path: root/src/pybind/mgr/
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+ceph-mgr orchestrator interface
+Please see the ceph-mgr module developer's guide for more information.
+import sys
+import time
+import fnmatch
+import uuid
+import datetime
+import six
+from mgr_module import MgrModule, PersistentStoreDict
+from mgr_util import format_bytes
+ from typing import TypeVar, Generic, List, Optional, Union, Tuple, Iterator
+ T = TypeVar('T')
+ G = Generic[T]
+except ImportError:
+ T, G = object, object
+class OrchestratorError(Exception):
+ """
+ General orchestrator specific error.
+ Used for deployment, configuration or user errors.
+ It's not intended for programming errors or orchestrator internal errors.
+ """
+class NoOrchestrator(OrchestratorError):
+ """
+ No orchestrator in configured.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, msg="No orchestrator configured (try `ceph orchestrator set backend`)"):
+ super(NoOrchestrator, self).__init__(msg)
+class OrchestratorValidationError(OrchestratorError):
+ """
+ Raised when an orchestrator doesn't support a specific feature.
+ """
+class _Completion(G):
+ @property
+ def result(self):
+ # type: () -> T
+ """
+ Return the result of the operation that we were waited
+ for. Only valid after calling Orchestrator.wait() on this
+ completion.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @property
+ def exception(self):
+ # type: () -> Optional[Exception]
+ """
+ Holds an exception object.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.__exception
+ except AttributeError:
+ return None
+ @exception.setter
+ def exception(self, value):
+ self.__exception = value
+ @property
+ def is_read(self):
+ # type: () -> bool
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @property
+ def is_complete(self):
+ # type: () -> bool
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @property
+ def is_errored(self):
+ # type: () -> bool
+ """
+ Has the completion failed. Default implementation looks for
+ self.exception. Can be overwritten.
+ """
+ return self.exception is not None
+ @property
+ def should_wait(self):
+ # type: () -> bool
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+def raise_if_exception(c):
+ # type: (_Completion) -> None
+ """
+ :raises OrchestratorError: Some user error or a config error.
+ :raises Exception: Some internal error
+ """
+ def copy_to_this_subinterpreter(r_obj):
+ # This is something like `return pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(r_obj))`
+ # Without importing anything.
+ r_cls = r_obj.__class__
+ if r_cls.__module__ == '__builtin__':
+ return r_obj
+ my_cls = getattr(sys.modules[r_cls.__module__], r_cls.__name__)
+ if id(my_cls) == id(r_cls):
+ return r_obj
+ my_obj = my_cls.__new__(my_cls)
+ for k,v in r_obj.__dict__.items():
+ setattr(my_obj, k, copy_to_this_subinterpreter(v))
+ return my_obj
+ if c.exception is not None:
+ raise copy_to_this_subinterpreter(c.exception)
+class ReadCompletion(_Completion):
+ """
+ ``Orchestrator`` implementations should inherit from this
+ class to implement their own handles to operations in progress, and
+ return an instance of their subclass from calls into methods.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ @property
+ def is_read(self):
+ return True
+ @property
+ def should_wait(self):
+ """Could the external operation be deemed as complete,
+ or should we wait?
+ We must wait for a read operation only if it is not complete.
+ """
+ return not self.is_complete
+class TrivialReadCompletion(ReadCompletion):
+ """
+ This is the trivial completion simply wrapping a result.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, result):
+ super(TrivialReadCompletion, self).__init__()
+ self._result = result
+ @property
+ def result(self):
+ return self._result
+ @property
+ def is_complete(self):
+ return True
+class WriteCompletion(_Completion):
+ """
+ ``Orchestrator`` implementations should inherit from this
+ class to implement their own handles to operations in progress, and
+ return an instance of their subclass from calls into methods.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.progress_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ #: if a orchestrator module can provide a more detailed
+ #: progress information, it needs to also call ``progress.update()``.
+ self.progress = 0.5
+ def __str__(self):
+ """
+ ``__str__()`` is used for determining the message for progress events.
+ """
+ return super(WriteCompletion, self).__str__()
+ @property
+ def is_persistent(self):
+ # type: () -> bool
+ """
+ Has the operation updated the orchestrator's configuration
+ persistently? Typically this would indicate that an update
+ had been written to a manifest, but that the update
+ had not necessarily been pushed out to the cluster.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @property
+ def is_effective(self):
+ """
+ Has the operation taken effect on the cluster? For example,
+ if we were adding a service, has it come up and appeared
+ in Ceph's cluster maps?
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @property
+ def is_complete(self):
+ return self.is_errored or (self.is_persistent and self.is_effective)
+ @property
+ def is_read(self):
+ return False
+ @property
+ def should_wait(self):
+ """Could the external operation be deemed as complete,
+ or should we wait?
+ We must wait for a write operation only if we know
+ it is not persistent yet.
+ """
+ return not self.is_persistent
+class Orchestrator(object):
+ """
+ Calls in this class may do long running remote operations, with time
+ periods ranging from network latencies to package install latencies and large
+ internet downloads. For that reason, all are asynchronous, and return
+ ``Completion`` objects.
+ Implementations are not required to start work on an operation until
+ the caller waits on the relevant Completion objects. Callers making
+ multiple updates should not wait on Completions until they're done
+ sending operations: this enables implementations to batch up a series
+ of updates when wait() is called on a set of Completion objects.
+ Implementations are encouraged to keep reasonably fresh caches of
+ the status of the system: it is better to serve a stale-but-recent
+ result read of e.g. device inventory than it is to keep the caller waiting
+ while you scan hosts every time.
+ """
+ def is_orchestrator_module(self):
+ """
+ Enable other modules to interrogate this module to discover
+ whether it's usable as an orchestrator module.
+ Subclasses do not need to override this.
+ """
+ return True
+ def available(self):
+ # type: () -> Tuple[bool, str]
+ """
+ Report whether we can talk to the orchestrator. This is the
+ place to give the user a meaningful message if the orchestrator
+ isn't running or can't be contacted.
+ This method may be called frequently (e.g. every page load
+ to conditionally display a warning banner), so make sure it's
+ not too expensive. It's okay to give a slightly stale status
+ (e.g. based on a periodic background ping of the orchestrator)
+ if that's necessary to make this method fast.
+ ..note:: `True` doesn't mean that the desired functionality
+ is actually available in the orchestrator. I.e. this
+ won't work as expected::
+ >>> if OrchestratorClientMixin().available()[0]: # wrong.
+ ... OrchestratorClientMixin().get_hosts()
+ :return: two-tuple of boolean, string
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def wait(self, completions):
+ """
+ Given a list of Completion instances, progress any which are
+ incomplete. Return a true if everything is done.
+ Callers should inspect the detail of each completion to identify
+ partial completion/progress information, and present that information
+ to the user.
+ For fast operations (e.g. reading from a database), implementations
+ may choose to do blocking IO in this call.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def add_host(self, host):
+ # type: (str) -> WriteCompletion
+ """
+ Add a host to the orchestrator inventory.
+ :param host: hostname
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def remove_host(self, host):
+ # type: (str) -> WriteCompletion
+ """
+ Remove a host from the orchestrator inventory.
+ :param host: hostname
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def get_hosts(self):
+ # type: () -> ReadCompletion[List[InventoryNode]]
+ """
+ Report the hosts in the cluster.
+ The default implementation is extra slow.
+ :return: list of InventoryNodes
+ """
+ return self.get_inventory()
+ def get_inventory(self, node_filter=None, refresh=False):
+ # type: (InventoryFilter, bool) -> ReadCompletion[List[InventoryNode]]
+ """
+ Returns something that was created by `ceph-volume inventory`.
+ :return: list of InventoryNode
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def describe_service(self, service_type=None, service_id=None, node_name=None, refresh=False):
+ # type: (Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[str], bool) -> ReadCompletion[List[ServiceDescription]]
+ """
+ Describe a service (of any kind) that is already configured in
+ the orchestrator. For example, when viewing an OSD in the dashboard
+ we might like to also display information about the orchestrator's
+ view of the service (like the kubernetes pod ID).
+ When viewing a CephFS filesystem in the dashboard, we would use this
+ to display the pods being currently run for MDS daemons.
+ :return: list of ServiceDescription objects.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def service_action(self, action, service_type, service_name=None, service_id=None):
+ # type: (str, str, str, str) -> WriteCompletion
+ """
+ Perform an action (start/stop/reload) on a service.
+ Either service_name or service_id must be specified:
+ * If using service_name, perform the action on that entire logical
+ service (i.e. all daemons providing that named service).
+ * If using service_id, perform the action on a single specific daemon
+ instance.
+ :param action: one of "start", "stop", "reload"
+ :param service_type: e.g. "mds", "rgw", ...
+ :param service_name: name of logical service ("cephfs", "us-east", ...)
+ :param service_id: service daemon instance (usually a short hostname)
+ :rtype: WriteCompletion
+ """
+ assert action in ["start", "stop", "reload"]
+ assert service_name or service_id
+ assert not (service_name and service_id)
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def create_osds(self, drive_group, all_hosts):
+ # type: (DriveGroupSpec, List[str]) -> WriteCompletion
+ """
+ Create one or more OSDs within a single Drive Group.
+ The principal argument here is the drive_group member
+ of OsdSpec: other fields are advisory/extensible for any
+ finer-grained OSD feature enablement (choice of backing store,
+ compression/encryption, etc).
+ :param drive_group: DriveGroupSpec
+ :param all_hosts: TODO, this is required because the orchestrator methods are not composable
+ Probably this parameter can be easily removed because each orchestrator can use
+ the "get_inventory" method and the "drive_group.host_pattern" attribute
+ to obtain the list of hosts where to apply the operation
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def replace_osds(self, drive_group):
+ # type: (DriveGroupSpec) -> WriteCompletion
+ """
+ Like create_osds, but the osd_id_claims must be fully
+ populated.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def remove_osds(self, osd_ids):
+ # type: (List[str]) -> WriteCompletion
+ """
+ :param osd_ids: list of OSD IDs
+ Note that this can only remove OSDs that were successfully
+ created (i.e. got an OSD ID).
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def update_mgrs(self, num, hosts):
+ # type: (int, List[str]) -> WriteCompletion
+ """
+ Update the number of cluster managers.
+ :param num: requested number of managers.
+ :param hosts: list of hosts (optional)
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def update_mons(self, num, hosts):
+ # type: (int, List[Tuple[str,str]]) -> WriteCompletion
+ """
+ Update the number of cluster monitors.
+ :param num: requested number of monitors.
+ :param hosts: list of hosts + network (optional)
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def add_stateless_service(self, service_type, spec):
+ # type: (str, StatelessServiceSpec) -> WriteCompletion
+ """
+ Installing and adding a completely new service to the cluster.
+ This is not about starting services.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def update_stateless_service(self, service_type, spec):
+ # type: (str, StatelessServiceSpec) -> WriteCompletion
+ """
+ This is about changing / redeploying existing services. Like for
+ example changing the number of service instances.
+ :rtype: WriteCompletion
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def remove_stateless_service(self, service_type, id_):
+ # type: (str, str) -> WriteCompletion
+ """
+ Uninstalls an existing service from the cluster.
+ This is not about stopping services.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def upgrade_start(self, upgrade_spec):
+ # type: (UpgradeSpec) -> WriteCompletion
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def upgrade_status(self):
+ # type: () -> ReadCompletion[UpgradeStatusSpec]
+ """
+ If an upgrade is currently underway, report on where
+ we are in the process, or if some error has occurred.
+ :return: UpgradeStatusSpec instance
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def upgrade_available(self):
+ # type: () -> ReadCompletion[List[str]]
+ """
+ Report on what versions are available to upgrade to
+ :return: List of strings
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class UpgradeSpec(object):
+ # Request to orchestrator to initiate an upgrade to a particular
+ # version of Ceph
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.target_version = None
+class UpgradeStatusSpec(object):
+ # Orchestrator's report on what's going on with any ongoing upgrade
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.in_progress = False # Is an upgrade underway?
+ self.services_complete = [] # Which daemon types are fully updated?
+ self.message = "" # Freeform description
+class PlacementSpec(object):
+ """
+ For APIs that need to specify a node subset
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.label = None
+class ServiceDescription(object):
+ """
+ For responding to queries about the status of a particular service,
+ stateful or stateless.
+ This is not about health or performance monitoring of services: it's
+ about letting the orchestrator tell Ceph whether and where a
+ service is scheduled in the cluster. When an orchestrator tells
+ Ceph "it's running on node123", that's not a promise that the process
+ is literally up this second, it's a description of where the orchestrator
+ has decided the service should run.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, nodename=None, container_id=None, service=None, service_instance=None,
+ service_type=None, version=None, rados_config_location=None,
+ service_url=None, status=None, status_desc=None):
+ # Node is at the same granularity as InventoryNode
+ self.nodename = nodename
+ # Not everyone runs in containers, but enough people do to
+ # justify having this field here.
+ self.container_id = container_id
+ # Some services can be deployed in groups. For example, mds's can
+ # have an active and standby daemons, and nfs-ganesha can run daemons
+ # in parallel. This tag refers to a group of daemons as a whole.
+ #
+ # For instance, a cluster of mds' all service the same fs, and they
+ # will all have the same service value (which may be the
+ # Filesystem name in the FSMap).
+ #
+ # Single-instance services should leave this set to None
+ self.service = service
+ # The orchestrator will have picked some names for daemons,
+ # typically either based on hostnames or on pod names.
+ # This is the <foo> in mds.<foo>, the ID that will appear
+ # in the FSMap/ServiceMap.
+ self.service_instance = service_instance
+ # The type of service (osd, mon, mgr, etc.)
+ self.service_type = service_type
+ # Service version that was deployed
+ self.version = version
+ # Location of the service configuration when stored in rados
+ # object. Format: "rados://<pool>/[<namespace/>]<object>"
+ self.rados_config_location = rados_config_location
+ # If the service exposes REST-like API, this attribute should hold
+ # the URL.
+ self.service_url = service_url
+ # Service status: -1 error, 0 stopped, 1 running
+ self.status = status
+ # Service status description when status == -1.
+ self.status_desc = status_desc
+ def to_json(self):
+ out = {
+ 'nodename': self.nodename,
+ 'container_id': self.container_id,
+ 'service': self.service,
+ 'service_instance': self.service_instance,
+ 'service_type': self.service_type,
+ 'version': self.version,
+ 'rados_config_location': self.rados_config_location,
+ 'service_url': self.service_url,
+ 'status': self.status,
+ 'status_desc': self.status_desc,
+ }
+ return {k: v for (k, v) in out.items() if v is not None}
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, data):
+ return cls(**data)
+class DeviceSelection(object):
+ """
+ Used within :class:`myclass.DriveGroupSpec` to specify the devices
+ used by the Drive Group.
+ Any attributes (even none) can be included in the device
+ specification structure.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, paths=None, id_model=None, size=None, rotates=None, count=None):
+ # type: (List[str], str, str, bool, int) -> None
+ """
+ ephemeral drive group device specification
+ TODO: translate from the user interface (Drive Groups) to an actual list of devices.
+ """
+ if paths is None:
+ paths = []
+ #: List of absolute paths to the devices.
+ self.paths = paths # type: List[str]
+ #: A wildcard string. e.g: "SDD*"
+ self.id_model = id_model
+ #: Size specification of format LOW:HIGH.
+ #: Can also take the the form :HIGH, LOW:
+ #: or an exact value (as ceph-volume inventory reports)
+ self.size = size
+ #: is the drive rotating or not
+ self.rotates = rotates
+ #: if this is present limit the number of drives to this number.
+ self.count = count
+ self.validate()
+ def validate(self):
+ props = [self.id_model, self.size, self.rotates, self.count]
+ if self.paths and any(p is not None for p in props):
+ raise DriveGroupValidationError('DeviceSelection: `paths` and other parameters are mutually exclusive')
+ if not any(p is not None for p in [self.paths] + props):
+ raise DriveGroupValidationError('DeviceSelection cannot be empty')
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, device_spec):
+ return cls(**device_spec)
+class DriveGroupValidationError(Exception):
+ """
+ Defining an exception here is a bit problematic, cause you cannot properly catch it,
+ if it was raised in a different mgr module.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ super(DriveGroupValidationError, self).__init__('Failed to validate Drive Group: ' + msg)
+class DriveGroupSpec(object):
+ """
+ Describe a drive group in the same form that ceph-volume
+ understands.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, host_pattern, data_devices=None, db_devices=None, wal_devices=None, journal_devices=None,
+ data_directories=None, osds_per_device=None, objectstore='bluestore', encrypted=False,
+ db_slots=None, wal_slots=None):
+ # type: (str, Optional[DeviceSelection], Optional[DeviceSelection], Optional[DeviceSelection], Optional[DeviceSelection], Optional[List[str]], int, str, bool, int, int) -> None
+ # concept of applying a drive group to a (set) of hosts is tightly
+ # linked to the drive group itself
+ #
+ #: An fnmatch pattern to select hosts. Can also be a single host.
+ self.host_pattern = host_pattern
+ #: A :class:`orchestrator.DeviceSelection`
+ self.data_devices = data_devices
+ #: A :class:`orchestrator.DeviceSelection`
+ self.db_devices = db_devices
+ #: A :class:`orchestrator.DeviceSelection`
+ self.wal_devices = wal_devices
+ #: A :class:`orchestrator.DeviceSelection`
+ self.journal_devices = journal_devices
+ #: Number of osd daemons per "DATA" device.
+ #: To fully utilize nvme devices multiple osds are required.
+ self.osds_per_device = osds_per_device
+ #: A list of strings, containing paths which should back OSDs
+ self.data_directories = data_directories
+ #: ``filestore`` or ``bluestore``
+ self.objectstore = objectstore
+ #: ``true`` or ``false``
+ self.encrypted = encrypted
+ #: How many OSDs per DB device
+ self.db_slots = db_slots
+ #: How many OSDs per WAL device
+ self.wal_slots = wal_slots
+ # FIXME: needs ceph-volume support
+ #: Optional: mapping of drive to OSD ID, used when the
+ #: created OSDs are meant to replace previous OSDs on
+ #: the same node.
+ self.osd_id_claims = {}
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(self, json_drive_group):
+ """
+ Initialize 'Drive group' structure
+ :param json_drive_group: A valid json string with a Drive Group
+ specification
+ """
+ args = {k: (DeviceSelection.from_json(v) if k.endswith('_devices') else v) for k, v in
+ json_drive_group.items()}
+ return DriveGroupSpec(**args)
+ def hosts(self, all_hosts):
+ return fnmatch.filter(all_hosts, self.host_pattern)
+ def validate(self, all_hosts):
+ if not isinstance(self.host_pattern, six.string_types):
+ raise DriveGroupValidationError('host_pattern must be of type string')
+ specs = [self.data_devices, self.db_devices, self.wal_devices, self.journal_devices]
+ for s in filter(None, specs):
+ s.validate()
+ if self.objectstore not in ('filestore', 'bluestore'):
+ raise DriveGroupValidationError("objectstore not in ('filestore', 'bluestore')")
+ if not self.hosts(all_hosts):
+ raise DriveGroupValidationError(
+ "host_pattern '{}' does not match any hosts".format(self.host_pattern))
+class StatelessServiceSpec(object):
+ # Request to orchestrator for a group of stateless services
+ # such as MDS, RGW, nfs gateway, iscsi gateway
+ """
+ Details of stateless service creation.
+ This is *not* supposed to contain all the configuration
+ of the services: it's just supposed to be enough information to
+ execute the binaries.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.placement = PlacementSpec()
+ # Give this set of statelss services a name: typically it would
+ # be the name of a CephFS filesystem, RGW zone, etc. Must be unique
+ # within one ceph cluster.
+ = ""
+ # Count of service instances
+ self.count = 1
+ # Arbitrary JSON-serializable object.
+ # Maybe you're using e.g. kubenetes and you want to pass through
+ # some replicaset special sauce for autoscaling?
+ self.extended = {}
+class InventoryFilter(object):
+ """
+ When fetching inventory, use this filter to avoid unnecessarily
+ scanning the whole estate.
+ Typical use: filter by node when presenting UI workflow for configuring
+ a particular server.
+ filter by label when not all of estate is Ceph servers,
+ and we want to only learn about the Ceph servers.
+ filter by label when we are interested particularly
+ in e.g. OSD servers.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, labels=None, nodes=None):
+ # type: (List[str], List[str]) -> None
+ self.labels = labels # Optional: get info about nodes matching labels
+ self.nodes = nodes # Optional: get info about certain named nodes only
+class InventoryDevice(object):
+ """
+ When fetching inventory, block devices are reported in this format.
+ Note on device identifiers: the format of this is up to the orchestrator,
+ but the same identifier must also work when passed into StatefulServiceSpec.
+ The identifier should be something meaningful like a device WWID or
+ stable device node path -- not something made up by the orchestrator.
+ "Extended" is for reporting any special configuration that may have
+ already been done out of band on the block device. For example, if
+ the device has already been configured for encryption, report that
+ here so that it can be indicated to the user. The set of
+ extended properties may differ between orchestrators. An orchestrator
+ is permitted to support no extended properties (only normal block
+ devices)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, blank=False, type=None, id=None, size=None,
+ rotates=False, available=False, dev_id=None, extended=None,
+ metadata_space_free=None):
+ # type: (bool, str, str, int, bool, bool, str, dict, bool) -> None
+ self.blank = blank
+ #: 'ssd', 'hdd', 'nvme'
+ self.type = type
+ #: unique within a node (or globally if you like).
+ = id
+ #: byte integer.
+ self.size = size
+ #: indicates if it is a spinning disk
+ self.rotates = rotates
+ #: can be used to create a new OSD?
+ self.available = available
+ #: vendor/model
+ self.dev_id = dev_id
+ #: arbitrary JSON-serializable object
+ self.extended = extended if extended is not None else extended
+ # If this drive is not empty, but is suitable for appending
+ # additional journals, wals, or bluestore dbs, then report
+ # how much space is available.
+ self.metadata_space_free = metadata_space_free
+ def to_json(self):
+ return dict(type=self.type, blank=self.blank,,
+ size=self.size, rotates=self.rotates,
+ available=self.available, dev_id=self.dev_id,
+ extended=self.extended)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_ceph_volume_inventory(cls, data):
+ # TODO: change InventoryDevice itself to mirror c-v inventory closely!
+ dev = InventoryDevice()
+ = data["path"]
+ dev.type = 'hdd' if data["sys_api"]["rotational"] == "1" else 'sdd/nvme'
+ dev.size = data["sys_api"]["size"]
+ dev.rotates = data["sys_api"]["rotational"] == "1"
+ dev.available = data["available"]
+ dev.dev_id = "%s/%s" % (data["sys_api"]["vendor"],
+ data["sys_api"]["model"])
+ dev.extended = data
+ return dev
+ @classmethod
+ def from_ceph_volume_inventory_list(cls, datas):
+ return [cls.from_ceph_volume_inventory(d) for d in datas]
+ def pretty_print(self, only_header=False):
+ """Print a human friendly line with the information of the device
+ :param only_header: Print only the name of the device attributes
+ Ex::
+ Device Path Type Size Rotates Available Model
+ /dev/sdc hdd 50.00 GB True True ATA/QEMU
+ """
+ row_format = " {0:<15} {1:>10} {2:>10} {3:>10} {4:>10} {5:<15}\n"
+ if only_header:
+ return row_format.format("Device Path", "Type", "Size", "Rotates",
+ "Available", "Model")
+ else:
+ return row_format.format(str(, self.type if self.type is not None else "",
+ format_bytes(self.size if self.size is not None else 0, 5,
+ colored=False),
+ str(self.rotates), str(self.available),
+ self.dev_id if self.dev_id is not None else "")
+class InventoryNode(object):
+ """
+ When fetching inventory, all Devices are groups inside of an
+ InventoryNode.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, devices):
+ # type: (str, List[InventoryDevice]) -> None
+ assert isinstance(devices, list)
+ = name # unique within cluster. For example a hostname.
+ self.devices = devices
+ def to_json(self):
+ return {'name':, 'devices': [d.to_json() for d in self.devices]}
+ @classmethod
+ def from_nested_items(cls, hosts):
+ devs = InventoryDevice.from_ceph_volume_inventory_list
+ return [cls(item[0], devs(item[1].data)) for item in hosts]
+def _mk_orch_methods(cls):
+ # Needs to be defined outside of for.
+ # Otherwise meth is always bound to last key
+ def shim(method_name):
+ def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ completion = self._oremote(method_name, args, kwargs)
+ self._update_completion_progress(completion, 0)
+ return completion
+ return inner
+ for meth in Orchestrator.__dict__:
+ if not meth.startswith('_') and meth not in ['is_orchestrator_module']:
+ setattr(cls, meth, shim(meth))
+ return cls
+class OrchestratorClientMixin(Orchestrator):
+ """
+ A module that inherents from `OrchestratorClientMixin` can directly call
+ all :class:`Orchestrator` methods without manually calling remote.
+ Every interface method from ``Orchestrator`` is converted into a stub method that internally
+ calls :func:`OrchestratorClientMixin._oremote`
+ >>> class MyModule(OrchestratorClientMixin):
+ ... def func(self):
+ ... completion = self.add_host('somehost') # calls `_oremote()`
+ ... self._orchestrator_wait([completion])
+ ... self.log.debug(completion.result)
+ """
+ def set_mgr(self, mgr):
+ # type: (MgrModule) -> None
+ """
+ Useable in the Dashbord that uses a global ``mgr``
+ """
+ self.__mgr = mgr # Make sure we're not overwriting any other `mgr` properties
+ def _oremote(self, meth, args, kwargs):
+ """
+ Helper for invoking `remote` on whichever orchestrator is enabled
+ :raises RuntimeError: If the remote method failed.
+ :raises OrchestratorError: orchestrator failed to perform
+ :raises ImportError: no `orchestrator_cli` module or backend not found.
+ """
+ try:
+ mgr = self.__mgr
+ except AttributeError:
+ mgr = self
+ try:
+ o = mgr._select_orchestrator()
+ except AttributeError:
+ o = mgr.remote('orchestrator_cli', '_select_orchestrator')
+ if o is None:
+ raise NoOrchestrator()
+ mgr.log.debug("_oremote {} -> {}.{}(*{}, **{})".format(mgr.module_name, o, meth, args, kwargs))
+ return mgr.remote(o, meth, *args, **kwargs)
+ def _update_completion_progress(self, completion, force_progress=None):
+ # type: (WriteCompletion, Optional[float]) -> None
+ try:
+ progress = force_progress if force_progress is not None else completion.progress
+ if completion.is_complete:
+ self.remote("progress", "complete", completion.progress_id)
+ else:
+ self.remote("progress", "update", completion.progress_id, str(completion), progress,
+ ["orchestrator"])
+ except AttributeError:
+ # No WriteCompletion. Ignore.
+ pass
+ except ImportError:
+ # If the progress module is disabled that's fine,
+ # they just won't see the output.
+ pass
+ def _orchestrator_wait(self, completions):
+ # type: (List[_Completion]) -> None
+ """
+ Wait for completions to complete (reads) or
+ become persistent (writes).
+ Waits for writes to be *persistent* but not *effective*.
+ :param completions: List of Completions
+ :raises NoOrchestrator:
+ :raises ImportError: no `orchestrator_cli` module or backend not found.
+ """
+ for c in completions:
+ self._update_completion_progress(c)
+ while not self.wait(completions):
+ if any(c.should_wait for c in completions):
+ time.sleep(5)
+ else:
+ break
+ for c in completions:
+ self._update_completion_progress(c)
+class OutdatableData(object):
+ DATEFMT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'
+ def __init__(self, data=None, last_refresh=None):
+ # type: (Optional[dict], Optional[datetime.datetime]) -> None
+ self._data = data
+ if data is not None and last_refresh is None:
+ self.last_refresh = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ else:
+ self.last_refresh = last_refresh
+ def json(self):
+ if self.last_refresh is not None:
+ timestr = self.last_refresh.strftime(self.DATEFMT)
+ else:
+ timestr = None
+ return {
+ "data": self._data,
+ "last_refresh": timestr,
+ }
+ @property
+ def data(self):
+ return self._data
+ # @data.setter
+ # No setter, as it doesn't work as expected: It's not saved in store automatically
+ @classmethod
+ def time_from_string(cls, timestr):
+ if timestr is None:
+ return None
+ # drop the 'Z' timezone indication, it's always UTC
+ timestr = timestr.rstrip('Z')
+ return datetime.datetime.strptime(timestr, cls.DATEFMT)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, data):
+ return cls(data['data'], cls.time_from_string(data['last_refresh']))
+ def outdated(self, timeout_min=None):
+ if timeout_min is None:
+ timeout_min = 10
+ if self.last_refresh is None:
+ return True
+ cutoff = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(
+ minutes=timeout_min)
+ return self.last_refresh < cutoff
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'OutdatableData(data={}, last_refresh={})'.format(self._data, self.last_refresh)
+class OutdatableDictMixin(object):
+ """
+ Toolbox for implementing a cache. As every orchestrator has
+ different needs, we cannot implement any logic here.
+ """
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ # type: (str) -> OutdatableData
+ return OutdatableData.from_json(super(OutdatableDictMixin, self).__getitem__(item))
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ # type: (str, OutdatableData) -> None
+ val = None if value is None else value.json()
+ super(OutdatableDictMixin, self).__setitem__(key, val)
+ def items(self):
+ # type: () -> Iterator[Tuple[str, OutdatableData]]
+ for item in super(OutdatableDictMixin, self).items():
+ k, v = item
+ yield k, OutdatableData.from_json(v)
+ def items_filtered(self, keys=None):
+ if keys:
+ return [(host, self[host]) for host in keys]
+ else:
+ return list(self.items())
+ def any_outdated(self, timeout=None):
+ items = self.items()
+ if not list(items):
+ return True
+ return any([i[1].outdated(timeout) for i in items])
+ def remove_outdated(self):
+ outdated = [item[0] for item in self.items() if item[1].outdated()]
+ for o in outdated:
+ del self[o]
+class OutdatablePersistentDict(OutdatableDictMixin, PersistentStoreDict):
+ pass
+class OutdatableDict(OutdatableDictMixin, dict):
+ pass