path: root/src/msg/simple/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/msg/simple/')
1 files changed, 2712 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/msg/simple/ b/src/msg/simple/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd44dc4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/msg/simple/
@@ -0,0 +1,2712 @@
+// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
+// vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
+ * Ceph - scalable distributed file system
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil <>
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation. See file COPYING.
+ *
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <netinet/ip.h>
+#include <netinet/tcp.h>
+#include <sys/uio.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <poll.h>
+#include "msg/Message.h"
+#include "Pipe.h"
+#include "SimpleMessenger.h"
+#include "common/debug.h"
+#include "common/errno.h"
+#include "common/valgrind.h"
+// Below included to get encode_encrypt(); That probably should be in Crypto.h, instead
+#include "auth/cephx/CephxProtocol.h"
+#include "auth/AuthSessionHandler.h"
+#include "include/compat.h"
+#include "include/sock_compat.h"
+#include "include/random.h"
+// Constant to limit starting sequence number to 2^31. Nothing special about it, just a big number. PLR
+#define SEQ_MASK 0x7fffffff
+#define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_ms
+#undef dout_prefix
+#define dout_prefix *_dout << *this
+ostream& Pipe::_pipe_prefix(std::ostream &out) const {
+ return out << "-- " << msgr->get_myaddr_legacy() << " >> " << peer_addr
+ << " pipe(" << this
+ << " sd=" << sd << " :" << port
+ << " s=" << state
+ << " pgs=" << peer_global_seq
+ << " cs=" << connect_seq
+ << " l=" << policy.lossy
+ << " c=" << connection_state
+ << ").";
+ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const Pipe &pipe) {
+ return pipe._pipe_prefix(out);
+ * The DelayedDelivery is for injecting delays into Message delivery off
+ * the socket. It is only enabled if delays are requested, and if they
+ * are then it pulls Messages off the DelayQueue and puts them into the
+ * in_q (SimpleMessenger::dispatch_queue).
+ * Please note that this probably has issues with Pipe shutdown and
+ * replacement semantics. I've tried, but no guarantees.
+ */
+class Pipe::DelayedDelivery: public Thread {
+ Pipe *pipe;
+ std::deque< pair<utime_t,Message*> > delay_queue;
+ Mutex delay_lock;
+ Cond delay_cond;
+ int flush_count;
+ bool active_flush;
+ bool stop_delayed_delivery;
+ bool delay_dispatching; // we are in fast dispatch now
+ bool stop_fast_dispatching_flag; // we need to stop fast dispatching
+ explicit DelayedDelivery(Pipe *p)
+ : pipe(p),
+ delay_lock("Pipe::DelayedDelivery::delay_lock"), flush_count(0),
+ active_flush(false),
+ stop_delayed_delivery(false),
+ delay_dispatching(false),
+ stop_fast_dispatching_flag(false) { }
+ ~DelayedDelivery() override {
+ discard();
+ }
+ void *entry() override;
+ void queue(utime_t release, Message *m) {
+ Mutex::Locker l(delay_lock);
+ delay_queue.push_back(make_pair(release, m));
+ delay_cond.Signal();
+ }
+ void discard();
+ void flush();
+ bool is_flushing() {
+ Mutex::Locker l(delay_lock);
+ return flush_count > 0 || active_flush;
+ }
+ void wait_for_flush() {
+ Mutex::Locker l(delay_lock);
+ while (flush_count > 0 || active_flush)
+ delay_cond.Wait(delay_lock);
+ }
+ void stop() {
+ delay_lock.Lock();
+ stop_delayed_delivery = true;
+ delay_cond.Signal();
+ delay_lock.Unlock();
+ }
+ void steal_for_pipe(Pipe *new_owner) {
+ Mutex::Locker l(delay_lock);
+ pipe = new_owner;
+ }
+ /**
+ * We need to stop fast dispatching before we need to stop putting
+ * normal messages into the DispatchQueue.
+ */
+ void stop_fast_dispatching();
+ * Pipe
+ */
+Pipe::Pipe(SimpleMessenger *r, int st, PipeConnection *con)
+ : RefCountedObject(r->cct),
+ reader_thread(this),
+ writer_thread(this),
+ delay_thread(NULL),
+ msgr(r),
+ conn_id(r->dispatch_queue.get_id()),
+ recv_ofs(0),
+ recv_len(0),
+ sd(-1), port(0),
+ peer_type(-1),
+ pipe_lock("SimpleMessenger::Pipe::pipe_lock"),
+ state(st),
+ connection_state(NULL),
+ reader_running(false), reader_needs_join(false),
+ reader_dispatching(false), notify_on_dispatch_done(false),
+ writer_running(false),
+ in_q(&(r->dispatch_queue)),
+ send_keepalive(false),
+ send_keepalive_ack(false),
+ connect_seq(0), peer_global_seq(0),
+ out_seq(0), in_seq(0), in_seq_acked(0) {
+ ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_SIZED(&sd, sizeof(sd), "Pipe socket");
+ ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_SIZED(&state, sizeof(state), "Pipe state");
+ ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_SIZED(&recv_len, sizeof(recv_len), "Pipe recv_len");
+ ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_SIZED(&recv_ofs, sizeof(recv_ofs), "Pipe recv_ofs");
+ if (con) {
+ connection_state = con;
+ connection_state->reset_pipe(this);
+ } else {
+ connection_state = new PipeConnection(msgr->cct, msgr);
+ connection_state->pipe = get();
+ }
+ randomize_out_seq();
+ msgr->timeout = msgr->cct->_conf->ms_connection_idle_timeout * 1000; //convert to ms
+ if (msgr->timeout == 0)
+ msgr->timeout = -1;
+ recv_max_prefetch = msgr->cct->_conf->ms_tcp_prefetch_max_size;
+ recv_buf = new char[recv_max_prefetch];
+ ceph_assert(out_q.empty());
+ ceph_assert(sent.empty());
+ delete delay_thread;
+ delete[] recv_buf;
+void Pipe::handle_ack(uint64_t seq)
+ lsubdout(msgr->cct, ms, 15) << "reader got ack seq " << seq << dendl;
+ // trim sent list
+ while (!sent.empty() &&
+ sent.front()->get_seq() <= seq) {
+ Message *m = sent.front();
+ sent.pop_front();
+ lsubdout(msgr->cct, ms, 10) << "reader got ack seq "
+ << seq << " >= " << m->get_seq() << " on " << m << " " << *m << dendl;
+ m->put();
+ }
+void Pipe::start_reader()
+ ceph_assert(pipe_lock.is_locked());
+ ceph_assert(!reader_running);
+ if (reader_needs_join) {
+ reader_thread.join();
+ reader_needs_join = false;
+ }
+ reader_running = true;
+ reader_thread.create("ms_pipe_read", msgr->cct->_conf->ms_rwthread_stack_bytes);
+void Pipe::maybe_start_delay_thread()
+ if (!delay_thread) {
+ auto pos = msgr->cct->_conf.get_val<std::string>("ms_inject_delay_type").find(ceph_entity_type_name(connection_state->peer_type));
+ if (pos != string::npos) {
+ lsubdout(msgr->cct, ms, 1) << "setting up a delay queue on Pipe " << this << dendl;
+ delay_thread = new DelayedDelivery(this);
+ delay_thread->create("ms_pipe_delay");
+ }
+ }
+void Pipe::start_writer()
+ ceph_assert(pipe_lock.is_locked());
+ ceph_assert(!writer_running);
+ writer_running = true;
+ writer_thread.create("ms_pipe_write", msgr->cct->_conf->ms_rwthread_stack_bytes);
+void Pipe::join_reader()
+ if (!reader_running)
+ return;
+ cond.Signal();
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ reader_thread.join();
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ reader_needs_join = false;
+void Pipe::DelayedDelivery::discard()
+ lgeneric_subdout(pipe->msgr->cct, ms, 20) << *pipe << "DelayedDelivery::discard" << dendl;
+ Mutex::Locker l(delay_lock);
+ while (!delay_queue.empty()) {
+ Message *m = delay_queue.front().second;
+ pipe->in_q->dispatch_throttle_release(m->get_dispatch_throttle_size());
+ m->put();
+ delay_queue.pop_front();
+ }
+void Pipe::DelayedDelivery::flush()
+ lgeneric_subdout(pipe->msgr->cct, ms, 20) << *pipe << "DelayedDelivery::flush" << dendl;
+ Mutex::Locker l(delay_lock);
+ flush_count = delay_queue.size();
+ delay_cond.Signal();
+void *Pipe::DelayedDelivery::entry()
+ Mutex::Locker locker(delay_lock);
+ lgeneric_subdout(pipe->msgr->cct, ms, 20) << *pipe << "DelayedDelivery::entry start" << dendl;
+ while (!stop_delayed_delivery) {
+ if (delay_queue.empty()) {
+ lgeneric_subdout(pipe->msgr->cct, ms, 30) << *pipe << "DelayedDelivery::entry sleeping on delay_cond because delay queue is empty" << dendl;
+ delay_cond.Wait(delay_lock);
+ continue;
+ }
+ utime_t release = delay_queue.front().first;
+ Message *m = delay_queue.front().second;
+ string delay_msg_type = pipe->msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_delay_msg_type;
+ if (!flush_count &&
+ (release > ceph_clock_now() &&
+ (delay_msg_type.empty() || m->get_type_name() == delay_msg_type))) {
+ lgeneric_subdout(pipe->msgr->cct, ms, 10) << *pipe << "DelayedDelivery::entry sleeping on delay_cond until " << release << dendl;
+ delay_cond.WaitUntil(delay_lock, release);
+ continue;
+ }
+ lgeneric_subdout(pipe->msgr->cct, ms, 10) << *pipe << "DelayedDelivery::entry dequeuing message " << m << " for delivery, past " << release << dendl;
+ delay_queue.pop_front();
+ if (flush_count > 0) {
+ --flush_count;
+ active_flush = true;
+ }
+ if (pipe->in_q->can_fast_dispatch(m)) {
+ if (!stop_fast_dispatching_flag) {
+ delay_dispatching = true;
+ delay_lock.Unlock();
+ pipe->in_q->fast_dispatch(m);
+ delay_lock.Lock();
+ delay_dispatching = false;
+ if (stop_fast_dispatching_flag) {
+ // we need to let the stopping thread proceed
+ delay_cond.Signal();
+ delay_lock.Unlock();
+ delay_lock.Lock();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ pipe->in_q->enqueue(m, m->get_priority(), pipe->conn_id);
+ }
+ active_flush = false;
+ }
+ lgeneric_subdout(pipe->msgr->cct, ms, 20) << *pipe << "DelayedDelivery::entry stop" << dendl;
+ return NULL;
+void Pipe::DelayedDelivery::stop_fast_dispatching() {
+ Mutex::Locker l(delay_lock);
+ stop_fast_dispatching_flag = true;
+ while (delay_dispatching)
+ delay_cond.Wait(delay_lock);
+int Pipe::accept()
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept" << dendl;
+ ceph_assert(pipe_lock.is_locked());
+ ceph_assert(state == STATE_ACCEPTING);
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ // vars
+ bufferlist addrs;
+ entity_addr_t socket_addr;
+ socklen_t len;
+ int r;
+ char banner[strlen(CEPH_BANNER)+1];
+ bufferlist addrbl;
+ ceph_msg_connect connect;
+ ceph_msg_connect_reply reply;
+ Pipe *existing = 0;
+ bufferptr bp;
+ bufferlist authorizer, authorizer_reply;
+ bool authorizer_valid;
+ uint64_t feat_missing;
+ bool replaced = false;
+ // this variable denotes if the connection attempt from peer is a hard
+ // reset or not, it is true if there is an existing connection and the
+ // connection sequence from peer is equal to zero
+ bool is_reset_from_peer = false;
+ CryptoKey session_key;
+ int removed; // single-use down below
+ // this should roughly mirror pseudocode at
+ //
+ int reply_tag = 0;
+ uint64_t existing_seq = -1;
+ // used for reading in the remote acked seq on connect
+ uint64_t newly_acked_seq = 0;
+ bool need_challenge = false;
+ bool had_challenge = false;
+ std::unique_ptr<AuthAuthorizerChallenge> authorizer_challenge;
+ recv_reset();
+ set_socket_options();
+ // announce myself.
+ r = tcp_write(CEPH_BANNER, strlen(CEPH_BANNER));
+ if (r < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept couldn't write banner" << dendl;
+ goto fail_unlocked;
+ }
+ // and my addr
+ encode(msgr->my_addr, addrs, 0); // legacy
+ port = msgr->my_addr.get_port();
+ // and peer's socket addr (they might not know their ip)
+ sockaddr_storage ss;
+ len = sizeof(ss);
+ r = ::getpeername(sd, (sockaddr*)&ss, &len);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "accept failed to getpeername " << cpp_strerror(errno) << dendl;
+ goto fail_unlocked;
+ }
+ socket_addr.set_sockaddr((sockaddr*)&ss);
+ encode(socket_addr, addrs, 0); // legacy
+ r = tcp_write(addrs.c_str(), addrs.length());
+ if (r < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept couldn't write my+peer addr" << dendl;
+ goto fail_unlocked;
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,1) << "accept sd=" << sd << " " << socket_addr << dendl;
+ // identify peer
+ if (tcp_read(banner, strlen(CEPH_BANNER)) < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept couldn't read banner" << dendl;
+ goto fail_unlocked;
+ }
+ if (memcmp(banner, CEPH_BANNER, strlen(CEPH_BANNER))) {
+ banner[strlen(CEPH_BANNER)] = 0;
+ ldout(msgr->cct,1) << "accept peer sent bad banner '" << banner << "' (should be '" << CEPH_BANNER << "')" << dendl;
+ goto fail_unlocked;
+ }
+ {
+ bufferptr tp(sizeof(ceph_entity_addr));
+ addrbl.push_back(std::move(tp));
+ }
+ if (tcp_read(addrbl.c_str(), addrbl.length()) < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept couldn't read peer_addr" << dendl;
+ goto fail_unlocked;
+ }
+ try {
+ auto ti = addrbl.cbegin();
+ decode(peer_addr, ti);
+ } catch (const buffer::error& e) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << __func__ << " decode peer_addr failed: " << e.what()
+ << dendl;
+ goto fail_unlocked;
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept peer addr is " << peer_addr << dendl;
+ if (peer_addr.is_blank_ip()) {
+ // peer apparently doesn't know what ip they have; figure it out for them.
+ int port = peer_addr.get_port();
+ peer_addr.u = socket_addr.u;
+ peer_addr.set_port(port);
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "accept peer addr is really " << peer_addr
+ << " (socket is " << socket_addr << ")" << dendl;
+ }
+ set_peer_addr(peer_addr); // so that connection_state gets set up
+ while (1) {
+ if (tcp_read((char*)&connect, sizeof(connect)) < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept couldn't read connect" << dendl;
+ goto fail_unlocked;
+ }
+ authorizer.clear();
+ if (connect.authorizer_len) {
+ bp = buffer::create(connect.authorizer_len);
+ if (tcp_read(bp.c_str(), connect.authorizer_len) < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept couldn't read connect authorizer" << dendl;
+ goto fail_unlocked;
+ }
+ authorizer.push_back(std::move(bp));
+ authorizer_reply.clear();
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "accept got peer connect_seq " << connect.connect_seq
+ << " global_seq " << connect.global_seq
+ << dendl;
+ msgr->lock.Lock(); // FIXME
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ if (msgr->dispatch_queue.stop)
+ goto shutting_down;
+ if (state != STATE_ACCEPTING) {
+ goto shutting_down;
+ }
+ // note peer's type, flags
+ set_peer_type(connect.host_type);
+ policy = msgr->get_policy(connect.host_type);
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept of host_type " << connect.host_type
+ << ", policy.lossy=" << policy.lossy
+ << " policy.server=" << policy.server
+ << " policy.standby=" << policy.standby
+ << " policy.resetcheck=" << policy.resetcheck
+ << dendl;
+ memset(&reply, 0, sizeof(reply));
+ reply.protocol_version = msgr->get_proto_version(peer_type, false);
+ msgr->lock.Unlock();
+ // mismatch?
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept my proto " << reply.protocol_version
+ << ", their proto " << connect.protocol_version << dendl;
+ if (connect.protocol_version != reply.protocol_version) {
+ goto reply;
+ }
+ // require signatures for cephx?
+ if (connect.authorizer_protocol == CEPH_AUTH_CEPHX) {
+ if (peer_type == CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_OSD ||
+ peer_type == CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_MDS ||
+ peer_type == CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_MGR) {
+ if (msgr->cct->_conf->cephx_require_signatures ||
+ msgr->cct->_conf->cephx_cluster_require_signatures) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "using cephx, requiring MSG_AUTH feature bit for cluster" << dendl;
+ policy.features_required |= CEPH_FEATURE_MSG_AUTH;
+ }
+ if (msgr->cct->_conf->cephx_require_version >= 2 ||
+ msgr->cct->_conf->cephx_cluster_require_version >= 2) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "using cephx, requiring cephx v2 feature bit for cluster" << dendl;
+ policy.features_required |= CEPH_FEATUREMASK_CEPHX_V2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (msgr->cct->_conf->cephx_require_signatures ||
+ msgr->cct->_conf->cephx_service_require_signatures) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "using cephx, requiring MSG_AUTH feature bit for service" << dendl;
+ policy.features_required |= CEPH_FEATURE_MSG_AUTH;
+ }
+ if (msgr->cct->_conf->cephx_require_version >= 2 ||
+ msgr->cct->_conf->cephx_service_require_version >= 2) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "using cephx, requiring cephx v2 feature bit for cluster" << dendl;
+ policy.features_required |= CEPH_FEATUREMASK_CEPHX_V2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ feat_missing = policy.features_required & ~(uint64_t)connect.features;
+ if (feat_missing) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,1) << "peer missing required features " << std::hex << feat_missing << std::dec << dendl;
+ goto reply;
+ }
+ // Check the authorizer. If not good, bail out.
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ need_challenge = HAVE_FEATURE(connect.features, CEPHX_V2);
+ had_challenge = (bool)authorizer_challenge;
+ authorizer_reply.clear();
+ if (!msgr->ms_deliver_verify_authorizer(
+ connection_state.get(), peer_type, connect.authorizer_protocol,
+ authorizer,
+ authorizer_reply, authorizer_valid, session_key,
+ nullptr /* connection_secret */,
+ need_challenge ? &authorizer_challenge : nullptr) ||
+ !authorizer_valid) {
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ if (state != STATE_ACCEPTING)
+ goto shutting_down_msgr_unlocked;
+ if (!had_challenge && need_challenge && authorizer_challenge) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept: challenging authorizer "
+ << authorizer_reply.length()
+ << " bytes" << dendl;
+ ceph_assert(authorizer_reply.length());
+ } else {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "accept: got bad authorizer" << dendl;
+ }
+ session_security.reset();
+ goto reply;
+ }
+ // We've verified the authorizer for this pipe, so set up the session security structure. PLR
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept: setting up session_security." << dendl;
+ retry_existing_lookup:
+ msgr->lock.Lock();
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ if (msgr->dispatch_queue.stop)
+ goto shutting_down;
+ if (state != STATE_ACCEPTING)
+ goto shutting_down;
+ // existing?
+ existing = msgr->_lookup_pipe(peer_addr);
+ if (existing) {
+ existing->pipe_lock.Lock(true); // skip lockdep check (we are locking a second Pipe here)
+ if (existing->reader_dispatching) {
+ /** we need to wait, or we can deadlock if downstream
+ * fast_dispatchers are (naughtily!) waiting on resources
+ * held by somebody trying to make use of the SimpleMessenger lock.
+ * So drop locks, wait, and retry. It just looks like a slow network
+ * to everybody else.
+ *
+ * We take a ref to existing here since it might get reaped before we
+ * wake up (see bug #15870). We can be confident that it lived until
+ * locked it since we held the msgr lock from _lookup_pipe through to
+ * locking existing->lock and checking reader_dispatching.
+ */
+ existing->get();
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ msgr->lock.Unlock();
+ existing->notify_on_dispatch_done = true;
+ while (existing->reader_dispatching)
+ existing->cond.Wait(existing->pipe_lock);
+ existing->pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ existing->put();
+ existing = nullptr;
+ goto retry_existing_lookup;
+ }
+ if (connect.global_seq < existing->peer_global_seq) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept existing " << existing << ".gseq " << existing->peer_global_seq
+ << " > " << connect.global_seq << ", RETRY_GLOBAL" << dendl;
+ reply.global_seq = existing->peer_global_seq; // so we can send it below..
+ existing->pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ msgr->lock.Unlock();
+ goto reply;
+ } else {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept existing " << existing << ".gseq " << existing->peer_global_seq
+ << " <= " << connect.global_seq << ", looks ok" << dendl;
+ }
+ if (existing->policy.lossy) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "accept replacing existing (lossy) channel (new one lossy="
+ << policy.lossy << ")" << dendl;
+ existing->was_session_reset();
+ goto replace;
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "accept connect_seq " << connect.connect_seq
+ << " vs existing " << existing->connect_seq
+ << " state " << existing->get_state_name() << dendl;
+ if (connect.connect_seq == 0 && existing->connect_seq > 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "accept peer reset, then tried to connect to us, replacing" << dendl;
+ // this is a hard reset from peer
+ is_reset_from_peer = true;
+ if (policy.resetcheck)
+ existing->was_session_reset(); // this resets out_queue, msg_ and connect_seq #'s
+ goto replace;
+ }
+ if (connect.connect_seq < existing->connect_seq) {
+ // old attempt, or we sent READY but they didn't get it.
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept existing " << existing << ".cseq " << existing->connect_seq
+ << " > " << connect.connect_seq << ", RETRY_SESSION" << dendl;
+ goto retry_session;
+ }
+ if (connect.connect_seq == existing->connect_seq) {
+ // if the existing connection successfully opened, and/or
+ // subsequently went to standby, then the peer should bump
+ // their connect_seq and retry: this is not a connection race
+ // we need to resolve here.
+ if (existing->state == STATE_OPEN ||
+ existing->state == STATE_STANDBY) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept connection race, existing " << existing
+ << ".cseq " << existing->connect_seq
+ << " == " << connect.connect_seq
+ << ", OPEN|STANDBY, RETRY_SESSION" << dendl;
+ goto retry_session;
+ }
+ // connection race?
+ if (peer_addr < msgr->my_addr ||
+ existing->policy.server) {
+ // incoming wins
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept connection race, existing " << existing << ".cseq " << existing->connect_seq
+ << " == " << connect.connect_seq << ", or we are server, replacing my attempt" << dendl;
+ if (!(existing->state == STATE_CONNECTING ||
+ existing->state == STATE_WAIT))
+ lderr(msgr->cct) << "accept race bad state, would replace, existing="
+ << existing->get_state_name()
+ << " " << existing << ".cseq=" << existing->connect_seq
+ << " == " << connect.connect_seq
+ << dendl;
+ ceph_assert(existing->state == STATE_CONNECTING ||
+ existing->state == STATE_WAIT);
+ goto replace;
+ } else {
+ // our existing outgoing wins
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept connection race, existing " << existing << ".cseq " << existing->connect_seq
+ << " == " << connect.connect_seq << ", sending WAIT" << dendl;
+ ceph_assert(peer_addr > msgr->my_addr);
+ if (!(existing->state == STATE_CONNECTING))
+ lderr(msgr->cct) << "accept race bad state, would send wait, existing="
+ << existing->get_state_name()
+ << " " << existing << ".cseq=" << existing->connect_seq
+ << " == " << connect.connect_seq
+ << dendl;
+ ceph_assert(existing->state == STATE_CONNECTING);
+ // make sure our outgoing connection will follow through
+ existing->_send_keepalive();
+ reply.tag = CEPH_MSGR_TAG_WAIT;
+ existing->pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ msgr->lock.Unlock();
+ goto reply;
+ }
+ }
+ ceph_assert(connect.connect_seq > existing->connect_seq);
+ ceph_assert(connect.global_seq >= existing->peer_global_seq);
+ if (policy.resetcheck && // RESETSESSION only used by servers; peers do not reset each other
+ existing->connect_seq == 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "accept we reset (peer sent cseq " << connect.connect_seq
+ << ", " << existing << ".cseq = " << existing->connect_seq
+ << "), sending RESETSESSION" << dendl;
+ msgr->lock.Unlock();
+ existing->pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ goto reply;
+ }
+ // reconnect
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept peer sent cseq " << connect.connect_seq
+ << " > " << existing->connect_seq << dendl;
+ goto replace;
+ } // existing
+ else if (connect.connect_seq > 0) {
+ // we reset, and they are opening a new session
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "accept we reset (peer sent cseq " << connect.connect_seq << "), sending RESETSESSION" << dendl;
+ msgr->lock.Unlock();
+ goto reply;
+ } else {
+ // new session
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept new session" << dendl;
+ existing = NULL;
+ goto open;
+ }
+ ceph_abort();
+ retry_session:
+ ceph_assert(existing->pipe_lock.is_locked());
+ ceph_assert(pipe_lock.is_locked());
+ reply.connect_seq = existing->connect_seq + 1;
+ existing->pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ msgr->lock.Unlock();
+ goto reply;
+ reply:
+ ceph_assert(pipe_lock.is_locked());
+ reply.features = ((uint64_t)connect.features & policy.features_supported) | policy.features_required;
+ reply.authorizer_len = authorizer_reply.length();
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ r = tcp_write((char*)&reply, sizeof(reply));
+ if (r < 0)
+ goto fail_unlocked;
+ if (reply.authorizer_len) {
+ r = tcp_write(authorizer_reply.c_str(), authorizer_reply.length());
+ if (r < 0)
+ goto fail_unlocked;
+ }
+ }
+ replace:
+ ceph_assert(existing->pipe_lock.is_locked());
+ ceph_assert(pipe_lock.is_locked());
+ // if it is a hard reset from peer, we don't need a round-trip to negotiate in/out sequence
+ if ((connect.features & CEPH_FEATURE_RECONNECT_SEQ) && !is_reset_from_peer) {
+ reply_tag = CEPH_MSGR_TAG_SEQ;
+ existing_seq = existing->in_seq;
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept replacing " << existing << dendl;
+ existing->stop();
+ existing->unregister_pipe();
+ replaced = true;
+ if (existing->policy.lossy) {
+ // disconnect from the Connection
+ ceph_assert(existing->connection_state);
+ if (existing->connection_state->clear_pipe(existing))
+ msgr->dispatch_queue.queue_reset(existing->connection_state.get());
+ } else {
+ // queue a reset on the new connection, which we're dumping for the old
+ msgr->dispatch_queue.queue_reset(connection_state.get());
+ // drop my Connection, and take a ref to the existing one. do not
+ // clear existing->connection_state, since read_message and
+ // write_message both dereference it without pipe_lock.
+ connection_state = existing->connection_state;
+ // make existing Connection reference us
+ connection_state->reset_pipe(this);
+ if (existing->delay_thread) {
+ existing->delay_thread->steal_for_pipe(this);
+ delay_thread = existing->delay_thread;
+ existing->delay_thread = NULL;
+ delay_thread->flush();
+ }
+ // steal incoming queue
+ uint64_t replaced_conn_id = conn_id;
+ conn_id = existing->conn_id;
+ existing->conn_id = replaced_conn_id;
+ // reset the in_seq if this is a hard reset from peer,
+ // otherwise we respect our original connection's value
+ in_seq = is_reset_from_peer ? 0 : existing->in_seq;
+ in_seq_acked = in_seq;
+ // steal outgoing queue and out_seq
+ existing->requeue_sent();
+ out_seq = existing->out_seq;
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept re-queuing on out_seq " << out_seq << " in_seq " << in_seq << dendl;
+ for (map<int, list<Message*> >::iterator p = existing->out_q.begin();
+ p != existing->out_q.end();
+ ++p)
+ out_q[p->first].splice(out_q[p->first].begin(), p->second);
+ }
+ existing->stop_and_wait();
+ existing->pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ open:
+ // open
+ ceph_assert(pipe_lock.is_locked());
+ connect_seq = connect.connect_seq + 1;
+ peer_global_seq = connect.global_seq;
+ ceph_assert(state == STATE_ACCEPTING);
+ state = STATE_OPEN;
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept success, connect_seq = " << connect_seq << ", sending READY" << dendl;
+ // send READY reply
+ reply.tag = (reply_tag ? reply_tag : CEPH_MSGR_TAG_READY);
+ reply.features = policy.features_supported;
+ reply.global_seq = msgr->get_global_seq();
+ reply.connect_seq = connect_seq;
+ reply.flags = 0;
+ reply.authorizer_len = authorizer_reply.length();
+ if (policy.lossy)
+ reply.flags = reply.flags | CEPH_MSG_CONNECT_LOSSY;
+ connection_state->set_features((uint64_t)reply.features & (uint64_t)connect.features);
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept features " << connection_state->get_features() << dendl;
+ session_security.reset(
+ get_auth_session_handler(msgr->cct,
+ connect.authorizer_protocol,
+ session_key,
+ connection_state->get_features()));
+ // notify
+ msgr->dispatch_queue.queue_accept(connection_state.get());
+ msgr->ms_deliver_handle_fast_accept(connection_state.get());
+ // ok!
+ if (msgr->dispatch_queue.stop)
+ goto shutting_down;
+ removed = msgr->accepting_pipes.erase(this);
+ ceph_assert(removed == 1);
+ register_pipe();
+ msgr->lock.Unlock();
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ r = tcp_write((char*)&reply, sizeof(reply));
+ if (r < 0) {
+ goto fail_registered;
+ }
+ if (reply.authorizer_len) {
+ r = tcp_write(authorizer_reply.c_str(), authorizer_reply.length());
+ if (r < 0) {
+ goto fail_registered;
+ }
+ }
+ if (reply_tag == CEPH_MSGR_TAG_SEQ) {
+ if (tcp_write((char*)&existing_seq, sizeof(existing_seq)) < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "accept write error on in_seq" << dendl;
+ goto fail_registered;
+ }
+ if (tcp_read((char*)&newly_acked_seq, sizeof(newly_acked_seq)) < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "accept read error on newly_acked_seq" << dendl;
+ goto fail_registered;
+ }
+ }
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ discard_requeued_up_to(newly_acked_seq);
+ if (state != STATE_CLOSED) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accept starting writer, state " << get_state_name() << dendl;
+ start_writer();
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "accept done" << dendl;
+ maybe_start_delay_thread();
+ return 0; // success.
+ fail_registered:
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 10) << "accept fault after register" << dendl;
+ if (msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_internal_delays) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 10) << " sleep for " << msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_internal_delays << dendl;
+ utime_t t;
+ t.set_from_double(msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_internal_delays);
+ t.sleep();
+ }
+ fail_unlocked:
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ if (state != STATE_CLOSED) {
+ bool queued = is_queued();
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 10) << " queued = " << (int)queued << dendl;
+ if (queued) {
+ state = policy.server ? STATE_STANDBY : STATE_CONNECTING;
+ } else if (replaced) {
+ state = STATE_STANDBY;
+ } else {
+ state = STATE_CLOSED;
+ state_closed = true;
+ }
+ fault();
+ if (queued || replaced)
+ start_writer();
+ }
+ return -1;
+ shutting_down:
+ msgr->lock.Unlock();
+ shutting_down_msgr_unlocked:
+ ceph_assert(pipe_lock.is_locked());
+ if (msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_internal_delays) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 10) << " sleep for " << msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_internal_delays << dendl;
+ utime_t t;
+ t.set_from_double(msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_internal_delays);
+ t.sleep();
+ }
+ state = STATE_CLOSED;
+ state_closed = true;
+ fault();
+ return -1;
+void Pipe::set_socket_options()
+ // disable Nagle algorithm?
+ if (msgr->cct->_conf->ms_tcp_nodelay) {
+ int flag = 1;
+ int r = ::setsockopt(sd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*)&flag, sizeof(flag));
+ if (r < 0) {
+ r = -errno;
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "couldn't set TCP_NODELAY: "
+ << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
+ }
+ }
+ if (msgr->cct->_conf->ms_tcp_rcvbuf) {
+ int size = msgr->cct->_conf->ms_tcp_rcvbuf;
+ int r = ::setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (void*)&size, sizeof(size));
+ if (r < 0) {
+ r = -errno;
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "couldn't set SO_RCVBUF to " << size
+ << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
+ }
+ }
+ // block ESIGPIPE
+ int val = 1;
+ int r = ::setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, (void*)&val, sizeof(val));
+ if (r) {
+ r = -errno;
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "couldn't set SO_NOSIGPIPE: "
+ << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
+ }
+ int prio = msgr->get_socket_priority();
+ if (prio >= 0) {
+ int r = -1;
+ int iptos = IPTOS_CLASS_CS6;
+ int addr_family = 0;
+ if (!peer_addr.is_blank_ip()) {
+ addr_family = peer_addr.get_family();
+ } else {
+ addr_family = msgr->get_myaddr_legacy().get_family();
+ }
+ switch (addr_family) {
+ case AF_INET:
+ r = ::setsockopt(sd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, &iptos, sizeof(iptos));
+ break;
+ case AF_INET6:
+ r = ::setsockopt(sd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_TCLASS, &iptos, sizeof(iptos));
+ break;
+ default:
+ lderr(msgr->cct) << "couldn't set ToS of unknown family ("
+ << addr_family << ")"
+ << " to " << iptos << dendl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (r < 0) {
+ r = -errno;
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "couldn't set TOS to " << iptos
+ << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
+ }
+ // setsockopt(IPTOS_CLASS_CS6) sets the priority of the socket as 0.
+ // See and
+ // We need to call setsockopt(SO_PRIORITY) after it.
+ r = ::setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PRIORITY, &prio, sizeof(prio));
+ if (r < 0) {
+ r = -errno;
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "couldn't set SO_PRIORITY to " << prio
+ << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
+ }
+ }
+int Pipe::connect()
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "connect " << connect_seq << dendl;
+ ceph_assert(pipe_lock.is_locked());
+ __u32 cseq = connect_seq;
+ __u32 gseq = msgr->get_global_seq();
+ // stop reader thread
+ join_reader();
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ char tag = -1;
+ int rc = -1;
+ struct msghdr msg;
+ struct iovec msgvec[2];
+ int msglen;
+ char banner[strlen(CEPH_BANNER) + 1]; // extra byte makes coverity happy
+ entity_addr_t paddr;
+ entity_addr_t peer_addr_for_me, socket_addr;
+ AuthAuthorizer *authorizer = NULL;
+ bufferlist addrbl, myaddrbl;
+ const auto& conf = msgr->cct->_conf;
+ // close old socket. this is safe because we stopped the reader thread above.
+ if (sd >= 0)
+ ::close(sd);
+ // create socket?
+ sd = socket_cloexec(peer_addr.get_family(), SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ if (sd < 0) {
+ int e = errno;
+ lderr(msgr->cct) << "connect couldn't create socket " << cpp_strerror(e) << dendl;
+ rc = -e;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ recv_reset();
+ set_socket_options();
+ {
+ entity_addr_t addr2bind = msgr->get_myaddr_legacy();
+ if (msgr->cct->_conf->ms_bind_before_connect && (!addr2bind.is_blank_ip())) {
+ addr2bind.set_port(0);
+ int r = ::bind(sd , addr2bind.get_sockaddr(), addr2bind.get_sockaddr_len());
+ if (r < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "client bind error " << ", " << cpp_strerror(errno) << dendl;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // connect!
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "connecting to " << peer_addr << dendl;
+ rc = ::connect(sd, peer_addr.get_sockaddr(), peer_addr.get_sockaddr_len());
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ int stored_errno = errno;
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "connect error " << peer_addr
+ << ", " << cpp_strerror(stored_errno) << dendl;
+ if (stored_errno == ECONNREFUSED) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 2) << "connection refused!" << dendl;
+ msgr->dispatch_queue.queue_refused(connection_state.get());
+ }
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ // verify banner
+ // FIXME: this should be non-blocking, or in some other way verify the banner as we get it.
+ rc = tcp_read((char*)&banner, strlen(CEPH_BANNER));
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "connect couldn't read banner, " << cpp_strerror(rc) << dendl;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (memcmp(banner, CEPH_BANNER, strlen(CEPH_BANNER))) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "connect protocol error (bad banner) on peer " << peer_addr << dendl;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
+ msgvec[0].iov_base = banner;
+ msgvec[0].iov_len = strlen(CEPH_BANNER);
+ msg.msg_iov = msgvec;
+ msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
+ msglen = msgvec[0].iov_len;
+ rc = do_sendmsg(&msg, msglen);
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "connect couldn't write my banner, " << cpp_strerror(rc) << dendl;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ // identify peer
+ {
+#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+ bufferptr p(sizeof(ceph_entity_addr) * 2);
+ int wirelen = sizeof(__u32) * 2 + sizeof(ceph_sockaddr_storage);
+ bufferptr p(wirelen * 2);
+ addrbl.push_back(std::move(p));
+ }
+ rc = tcp_read(addrbl.c_str(), addrbl.length());
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "connect couldn't read peer addrs, " << cpp_strerror(rc) << dendl;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ try {
+ auto p = addrbl.cbegin();
+ decode(paddr, p);
+ decode(peer_addr_for_me, p);
+ }
+ catch (buffer::error& e) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "connect couldn't decode peer addrs: " << e.what()
+ << dendl;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ port = peer_addr_for_me.get_port();
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "connect read peer addr " << paddr << " on socket " << sd << dendl;
+ if (peer_addr != paddr) {
+ if (paddr.is_blank_ip() &&
+ peer_addr.get_port() == paddr.get_port() &&
+ peer_addr.get_nonce() == paddr.get_nonce()) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "connect claims to be "
+ << paddr << " not " << peer_addr << " - presumably this is the same node!" << dendl;
+ } else {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "connect claims to be "
+ << paddr << " not " << peer_addr << dendl;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "connect peer addr for me is " << peer_addr_for_me << dendl;
+ msgr->learned_addr(peer_addr_for_me);
+ encode(msgr->my_addr, myaddrbl, 0); // legacy
+ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
+ msgvec[0].iov_base = myaddrbl.c_str();
+ msgvec[0].iov_len = myaddrbl.length();
+ msg.msg_iov = msgvec;
+ msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
+ msglen = msgvec[0].iov_len;
+ rc = do_sendmsg(&msg, msglen);
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "connect couldn't write my addr, " << cpp_strerror(rc) << dendl;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "connect sent my addr " << msgr->my_addr << dendl;
+ while (1) {
+ if (!authorizer) {
+ authorizer = msgr->ms_deliver_get_authorizer(peer_type);
+ }
+ bufferlist authorizer_reply;
+ ceph_msg_connect connect;
+ connect.features = policy.features_supported;
+ connect.host_type = msgr->get_myname().type();
+ connect.global_seq = gseq;
+ connect.connect_seq = cseq;
+ connect.protocol_version = msgr->get_proto_version(peer_type, true);
+ connect.authorizer_protocol = authorizer ? authorizer->protocol : 0;
+ connect.authorizer_len = authorizer ? authorizer->bl.length() : 0;
+ if (authorizer)
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "connect.authorizer_len=" << connect.authorizer_len
+ << " protocol=" << connect.authorizer_protocol << dendl;
+ connect.flags = 0;
+ if (policy.lossy)
+ connect.flags |= CEPH_MSG_CONNECT_LOSSY; // this is fyi, actually, server decides!
+ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
+ msgvec[0].iov_base = (char*)&connect;
+ msgvec[0].iov_len = sizeof(connect);
+ msg.msg_iov = msgvec;
+ msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
+ msglen = msgvec[0].iov_len;
+ if (authorizer) {
+ msgvec[1].iov_base = authorizer->bl.c_str();
+ msgvec[1].iov_len = authorizer->bl.length();
+ msg.msg_iovlen++;
+ msglen += msgvec[1].iov_len;
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "connect sending gseq=" << gseq << " cseq=" << cseq
+ << " proto=" << connect.protocol_version << dendl;
+ rc = do_sendmsg(&msg, msglen);
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "connect couldn't write gseq, cseq, " << cpp_strerror(rc) << dendl;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "connect wrote (self +) cseq, waiting for reply" << dendl;
+ ceph_msg_connect_reply reply;
+ rc = tcp_read((char*)&reply, sizeof(reply));
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "connect read reply " << cpp_strerror(rc) << dendl;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "connect got reply tag " << (int)reply.tag
+ << " connect_seq " << reply.connect_seq
+ << " global_seq " << reply.global_seq
+ << " proto " << reply.protocol_version
+ << " flags " << (int)reply.flags
+ << " features " << reply.features
+ << dendl;
+ authorizer_reply.clear();
+ if (reply.authorizer_len) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "reply.authorizer_len=" << reply.authorizer_len << dendl;
+ bufferptr bp = buffer::create(reply.authorizer_len);
+ rc = tcp_read(bp.c_str(), reply.authorizer_len);
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "connect couldn't read connect authorizer_reply" << cpp_strerror(rc) << dendl;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ authorizer_reply.push_back(bp);
+ }
+ authorizer->add_challenge(msgr->cct, authorizer_reply);
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << " got authorizer challenge, " << authorizer_reply.length()
+ << " bytes" << dendl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (authorizer) {
+ auto iter = authorizer_reply.cbegin();
+ if (!authorizer->verify_reply(iter, nullptr /* connection_secret */)) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "failed verifying authorize reply" << dendl;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ }
+ if (conf->ms_inject_internal_delays) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 10) << " sleep for " << msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_internal_delays << dendl;
+ utime_t t;
+ t.set_from_double(msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_internal_delays);
+ t.sleep();
+ }
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ if (state != STATE_CONNECTING) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "connect got RESETSESSION but no longer connecting" << dendl;
+ goto stop_locked;
+ }
+ if (reply.tag == CEPH_MSGR_TAG_FEATURES) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "connect protocol feature mismatch, my " << std::hex
+ << connect.features << " < peer " << reply.features
+ << " missing " << (reply.features & ~policy.features_supported)
+ << std::dec << dendl;
+ goto fail_locked;
+ }
+ if (reply.tag == CEPH_MSGR_TAG_BADPROTOVER) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "connect protocol version mismatch, my " << connect.protocol_version
+ << " != " << reply.protocol_version << dendl;
+ goto fail_locked;
+ }
+ if (reply.tag == CEPH_MSGR_TAG_BADAUTHORIZER) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "connect got BADAUTHORIZER" << dendl;
+ goto fail_locked;
+ }
+ if (reply.tag == CEPH_MSGR_TAG_RESETSESSION) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "connect got RESETSESSION" << dendl;
+ was_session_reset();
+ cseq = 0;
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (reply.tag == CEPH_MSGR_TAG_RETRY_GLOBAL) {
+ gseq = msgr->get_global_seq(reply.global_seq);
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "connect got RETRY_GLOBAL " << reply.global_seq
+ << " chose new " << gseq << dendl;
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (reply.tag == CEPH_MSGR_TAG_RETRY_SESSION) {
+ ceph_assert(reply.connect_seq > connect_seq);
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "connect got RETRY_SESSION " << connect_seq
+ << " -> " << reply.connect_seq << dendl;
+ cseq = connect_seq = reply.connect_seq;
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (reply.tag == CEPH_MSGR_TAG_WAIT) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,3) << "connect got WAIT (connection race)" << dendl;
+ state = STATE_WAIT;
+ goto stop_locked;
+ }
+ if (reply.tag == CEPH_MSGR_TAG_READY ||
+ reply.tag == CEPH_MSGR_TAG_SEQ) {
+ uint64_t feat_missing = policy.features_required & ~(uint64_t)reply.features;
+ if (feat_missing) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,1) << "missing required features " << std::hex << feat_missing << std::dec << dendl;
+ goto fail_locked;
+ }
+ if (reply.tag == CEPH_MSGR_TAG_SEQ) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "got CEPH_MSGR_TAG_SEQ, reading acked_seq and writing in_seq" << dendl;
+ uint64_t newly_acked_seq = 0;
+ rc = tcp_read((char*)&newly_acked_seq, sizeof(newly_acked_seq));
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "connect read error on newly_acked_seq" << cpp_strerror(rc) << dendl;
+ goto fail_locked;
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << " got newly_acked_seq " << newly_acked_seq
+ << " vs out_seq " << out_seq << dendl;
+ while (newly_acked_seq > out_seq) {
+ Message *m = _get_next_outgoing();
+ ceph_assert(m);
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << " discarding previously sent " << m->get_seq()
+ << " " << *m << dendl;
+ ceph_assert(m->get_seq() <= newly_acked_seq);
+ m->put();
+ ++out_seq;
+ }
+ if (tcp_write((char*)&in_seq, sizeof(in_seq)) < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "connect write error on in_seq" << dendl;
+ goto fail_locked;
+ }
+ }
+ // hooray!
+ peer_global_seq = reply.global_seq;
+ policy.lossy = reply.flags & CEPH_MSG_CONNECT_LOSSY;
+ state = STATE_OPEN;
+ connect_seq = cseq + 1;
+ ceph_assert(connect_seq == reply.connect_seq);
+ backoff = utime_t();
+ connection_state->set_features((uint64_t)reply.features & (uint64_t)connect.features);
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "connect success " << connect_seq << ", lossy = " << policy.lossy
+ << ", features " << connection_state->get_features() << dendl;
+ // If we have an authorizer, get a new AuthSessionHandler to deal with ongoing security of the
+ // connection. PLR
+ if (authorizer != NULL) {
+ session_security.reset(
+ get_auth_session_handler(
+ msgr->cct,
+ authorizer->protocol,
+ authorizer->session_key,
+ connection_state->get_features()));
+ } else {
+ // We have no authorizer, so we shouldn't be applying security to messages in this pipe. PLR
+ session_security.reset();
+ }
+ msgr->dispatch_queue.queue_connect(connection_state.get());
+ msgr->ms_deliver_handle_fast_connect(connection_state.get());
+ if (!reader_running) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "connect starting reader" << dendl;
+ start_reader();
+ }
+ maybe_start_delay_thread();
+ delete authorizer;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // protocol error
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "connect got bad tag " << (int)tag << dendl;
+ goto fail_locked;
+ }
+ fail:
+ if (conf->ms_inject_internal_delays) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 10) << " sleep for " << msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_internal_delays << dendl;
+ utime_t t;
+ t.set_from_double(msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_internal_delays);
+ t.sleep();
+ }
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ fail_locked:
+ if (state == STATE_CONNECTING)
+ fault();
+ else
+ ldout(msgr->cct,3) << "connect fault, but state = " << get_state_name()
+ << " != connecting, stopping" << dendl;
+ stop_locked:
+ delete authorizer;
+ return rc;
+void Pipe::register_pipe()
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "register_pipe" << dendl;
+ ceph_assert(msgr->lock.is_locked());
+ Pipe *existing = msgr->_lookup_pipe(peer_addr);
+ ceph_assert(existing == NULL);
+ msgr->rank_pipe[peer_addr] = this;
+void Pipe::unregister_pipe()
+ ceph_assert(msgr->lock.is_locked());
+ ceph::unordered_map<entity_addr_t,Pipe*>::iterator p = msgr->rank_pipe.find(peer_addr);
+ if (p != msgr->rank_pipe.end() && p->second == this) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "unregister_pipe" << dendl;
+ msgr->rank_pipe.erase(p);
+ } else {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "unregister_pipe - not registered" << dendl;
+ msgr->accepting_pipes.erase(this); // somewhat overkill, but safe.
+ }
+void Pipe::join()
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 20) << "join" << dendl;
+ if (writer_thread.is_started())
+ writer_thread.join();
+ if (reader_thread.is_started())
+ reader_thread.join();
+ if (delay_thread) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 20) << "joining delay_thread" << dendl;
+ delay_thread->stop();
+ delay_thread->join();
+ }
+void Pipe::requeue_sent()
+ if (sent.empty())
+ return;
+ list<Message*>& rq = out_q[CEPH_MSG_PRIO_HIGHEST];
+ while (!sent.empty()) {
+ Message *m = sent.back();
+ sent.pop_back();
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "requeue_sent " << *m << " for resend seq " << out_seq
+ << " (" << m->get_seq() << ")" << dendl;
+ rq.push_front(m);
+ out_seq--;
+ }
+void Pipe::discard_requeued_up_to(uint64_t seq)
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 10) << "discard_requeued_up_to " << seq << dendl;
+ if (out_q.count(CEPH_MSG_PRIO_HIGHEST) == 0) {
+ out_seq = seq;
+ return;
+ }
+ list<Message*>& rq = out_q[CEPH_MSG_PRIO_HIGHEST];
+ while (!rq.empty()) {
+ Message *m = rq.front();
+ if (m->get_seq() == 0 || m->get_seq() > seq)
+ break;
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "discard_requeued_up_to " << *m << " for resend seq " << out_seq
+ << " <= " << seq << ", discarding" << dendl;
+ m->put();
+ rq.pop_front();
+ out_seq++;
+ }
+ if (rq.empty())
+ out_q.erase(CEPH_MSG_PRIO_HIGHEST);
+ * Tears down the Pipe's message queues, and removes them from the DispatchQueue
+ * Must hold pipe_lock prior to calling.
+ */
+void Pipe::discard_out_queue()
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "discard_queue" << dendl;
+ for (list<Message*>::iterator p = sent.begin(); p != sent.end(); ++p) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << " discard " << *p << dendl;
+ (*p)->put();
+ }
+ sent.clear();
+ for (map<int,list<Message*> >::iterator p = out_q.begin(); p != out_q.end(); ++p)
+ for (list<Message*>::iterator r = p->second.begin(); r != p->second.end(); ++r) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << " discard " << *r << dendl;
+ (*r)->put();
+ }
+ out_q.clear();
+void Pipe::fault(bool onread)
+ const auto& conf = msgr->cct->_conf;
+ ceph_assert(pipe_lock.is_locked());
+ cond.Signal();
+ if (onread && state == STATE_CONNECTING) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "fault already connecting, reader shutting down" << dendl;
+ return;
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "fault " << cpp_strerror(errno) << dendl;
+ if (state == STATE_CLOSED ||
+ state == STATE_CLOSING) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "fault already closed|closing" << dendl;
+ if (connection_state->clear_pipe(this))
+ msgr->dispatch_queue.queue_reset(connection_state.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ shutdown_socket();
+ // lossy channel?
+ if (policy.lossy && state != STATE_CONNECTING) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "fault on lossy channel, failing" << dendl;
+ // disconnect from Connection, and mark it failed. future messages
+ // will be dropped.
+ ceph_assert(connection_state);
+ stop();
+ bool cleared = connection_state->clear_pipe(this);
+ // crib locks, blech. note that Pipe is now STATE_CLOSED and the
+ // rank_pipe entry is ignored by others.
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ if (conf->ms_inject_internal_delays) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 10) << " sleep for " << msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_internal_delays << dendl;
+ utime_t t;
+ t.set_from_double(msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_internal_delays);
+ t.sleep();
+ }
+ msgr->lock.Lock();
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ unregister_pipe();
+ msgr->lock.Unlock();
+ if (delay_thread)
+ delay_thread->discard();
+ in_q->discard_queue(conn_id);
+ discard_out_queue();
+ if (cleared)
+ msgr->dispatch_queue.queue_reset(connection_state.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ // queue delayed items immediately
+ if (delay_thread)
+ delay_thread->flush();
+ // requeue sent items
+ requeue_sent();
+ if (policy.standby && !is_queued()) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "fault with nothing to send, going to standby" << dendl;
+ state = STATE_STANDBY;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (state != STATE_CONNECTING) {
+ if (policy.server) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "fault, server, going to standby" << dendl;
+ state = STATE_STANDBY;
+ } else {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "fault, initiating reconnect" << dendl;
+ connect_seq++;
+ }
+ backoff = utime_t();
+ } else if (backoff == utime_t()) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "fault" << dendl;
+ backoff.set_from_double(conf->ms_initial_backoff);
+ } else {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "fault waiting " << backoff << dendl;
+ cond.WaitInterval(pipe_lock, backoff);
+ backoff += backoff;
+ if (backoff > conf->ms_max_backoff)
+ backoff.set_from_double(conf->ms_max_backoff);
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "fault done waiting or woke up" << dendl;
+ }
+void Pipe::randomize_out_seq()
+ if (connection_state->get_features() & CEPH_FEATURE_MSG_AUTH) {
+ // Set out_seq to a random value, so CRC won't be predictable.
+ out_seq = ceph::util::generate_random_number<uint64_t>(0, SEQ_MASK);
+ lsubdout(msgr->cct, ms, 10) << "randomize_out_seq " << out_seq << dendl;
+ } else {
+ // previously, seq #'s always started at 0.
+ out_seq = 0;
+ }
+void Pipe::was_session_reset()
+ ceph_assert(pipe_lock.is_locked());
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "was_session_reset" << dendl;
+ in_q->discard_queue(conn_id);
+ if (delay_thread)
+ delay_thread->discard();
+ discard_out_queue();
+ msgr->dispatch_queue.queue_remote_reset(connection_state.get());
+ randomize_out_seq();
+ in_seq = 0;
+ in_seq_acked = 0;
+ connect_seq = 0;
+void Pipe::stop()
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "stop" << dendl;
+ ceph_assert(pipe_lock.is_locked());
+ state = STATE_CLOSED;
+ state_closed = true;
+ cond.Signal();
+ shutdown_socket();
+void Pipe::stop_and_wait()
+ ceph_assert(pipe_lock.is_locked_by_me());
+ if (state != STATE_CLOSED)
+ stop();
+ if (msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_internal_delays) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 10) << __func__ << " sleep for "
+ << msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_internal_delays
+ << dendl;
+ utime_t t;
+ t.set_from_double(msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_internal_delays);
+ t.sleep();
+ }
+ if (delay_thread) {
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ delay_thread->stop_fast_dispatching();
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ }
+ while (reader_running &&
+ reader_dispatching)
+ cond.Wait(pipe_lock);
+/* read msgs from socket.
+ * also, server.
+ */
+void Pipe::reader()
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ if (state == STATE_ACCEPTING) {
+ accept();
+ ceph_assert(pipe_lock.is_locked());
+ }
+ // loop.
+ while (state != STATE_CLOSED &&
+ state != STATE_CONNECTING) {
+ ceph_assert(pipe_lock.is_locked());
+ // sleep if (re)connecting
+ if (state == STATE_STANDBY) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "reader sleeping during reconnect|standby" << dendl;
+ cond.Wait(pipe_lock);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // get a reference to the AuthSessionHandler while we have the pipe_lock
+ std::shared_ptr<AuthSessionHandler> auth_handler = session_security;
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ char tag = -1;
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "reader reading tag..." << dendl;
+ if (tcp_read((char*)&tag, 1) < 0) {
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "reader couldn't read tag, " << cpp_strerror(errno) << dendl;
+ fault(true);
+ continue;
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "reader got KEEPALIVE" << dendl;
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ connection_state->set_last_keepalive(ceph_clock_now());
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (tag == CEPH_MSGR_TAG_KEEPALIVE2) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,30) << "reader got KEEPALIVE2 tag ..." << dendl;
+ ceph_timespec t;
+ int rc = tcp_read((char*)&t, sizeof(t));
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "reader couldn't read KEEPALIVE2 stamp "
+ << cpp_strerror(errno) << dendl;
+ fault(true);
+ } else {
+ send_keepalive_ack = true;
+ keepalive_ack_stamp = utime_t(t);
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "reader got KEEPALIVE2 " << keepalive_ack_stamp
+ << dendl;
+ connection_state->set_last_keepalive(ceph_clock_now());
+ cond.Signal();
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "reader got KEEPALIVE_ACK" << dendl;
+ struct ceph_timespec t;
+ int rc = tcp_read((char*)&t, sizeof(t));
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "reader couldn't read KEEPALIVE2 stamp " << cpp_strerror(errno) << dendl;
+ fault(true);
+ } else {
+ connection_state->set_last_keepalive_ack(utime_t(t));
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // open ...
+ if (tag == CEPH_MSGR_TAG_ACK) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "reader got ACK" << dendl;
+ ceph_le64 seq;
+ int rc = tcp_read((char*)&seq, sizeof(seq));
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "reader couldn't read ack seq, " << cpp_strerror(errno) << dendl;
+ fault(true);
+ } else if (state != STATE_CLOSED) {
+ handle_ack(seq);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (tag == CEPH_MSGR_TAG_MSG) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "reader got MSG" << dendl;
+ Message *m = 0;
+ int r = read_message(&m, auth_handler.get());
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ if (!m) {
+ if (r < 0)
+ fault(true);
+ continue;
+ }
+ m->trace.event("pipe read message");
+ if (state == STATE_CLOSED ||
+ state == STATE_CONNECTING) {
+ in_q->dispatch_throttle_release(m->get_dispatch_throttle_size());
+ m->put();
+ continue;
+ }
+ // check received seq#. if it is old, drop the message.
+ // note that incoming messages may skip ahead. this is convenient for the client
+ // side queueing because messages can't be renumbered, but the (kernel) client will
+ // occasionally pull a message out of the sent queue to send elsewhere. in that case
+ // it doesn't matter if we "got" it or not.
+ if (m->get_seq() <= in_seq) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "reader got old message "
+ << m->get_seq() << " <= " << in_seq << " " << m << " " << *m
+ << ", discarding" << dendl;
+ in_q->dispatch_throttle_release(m->get_dispatch_throttle_size());
+ m->put();
+ if (connection_state->has_feature(CEPH_FEATURE_RECONNECT_SEQ) &&
+ msgr->cct->_conf->ms_die_on_old_message)
+ ceph_abort_msg("old msgs despite reconnect_seq feature");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (m->get_seq() > in_seq + 1) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "reader missed message? skipped from seq "
+ << in_seq << " to " << m->get_seq() << dendl;
+ if (msgr->cct->_conf->ms_die_on_skipped_message)
+ ceph_abort_msg("skipped incoming seq");
+ }
+ m->set_connection(connection_state.get());
+ // note last received message.
+ in_seq = m->get_seq();
+ cond.Signal(); // wake up writer, to ack this
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "reader got message "
+ << m->get_seq() << " " << m << " " << *m
+ << dendl;
+ in_q->fast_preprocess(m);
+ if (delay_thread) {
+ utime_t release;
+ if (rand() % 10000 < msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_delay_probability * 10000.0) {
+ release = m->get_recv_stamp();
+ release += msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_delay_max * (double)(rand() % 10000) / 10000.0;
+ lsubdout(msgr->cct, ms, 1) << "queue_received will delay until " << release << " on " << m << " " << *m << dendl;
+ }
+ delay_thread->queue(release, m);
+ } else {
+ if (in_q->can_fast_dispatch(m)) {
+ reader_dispatching = true;
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ in_q->fast_dispatch(m);
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ reader_dispatching = false;
+ if (state == STATE_CLOSED ||
+ notify_on_dispatch_done) { // there might be somebody waiting
+ notify_on_dispatch_done = false;
+ cond.Signal();
+ }
+ } else {
+ in_q->enqueue(m, m->get_priority(), conn_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tag == CEPH_MSGR_TAG_CLOSE) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "reader got CLOSE" << dendl;
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ if (state == STATE_CLOSING) {
+ state = STATE_CLOSED;
+ state_closed = true;
+ } else {
+ state = STATE_CLOSING;
+ }
+ cond.Signal();
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "reader bad tag " << (int)tag << dendl;
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ fault(true);
+ }
+ }
+ // reap?
+ reader_running = false;
+ reader_needs_join = true;
+ unlock_maybe_reap();
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "reader done" << dendl;
+/* write msgs to socket.
+ * also, client.
+ */
+void Pipe::writer()
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ while (state != STATE_CLOSED) {// && state != STATE_WAIT) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "writer: state = " << get_state_name()
+ << " policy.server=" << policy.server << dendl;
+ // standby?
+ if (is_queued() && state == STATE_STANDBY && !policy.server)
+ // connect?
+ if (state == STATE_CONNECTING) {
+ ceph_assert(!policy.server);
+ connect();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (state == STATE_CLOSING) {
+ // write close tag
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "writer writing CLOSE tag" << dendl;
+ char tag = CEPH_MSGR_TAG_CLOSE;
+ state = STATE_CLOSED;
+ state_closed = true;
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ if (sd >= 0) {
+ // we can ignore return value, actually; we don't care if this succeeds.
+ int r = ::write(sd, &tag, 1);
+ (void)r;
+ }
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (state != STATE_CONNECTING && state != STATE_WAIT && state != STATE_STANDBY &&
+ (is_queued() || in_seq > in_seq_acked)) {
+ // keepalive?
+ if (send_keepalive) {
+ int rc;
+ if (connection_state->has_feature(CEPH_FEATURE_MSGR_KEEPALIVE2)) {
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ rc = write_keepalive2(CEPH_MSGR_TAG_KEEPALIVE2,
+ ceph_clock_now());
+ } else {
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ rc = write_keepalive();
+ }
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "writer couldn't write keepalive[2], "
+ << cpp_strerror(errno) << dendl;
+ fault();
+ continue;
+ }
+ send_keepalive = false;
+ }
+ if (send_keepalive_ack) {
+ utime_t t = keepalive_ack_stamp;
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ int rc = write_keepalive2(CEPH_MSGR_TAG_KEEPALIVE2_ACK, t);
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "writer couldn't write keepalive_ack, " << cpp_strerror(errno) << dendl;
+ fault();
+ continue;
+ }
+ send_keepalive_ack = false;
+ }
+ // send ack?
+ if (in_seq > in_seq_acked) {
+ uint64_t send_seq = in_seq;
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ int rc = write_ack(send_seq);
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,2) << "writer couldn't write ack, " << cpp_strerror(errno) << dendl;
+ fault();
+ continue;
+ }
+ in_seq_acked = send_seq;
+ }
+ // grab outgoing message
+ Message *m = _get_next_outgoing();
+ if (m) {
+ m->set_seq(++out_seq);
+ if (!policy.lossy) {
+ // put on sent list
+ sent.push_back(m);
+ m->get();
+ }
+ // associate message with Connection (for benefit of encode_payload)
+ m->set_connection(connection_state.get());
+ uint64_t features = connection_state->get_features();
+ if (m->empty_payload())
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "writer encoding " << m->get_seq() << " features " << features
+ << " " << m << " " << *m << dendl;
+ else
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "writer half-reencoding " << m->get_seq() << " features " << features
+ << " " << m << " " << *m << dendl;
+ // encode and copy out of *m
+ m->encode(features, msgr->crcflags);
+ // prepare everything
+ const ceph_msg_header& header = m->get_header();
+ const ceph_msg_footer& footer = m->get_footer();
+ // Now that we have all the crcs calculated, handle the
+ // digital signature for the message, if the pipe has session
+ // security set up. Some session security options do not
+ // actually calculate and check the signature, but they should
+ // handle the calls to sign_message and check_signature. PLR
+ if (session_security.get() == NULL) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 20) << "writer no session security" << dendl;
+ } else {
+ if (session_security->sign_message(m)) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 20) << "writer failed to sign seq # " << header.seq
+ << "): sig = " << footer.sig << dendl;
+ } else {
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 20) << "writer signed seq # " << header.seq
+ << "): sig = " << footer.sig << dendl;
+ }
+ }
+ bufferlist blist = m->get_payload();
+ blist.append(m->get_middle());
+ blist.append(m->get_data());
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ m->trace.event("pipe writing message");
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "writer sending " << m->get_seq() << " " << m << dendl;
+ int rc = write_message(header, footer, blist);
+ pipe_lock.Lock();
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,1) << "writer error sending " << m << ", "
+ << cpp_strerror(errno) << dendl;
+ fault();
+ }
+ m->put();
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // wait
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "writer sleeping" << dendl;
+ cond.Wait(pipe_lock);
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "writer finishing" << dendl;
+ // reap?
+ writer_running = false;
+ unlock_maybe_reap();
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "writer done" << dendl;
+void Pipe::unlock_maybe_reap()
+ if (!reader_running && !writer_running) {
+ shutdown_socket();
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ if (delay_thread && delay_thread->is_flushing()) {
+ delay_thread->wait_for_flush();
+ }
+ msgr->queue_reap(this);
+ } else {
+ pipe_lock.Unlock();
+ }
+static void alloc_aligned_buffer(bufferlist& data, unsigned len, unsigned off)
+ // create a buffer to read into that matches the data alignment
+ unsigned left = len;
+ if (off & ~CEPH_PAGE_MASK) {
+ // head
+ unsigned head = 0;
+ head = std::min<uint64_t>(CEPH_PAGE_SIZE - (off & ~CEPH_PAGE_MASK), left);
+ data.push_back(buffer::create(head));
+ left -= head;
+ }
+ unsigned middle = left & CEPH_PAGE_MASK;
+ if (middle > 0) {
+ data.push_back(buffer::create_small_page_aligned(middle));
+ left -= middle;
+ }
+ if (left) {
+ data.push_back(buffer::create(left));
+ }
+int Pipe::read_message(Message **pm, AuthSessionHandler* auth_handler)
+ int ret = -1;
+ // envelope
+ //ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "receiver.read_message from sd " << sd << dendl;
+ ceph_msg_header header;
+ ceph_msg_footer footer;
+ __u32 header_crc = 0;
+ if (tcp_read((char*)&header, sizeof(header)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (msgr->crcflags & MSG_CRC_HEADER) {
+ header_crc = ceph_crc32c(0, (unsigned char *)&header, sizeof(header) - sizeof(header.crc));
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "reader got envelope type=" << header.type
+ << " src " << entity_name_t(header.src)
+ << " front=" << header.front_len
+ << " data=" << header.data_len
+ << " off " << header.data_off
+ << dendl;
+ // verify header crc
+ if ((msgr->crcflags & MSG_CRC_HEADER) && header_crc != header.crc) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "reader got bad header crc " << header_crc << " != " << header.crc << dendl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ bufferlist front, middle, data;
+ int front_len, middle_len;
+ unsigned data_len, data_off;
+ int aborted;
+ Message *message;
+ utime_t recv_stamp = ceph_clock_now();
+ if (policy.throttler_messages) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "reader wants " << 1 << " message from policy throttler "
+ << policy.throttler_messages->get_current() << "/"
+ << policy.throttler_messages->get_max() << dendl;
+ policy.throttler_messages->get();
+ }
+ uint64_t message_size = header.front_len + header.middle_len + header.data_len;
+ if (message_size) {
+ if (policy.throttler_bytes) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "reader wants " << message_size << " bytes from policy throttler "
+ << policy.throttler_bytes->get_current() << "/"
+ << policy.throttler_bytes->get_max() << dendl;
+ policy.throttler_bytes->get(message_size);
+ }
+ // throttle total bytes waiting for dispatch. do this _after_ the
+ // policy throttle, as this one does not deadlock (unless dispatch
+ // blocks indefinitely, which it shouldn't). in contrast, the
+ // policy throttle carries for the lifetime of the message.
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "reader wants " << message_size << " from dispatch throttler "
+ << in_q->dispatch_throttler.get_current() << "/"
+ << in_q->dispatch_throttler.get_max() << dendl;
+ in_q->dispatch_throttler.get(message_size);
+ }
+ utime_t throttle_stamp = ceph_clock_now();
+ // read front
+ front_len = header.front_len;
+ if (front_len) {
+ bufferptr bp = buffer::create(front_len);
+ if (tcp_read(bp.c_str(), front_len) < 0)
+ goto out_dethrottle;
+ front.push_back(std::move(bp));
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "reader got front " << front.length() << dendl;
+ }
+ // read middle
+ middle_len = header.middle_len;
+ if (middle_len) {
+ bufferptr bp = buffer::create(middle_len);
+ if (tcp_read(bp.c_str(), middle_len) < 0)
+ goto out_dethrottle;
+ middle.push_back(std::move(bp));
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "reader got middle " << middle.length() << dendl;
+ }
+ // read data
+ data_len = le32_to_cpu(header.data_len);
+ data_off = le32_to_cpu(header.data_off);
+ if (data_len) {
+ unsigned offset = 0;
+ unsigned left = data_len;
+ bufferlist newbuf, rxbuf;
+ bufferlist::iterator blp;
+// int rxbuf_version = 0;
+ while (left > 0) {
+ // wait for data
+ if (tcp_read_wait() < 0)
+ goto out_dethrottle;
+ // get a buffer
+#if 0
+ // The rx_buffers implementation is buggy:
+ // - see
+ //
+ // - From inspection, I think that we have problems if we read *part*
+ // of the message into an rx_buffer, then drop the lock, someone revokes,
+ // and then later try to read the rest. In that case our final bufferlist
+ // will have part of the original static_buffer from the first chunk and
+ // partly a piece that we allocated. I think that to make this correct,
+ // we need to keep the bufferlist we are reading into in Connection under
+ // the lock, and on revoke, if the data is partly read, rebuild() to copy
+ // into fresh buffers so that all references to our static buffer are
+ // cleared up.
+ //
+ // - Also... what happens if we fully read into the static
+ // buffer, then revoke? We still have some bufferlist out there
+ // in the process of getting dispatched back to objecter or
+ // librados that references the static buffer.
+ connection_state->lock.Lock();
+ map<ceph_tid_t,pair<bufferlist,int> >::iterator p = connection_state->rx_buffers.find(header.tid);
+ if (p != connection_state->rx_buffers.end()) {
+ if (rxbuf.length() == 0 || p->second.second != rxbuf_version) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "reader seleting rx buffer v " << p->second.second
+ << " at offset " << offset
+ << " len " << p->second.first.length() << dendl;
+ rxbuf = p->second.first;
+ rxbuf_version = p->second.second;
+ // make sure it's big enough
+ if (rxbuf.length() < data_len)
+ rxbuf.push_back(buffer::create(data_len - rxbuf.length()));
+ blp = p->second.first.begin();
+ blp.advance(offset);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!newbuf.length()) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "reader allocating new rx buffer at offset " << offset << dendl;
+ alloc_aligned_buffer(newbuf, data_len, data_off);
+ blp = newbuf.begin();
+ blp.advance(offset);
+ }
+ }
+ bufferptr bp = blp.get_current_ptr();
+ int read = std::min(bp.length(), left);
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "reader reading nonblocking into " << (void*)bp.c_str() << " len " << bp.length() << dendl;
+ ssize_t got = tcp_read_nonblocking(bp.c_str(), read);
+ ldout(msgr->cct,30) << "reader read " << got << " of " << read << dendl;
+ connection_state->lock.Unlock();
+ // rx_buffer-less implementation
+ if (!newbuf.length()) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "reader allocating new rx buffer at offset "
+ << offset << dendl;
+ alloc_aligned_buffer(newbuf, data_len, data_off);
+ blp = newbuf.begin();
+ blp.advance(offset);
+ }
+ bufferptr bp = blp.get_current_ptr();
+ int read = std::min(bp.length(), left);
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "reader reading nonblocking into "
+ << (void*)bp.c_str() << " len " << bp.length()
+ << dendl;
+ ssize_t got = tcp_read_nonblocking(bp.c_str(), read);
+ ldout(msgr->cct,30) << "reader read " << got << " of " << read << dendl;
+ if (got < 0)
+ goto out_dethrottle;
+ if (got > 0) {
+ blp.advance(static_cast<size_t>(got));
+ data.append(bp, 0, got);
+ offset += got;
+ left -= got;
+ } // else we got a signal or something; just loop.
+ }
+ }
+ // footer
+ if (connection_state->has_feature(CEPH_FEATURE_MSG_AUTH)) {
+ if (tcp_read((char*)&footer, sizeof(footer)) < 0)
+ goto out_dethrottle;
+ } else {
+ ceph_msg_footer_old old_footer;
+ if (tcp_read((char*)&old_footer, sizeof(old_footer)) < 0)
+ goto out_dethrottle;
+ footer.front_crc = old_footer.front_crc;
+ footer.middle_crc = old_footer.middle_crc;
+ footer.data_crc = old_footer.data_crc;
+ footer.sig = 0;
+ footer.flags = old_footer.flags;
+ }
+ aborted = (footer.flags & CEPH_MSG_FOOTER_COMPLETE) == 0;
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "aborted = " << aborted << dendl;
+ if (aborted) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "reader got " << front.length() << " + " << middle.length() << " + " << data.length()
+ << " byte message.. ABORTED" << dendl;
+ ret = 0;
+ goto out_dethrottle;
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "reader got " << front.length() << " + " << middle.length() << " + " << data.length()
+ << " byte message" << dendl;
+ message = decode_message(msgr->cct, msgr->crcflags, header, footer,
+ front, middle, data, connection_state.get());
+ if (!message) {
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto out_dethrottle;
+ }
+ //
+ // Check the signature if one should be present. A zero return indicates success. PLR
+ //
+ if (auth_handler == NULL) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 10) << "No session security set" << dendl;
+ } else {
+ if (auth_handler->check_message_signature(message)) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 0) << "Signature check failed" << dendl;
+ message->put();
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto out_dethrottle;
+ }
+ }
+ message->set_byte_throttler(policy.throttler_bytes);
+ message->set_message_throttler(policy.throttler_messages);
+ // store reservation size in message, so we don't get confused
+ // by messages entering the dispatch queue through other paths.
+ message->set_dispatch_throttle_size(message_size);
+ message->set_recv_stamp(recv_stamp);
+ message->set_throttle_stamp(throttle_stamp);
+ message->set_recv_complete_stamp(ceph_clock_now());
+ *pm = message;
+ return 0;
+ out_dethrottle:
+ // release bytes reserved from the throttlers on failure
+ if (policy.throttler_messages) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "reader releasing " << 1 << " message to policy throttler "
+ << policy.throttler_messages->get_current() << "/"
+ << policy.throttler_messages->get_max() << dendl;
+ policy.throttler_messages->put();
+ }
+ if (message_size) {
+ if (policy.throttler_bytes) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "reader releasing " << message_size << " bytes to policy throttler "
+ << policy.throttler_bytes->get_current() << "/"
+ << policy.throttler_bytes->get_max() << dendl;
+ policy.throttler_bytes->put(message_size);
+ }
+ in_q->dispatch_throttle_release(message_size);
+ }
+ return ret;
+int Pipe::do_sendmsg(struct msghdr *msg, unsigned len, bool more)
+ while (len > 0) {
+ int r;
+ r = ::sendmsg(sd, msg, MSG_NOSIGNAL | (more ? MSG_MORE : 0));
+ if (r == 0)
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "do_sendmsg hmm do_sendmsg got r==0!" << dendl;
+ if (r < 0) {
+ r = -errno;
+ ldout(msgr->cct,1) << "do_sendmsg error " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
+ return r;
+ }
+ if (state == STATE_CLOSED) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "do_sendmsg oh look, state == CLOSED, giving up" << dendl;
+ return -EINTR; // close enough
+ }
+ len -= r;
+ if (len == 0) break;
+ // hrmph. trim r bytes off the front of our message.
+ ldout(msgr->cct,20) << "do_sendmsg short write did " << r << ", still have " << len << dendl;
+ while (r > 0) {
+ if (msg->msg_iov[0].iov_len <= (size_t)r) {
+ // lose this whole item
+ //ldout(msgr->cct,30) << "skipping " << msg->msg_iov[0].iov_len << ", " << (msg->msg_iovlen-1) << " v, " << r << " left" << dendl;
+ r -= msg->msg_iov[0].iov_len;
+ msg->msg_iov++;
+ msg->msg_iovlen--;
+ } else {
+ // partial!
+ //ldout(msgr->cct,30) << "adjusting " << msg->msg_iov[0].iov_len << ", " << msg->msg_iovlen << " v, " << r << " left" << dendl;
+ msg->msg_iov[0].iov_base = (char *)msg->msg_iov[0].iov_base + r;
+ msg->msg_iov[0].iov_len -= r;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int Pipe::write_ack(uint64_t seq)
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "write_ack " << seq << dendl;
+ char c = CEPH_MSGR_TAG_ACK;
+ ceph_le64 s;
+ s = seq;
+ struct msghdr msg;
+ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
+ struct iovec msgvec[2];
+ msgvec[0].iov_base = &c;
+ msgvec[0].iov_len = 1;
+ msgvec[1].iov_base = &s;
+ msgvec[1].iov_len = sizeof(s);
+ msg.msg_iov = msgvec;
+ msg.msg_iovlen = 2;
+ if (do_sendmsg(&msg, 1 + sizeof(s), true) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+int Pipe::write_keepalive()
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "write_keepalive" << dendl;
+ struct msghdr msg;
+ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
+ struct iovec msgvec[2];
+ msgvec[0].iov_base = &c;
+ msgvec[0].iov_len = 1;
+ msg.msg_iov = msgvec;
+ msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
+ if (do_sendmsg(&msg, 1) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+int Pipe::write_keepalive2(char tag, const utime_t& t)
+ ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "write_keepalive2 " << (int)tag << " " << t << dendl;
+ struct ceph_timespec ts;
+ t.encode_timeval(&ts);
+ struct msghdr msg;
+ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
+ struct iovec msgvec[2];
+ msgvec[0].iov_base = &tag;
+ msgvec[0].iov_len = 1;
+ msgvec[1].iov_base = &ts;
+ msgvec[1].iov_len = sizeof(ts);
+ msg.msg_iov = msgvec;
+ msg.msg_iovlen = 2;
+ if (do_sendmsg(&msg, 1 + sizeof(ts)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+int Pipe::write_message(const ceph_msg_header& header, const ceph_msg_footer& footer, bufferlist& blist)
+ int ret;
+ // set up msghdr and iovecs
+ struct msghdr msg;
+ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
+ msg.msg_iov = msgvec;
+ int msglen = 0;
+ // send tag
+ char tag = CEPH_MSGR_TAG_MSG;
+ msgvec[msg.msg_iovlen].iov_base = &tag;
+ msgvec[msg.msg_iovlen].iov_len = 1;
+ msglen++;
+ msg.msg_iovlen++;
+ // send envelope
+ msgvec[msg.msg_iovlen].iov_base = (char*)&header;
+ msgvec[msg.msg_iovlen].iov_len = sizeof(header);
+ msglen += sizeof(header);
+ msg.msg_iovlen++;
+ // payload (front+data)
+ auto pb = std::cbegin(blist.buffers());
+ unsigned b_off = 0; // carry-over buffer offset, if any
+ unsigned bl_pos = 0; // blist pos
+ unsigned left = blist.length();
+ while (left > 0) {
+ unsigned donow = std::min(left, pb->length()-b_off);
+ if (donow == 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct,0) << "donow = " << donow << " left " << left << " pb->length " << pb->length()
+ << " b_off " << b_off << dendl;
+ }
+ ceph_assert(donow > 0);
+ ldout(msgr->cct,30) << " bl_pos " << bl_pos << " b_off " << b_off
+ << " leftinchunk " << left
+ << " buffer len " << pb->length()
+ << " writing " << donow
+ << dendl;
+ if (msg.msg_iovlen >= SM_IOV_MAX-2) {
+ if (do_sendmsg(&msg, msglen, true))
+ goto fail;
+ // and restart the iov
+ msg.msg_iov = msgvec;
+ msg.msg_iovlen = 0;
+ msglen = 0;
+ }
+ msgvec[msg.msg_iovlen].iov_base = (void*)(pb->c_str()+b_off);
+ msgvec[msg.msg_iovlen].iov_len = donow;
+ msglen += donow;
+ msg.msg_iovlen++;
+ ceph_assert(left >= donow);
+ left -= donow;
+ b_off += donow;
+ bl_pos += donow;
+ if (left == 0)
+ break;
+ while (b_off == pb->length()) {
+ ++pb;
+ b_off = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ ceph_assert(left == 0);
+ // send footer; if receiver doesn't support signatures, use the old footer format
+ ceph_msg_footer_old old_footer;
+ if (connection_state->has_feature(CEPH_FEATURE_MSG_AUTH)) {
+ msgvec[msg.msg_iovlen].iov_base = (void*)&footer;
+ msgvec[msg.msg_iovlen].iov_len = sizeof(footer);
+ msglen += sizeof(footer);
+ msg.msg_iovlen++;
+ } else {
+ if (msgr->crcflags & MSG_CRC_HEADER) {
+ old_footer.front_crc = footer.front_crc;
+ old_footer.middle_crc = footer.middle_crc;
+ } else {
+ old_footer.front_crc = old_footer.middle_crc = 0;
+ }
+ old_footer.data_crc = msgr->crcflags & MSG_CRC_DATA ? footer.data_crc : 0;
+ old_footer.flags = footer.flags;
+ msgvec[msg.msg_iovlen].iov_base = (char*)&old_footer;
+ msgvec[msg.msg_iovlen].iov_len = sizeof(old_footer);
+ msglen += sizeof(old_footer);
+ msg.msg_iovlen++;
+ }
+ // send
+ if (do_sendmsg(&msg, msglen))
+ goto fail;
+ ret = 0;
+ out:
+ return ret;
+ fail:
+ ret = -1;
+ goto out;
+int Pipe::tcp_read(char *buf, unsigned len)
+ if (sd < 0)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ while (len > 0) {
+ if (msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_socket_failures && sd >= 0) {
+ if (rand() % msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_socket_failures == 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 0) << "injecting socket failure" << dendl;
+ ::shutdown(sd, SHUT_RDWR);
+ }
+ }
+ if (tcp_read_wait() < 0)
+ return -1;
+ ssize_t got = tcp_read_nonblocking(buf, len);
+ if (got < 0)
+ return -1;
+ len -= got;
+ buf += got;
+ //lgeneric_dout(cct, DBL) << "tcp_read got " << got << ", " << len << " left" << dendl;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int Pipe::tcp_read_wait()
+ if (sd < 0)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ struct pollfd pfd;
+ short evmask;
+ pfd.fd = sd;
+#if defined(__linux__)
+ if (has_pending_data())
+ return 0;
+ int r = poll(&pfd, 1, msgr->timeout);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return -errno;
+ if (r == 0)
+ return -EAGAIN;
+#if defined(__linux__)
+ evmask |= POLLRDHUP;
+ if (pfd.revents & evmask)
+ return -1;
+ if (!(pfd.revents & POLLIN))
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+ssize_t Pipe::do_recv(char *buf, size_t len, int flags)
+ ssize_t got = ::recv( sd, buf, len, flags );
+ if (got < 0) {
+ if (errno == EINTR) {
+ goto again;
+ }
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 10) << __func__ << " socket " << sd << " returned "
+ << got << " " << cpp_strerror(errno) << dendl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (got == 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return got;
+ssize_t Pipe::buffered_recv(char *buf, size_t len, int flags)
+ size_t left = len;
+ ssize_t total_recv = 0;
+ if (recv_len > recv_ofs) {
+ int to_read = std::min(recv_len - recv_ofs, left);
+ memcpy(buf, &recv_buf[recv_ofs], to_read);
+ recv_ofs += to_read;
+ left -= to_read;
+ if (left == 0) {
+ return to_read;
+ }
+ buf += to_read;
+ total_recv += to_read;
+ }
+ /* nothing left in the prefetch buffer */
+ if (left > recv_max_prefetch) {
+ /* this was a large read, we don't prefetch for these */
+ ssize_t ret = do_recv(buf, left, flags );
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ if (total_recv > 0)
+ return total_recv;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ total_recv += ret;
+ return total_recv;
+ }
+ ssize_t got = do_recv(recv_buf, recv_max_prefetch, flags);
+ if (got < 0) {
+ if (total_recv > 0)
+ return total_recv;
+ return got;
+ }
+ recv_len = (size_t)got;
+ got = std::min(left, (size_t)got);
+ memcpy(buf, recv_buf, got);
+ recv_ofs = got;
+ total_recv += got;
+ return total_recv;
+ssize_t Pipe::tcp_read_nonblocking(char *buf, unsigned len)
+ ssize_t got = buffered_recv(buf, len, MSG_DONTWAIT );
+ if (got < 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 10) << __func__ << " socket " << sd << " returned "
+ << got << " " << cpp_strerror(errno) << dendl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (got == 0) {
+ /* poll() said there was data, but we didn't read any - peer
+ * sent a FIN. Maybe POLLRDHUP signals this, but this is
+ * standard socket behavior as documented by Stevens.
+ */
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return got;
+int Pipe::tcp_write(const char *buf, unsigned len)
+ if (sd < 0)
+ return -1;
+ struct pollfd pfd;
+ pfd.fd = sd;
+#if defined(__linux__)
+ if (msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_socket_failures && sd >= 0) {
+ if (rand() % msgr->cct->_conf->ms_inject_socket_failures == 0) {
+ ldout(msgr->cct, 0) << "injecting socket failure" << dendl;
+ ::shutdown(sd, SHUT_RDWR);
+ }
+ }
+ if (poll(&pfd, 1, -1) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (!(pfd.revents & POLLOUT))
+ return -1;
+ //lgeneric_dout(cct, DBL) << "tcp_write writing " << len << dendl;
+ ceph_assert(len > 0);
+ while (len > 0) {
+ int did = ::send( sd, buf, len, MSG_NOSIGNAL );
+ if (did < 0) {
+ //lgeneric_dout(cct, 1) << "tcp_write error did = " << did << " " << cpp_strerror(errno) << dendl;
+ //lgeneric_derr(cct, 1) << "tcp_write error did = " << did << " " << cpp_strerror(errno) << dendl;
+ return did;
+ }
+ len -= did;
+ buf += did;
+ //lgeneric_dout(cct, DBL) << "tcp_write did " << did << ", " << len << " left" << dendl;
+ }
+ return 0;