path: root/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/controllers/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/controllers/')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/controllers/ b/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/controllers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70bea7c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/controllers/
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import cherrypy
+from . import Controller, BaseController, Endpoint, ENDPOINT_MAP
+from .. import logger, mgr
+from import str_to_bool
+@Controller('/docs', secure=False)
+class Docs(BaseController):
+ @classmethod
+ def _gen_tags(cls, all_endpoints):
+ """ Generates a list of all tags and corresponding descriptions. """
+ # Scenarios to consider:
+ # * Intentionally make up a new tag name at controller => New tag name displayed.
+ # * Misspell or make up a new tag name at endpoint => Neither tag or endpoint displayed.
+ # * Misspell tag name at controller (when referring to another controller) =>
+ # Tag displayed but no endpoints assigned
+ # * Description for a tag added at multiple locations => Only one description displayed.
+ list_of_ctrl = set()
+ for endpoints in ENDPOINT_MAP.values():
+ for endpoint in endpoints:
+ if endpoint.is_api or all_endpoints:
+ list_of_ctrl.add(endpoint.ctrl)
+ TAG_MAP = {}
+ for ctrl in list_of_ctrl:
+ tag_name = ctrl.__name__
+ tag_descr = ""
+ if hasattr(ctrl, 'doc_info'):
+ if ctrl.doc_info['tag']:
+ tag_name = ctrl.doc_info['tag']
+ tag_descr = ctrl.doc_info['tag_descr']
+ if tag_name not in TAG_MAP or not TAG_MAP[tag_name]:
+ TAG_MAP[tag_name] = tag_descr
+ tags = [{'name': k, 'description': v if v else "*No description available*"}
+ for k, v in TAG_MAP.items()]
+ tags.sort(key=lambda e: e['name'])
+ return tags
+ @classmethod
+ def _get_tag(cls, endpoint):
+ """ Returns the name of a tag to assign to a path. """
+ ctrl = endpoint.ctrl
+ func = endpoint.func
+ tag = ctrl.__name__
+ if hasattr(func, 'doc_info') and func.doc_info['tag']:
+ tag = func.doc_info['tag']
+ elif hasattr(ctrl, 'doc_info') and ctrl.doc_info['tag']:
+ tag = ctrl.doc_info['tag']
+ return tag
+ @classmethod
+ def _gen_type(cls, param):
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
+ """
+ Generates the type of parameter based on its name and default value,
+ using very simple heuristics.
+ Used if type is not explicitly defined.
+ """
+ param_name = param['name']
+ def_value = param['default'] if 'default' in param else None
+ if param_name.startswith("is_"):
+ return "boolean"
+ if "size" in param_name:
+ return "integer"
+ if "count" in param_name:
+ return "integer"
+ if "num" in param_name:
+ return "integer"
+ if isinstance(def_value, bool):
+ return "boolean"
+ if isinstance(def_value, int):
+ return "integer"
+ return "string"
+ @classmethod
+ # isinstance doesn't work: input is always <type 'type'>.
+ def _type_to_str(cls, type_as_type):
+ """ Used if type is explicitly defined. """
+ if type_as_type is str:
+ type_as_str = 'string'
+ elif type_as_type is int:
+ type_as_str = 'integer'
+ elif type_as_type is bool:
+ type_as_str = 'boolean'
+ elif type_as_type is list or type_as_type is tuple:
+ type_as_str = 'array'
+ elif type_as_type is float:
+ type_as_str = 'number'
+ else:
+ type_as_str = 'object'
+ return type_as_str
+ @classmethod
+ def _add_param_info(cls, parameters, p_info):
+ # Cases to consider:
+ # * Parameter name (if not nested) misspelt in decorator => parameter not displayed
+ # * Sometimes a parameter is used for several endpoints (e.g. fs_id in CephFS).
+ # Currently, there is no possibility of reuse. Should there be?
+ # But what if there are two parameters with same name but different functionality?
+ """
+ Adds explicitly described information for parameters of an endpoint.
+ There are two cases:
+ * Either the parameter in p_info corresponds to an endpoint parameter. Implicit information
+ has higher priority, so only information that doesn't already exist is added.
+ * Or the parameter in p_info describes a nested parameter inside an endpoint parameter.
+ In that case there is no implicit information at all so all explicitly described info needs
+ to be added.
+ """
+ for p in p_info:
+ if not p['nested']:
+ for parameter in parameters:
+ if p['name'] == parameter['name']:
+ parameter['type'] = p['type']
+ parameter['description'] = p['description']
+ if 'nested_params' in p:
+ parameter['nested_params'] = cls._add_param_info([], p['nested_params'])
+ else:
+ nested_p = {
+ 'name': p['name'],
+ 'type': p['type'],
+ 'description': p['description'],
+ 'required': p['required'],
+ }
+ if 'default' in p:
+ nested_p['default'] = p['default']
+ if 'nested_params' in p:
+ nested_p['nested_params'] = cls._add_param_info([], p['nested_params'])
+ parameters.append(nested_p)
+ return parameters
+ @classmethod
+ def _gen_schema_for_content(cls, params):
+ """
+ Generates information to the content-object in OpenAPI Spec.
+ Used to for request body and responses.
+ """
+ required_params = []
+ properties = {}
+ for param in params:
+ if param['required']:
+ required_params.append(param['name'])
+ props = {}
+ if 'type' in param:
+ props['type'] = cls._type_to_str(param['type'])
+ if 'nested_params' in param:
+ if props['type'] == 'array': # dict in array
+ props['items'] = cls._gen_schema_for_content(param['nested_params'])
+ else: # dict in dict
+ props = cls._gen_schema_for_content(param['nested_params'])
+ elif props['type'] == 'object': # e.g. [int]
+ props['type'] = 'array'
+ props['items'] = {'type': cls._type_to_str(param['type'][0])}
+ else:
+ props['type'] = cls._gen_type(param)
+ if 'description' in param:
+ props['description'] = param['description']
+ if 'default' in param:
+ props['default'] = param['default']
+ properties[param['name']] = props
+ schema = {
+ 'type': 'object',
+ 'properties': properties,
+ }
+ if required_params:
+ schema['required'] = required_params
+ return schema
+ @classmethod
+ def _gen_responses(cls, method, resp_object=None):
+ resp = {
+ '400': {
+ "description": "Operation exception. Please check the "
+ "response body for details."
+ },
+ '401': {
+ "description": "Unauthenticated access. Please login first."
+ },
+ '403': {
+ "description": "Unauthorized access. Please check your "
+ "permissions."
+ },
+ '500': {
+ "description": "Unexpected error. Please check the "
+ "response body for the stack trace."
+ }
+ }
+ if method.lower() == 'get':
+ resp['200'] = {'description': "OK"}
+ if method.lower() == 'post':
+ resp['201'] = {'description': "Resource created."}
+ if method.lower() == 'put':
+ resp['200'] = {'description': "Resource updated."}
+ if method.lower() == 'delete':
+ resp['204'] = {'description': "Resource deleted."}
+ if method.lower() in ['post', 'put', 'delete']:
+ resp['202'] = {'description': "Operation is still executing."
+ " Please check the task queue."}
+ if resp_object:
+ for status_code, response_body in resp_object.items():
+ resp[status_code].update({
+ 'content': {
+ 'application/json': {
+ 'schema': cls._gen_schema_for_content(response_body)}}})
+ return resp
+ @classmethod
+ def _gen_params(cls, params, location):
+ parameters = []
+ for param in params:
+ if 'type' in param:
+ _type = cls._type_to_str(param['type'])
+ else:
+ _type = cls._gen_type(param)
+ if 'description' in param:
+ descr = param['description']
+ else:
+ descr = "*No description available*"
+ res = {
+ 'name': param['name'],
+ 'in': location,
+ 'schema': {
+ 'type': _type
+ },
+ 'description': descr
+ }
+ if param['required']:
+ res['required'] = True
+ elif param['default'] is None:
+ res['allowEmptyValue'] = True
+ else:
+ res['default'] = param['default']
+ parameters.append(res)
+ return parameters
+ @classmethod
+ def _gen_paths(cls, all_endpoints, baseUrl):
+ METHOD_ORDER = ['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete']
+ paths = {}
+ for path, endpoints in sorted(list(ENDPOINT_MAP.items()),
+ key=lambda p: p[0]):
+ methods = {}
+ skip = False
+ endpoint_list = sorted(endpoints, key=lambda e:
+ METHOD_ORDER.index(e.method.lower()))
+ for endpoint in endpoint_list:
+ if not endpoint.is_api and not all_endpoints:
+ skip = True
+ break
+ method = endpoint.method
+ func = endpoint.func
+ summary = "No description available"
+ resp = {}
+ p_info = []
+ if hasattr(func, 'doc_info'):
+ if func.doc_info['summary']:
+ summary = func.doc_info['summary']
+ resp = func.doc_info['response']
+ p_info = func.doc_info['parameters']
+ params = []
+ if endpoint.path_params:
+ params.extend(
+ cls._gen_params(
+ cls._add_param_info(endpoint.path_params, p_info), 'path'))
+ if endpoint.query_params:
+ params.extend(
+ cls._gen_params(
+ cls._add_param_info(endpoint.query_params, p_info), 'query'))
+ methods[method.lower()] = {
+ 'tags': [cls._get_tag(endpoint)],
+ 'summary': summary,
+ 'description': func.__doc__,
+ 'parameters': params,
+ 'responses': cls._gen_responses(method, resp)
+ }
+ if method.lower() in ['post', 'put']:
+ if endpoint.body_params:
+ body_params = cls._add_param_info(endpoint.body_params, p_info)
+ methods[method.lower()]['requestBody'] = {
+ 'content': {
+ 'application/json': {
+ 'schema': cls._gen_schema_for_content(body_params)}}}
+ if endpoint.is_secure:
+ methods[method.lower()]['security'] = [{'jwt': []}]
+ if not skip:
+ paths[path[len(baseUrl):]] = methods
+ return paths
+ def _gen_spec(self, all_endpoints=False, base_url=""):
+ if all_endpoints:
+ base_url = ""
+ host = cherrypy.request.base
+ host = host[host.index(':')+3:]
+ logger.debug("DOCS: Host: %s", host)
+ paths = self._gen_paths(all_endpoints, base_url)
+ if not base_url:
+ base_url = "/"
+ scheme = 'https'
+ ssl = str_to_bool(mgr.get_localized_module_option('ssl', True))
+ if not ssl:
+ scheme = 'http'
+ spec = {
+ 'openapi': "3.0.0",
+ 'info': {
+ 'description': "Please note that this API is not an official "
+ "Ceph REST API to be used by third-party "
+ "applications. It's primary purpose is to serve"
+ " the requirements of the Ceph Dashboard and is"
+ " subject to change at any time. Use at your "
+ "own risk.",
+ 'version': "v1",
+ 'title': "Ceph-Dashboard REST API"
+ },
+ 'host': host,
+ 'basePath': base_url,
+ 'servers': [{'url': "{}{}".format(cherrypy.request.base, base_url)}],
+ 'tags': self._gen_tags(all_endpoints),
+ 'schemes': [scheme],
+ 'paths': paths,
+ 'components': {
+ 'securitySchemes': {
+ 'jwt': {
+ 'type': 'http',
+ 'scheme': 'bearer',
+ 'bearerFormat': 'JWT'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return spec
+ @Endpoint(path="api.json")
+ def api_json(self):
+ return self._gen_spec(False, "/api")
+ @Endpoint(path="api-all.json")
+ def api_all_json(self):
+ return self._gen_spec(True, "/api")
+ def _swagger_ui_page(self, all_endpoints=False):
+ base = cherrypy.request.base
+ if all_endpoints:
+ spec_url = "{}/docs/api-all.json".format(base)
+ else:
+ spec_url = "{}/docs/api.json".format(base)
+ page = """
+ <!DOCTYPE html>
+ <html>
+ <head>
+ <meta charset="UTF-8">
+ <meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
+ href="/swagger-ui.css" >
+ <style>
+ html
+ {{
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ overflow: -moz-scrollbars-vertical;
+ overflow-y: scroll;
+ }}
+ *,
+ *:before,
+ *:after
+ {{
+ box-sizing: inherit;
+ }}
+ body {{
+ margin:0;
+ background: #fafafa;
+ }}
+ </style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div id="swagger-ui"></div>
+ <script src="/swagger-ui-bundle.js">
+ </script>
+ <script>
+ window.onload = function() {{
+ const ui = SwaggerUIBundle({{
+ url: '{}',
+ dom_id: '#swagger-ui',
+ presets: [
+ SwaggerUIBundle.presets.apis
+ ],
+ layout: "BaseLayout"
+ }})
+ window.ui = ui
+ }}
+ </script>
+ </body>
+ </html>
+ """.format(spec_url)
+ return page
+ @Endpoint(json_response=False)
+ def __call__(self, all_endpoints=False):
+ return self._swagger_ui_page(all_endpoints)