path: root/src/pybind/mgr/ansible/
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+ceph-mgr Ansible orchestrator module
+The external Orchestrator is the Ansible runner service (RESTful https service)
+# pylint: disable=abstract-method, no-member, bad-continuation
+import json
+import requests
+from mgr_module import MgrModule
+import orchestrator
+from .ansible_runner_svc import Client, PlayBookExecution, ExecutionStatusCode,\
+ AnsibleRunnerServiceError
+from .output_wizards import ProcessInventory, ProcessPlaybookResult, \
+ ProcessHostsList
+# Time to clean the completions list
+# List of playbooks names used
+# Name of the playbook used in the "get_inventory" method.
+# This playbook is expected to provide a list of storage devices in the host
+# where the playbook is executed.
+# Used in the create_osd method
+ADD_OSD_PLAYBOOK = "add-osd.yml"
+# Used in the remove_osds method
+REMOVE_OSD_PLAYBOOK = "shrink-osd.yml"
+# Default name for the inventory group for hosts managed by the Orchestrator
+ORCHESTRATOR_GROUP = "orchestrator"
+# URLs for Ansible Runner Operations
+# Add or remove host in one group
+URL_ADD_RM_HOSTS = "api/v1/hosts/{host_name}/groups/{inventory_group}"
+# Retrieve the groups where the host is included in.
+URL_GET_HOST_GROUPS = "api/v1/hosts/{host_name}"
+# Manage groups
+URL_MANAGE_GROUP = "api/v1/groups/{group_name}"
+# URLs for Ansible Runner Operations
+URL_GET_HOSTS = "api/v1/hosts"
+class AnsibleReadOperation(orchestrator.ReadCompletion):
+ """ A read operation means to obtain information from the cluster.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, client, logger):
+ """
+ :param client : Ansible Runner Service Client
+ :param logger : The object used to log messages
+ """
+ super(AnsibleReadOperation, self).__init__()
+ # Private attributes
+ self._is_complete = False
+ self._is_errored = False
+ self._result = []
+ self._status = ExecutionStatusCode.NOT_LAUNCHED
+ # Object used to process operation result in different ways
+ self.output_wizard = None
+ # Error description in operation
+ self.error = ""
+ # Ansible Runner Service client
+ self.ar_client = client
+ # Logger
+ self.log = logger
+ # OutputWizard object used to process the result
+ self.output_wizard = None
+ @property
+ def is_complete(self):
+ return self._is_complete
+ @property
+ def is_errored(self):
+ return self._is_errored
+ @property
+ def result(self):
+ return self._result
+ @property
+ def status(self):
+ """Retrieve the current status of the operation and update state
+ attributes
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class ARSOperation(AnsibleReadOperation):
+ """Execute an Ansible Runner Service Operation
+ """
+ def __init__(self, client, logger, url, get_operation=True, payload=None):
+ """
+ :param client : Ansible Runner Service Client
+ :param logger : The object used to log messages
+ :param url : The Ansible Runner Service URL that provides
+ the operation
+ :param get_operation : True if operation is provided using an http GET
+ :param payload : http request payload
+ """
+ super(ARSOperation, self).__init__(client, logger)
+ self.url = url
+ self.get_operation = get_operation
+ self.payload = payload
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Ansible Runner Service: {operation} {url}".format(
+ operation="GET" if self.get_operation else "POST",
+ url=self.url)
+ @property
+ def status(self):
+ """ Execute the Ansible Runner Service operation and update the status
+ and result of the underlying Completion object.
+ """
+ # Execute the right kind of http request
+ if self.get_operation:
+ response = self.ar_client.http_get(self.url)
+ else:
+ response = self.ar_client.http_post(self.url, self.payload)
+ # If no connection errors, the operation is complete
+ self._is_complete = True
+ # Depending of the response, status and result is updated
+ if not response:
+ self._is_errored = True
+ self._status = ExecutionStatusCode.ERROR
+ self._result = "Ansible Runner Service not Available"
+ else:
+ self._is_errored = (response.status_code !=
+ if not self._is_errored:
+ self._status = ExecutionStatusCode.SUCCESS
+ if self.output_wizard:
+ self._result = self.output_wizard.process(self.url,
+ response.text)
+ else:
+ self._result = response.text
+ else:
+ self._status = ExecutionStatusCode.ERROR
+ self._result = response.reason
+ return self._status
+class PlaybookOperation(AnsibleReadOperation):
+ """Execute a playbook using the Ansible Runner Service
+ """
+ def __init__(self, client, playbook, logger, result_pattern,
+ params,
+ querystr_dict={}):
+ """
+ :param client : Ansible Runner Service Client
+ :param playbook : The playbook to execute
+ :param logger : The object used to log messages
+ :param result_pattern: The "pattern" to discover what execution events
+ have the information deemed as result
+ :param params : http request payload for the playbook execution
+ :param querystr_dict : http request querystring for the playbook
+ execution (DO NOT MODIFY HERE)
+ """
+ super(PlaybookOperation, self).__init__(client, logger)
+ # Private attributes
+ self.playbook = playbook
+ # An aditional filter of result events based in the event
+ self.event_filter = ""
+ # Playbook execution object
+ self.pb_execution = PlayBookExecution(client,
+ playbook,
+ logger,
+ result_pattern,
+ params,
+ querystr_dict)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Playbook {playbook_name}".format(playbook_name=self.playbook)
+ @property
+ def status(self):
+ """Check the status of the playbook execution and update the status
+ and result of the underlying Completion object.
+ """
+ if self._status in [ExecutionStatusCode.ON_GOING,
+ ExecutionStatusCode.NOT_LAUNCHED]:
+ self._status = self.pb_execution.get_status()
+ self._is_complete = (self._status == ExecutionStatusCode.SUCCESS) or \
+ (self._status == ExecutionStatusCode.ERROR)
+ self._is_errored = (self._status == ExecutionStatusCode.ERROR)
+ if self._is_complete:
+ self.update_result()
+ return self._status
+ def execute_playbook(self):
+ """Launch the execution of the playbook with the parameters configured
+ """
+ try:
+ self.pb_execution.launch()
+ except AnsibleRunnerServiceError:
+ self._status = ExecutionStatusCode.ERROR
+ raise
+ def update_result(self):
+ """Output of the read operation
+ The result of the playbook execution can be customized through the
+ function provided as 'process_output' attribute
+ :return string: Result of the operation formatted if it is possible
+ """
+ processed_result = []
+ if self._is_complete:
+ raw_result = self.pb_execution.get_result(self.event_filter)
+ if self.output_wizard:
+ processed_result = self.output_wizard.process(self.pb_execution.play_uuid,
+ raw_result)
+ else:
+ processed_result = raw_result
+ self._result = processed_result
+class AnsibleChangeOperation(orchestrator.WriteCompletion):
+ """Operations that changes the "cluster" state
+ Modifications/Changes (writes) are a two-phase thing, firstly execute
+ the playbook that is going to change elements in the Ceph Cluster.
+ When the playbook finishes execution (independently of the result),
+ the modification/change operation has finished.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(AnsibleChangeOperation, self).__init__()
+ self._status = ExecutionStatusCode.NOT_LAUNCHED
+ self._result = None
+ # Object used to process operation result in different ways
+ self.output_wizard = None
+ @property
+ def status(self):
+ """Return the status code of the operation
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @property
+ def is_persistent(self):
+ """
+ Has the operation updated the orchestrator's configuration
+ persistently? Typically this would indicate that an update
+ had been written to a manifest, but that the update
+ had not necessarily been pushed out to the cluster.
+ :return Boolean: True if the execution of the Ansible Playbook or the
+ operation over the Ansible Runner Service has finished
+ """
+ return self._status in [ExecutionStatusCode.SUCCESS,
+ ExecutionStatusCode.ERROR]
+ @property
+ def is_effective(self):
+ """Has the operation taken effect on the cluster?
+ For example, if we were adding a service, has it come up and appeared
+ in Ceph's cluster maps?
+ In the case of Ansible, this will be True if the playbooks has been
+ executed succesfully.
+ :return Boolean: if the playbook/ARS operation has been executed
+ succesfully
+ """
+ return self._status == ExecutionStatusCode.SUCCESS
+ @property
+ def is_errored(self):
+ return self._status == ExecutionStatusCode.ERROR
+ @property
+ def result(self):
+ return self._result
+class HttpOperation(object):
+ """A class to ease the management of http operations
+ """
+ def __init__(self, url, http_operation, payload="", query_string="{}"):
+ self.url = url
+ self.http_operation = http_operation
+ self.payload = payload
+ self.query_string = query_string
+ self.response = None
+class ARSChangeOperation(AnsibleChangeOperation):
+ """Execute one or more Ansible Runner Service Operations that implies
+ a change in the cluster
+ """
+ def __init__(self, client, logger, operations):
+ """
+ :param client : Ansible Runner Service Client
+ :param logger : The object used to log messages
+ :param operations : A list of http_operation objects
+ :param payload : dict with http request payload
+ """
+ super(ARSChangeOperation, self).__init__()
+ assert operations, "At least one operation is needed"
+ self.ar_client = client
+ self.log = logger
+ self.operations = operations
+ def __str__(self):
+ # Use the last operation as the main
+ return "Ansible Runner Service: {operation} {url}".format(
+ operation=self.operations[-1].http_operation,
+ url=self.operations[-1].url)
+ @property
+ def status(self):
+ """Execute the Ansible Runner Service operations and update the status
+ and result of the underlying Completion object.
+ """
+ for my_request in self.operations:
+ # Execute the right kind of http request
+ try:
+ if my_request.http_operation == "post":
+ response = self.ar_client.http_post(my_request.url,
+ my_request.payload,
+ my_request.query_string)
+ elif my_request.http_operation == "delete":
+ response = self.ar_client.http_delete(my_request.url)
+ elif my_request.http_operation == "get":
+ response = self.ar_client.http_get(my_request.url)
+ # Any problem executing the secuence of operations will
+ # produce an errored completion object.
+ if response.status_code !=
+ self._status = ExecutionStatusCode.ERROR
+ self._result = response.text
+ return self._status
+ # Any kind of error communicating with ARS or preventing
+ # to have a right http response
+ except AnsibleRunnerServiceError as ex:
+ self._status = ExecutionStatusCode.ERROR
+ self._result = str(ex)
+ return self._status
+ # If this point is reached, all the operations has been succesfuly
+ # executed, and the final result is updated
+ self._status = ExecutionStatusCode.SUCCESS
+ if self.output_wizard:
+ self._result = self.output_wizard.process("", response.text)
+ else:
+ self._result = response.text
+ return self._status
+class Module(MgrModule, orchestrator.Orchestrator):
+ """An Orchestrator that uses <Ansible Runner Service> to perform operations
+ """
+ {'name': 'server_url'},
+ {'name': 'username'},
+ {'name': 'password'},
+ {'name': 'verify_server'} # Check server identity (Boolean/path to CA bundle)
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(Module, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ = False
+ self.all_completions = []
+ self.ar_client = None
+ def available(self):
+ """ Check if Ansible Runner service is working
+ """
+ # TODO
+ return (True, "Everything ready")
+ def wait(self, completions):
+ """Given a list of Completion instances, progress any which are
+ incomplete.
+ :param completions: list of Completion instances
+ :Returns : True if everything is done.
+ """
+ # Check progress and update status in each operation
+ # Access completion.status property do the trick
+ for operation in completions:
+"<%s> status:%s", operation, operation.status)
+ completions = filter(lambda x: not x.is_complete, completions)
+ ops_pending = len(completions)
+"Operations pending: %s", ops_pending)
+ return ops_pending == 0
+ def serve(self):
+ """ Mandatory for standby modules
+ """
+"Starting Ansible Orchestrator module ...")
+ # Verify config options (Just that settings are available)
+ self.verify_config()
+ # Ansible runner service client
+ try:
+ self.ar_client = Client(server_url=self.get_module_option('server_url', ''),
+ user=self.get_module_option('username', ''),
+ password=self.get_module_option('password', ''),
+ verify_server=self.get_module_option('verify_server', True),
+ logger=self.log)
+ except AnsibleRunnerServiceError:
+ self.log.exception("Ansible Runner Service not available. "
+ "Check external server status/TLS identity or "
+ "connection options. If configuration options changed"
+ " try to disable/enable the module.")
+ self.shutdown()
+ return
+ = True
+ def shutdown(self):
+'Stopping Ansible orchestrator module')
+ = False
+ def get_inventory(self, node_filter=None, refresh=False):
+ """
+ :param : node_filter instance
+ :param : refresh any cached state
+ :Return : A AnsibleReadOperation instance (Completion Object)
+ """
+ # Create a new read completion object for execute the playbook
+ playbook_operation = PlaybookOperation(client=self.ar_client,
+ logger=self.log,
+ result_pattern="list storage inventory",
+ params={})
+ # Assign the process_output function
+ playbook_operation.output_wizard = ProcessInventory(self.ar_client,
+ self.log)
+ playbook_operation.event_filter = "runner_on_ok"
+ # Execute the playbook to obtain data
+ self._launch_operation(playbook_operation)
+ return playbook_operation
+ def create_osds(self, drive_group, all_hosts):
+ """Create one or more OSDs within a single Drive Group.
+ If no host provided the operation affects all the host in the OSDS role
+ :param drive_group: (orchestrator.DriveGroupSpec),
+ Drive group with the specification of drives to use
+ :param all_hosts : (List[str]),
+ List of hosts where the OSD's must be created
+ """
+ # Transform drive group specification to Ansible playbook parameters
+ host, osd_spec = dg_2_ansible(drive_group)
+ # Create a new read completion object for execute the playbook
+ playbook_operation = PlaybookOperation(client=self.ar_client,
+ playbook=ADD_OSD_PLAYBOOK,
+ logger=self.log,
+ result_pattern="",
+ params=osd_spec,
+ querystr_dict={"limit": host})
+ # Filter to get the result
+ playbook_operation.output_wizard = ProcessPlaybookResult(self.ar_client,
+ self.log)
+ playbook_operation.event_filter = "playbook_on_stats"
+ # Execute the playbook
+ self._launch_operation(playbook_operation)
+ return playbook_operation
+ def remove_osds(self, osd_ids):
+ """Remove osd's.
+ :param osd_ids: List of osd's to be removed (List[int])
+ """
+ extravars = {'osd_to_kill': ",".join([str(osd_id) for osd_id in osd_ids]),
+ 'ireallymeanit':'yes'}
+ # Create a new read completion object for execute the playbook
+ playbook_operation = PlaybookOperation(client=self.ar_client,
+ logger=self.log,
+ result_pattern="",
+ params=extravars)
+ # Filter to get the result
+ playbook_operation.output_wizard = ProcessPlaybookResult(self.ar_client,
+ self.log)
+ playbook_operation.event_filter = "playbook_on_stats"
+ # Execute the playbook
+ self._launch_operation(playbook_operation)
+ return playbook_operation
+ def get_hosts(self):
+ """Provides a list Inventory nodes
+ """
+ host_ls_op = ARSOperation(self.ar_client, self.log, URL_GET_HOSTS)
+ host_ls_op.output_wizard = ProcessHostsList(self.ar_client,
+ self.log)
+ return host_ls_op
+ def add_host(self, host):
+ """
+ Add a host to the Ansible Runner Service inventory in the "orchestrator"
+ group
+ :param host: hostname
+ :returns : orchestrator.WriteCompletion
+ """
+ url_group = URL_MANAGE_GROUP.format(group_name=ORCHESTRATOR_GROUP)
+ try:
+ # Create the orchestrator default group if not exist.
+ # If exists we ignore the error response
+ dummy_response = self.ar_client.http_post(url_group, "", {})
+ # Here, the default group exists so...
+ # Prepare the operation for adding the new host
+ add_url = URL_ADD_RM_HOSTS.format(host_name=host,
+ inventory_group=ORCHESTRATOR_GROUP)
+ operations = [HttpOperation(add_url, "post")]
+ except AnsibleRunnerServiceError as ex:
+ # Problems with the external orchestrator.
+ # Prepare the operation to return the error in a Completion object.
+ self.log.exception("Error checking <orchestrator> group: %s", ex)
+ operations = [HttpOperation(url_group, "post")]
+ return ARSChangeOperation(self.ar_client, self.log, operations)
+ def remove_host(self, host):
+ """
+ Remove a host from all the groups in the Ansible Runner Service
+ inventory.
+ :param host: hostname
+ :returns : orchestrator.WriteCompletion
+ """
+ operations = []
+ host_groups = []
+ try:
+ # Get the list of groups where the host is included
+ groups_url = URL_GET_HOST_GROUPS.format(host_name=host)
+ response = self.ar_client.http_get(groups_url)
+ if response.status_code ==
+ host_groups = json.loads(response.text)["data"]["groups"]
+ except AnsibleRunnerServiceError:
+ self.log.exception("Error retrieving host groups")
+ if not host_groups:
+ # Error retrieving the groups, prepare the completion object to
+ # execute the problematic operation just to provide the error
+ # to the caller
+ operations = [HttpOperation(groups_url, "get")]
+ else:
+ # Build the operations list
+ operations = list(map(lambda x:
+ HttpOperation(URL_ADD_RM_HOSTS.format(
+ host_name=host,
+ inventory_group=x),
+ "delete"),
+ host_groups))
+ return ARSChangeOperation(self.ar_client, self.log, operations)
+ def _launch_operation(self, ansible_operation):
+ """Launch the operation and add the operation to the completion objects
+ ongoing
+ :ansible_operation: A read/write ansible operation (completion object)
+ """
+ # Execute the playbook
+ ansible_operation.execute_playbook()
+ # Add the operation to the list of things ongoing
+ self.all_completions.append(ansible_operation)
+ def verify_config(self):
+ """ Verify configuration options for the Ansible orchestrator module
+ """
+ client_msg = ""
+ if not self.get_module_option('server_url', ''):
+ msg = "No Ansible Runner Service base URL <server_name>:<port>." \
+ "Try 'ceph config set mgr mgr/{0}/server_url " \
+ "<server name/ip>:<port>'".format(self.module_name)
+ self.log.error(msg)
+ client_msg += msg
+ if not self.get_module_option('username', ''):
+ msg = "No Ansible Runner Service user. " \
+ "Try 'ceph config set mgr mgr/{0}/username " \
+ "<string value>'".format(self.module_name)
+ self.log.error(msg)
+ client_msg += msg
+ if not self.get_module_option('password', ''):
+ msg = "No Ansible Runner Service User password. " \
+ "Try 'ceph config set mgr mgr/{0}/password " \
+ "<string value>'".format(self.module_name)
+ self.log.error(msg)
+ client_msg += msg
+ if not self.get_module_option('verify_server', ''):
+ msg = "TLS server identity verification is enabled by default." \
+ "Use 'ceph config set mgr mgr/{0}/verify_server False' " \
+ "to disable it. Use 'ceph config set mgr mgr/{0}/verify_server " \
+ "<path>' to point the CA bundle path used for " \
+ "verification".format(self.module_name)
+ self.log.error(msg)
+ client_msg += msg
+ if client_msg:
+ # Raise error
+ # TODO: Use OrchestratorValidationError
+ raise Exception(client_msg)
+# Auxiliary functions
+def dg_2_ansible(drive_group):
+ """ Transform a drive group especification into:
+ a host : limit the playbook execution to this host
+ a osd_spec : dict of parameters to pass to the Ansible playbook used
+ to create the osds
+ :param drive_group: (type: DriveGroupSpec)
+ TODO: Possible this function will be removed/or modified heavily when
+ the ansible playbook to create osd's use ceph volume batch with
+ drive group parameter
+ """
+ # Limit the execution of the playbook to certain hosts
+ # TODO: Now only accepted "*" (all the hosts) or a host_name in the
+ # drive_group.host_pattern
+ # This attribute is intended to be used with "fnmatch" patterns, so when
+ # this become effective it will be needed to use the "get_inventory" method
+ # in order to have a list of hosts to be filtered with the "host_pattern"
+ if drive_group.host_pattern in ["*"]:
+ host = None # No limit in the playbook
+ else:
+ # For the moment, we assume that we only have 1 host
+ host = drive_group.host_pattern
+ # Compose the OSD configuration
+ osd = {}
+ osd["data"] = drive_group.data_devices.paths[0]
+ # Other parameters will be extracted in the same way
+ #osd["dmcrypt"] = drive_group.encryption
+ # lvm_volumes parameters
+ # (by the moment is what is accepted in the current playbook)
+ osd_spec = {"lvm_volumes":[osd]}
+ #Global scope variables also can be included in the osd_spec
+ #osd_spec["osd_objectstore"] = drive_group.objectstore
+ return host, osd_spec