path: root/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/controllers/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/controllers/')
1 files changed, 526 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/controllers/ b/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/controllers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52dca087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/controllers/
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# pylint: disable=unused-argument
+# pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-branches
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import math
+from functools import partial
+from datetime import datetime
+import cherrypy
+import rbd
+from . import ApiController, RESTController, Task, UpdatePermission, \
+ DeletePermission, CreatePermission, ReadPermission, allow_empty_body
+from .. import mgr, logger
+from import Scope
+from import CephService
+from import RbdConfiguration, format_bitmask, format_features
+from import ViewCache, str_to_bool
+from import handle_rados_error, handle_rbd_error, \
+ serialize_dashboard_exception
+# pylint: disable=not-callable
+def RbdTask(name, metadata, wait_for):
+ def composed_decorator(func):
+ func = handle_rados_error('pool')(func)
+ func = handle_rbd_error()(func)
+ return Task("rbd/{}".format(name), metadata, wait_for,
+ partial(serialize_dashboard_exception, include_http_status=True))(func)
+ return composed_decorator
+def _rbd_call(pool_name, func, *args, **kwargs):
+ with mgr.rados.open_ioctx(pool_name) as ioctx:
+ func(ioctx, *args, **kwargs)
+def _rbd_image_call(pool_name, image_name, func, *args, **kwargs):
+ def _ioctx_func(ioctx, image_name, func, *args, **kwargs):
+ with rbd.Image(ioctx, image_name) as img:
+ func(ioctx, img, *args, **kwargs)
+ return _rbd_call(pool_name, _ioctx_func, image_name, func, *args, **kwargs)
+def _sort_features(features, enable=True):
+ """
+ Sorts image features according to feature dependencies:
+ object-map depends on exclusive-lock
+ journaling depends on exclusive-lock
+ fast-diff depends on object-map
+ """
+ ORDER = ['exclusive-lock', 'journaling', 'object-map', 'fast-diff']
+ def key_func(feat):
+ try:
+ return ORDER.index(feat)
+ except ValueError:
+ return id(feat)
+ features.sort(key=key_func, reverse=not enable)
+@ApiController('/block/image', Scope.RBD_IMAGE)
+class Rbd(RESTController):
+ RESOURCE_ID = "pool_name/image_name"
+ # set of image features that can be enable on existing images
+ ALLOW_ENABLE_FEATURES = {"exclusive-lock", "object-map", "fast-diff", "journaling"}
+ # set of image features that can be disabled on existing images
+ ALLOW_DISABLE_FEATURES = {"exclusive-lock", "object-map", "fast-diff", "deep-flatten",
+ "journaling"}
+ @classmethod
+ def _rbd_disk_usage(cls, image, snaps, whole_object=True):
+ class DUCallback(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.used_size = 0
+ def __call__(self, offset, length, exists):
+ if exists:
+ self.used_size += length
+ snap_map = {}
+ prev_snap = None
+ total_used_size = 0
+ for _, size, name in snaps:
+ image.set_snap(name)
+ du_callb = DUCallback()
+ image.diff_iterate(0, size, prev_snap, du_callb,
+ whole_object=whole_object)
+ snap_map[name] = du_callb.used_size
+ total_used_size += du_callb.used_size
+ prev_snap = name
+ return total_used_size, snap_map
+ @classmethod
+ def _rbd_image(cls, ioctx, pool_name, image_name):
+ with rbd.Image(ioctx, image_name) as img:
+ stat = img.stat()
+ stat['name'] = image_name
+ if img.old_format():
+ stat['unique_id'] = '{}/{}'.format(pool_name, stat['block_name_prefix'])
+ stat['id'] = stat['unique_id']
+ stat['image_format'] = 1
+ else:
+ stat['unique_id'] = '{}/{}'.format(pool_name,
+ stat['id'] =
+ stat['image_format'] = 2
+ stat['pool_name'] = pool_name
+ features = img.features()
+ stat['features'] = features
+ stat['features_name'] = format_bitmask(features)
+ # the following keys are deprecated
+ del stat['parent_pool']
+ del stat['parent_name']
+ stat['timestamp'] = "{}Z".format(img.create_timestamp()
+ .isoformat())
+ stat['stripe_count'] = img.stripe_count()
+ stat['stripe_unit'] = img.stripe_unit()
+ data_pool_name = CephService.get_pool_name_from_id(
+ img.data_pool_id())
+ if data_pool_name == pool_name:
+ data_pool_name = None
+ stat['data_pool'] = data_pool_name
+ try:
+ parent_info = img.parent_info()
+ stat['parent'] = {
+ 'pool_name': parent_info[0],
+ 'image_name': parent_info[1],
+ 'snap_name': parent_info[2]
+ }
+ except rbd.ImageNotFound:
+ # no parent image
+ stat['parent'] = None
+ # snapshots
+ stat['snapshots'] = []
+ for snap in img.list_snaps():
+ snap['timestamp'] = "{}Z".format(
+ img.get_snap_timestamp(snap['id']).isoformat())
+ snap['is_protected'] = img.is_protected_snap(snap['name'])
+ snap['used_bytes'] = None
+ snap['children'] = []
+ img.set_snap(snap['name'])
+ for child_pool_name, child_image_name in img.list_children():
+ snap['children'].append({
+ 'pool_name': child_pool_name,
+ 'image_name': child_image_name
+ })
+ stat['snapshots'].append(snap)
+ # disk usage
+ img_flags = img.flags()
+ if 'fast-diff' in stat['features_name'] and \
+ not rbd.RBD_FLAG_FAST_DIFF_INVALID & img_flags:
+ snaps = [(s['id'], s['size'], s['name'])
+ for s in stat['snapshots']]
+ snaps.sort(key=lambda s: s[0])
+ snaps += [(snaps[-1][0]+1 if snaps else 0, stat['size'], None)]
+ total_prov_bytes, snaps_prov_bytes = cls._rbd_disk_usage(
+ img, snaps, True)
+ stat['total_disk_usage'] = total_prov_bytes
+ for snap, prov_bytes in snaps_prov_bytes.items():
+ if snap is None:
+ stat['disk_usage'] = prov_bytes
+ continue
+ for ss in stat['snapshots']:
+ if ss['name'] == snap:
+ ss['disk_usage'] = prov_bytes
+ break
+ else:
+ stat['total_disk_usage'] = None
+ stat['disk_usage'] = None
+ stat['configuration'] = RbdConfiguration(pool_ioctx=ioctx, image_name=image_name).list()
+ return stat
+ @classmethod
+ @ViewCache()
+ def _rbd_pool_list(cls, pool_name):
+ rbd_inst = rbd.RBD()
+ with mgr.rados.open_ioctx(pool_name) as ioctx:
+ names = rbd_inst.list(ioctx)
+ result = []
+ for name in names:
+ try:
+ stat = cls._rbd_image(ioctx, pool_name, name)
+ except rbd.ImageNotFound:
+ # may have been removed in the meanwhile
+ continue
+ result.append(stat)
+ return result
+ def _rbd_list(self, pool_name=None):
+ if pool_name:
+ pools = [pool_name]
+ else:
+ pools = [p['pool_name'] for p in CephService.get_pool_list('rbd')]
+ result = []
+ for pool in pools:
+ # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
+ status, value = self._rbd_pool_list(pool)
+ for i, image in enumerate(value):
+ value[i]['configuration'] = RbdConfiguration(pool, image['name']).list()
+ result.append({'status': status, 'value': value, 'pool_name': pool})
+ return result
+ @handle_rbd_error()
+ @handle_rados_error('pool')
+ def list(self, pool_name=None):
+ return self._rbd_list(pool_name)
+ @handle_rbd_error()
+ @handle_rados_error('pool')
+ def get(self, pool_name, image_name):
+ ioctx = mgr.rados.open_ioctx(pool_name)
+ try:
+ return self._rbd_image(ioctx, pool_name, image_name)
+ except rbd.ImageNotFound:
+ raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404)
+ @RbdTask('create',
+ {'pool_name': '{pool_name}', 'image_name': '{name}'}, 2.0)
+ def create(self, name, pool_name, size, obj_size=None, features=None,
+ stripe_unit=None, stripe_count=None, data_pool=None, configuration=None):
+ size = int(size)
+ def _create(ioctx):
+ rbd_inst = rbd.RBD()
+ # Set order
+ l_order = None
+ if obj_size and obj_size > 0:
+ l_order = int(round(math.log(float(obj_size), 2)))
+ # Set features
+ feature_bitmask = format_features(features)
+ rbd_inst.create(ioctx, name, size, order=l_order, old_format=False,
+ features=feature_bitmask, stripe_unit=stripe_unit,
+ stripe_count=stripe_count, data_pool=data_pool)
+ RbdConfiguration(pool_ioctx=ioctx, image_name=name).set_configuration(configuration)
+ _rbd_call(pool_name, _create)
+ @RbdTask('delete', ['{pool_name}', '{image_name}'], 2.0)
+ def delete(self, pool_name, image_name):
+ rbd_inst = rbd.RBD()
+ return _rbd_call(pool_name, rbd_inst.remove, image_name)
+ @RbdTask('edit', ['{pool_name}', '{image_name}', '{name}'], 4.0)
+ def set(self, pool_name, image_name, name=None, size=None, features=None, configuration=None):
+ def _edit(ioctx, image):
+ rbd_inst = rbd.RBD()
+ # check rename image
+ if name and name != image_name:
+ rbd_inst.rename(ioctx, image_name, name)
+ # check resize
+ if size and size != image.size():
+ image.resize(size)
+ # check enable/disable features
+ if features is not None:
+ curr_features = format_bitmask(image.features())
+ # check disabled features
+ _sort_features(curr_features, enable=False)
+ for feature in curr_features:
+ if feature not in features and feature in self.ALLOW_DISABLE_FEATURES:
+ if feature not in format_bitmask(image.features()):
+ continue
+ f_bitmask = format_features([feature])
+ image.update_features(f_bitmask, False)
+ # check enabled features
+ _sort_features(features)
+ for feature in features:
+ if feature not in curr_features and feature in self.ALLOW_ENABLE_FEATURES:
+ if feature in format_bitmask(image.features()):
+ continue
+ f_bitmask = format_features([feature])
+ image.update_features(f_bitmask, True)
+ RbdConfiguration(pool_ioctx=ioctx, image_name=image_name).set_configuration(
+ configuration)
+ return _rbd_image_call(pool_name, image_name, _edit)
+ @RbdTask('copy',
+ {'src_pool_name': '{pool_name}',
+ 'src_image_name': '{image_name}',
+ 'dest_pool_name': '{dest_pool_name}',
+ 'dest_image_name': '{dest_image_name}'}, 2.0)
+ @RESTController.Resource('POST')
+ @allow_empty_body
+ def copy(self, pool_name, image_name, dest_pool_name, dest_image_name,
+ snapshot_name=None, obj_size=None, features=None, stripe_unit=None,
+ stripe_count=None, data_pool=None, configuration=None):
+ def _src_copy(s_ioctx, s_img):
+ def _copy(d_ioctx):
+ # Set order
+ l_order = None
+ if obj_size and obj_size > 0:
+ l_order = int(round(math.log(float(obj_size), 2)))
+ # Set features
+ feature_bitmask = format_features(features)
+ if snapshot_name:
+ s_img.set_snap(snapshot_name)
+ s_img.copy(d_ioctx, dest_image_name, feature_bitmask, l_order,
+ stripe_unit, stripe_count, data_pool)
+ RbdConfiguration(pool_ioctx=d_ioctx, image_name=dest_image_name).set_configuration(
+ configuration)
+ return _rbd_call(dest_pool_name, _copy)
+ return _rbd_image_call(pool_name, image_name, _src_copy)
+ @RbdTask('flatten', ['{pool_name}', '{image_name}'], 2.0)
+ @RESTController.Resource('POST')
+ @UpdatePermission
+ @allow_empty_body
+ def flatten(self, pool_name, image_name):
+ def _flatten(ioctx, image):
+ image.flatten()
+ return _rbd_image_call(pool_name, image_name, _flatten)
+ @RESTController.Collection('GET')
+ def default_features(self):
+ rbd_default_features = mgr.get('config')['rbd_default_features']
+ return format_bitmask(int(rbd_default_features))
+ @RbdTask('trash/move', ['{pool_name}', '{image_name}'], 2.0)
+ @RESTController.Resource('POST')
+ @allow_empty_body
+ def move_trash(self, pool_name, image_name, delay=0):
+ """Move an image to the trash.
+ Images, even ones actively in-use by clones,
+ can be moved to the trash and deleted at a later time.
+ """
+ rbd_inst = rbd.RBD()
+ return _rbd_call(pool_name, rbd_inst.trash_move, image_name, delay)
+ @RESTController.Resource()
+ @ReadPermission
+ def configuration(self, pool_name, image_name):
+ return RbdConfiguration(pool_name, image_name).list()
+@ApiController('/block/image/{pool_name}/{image_name}/snap', Scope.RBD_IMAGE)
+class RbdSnapshot(RESTController):
+ RESOURCE_ID = "snapshot_name"
+ @RbdTask('snap/create',
+ ['{pool_name}', '{image_name}', '{snapshot_name}'], 2.0)
+ def create(self, pool_name, image_name, snapshot_name):
+ def _create_snapshot(ioctx, img, snapshot_name):
+ img.create_snap(snapshot_name)
+ return _rbd_image_call(pool_name, image_name, _create_snapshot,
+ snapshot_name)
+ @RbdTask('snap/delete',
+ ['{pool_name}', '{image_name}', '{snapshot_name}'], 2.0)
+ def delete(self, pool_name, image_name, snapshot_name):
+ def _remove_snapshot(ioctx, img, snapshot_name):
+ img.remove_snap(snapshot_name)
+ return _rbd_image_call(pool_name, image_name, _remove_snapshot,
+ snapshot_name)
+ @RbdTask('snap/edit',
+ ['{pool_name}', '{image_name}', '{snapshot_name}'], 4.0)
+ def set(self, pool_name, image_name, snapshot_name, new_snap_name=None,
+ is_protected=None):
+ def _edit(ioctx, img, snapshot_name):
+ if new_snap_name and new_snap_name != snapshot_name:
+ img.rename_snap(snapshot_name, new_snap_name)
+ snapshot_name = new_snap_name
+ if is_protected is not None and \
+ is_protected != img.is_protected_snap(snapshot_name):
+ if is_protected:
+ img.protect_snap(snapshot_name)
+ else:
+ img.unprotect_snap(snapshot_name)
+ return _rbd_image_call(pool_name, image_name, _edit, snapshot_name)
+ @RbdTask('snap/rollback',
+ ['{pool_name}', '{image_name}', '{snapshot_name}'], 5.0)
+ @RESTController.Resource('POST')
+ @UpdatePermission
+ @allow_empty_body
+ def rollback(self, pool_name, image_name, snapshot_name):
+ def _rollback(ioctx, img, snapshot_name):
+ img.rollback_to_snap(snapshot_name)
+ return _rbd_image_call(pool_name, image_name, _rollback, snapshot_name)
+ @RbdTask('clone',
+ {'parent_pool_name': '{pool_name}',
+ 'parent_image_name': '{image_name}',
+ 'parent_snap_name': '{snapshot_name}',
+ 'child_pool_name': '{child_pool_name}',
+ 'child_image_name': '{child_image_name}'}, 2.0)
+ @RESTController.Resource('POST')
+ @allow_empty_body
+ def clone(self, pool_name, image_name, snapshot_name, child_pool_name,
+ child_image_name, obj_size=None, features=None, stripe_unit=None, stripe_count=None,
+ data_pool=None, configuration=None):
+ """
+ Clones a snapshot to an image
+ """
+ def _parent_clone(p_ioctx):
+ def _clone(ioctx):
+ # Set order
+ l_order = None
+ if obj_size and obj_size > 0:
+ l_order = int(round(math.log(float(obj_size), 2)))
+ # Set features
+ feature_bitmask = format_features(features)
+ rbd_inst = rbd.RBD()
+ rbd_inst.clone(p_ioctx, image_name, snapshot_name, ioctx,
+ child_image_name, feature_bitmask, l_order,
+ stripe_unit, stripe_count, data_pool)
+ RbdConfiguration(pool_ioctx=ioctx, image_name=child_image_name).set_configuration(
+ configuration)
+ return _rbd_call(child_pool_name, _clone)
+ _rbd_call(pool_name, _parent_clone)
+@ApiController('/block/image/trash', Scope.RBD_IMAGE)
+class RbdTrash(RESTController):
+ RESOURCE_ID = "pool_name/image_id"
+ rbd_inst = rbd.RBD()
+ @ViewCache()
+ def _trash_pool_list(self, pool_name):
+ with mgr.rados.open_ioctx(pool_name) as ioctx:
+ images = self.rbd_inst.trash_list(ioctx)
+ result = []
+ for trash in images:
+ trash['pool_name'] = pool_name
+ trash['deletion_time'] = "{}Z".format(trash['deletion_time'].isoformat())
+ trash['deferment_end_time'] = "{}Z".format(trash['deferment_end_time'].isoformat())
+ result.append(trash)
+ return result
+ def _trash_list(self, pool_name=None):
+ if pool_name:
+ pools = [pool_name]
+ else:
+ pools = [p['pool_name'] for p in CephService.get_pool_list('rbd')]
+ result = []
+ for pool in pools:
+ # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
+ status, value = self._trash_pool_list(pool)
+ result.append({'status': status, 'value': value, 'pool_name': pool})
+ return result
+ @handle_rbd_error()
+ @handle_rados_error('pool')
+ def list(self, pool_name=None):
+ """List all entries from trash."""
+ return self._trash_list(pool_name)
+ @handle_rbd_error()
+ @handle_rados_error('pool')
+ @RbdTask('trash/purge', ['{pool_name}'], 2.0)
+ @RESTController.Collection('POST', query_params=['pool_name'])
+ @DeletePermission
+ @allow_empty_body
+ def purge(self, pool_name=None):
+ """Remove all expired images from trash."""
+ now = "{}Z".format(datetime.utcnow().isoformat())
+ pools = self._trash_list(pool_name)
+ for pool in pools:
+ for image in pool['value']:
+ if image['deferment_end_time'] < now:
+'Removing trash image %s (pool=%s, name=%s)',
+ image['id'], pool['pool_name'], image['name'])
+ _rbd_call(pool['pool_name'], self.rbd_inst.trash_remove, image['id'], 0)
+ @RbdTask('trash/restore', ['{pool_name}', '{image_id}', '{new_image_name}'], 2.0)
+ @RESTController.Resource('POST')
+ @CreatePermission
+ @allow_empty_body
+ def restore(self, pool_name, image_id, new_image_name):
+ """Restore an image from trash."""
+ return _rbd_call(pool_name, self.rbd_inst.trash_restore, image_id, new_image_name)
+ @RbdTask('trash/remove', ['{pool_name}', '{image_id}', '{image_name}'], 2.0)
+ def delete(self, pool_name, image_id, image_name, force=False):
+ """Delete an image from trash.
+ If image deferment time has not expired you can not removed it unless use force.
+ But an actively in-use by clones or has snapshots can not be removed.
+ """
+ return _rbd_call(pool_name, self.rbd_inst.trash_remove, image_id, int(str_to_bool(force)))