path: root/qa/tasks/
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Diffstat (limited to 'qa/tasks/')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qa/tasks/ b/qa/tasks/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0aeb7218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/tasks/
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+Rados benchmarking sweep
+import contextlib
+import logging
+import re
+from io import BytesIO
+from itertools import product
+from teuthology.orchestra import run
+from teuthology import misc as teuthology
+import six
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def task(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Execute a radosbench parameter sweep
+ Puts radosbench in a loop, taking values from the given config at each
+ iteration. If given, the min and max values below create a range, e.g.
+ min_replicas=1 and max_replicas=3 implies executing with 1-3 replicas.
+ Parameters:
+ clients: [client list]
+ time: seconds to run (default=120)
+ sizes: [list of object sizes] (default=[4M])
+ mode: <write|read|seq> (default=write)
+ repetitions: execute the same configuration multiple times (default=1)
+ min_num_replicas: minimum number of replicas to use (default = 3)
+ max_num_replicas: maximum number of replicas to use (default = 3)
+ min_num_osds: the minimum number of OSDs in a pool (default=all)
+ max_num_osds: the maximum number of OSDs in a pool (default=all)
+ file: name of CSV-formatted output file (default='radosbench.csv')
+ columns: columns to include (default=all)
+ - rep: execution number (takes values from 'repetitions')
+ - num_osd: number of osds for pool
+ - num_replica: number of replicas
+ - avg_throughput: throughput
+ - avg_latency: latency
+ - stdev_throughput:
+ - stdev_latency:
+ Example:
+ - radsobenchsweep:
+ columns: [rep, num_osd, num_replica, avg_throughput, stdev_throughput]
+ """
+'Beginning radosbenchsweep...')
+ assert isinstance(config, dict), 'expecting dictionary for configuration'
+ # get and validate config values
+ # {
+ # only one client supported for now
+ if len(config.get('clients', [])) != 1:
+ raise Exception("Only one client can be specified")
+ # only write mode
+ if config.get('mode', 'write') != 'write':
+ raise Exception("Only 'write' mode supported for now.")
+ # OSDs
+ total_osds_in_cluster = teuthology.num_instances_of_type(ctx.cluster, 'osd')
+ min_num_osds = config.get('min_num_osds', total_osds_in_cluster)
+ max_num_osds = config.get('max_num_osds', total_osds_in_cluster)
+ if max_num_osds > total_osds_in_cluster:
+ raise Exception('max_num_osds cannot be greater than total in cluster')
+ if min_num_osds < 1:
+ raise Exception('min_num_osds cannot be less than 1')
+ if min_num_osds > max_num_osds:
+ raise Exception('min_num_osds cannot be greater than max_num_osd')
+ osds = range(0, (total_osds_in_cluster + 1))
+ # replicas
+ min_num_replicas = config.get('min_num_replicas', 3)
+ max_num_replicas = config.get('max_num_replicas', 3)
+ if min_num_replicas < 1:
+ raise Exception('min_num_replicas cannot be less than 1')
+ if min_num_replicas > max_num_replicas:
+ raise Exception('min_num_replicas cannot be greater than max_replicas')
+ if max_num_replicas > max_num_osds:
+ raise Exception('max_num_replicas cannot be greater than max_num_osds')
+ replicas = range(min_num_replicas, (max_num_replicas + 1))
+ # object size
+ sizes = config.get('size', [4 << 20])
+ # repetitions
+ reps = range(config.get('repetitions', 1))
+ # file
+ fname = config.get('file', 'radosbench.csv')
+ f = open('{}/{}'.format(ctx.archive, fname), 'w')
+ f.write(get_csv_header(config) + '\n')
+ # }
+ # set default pools size=1 to avoid 'unhealthy' issues
+ ctx.manager.set_pool_property('data', 'size', 1)
+ ctx.manager.set_pool_property('metadata', 'size', 1)
+ ctx.manager.set_pool_property('rbd', 'size', 1)
+ current_osds_out = 0
+ # sweep through all parameters
+ for osds_out, size, replica, rep in product(osds, sizes, replicas, reps):
+ osds_in = total_osds_in_cluster - osds_out
+ if osds_in == 0:
+ # we're done
+ break
+ if current_osds_out != osds_out:
+ # take an osd out
+ ctx.manager.raw_cluster_cmd(
+ 'osd', 'reweight', str(osds_out-1), '0.0')
+ wait_until_healthy(ctx, config)
+ current_osds_out = osds_out
+ if osds_in not in range(min_num_osds, (max_num_osds + 1)):
+ # no need to execute with a number of osds that wasn't requested
+ continue
+ if osds_in < replica:
+ # cannot execute with more replicas than available osds
+ continue
+ run_radosbench(ctx, config, f, osds_in, size, replica, rep)
+ f.close()
+ yield
+def get_csv_header(conf):
+ all_columns = [
+ 'rep', 'num_osd', 'num_replica', 'avg_throughput',
+ 'avg_latency', 'stdev_throughput', 'stdev_latency'
+ ]
+ given_columns = conf.get('columns', None)
+ if given_columns and len(given_columns) != 0:
+ for column in given_columns:
+ if column not in all_columns:
+ raise Exception('Unknown column ' + column)
+ return ','.join(conf['columns'])
+ else:
+ conf['columns'] = all_columns
+ return ','.join(all_columns)
+def run_radosbench(ctx, config, f, num_osds, size, replica, rep):
+ pool = ctx.manager.create_pool_with_unique_name()
+ ctx.manager.set_pool_property(pool, 'size', replica)
+ wait_until_healthy(ctx, config)
+'Executing with parameters: ')
+' num_osd =' + str(num_osds))
+' size =' + str(size))
+' num_replicas =' + str(replica))
+' repetition =' + str(rep))
+ for role in config.get('clients', ['client.0']):
+ assert isinstance(role, six.string_types)
+ PREFIX = 'client.'
+ assert role.startswith(PREFIX)
+ id_ = role[len(PREFIX):]
+ (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys()
+ proc =
+ args=[
+ 'adjust-ulimits',
+ 'ceph-coverage',
+ '{}/archive/coverage'.format(teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)),
+ 'rados',
+ '--no-log-to-stderr',
+ '--name', role,
+ '-b', str(size),
+ '-p', pool,
+ 'bench', str(config.get('time', 120)), 'write',
+ ],
+ logger=log.getChild('radosbench.{id}'.format(id=id_)),
+ stdin=run.PIPE,
+ stdout=BytesIO(),
+ wait=False
+ )
+ # parse output to get summary and format it as CSV
+ proc.wait()
+ out = proc.stdout.getvalue()
+ all_values = {
+ 'stdev_throughput': re.sub(r'Stddev Bandwidth: ', '',
+ r'Stddev Bandwidth:.*', out).group(0)),
+ 'stdev_latency': re.sub(r'Stddev Latency: ', '',
+ r'Stddev Latency:.*', out).group(0)),
+ 'avg_throughput': re.sub(r'Bandwidth \(MB/sec\): ', '',
+ r'Bandwidth \(MB/sec\):.*', out).group(0)),
+ 'avg_latency': re.sub(r'Average Latency: ', '',
+ r'Average Latency:.*', out).group(0)),
+ 'rep': str(rep),
+ 'num_osd': str(num_osds),
+ 'num_replica': str(replica)
+ }
+ values_to_write = []
+ for column in config['columns']:
+ values_to_write.extend([all_values[column]])
+ f.write(','.join(values_to_write) + '\n')
+ ctx.manager.remove_pool(pool)
+def wait_until_healthy(ctx, config):
+ first_mon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config)
+ (mon_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(first_mon).remotes.keys()
+ teuthology.wait_until_healthy(ctx, mon_remote)