path: root/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/ b/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..66831399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -eo pipefail
+if [[ "$1" = "-h" || "$1" = "--help" ]]; then
+ echo "Usage (run from ./):"
+ echo -e "\t./"
+ echo -e "\t./ [tests]..."
+ echo
+ echo "Example:"
+ echo -e "\t./ tasks.mgr.dashboard.test_pool.DashboardTest"
+ echo
+ echo "Or source this script. This allows to re-run tests faster:"
+ echo -e "\tsource"
+ echo -e "\trun_teuthology_tests [tests]..."
+ echo -e "\tcleanup_teuthology"
+ echo
+ exit 0
+get_cmake_variable() {
+ local variable=$1
+ grep "$variable" CMakeCache.txt | cut -d "=" -f 2
+get_build_py_version() {
+ CURR_DIR=`pwd`
+ BUILD_DIR="$CURR_DIR/../../../../build"
+ CEPH_MGR_PY_VERSION_MAJOR=$(get_cmake_variable MGR_PYTHON_VERSION | cut -d '.' -f1)
+ if [ -n "$CEPH_MGR_PY_VERSION_MAJOR" ]; then
+ else
+ if [ $(get_cmake_variable WITH_PYTHON2) = ON ]; then
+ else
+ fi
+ fi
+setup_teuthology() {
+ TEMP_DIR=`mktemp -d`
+ cd $TEMP_DIR
+ virtualenv --python=${TEUTHOLOGY_PYTHON_BIN:-/usr/bin/python3} venv
+ source venv/bin/activate
+ pip install 'setuptools >= 12'
+ pip install git+[test]
+ pushd $CURR_DIR
+ pip install -r requirements.txt -c constraints.txt
+ popd
+ deactivate
+setup_coverage() {
+ # In CI environment we cannot install coverage in system, so we install it in a dedicated venv
+ # so only coverage is available when adding this path.
+ cd $TEMP_DIR
+ virtualenv --python=${TEUTHOLOGY_PYTHON_BIN:-/usr/bin/python} coverage-venv
+ source coverage-venv/bin/activate
+ cd $CURR_DIR
+ pip install coverage==4.5.2
+ COVERAGE_PATH=$(python -c "import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_paths()['platlib'])")
+ deactivate
+on_tests_error() {
+ if [[ -n "$JENKINS_HOME" ]]; then
+ MGR_LOG_FILES=$(find "$CEPH_OUT_DIR" -iname "mgr.*.log" | tr '\n' ' ')
+ for mgr_log_file in ${MGR_LOG_FILES[@]}; do
+ printf "\n\nDisplaying last ${MGR_LOG_FILE_LAST_LINES} lines of: $mgr_log_file\n\n"
+ tail -n ${MGR_LOG_FILE_LAST_LINES} $mgr_log_file
+ printf "\n\nEnd of: $mgr_log_file\n\n"
+ done
+ printf "\n\nTEST FAILED.\n\n"
+ fi
+run_teuthology_tests() {
+ trap on_tests_error ERR
+ cd "$BUILD_DIR"
+ find ../src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/ -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} \;
+ if [[ "$@" == '' || "$@" == '--create-cluster-only' ]]; then
+ TEST_CASES=`for i in \`ls $BUILD_DIR/../qa/tasks/mgr/dashboard/test_*\`; do F=$(basename $i); M="${F%.*}"; echo -n " tasks.mgr.dashboard.$M"; done`
+ # Mgr selftest module tests have to be run at the end as they stress the mgr daemon.
+ TEST_CASES="tasks.mgr.test_dashboard $TEST_CASES tasks.mgr.test_module_selftest"
+ if [[ "$@" == '--create-cluster-only' ]]; then
+ OPTIONS="$@"
+ fi
+ else
+ for t in "$@"; do
+ done
+ fi
+ export PATH=$BUILD_DIR/bin:$PATH
+ source $TEMP_DIR/venv/bin/activate # Run after setting PATH as it does the last PATH export.
+ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$BUILD_DIR/lib/cython_modules/lib.${CEPH_PY_VERSION_MAJOR}/:$BUILD_DIR/lib
+ local source_dir=$(dirname "$BUILD_DIR")
+ local pybind_dir=$source_dir/src/pybind
+ local python_common_dir=$source_dir/src/python-common
+ # In CI environment we set python paths inside build (where you find the required frontend build: "dist" dir).
+ if [[ -n "$JENKINS_HOME" ]]; then
+ export PYBIND=$BUILD_DIR/src/pybind
+ pybind_dir=$PYBIND
+ fi
+ export PYTHONPATH=$source_dir/qa:$BUILD_DIR/lib/cython_modules/lib.${CEPH_PY_VERSION_MAJOR}/:$pybind_dir:$python_common_dir:${COVERAGE_PATH}
+ export RGW=${RGW:-1}
+ export COVERAGE_ENABLED=true
+ export COVERAGE_FILE=.coverage.mgr.dashboard
+ find . -iname "*${COVERAGE_FILE}*" -type f -delete
+ python ../qa/tasks/ --ignore-missing-binaries --no-verbose $OPTIONS $TEST_CASES
+ deactivate
+ cd $CURR_DIR
+cleanup_teuthology() {
+ cd "$BUILD_DIR"
+ killall ceph-mgr
+ sleep 10
+ if [[ "$COVERAGE_ENABLED" == 'true' ]]; then
+ source $TEMP_DIR/coverage-venv/bin/activate
+ (coverage combine && coverage report) || true
+ deactivate
+ fi
+ ../src/
+ sleep 5
+ cd $CURR_DIR
+ rm -rf $TEMP_DIR
+ unset TEMP_DIR
+ unset CURR_DIR
+ unset BUILD_DIR
+ unset get_build_py_version
+ unset setup_teuthology
+ unset setup_coverage
+ unset on_tests_error
+ unset run_teuthology_tests
+ unset cleanup_teuthology
+run_teuthology_tests --create-cluster-only
+# End sourced section. Do not exit shell when the script has been sourced.
+set +e
+return 2>/dev/null || set -eo pipefail
+run_teuthology_tests "$@"