path: root/src/rgw/rgw_metadata.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/rgw/rgw_metadata.h')
1 files changed, 426 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/rgw/rgw_metadata.h b/src/rgw/rgw_metadata.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4107677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rgw/rgw_metadata.h
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
+// vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <boost/optional.hpp>
+#include "include/types.h"
+#include "rgw_common.h"
+#include "rgw_period_history.h"
+#include "cls/version/cls_version_types.h"
+#include "cls/log/cls_log_types.h"
+#include "common/RWLock.h"
+#include "common/RefCountedObj.h"
+#include "common/ceph_time.h"
+class RGWRados;
+class RGWCoroutine;
+class JSONObj;
+struct RGWObjVersionTracker;
+struct obj_version;
+enum RGWMDLogStatus {
+class RGWMetadataObject {
+ obj_version objv;
+ ceph::real_time mtime;
+ RGWMetadataObject() {}
+ virtual ~RGWMetadataObject() {}
+ obj_version& get_version();
+ real_time get_mtime() { return mtime; }
+ virtual void dump(Formatter *f) const = 0;
+class RGWMetadataManager;
+class RGWMetadataHandler {
+ friend class RGWMetadataManager;
+ enum sync_type_t {
+ };
+ static bool string_to_sync_type(const string& sync_string,
+ sync_type_t& type) {
+ if ("update-by-version") == 0)
+ else if ("update-by-timestamp") == 0)
+ type = APPLY_NEWER;
+ else if ("always") == 0)
+ type = APPLY_ALWAYS;
+ else
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual ~RGWMetadataHandler() {}
+ virtual string get_type() = 0;
+ virtual int get(RGWRados *store, string& entry, RGWMetadataObject **obj) = 0;
+ virtual int put(RGWRados *store, string& entry, RGWObjVersionTracker& objv_tracker,
+ real_time mtime, JSONObj *obj, sync_type_t type) = 0;
+ virtual int remove(RGWRados *store, string& entry, RGWObjVersionTracker& objv_tracker) = 0;
+ virtual int list_keys_init(RGWRados *store, const string& marker, void **phandle) = 0;
+ virtual int list_keys_next(void *handle, int max, list<string>& keys, bool *truncated) = 0;
+ virtual void list_keys_complete(void *handle) = 0;
+ virtual string get_marker(void *handle) = 0;
+ /* key to use for hashing entries for log shard placement */
+ virtual void get_hash_key(const string& section, const string& key, string& hash_key) {
+ hash_key = section + ":" + key;
+ }
+ virtual void get_pool_and_oid(RGWRados *store, const string& key, rgw_pool& pool, string& oid) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Compare an incoming versus on-disk tag/version+mtime combo against
+ * the sync mode to see if the new one should replace the on-disk one.
+ *
+ * @return true if the update should proceed, false otherwise.
+ */
+ static bool check_versions(const obj_version& ondisk, const real_time& ondisk_time,
+ const obj_version& incoming, const real_time& incoming_time,
+ sync_type_t sync_mode) {
+ switch (sync_mode) {
+ if ((ondisk.tag != incoming.tag) ||
+ (ondisk.ver >= incoming.ver))
+ return false;
+ break;
+ if (ondisk_time >= incoming_time)
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case APPLY_ALWAYS: //deliberate fall-thru -- we always apply!
+ default: break;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*
+ * The tenant_name is always returned on purpose. May be empty, of course.
+ */
+ static void parse_bucket(const string& bucket,
+ string *tenant_name,
+ string *bucket_name,
+ string *bucket_instance = nullptr /* optional */)
+ {
+ int pos = bucket.find('/');
+ if (pos >= 0) {
+ *tenant_name = bucket.substr(0, pos);
+ } else {
+ tenant_name->clear();
+ }
+ string bn = bucket.substr(pos + 1);
+ pos = bn.find (':');
+ if (pos < 0) {
+ *bucket_name = std::move(bn);
+ return;
+ }
+ *bucket_name = bn.substr(0, pos);
+ if (bucket_instance) {
+ *bucket_instance = bn.substr(pos + 1);
+ }
+ }
+#define META_LOG_OBJ_PREFIX "meta.log."
+struct RGWMetadataLogInfo {
+ string marker;
+ real_time last_update;
+ void dump(Formatter *f) const;
+ void decode_json(JSONObj *obj);
+class RGWCompletionManager;
+class RGWMetadataLogInfoCompletion : public RefCountedObject {
+ public:
+ using info_callback_t = std::function<void(int, const cls_log_header&)>;
+ private:
+ cls_log_header header;
+ librados::IoCtx io_ctx;
+ librados::AioCompletion *completion;
+ std::mutex mutex; //< protects callback between cancel/complete
+ boost::optional<info_callback_t> callback; //< cleared on cancel
+ public:
+ explicit RGWMetadataLogInfoCompletion(info_callback_t callback);
+ ~RGWMetadataLogInfoCompletion() override;
+ librados::IoCtx& get_io_ctx() { return io_ctx; }
+ cls_log_header& get_header() { return header; }
+ librados::AioCompletion* get_completion() { return completion; }
+ void finish(librados::completion_t cb) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
+ if (callback) {
+ (*callback)(completion->get_return_value(), header);
+ }
+ }
+ void cancel() {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
+ callback = boost::none;
+ }
+class RGWMetadataLog {
+ CephContext *cct;
+ RGWRados *store;
+ const string prefix;
+ static std::string make_prefix(const std::string& period) {
+ if (period.empty())
+ return META_LOG_OBJ_PREFIX + period + ".";
+ }
+ RWLock lock;
+ set<int> modified_shards;
+ void mark_modified(int shard_id);
+ RGWMetadataLog(CephContext *_cct, RGWRados *_store, const std::string& period)
+ : cct(_cct), store(_store),
+ prefix(make_prefix(period)),
+ lock("RGWMetaLog::lock") {}
+ void get_shard_oid(int id, string& oid) const {
+ char buf[16];
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", id);
+ oid = prefix + buf;
+ }
+ int add_entry(RGWMetadataHandler *handler, const string& section, const string& key, bufferlist& bl);
+ int store_entries_in_shard(list<cls_log_entry>& entries, int shard_id, librados::AioCompletion *completion);
+ struct LogListCtx {
+ int cur_shard;
+ string marker;
+ real_time from_time;
+ real_time end_time;
+ string cur_oid;
+ bool done;
+ LogListCtx() : cur_shard(0), done(false) {}
+ };
+ void init_list_entries(int shard_id, const real_time& from_time, const real_time& end_time, string& marker, void **handle);
+ void complete_list_entries(void *handle);
+ int list_entries(void *handle,
+ int max_entries,
+ list<cls_log_entry>& entries,
+ string *out_marker,
+ bool *truncated);
+ int trim(int shard_id, const real_time& from_time, const real_time& end_time, const string& start_marker, const string& end_marker);
+ int get_info(int shard_id, RGWMetadataLogInfo *info);
+ int get_info_async(int shard_id, RGWMetadataLogInfoCompletion *completion);
+ int lock_exclusive(int shard_id, timespan duration, string&zone_id, string& owner_id);
+ int unlock(int shard_id, string& zone_id, string& owner_id);
+ int update_shards(list<int>& shards);
+ void read_clear_modified(set<int> &modified);
+struct LogStatusDump {
+ RGWMDLogStatus status;
+ explicit LogStatusDump(RGWMDLogStatus _status) : status(_status) {}
+ void dump(Formatter *f) const;
+struct RGWMetadataLogData {
+ obj_version read_version;
+ obj_version write_version;
+ RGWMDLogStatus status;
+ RGWMetadataLogData() : status(MDLOG_STATUS_UNKNOWN) {}
+ void encode(bufferlist& bl) const;
+ void decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& bl);
+ void dump(Formatter *f) const;
+ void decode_json(JSONObj *obj);
+struct RGWMetadataLogHistory {
+ epoch_t oldest_realm_epoch;
+ std::string oldest_period_id;
+ void encode(bufferlist& bl) const {
+ ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl);
+ encode(oldest_realm_epoch, bl);
+ encode(oldest_period_id, bl);
+ }
+ void decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& p) {
+ decode(oldest_realm_epoch, p);
+ decode(oldest_period_id, p);
+ }
+ static const std::string oid;
+class RGWMetadataManager {
+ map<string, RGWMetadataHandler *> handlers;
+ CephContext *cct;
+ RGWRados *store;
+ // maintain a separate metadata log for each period
+ std::map<std::string, RGWMetadataLog> md_logs;
+ // use the current period's log for mutating operations
+ RGWMetadataLog* current_log = nullptr;
+ int find_handler(const string& metadata_key, RGWMetadataHandler **handler, string& entry);
+ int pre_modify(RGWMetadataHandler *handler, string& section, const string& key,
+ RGWMetadataLogData& log_data, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker,
+ RGWMDLogStatus op_type);
+ int post_modify(RGWMetadataHandler *handler, const string& section, const string& key, RGWMetadataLogData& log_data,
+ RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker, int ret);
+ string heap_oid(RGWMetadataHandler *handler, const string& key, const obj_version& objv);
+ int store_in_heap(RGWMetadataHandler *handler, const string& key, bufferlist& bl,
+ RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker, real_time mtime,
+ map<string, bufferlist> *pattrs);
+ int remove_from_heap(RGWMetadataHandler *handler, const string& key, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker);
+ int prepare_mutate(RGWRados *store, rgw_pool& pool, const string& oid,
+ const real_time& mtime,
+ RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker,
+ RGWMetadataHandler::sync_type_t sync_mode);
+ RGWMetadataManager(CephContext *_cct, RGWRados *_store);
+ ~RGWMetadataManager();
+ RGWRados* get_store() { return store; }
+ int init(const std::string& current_period);
+ /// initialize the oldest log period if it doesn't exist, and attach it to
+ /// our current history
+ RGWPeriodHistory::Cursor init_oldest_log_period();
+ /// read the oldest log period, and return a cursor to it in our existing
+ /// period history
+ RGWPeriodHistory::Cursor read_oldest_log_period() const;
+ /// read the oldest log period asynchronously and write its result to the
+ /// given cursor pointer
+ RGWCoroutine* read_oldest_log_period_cr(RGWPeriodHistory::Cursor *period,
+ RGWObjVersionTracker *objv) const;
+ /// try to advance the oldest log period when the given period is trimmed,
+ /// using a rados lock to provide atomicity
+ RGWCoroutine* trim_log_period_cr(RGWPeriodHistory::Cursor period,
+ RGWObjVersionTracker *objv) const;
+ /// find or create the metadata log for the given period
+ RGWMetadataLog* get_log(const std::string& period);
+ int register_handler(RGWMetadataHandler *handler);
+ template <typename F>
+ int mutate(RGWMetadataHandler *handler, const string& key,
+ const ceph::real_time& mtime, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker,
+ RGWMDLogStatus op_type,
+ RGWMetadataHandler::sync_type_t sync_mode,
+ F&& f);
+ RGWMetadataHandler *get_handler(const string& type);
+ int put_entry(RGWMetadataHandler *handler, const string& key, bufferlist& bl, bool exclusive,
+ RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker, real_time mtime, map<string, bufferlist> *pattrs = NULL);
+ int remove_entry(RGWMetadataHandler *handler,
+ const string& key,
+ RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker);
+ int get(string& metadata_key, Formatter *f);
+ int put(string& metadata_key, bufferlist& bl,
+ RGWMetadataHandler::sync_type_t sync_mode,
+ obj_version *existing_version = NULL);
+ int remove(string& metadata_key);
+ int list_keys_init(const string& section, void **phandle);
+ int list_keys_init(const string& section, const string& marker, void **phandle);
+ int list_keys_next(void *handle, int max, list<string>& keys, bool *truncated);
+ void list_keys_complete(void *handle);
+ string get_marker(void *handle);
+ void dump_log_entry(cls_log_entry& entry, Formatter *f);
+ void get_sections(list<string>& sections);
+ int lock_exclusive(string& metadata_key, timespan duration, string& owner_id);
+ int unlock(string& metadata_key, string& owner_id);
+ int get_log_shard_id(const string& section, const string& key, int *shard_id);
+ void parse_metadata_key(const string& metadata_key, string& type, string& entry);
+template <typename F>
+int RGWMetadataManager::mutate(RGWMetadataHandler *handler, const string& key,
+ const ceph::real_time& mtime, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker,
+ RGWMDLogStatus op_type,
+ RGWMetadataHandler::sync_type_t sync_mode,
+ F&& f)
+ string oid;
+ rgw_pool pool;
+ handler->get_pool_and_oid(store, key, pool, oid);
+ int ret = prepare_mutate(store, pool, oid, mtime, objv_tracker, sync_mode);
+ if (ret < 0 ||
+ ret == STATUS_NO_APPLY) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ string section;
+ RGWMetadataLogData log_data;
+ ret = pre_modify(handler, section, key, log_data, objv_tracker, MDLOG_STATUS_WRITE);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ret = std::forward<F>(f)();
+ /* cascading ret into post_modify() */
+ ret = post_modify(handler, section, key, log_data, objv_tracker, ret);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+ return 0;