path: root/src/mon/Elector.h
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diff --git a/src/mon/Elector.h b/src/mon/Elector.h
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+// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
+// vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
+ * Ceph - scalable distributed file system
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil <>
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation. See file COPYING.
+ *
+ */
+#include <map>
+#include "include/types.h"
+#include "include/Context.h"
+#include "mon/MonOpRequest.h"
+#include "mon/mon_types.h"
+class Monitor;
+ * This class is responsible for maintaining the local state when electing
+ * a new Leader. We may win or we may lose. If we win, it means we became the
+ * Leader; if we lose, it means we are a Peon.
+ */
+class Elector {
+ /**
+ * @defgroup Elector_h_class Elector
+ * @{
+ */
+ private:
+ /**
+ * @defgroup Elector_h_internal_types Internal Types
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * This struct will hold the features from a given peer.
+ * Features may both be the cluster's (in the form of a uint64_t), or
+ * mon-specific features. Instead of keeping maps to hold them both, or
+ * a pair, which would be weird, a struct to keep them seems appropriate.
+ */
+ struct elector_info_t {
+ uint64_t cluster_features = 0;
+ mon_feature_t mon_features;
+ int mon_release = 0;
+ map<string,string> metadata;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @}
+ */
+ /**
+ * The Monitor instance associated with this class.
+ */
+ Monitor *mon;
+ /**
+ * Event callback responsible for dealing with an expired election once a
+ * timer runs out and fires up.
+ */
+ Context *expire_event = nullptr;
+ /**
+ * Resets the expire_event timer, by cancelling any existing one and
+ * scheduling a new one.
+ *
+ * @remarks This function assumes as a default firing value the duration of
+ * the monitor's lease interval, and adds to it the value specified
+ * in @e plus
+ *
+ * @post expire_event is set
+ *
+ * @param plus The amount of time to be added to the default firing value.
+ */
+ void reset_timer(double plus=0.0);
+ /**
+ * Cancel the expire_event timer, if it is defined.
+ *
+ * @post expire_event is not set
+ */
+ void cancel_timer();
+ /**
+ * Latest epoch we've seen.
+ *
+ * @remarks if its value is odd, we're electing; if it's even, then we're
+ * stable.
+ */
+ epoch_t epoch;
+ /**
+ * Indicates if we are participating in the quorum.
+ *
+ * @remarks By default, we are created as participating. We may stop
+ * participating if the Monitor explicitly calls
+ * Elector::stop_participating though. If that happens, it will
+ * have to call Elector::start_participating for us to resume
+ * participating in the quorum.
+ */
+ bool participating;
+ // electing me
+ /**
+ * @defgroup Elector_h_electing_me_vars We are being elected
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * Indicates if we are the ones being elected.
+ *
+ * We always attempt to be the one being elected if we are the ones starting
+ * the election. If we are not the ones that started it, we will only attempt
+ * to be elected if we think we might have a chance (i.e., the other guy's
+ * rank is lower than ours).
+ */
+ bool electing_me;
+ /**
+ * Set containing all those that acked our proposal to become the Leader.
+ *
+ * If we are acked by everyone in the MonMap, we will declare
+ * victory. Also note each peer's feature set.
+ */
+ map<int, elector_info_t> acked_me;
+ /**
+ * @}
+ */
+ /**
+ * @defgroup Elector_h_electing_them_vars We are electing another guy
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * Indicates who we have acked
+ */
+ int leader_acked;
+ /**
+ * @}
+ */
+ /**
+ * Update our epoch.
+ *
+ * If we come across a higher epoch, we simply update ours, also making
+ * sure we are no longer being elected (even though we could have been,
+ * we no longer are since we no longer are on that old epoch).
+ *
+ * @pre Our epoch is lower than @p e
+ * @post Our epoch equals @p e
+ *
+ * @param e Epoch to which we will update our epoch
+ */
+ void bump_epoch(epoch_t e);
+ /**
+ * Start new elections by proposing ourselves as the new Leader.
+ *
+ * Basically, send propose messages to all the monitors in the MonMap and
+ * then reset the expire_event timer so we can limit the amount of time we
+ * will be going at it.
+ *
+ * @pre participating is true
+ * @post epoch is an odd value
+ * @post electing_me is true
+ * @post we sent propose messages to all the monitors in the MonMap
+ * @post we reset the expire_event timer
+ */
+ void start();
+ /**
+ * Defer the current election to some other monitor.
+ *
+ * This means that we will ack some other monitor and drop out from the run
+ * to become the Leader. We will only defer an election if the monitor we
+ * are deferring to outranks us.
+ *
+ * @pre @p who outranks us (i.e., who < our rank)
+ * @pre @p who outranks any other monitor we have deferred to in the past
+ * @post electing_me is false
+ * @post leader_acked equals @p who
+ * @post we sent an ack message to @p who
+ * @post we reset the expire_event timer
+ *
+ * @param who Some other monitor's numeric identifier.
+ */
+ void defer(int who);
+ /**
+ * The election has taken too long and has expired.
+ *
+ * This will happen when no one declared victory or started a new election
+ * during the time span allowed by the expire_event timer.
+ *
+ * When the election expires, we will check if we were the ones who won, and
+ * if so we will declare victory. If that is not the case, then we assume
+ * that the one we deferred to didn't declare victory quickly enough (in fact,
+ * as far as we know, we may even be dead); so, just propose ourselves as the
+ * Leader.
+ */
+ void expire();
+ /**
+ * Declare Victory.
+ *
+ * We won. Or at least we believe we won, but for all intentions and purposes
+ * that does not matter. What matters is that we Won.
+ *
+ * That said, we must now bump our epoch to reflect that the election is over
+ * and then we must let everybody in the quorum know we are their brand new
+ * Leader. And we will also cancel our expire_event timer.
+ *
+ * Actually, the quorum will be now defined as the group of monitors that
+ * acked us during the election process.
+ *
+ * @pre Election is on-going
+ * @pre electing_me is true
+ * @post electing_me is false
+ * @post epoch is bumped up into an even value
+ * @post Election is not on-going
+ * @post We have a quorum, composed of the monitors that acked us
+ * @post We sent a message of type OP_VICTORY to each quorum member.
+ */
+ void victory();
+ /**
+ * Handle a message from some other node proposing itself to become it
+ * the Leader.
+ *
+ * If the message appears to be old (i.e., its epoch is lower than our epoch),
+ * then we may take one of two actions:
+ *
+ * @li Ignore it because it's nothing more than an old proposal
+ * @li Start new elections if we verify that it was sent by a monitor from
+ * outside the quorum; given its old state, it's fair to assume it just
+ * started, so we should start new elections so it may rejoin
+ *
+ * If we did not ignore the received message, then we know that this message
+ * was sent by some other node proposing itself to become the Leader. So, we
+ * will take one of the following actions:
+ *
+ * @li Ignore it because we already acked another node with higher rank
+ * @li Ignore it and start a new election because we outrank it
+ * @li Defer to it because it outranks us and the node we previously
+ * acked, if any
+ *
+ *
+ * @invariant The received message is an operation of type OP_PROPOSE
+ *
+ * @param m A message sent by another participant in the quorum.
+ */
+ void handle_propose(MonOpRequestRef op);
+ /**
+ * Handle a message from some other participant Acking us as the Leader.
+ *
+ * When we receive such a message, one of three thing may be happening:
+ * @li We received a message with a newer epoch, which means we must have
+ * somehow lost track of what was going on (maybe we rebooted), thus we
+ * will start a new election
+ * @li We consider ourselves in the run for the Leader (i.e., @p electing_me
+ * is true), and we are actually being Acked by someone; thus simply add
+ * the one acking us to the @p acked_me set. If we do now have acks from
+ * all the participants, then we can declare victory
+ * @li We already deferred the election to somebody else, so we will just
+ * ignore this message
+ *
+ * @pre Election is on-going
+ * @post Election is on-going if we deferred to somebody else
+ * @post Election is on-going if we are still waiting for further Acks
+ * @post Election is not on-going if we are victorious
+ * @post Election is not on-going if we must start a new one
+ *
+ * @param m A message with an operation type of OP_ACK
+ */
+ void handle_ack(MonOpRequestRef op);
+ /**
+ * Handle a message from some other participant declaring Victory.
+ *
+ * We just got a message from someone declaring themselves Victorious, thus
+ * the new Leader.
+ *
+ * However, if the message's epoch happens to be different from our epoch+1,
+ * then it means we lost track of something and we must start a new election.
+ *
+ * If that is not the case, then we will simply update our epoch to the one
+ * in the message, cancel our @p expire_event timer and inform our Monitor
+ * that we lost the election and provide it with the new quorum.
+ *
+ * @pre Election in on-going
+ * @post Election is not on-going
+ * @post Updated @p epoch
+ * @post We have a new quorum if we lost the election
+ *
+ * @param m A message with an operation type of OP_VICTORY
+ */
+ void handle_victory(MonOpRequestRef op);
+ /**
+ * Send a nak to a peer who's out of date, containing information about why.
+ *
+ * If we get a message from a peer who can't support the required quorum
+ * features, we have to ignore them. This function will at least send
+ * them a message about *why* they're being ignored -- if they're new
+ * enough to support such a message.
+ *
+ * @param m A message from a monitor not supporting required features. We
+ * take ownership of the reference.
+ */
+ void nak_old_peer(MonOpRequestRef op);
+ /**
+ * Handle a message from some other participant declaring
+ * we cannot join the quorum.
+ *
+ * Apparently the quorum requires some feature that we do not implement. Shut
+ * down gracefully.
+ *
+ * @pre Election is on-going.
+ * @post We've shut down.
+ *
+ * @param m A message with an operation type of OP_NAK
+ */
+ void handle_nak(MonOpRequestRef op);
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Create an Elector class
+ *
+ * @param m A Monitor instance
+ */
+ explicit Elector(Monitor *m) : mon(m),
+ epoch(0),
+ participating(true),
+ electing_me(false),
+ leader_acked(-1) { }
+ /**
+ * Initiate the Elector class.
+ *
+ * Basically, we will simply read whatever epoch value we have in our stable
+ * storage, or consider it to be 1 if none is read.
+ *
+ * @post @p epoch is set to 1 or higher.
+ */
+ void init();
+ /**
+ * Inform this class it is supposed to shutdown.
+ *
+ * We will simply cancel the @p expire_event if any exists.
+ *
+ * @post @p expire_event is cancelled
+ */
+ void shutdown();
+ /**
+ * Obtain our epoch
+ *
+ * @returns Our current epoch number
+ */
+ epoch_t get_epoch() { return epoch; }
+ /**
+ * advance_epoch
+ *
+ * increase election epoch by 1
+ */
+ void advance_epoch() {
+ bump_epoch(epoch + 1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle received messages.
+ *
+ * We will ignore all messages that are not of type @p MSG_MON_ELECTION
+ * (i.e., messages whose interface is not of type @p MMonElection). All of
+ * those that are will then be dispatched to their operation-specific
+ * functions.
+ *
+ * @param m A received message
+ */
+ void dispatch(MonOpRequestRef op);
+ /**
+ * Call an election.
+ *
+ * This function simply calls Elector::start.
+ */
+ void call_election() {
+ start();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stop participating in subsequent Elections.
+ *
+ * @post @p participating is false
+ */
+ void stop_participating() { participating = false; }
+ /**
+ * Start participating in Elections.
+ *
+ * If we are already participating (i.e., @p participating is true), then
+ * calling this function is moot.
+ *
+ * However, if we are not participating (i.e., @p participating is false),
+ * then we will start participating by setting @p participating to true and
+ * we will call for an Election.
+ *
+ * @post @p participating is true
+ */
+ void start_participating();
+ /**
+ * @}
+ */