path: root/doc/radosgw/s3/php.rst
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1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/radosgw/s3/php.rst b/doc/radosgw/s3/php.rst
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+.. _php:
+PHP S3 Examples
+Creating a Connection
+This creates a connection so that you can interact with the server.
+.. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ define('AWS_KEY', 'place access key here');
+ define('AWS_SECRET_KEY', 'place secret key here');
+ define('AWS_CANONICAL_ID', 'your DHO Username');
+ define('AWS_CANONICAL_NAME', 'Also your DHO Username!');
+ $HOST = '';
+ // require the amazon sdk for php library
+ require_once 'AWSSDKforPHP/sdk.class.php';
+ // Instantiate the S3 class and point it at the desired host
+ $Connection = new AmazonS3(array(
+ 'key' => AWS_KEY,
+ 'secret' => AWS_SECRET_KEY,
+ 'canonical_id' => AWS_CANONICAL_ID,
+ 'canonical_name' => AWS_CANONICAL_NAME,
+ ));
+ $Connection->set_hostname($HOST);
+ $Connection->allow_hostname_override(false);
+ // Set the S3 class to use
+ // instead of
+ $Connection->enable_path_style();
+Listing Owned Buckets
+This gets a list of CFSimpleXML objects representing buckets that you
+own. This also prints out the bucket name and creation date of each
+.. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ $ListResponse = $Connection->list_buckets();
+ $Buckets = $ListResponse->body->Buckets->Bucket;
+ foreach ($Buckets as $Bucket) {
+ echo $Bucket->Name . "\t" . $Bucket->CreationDate . "\n";
+ }
+The output will look something like this::
+ mahbuckat1 2011-04-21T18:05:39.000Z
+ mahbuckat2 2011-04-21T18:05:48.000Z
+ mahbuckat3 2011-04-21T18:07:18.000Z
+Creating a Bucket
+This creates a new bucket called ``my-new-bucket`` and returns a
+``CFResponse`` object.
+.. note::
+ This command requires a region as the second argument,
+ so we use ``AmazonS3::REGION_US_E1``, because this constant is ``''``
+.. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ $Connection->create_bucket('my-new-bucket', AmazonS3::REGION_US_E1);
+List a Bucket's Content
+This gets an array of ``CFSimpleXML`` objects representing the objects
+in the bucket. This then prints out each object's name, the file size,
+and last modified date.
+.. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ $ObjectsListResponse = $Connection->list_objects($bucketname);
+ $Objects = $ObjectsListResponse->body->Contents;
+ foreach ($Objects as $Object) {
+ echo $Object->Key . "\t" . $Object->Size . "\t" . $Object->LastModified . "\n";
+ }
+.. note::
+ If there are more than 1000 objects in this bucket,
+ you need to check $ObjectListResponse->body->isTruncated
+ and run again with the name of the last key listed.
+ Keep doing this until isTruncated is not true.
+The output will look something like this if the bucket has some files::
+ myphoto1.jpg 251262 2011-08-08T21:35:48.000Z
+ myphoto2.jpg 262518 2011-08-08T21:38:01.000Z
+Deleting a Bucket
+This deletes the bucket called ``my-old-bucket`` and returns a
+``CFResponse`` object
+.. note::
+ The Bucket must be empty! Otherwise it won't work!
+.. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ $Connection->delete_bucket('my-old-bucket');
+Forced Delete for Non-empty Buckets
+This will delete the bucket even if it is not empty.
+.. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ $Connection->delete_bucket('my-old-bucket', 1);
+Creating an Object
+This creates an object ``hello.txt`` with the string ``"Hello World!"``
+.. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ $Connection->create_object('my-bucket-name', 'hello.txt', array(
+ 'body' => "Hello World!",
+ ));
+Change an Object's ACL
+This makes the object ``hello.txt`` to be publicly readable and
+``secret_plans.txt`` to be private.
+.. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ $Connection->set_object_acl('my-bucket-name', 'hello.txt', AmazonS3::ACL_PUBLIC);
+ $Connection->set_object_acl('my-bucket-name', 'secret_plans.txt', AmazonS3::ACL_PRIVATE);
+Delete an Object
+This deletes the object ``goodbye.txt``
+.. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ $Connection->delete_object('my-bucket-name', 'goodbye.txt');
+Download an Object (to a file)
+This downloads the object ``poetry.pdf`` and saves it in
+.. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ $FileHandle = fopen('/home/larry/documents/poetry.pdf', 'w+');
+ $Connection->get_object('my-bucket-name', 'poetry.pdf', array(
+ 'fileDownload' => $FileHandle,
+ ));
+Generate Object Download URLs (signed and unsigned)
+This generates an unsigned download URL for ``hello.txt``.
+This works because we made ``hello.txt`` public by setting
+the ACL above. This then generates a signed download URL
+for ``secret_plans.txt`` that will work for 1 hour.
+Signed download URLs will work for the time period even
+if the object is private (when the time period is up,
+the URL will stop working).
+.. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ my $plans_url = $Connection->get_object_url('my-bucket-name', 'hello.txt');
+ echo $plans_url . "\n";
+ my $secret_url = $Connection->get_object_url('my-bucket-name', 'secret_plans.txt', '1 hour');
+ echo $secret_url . "\n";
+The output of this will look something like::