path: root/src/kv/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/kv/')
1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/kv/ b/src/kv/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac6ac8f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kv/
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
+// vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
+#include "KineticStore.h"
+#include "common/ceph_crypto.h"
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <errno.h>
+using std::string;
+#include "common/perf_counters.h"
+#define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_kinetic
+int KineticStore::init()
+ // init defaults. caller can override these if they want
+ // prior to calling open.
+ host = cct->_conf->kinetic_host;
+ port = cct->_conf->kinetic_port;
+ user_id = cct->_conf->kinetic_user_id;
+ hmac_key = cct->_conf->kinetic_hmac_key;
+ use_ssl = cct->_conf->kinetic_use_ssl;
+ return 0;
+int KineticStore::_test_init(CephContext *c)
+ kinetic::KineticConnectionFactory conn_factory =
+ kinetic::NewKineticConnectionFactory();
+ kinetic::ConnectionOptions options;
+ = cct->_conf->kinetic_host;
+ options.port = cct->_conf->kinetic_port;
+ options.user_id = cct->_conf->kinetic_user_id;
+ options.hmac_key = cct->_conf->kinetic_hmac_key;
+ options.use_ssl = cct->_conf->kinetic_use_ssl;
+ kinetic::Status status = conn_factory.NewThreadsafeBlockingConnection(options, kinetic_conn, 10);
+ kinetic_conn.reset();
+ if (!status.ok())
+ derr << __func__ << " Unable to connect to kinetic store " <<
+ << ":" << options.port << " : " << status.ToString() << dendl;
+ return status.ok() ? 0 : -EIO;
+int KineticStore::open(ostream &out, const vector<ColumnFamily>& cfs)
+ if (!cfs.empty()) {
+ ceph_abort_msg("Not implemented");
+ }
+ return do_open(out, false);
+int KineticStore::create_and_open(ostream &out, const vector<ColumnFamily>& cfs)
+ if (!cfs.empty()) {
+ ceph_abort_msg("Not implemented");
+ }
+ return do_open(out, true);
+int KineticStore::do_open(ostream &out, bool create_if_missing)
+ kinetic::KineticConnectionFactory conn_factory =
+ kinetic::NewKineticConnectionFactory();
+ kinetic::ConnectionOptions options;
+ = host;
+ options.port = port;
+ options.user_id = user_id;
+ options.hmac_key = hmac_key;
+ options.use_ssl = use_ssl;
+ kinetic::Status status = conn_factory.NewThreadsafeBlockingConnection(options, kinetic_conn, 10);
+ if (!status.ok()) {
+ derr << "Unable to connect to kinetic store " << host << ":" << port
+ << " : " << status.ToString() << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ PerfCountersBuilder plb(g_ceph_context, "kinetic", l_kinetic_first, l_kinetic_last);
+ plb.add_u64_counter(l_kinetic_gets, "kinetic_get", "Gets");
+ plb.add_u64_counter(l_kinetic_txns, "kinetic_transaction", "Transactions");
+ logger = plb.create_perf_counters();
+ cct->get_perfcounters_collection()->add(logger);
+ return 0;
+KineticStore::KineticStore(CephContext *c) :
+ cct(c),
+ logger(NULL)
+ host = c->_conf->kinetic_host;
+ port = c->_conf->kinetic_port;
+ user_id = c->_conf->kinetic_user_id;
+ hmac_key = c->_conf->kinetic_hmac_key;
+ use_ssl = c->_conf->kinetic_use_ssl;
+ close();
+ delete logger;
+void KineticStore::close()
+ kinetic_conn.reset();
+ if (logger)
+ cct->get_perfcounters_collection()->remove(logger);
+int KineticStore::submit_transaction(KeyValueDB::Transaction t)
+ KineticTransactionImpl * _t =
+ static_cast<KineticTransactionImpl *>(t.get());
+ dout(20) << "kinetic submit_transaction" << dendl;
+ for (vector<KineticOp>::iterator it = _t->ops.begin();
+ it != _t->ops.end(); ++it) {
+ kinetic::KineticStatus status(kinetic::StatusCode::OK, "");
+ if (it->type == KINETIC_OP_WRITE) {
+ string data(it->data.c_str(), it->data.length());
+ kinetic::KineticRecord record(data, "", "",
+ com::seagate::kinetic::client::proto::Message_Algorithm_SHA1);
+ dout(30) << "kinetic before put of " << it->key << " (" << data.length() << " bytes)" << dendl;
+ status = kinetic_conn->Put(it->key, "", kinetic::WriteMode::IGNORE_VERSION,
+ record);
+ dout(30) << "kinetic after put of " << it->key << dendl;
+ } else {
+ ceph_assert(it->type == KINETIC_OP_DELETE);
+ dout(30) << "kinetic before delete" << dendl;
+ status = kinetic_conn->Delete(it->key, "",
+ kinetic::WriteMode::IGNORE_VERSION);
+ dout(30) << "kinetic after delete" << dendl;
+ }
+ if (!status.ok()) {
+ derr << "kinetic error submitting transaction: "
+ << status.message() << dendl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ logger->inc(l_kinetic_txns);
+ return 0;
+int KineticStore::submit_transaction_sync(KeyValueDB::Transaction t)
+ return submit_transaction(t);
+void KineticStore::KineticTransactionImpl::set(
+ const string &prefix,
+ const string &k,
+ const bufferlist &to_set_bl)
+ string key = combine_strings(prefix, k);
+ dout(30) << "kinetic set key " << key << dendl;
+ ops.push_back(KineticOp(KINETIC_OP_WRITE, key, to_set_bl));
+void KineticStore::KineticTransactionImpl::rmkey(const string &prefix,
+ const string &k)
+ string key = combine_strings(prefix, k);
+ dout(30) << "kinetic rm key " << key << dendl;
+ ops.push_back(KineticOp(KINETIC_OP_DELETE, key));
+void KineticStore::KineticTransactionImpl::rmkeys_by_prefix(const string &prefix)
+ dout(20) << "kinetic rmkeys_by_prefix " << prefix << dendl;
+ KeyValueDB::Iterator it = db->get_iterator(prefix);
+ for (it->seek_to_first();
+ it->valid();
+ it->next()) {
+ string key = combine_strings(prefix, it->key());
+ ops.push_back(KineticOp(KINETIC_OP_DELETE, key));
+ dout(30) << "kinetic rm key by prefix: " << key << dendl;
+ }
+void KineticStore::KineticTransactionImpl::rm_range_keys(const string &prefix, const string &start, const string &end)
+ KeyValueDB::Iterator it = db->get_iterator(prefix);
+ it->lower_bound(start);
+ while (it->valid()) {
+ if (it->key() >= end) {
+ break;
+ }
+ ops.push_back(
+ KineticOp(KINETIC_OP_DELETE, combine_strings(prefix, it->key())));
+ it->next();
+ }
+int KineticStore::get(
+ const string &prefix,
+ const std::set<string> &keys,
+ std::map<string, bufferlist> *out)
+ dout(30) << "kinetic get prefix: " << prefix << " keys: " << keys << dendl;
+ for (std::set<string>::const_iterator i = keys.begin();
+ i != keys.end();
+ ++i) {
+ unique_ptr<kinetic::KineticRecord> record;
+ string key = combine_strings(prefix, *i);
+ dout(30) << "before get key " << key << dendl;
+ kinetic::KineticStatus status = kinetic_conn->Get(key, record);
+ if (!status.ok())
+ break;
+ dout(30) << "kinetic get got key: " << key << dendl;
+ out->insert(make_pair(key, to_bufferlist(*record.get())));
+ }
+ logger->inc(l_kinetic_gets);
+ return 0;
+string KineticStore::combine_strings(const string &prefix, const string &value)
+ string out = prefix;
+ out.push_back(1);
+ out.append(value);
+ return out;
+bufferlist KineticStore::to_bufferlist(const kinetic::KineticRecord &record)
+ bufferlist bl;
+ bl.append(*(record.value()));
+ return bl;
+int KineticStore::split_key(string &in, string *prefix, string *key)
+ size_t prefix_len = 0;
+ char* in_data = in.c_str();
+ // Find separator inside Slice
+ char* separator = (char*) memchr((void*)in_data, 1, in.size());
+ if (separator == NULL)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ prefix_len = size_t(separator - in_data);
+ if (prefix_len >= in.size())
+ return -EINVAL;
+ // Fetch prefix and/or key directly from Slice
+ if (prefix)
+ *prefix = string(in_data, prefix_len);
+ if (key)
+ *key = string(separator+1, in.size()-prefix_len-1);
+ return 0;
+KineticStore::KineticWholeSpaceIteratorImpl::KineticWholeSpaceIteratorImpl(kinetic::BlockingKineticConnection *conn) : kinetic_conn(conn),
+ kinetic_status(kinetic::StatusCode::OK, "")
+ dout(30) << "kinetic iterator constructor()" << dendl;
+ const static string last_key = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF";
+ kinetic::KeyRangeIterator it =
+ kinetic_conn->IterateKeyRange("", true, last_key, true, 1024);
+ while (it != kinetic::KeyRangeEnd()) {
+ try {
+ keys.insert(*it);
+ dout(30) << "kinetic iterator added " << *it << dendl;
+ } catch (std::runtime_error &e) {
+ kinetic_status = kinetic::KineticStatus(kinetic::StatusCode::CLIENT_INTERNAL_ERROR, e.what());
+ return;
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ keys_iter = keys.begin();
+int KineticStore::KineticWholeSpaceIteratorImpl::seek_to_first(const string &prefix)
+ dout(30) << "kinetic iterator seek_to_first(prefix): " << prefix << dendl;
+ keys_iter = keys.lower_bound(prefix);
+ return 0;
+int KineticStore::KineticWholeSpaceIteratorImpl::seek_to_last()
+ dout(30) << "kinetic iterator seek_to_last()" << dendl;
+ keys_iter = keys.end();
+ if (keys.begin() != keys_iter)
+ --keys_iter;
+ return 0;
+int KineticStore::KineticWholeSpaceIteratorImpl::seek_to_last(const string &prefix)
+ dout(30) << "kinetic iterator seek_to_last(prefix): " << prefix << dendl;
+ keys_iter = keys.upper_bound(prefix + "\2");
+ if (keys.begin() == keys_iter) {
+ keys_iter = keys.end();
+ } else {
+ --keys_iter;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int KineticStore::KineticWholeSpaceIteratorImpl::upper_bound(const string &prefix, const string &after) {
+ dout(30) << "kinetic iterator upper_bound()" << dendl;
+ string bound = combine_strings(prefix, after);
+ keys_iter = keys.upper_bound(bound);
+ return 0;
+int KineticStore::KineticWholeSpaceIteratorImpl::lower_bound(const string &prefix, const string &to) {
+ dout(30) << "kinetic iterator lower_bound()" << dendl;
+ string bound = combine_strings(prefix, to);
+ keys_iter = keys.lower_bound(bound);
+ return 0;
+bool KineticStore::KineticWholeSpaceIteratorImpl::valid() {
+ dout(30) << "kinetic iterator valid()" << dendl;
+ return keys_iter != keys.end();
+int KineticStore::KineticWholeSpaceIteratorImpl::next() {
+ dout(30) << "kinetic iterator next()" << dendl;
+ if (keys_iter != keys.end()) {
+ ++keys_iter;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+int KineticStore::KineticWholeSpaceIteratorImpl::prev() {
+ dout(30) << "kinetic iterator prev()" << dendl;
+ if (keys_iter != keys.begin()) {
+ --keys_iter;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ keys_iter = keys.end();
+ return -1;
+string KineticStore::KineticWholeSpaceIteratorImpl::key() {
+ dout(30) << "kinetic iterator key()" << dendl;
+ string out_key;
+ split_key(*keys_iter, NULL, &out_key);
+ return out_key;
+pair<string,string> KineticStore::KineticWholeSpaceIteratorImpl::raw_key() {
+ dout(30) << "kinetic iterator raw_key()" << dendl;
+ string prefix, key;
+ split_key(*keys_iter, &prefix, &key);
+ return make_pair(prefix, key);
+bool KineticStore::KineticWholeSpaceIteratorImpl::raw_key_is_prefixed(const string &prefix) {
+ // Look for "prefix\1" right in *keys_iter without making a copy
+ string key = *keys_iter;
+ if ((key.size() > prefix.length()) && (key[prefix.length()] == '\1')) {
+ return memcmp(key.c_str(), prefix.c_str(), prefix.length()) == 0;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+bufferlist KineticStore::KineticWholeSpaceIteratorImpl::value() {
+ dout(30) << "kinetic iterator value()" << dendl;
+ unique_ptr<kinetic::KineticRecord> record;
+ kinetic_status = kinetic_conn->Get(*keys_iter, record);
+ return to_bufferlist(*record.get());
+int KineticStore::KineticWholeSpaceIteratorImpl::status() {
+ dout(30) << "kinetic iterator status()" << dendl;
+ return kinetic_status.ok() ? 0 : -1;