path: root/qa/workunits/cephtool
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qa/workunits/cephtool')
3 files changed, 3034 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qa/workunits/cephtool/ b/qa/workunits/cephtool/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1929d296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/workunits/cephtool/
@@ -0,0 +1,2920 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# -*- mode:shell-script; tab-width:8; sh-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
+# vim: ts=8 sw=8 ft=bash smarttab
+set -x
+source $(dirname $0)/../../standalone/
+set -e
+set -o functrace
+export CEPH_DEV=1
+function get_admin_socket()
+ local client=$1
+ if test -n "$CEPH_ASOK_DIR";
+ then
+ echo $(get_asok_dir)/$client.asok
+ else
+ local cluster=$(echo $CEPH_ARGS | sed -r 's/.*--cluster[[:blank:]]*([[:alnum:]]*).*/\1/')
+ echo "/var/run/ceph/$cluster-$client.asok"
+ fi
+function check_no_osd_down()
+ ! ceph osd dump | grep ' down '
+function wait_no_osd_down()
+ max_run=300
+ for i in $(seq 1 $max_run) ; do
+ if ! check_no_osd_down ; then
+ echo "waiting for osd(s) to come back up ($i/$max_run)"
+ sleep 1
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ check_no_osd_down
+function expect_false()
+ set -x
+ if "$@"; then return 1; else return 0; fi
+function expect_true()
+ set -x
+ if ! "$@"; then return 1; else return 0; fi
+TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR-/tmp}/cephtool.XXX)
+trap "rm -fr $TEMP_DIR" 0
+TMPFILE=$(mktemp $TEMP_DIR/test_invalid.XXX)
+# retry_eagain max cmd args ...
+# retry cmd args ... if it exits on error and its output contains the
+# string EAGAIN, at most $max times
+function retry_eagain()
+ local max=$1
+ shift
+ local status
+ local tmpfile=$TEMP_DIR/retry_eagain.$$
+ local count
+ for count in $(seq 1 $max) ; do
+ status=0
+ "$@" > $tmpfile 2>&1 || status=$?
+ if test $status = 0 ||
+ ! grep --quiet EAGAIN $tmpfile ; then
+ break
+ fi
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ if test $count = $max ; then
+ echo retried with non zero exit status, $max times: "$@" >&2
+ fi
+ cat $tmpfile
+ rm $tmpfile
+ return $status
+# map_enxio_to_eagain cmd arg ...
+# add EAGAIN to the output of cmd arg ... if the output contains
+function map_enxio_to_eagain()
+ local status=0
+ local tmpfile=$TEMP_DIR/map_enxio_to_eagain.$$
+ "$@" > $tmpfile 2>&1 || status=$?
+ if test $status != 0 &&
+ grep --quiet ENXIO $tmpfile ; then
+ echo "EAGAIN added by $0::map_enxio_to_eagain" >> $tmpfile
+ fi
+ cat $tmpfile
+ rm $tmpfile
+ return $status
+function check_response()
+ expected_string=$1
+ retcode=$2
+ expected_retcode=$3
+ if [ "$expected_retcode" -a $retcode != $expected_retcode ] ; then
+ echo "return code invalid: got $retcode, expected $expected_retcode" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if ! grep --quiet -- "$expected_string" $TMPFILE ; then
+ echo "Didn't find $expected_string in output" >&2
+ cat $TMPFILE >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+function get_config_value_or_die()
+ local target config_opt raw val
+ target=$1
+ config_opt=$2
+ raw="`$SUDO ceph daemon $target config get $config_opt 2>/dev/null`"
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+ echo "error obtaining config opt '$config_opt' from '$target': $raw"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ raw=`echo $raw | sed -e 's/[{} "]//g'`
+ val=`echo $raw | cut -f2 -d:`
+ echo "$val"
+ return 0
+function expect_config_value()
+ local target config_opt expected_val val
+ target=$1
+ config_opt=$2
+ expected_val=$3
+ val=$(get_config_value_or_die $target $config_opt)
+ if [[ "$val" != "$expected_val" ]]; then
+ echo "expected '$expected_val', got '$val'"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+function ceph_watch_start()
+ local whatch_opt=--watch
+ if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ whatch_opt=--watch-$1
+ if [ -n "$2" ]; then
+ whatch_opt+=" --watch-channel $2"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ceph $whatch_opt > $CEPH_WATCH_FILE &
+ # wait until the "ceph" client is connected and receiving
+ # log messages from monitor
+ for i in `seq 3`; do
+ grep -q "cluster" $CEPH_WATCH_FILE && break
+ sleep 1
+ done
+function ceph_watch_wait()
+ local regexp=$1
+ local timeout=30
+ if [ -n "$2" ]; then
+ timeout=$2
+ fi
+ for i in `seq ${timeout}`; do
+ grep -q "$regexp" $CEPH_WATCH_FILE && break
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ if ! grep "$regexp" $CEPH_WATCH_FILE; then
+ echo "pattern ${regexp} not found in watch file. Full watch file content:" >&2
+ cat $CEPH_WATCH_FILE >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+function test_mon_injectargs()
+ ceph tell osd.0 injectargs --no-osd_enable_op_tracker
+ ceph tell osd.0 config get osd_enable_op_tracker | grep false
+ ceph tell osd.0 injectargs '--osd_enable_op_tracker --osd_op_history_duration 500'
+ ceph tell osd.0 config get osd_enable_op_tracker | grep true
+ ceph tell osd.0 config get osd_op_history_duration | grep 500
+ ceph tell osd.0 injectargs --no-osd_enable_op_tracker
+ ceph tell osd.0 config get osd_enable_op_tracker | grep false
+ ceph tell osd.0 injectargs -- --osd_enable_op_tracker
+ ceph tell osd.0 config get osd_enable_op_tracker | grep true
+ ceph tell osd.0 injectargs -- '--osd_enable_op_tracker --osd_op_history_duration 600'
+ ceph tell osd.0 config get osd_enable_op_tracker | grep true
+ ceph tell osd.0 config get osd_op_history_duration | grep 600
+ ceph tell osd.0 injectargs -- '--osd_deep_scrub_interval 2419200'
+ ceph tell osd.0 config get osd_deep_scrub_interval | grep 2419200
+ ceph tell osd.0 injectargs -- '--mon_probe_timeout 2'
+ ceph tell osd.0 config get mon_probe_timeout | grep 2
+ ceph tell osd.0 injectargs -- '--mon-lease 6'
+ ceph tell osd.0 config get mon_lease | grep 6
+ # osd-scrub-auto-repair-num-errors is an OPT_U32, so -1 is not a valid setting
+ expect_false ceph tell osd.0 injectargs --osd-scrub-auto-repair-num-errors -1 >& $TMPFILE || return 1
+ check_response "Error EINVAL: Parse error setting osd_scrub_auto_repair_num_errors to '-1' using injectargs"
+ expect_failure $TEMP_DIR "Option --osd_op_history_duration requires an argument" \
+ ceph tell osd.0 injectargs -- '--osd_op_history_duration'
+function test_mon_injectargs_SI()
+ # Test SI units during injectargs and 'config set'
+ # We only aim at testing the units are parsed accordingly
+ # and don't intend to test whether the options being set
+ # actually expect SI units to be passed.
+ # Keep in mind that all integer based options that are not based on bytes
+ # (i.e., INT, LONG, U32, U64) will accept SI unit modifiers and be parsed to
+ # base 10.
+ initial_value=$(get_config_value_or_die "mon.a" "mon_pg_warn_min_objects")
+ $SUDO ceph daemon mon.a config set mon_pg_warn_min_objects 10
+ expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_pg_warn_min_objects" 10
+ $SUDO ceph daemon mon.a config set mon_pg_warn_min_objects 10K
+ expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_pg_warn_min_objects" 10000
+ $SUDO ceph daemon mon.a config set mon_pg_warn_min_objects 1G
+ expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_pg_warn_min_objects" 1000000000
+ $SUDO ceph daemon mon.a config set mon_pg_warn_min_objects 10F > $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "'10F': (22) Invalid argument"
+ # now test with injectargs
+ ceph tell mon.a injectargs '--mon_pg_warn_min_objects 10'
+ expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_pg_warn_min_objects" 10
+ ceph tell mon.a injectargs '--mon_pg_warn_min_objects 10K'
+ expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_pg_warn_min_objects" 10000
+ ceph tell mon.a injectargs '--mon_pg_warn_min_objects 1G'
+ expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_pg_warn_min_objects" 1000000000
+ expect_false ceph tell mon.a injectargs '--mon_pg_warn_min_objects 10F'
+ expect_false ceph tell mon.a injectargs '--mon_globalid_prealloc -1'
+ $SUDO ceph daemon mon.a config set mon_pg_warn_min_objects $initial_value
+function test_mon_injectargs_IEC()
+ # Test IEC units during injectargs and 'config set'
+ # We only aim at testing the units are parsed accordingly
+ # and don't intend to test whether the options being set
+ # actually expect IEC units to be passed.
+ # Keep in mind that all integer based options that are based on bytes
+ # (i.e., INT, LONG, U32, U64) will accept IEC unit modifiers, as well as SI
+ # unit modifiers (for backwards compatibility and convenience) and be parsed
+ # to base 2.
+ initial_value=$(get_config_value_or_die "mon.a" "mon_data_size_warn")
+ $SUDO ceph daemon mon.a config set mon_data_size_warn 15000000000
+ expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_data_size_warn" 15000000000
+ $SUDO ceph daemon mon.a config set mon_data_size_warn 15G
+ expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_data_size_warn" 16106127360
+ $SUDO ceph daemon mon.a config set mon_data_size_warn 16Gi
+ expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_data_size_warn" 17179869184
+ $SUDO ceph daemon mon.a config set mon_data_size_warn 10F > $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "'10F': (22) Invalid argument"
+ # now test with injectargs
+ ceph tell mon.a injectargs '--mon_data_size_warn 15000000000'
+ expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_data_size_warn" 15000000000
+ ceph tell mon.a injectargs '--mon_data_size_warn 15G'
+ expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_data_size_warn" 16106127360
+ ceph tell mon.a injectargs '--mon_data_size_warn 16Gi'
+ expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_data_size_warn" 17179869184
+ expect_false ceph tell mon.a injectargs '--mon_data_size_warn 10F'
+ $SUDO ceph daemon mon.a config set mon_data_size_warn $initial_value
+function test_tiering_agent()
+ local slow=slow_eviction
+ local fast=fast_eviction
+ ceph osd pool create $slow 1 1
+ ceph osd pool application enable $slow rados
+ ceph osd pool create $fast 1 1
+ ceph osd tier add $slow $fast
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode $fast writeback
+ ceph osd tier set-overlay $slow $fast
+ ceph osd pool set $fast hit_set_type bloom
+ rados -p $slow put obj1 /etc/group
+ ceph osd pool set $fast target_max_objects 1
+ ceph osd pool set $fast hit_set_count 1
+ ceph osd pool set $fast hit_set_period 5
+ # wait for the object to be evicted from the cache
+ local evicted
+ evicted=false
+ for i in `seq 1 300` ; do
+ if ! rados -p $fast ls | grep obj1 ; then
+ evicted=true
+ break
+ fi
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ $evicted # assert
+ # the object is proxy read and promoted to the cache
+ rados -p $slow get obj1 - >/dev/null
+ # wait for the promoted object to be evicted again
+ evicted=false
+ for i in `seq 1 300` ; do
+ if ! rados -p $fast ls | grep obj1 ; then
+ evicted=true
+ break
+ fi
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ $evicted # assert
+ ceph osd tier remove-overlay $slow
+ ceph osd tier remove $slow $fast
+ ceph osd pool delete $fast $fast --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete $slow $slow --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+function test_tiering_1()
+ # tiering
+ ceph osd pool create slow 2
+ ceph osd pool application enable slow rados
+ ceph osd pool create slow2 2
+ ceph osd pool application enable slow2 rados
+ ceph osd pool create cache 2
+ ceph osd pool create cache2 2
+ ceph osd tier add slow cache
+ ceph osd tier add slow cache2
+ expect_false ceph osd tier add slow2 cache
+ # test some state transitions
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode cache writeback
+ expect_false ceph osd tier cache-mode cache forward
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode cache forward --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ expect_false ceph osd tier cache-mode cache readonly
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode cache readonly --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ expect_false ceph osd tier cache-mode cache forward
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode cache forward --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode cache none
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode cache writeback
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode cache proxy
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode cache writeback
+ expect_false ceph osd tier cache-mode cache none
+ expect_false ceph osd tier cache-mode cache readonly --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ # test with dirty objects in the tier pool
+ # tier pool currently set to 'writeback'
+ rados -p cache put /etc/passwd /etc/passwd
+ flush_pg_stats
+ # 1 dirty object in pool 'cache'
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode cache proxy
+ expect_false ceph osd tier cache-mode cache none
+ expect_false ceph osd tier cache-mode cache readonly --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode cache writeback
+ # remove object from tier pool
+ rados -p cache rm /etc/passwd
+ rados -p cache cache-flush-evict-all
+ flush_pg_stats
+ # no dirty objects in pool 'cache'
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode cache proxy
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode cache none
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode cache readonly --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ while ! ceph osd pool set cache pg_num 3 --yes-i-really-mean-it 2>$TMPFILE
+ do
+ grep 'currently creating pgs' $TMPFILE
+ TRIES=$(( $TRIES + 1 ))
+ test $TRIES -ne 60
+ sleep 3
+ done
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set cache pg_num 4
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode cache none
+ ceph osd tier set-overlay slow cache
+ expect_false ceph osd tier set-overlay slow cache2
+ expect_false ceph osd tier remove slow cache
+ ceph osd tier remove-overlay slow
+ ceph osd tier set-overlay slow cache2
+ ceph osd tier remove-overlay slow
+ ceph osd tier remove slow cache
+ ceph osd tier add slow2 cache
+ expect_false ceph osd tier set-overlay slow cache
+ ceph osd tier set-overlay slow2 cache
+ ceph osd tier remove-overlay slow2
+ ceph osd tier remove slow2 cache
+ ceph osd tier remove slow cache2
+ # make sure a non-empty pool fails
+ rados -p cache2 put /etc/passwd /etc/passwd
+ while ! ceph df | grep cache2 | grep ' 1 ' ; do
+ echo waiting for pg stats to flush
+ sleep 2
+ done
+ expect_false ceph osd tier add slow cache2
+ ceph osd tier add slow cache2 --force-nonempty
+ ceph osd tier remove slow cache2
+ ceph osd pool ls | grep cache2
+ ceph osd pool ls -f json-pretty | grep cache2
+ ceph osd pool ls detail | grep cache2
+ ceph osd pool ls detail -f json-pretty | grep cache2
+ ceph osd pool delete slow slow --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete slow2 slow2 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete cache cache --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete cache2 cache2 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+function test_tiering_2()
+ # make sure we can't clobber snapshot state
+ ceph osd pool create snap_base 2
+ ceph osd pool application enable snap_base rados
+ ceph osd pool create snap_cache 2
+ ceph osd pool mksnap snap_cache snapname
+ expect_false ceph osd tier add snap_base snap_cache
+ ceph osd pool delete snap_base snap_base --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete snap_cache snap_cache --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+function test_tiering_3()
+ # make sure we can't create snapshot on tier
+ ceph osd pool create basex 2
+ ceph osd pool application enable basex rados
+ ceph osd pool create cachex 2
+ ceph osd tier add basex cachex
+ expect_false ceph osd pool mksnap cache snapname
+ ceph osd tier remove basex cachex
+ ceph osd pool delete basex basex --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete cachex cachex --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+function test_tiering_4()
+ # make sure we can't create an ec pool tier
+ ceph osd pool create eccache 2 2 erasure
+ expect_false ceph osd set-require-min-compat-client bobtail
+ ceph osd pool create repbase 2
+ ceph osd pool application enable repbase rados
+ expect_false ceph osd tier add repbase eccache
+ ceph osd pool delete repbase repbase --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete eccache eccache --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+function test_tiering_5()
+ # convenient add-cache command
+ ceph osd pool create slow 2
+ ceph osd pool application enable slow rados
+ ceph osd pool create cache3 2
+ ceph osd tier add-cache slow cache3 1024000
+ ceph osd dump | grep cache3 | grep bloom | grep 'false_positive_probability: 0.05' | grep 'target_bytes 1024000' | grep '1200s x4'
+ ceph osd tier remove slow cache3 2> $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "EBUSY: tier pool 'cache3' is the overlay for 'slow'; please remove-overlay first"
+ ceph osd tier remove-overlay slow
+ ceph osd tier remove slow cache3
+ ceph osd pool ls | grep cache3
+ ceph osd pool delete cache3 cache3 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ! ceph osd pool ls | grep cache3 || exit 1
+ ceph osd pool delete slow slow --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+function test_tiering_6()
+ # check add-cache whether work
+ ceph osd pool create datapool 2
+ ceph osd pool application enable datapool rados
+ ceph osd pool create cachepool 2
+ ceph osd tier add-cache datapool cachepool 1024000
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode cachepool writeback
+ rados -p datapool put object /etc/passwd
+ rados -p cachepool stat object
+ rados -p cachepool cache-flush object
+ rados -p datapool stat object
+ ceph osd tier remove-overlay datapool
+ ceph osd tier remove datapool cachepool
+ ceph osd pool delete cachepool cachepool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete datapool datapool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+function test_tiering_7()
+ # protection against pool removal when used as tiers
+ ceph osd pool create datapool 2
+ ceph osd pool application enable datapool rados
+ ceph osd pool create cachepool 2
+ ceph osd tier add-cache datapool cachepool 1024000
+ ceph osd pool delete cachepool cachepool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it 2> $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "EBUSY: pool 'cachepool' is a tier of 'datapool'"
+ ceph osd pool delete datapool datapool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it 2> $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "EBUSY: pool 'datapool' has tiers cachepool"
+ ceph osd tier remove-overlay datapool
+ ceph osd tier remove datapool cachepool
+ ceph osd pool delete cachepool cachepool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete datapool datapool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+function test_tiering_8()
+ ## check health check
+ ceph osd set notieragent
+ ceph osd pool create datapool 2
+ ceph osd pool application enable datapool rados
+ ceph osd pool create cache4 2
+ ceph osd tier add-cache datapool cache4 1024000
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode cache4 writeback
+ tmpfile=$(mktemp|grep tmp)
+ dd if=/dev/zero of=$tmpfile bs=4K count=1
+ ceph osd pool set cache4 target_max_objects 200
+ ceph osd pool set cache4 target_max_bytes 1000000
+ rados -p cache4 put foo1 $tmpfile
+ rados -p cache4 put foo2 $tmpfile
+ rm -f $tmpfile
+ flush_pg_stats
+ ceph df | grep datapool | grep ' 2 '
+ ceph osd tier remove-overlay datapool
+ ceph osd tier remove datapool cache4
+ ceph osd pool delete cache4 cache4 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete datapool datapool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd unset notieragent
+function test_tiering_9()
+ # make sure 'tier remove' behaves as we expect
+ # i.e., removing a tier from a pool that's not its base pool only
+ # results in a 'pool foo is now (or already was) not a tier of bar'
+ #
+ ceph osd pool create basepoolA 2
+ ceph osd pool application enable basepoolA rados
+ ceph osd pool create basepoolB 2
+ ceph osd pool application enable basepoolB rados
+ poolA_id=$(ceph osd dump | grep 'pool.*basepoolA' | awk '{print $2;}')
+ poolB_id=$(ceph osd dump | grep 'pool.*basepoolB' | awk '{print $2;}')
+ ceph osd pool create cache5 2
+ ceph osd pool create cache6 2
+ ceph osd tier add basepoolA cache5
+ ceph osd tier add basepoolB cache6
+ ceph osd tier remove basepoolB cache5 2>&1 | grep 'not a tier of'
+ ceph osd dump | grep "pool.*'cache5'" 2>&1 | grep "tier_of[ \t]\+$poolA_id"
+ ceph osd tier remove basepoolA cache6 2>&1 | grep 'not a tier of'
+ ceph osd dump | grep "pool.*'cache6'" 2>&1 | grep "tier_of[ \t]\+$poolB_id"
+ ceph osd tier remove basepoolA cache5 2>&1 | grep 'not a tier of'
+ ! ceph osd dump | grep "pool.*'cache5'" 2>&1 | grep "tier_of" || exit 1
+ ceph osd tier remove basepoolB cache6 2>&1 | grep 'not a tier of'
+ ! ceph osd dump | grep "pool.*'cache6'" 2>&1 | grep "tier_of" || exit 1
+ ! ceph osd dump | grep "pool.*'basepoolA'" 2>&1 | grep "tiers" || exit 1
+ ! ceph osd dump | grep "pool.*'basepoolB'" 2>&1 | grep "tiers" || exit 1
+ ceph osd pool delete cache6 cache6 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete cache5 cache5 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete basepoolB basepoolB --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete basepoolA basepoolA --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+function test_auth()
+ expect_false ceph auth add client.xx mon 'invalid' osd "allow *"
+ expect_false ceph auth add client.xx mon 'allow *' osd "allow *" invalid "allow *"
+ ceph auth add client.xx mon 'allow *' osd "allow *"
+ ceph auth export client.xx >client.xx.keyring
+ ceph auth add client.xx -i client.xx.keyring
+ rm -f client.xx.keyring
+ ceph auth list | grep client.xx
+ ceph auth ls | grep client.xx
+ ceph auth get client.xx | grep caps | grep mon
+ ceph auth get client.xx | grep caps | grep osd
+ ceph auth get-key client.xx
+ ceph auth print-key client.xx
+ ceph auth print_key client.xx
+ ceph auth caps client.xx osd "allow rw"
+ expect_false sh <<< "ceph auth get client.xx | grep caps | grep mon"
+ ceph auth get client.xx | grep osd | grep "allow rw"
+ ceph auth export | grep client.xx
+ ceph auth export -o authfile
+ ceph auth import -i authfile
+ ceph auth export -o authfile2
+ diff authfile authfile2
+ rm authfile authfile2
+ ceph auth del client.xx
+ expect_false ceph auth get client.xx
+ # (almost) interactive mode
+ echo -e 'auth add client.xx mon "allow *" osd "allow *"\n' | ceph
+ ceph auth get client.xx
+ # script mode
+ echo 'auth del client.xx' | ceph
+ expect_false ceph auth get client.xx
+function test_auth_profiles()
+ ceph auth add client.xx-profile-ro mon 'allow profile read-only' \
+ mgr 'allow profile read-only'
+ ceph auth add client.xx-profile-rw mon 'allow profile read-write' \
+ mgr 'allow profile read-write'
+ ceph auth add client.xx-profile-rd mon 'allow profile role-definer'
+ ceph auth export > client.xx.keyring
+ # read-only is allowed all read-only commands (auth excluded)
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-ro -k client.xx.keyring status
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-ro -k client.xx.keyring osd dump
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-ro -k client.xx.keyring pg dump
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-ro -k client.xx.keyring mon dump
+ # read-only gets access denied for rw commands or auth commands
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-ro -k client.xx.keyring log foo >& $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "EACCES: access denied"
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-ro -k client.xx.keyring osd set noout >& $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "EACCES: access denied"
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-ro -k client.xx.keyring auth ls >& $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "EACCES: access denied"
+ # read-write is allowed for all read-write commands (except auth)
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring status
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring osd dump
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring pg dump
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring mon dump
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring fs dump
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring log foo
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring osd set noout
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring osd unset noout
+ # read-write gets access denied for auth commands
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring auth ls >& $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "EACCES: access denied"
+ # role-definer is allowed RWX 'auth' commands and read-only 'mon' commands
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring auth ls
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring auth export
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring auth add client.xx-profile-foo
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring status
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring osd dump >& $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "EACCES: access denied"
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring pg dump >& $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "EACCES: access denied"
+ # read-only 'mon' subsystem commands are allowed
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring mon dump
+ # but read-write 'mon' commands are not
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring mon add foo >& $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "EACCES: access denied"
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring fs dump >& $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "EACCES: access denied"
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring log foo >& $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "EACCES: access denied"
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring osd set noout >& $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "EACCES: access denied"
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring auth del client.xx-profile-ro
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring auth del client.xx-profile-rw
+ # add a new role-definer with the existing role-definer
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring \
+ auth add client.xx-profile-rd2 mon 'allow profile role-definer'
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring \
+ auth export > client.xx.keyring.2
+ # remove old role-definer using the new role-definer
+ ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd2 -k client.xx.keyring.2 \
+ auth del client.xx-profile-rd
+ # remove the remaining role-definer with admin
+ ceph auth del client.xx-profile-rd2
+ rm -f client.xx.keyring client.xx.keyring.2
+function test_mon_caps()
+ ceph-authtool --create-keyring $TEMP_DIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring
+ chmod +r $TEMP_DIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring
+ ceph-authtool $TEMP_DIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring -n client.bug --gen-key
+ ceph auth add client.bug -i $TEMP_DIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring
+ # pass --no-mon-config since we are looking for the permission denied error
+ rados lspools --no-mon-config --keyring $TEMP_DIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring -n client.bug >& $TMPFILE || true
+ cat $TMPFILE
+ check_response "Permission denied"
+ rm -rf $TEMP_DIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring
+ ceph auth del client.bug
+ ceph-authtool --create-keyring $TEMP_DIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring
+ chmod +r $TEMP_DIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring
+ ceph-authtool $TEMP_DIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring -n client.bug --gen-key
+ ceph-authtool -n client.bug --cap mon '' $TEMP_DIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring
+ ceph auth add client.bug -i $TEMP_DIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring
+ rados lspools --no-mon-config --keyring $TEMP_DIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring -n client.bug >& $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "Permission denied"
+function test_mon_misc()
+ # with and without verbosity
+ ceph osd dump | grep '^epoch'
+ ceph --concise osd dump | grep '^epoch'
+ ceph osd df | grep 'MIN/MAX VAR'
+ osd_class=$(ceph osd crush get-device-class 0)
+ ceph osd df tree class $osd_class | grep 'osd.0'
+ ceph osd crush rm-device-class 0
+ # create class first in case old device class may
+ # have already been automatically destroyed
+ ceph osd crush class create $osd_class
+ ceph osd df tree class $osd_class | expect_false grep 'osd.0'
+ ceph osd crush set-device-class $osd_class 0
+ ceph osd df tree name osd.0 | grep 'osd.0'
+ # df
+ ceph df > $TMPFILE
+ grep -v DIRTY $TMPFILE
+ ceph df detail > $TMPFILE
+ ceph df --format json > $TMPFILE
+ grep 'total_bytes' $TMPFILE
+ grep -v 'dirty' $TMPFILE
+ ceph df detail --format json > $TMPFILE
+ grep 'rd_bytes' $TMPFILE
+ grep 'dirty' $TMPFILE
+ ceph df --format xml | grep '<total_bytes>'
+ ceph df detail --format xml | grep '<rd_bytes>'
+ ceph fsid
+ ceph health
+ ceph health detail
+ ceph health --format json-pretty
+ ceph health detail --format xml-pretty
+ ceph time-sync-status
+ ceph node ls
+ for t in mon osd mds mgr ; do
+ ceph node ls $t
+ done
+ ceph_watch_start
+ mymsg="this is a test log message $$.$(date)"
+ ceph log "$mymsg"
+ ceph log last | grep "$mymsg"
+ ceph log last 100 | grep "$mymsg"
+ ceph_watch_wait "$mymsg"
+ ceph mgr dump
+ ceph mgr module ls
+ ceph mgr module enable restful
+ expect_false ceph mgr module enable foodne
+ ceph mgr module enable foodne --force
+ ceph mgr module disable foodne
+ ceph mgr module disable foodnebizbangbash
+ ceph mon metadata a
+ ceph mon metadata
+ ceph mon count-metadata ceph_version
+ ceph mon versions
+ ceph mgr metadata
+ ceph mgr versions
+ ceph mgr count-metadata ceph_version
+ ceph versions
+ ceph node ls
+function check_mds_active()
+ fs_name=$1
+ ceph fs get $fs_name | grep active
+function wait_mds_active()
+ fs_name=$1
+ max_run=300
+ for i in $(seq 1 $max_run) ; do
+ if ! check_mds_active $fs_name ; then
+ echo "waiting for an active MDS daemon ($i/$max_run)"
+ sleep 5
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ check_mds_active $fs_name
+function get_mds_gids()
+ fs_name=$1
+ ceph fs get $fs_name --format=json | python -c "import json; import sys; print ' '.join([m['gid'].__str__() for m in json.load(sys.stdin)['mdsmap']['info'].values()])"
+function fail_all_mds()
+ fs_name=$1
+ ceph fs set $fs_name cluster_down true
+ mds_gids=$(get_mds_gids $fs_name)
+ for mds_gid in $mds_gids ; do
+ ceph mds fail $mds_gid
+ done
+ if check_mds_active $fs_name ; then
+ echo "An active MDS remains, something went wrong"
+ ceph fs get $fs_name
+ exit -1
+ fi
+function remove_all_fs()
+ existing_fs=$(ceph fs ls --format=json | python -c "import json; import sys; print ' '.join([fs['name'] for fs in json.load(sys.stdin)])")
+ for fs_name in $existing_fs ; do
+ echo "Removing fs ${fs_name}..."
+ fail_all_mds $fs_name
+ echo "Removing existing filesystem '${fs_name}'..."
+ ceph fs rm $fs_name --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ echo "Removed '${fs_name}'."
+ done
+# So that tests requiring MDS can skip if one is not configured
+# in the cluster at all
+function mds_exists()
+ ceph auth ls | grep "^mds"
+# some of the commands are just not idempotent.
+function without_test_dup_command()
+ if [ -z ${CEPH_CLI_TEST_DUP_COMMAND+x} ]; then
+ $@
+ else
+ local saved=${CEPH_CLI_TEST_DUP_COMMAND}
+ $@
+ fi
+function test_mds_tell()
+ local FS_NAME=cephfs
+ if ! mds_exists ; then
+ echo "Skipping test, no MDS found"
+ return
+ fi
+ remove_all_fs
+ ceph osd pool create fs_data 10
+ ceph osd pool create fs_metadata 10
+ ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata fs_data
+ wait_mds_active $FS_NAME
+ # Test injectargs by GID
+ old_mds_gids=$(get_mds_gids $FS_NAME)
+ echo Old GIDs: $old_mds_gids
+ for mds_gid in $old_mds_gids ; do
+ ceph tell mds.$mds_gid injectargs "--debug-mds 20"
+ done
+ expect_false ceph tell mds.a injectargs mds_max_file_recover -1
+ # Test respawn by rank
+ without_test_dup_command ceph tell mds.0 respawn
+ new_mds_gids=$old_mds_gids
+ while [ $new_mds_gids -eq $old_mds_gids ] ; do
+ sleep 5
+ new_mds_gids=$(get_mds_gids $FS_NAME)
+ done
+ echo New GIDs: $new_mds_gids
+ # Test respawn by ID
+ without_test_dup_command ceph tell mds.a respawn
+ new_mds_gids=$old_mds_gids
+ while [ $new_mds_gids -eq $old_mds_gids ] ; do
+ sleep 5
+ new_mds_gids=$(get_mds_gids $FS_NAME)
+ done
+ echo New GIDs: $new_mds_gids
+ remove_all_fs
+ ceph osd pool delete fs_data fs_data --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete fs_metadata fs_metadata --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+function test_mon_mds()
+ local FS_NAME=cephfs
+ remove_all_fs
+ ceph osd pool create fs_data 10
+ ceph osd pool create fs_metadata 10
+ ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata fs_data
+ ceph fs set $FS_NAME cluster_down true
+ ceph fs set $FS_NAME cluster_down false
+ ceph mds compat rm_incompat 4
+ ceph mds compat rm_incompat 4
+ # We don't want any MDSs to be up, their activity can interfere with
+ # the "current_epoch + 1" checking below if they're generating updates
+ fail_all_mds $FS_NAME
+ ceph mds compat show
+ ceph fs dump
+ ceph fs get $FS_NAME
+ for mds_gid in $(get_mds_gids $FS_NAME) ; do
+ ceph mds metadata $mds_id
+ done
+ ceph mds metadata
+ ceph mds versions
+ ceph mds count-metadata os
+ # XXX mds fail, but how do you undo it?
+ mdsmapfile=$TEMP_DIR/mdsmap.$$
+ current_epoch=$(ceph fs dump -o $mdsmapfile --no-log-to-stderr 2>&1 | grep epoch | sed 's/.*epoch //')
+ [ -s $mdsmapfile ]
+ rm $mdsmapfile
+ ceph osd pool create data2 10
+ ceph osd pool create data3 10
+ data2_pool=$(ceph osd dump | grep "pool.*'data2'" | awk '{print $2;}')
+ data3_pool=$(ceph osd dump | grep "pool.*'data3'" | awk '{print $2;}')
+ ceph fs add_data_pool cephfs $data2_pool
+ ceph fs add_data_pool cephfs $data3_pool
+ ceph fs add_data_pool cephfs 100 >& $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "Error ENOENT"
+ ceph fs add_data_pool cephfs foobarbaz >& $TMPFILE || true
+ check_response "Error ENOENT"
+ ceph fs rm_data_pool cephfs $data2_pool
+ ceph fs rm_data_pool cephfs $data3_pool
+ ceph osd pool delete data2 data2 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete data3 data3 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph fs set cephfs max_mds 4
+ ceph fs set cephfs max_mds 3
+ ceph fs set cephfs max_mds 256
+ expect_false ceph fs set cephfs max_mds 257
+ ceph fs set cephfs max_mds 4
+ ceph fs set cephfs max_mds 256
+ expect_false ceph fs set cephfs max_mds 257
+ expect_false ceph fs set cephfs max_mds asdf
+ expect_false ceph fs set cephfs inline_data true
+ ceph fs set cephfs inline_data true --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ ceph fs set cephfs inline_data yes --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ ceph fs set cephfs inline_data 1 --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ expect_false ceph fs set cephfs inline_data --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ ceph fs set cephfs inline_data false
+ ceph fs set cephfs inline_data no
+ ceph fs set cephfs inline_data 0
+ expect_false ceph fs set cephfs inline_data asdf
+ ceph fs set cephfs max_file_size 1048576
+ expect_false ceph fs set cephfs max_file_size 123asdf
+ expect_false ceph fs set cephfs allow_new_snaps
+ ceph fs set cephfs allow_new_snaps true
+ ceph fs set cephfs allow_new_snaps 0
+ ceph fs set cephfs allow_new_snaps false
+ ceph fs set cephfs allow_new_snaps no
+ expect_false ceph fs set cephfs allow_new_snaps taco
+ # we should never be able to add EC pools as data or metadata pools
+ # create an ec-pool...
+ ceph osd pool create mds-ec-pool 10 10 erasure
+ set +e
+ ceph fs add_data_pool cephfs mds-ec-pool 2>$TMPFILE
+ check_response 'erasure-code' $? 22
+ set -e
+ ec_poolnum=$(ceph osd dump | grep "pool.* 'mds-ec-pool" | awk '{print $2;}')
+ data_poolnum=$(ceph osd dump | grep "pool.* 'fs_data" | awk '{print $2;}')
+ metadata_poolnum=$(ceph osd dump | grep "pool.* 'fs_metadata" | awk '{print $2;}')
+ fail_all_mds $FS_NAME
+ set +e
+ # Check that rmfailed requires confirmation
+ expect_false ceph mds rmfailed 0
+ ceph mds rmfailed 0 --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ set -e
+ # Check that `fs new` is no longer permitted
+ expect_false ceph fs new cephfs $metadata_poolnum $data_poolnum --yes-i-really-mean-it 2>$TMPFILE
+ # Check that 'fs reset' runs
+ ceph fs reset $FS_NAME --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ # Check that creating a second FS fails by default
+ ceph osd pool create fs_metadata2 10
+ ceph osd pool create fs_data2 10
+ set +e
+ expect_false ceph fs new cephfs2 fs_metadata2 fs_data2
+ set -e
+ # Check that setting enable_multiple enables creation of second fs
+ ceph fs flag set enable_multiple true --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ ceph fs new cephfs2 fs_metadata2 fs_data2
+ # Clean up multi-fs stuff
+ fail_all_mds cephfs2
+ ceph fs rm cephfs2 --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete fs_metadata2 fs_metadata2 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete fs_data2 fs_data2 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ fail_all_mds $FS_NAME
+ # Clean up to enable subsequent fs new tests
+ ceph fs rm $FS_NAME --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ set +e
+ ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata mds-ec-pool --force 2>$TMPFILE
+ check_response 'erasure-code' $? 22
+ ceph fs new $FS_NAME mds-ec-pool fs_data 2>$TMPFILE
+ check_response 'erasure-code' $? 22
+ ceph fs new $FS_NAME mds-ec-pool mds-ec-pool 2>$TMPFILE
+ check_response 'erasure-code' $? 22
+ set -e
+ # ... new create a cache tier in front of the EC pool...
+ ceph osd pool create mds-tier 2
+ ceph osd tier add mds-ec-pool mds-tier
+ ceph osd tier set-overlay mds-ec-pool mds-tier
+ tier_poolnum=$(ceph osd dump | grep "pool.* 'mds-tier" | awk '{print $2;}')
+ # Use of a readonly tier should be forbidden
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode mds-tier readonly --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ set +e
+ ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata mds-ec-pool --force 2>$TMPFILE
+ check_response 'has a write tier (mds-tier) that is configured to forward' $? 22
+ set -e
+ # Use of a writeback tier should enable FS creation
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode mds-tier writeback
+ ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata mds-ec-pool --force
+ # While a FS exists using the tiered pools, I should not be allowed
+ # to remove the tier
+ set +e
+ ceph osd tier remove-overlay mds-ec-pool 2>$TMPFILE
+ check_response 'in use by CephFS' $? 16
+ ceph osd tier remove mds-ec-pool mds-tier 2>$TMPFILE
+ check_response 'in use by CephFS' $? 16
+ set -e
+ fail_all_mds $FS_NAME
+ ceph fs rm $FS_NAME --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ # ... but we should be forbidden from using the cache pool in the FS directly.
+ set +e
+ ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata mds-tier --force 2>$TMPFILE
+ check_response 'in use as a cache tier' $? 22
+ ceph fs new $FS_NAME mds-tier fs_data 2>$TMPFILE
+ check_response 'in use as a cache tier' $? 22
+ ceph fs new $FS_NAME mds-tier mds-tier 2>$TMPFILE
+ check_response 'in use as a cache tier' $? 22
+ set -e
+ # Clean up tier + EC pools
+ ceph osd tier remove-overlay mds-ec-pool
+ ceph osd tier remove mds-ec-pool mds-tier
+ # Create a FS using the 'cache' pool now that it's no longer a tier
+ ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata mds-tier --force
+ # We should be forbidden from using this pool as a tier now that
+ # it's in use for CephFS
+ set +e
+ ceph osd tier add mds-ec-pool mds-tier 2>$TMPFILE
+ check_response 'in use by CephFS' $? 16
+ set -e
+ fail_all_mds $FS_NAME
+ ceph fs rm $FS_NAME --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ # We should be permitted to use an EC pool with overwrites enabled
+ # as the data pool...
+ ceph osd pool set mds-ec-pool allow_ec_overwrites true
+ ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata mds-ec-pool --force 2>$TMPFILE
+ fail_all_mds $FS_NAME
+ ceph fs rm $FS_NAME --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ # ...but not as the metadata pool
+ set +e
+ ceph fs new $FS_NAME mds-ec-pool fs_data 2>$TMPFILE
+ check_response 'erasure-code' $? 22
+ set -e
+ ceph osd pool delete mds-ec-pool mds-ec-pool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ # Create a FS and check that we can subsequently add a cache tier to it
+ ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata fs_data --force
+ # Adding overlay to FS pool should be permitted, RADOS clients handle this.
+ ceph osd tier add fs_metadata mds-tier
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode mds-tier writeback
+ ceph osd tier set-overlay fs_metadata mds-tier
+ # Removing tier should be permitted because the underlying pool is
+ # replicated (#11504 case)
+ ceph osd tier cache-mode mds-tier proxy
+ ceph osd tier remove-overlay fs_metadata
+ ceph osd tier remove fs_metadata mds-tier
+ ceph osd pool delete mds-tier mds-tier --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ # Clean up FS
+ fail_all_mds $FS_NAME
+ ceph fs rm $FS_NAME --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ ceph mds stat
+ # ceph mds tell mds.a getmap
+ # ceph mds rm
+ # ceph mds rmfailed
+ # ceph mds set_state
+ ceph osd pool delete fs_data fs_data --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete fs_metadata fs_metadata --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+function test_mon_mds_metadata()
+ local nmons=$(ceph tell 'mon.*' version | grep -c 'version')
+ test "$nmons" -gt 0
+ ceph fs dump |
+ sed -nEe "s/^([0-9]+):.*'([a-z])' mds\\.([0-9]+)\\..*/\\1 \\2 \\3/p" |
+ while read gid id rank; do
+ ceph mds metadata ${gid} | grep '"hostname":'
+ ceph mds metadata ${id} | grep '"hostname":'
+ ceph mds metadata ${rank} | grep '"hostname":'
+ local n=$(ceph tell 'mon.*' mds metadata ${id} | grep -c '"hostname":')
+ test "$n" -eq "$nmons"
+ done
+ expect_false ceph mds metadata UNKNOWN
+function test_mon_mon()
+ # print help message
+ ceph --help mon
+ # no mon add/remove
+ ceph mon dump
+ ceph mon getmap -o $TEMP_DIR/monmap.$$
+ [ -s $TEMP_DIR/monmap.$$ ]
+ # ceph mon tell
+ ceph mon_status
+ # test mon features
+ ceph mon feature ls
+ ceph mon feature set kraken --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ expect_false ceph mon feature set abcd
+ expect_false ceph mon feature set abcd --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ # test mon stat
+ # don't check output, just ensure it does not fail.
+ ceph mon stat
+ ceph mon stat -f json | jq '.'
+function gen_secrets_file()
+ # lets assume we can have the following types
+ # all - generates both cephx and lockbox, with mock dm-crypt key
+ # cephx - only cephx
+ # no_cephx - lockbox and dm-crypt, no cephx
+ # no_lockbox - dm-crypt and cephx, no lockbox
+ # empty - empty file
+ # empty_json - correct json, empty map
+ # bad_json - bad json :)
+ #
+ local t=$1
+ if [[ -z "$t" ]]; then
+ t="all"
+ fi
+ fn=$(mktemp $TEMP_DIR/secret.XXXXXX)
+ echo $fn
+ if [[ "$t" == "empty" ]]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ echo "{" > $fn
+ if [[ "$t" == "bad_json" ]]; then
+ echo "asd: ; }" >> $fn
+ return 0
+ elif [[ "$t" == "empty_json" ]]; then
+ echo "}" >> $fn
+ return 0
+ fi
+ cephx_secret="\"cephx_secret\": \"$(ceph-authtool --gen-print-key)\""
+ lb_secret="\"cephx_lockbox_secret\": \"$(ceph-authtool --gen-print-key)\""
+ dmcrypt_key="\"dmcrypt_key\": \"$(ceph-authtool --gen-print-key)\""
+ if [[ "$t" == "all" ]]; then
+ echo "$cephx_secret,$lb_secret,$dmcrypt_key" >> $fn
+ elif [[ "$t" == "cephx" ]]; then
+ echo "$cephx_secret" >> $fn
+ elif [[ "$t" == "no_cephx" ]]; then
+ echo "$lb_secret,$dmcrypt_key" >> $fn
+ elif [[ "$t" == "no_lockbox" ]]; then
+ echo "$cephx_secret,$dmcrypt_key" >> $fn
+ else
+ echo "unknown gen_secrets_file() type \'$fn\'"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ echo "}" >> $fn
+ return 0
+function test_mon_osd_create_destroy()
+ ceph osd new 2>&1 | grep 'EINVAL'
+ ceph osd new '' -1 2>&1 | grep 'EINVAL'
+ ceph osd new '' 10 2>&1 | grep 'EINVAL'
+ old_maxosd=$(ceph osd getmaxosd | sed -e 's/max_osd = //' -e 's/ in epoch.*//')
+ old_osds=$(ceph osd ls)
+ num_osds=$(ceph osd ls | wc -l)
+ uuid=$(uuidgen)
+ id=$(ceph osd new $uuid 2>/dev/null)
+ for i in $old_osds; do
+ [[ "$i" != "$id" ]]
+ done
+ ceph osd find $id
+ id2=`ceph osd new $uuid 2>/dev/null`
+ [[ $id2 == $id ]]
+ ceph osd new $uuid $id
+ id3=$(ceph osd getmaxosd | sed -e 's/max_osd = //' -e 's/ in epoch.*//')
+ ceph osd new $uuid $((id3+1)) 2>&1 | grep EEXIST
+ uuid2=$(uuidgen)
+ id2=$(ceph osd new $uuid2)
+ ceph osd find $id2
+ [[ "$id2" != "$id" ]]
+ ceph osd new $uuid $id2 2>&1 | grep EEXIST
+ ceph osd new $uuid2 $id2
+ # test with secrets
+ empty_secrets=$(gen_secrets_file "empty")
+ empty_json=$(gen_secrets_file "empty_json")
+ all_secrets=$(gen_secrets_file "all")
+ cephx_only=$(gen_secrets_file "cephx")
+ no_cephx=$(gen_secrets_file "no_cephx")
+ no_lockbox=$(gen_secrets_file "no_lockbox")
+ bad_json=$(gen_secrets_file "bad_json")
+ # empty secrets should be idempotent
+ new_id=$(ceph osd new $uuid $id -i $empty_secrets)
+ [[ "$new_id" == "$id" ]]
+ # empty json, thus empty secrets
+ new_id=$(ceph osd new $uuid $id -i $empty_json)
+ [[ "$new_id" == "$id" ]]
+ ceph osd new $uuid $id -i $all_secrets 2>&1 | grep 'EEXIST'
+ ceph osd rm $id
+ ceph osd rm $id2
+ ceph osd setmaxosd $old_maxosd
+ ceph osd new $uuid -i $no_cephx 2>&1 | grep 'EINVAL'
+ ceph osd new $uuid -i $no_lockbox 2>&1 | grep 'EINVAL'
+ osds=$(ceph osd ls)
+ id=$(ceph osd new $uuid -i $all_secrets)
+ for i in $osds; do
+ [[ "$i" != "$id" ]]
+ done
+ ceph osd find $id
+ # validate secrets and dm-crypt are set
+ k=$(ceph auth get-key osd.$id --format=json-pretty 2>/dev/null | jq '.key')
+ s=$(cat $all_secrets | jq '.cephx_secret')
+ [[ $k == $s ]]
+ k=$(ceph auth get-key client.osd-lockbox.$uuid --format=json-pretty 2>/dev/null | \
+ jq '.key')
+ s=$(cat $all_secrets | jq '.cephx_lockbox_secret')
+ [[ $k == $s ]]
+ ceph config-key exists dm-crypt/osd/$uuid/luks
+ osds=$(ceph osd ls)
+ id2=$(ceph osd new $uuid2 -i $cephx_only)
+ for i in $osds; do
+ [[ "$i" != "$id2" ]]
+ done
+ ceph osd find $id2
+ k=$(ceph auth get-key osd.$id --format=json-pretty 2>/dev/null | jq '.key')
+ s=$(cat $all_secrets | jq '.cephx_secret')
+ [[ $k == $s ]]
+ expect_false ceph auth get-key client.osd-lockbox.$uuid2
+ expect_false ceph config-key exists dm-crypt/osd/$uuid2/luks
+ ceph osd destroy osd.$id2 --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd destroy $id2 --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd find $id2
+ expect_false ceph auth get-key osd.$id2
+ ceph osd dump | grep osd.$id2 | grep destroyed
+ id3=$id2
+ uuid3=$(uuidgen)
+ ceph osd new $uuid3 $id3 -i $all_secrets
+ ceph osd dump | grep osd.$id3 | expect_false grep destroyed
+ ceph auth get-key client.osd-lockbox.$uuid3
+ ceph auth get-key osd.$id3
+ ceph config-key exists dm-crypt/osd/$uuid3/luks
+ ceph osd purge-new osd.$id3 --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ expect_false ceph osd find $id2
+ expect_false ceph auth get-key osd.$id2
+ expect_false ceph auth get-key client.osd-lockbox.$uuid3
+ expect_false ceph config-key exists dm-crypt/osd/$uuid3/luks
+ ceph osd purge osd.$id3 --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd purge-new osd.$id3 --yes-i-really-mean-it # idempotent
+ ceph osd purge osd.$id --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd purge 123456 --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ expect_false ceph osd find $id
+ expect_false ceph auth get-key osd.$id
+ expect_false ceph auth get-key client.osd-lockbox.$uuid
+ expect_false ceph config-key exists dm-crypt/osd/$uuid/luks
+ rm $empty_secrets $empty_json $all_secrets $cephx_only \
+ $no_cephx $no_lockbox $bad_json
+ for i in $(ceph osd ls); do
+ [[ "$i" != "$id" ]]
+ [[ "$i" != "$id2" ]]
+ [[ "$i" != "$id3" ]]
+ done
+ [[ "$(ceph osd ls | wc -l)" == "$num_osds" ]]
+ ceph osd setmaxosd $old_maxosd
+function test_mon_config_key()
+ key=asdfasdfqwerqwreasdfuniquesa123df
+ ceph config-key list | grep -c $key | grep 0
+ ceph config-key get $key | grep -c bar | grep 0
+ ceph config-key set $key bar
+ ceph config-key get $key | grep bar
+ ceph config-key list | grep -c $key | grep 1
+ ceph config-key dump | grep $key | grep bar
+ ceph config-key rm $key
+ expect_false ceph config-key get $key
+ ceph config-key list | grep -c $key | grep 0
+ ceph config-key dump | grep -c $key | grep 0
+function test_mon_osd()
+ #
+ # osd blacklist
+ #
+ bl=
+ ceph osd blacklist add $bl
+ ceph osd blacklist ls | grep $bl
+ ceph osd blacklist ls --format=json-pretty | sed 's/\\\//\//' | grep $bl
+ ceph osd dump --format=json-pretty | grep $bl
+ ceph osd dump | grep $bl
+ ceph osd blacklist rm $bl
+ ceph osd blacklist ls | expect_false grep $bl
+ bl=
+ # test without nonce, invalid nonce
+ ceph osd blacklist add $bl
+ ceph osd blacklist ls | grep $bl
+ ceph osd blacklist rm $bl
+ ceph osd blacklist ls | expect_false grep $bl
+ expect_false "ceph osd blacklist $bl/-1"
+ expect_false "ceph osd blacklist $bl/foo"
+ # test with wrong address
+ expect_false "ceph osd blacklist 1234.56.78.90/100"
+ # Test `clear`
+ ceph osd blacklist add $bl
+ ceph osd blacklist ls | grep $bl
+ ceph osd blacklist clear
+ ceph osd blacklist ls | expect_false grep $bl
+ #
+ # osd crush
+ #
+ ceph osd crush reweight-all
+ ceph osd crush tunables legacy
+ ceph osd crush show-tunables | grep argonaut
+ ceph osd crush tunables bobtail
+ ceph osd crush show-tunables | grep bobtail
+ ceph osd crush tunables firefly
+ ceph osd crush show-tunables | grep firefly
+ ceph osd crush set-tunable straw_calc_version 0
+ ceph osd crush get-tunable straw_calc_version | grep 0
+ ceph osd crush set-tunable straw_calc_version 1
+ ceph osd crush get-tunable straw_calc_version | grep 1
+ #
+ # require-min-compat-client
+ expect_false ceph osd set-require-min-compat-client dumpling # firefly tunables
+ ceph osd set-require-min-compat-client luminous
+ ceph osd get-require-min-compat-client | grep luminous
+ ceph osd dump | grep 'require_min_compat_client luminous'
+ #
+ # osd scrub
+ #
+ # blocking
+ ceph osd scrub 0 --block
+ ceph osd deep-scrub 0 --block
+ # how do I tell when these are done?
+ ceph osd scrub 0
+ ceph osd deep-scrub 0
+ ceph osd repair 0
+ # pool scrub, force-recovery/backfill
+ pool_names=`rados lspools`
+ for pool_name in $pool_names
+ do
+ ceph osd pool scrub $pool_name
+ ceph osd pool deep-scrub $pool_name
+ ceph osd pool repair $pool_name
+ ceph osd pool force-recovery $pool_name
+ ceph osd pool cancel-force-recovery $pool_name
+ ceph osd pool force-backfill $pool_name
+ ceph osd pool cancel-force-backfill $pool_name
+ done
+ for f in noup nodown noin noout noscrub nodeep-scrub nobackfill \
+ norebalance norecover notieragent full
+ do
+ ceph osd set $f
+ ceph osd unset $f
+ done
+ expect_false ceph osd set bogus
+ expect_false ceph osd unset bogus
+ for f in sortbitwise recover_deletes require_jewel_osds \
+ require_kraken_osds
+ do
+ expect_false ceph osd set $f
+ expect_false ceph osd unset $f
+ done
+ ceph osd require-osd-release nautilus
+ # can't lower (or use new command for anything but jewel)
+ expect_false ceph osd require-osd-release jewel
+ # these are no-ops but should succeed.
+ ceph osd set noup
+ ceph osd down 0
+ ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0 down'
+ ceph osd unset noup
+ max_run=1000
+ for ((i=0; i < $max_run; i++)); do
+ if ! ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0 up'; then
+ echo "waiting for osd.0 to come back up ($i/$max_run)"
+ sleep 1
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0 up'
+ ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0 up'
+ # ceph osd find expects the OsdName, so both ints and osd.n should work.
+ ceph osd find 1
+ ceph osd find osd.1
+ expect_false ceph osd find
+ expect_false ceph osd find xyz
+ expect_false ceph osd find 0.1
+ ceph --format plain osd find 1 # falls back to json-pretty
+ if [ `uname` == Linux ]; then
+ ceph osd metadata 1 | grep 'distro'
+ ceph --format plain osd metadata 1 | grep 'distro' # falls back to json-pretty
+ fi
+ ceph osd out 0
+ ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0.*out'
+ ceph osd in 0
+ ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0.*in'
+ ceph osd find 0
+ ceph osd add-nodown 0 1
+ ceph health detail | grep 'NODOWN'
+ ceph osd rm-nodown 0 1
+ ! ceph health detail | grep 'NODOWN'
+ ceph osd out 0 # so we can mark it as noin later
+ ceph osd add-noin 0
+ ceph health detail | grep 'NOIN'
+ ceph osd rm-noin 0
+ ! ceph health detail | grep 'NOIN'
+ ceph osd in 0
+ ceph osd add-noout 0
+ ceph health detail | grep 'NOOUT'
+ ceph osd rm-noout 0
+ ! ceph health detail | grep 'NOOUT'
+ # test osd id parse
+ expect_false ceph osd add-noup 797er
+ expect_false ceph osd add-nodown u9uwer
+ expect_false ceph osd add-noin 78~15
+ expect_false ceph osd rm-noup 1234567
+ expect_false ceph osd rm-nodown fsadf7
+ expect_false ceph osd rm-noout 790-fd
+ ids=`ceph osd ls-tree default`
+ for osd in $ids
+ do
+ ceph osd add-nodown $osd
+ ceph osd add-noout $osd
+ done
+ ceph -s | grep 'NODOWN'
+ ceph -s | grep 'NOOUT'
+ ceph osd rm-nodown any
+ ceph osd rm-noout all
+ ! ceph -s | grep 'NODOWN'
+ ! ceph -s | grep 'NOOUT'
+ # test crush node flags
+ ceph osd add-noup osd.0
+ ceph osd add-nodown osd.0
+ ceph osd add-noin osd.0
+ ceph osd add-noout osd.0
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".crush_node_flags" | expect_false grep "osd.0"
+ ceph osd rm-noup osd.0
+ ceph osd rm-nodown osd.0
+ ceph osd rm-noin osd.0
+ ceph osd rm-noout osd.0
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".crush_node_flags" | expect_false grep "osd.0"
+ ceph osd crush add-bucket foo host root=default
+ ceph osd add-noup foo
+ ceph osd add-nodown foo
+ ceph osd add-noin foo
+ ceph osd add-noout foo
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".crush_node_flags" | grep foo
+ ceph osd rm-noup foo
+ ceph osd rm-nodown foo
+ ceph osd rm-noin foo
+ ceph osd rm-noout foo
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".crush_node_flags" | expect_false grep foo
+ ceph osd add-noup foo
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".crush_node_flags" | grep foo
+ ceph osd crush rm foo
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".crush_node_flags" | expect_false grep foo
+ ceph osd set-group noup osd.0
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd set-group noup,nodown osd.0
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'nodown'
+ ceph osd set-group noup,nodown,noin osd.0
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'nodown'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'noin'
+ ceph osd set-group noup,nodown,noin,noout osd.0
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'nodown'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'noin'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'noout'
+ ceph osd unset-group noup osd.0
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | expect_false grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'nodown'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'noin'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'noout'
+ ceph osd unset-group noup,nodown osd.0
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | expect_false grep 'noup\|nodown'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'noin'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'noout'
+ ceph osd unset-group noup,nodown,noin osd.0
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | expect_false grep 'noup\|nodown\|noin'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'noout'
+ ceph osd unset-group noup,nodown,noin,noout osd.0
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | expect_false grep 'noup\|nodown\|noin\|noout'
+ ceph osd set-group noup,nodown,noin,noout osd.0 osd.1
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'nodown'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'noin'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'noout'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[1].state" | grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[1].state" | grep 'nodown'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[1].state" | grep 'noin'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[1].state" | grep 'noout'
+ ceph osd unset-group noup,nodown,noin,noout osd.0 osd.1
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | expect_false grep 'noup\|nodown\|noin\|noout'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[1].state" | expect_false grep 'noup\|nodown\|noin\|noout'
+ ceph osd set-group noup all
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd unset-group noup all
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".osds[0].state" | expect_false grep 'noup'
+ # crush node flags
+ ceph osd crush add-bucket foo host root=default
+ ceph osd set-group noup foo
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd set-group noup,nodown foo
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'nodown'
+ ceph osd set-group noup,nodown,noin foo
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'nodown'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'noin'
+ ceph osd set-group noup,nodown,noin,noout foo
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'nodown'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'noin'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'noout'
+ ceph osd unset-group noup foo
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | expect_false grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'nodown'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'noin'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'noout'
+ ceph osd unset-group noup,nodown foo
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | expect_false grep 'noup\|nodown'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'noin'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'noout'
+ ceph osd unset-group noup,nodown,noin foo
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | expect_false grep 'noup\|nodown\|noin'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'noout'
+ ceph osd unset-group noup,nodown,noin,noout foo
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | expect_false grep 'noup\|nodown\|noin\|noout'
+ ceph osd set-group noin,noout foo
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'noin'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'noout'
+ ceph osd unset-group noin,noout foo
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".crush_node_flags" | expect_false grep 'foo'
+ ceph osd set-group noup,nodown,noin,noout foo
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'nodown'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'noin'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq "" | grep 'noout'
+ ceph osd crush rm foo
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".crush_node_flags" | expect_false grep 'foo'
+ # test device class flags
+ osd_0_device_class=$(ceph osd crush get-device-class osd.0)
+ ceph osd set-group noup $osd_0_device_class
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd set-group noup,nodown $osd_0_device_class
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'nodown'
+ ceph osd set-group noup,nodown,noin $osd_0_device_class
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'nodown'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'noin'
+ ceph osd set-group noup,nodown,noin,noout $osd_0_device_class
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'nodown'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'noin'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'noout'
+ ceph osd unset-group noup $osd_0_device_class
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | expect_false grep 'noup'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'nodown'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'noin'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'noout'
+ ceph osd unset-group noup,nodown $osd_0_device_class
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | expect_false grep 'noup\|nodown'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'noin'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'noout'
+ ceph osd unset-group noup,nodown,noin $osd_0_device_class
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | expect_false grep 'noup\|nodown\|noin'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'noout'
+ ceph osd unset-group noup,nodown,noin,noout $osd_0_device_class
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | expect_false grep 'noup\|nodown\|noin\|noout'
+ ceph osd set-group noin,noout $osd_0_device_class
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'noin'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".device_class_flags.$osd_0_device_class" | grep 'noout'
+ ceph osd unset-group noin,noout $osd_0_device_class
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | jq ".crush_node_flags" | expect_false grep $osd_0_device_class
+ # make sure mark out preserves weight
+ ceph osd reweight osd.0 .5
+ ceph osd dump | grep ^osd.0 | grep 'weight 0.5'
+ ceph osd out 0
+ ceph osd in 0
+ ceph osd dump | grep ^osd.0 | grep 'weight 0.5'
+ ceph osd getmap -o $f
+ [ -s $f ]
+ rm $f
+ save=$(ceph osd getmaxosd | sed -e 's/max_osd = //' -e 's/ in epoch.*//')
+ [ "$save" -gt 0 ]
+ ceph osd setmaxosd $((save - 1)) 2>&1 | grep 'EBUSY'
+ ceph osd setmaxosd 10
+ ceph osd getmaxosd | grep 'max_osd = 10'
+ ceph osd setmaxosd $save
+ ceph osd getmaxosd | grep "max_osd = $save"
+ for id in `ceph osd ls` ; do
+ retry_eagain 5 map_enxio_to_eagain ceph tell osd.$id version
+ done
+ ceph osd rm 0 2>&1 | grep 'EBUSY'
+ local old_osds=$(echo $(ceph osd ls))
+ id=`ceph osd create`
+ ceph osd find $id
+ ceph osd lost $id --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ expect_false ceph osd setmaxosd $id
+ local new_osds=$(echo $(ceph osd ls))
+ for id in $(echo $new_osds | sed -e "s/$old_osds//") ; do
+ ceph osd rm $id
+ done
+ uuid=`uuidgen`
+ id=`ceph osd create $uuid`
+ id2=`ceph osd create $uuid`
+ [ "$id" = "$id2" ]
+ ceph osd rm $id
+ ceph --help osd
+ # reset max_osd.
+ ceph osd setmaxosd $id
+ ceph osd getmaxosd | grep "max_osd = $save"
+ local max_osd=$save
+ ceph osd create $uuid 0 2>&1 | grep 'EINVAL'
+ ceph osd create $uuid $((max_osd - 1)) 2>&1 | grep 'EINVAL'
+ id=`ceph osd create $uuid $max_osd`
+ [ "$id" = "$max_osd" ]
+ ceph osd find $id
+ max_osd=$((max_osd + 1))
+ ceph osd getmaxosd | grep "max_osd = $max_osd"
+ ceph osd create $uuid $((id - 1)) 2>&1 | grep 'EEXIST'
+ ceph osd create $uuid $((id + 1)) 2>&1 | grep 'EEXIST'
+ id2=`ceph osd create $uuid`
+ [ "$id" = "$id2" ]
+ id2=`ceph osd create $uuid $id`
+ [ "$id" = "$id2" ]
+ uuid=`uuidgen`
+ local gap_start=$max_osd
+ id=`ceph osd create $uuid $((gap_start + 100))`
+ [ "$id" = "$((gap_start + 100))" ]
+ max_osd=$((id + 1))
+ ceph osd getmaxosd | grep "max_osd = $max_osd"
+ ceph osd create $uuid $gap_start 2>&1 | grep 'EEXIST'
+ #
+ # When CEPH_CLI_TEST_DUP_COMMAND is set, osd create
+ # is repeated and consumes two osd id, not just one.
+ #
+ local next_osd=$gap_start
+ id=`ceph osd create $(uuidgen)`
+ [ "$id" = "$next_osd" ]
+ next_osd=$((id + 1))
+ id=`ceph osd create $(uuidgen) $next_osd`
+ [ "$id" = "$next_osd" ]
+ local new_osds=$(echo $(ceph osd ls))
+ for id in $(echo $new_osds | sed -e "s/$old_osds//") ; do
+ [ $id -ge $save ]
+ ceph osd rm $id
+ done
+ ceph osd setmaxosd $save
+ ceph osd ls
+ ceph osd pool create data 10
+ ceph osd pool application enable data rados
+ ceph osd lspools | grep data
+ ceph osd map data foo | grep 'pool.*data.*object.*foo.*pg.*up.*acting'
+ ceph osd map data foo namespace| grep 'pool.*data.*object.*namespace/foo.*pg.*up.*acting'
+ ceph osd pool delete data data --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pause
+ ceph osd dump | grep 'flags.*pauserd,pausewr'
+ ceph osd unpause
+ ceph osd tree
+ ceph osd tree up
+ ceph osd tree down
+ ceph osd tree in
+ ceph osd tree out
+ ceph osd tree destroyed
+ ceph osd tree up in
+ ceph osd tree up out
+ ceph osd tree down in
+ ceph osd tree down out
+ ceph osd tree out down
+ expect_false ceph osd tree up down
+ expect_false ceph osd tree up destroyed
+ expect_false ceph osd tree down destroyed
+ expect_false ceph osd tree up down destroyed
+ expect_false ceph osd tree in out
+ expect_false ceph osd tree up foo
+ ceph osd metadata
+ ceph osd count-metadata os
+ ceph osd versions
+ ceph osd perf
+ ceph osd blocked-by
+ ceph osd stat | grep up
+function test_mon_crush()
+ f=$TEMP_DIR/map.$$
+ epoch=$(ceph osd getcrushmap -o $f 2>&1 | tail -n1)
+ [ -s $f ]
+ [ "$epoch" -gt 1 ]
+ nextepoch=$(( $epoch + 1 ))
+ echo epoch $epoch nextepoch $nextepoch
+ rm -f $f.epoch
+ expect_false ceph osd setcrushmap $nextepoch -i $f
+ gotepoch=$(ceph osd setcrushmap $epoch -i $f 2>&1 | tail -n1)
+ echo gotepoch $gotepoch
+ [ "$gotepoch" -eq "$nextepoch" ]
+ # should be idempotent
+ gotepoch=$(ceph osd setcrushmap $epoch -i $f 2>&1 | tail -n1)
+ echo epoch $gotepoch
+ [ "$gotepoch" -eq "$nextepoch" ]
+ rm $f
+function test_mon_osd_pool()
+ #
+ # osd pool
+ #
+ ceph osd pool create data 10
+ ceph osd pool application enable data rados
+ ceph osd pool mksnap data datasnap
+ rados -p data lssnap | grep datasnap
+ ceph osd pool rmsnap data datasnap
+ expect_false ceph osd pool rmsnap pool_fake snapshot
+ ceph osd pool delete data data --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool create data2 10
+ ceph osd pool application enable data2 rados
+ ceph osd pool rename data2 data3
+ ceph osd lspools | grep data3
+ ceph osd pool delete data3 data3 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool create replicated 12 12 replicated
+ ceph osd pool create replicated 12 12 replicated
+ ceph osd pool create replicated 12 12 # default is replicated
+ ceph osd pool create replicated 12 # default is replicated, pgp_num = pg_num
+ ceph osd pool application enable replicated rados
+ # should fail because the type is not the same
+ expect_false ceph osd pool create replicated 12 12 erasure
+ ceph osd lspools | grep replicated
+ ceph osd pool create ec_test 1 1 erasure
+ ceph osd pool application enable ec_test rados
+ set +e
+ ceph osd count-metadata osd_objectstore | grep 'bluestore'
+ if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then # enable ec_overwrites on non-bluestore pools should fail
+ ceph osd pool set ec_test allow_ec_overwrites true >& $TMPFILE
+ check_response "pool must only be stored on bluestore for scrubbing to work" $? 22
+ else
+ ceph osd pool set ec_test allow_ec_overwrites true || return 1
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set ec_test allow_ec_overwrites false
+ fi
+ set -e
+ ceph osd pool delete replicated replicated --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete ec_test ec_test --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ # test create pool with rule
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile set foo foo
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile ls | grep foo
+ ceph osd crush rule create-erasure foo foo
+ ceph osd pool create erasure 12 12 erasure foo
+ expect_false ceph osd erasure-code-profile rm foo
+ ceph osd pool delete erasure erasure --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd crush rule rm foo
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile rm foo
+function test_mon_osd_pool_quota()
+ #
+ # test osd pool set/get quota
+ #
+ # create tmp pool
+ ceph osd pool create tmp-quota-pool 36
+ ceph osd pool application enable tmp-quota-pool rados
+ #
+ # set erroneous quotas
+ #
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set-quota tmp-quota-pool max_fooness 10
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set-quota tmp-quota-pool max_bytes -1
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set-quota tmp-quota-pool max_objects aaa
+ #
+ # set valid quotas
+ #
+ ceph osd pool set-quota tmp-quota-pool max_bytes 10
+ ceph osd pool set-quota tmp-quota-pool max_objects 10M
+ #
+ # get quotas in json-pretty format
+ #
+ ceph osd pool get-quota tmp-quota-pool --format=json-pretty | \
+ grep '"quota_max_objects":.*10000000'
+ ceph osd pool get-quota tmp-quota-pool --format=json-pretty | \
+ grep '"quota_max_bytes":.*10'
+ #
+ # get quotas
+ #
+ ceph osd pool get-quota tmp-quota-pool | grep 'max bytes.*10 B'
+ ceph osd pool get-quota tmp-quota-pool | grep 'max objects.*10.*M objects'
+ #
+ # set valid quotas with unit prefix
+ #
+ ceph osd pool set-quota tmp-quota-pool max_bytes 10K
+ #
+ # get quotas
+ #
+ ceph osd pool get-quota tmp-quota-pool | grep 'max bytes.*10 Ki'
+ #
+ # set valid quotas with unit prefix
+ #
+ ceph osd pool set-quota tmp-quota-pool max_bytes 10Ki
+ #
+ # get quotas
+ #
+ ceph osd pool get-quota tmp-quota-pool | grep 'max bytes.*10 Ki'
+ #
+ #
+ # reset pool quotas
+ #
+ ceph osd pool set-quota tmp-quota-pool max_bytes 0
+ ceph osd pool set-quota tmp-quota-pool max_objects 0
+ #
+ # test N/A quotas
+ #
+ ceph osd pool get-quota tmp-quota-pool | grep 'max bytes.*N/A'
+ ceph osd pool get-quota tmp-quota-pool | grep 'max objects.*N/A'
+ #
+ # cleanup tmp pool
+ ceph osd pool delete tmp-quota-pool tmp-quota-pool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+function test_mon_pg()
+ # Make sure we start healthy.
+ wait_for_health_ok
+ ceph pg debug unfound_objects_exist
+ ceph pg debug degraded_pgs_exist
+ ceph pg deep-scrub 1.0
+ ceph pg dump
+ ceph pg dump pgs_brief --format=json
+ ceph pg dump pgs --format=json
+ ceph pg dump pools --format=json
+ ceph pg dump osds --format=json
+ ceph pg dump sum --format=json
+ ceph pg dump all --format=json
+ ceph pg dump pgs_brief osds --format=json
+ ceph pg dump pools osds pgs_brief --format=json
+ ceph pg dump_json
+ ceph pg dump_pools_json
+ ceph pg dump_stuck inactive
+ ceph pg dump_stuck unclean
+ ceph pg dump_stuck stale
+ ceph pg dump_stuck undersized
+ ceph pg dump_stuck degraded
+ ceph pg ls
+ ceph pg ls 1
+ ceph pg ls stale
+ expect_false ceph pg ls scrubq
+ ceph pg ls active stale repair recovering
+ ceph pg ls 1 active
+ ceph pg ls 1 active stale
+ ceph pg ls-by-primary osd.0
+ ceph pg ls-by-primary osd.0 1
+ ceph pg ls-by-primary osd.0 active
+ ceph pg ls-by-primary osd.0 active stale
+ ceph pg ls-by-primary osd.0 1 active stale
+ ceph pg ls-by-osd osd.0
+ ceph pg ls-by-osd osd.0 1
+ ceph pg ls-by-osd osd.0 active
+ ceph pg ls-by-osd osd.0 active stale
+ ceph pg ls-by-osd osd.0 1 active stale
+ ceph pg ls-by-pool rbd
+ ceph pg ls-by-pool rbd active stale
+ # can't test this...
+ # ceph pg force_create_pg
+ ceph pg getmap -o $TEMP_DIR/map.$$
+ [ -s $TEMP_DIR/map.$$ ]
+ ceph pg map 1.0 | grep acting
+ ceph pg repair 1.0
+ ceph pg scrub 1.0
+ ceph osd set-full-ratio .962
+ ceph osd dump | grep '^full_ratio 0.962'
+ ceph osd set-backfillfull-ratio .912
+ ceph osd dump | grep '^backfillfull_ratio 0.912'
+ ceph osd set-nearfull-ratio .892
+ ceph osd dump | grep '^nearfull_ratio 0.892'
+ # Check health status
+ ceph osd set-nearfull-ratio .913
+ ceph health -f json | grep OSD_OUT_OF_ORDER_FULL
+ ceph health detail | grep OSD_OUT_OF_ORDER_FULL
+ ceph osd set-nearfull-ratio .892
+ ceph osd set-backfillfull-ratio .963
+ ceph health -f json | grep OSD_OUT_OF_ORDER_FULL
+ ceph health detail | grep OSD_OUT_OF_ORDER_FULL
+ ceph osd set-backfillfull-ratio .912
+ # Check injected full results
+ $SUDO ceph --admin-daemon $(get_admin_socket osd.0) injectfull nearfull
+ wait_for_health "OSD_NEARFULL"
+ ceph health detail | grep "osd.0 is near full"
+ $SUDO ceph --admin-daemon $(get_admin_socket osd.0) injectfull none
+ wait_for_health_ok
+ $SUDO ceph --admin-daemon $(get_admin_socket osd.1) injectfull backfillfull
+ wait_for_health "OSD_BACKFILLFULL"
+ ceph health detail | grep "osd.1 is backfill full"
+ $SUDO ceph --admin-daemon $(get_admin_socket osd.1) injectfull none
+ wait_for_health_ok
+ $SUDO ceph --admin-daemon $(get_admin_socket osd.2) injectfull failsafe
+ # failsafe and full are the same as far as the monitor is concerned
+ wait_for_health "OSD_FULL"
+ ceph health detail | grep "osd.2 is full"
+ $SUDO ceph --admin-daemon $(get_admin_socket osd.2) injectfull none
+ wait_for_health_ok
+ $SUDO ceph --admin-daemon $(get_admin_socket osd.0) injectfull full
+ wait_for_health "OSD_FULL"
+ ceph health detail | grep "osd.0 is full"
+ $SUDO ceph --admin-daemon $(get_admin_socket osd.0) injectfull none
+ wait_for_health_ok
+ ceph pg stat | grep 'pgs:'
+ ceph pg 1.0 query
+ ceph tell 1.0 query
+ ceph quorum enter
+ ceph quorum_status
+ ceph report | grep osd_stats
+ ceph status
+ ceph -s
+ #
+ # tell osd version
+ #
+ ceph tell osd.0 version
+ expect_false ceph tell osd.9999 version
+ expect_false ceph tell version
+ # back to pg stuff
+ ceph tell osd.0 dump_pg_recovery_stats | grep Started
+ ceph osd reweight 0 0.9
+ expect_false ceph osd reweight 0 -1
+ ceph osd reweight osd.0 1
+ ceph osd primary-affinity osd.0 .9
+ expect_false ceph osd primary-affinity osd.0 -2
+ expect_false ceph osd primary-affinity osd.9999 .5
+ ceph osd primary-affinity osd.0 1
+ ceph osd pool set rbd size 2
+ ceph osd pg-temp 1.0 0 1
+ ceph osd pg-temp 1.0 osd.1 osd.0
+ expect_false ceph osd pg-temp 1.0 0 1 2
+ expect_false ceph osd pg-temp asdf qwer
+ expect_false ceph osd pg-temp 1.0 asdf
+ ceph osd pg-temp 1.0 # cleanup pg-temp
+ ceph pg repeer 1.0
+ expect_false ceph pg repeer 0.0 # pool 0 shouldn't exist anymore
+ # don't test ceph osd primary-temp for now
+function test_mon_osd_pool_set()
+ TEST_POOL_GETSET=pool_getset
+ ceph osd pool create $TEST_POOL_GETSET 1
+ ceph osd pool application enable $TEST_POOL_GETSET rados
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET pg_autoscale_mode off
+ wait_for_clean
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET all
+ for s in pg_num pgp_num size min_size crush_rule; do
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET $s
+ done
+ old_size=$(ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET size | sed -e 's/size: //')
+ (( new_size = old_size + 1 ))
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET size $new_size
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET size | grep "size: $new_size"
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET size $old_size
+ ceph osd pool create pool_erasure 1 1 erasure
+ ceph osd pool application enable pool_erasure rados
+ wait_for_clean
+ set +e
+ ceph osd pool set pool_erasure size 4444 2>$TMPFILE
+ check_response 'not change the size'
+ set -e
+ ceph osd pool get pool_erasure erasure_code_profile
+ for flag in nodelete nopgchange nosizechange write_fadvise_dontneed noscrub nodeep-scrub; do
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag false
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag | grep "$flag: false"
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag true
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag | grep "$flag: true"
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag 1
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag | grep "$flag: true"
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag 0
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag | grep "$flag: false"
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag asdf
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag 2
+ done
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_min_interval | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_min_interval 123456
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_min_interval | grep 'scrub_min_interval: 123456'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_min_interval 0
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_min_interval | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_max_interval | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_max_interval 123456
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_max_interval | grep 'scrub_max_interval: 123456'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_max_interval 0
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_max_interval | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET deep_scrub_interval | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET deep_scrub_interval 123456
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET deep_scrub_interval | grep 'deep_scrub_interval: 123456'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET deep_scrub_interval 0
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET deep_scrub_interval | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_priority | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_priority 5
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_priority | grep 'recovery_priority: 5'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_priority -5
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_priority | grep 'recovery_priority: -5'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_priority 0
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_priority | expect_false grep '.'
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_priority -11
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_priority 11
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_op_priority | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_op_priority 5
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_op_priority | grep 'recovery_op_priority: 5'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_op_priority 0
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_op_priority | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_priority | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_priority 5
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_priority | grep 'scrub_priority: 5'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_priority 0
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_priority | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET nopgchange 1
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET pg_num 10
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET pgp_num 10
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET nopgchange 0
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET pg_num 10
+ wait_for_clean
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET pgp_num 10
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET pg_num 0
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET pgp_num 0
+ old_pgs=$(ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET pg_num | sed -e 's/pg_num: //')
+ new_pgs=$(($old_pgs + $(ceph osd stat --format json | jq '.num_osds') * 32))
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET pg_num $new_pgs
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET pgp_num $new_pgs
+ wait_for_clean
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET nosizechange 1
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET size 2
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET min_size 2
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET nosizechange 0
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET size 2
+ wait_for_clean
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET min_size 2
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET hashpspool 0
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET hashpspool 0 --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET hashpspool 1
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET hashpspool 1 --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool get rbd crush_rule | grep 'crush_rule: '
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET compression_mode | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET compression_mode aggressive
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET compression_mode | grep 'aggressive'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET compression_mode unset
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET compression_mode | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET compression_algorithm | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET compression_algorithm zlib
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET compression_algorithm | grep 'zlib'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET compression_algorithm unset
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET compression_algorithm | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET compression_required_ratio | expect_false grep '.'
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET compression_required_ratio 1.1
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET compression_required_ratio -.2
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET compression_required_ratio .2
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET compression_required_ratio | grep '.2'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET compression_required_ratio 0
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET compression_required_ratio | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET csum_type | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET csum_type crc32c
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET csum_type | grep 'crc32c'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET csum_type unset
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET csum_type | expect_false grep '.'
+ for size in compression_max_blob_size compression_min_blob_size csum_max_block csum_min_block; do
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET $size | expect_false grep '.'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET $size 100
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET $size | grep '100'
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET $size 0
+ ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET $size | expect_false grep '.'
+ done
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET nodelete 1
+ expect_false ceph osd pool delete $TEST_POOL_GETSET $TEST_POOL_GETSET --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET nodelete 0
+ ceph osd pool delete $TEST_POOL_GETSET $TEST_POOL_GETSET --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+function test_mon_osd_tiered_pool_set()
+ # this is really a tier pool
+ ceph osd pool create real-tier 2
+ ceph osd tier add rbd real-tier
+ # expect us to be unable to set negative values for hit_set_*
+ for o in hit_set_period hit_set_count hit_set_fpp; do
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set real_tier $o -1
+ done
+ # and hit_set_fpp should be in range 0..1
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set real_tier hit_set_fpp 2
+ ceph osd pool set real-tier hit_set_type explicit_hash
+ ceph osd pool get real-tier hit_set_type | grep "hit_set_type: explicit_hash"
+ ceph osd pool set real-tier hit_set_type explicit_object
+ ceph osd pool get real-tier hit_set_type | grep "hit_set_type: explicit_object"
+ ceph osd pool set real-tier hit_set_type bloom
+ ceph osd pool get real-tier hit_set_type | grep "hit_set_type: bloom"
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set real-tier hit_set_type i_dont_exist
+ ceph osd pool set real-tier hit_set_period 123
+ ceph osd pool get real-tier hit_set_period | grep "hit_set_period: 123"
+ ceph osd pool set real-tier hit_set_count 12
+ ceph osd pool get real-tier hit_set_count | grep "hit_set_count: 12"
+ ceph osd pool set real-tier hit_set_fpp .01
+ ceph osd pool get real-tier hit_set_fpp | grep "hit_set_fpp: 0.01"
+ ceph osd pool set real-tier target_max_objects 123
+ ceph osd pool get real-tier target_max_objects | \
+ grep 'target_max_objects:[ \t]\+123'
+ ceph osd pool set real-tier target_max_bytes 123456
+ ceph osd pool get real-tier target_max_bytes | \
+ grep 'target_max_bytes:[ \t]\+123456'
+ ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_dirty_ratio .123
+ ceph osd pool get real-tier cache_target_dirty_ratio | \
+ grep 'cache_target_dirty_ratio:[ \t]\+0.123'
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_dirty_ratio -.2
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_dirty_ratio 1.1
+ ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_dirty_high_ratio .123
+ ceph osd pool get real-tier cache_target_dirty_high_ratio | \
+ grep 'cache_target_dirty_high_ratio:[ \t]\+0.123'
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_dirty_high_ratio -.2
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_dirty_high_ratio 1.1
+ ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_full_ratio .123
+ ceph osd pool get real-tier cache_target_full_ratio | \
+ grep 'cache_target_full_ratio:[ \t]\+0.123'
+ ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | grep '"cache_target_full_ratio_micro": 123000'
+ ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_full_ratio 1.0
+ ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_full_ratio 0
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_full_ratio 1.1
+ ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_min_flush_age 123
+ ceph osd pool get real-tier cache_min_flush_age | \
+ grep 'cache_min_flush_age:[ \t]\+123'
+ ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_min_evict_age 234
+ ceph osd pool get real-tier cache_min_evict_age | \
+ grep 'cache_min_evict_age:[ \t]\+234'
+ # this is not a tier pool
+ ceph osd pool create fake-tier 2
+ ceph osd pool application enable fake-tier rados
+ wait_for_clean
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier hit_set_type explicit_hash
+ expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier hit_set_type
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier hit_set_type explicit_object
+ expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier hit_set_type
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier hit_set_type bloom
+ expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier hit_set_type
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier hit_set_type i_dont_exist
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier hit_set_period 123
+ expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier hit_set_period
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier hit_set_count 12
+ expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier hit_set_count
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier hit_set_fpp .01
+ expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier hit_set_fpp
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier target_max_objects 123
+ expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier target_max_objects
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier target_max_bytes 123456
+ expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier target_max_bytes
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_dirty_ratio .123
+ expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier cache_target_dirty_ratio
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_dirty_ratio -.2
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_dirty_ratio 1.1
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_dirty_high_ratio .123
+ expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier cache_target_dirty_high_ratio
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_dirty_high_ratio -.2
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_dirty_high_ratio 1.1
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_full_ratio .123
+ expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier cache_target_full_ratio
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_full_ratio 1.0
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_full_ratio 0
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_full_ratio 1.1
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_min_flush_age 123
+ expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier cache_min_flush_age
+ expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_min_evict_age 234
+ expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier cache_min_evict_age
+ ceph osd tier remove rbd real-tier
+ ceph osd pool delete real-tier real-tier --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete fake-tier fake-tier --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+function test_mon_osd_erasure_code()
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile set fooprofile a=b c=d
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile set fooprofile a=b c=d
+ expect_false ceph osd erasure-code-profile set fooprofile a=b c=d e=f
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile set fooprofile a=b c=d e=f --force
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile set fooprofile a=b c=d e=f
+ expect_false ceph osd erasure-code-profile set fooprofile a=b c=d e=f g=h
+ # make sure ruleset-foo doesn't work anymore
+ expect_false ceph osd erasure-code-profile set barprofile ruleset-failure-domain=host
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile set barprofile crush-failure-domain=host
+ # clean up
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile rm fooprofile
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile rm barprofile
+ # try weird k and m values
+ expect_false ceph osd erasure-code-profile set badk k=1 m=1
+ expect_false ceph osd erasure-code-profile set badk k=1 m=2
+ expect_false ceph osd erasure-code-profile set badk k=0 m=2
+ expect_false ceph osd erasure-code-profile set badk k=-1 m=2
+ expect_false ceph osd erasure-code-profile set badm k=2 m=0
+ expect_false ceph osd erasure-code-profile set badm k=2 m=-1
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile set good k=2 m=1
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile rm good
+function test_mon_osd_misc()
+ set +e
+ # expect error about missing 'pool' argument
+ ceph osd map 2>$TMPFILE; check_response 'pool' $? 22
+ # expect error about unused argument foo
+ ceph osd ls foo 2>$TMPFILE; check_response 'unused' $? 22
+ # expect "not in range" for invalid overload percentage
+ ceph osd reweight-by-utilization 80 2>$TMPFILE; check_response 'higher than 100' $? 22
+ set -e
+ ceph osd reweight-by-utilization 110
+ ceph osd reweight-by-utilization 110 .5
+ expect_false ceph osd reweight-by-utilization 110 0
+ expect_false ceph osd reweight-by-utilization 110 -0.1
+ ceph osd test-reweight-by-utilization 110 .5 --no-increasing
+ ceph osd test-reweight-by-utilization 110 .5 4 --no-increasing
+ expect_false ceph osd test-reweight-by-utilization 110 .5 0 --no-increasing
+ expect_false ceph osd test-reweight-by-utilization 110 .5 -10 --no-increasing
+ ceph osd reweight-by-pg 110
+ ceph osd test-reweight-by-pg 110 .5
+ ceph osd reweight-by-pg 110 rbd
+ ceph osd reweight-by-pg 110 .5 rbd
+ expect_false ceph osd reweight-by-pg 110 boguspoolasdfasdfasdf
+function test_mon_heap_profiler()
+ do_test=1
+ set +e
+ # expect 'heap' commands to be correctly parsed
+ ceph heap stats 2>$TMPFILE
+ if [[ $? -eq 22 && `grep 'tcmalloc not enabled' $TMPFILE` ]]; then
+ echo "tcmalloc not enabled; skip heap profiler test"
+ do_test=0
+ fi
+ set -e
+ [[ $do_test -eq 0 ]] && return 0
+ ceph heap start_profiler
+ ceph heap dump
+ ceph heap stop_profiler
+ ceph heap release
+function test_admin_heap_profiler()
+ do_test=1
+ set +e
+ # expect 'heap' commands to be correctly parsed
+ ceph heap stats 2>$TMPFILE
+ if [[ $? -eq 22 && `grep 'tcmalloc not enabled' $TMPFILE` ]]; then
+ echo "tcmalloc not enabled; skip heap profiler test"
+ do_test=0
+ fi
+ set -e
+ [[ $do_test -eq 0 ]] && return 0
+ local admin_socket=$(get_admin_socket osd.0)
+ $SUDO ceph --admin-daemon $admin_socket heap start_profiler
+ $SUDO ceph --admin-daemon $admin_socket heap dump
+ $SUDO ceph --admin-daemon $admin_socket heap stop_profiler
+ $SUDO ceph --admin-daemon $admin_socket heap release
+function test_osd_bench()
+ # test osd bench limits
+ # As we should not rely on defaults (as they may change over time),
+ # lets inject some values and perform some simple tests
+ # max iops: 10 # 100 IOPS
+ # max throughput: 10485760 # 10MB/s
+ # max block size: 2097152 # 2MB
+ # duration: 10 # 10 seconds
+ local args="\
+ --osd-bench-duration 10 \
+ --osd-bench-max-block-size 2097152 \
+ --osd-bench-large-size-max-throughput 10485760 \
+ --osd-bench-small-size-max-iops 10"
+ ceph tell osd.0 injectargs ${args## }
+ # anything with a bs larger than 2097152 must fail
+ expect_false ceph tell osd.0 bench 1 2097153
+ # but using 'osd_bench_max_bs' must succeed
+ ceph tell osd.0 bench 1 2097152
+ # we assume 1MB as a large bs; anything lower is a small bs
+ # for a 4096 bytes bs, for 10 seconds, we are limited by IOPS
+ # max count: 409600 (bytes)
+ # more than max count must not be allowed
+ expect_false ceph tell osd.0 bench 409601 4096
+ # but 409600 must be succeed
+ ceph tell osd.0 bench 409600 4096
+ # for a large bs, we are limited by throughput.
+ # for a 2MB block size for 10 seconds, assuming 10MB/s throughput,
+ # the max count will be (10MB * 10s) = 100MB
+ # max count: 104857600 (bytes)
+ # more than max count must not be allowed
+ expect_false ceph tell osd.0 bench 104857601 2097152
+ # up to max count must be allowed
+ ceph tell osd.0 bench 104857600 2097152
+function test_osd_negative_filestore_merge_threshold()
+ $SUDO ceph daemon osd.0 config set filestore_merge_threshold -1
+ expect_config_value "osd.0" "filestore_merge_threshold" -1
+function test_mon_tell()
+ ceph tell mon.a version
+ ceph tell mon.b version
+ expect_false ceph tell version
+ sleep 1
+ ceph_watch_start debug audit
+ ceph tell mon.a version
+ ceph_watch_wait 'mon.a \[DBG\] from.*cmd=\[{"prefix": "version"}\]: dispatch'
+ ceph_watch_start debug audit
+ ceph tell mon.b version
+ ceph_watch_wait 'mon.b \[DBG\] from.*cmd=\[{"prefix": "version"}\]: dispatch'
+function test_mon_ping()
+ ceph ping mon.a
+ ceph ping mon.b
+ expect_false ceph ping
+ ceph ping mon.\*
+function test_mon_deprecated_commands()
+ # current DEPRECATED commands are:
+ # ceph compact
+ # ceph scrub
+ # ceph sync force
+ #
+ # Testing should be accomplished by setting
+ # 'mon_debug_deprecated_as_obsolete = true' and expecting ENOTSUP for
+ # each one of these commands.
+ ceph tell mon.a injectargs '--mon-debug-deprecated-as-obsolete'
+ expect_false ceph tell mon.a compact 2> $TMPFILE
+ check_response "\(EOPNOTSUPP\|ENOTSUP\): command is obsolete"
+ expect_false ceph tell mon.a scrub 2> $TMPFILE
+ check_response "\(EOPNOTSUPP\|ENOTSUP\): command is obsolete"
+ expect_false ceph tell mon.a sync force 2> $TMPFILE
+ check_response "\(EOPNOTSUPP\|ENOTSUP\): command is obsolete"
+ ceph tell mon.a injectargs '--no-mon-debug-deprecated-as-obsolete'
+function test_mon_cephdf_commands()
+ # ceph df detail:
+ # pool section:
+ # RAW USED The near raw used per pool in raw total
+ ceph osd pool create cephdf_for_test 1 1 replicated
+ ceph osd pool application enable cephdf_for_test rados
+ ceph osd pool set cephdf_for_test size 2
+ dd if=/dev/zero of=./cephdf_for_test bs=4k count=1
+ rados put cephdf_for_test cephdf_for_test -p cephdf_for_test
+ #wait for update
+ for i in `seq 1 10`; do
+ rados -p cephdf_for_test ls - | grep -q cephdf_for_test && break
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ # "rados ls" goes straight to osd, but "ceph df" is served by mon. so we need
+ # to sync mon with osd
+ flush_pg_stats
+ local jq_filter='.pools | .[] | select(.name == "cephdf_for_test") | .stats'
+ stored=`ceph df detail --format=json | jq "$jq_filter.stored * 2"`
+ stored_raw=`ceph df detail --format=json | jq "$jq_filter.stored_raw"`
+ ceph osd pool delete cephdf_for_test cephdf_for_test --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ rm ./cephdf_for_test
+ expect_false test $stored != $stored_raw
+function test_mon_pool_application()
+ ceph osd pool create app_for_test 10
+ ceph osd pool application enable app_for_test rbd
+ expect_false ceph osd pool application enable app_for_test rgw
+ ceph osd pool application enable app_for_test rgw --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool ls detail | grep "application rbd,rgw"
+ ceph osd pool ls detail --format=json | grep '"application_metadata":{"rbd":{},"rgw":{}}'
+ expect_false ceph osd pool application set app_for_test cephfs key value
+ ceph osd pool application set app_for_test rbd key1 value1
+ ceph osd pool application set app_for_test rbd key2 value2
+ ceph osd pool application set app_for_test rgw key1 value1
+ ceph osd pool application get app_for_test rbd key1 | grep 'value1'
+ ceph osd pool application get app_for_test rbd key2 | grep 'value2'
+ ceph osd pool application get app_for_test rgw key1 | grep 'value1'
+ ceph osd pool ls detail --format=json | grep '"application_metadata":{"rbd":{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"},"rgw":{"key1":"value1"}}'
+ ceph osd pool application rm app_for_test rgw key1
+ ceph osd pool ls detail --format=json | grep '"application_metadata":{"rbd":{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"},"rgw":{}}'
+ ceph osd pool application rm app_for_test rbd key2
+ ceph osd pool ls detail --format=json | grep '"application_metadata":{"rbd":{"key1":"value1"},"rgw":{}}'
+ ceph osd pool application rm app_for_test rbd key1
+ ceph osd pool ls detail --format=json | grep '"application_metadata":{"rbd":{},"rgw":{}}'
+ ceph osd pool application rm app_for_test rbd key1 # should be idempotent
+ expect_false ceph osd pool application disable app_for_test rgw
+ ceph osd pool application disable app_for_test rgw --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool application disable app_for_test rgw --yes-i-really-mean-it # should be idempotent
+ ceph osd pool ls detail | grep "application rbd"
+ ceph osd pool ls detail --format=json | grep '"application_metadata":{"rbd":{}}'
+ ceph osd pool application disable app_for_test rgw --yes-i-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool ls detail | grep -v "application "
+ ceph osd pool ls detail --format=json | grep '"application_metadata":{}'
+ ceph osd pool rm app_for_test app_for_test --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+function test_mon_tell_help_command()
+ ceph tell mon.a help
+ # wrong target
+ expect_false ceph tell mon.zzz help
+function test_mon_stdin_stdout()
+ echo foo | ceph config-key set test_key -i -
+ ceph config-key get test_key -o - | grep -c foo | grep -q 1
+function test_osd_tell_help_command()
+ ceph tell osd.1 help
+ expect_false ceph tell osd.100 help
+function test_osd_compact()
+ ceph tell osd.1 compact
+ $SUDO ceph daemon osd.1 compact
+function test_mds_tell_help_command()
+ local FS_NAME=cephfs
+ if ! mds_exists ; then
+ echo "Skipping test, no MDS found"
+ return
+ fi
+ remove_all_fs
+ ceph osd pool create fs_data 10
+ ceph osd pool create fs_metadata 10
+ ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata fs_data
+ wait_mds_active $FS_NAME
+ ceph tell mds.a help
+ expect_false ceph tell mds.z help
+ remove_all_fs
+ ceph osd pool delete fs_data fs_data --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool delete fs_metadata fs_metadata --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+function test_mgr_tell()
+ ceph tell mgr help
+ #ceph tell mgr fs status # see
+ ceph tell mgr osd status
+function test_mgr_devices()
+ ceph device ls
+ expect_false ceph device info doesnotexist
+ expect_false ceph device get-health-metrics doesnotexist
+function test_per_pool_scrub_status()
+ ceph osd pool create noscrub_pool 12
+ ceph osd pool create noscrub_pool2 12
+ ceph -s | expect_false grep -q "Some pool(s) have the.*scrub.* flag(s) set"
+ ceph -s --format json | \
+ jq .health.checks.POOL_SCRUB_FLAGS.summary.message | \
+ expect_false grep -q "Some pool(s) have the.*scrub.* flag(s) set"
+ ceph report | jq .health.checks.POOL_SCRUB_FLAGS.detail |
+ expect_false grep -q "Pool .* has .*scrub.* flag"
+ ceph health detail | jq .health.checks.POOL_SCRUB_FLAGS.detail | \
+ expect_false grep -q "Pool .* has .*scrub.* flag"
+ ceph osd pool set noscrub_pool noscrub 1
+ ceph -s | expect_true grep -q "Some pool(s) have the noscrub flag(s) set"
+ ceph -s --format json | \
+ jq .health.checks.POOL_SCRUB_FLAGS.summary.message | \
+ expect_true grep -q "Some pool(s) have the noscrub flag(s) set"
+ ceph report | jq .health.checks.POOL_SCRUB_FLAGS.detail | \
+ expect_true grep -q "Pool noscrub_pool has noscrub flag"
+ ceph health detail | expect_true grep -q "Pool noscrub_pool has noscrub flag"
+ ceph osd pool set noscrub_pool nodeep-scrub 1
+ ceph osd pool set noscrub_pool2 nodeep-scrub 1
+ ceph -s | expect_true grep -q "Some pool(s) have the noscrub, nodeep-scrub flag(s) set"
+ ceph -s --format json | \
+ jq .health.checks.POOL_SCRUB_FLAGS.summary.message | \
+ expect_true grep -q "Some pool(s) have the noscrub, nodeep-scrub flag(s) set"
+ ceph report | jq .health.checks.POOL_SCRUB_FLAGS.detail | \
+ expect_true grep -q "Pool noscrub_pool has noscrub flag"
+ ceph report | jq .health.checks.POOL_SCRUB_FLAGS.detail | \
+ expect_true grep -q "Pool noscrub_pool has nodeep-scrub flag"
+ ceph report | jq .health.checks.POOL_SCRUB_FLAGS.detail | \
+ expect_true grep -q "Pool noscrub_pool2 has nodeep-scrub flag"
+ ceph health detail | expect_true grep -q "Pool noscrub_pool has noscrub flag"
+ ceph health detail | expect_true grep -q "Pool noscrub_pool has nodeep-scrub flag"
+ ceph health detail | expect_true grep -q "Pool noscrub_pool2 has nodeep-scrub flag"
+ ceph osd pool rm noscrub_pool noscrub_pool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ ceph osd pool rm noscrub_pool2 noscrub_pool2 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+# New tests should be added to the TESTS array below
+# Individual tests may be run using the '-t <testname>' argument
+# The user can specify '-t <testname>' as many times as she wants
+# Tests will be run in order presented in the TESTS array, or in
+# the order specified by the '-t <testname>' options.
+# '-l' will list all the available test names
+# '-h' will show usage
+# The test maintains backward compatibility: not specifying arguments
+# will run all tests following the order they appear in the TESTS array.
+set +x
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_injectargs"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_injectargs_SI"
+for i in `seq 9`; do
+ MON_TESTS+=" tiering_$i";
+MON_TESTS+=" auth"
+MON_TESTS+=" auth_profiles"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_misc"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_mon"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_osd"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_config_key"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_crush"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_osd_create_destroy"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_osd_pool"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_osd_pool_quota"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_pg"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_osd_pool_set"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_osd_tiered_pool_set"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_osd_erasure_code"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_osd_misc"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_heap_profiler"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_tell"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_ping"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_deprecated_commands"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_caps"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_cephdf_commands"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_tell_help_command"
+MON_TESTS+=" mon_stdin_stdout"
+OSD_TESTS+=" osd_bench"
+OSD_TESTS+=" osd_negative_filestore_merge_threshold"
+OSD_TESTS+=" tiering_agent"
+OSD_TESTS+=" admin_heap_profiler"
+OSD_TESTS+=" osd_tell_help_command"
+OSD_TESTS+=" osd_compact"
+OSD_TESTS+=" per_pool_scrub_status"
+MDS_TESTS+=" mds_tell"
+MDS_TESTS+=" mon_mds"
+MDS_TESTS+=" mon_mds_metadata"
+MDS_TESTS+=" mds_tell_help_command"
+MGR_TESTS+=" mgr_tell"
+MGR_TESTS+=" mgr_devices"
+# "main" follows
+function list_tests()
+ for i in $TESTS; do
+ echo " $i"
+ done
+function usage()
+ echo "usage: $0 [-h|-l|-t <testname> [-t <testname>...]]"
+while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
+ opt=$1
+ case "$opt" in
+ "-l" )
+ do_list=1
+ ;;
+ "--asok-does-not-need-root" )
+ SUDO=""
+ ;;
+ "--no-sanity-check" )
+ sanity_check=false
+ ;;
+ "--test-mon" )
+ tests_to_run+="$MON_TESTS"
+ ;;
+ "--test-osd" )
+ tests_to_run+="$OSD_TESTS"
+ ;;
+ "--test-mds" )
+ tests_to_run+="$MDS_TESTS"
+ ;;
+ "--test-mgr" )
+ tests_to_run+="$MGR_TESTS"
+ ;;
+ "-t" )
+ shift
+ if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
+ echo "missing argument to '-t'"
+ usage ;
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ tests_to_run+=" $1"
+ ;;
+ "-h" )
+ usage ;
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+if [[ $do_list -eq 1 ]]; then
+ list_tests ;
+ exit 0
+ceph osd pool create rbd 10
+if test -z "$tests_to_run" ; then
+ tests_to_run="$TESTS"
+if $sanity_check ; then
+ wait_no_osd_down
+for i in $tests_to_run; do
+ if $sanity_check ; then
+ check_no_osd_down
+ fi
+ set -x
+ test_${i}
+ set +x
+if $sanity_check ; then
+ check_no_osd_down
+set -x
+echo OK
diff --git a/qa/workunits/cephtool/ b/qa/workunits/cephtool/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..08ae937c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/workunits/cephtool/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -ex
+ set -x
+ if "$@"; then return 1; else return 0; fi
+echo note: assuming mon.a is on the current host
+# can set to 'sudo ./ceph' to execute tests from current dir for development
+CEPH=${CEPH:-'sudo ceph'}
+${CEPH} daemon mon.a version | grep version
+# get debug_ms setting and strip it, painfully for reuse
+old_ms=$(${CEPH} daemon mon.a config get debug_ms | \
+ grep debug_ms | sed -e 's/.*: //' -e 's/["\}\\]//g')
+${CEPH} daemon mon.a config set debug_ms 13
+new_ms=$(${CEPH} daemon mon.a config get debug_ms | \
+ grep debug_ms | sed -e 's/.*: //' -e 's/["\}\\]//g')
+[ "$new_ms" = "13/13" ]
+${CEPH} daemon mon.a config set debug_ms $old_ms
+new_ms=$(${CEPH} daemon mon.a config get debug_ms | \
+ grep debug_ms | sed -e 's/.*: //' -e 's/["\}\\]//g')
+[ "$new_ms" = "$old_ms" ]
+# unregistered/non-existent command
+expect_false ${CEPH} daemon mon.a bogus_command_blah foo
+set +e
+OUTPUT=$(${CEPH} -c /not/a/ceph.conf daemon mon.a help 2>&1)
+# look for EINVAL
+if [ $? != 22 ] ; then exit 1; fi
+if ! echo "$OUTPUT" | grep -q '.*open.*/not/a/ceph.conf'; then
+ echo "didn't find expected error in bad conf search"
+ exit 1
+set -e
+echo OK
diff --git a/qa/workunits/cephtool/ b/qa/workunits/cephtool/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b7953dd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/workunits/cephtool/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -x
+source $(dirname $0)/../../standalone/
+set -e
+set -o functrace
+export CEPH_DEV=1
+echo note: test ceph_kvstore_tool with bluestore
+ set -x
+ if "$@"; then return 1; else return 0; fi
+TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d ./cephtool.XXX)
+trap "rm -fr $TEMP_DIR" 0
+TEMP_FILE=$(mktemp $TEMP_DIR/test_invalid.XXX)
+function test_ceph_kvstore_tool()
+ # create a data directory
+ ceph-objectstore-tool --data-path ${TEMP_DIR} --op mkfs --no-mon-config
+ # list
+ origin_kv_nums=`ceph-kvstore-tool bluestore-kv ${TEMP_DIR} list 2>/dev/null | wc -l`
+ # exists
+ prefix=`ceph-kvstore-tool bluestore-kv ${TEMP_DIR} list 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}'`
+ ceph-kvstore-tool bluestore-kv ${TEMP_DIR} exists ${prefix}
+ expect_false ceph-kvstore-tool bluestore-kv ${TEMP_DIR} exists ${prefix}notexist
+ # list-crc
+ ceph-kvstore-tool bluestore-kv ${TEMP_DIR} list-crc
+ ceph-kvstore-tool bluestore-kv ${TEMP_DIR} list-crc ${prefix}
+ # list with prefix
+ ceph-kvstore-tool bluestore-kv ${TEMP_DIR} list ${prefix}
+ # set
+ echo "helloworld" >> ${TEMP_FILE}
+ ceph-kvstore-tool bluestore-kv ${TEMP_DIR} set TESTPREFIX TESTKEY in ${TEMP_FILE}
+ ceph-kvstore-tool bluestore-kv ${TEMP_DIR} exists TESTPREFIX TESTKEY
+ # get
+ ceph-kvstore-tool bluestore-kv ${TEMP_DIR} get TESTPREFIX TESTKEY out ${TEMP_FILE}.bak
+ diff ${TEMP_FILE} ${TEMP_FILE}.bak
+ # rm
+ ceph-kvstore-tool bluestore-kv ${TEMP_DIR} rm TESTPREFIX TESTKEY
+ expect_false ceph-kvstore-tool bluestore-kv ${TEMP_DIR} exists TESTPREFIX TESTKEY
+ # compact
+ ceph-kvstore-tool bluestore-kv ${TEMP_DIR} compact
+ # destructive-repair
+ ceph-kvstore-tool bluestore-kv ${TEMP_DIR} destructive-repair
+ current_kv_nums=`ceph-kvstore-tool bluestore-kv ${TEMP_DIR} list 2>/dev/null | wc -l`
+ test ${origin_kv_nums} -eq ${current_kv_nums}
+echo OK