshot.
+ Object size will be identical to that of the parent image unless
+ specified. Size will be the same as the parent snapshot. The --stripe-unit
+ and --stripe-count arguments are optional, but must be used together.
+ The parent snapshot must be protected (see `rbd snap protect`).
+ This requires image format 2.
+:command:`config global get` *config-entity* *key*
+ Get a global-level configuration override.
+:command:`config global list` [--format plain | json | xml] [--pretty-format] *config-entity*
+ List global-level configuration overrides.
+:command:`config global set` *config-entity* *key* *value*
+ Set a global-level configuration override.
+:command:`config global remove` *config-entity* *key*
+ Remove a global-level configuration override.
+:command:`config image get` *image-spec* *key*
+ Get an image-level configuration override.
+:command:`config image list` [--format plain | json | xml] [--pretty-format] *image-spec*
+ List image-level configuration overrides.
+:command:`config image set` *image-spec* *key* *value*
+ Set an image-level configuration override.
+:command:`config image remove` *image-spec* *key*
+ Remove an image-level configuration override.
+:command:`config pool get` *pool-name* *key*
+ Get a pool-level configuration override.
+:command:`config pool list` [--format plain | json | xml] [--pretty-format] *pool-name*
+ List pool-level configuration overrides.
+:command:`config pool set` *pool-name* *key* *value*
+ Set a pool-level configuration override.
+:command:`config pool remove` *pool-name* *key*
+ Remove a pool-level configuration override.
+:command:`cp` (*src-image-spec* | *src-snap-spec*) *dest-image-spec*
+ Copy the content of a src-image into the newly created dest-image.
+ dest-image will have the same size, object size, and image format as src-image.
+:command:`create` (-s | --size *size-in-M/G/T*) [--image-format *format-id*] [--object-size *size-in-B/K/M*] [--stripe-unit *size-in-B/K/M* --stripe-count *num*] [--thick-provision] [--no-progress] [--image-feature *feature-name*]... [--image-shared] *image-spec*
+ Will create a new rbd image. You must also specify the size via --size. The
+ --stripe-unit and --stripe-count arguments are optional, but must be used together.
+ If the --thick-provision is enabled, it will fully allocate storage for
+ the image at creation time. It will take a long time to do.
+ Note: thick provisioning requires zeroing the contents of the entire image.
+:command:`deep cp` (*src-image-spec* | *src-snap-spec*) *dest-image-spec*
+ Deep copy the content of a src-image into the newly created dest-image.
+ Dest-image will have the same size, object size, image format, and snapshots as src-image.
+:command:`device list` [-t | --device-type *device-type*] [--format plain | json | xml] --pretty-format
+ Show the rbd images that are mapped via the rbd kernel module
+ (default) or other supported device.
+:command:`device map` [-t | --device-type *device-type*] [--read-only] [--exclusive] [-o | --options *device-options*] *image-spec* | *snap-spec*
+ Map the specified image to a block device via the rbd kernel module
+ (default) or other supported device (*nbd* on Linux or *ggate* on
+ FreeBSD).
+ The --options argument is a comma separated list of device type
+ specific options (opt1,opt2=val,...).
+:command:`device unmap` [-t | --device-type *device-type*] [-o | --options *device-options*] *image-spec* | *snap-spec* | *device-path*
+ Unmap the block device that was mapped via the rbd kernel module
+ (default) or other supported device.
+ The --options argument is a comma separated list of device type
+ specific options (opt1,opt2=val,...).
+:command:`diff` [--from-snap *snap-name*] [--whole-object] *image-spec* | *snap-spec*
+ Dump a list of byte extents in the image that have changed since the specified start
+ snapshot, or since the image was created. Each output line includes the starting offset
+ (in bytes), the length of the region (in bytes), and either 'zero' or 'data' to indicate
+ whether the region is known to be zeros or may contain other data.
+:command:`du` [-p | --pool *pool-name*] [*image-spec* | *snap-spec*]
+ Will calculate the provisioned and actual disk usage of all images and
+ associated snapshots within the specified pool. It can also be used against
+ individual images and snapshots.
+ If the RBD fast-diff feature is not enabled on images, this operation will
+ require querying the OSDs for every potential object within the image.
+:command:`export` [--export-format *format (1 or 2)*] (*image-spec* | *snap-spec*) [*dest-path*]
+ Export image to dest path (use - for stdout).
+ The --export-format accepts '1' or '2' currently. Format 2 allow us to export not only the content
+ of image, but also the snapshots and other properties, such as image_order, features.
+:command:`export-diff` [--from-snap *snap-name*] [--whole-object] (*image-spec* | *snap-spec*) *dest-path*
+ Export an incremental diff for an image to dest path (use - for stdout). If
+ an initial snapshot is specified, only changes since that snapshot are included; otherwise,
+ any regions of the image that contain data are included. The end snapshot is specified
+ using the standard --snap option or @snap syntax (see below). The image diff format includes
+ metadata about image size changes, and the start and end snapshots. It efficiently represents
+ discarded or 'zero' regions of the image.
+:command:`feature disable` *image-spec* *feature-name*...
+ Disable the specified feature on the specified image. Multiple features can
+ be specified.
+:command:`feature enable` *image-spec* *feature-name*...
+ Enable the specified feature on the specified image. Multiple features can
+ be specified.
+:command:`flatten` *image-spec*
+ If image is a clone, copy all shared blocks from the parent snapshot and
+ make the child independent of the parent, severing the link between
+ parent snap and child. The parent snapshot can be unprotected and
+ deleted if it has no further dependent clones.
+ This requires image format 2.
+:command:`group create` *group-spec*
+ Create a group.
+:command:`group image add` *group-spec* *image-spec*
+ Add an image to a group.
+:command:`group image list` *group-spec*
+ List images in a group.
+:command:`group image remove` *group-spec* *image-spec*
+ Remove an image from a group.
+:command:`group ls` [-p | --pool *pool-name*]
+ List rbd groups.
+:command:`group rename` *src-group-spec* *dest-group-spec*
+ Rename a group. Note: rename across pools is not supported.
+:command:`group rm` *group-spec*
+ Delete a group.
+:command:`group snap create` *group-snap-spec*
+ Make a snapshot of a group.
+:command:`group snap list` *group-spec*
+ List snapshots of a group.
+:command:`group snap rm` *group-snap-spec*
+ Remove a snapshot from a group.
+:command:`group snap rename` *group-snap-spec* *snap-name*
+ Rename group's snapshot.
+:command:`group snap rollback` *group-snap-spec*
+ Rollback group to snapshot.
+:command:`image-meta get` *image-spec* *key*
+ Get metadata value with the key.
+:command:`image-meta list` *image-spec*
+ Show metadata held on the image. The first column is the key
+ and the second column is the value.
+:command:`image-meta remove` *image-spec* *key*
+ Remove metadata key with the value.
+:command:`image-meta set` *image-spec* *key* *value*
+ Set metadata key with the value. They will displayed in `image-meta list`.
+:command:`import` [--export-format *format (1 or 2)*] [--image-format *format-id*] [--object-size *size-in-B/K/M*] [--stripe-unit *size-in-B/K/M* --stripe-count *num*] [--image-feature *feature-name*]... [--image-shared] *src-path* [*image-spec*]
+ Create a new image and imports its data from path (use - for
+ stdin). The import operation will try to create sparse rbd images
+ if possible. For import from stdin, the sparsification unit is
+ the data block size of the destination image (object size).
+ The --stripe-unit and --stripe-count arguments are optional, but must be
+ used together.
+ The --export-format accepts '1' or '2' currently. Format 2 allow us to import not only the content
+ of image, but also the snapshots and other properties, such as image_order, features.
+:command:`import-diff` *src-path* *image-spec*
+ Import an incremental diff of an image and applies it to the current image. If the diff
+ was generated relative to a start snapshot, we verify that snapshot already exists before
+ continuing. If there was an end snapshot we verify it does not already exist before
+ applying the changes, and create the snapshot when we are done.
+:command:`info` *image-spec* | *snap-spec*
+ Will dump information (such as size and object size) about a specific rbd image.
+ If image is a clone, information about its parent is also displayed.
+ If a snapshot is specified, whether it is protected is shown as well.
+:command:`journal client disconnect` *journal-spec*
+ Flag image journal client as disconnected.
+:command:`journal export` [--verbose] [--no-error] *src-journal-spec* *path-name*
+ Export image journal to path (use - for stdout). It can be make a backup
+ of the image journal especially before attempting dangerous operations.
+ Note that this command may not always work if the journal is badly corrupted.
+:command:`journal import` [--verbose] [--no-error] *path-name* *dest-journal-spec*
+ Import image journal from path (use - for stdin).
+:command:`journal info` *journal-spec*
+ Show information about image journal.
+:command:`journal inspect` [--verbose] *journal-spec*
+ Inspect and report image journal for structural errors.
+:command:`journal reset` *journal-spec*
+ Reset image journal.
+:command:`journal status` *journal-spec*
+ Show status of image journal.
+:command:`lock add` [--shared *lock-tag*] *image-spec* *lock-id*
+ Lock an image. The lock-id is an arbitrary name for the user's
+ convenience. By default, this is an exclusive lock, meaning it
+ will fail if the image is already locked. The --shared option
+ changes this behavior. Note that locking does not affect
+ any operation other than adding a lock. It does not
+ protect an image from being deleted.
+:command:`lock ls` *image-spec*
+ Show locks held on the image. The first column is the locker
+ to use with the `lock remove` command.
+:command:`lock rm` *image-spec* *lock-id* *locker*
+ Release a lock on an image. The lock id and locker are
+ as output by lock ls.
+:command:`ls` [-l | --long] [*pool-name*]
+ Will list all rbd images listed in the rbd_directory object. With
+ -l, also show snapshots, and use longer-format output including
+ size, parent (if clone), format, etc.
+:command:`merge-diff` *first-diff-path* *second-diff-path* *merged-diff-path*
+ Merge two continuous incremental diffs of an image into one single diff. The
+ first diff's end snapshot must be equal with the second diff's start snapshot.
+ The first diff could be - for stdin, and merged diff could be - for stdout, which
+ enables multiple diff files to be merged using something like
+ 'rbd merge-diff first second - | rbd merge-diff - third result'. Note this command
+ currently only support the source incremental diff with stripe_count == 1
+:command:`migration abort` *image-spec*
+ Cancel image migration. This step may be run after successful or
+ failed migration prepare or migration execute steps and returns the
+ image to its initial (before migration) state. All modifications to
+ the destination image are lost.
+:command:`migration commit` *image-spec*
+ Commit image migration. This step is run after a successful migration
+ prepare and migration execute steps and removes the source image data.
+:command:`migration execute` *image-spec*
+ Execute image migration. This step is run after a successful migration
+ prepare step and copies image data to the destination.
+:command:`migration prepare` [--order *order*] [--object-size *object-size*] [--image-feature *image-feature*] [--image-shared] [--stripe-unit *stripe-unit*] [--stripe-count *stripe-count*] [--data-pool *data-pool*] *src-image-spec* [*dest-image-spec*]
+ Prepare image migration. This is the first step when migrating an
+ image, i.e. changing the image location, format or other
+ parameters that can't be changed dynamically. The destination can
+ match the source, and in this case *dest-image-spec* can be omitted.
+ After this step the source image is set as a parent of the
+ destination image, and the image is accessible in copy-on-write mode
+ by its destination spec.
+:command:`mirror image demote` *image-spec*
+ Demote a primary image to non-primary for RBD mirroring.
+:command:`mirror image disable` [--force] *image-spec*
+ Disable RBD mirroring for an image. If the mirroring is
+ configured in ``image`` mode for the image's pool, then it
+ can be explicitly disabled mirroring for each image within
+ the pool.
+:command:`mirror image enable` *image-spec*
+ Enable RBD mirroring for an image. If the mirroring is
+ configured in ``image`` mode for the image's pool, then it
+ can be explicitly enabled mirroring for each image within
+ the pool.
+ This requires the RBD journaling feature is enabled.
+:command:`mirror image promote` [--force] *image-spec*
+ Promote a non-primary image to primary for RBD mirroring.
+:command:`mirror image resync` *image-spec*
+ Force resync to primary image for RBD mirroring.
+:command:`mirror image status` *image-spec*
+ Show RBD mirroring status for an image.
+:command:`mirror pool demote` [*pool-name*]
+ Demote all primary images within a pool to non-primary.
+ Every mirroring enabled image will demoted in the pool.
+:command:`mirror pool disable` [*pool-name*]
+ Disable RBD mirroring by default within a pool. When mirroring
+ is disabled on a pool in this way, mirroring will also be
+ disabled on any images (within the pool) for which mirroring
+ was enabled explicitly.
+:command:`mirror pool enable` [*pool-name*] *mode*
+ Enable RBD mirroring by default within a pool.
+ The mirroring mode can either be ``pool`` or ``image``.
+ If configured in ``pool`` mode, all images in the pool
+ with the journaling feature enabled are mirrored.
+ If configured in ``image`` mode, mirroring needs to be
+ explicitly enabled (by ``mirror image enable`` command)
+ on each image.
+:command:`mirror pool info` [*pool-name*]
+ Show information about the pool mirroring configuration.
+ It includes mirroring mode, peer UUID, remote cluster name,
+ and remote client name.
+:command:`mirror pool peer add` [*pool-name*] *remote-cluster-spec*
+ Add a mirroring peer to a pool.
+ *remote-cluster-spec* is [*remote client name*\ @\ ]\ *remote cluster name*.
+ The default for *remote client name* is "client.admin".
+ This requires mirroring mode is enabled.
+:command:`mirror pool peer remove` [*pool-name*] *uuid*
+ Remove a mirroring peer from a pool. The peer uuid is available
+ from ``mirror pool info`` command.
+:command:`mirror pool peer set` [*pool-name*] *uuid* *key* *value*
+ Update mirroring peer settings.
+ The key can be either ``client`` or ``cluster``, and the value
+ is corresponding to remote client name or remote cluster name.
+:command:`mirror pool promote` [--force] [*pool-name*]
+ Promote all non-primary images within a pool to primary.
+ Every mirroring enabled image will promoted in the pool.
+:command:`mirror pool status` [--verbose] [*pool-name*]
+ Show status for all mirrored images in the pool.
+ With --verbose, also show additionally output status
+ details for every mirroring image in the pool.
+:command:`mv` *src-image-spec* *dest-image-spec*
+ Rename an image. Note: rename across pools is not supported.
+:command:`namespace create` *pool-name*/*namespace-name*
+ Create a new image namespace within the pool.
+:command:`namespace list` *pool-name*
+ List image namespaces defined within the pool.
+:command:`namespace remove` *pool-name*/*namespace-name*
+ Remove an empty image namespace from the pool.
+:command:`object-map check` *image-spec* | *snap-spec*
+ Verify the object map is correct.
+:command:`object-map rebuild` *image-spec* | *snap-spec*
+ Rebuild an invalid object map for the specified image. An image snapshot can be
+ specified to rebuild an invalid object map for a snapshot.
+:command:`pool init` [*pool-name*] [--force]
+ Initialize pool for use by RBD. Newly created pools must initialized
+ prior to use.
+:command:`resize` (-s | --size *size-in-M/G/T*) [--allow-shrink] *image-spec*
+ Resize rbd image. The size parameter also needs to be specified.
+ The --allow-shrink option lets the size be reduced.
+:command:`rm` *image-spec*
+ Delete an rbd image (including all data blocks). If the image has
+ snapshots, this fails and nothing is deleted.
+:command:`snap create` *snap-spec*
+ Create a new snapshot. Requires the snapshot name parameter specified.
+:command:`snap limit clear` *image-spec*
+ Remove any previously set limit on the number of snapshots allowed on
+ an image.
+:command:`snap limit set` [--limit] *limit* *image-spec*
+ Set a limit for the number of snapshots allowed on an image.
+:command:`snap ls` *image-spec*
+ Dump the list of snapshots inside a specific image.
+:command:`snap protect` *snap-spec*
+ Protect a snapshot from deletion, so that clones can be made of it
+ (see `rbd clone`). Snapshots must be protected before clones are made;
+ protection implies that there exist dependent cloned children that
+ refer to this snapshot. `rbd clone` will fail on a nonprotected
+ snapshot.
+ This requires image format 2.
+:command:`snap purge` *image-spec*
+ Remove all unprotected snapshots from an image.
+:command:`snap rename` *src-snap-spec* *dest-snap-spec*
+ Rename a snapshot. Note: rename across pools and images is not supported.
+:command:`snap rm` [--force] *snap-spec*
+ Remove the specified snapshot.
+:command:`snap rollback` *snap-spec*
+ Rollback image content to snapshot. This will iterate through the entire blocks
+ array and update the data head content to the snapshotted version.
+:command:`snap unprotect` *snap-spec*
+ Unprotect a snapshot from deletion (undo `snap protect`). If cloned
+ children remain, `snap unprotect` fails. (Note that clones may exist
+ in different pools than the parent snapshot.)
+ This requires image format 2.
+:command:`sparsify` [--sparse-size *sparse-size*] *image-spec*
+ Reclaim space for zeroed image extents. The default sparse size is
+ 4096 bytes and can be changed via --sparse-size option with the
+ following restrictions: it should be power of two, not less than
+ 4096, and not larger image object size.
+:command:`status` *image-spec*
+ Show the status of the image, including which clients have it open.
+:command:`trash ls` [*pool-name*]
+ List all entries from trash.
+:command:`trash mv` *image-spec*
+ Move an image to the trash. Images, even ones actively in-use by
+ clones, can be moved to the trash and deleted at a later time.
+:command:`trash purge` [*pool-name*]
+ Remove all expired images from trash.
+:command:`trash restore` *image-id*
+ Restore an image from trash.
+:command:`trash rm` *image-id*
+ Delete an image from trash. If image deferment time has not expired
+ you can not removed it unless use force. But an actively in-use by clones
+ or has snapshots can not be removed.
+:command:`watch` *image-spec*
+ Watch events on image.
+Image, snap, group and journal specs
+| *image-spec* is [*pool-name*/[*namespace-name*/]]\ *image-name*
+| *snap-spec* is [*pool-name*/[*namespace-name*/]]\ *image-name*\ @\ *snap-name*
+| *group-spec* is [*pool-name*/[*namespace-name*/]]\ *group-name*
+| *group-snap-spec* is [*pool-name*/[*namespace-name*/]]\ *group-name*\ @\ *snap-name*
+| *journal-spec* is [*pool-name*/[*namespace-name*/]]\ *journal-name*
+The default for *pool-name* is "rbd" and *namespace-name* is "". If an image
+name contains a slash character ('/'), *pool-name* is required.
+The *journal-name* is *image-id*.
+You may specify each name individually, using --pool, --namespace, --image, and
+--snap options, but this is discouraged in favor of the above spec syntax.
+RBD images are striped over many objects, which are then stored by the
+Ceph distributed object store (RADOS). As a result, read and write
+requests for the image are distributed across many nodes in the
+cluster, generally preventing any single node from becoming a
+bottleneck when individual images get large or busy.
+The striping is controlled by three parameters:
+.. option:: object-size
+ The size of objects we stripe over is a power of two. It will be rounded up the nearest power of two.
+ The default object size is 4 MB, smallest is 4K and maximum is 32M.
+.. option:: stripe_unit
+ Each [*stripe_unit*] contiguous bytes are stored adjacently in the same object, before we move on
+ to the next object.
+.. option:: stripe_count
+ After we write [*stripe_unit*] bytes to [*stripe_count*] objects, we loop back to the initial object
+ and write another stripe, until the object reaches its maximum size. At that point,
+ we move on to the next [*stripe_count*] objects.
+By default, [*stripe_unit*] is the same as the object size and [*stripe_count*] is 1. Specifying a different
+[*stripe_unit*] requires that the STRIPINGV2 feature be supported (added in Ceph v0.53) and format 2 images be
+Kernel rbd (krbd) options
+Most of these options are useful mainly for debugging and benchmarking. The
+default values are set in the kernel and may therefore depend on the version of
+the running kernel.
+Per client instance `rbd device map` options:
+* fsid=aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee - FSID that should be assumed by
+ the client.
+* ip=a.b.c.d[:p] - IP and, optionally, port the client should use.
+* share - Enable sharing of client instances with other mappings (default).
+* noshare - Disable sharing of client instances with other mappings.
+* crc - Enable CRC32C checksumming for msgr1 on-the-wire protocol (default).
+ For msgr2.1 protocol this option is ignored: full checksumming is always on
+ in 'crc' mode and always off in 'secure' mode.
+* nocrc - Disable CRC32C checksumming for msgr1 on-the-wire protocol. Note
+ that only payload checksumming is disabled, header checksumming is always on.
+ For msgr2.1 protocol this option is ignored.
+* cephx_require_signatures - Require msgr1 message signing feature (since 3.19,
+ default). This option is deprecated and will be removed in the future as the
+ feature has been supported since the Bobtail release.
+* nocephx_require_signatures - Don't require msgr1 message signing feature
+ (since 3.19). This option is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
+* tcp_nodelay - Disable Nagle's algorithm on client sockets (since 4.0,
+ default).
+* notcp_nodelay - Enable Nagle's algorithm on client sockets (since 4.0).
+* cephx_sign_messages - Enable message signing for msgr1 on-the-wire protocol
+ (since 4.4, default). For msgr2.1 protocol this option is ignored: message
+ signing is built into 'secure' mode and not offered in 'crc' mode.
+* nocephx_sign_messages - Disable message signing for msgr1 on-the-wire protocol
+ (since 4.4). For msgr2.1 protocol this option is ignored.
+* mount_timeout=x - A timeout on various steps in `rbd device map` and
+ `rbd device unmap` sequences (default is 60 seconds). In particular,
+ since 4.2 this can be used to ensure that `rbd device unmap` eventually
+ times out when there is no network connection to a cluster.
+* osdkeepalive=x - OSD keepalive timeout (default is 5 seconds).
+* osd_idle_ttl=x - OSD idle TTL (default is 60 seconds).
+Per mapping (block device) `rbd device map` options:
+* rw - Map the image read-write (default). Overridden by --read-only.
+* ro - Map the image read-only. Equivalent to --read-only.
+* queue_depth=x - queue depth (since 4.2, default is 128 requests).
+* lock_on_read - Acquire exclusive lock on reads, in addition to writes and
+ discards (since 4.9).
+* exclusive - Disable automatic exclusive lock transitions (since 4.12).
+ Equivalent to --exclusive.
+* lock_timeout=x - A timeout on waiting for the acquisition of exclusive lock
+ (since 4.17, default is 0 seconds, meaning no timeout).
+* notrim - Turn off discard and write zeroes offload support to avoid
+ deprovisioning a fully provisioned image (since 4.17). When enabled, discard
+ requests will fail with -EOPNOTSUPP, write zeroes requests will fall back to
+ manually zeroing.
+* abort_on_full - Fail write requests with -ENOSPC when the cluster is full or
+ the data pool reaches its quota (since 5.0). The default behaviour is to
+ block until the full condition is cleared.
+* alloc_size - Minimum allocation unit of the underlying OSD object store
+ backend (since 5.1, default is 64K bytes). This is used to round off and
+ drop discards that are too small. For bluestore, the recommended setting is
+ bluestore_min_alloc_size (typically 64K for hard disk drives and 16K for
+ solid-state drives). For filestore with filestore_punch_hole = false, the
+ recommended setting is image object size (typically 4M).
+* ms_mode=legacy - Use msgr1 on-the-wire protocol (since 5.11, default).
+* ms_mode=crc - Use msgr2.1 on-the-wire protocol, select 'crc' mode, also
+ referred to as plain mode (since 5.11). If the daemon denies 'crc' mode,
+ fail the connection.
+* ms_mode=secure - Use msgr2.1 on-the-wire protocol, select 'secure' mode
+ (since 5.11). 'secure' mode provides full in-transit encryption ensuring
+ both confidentiality and authenticity. If the daemon denies 'secure' mode,
+ fail the connection.
+* ms_mode=prefer-crc - Use msgr2.1 on-the-wire protocol, select 'crc'
+ mode (since 5.11). If the daemon denies 'crc' mode in favor of 'secure'
+ mode, agree to 'secure' mode.
+* ms_mode=prefer-secure - Use msgr2.1 on-the-wire protocol, select 'secure'
+ mode (since 5.11). If the daemon denies 'secure' mode in favor of 'crc'
+ mode, agree to 'crc' mode.
+* udev - Wait for udev device manager to finish executing all matching
+ "add" rules and release the device before exiting (default). This option
+ is not passed to the kernel.
+* noudev - Don't wait for udev device manager. When enabled, the device may
+ not be fully usable immediately on exit.
+`rbd device unmap` options:
+* force - Force the unmapping of a block device that is open (since 4.9). The
+ driver will wait for running requests to complete and then unmap; requests
+ sent to the driver after initiating the unmap will be failed.
+* udev - Wait for udev device manager to finish executing all matching
+ "remove" rules and clean up after the device before exiting (default).
+ This option is not passed to the kernel.
+* noudev - Don't wait for udev device manager.
+To create a new rbd image that is 100 GB::
+ rbd create mypool/myimage --size 102400
+To use a non-default object size (8 MB)::
+ rbd create mypool/myimage --size 102400 --object-size 8M
+To delete an rbd image (be careful!)::
+ rbd rm mypool/myimage
+To create a new snapshot::
+ rbd snap create mypool/myimage@mysnap
+To create a copy-on-write clone of a protected snapshot::
+ rbd clone mypool/myimage@mysnap otherpool/cloneimage
+To see which clones of a snapshot exist::
+ rbd children mypool/myimage@mysnap
+To delete a snapshot::
+ rbd snap rm mypool/myimage@mysnap
+To map an image via the kernel with cephx enabled::
+ rbd device map mypool/myimage --id admin --keyfile secretfile
+To map an image via the kernel with different cluster name other than default *ceph*::
+ rbd device map mypool/myimage --cluster cluster-name
+To unmap an image::
+ rbd device unmap /dev/rbd0
+To create an image and a clone from it::
+ rbd import --image-format 2 image mypool/parent
+ rbd snap create mypool/parent@snap
+ rbd snap protect mypool/parent@snap
+ rbd clone mypool/parent@snap otherpool/child
+To create an image with a smaller stripe_unit (to better distribute small writes in some workloads)::
+ rbd create mypool/myimage --size 102400 --stripe-unit 65536B --stripe-count 16
+To change an image from one image format to another, export it and then
+import it as the desired image format::
+ rbd export mypool/myimage@snap /tmp/img
+ rbd import --image-format 2 /tmp/img mypool/myimage2
+To lock an image for exclusive use::
+ rbd lock add mypool/myimage mylockid
+To release a lock::
+ rbd lock remove mypool/myimage mylockid client.2485
+To list images from trash::
+ rbd trash ls mypool
+To defer delete an image (use *--expires-at* to set expiration time, default is now)::
+ rbd trash mv mypool/myimage --expires-at "tomorrow"
+To delete an image from trash (be careful!)::
+ rbd trash rm mypool/myimage-id
+To force delete an image from trash (be careful!)::
+ rbd trash rm mypool/myimage-id --force
+To restore an image from trash::
+ rbd trash restore mypool/myimage-id
+To restore an image from trash and rename it::
+ rbd trash restore mypool/myimage-id --image mynewimage
+**rbd** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to
+the Ceph documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8),
+:doc:`rados <rados>`\(8)
diff --git a/doc/man/8/rbdmap.rst b/doc/man/8/rbdmap.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e6980ab7
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ rbdmap -- map RBD devices at boot time
+.. program:: rbdmap
+| **rbdmap map**
+| **rbdmap unmap**
+**rbdmap** is a shell script that automates ``rbd map`` and ``rbd unmap``
+operations on one or more RBD (RADOS Block Device) images. While the script can be
+run manually by the system administrator at any time, the principal use case is
+automatic mapping/mounting of RBD images at boot time (and unmounting/unmapping
+at shutdown), as triggered by the init system (a systemd unit file,
+``rbdmap.service`` is included with the ceph-common package for this purpose).
+The script takes a single argument, which can be either "map" or "unmap".
+In either case, the script parses a configuration file (defaults to ``/etc/ceph/rbdmap``,
+but can be overridden via an environment variable ``RBDMAPFILE``). Each line
+of the configuration file corresponds to an RBD image which is to be mapped, or
+The configuration file format is::
+where ``IMAGESPEC`` should be specified as ``POOLNAME/IMAGENAME`` (the pool
+name, a forward slash, and the image name), or merely ``IMAGENAME``, in which
+case the ``POOLNAME`` defaults to "rbd". ``RBDOPTS`` is an optional list of
+parameters to be passed to the underlying ``rbd map`` command. These parameters
+and their values should be specified as a comma-separated string::
+This will cause the script to issue an ``rbd map`` command like the following::
+(See the ``rbd`` manpage for a full list of possible options.)
+For parameters and values which contain commas or equality signs, a simple
+apostrophe can be used to prevent replacing them.
+When run as ``rbdmap map``, the script parses the configuration file, and for
+each RBD image specified attempts to first map the image (using the ``rbd map``
+command) and, second, to mount the image.
+When run as ``rbdmap unmap``, images listed in the configuration file will
+be unmounted and unmapped.
+``rbdmap unmap-all`` attempts to unmount and subsequently unmap all currently
+mapped RBD images, regardless of whether or not they are listed in the
+configuration file.
+If successful, the ``rbd map`` operation maps the image to a ``/dev/rbdX``
+device, at which point a udev rule is triggered to create a friendly device
+name symlink, ``/dev/rbd/POOLNAME/IMAGENAME``, pointing to the real mapped
+In order for mounting/unmounting to succeed, the friendly device name must
+have a corresponding entry in ``/etc/fstab``.
+When writing ``/etc/fstab`` entries for RBD images, it's a good idea to specify
+the "noauto" (or "nofail") mount option. This prevents the init system from
+trying to mount the device too early - before the device in question even
+exists. (Since ``rbdmap.service``
+executes a shell script, it is typically triggered quite late in the boot
+Example ``/etc/ceph/rbdmap`` for three RBD images called "bar1", "bar2" and "bar3",
+which are in pool "foopool"::
+ foopool/bar1 id=admin,keyring=/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring
+ foopool/bar2 id=admin,keyring=/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring
+ foopool/bar3 id=admin,keyring=/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,options='lock_on_read,queue_depth=1024'
+Each line in the file contains two strings: the image spec and the options to
+be passed to ``rbd map``. These two lines get transformed into the following
+ rbd map foopool/bar1 --id admin --keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring
+ rbd map foopool/bar2 --id admin --keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring
+ rbd map foopool/bar2 --id admin --keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --options lock_on_read,queue_depth=1024
+If the images had XFS filesystems on them, the corresponding ``/etc/fstab``
+entries might look like this::
+ /dev/rbd/foopool/bar1 /mnt/bar1 xfs noauto 0 0
+ /dev/rbd/foopool/bar2 /mnt/bar2 xfs noauto 0 0
+ /dev/rbd/foopool/bar3 /mnt/bar3 xfs noauto 0 0
+After creating the images and populating the ``/etc/ceph/rbdmap`` file, making
+the images get automatically mapped and mounted at boot is just a matter of
+enabling that unit::
+ systemctl enable rbdmap.service
+**rbdmap** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed
+storage system. Please refer to the Ceph documentation at
+ for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`rbd <rbd>`\(8),
diff --git a/doc/man/8/rgw-orphan-list.rst b/doc/man/8/rgw-orphan-list.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..408242da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/man/8/rgw-orphan-list.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ rgw-orphan-list -- list rados objects that are not indexed by rgw
+.. program:: rgw-orphan-list
+| **rgw-orphan-list**
+:program:`rgw-orphan-list` is an *EXPERIMENTAL* RADOS gateway user
+administration utility. It produces a listing of rados objects that
+are not directly or indirectly referenced through the bucket indexes
+on a pool. It places the results and intermediate files on the local
+filesystem rather than on the ceph cluster itself, and therefore will
+not itself consume additional cluster storage.
+In theory orphans should not exist. However because ceph evolves
+rapidly, bugs do crop up, and they may result in orphans that are left
+In its current form this utility does not take any command-line
+arguments or options. It will list the available pools and prompt the
+user to enter the pool they would like to list orphans for.
+Behind the scenes it runs `rados ls` and `radosgw-admin bucket
+radoslist ...` and produces a list of those entries that appear in the
+former but not the latter. Those entries are presumed to be the
+This utility is currently considered *EXPERIMENTAL*.
+This utility will produce false orphan entries for unindexed buckets
+since such buckets have no bucket indices that can provide the
+starting point for tracing.
+At present there are no options.
+Launch the tool::
+ $ rgw-orphan-list
+:program:`radosgw-admin` is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source,
+distributed storage system. Please refer to the Ceph documentation at
+ for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`radosgw-admin <radosgw-admin>`\(8)
+:doc:`ceph-diff-sorted <ceph-diff-sorted>`\(8)
diff --git a/doc/man/CMakeLists.txt b/doc/man/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e81631ba
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+++ b/doc/man/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+set(sphinx_output_dir ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/man)
+ OUTPUT ${sphinx_output}
+ COMMAND ${SPHINX_BUILD} -b man -t man -d ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/doctrees -c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/man ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${sphinx_output_dir}
+ DEPENDS ${sphinx_input})
+ manpages ALL
+ DEPENDS ${sphinx_output}
+ COMMENT "manpages building")
diff --git a/doc/man_index.rst b/doc/man_index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72a53991
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+.. this is the man index/toctree reference. It is separate from the "regular"
+.. index so that it doesn't include things that are not tagged for man pages
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 3
+ :hidden:
+ man/8/ceph-authtool
+ man/8/ceph-clsinfo
+ man/8/ceph-conf
+ man/8/ceph-create-keys
+ man/8/ceph-debugpack
+ man/8/ceph-dencoder
+ man/8/ceph-deploy
+ man/8/ceph-volume
+ man/8/ceph-volume-systemd
+ man/8/ceph-fuse
+ man/8/ceph-mds
+ man/8/ceph-mon
+ man/8/ceph-osd
+ man/8/ceph-post-file
+ man/8/ceph-rbdnamer
+ man/8/ceph-run
+ man/8/ceph-syn
+ man/8/ceph
+ man/8/crushtool
+ man/8/librados-config
+ man/8/monmaptool
+ man/8/mount.ceph
+ man/8/osdmaptool
+ man/8/rados
+ man/8/radosgw-admin
+ man/8/radosgw
+ man/8/rbd-fuse
+ man/8/rbd-ggate
+ man/8/rbd-mirror
+ man/8/rbd-nbd
+ man/8/rbd-replay-many
+ man/8/rbd-replay-prep
+ man/8/rbd-replay
+ man/8/rbd
+ man/8/rbdmap
+ man/8/rgw-orphan-list
+ man/8/ceph-diff-sorted