path: root/src/rgw/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rgw/')
1 files changed, 5133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/rgw/ b/src/rgw/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f25890f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rgw/
@@ -0,0 +1,5133 @@
+// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
+// vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "common/ceph_crypto.h"
+#include "common/Formatter.h"
+#include "common/utf8.h"
+#include "common/ceph_json.h"
+#include "common/safe_io.h"
+#include "auth/Crypto.h"
+#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
+#include <boost/utility/string_view.hpp>
+#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
+#include <liboath/oath.h>
+#include "rgw_rest.h"
+#include "rgw_rest_s3.h"
+#include "rgw_rest_s3website.h"
+#include "rgw_rest_pubsub.h"
+#include "rgw_auth_s3.h"
+#include "rgw_acl.h"
+#include "rgw_policy_s3.h"
+#include "rgw_user.h"
+#include "rgw_cors.h"
+#include "rgw_cors_s3.h"
+#include "rgw_tag_s3.h"
+#include "rgw_client_io.h"
+#include "rgw_keystone.h"
+#include "rgw_auth_keystone.h"
+#include "rgw_auth_registry.h"
+#include "rgw_es_query.h"
+#include <typeinfo> // for 'typeid'
+#include "rgw_ldap.h"
+#include "rgw_token.h"
+#include "rgw_rest_role.h"
+#include "rgw_crypt.h"
+#include "rgw_crypt_sanitize.h"
+#include "rgw_rest_user_policy.h"
+#include "rgw_zone.h"
+#include "services/svc_zone.h"
+#include "include/ceph_assert.h"
+#include "rgw_role.h"
+#include "rgw_rest_sts.h"
+#include "rgw_rest_iam.h"
+#include "rgw_sts.h"
+#define dout_context g_ceph_context
+#define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw
+using namespace rgw;
+using namespace ceph::crypto;
+using std::get;
+void list_all_buckets_start(struct req_state *s)
+ s->formatter->open_array_section_in_ns("ListAllMyBucketsResult", XMLNS_AWS_S3);
+void list_all_buckets_end(struct req_state *s)
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+void dump_bucket(struct req_state *s, RGWBucketEnt& obj)
+ s->formatter->open_object_section("Bucket");
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Name",;
+ dump_time(s, "CreationDate", &obj.creation_time);
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+void rgw_get_errno_s3(rgw_http_error *e , int err_no)
+ rgw_http_errors::const_iterator r = rgw_http_s3_errors.find(err_no);
+ if (r != rgw_http_s3_errors.end()) {
+ e->http_ret = r->second.first;
+ e->s3_code = r->second.second;
+ } else {
+ e->http_ret = 500;
+ e->s3_code = "UnknownError";
+ }
+static inline std::string get_s3_expiration_header(
+ struct req_state* s,
+ const ceph::real_time& mtime)
+ return rgw::lc::s3_expiration_header(
+ s, s->object, s->tagset, mtime, s->bucket_attrs);
+struct response_attr_param {
+ const char *param;
+ const char *http_attr;
+static struct response_attr_param resp_attr_params[] = {
+ {"response-content-type", "Content-Type"},
+ {"response-content-language", "Content-Language"},
+ {"response-expires", "Expires"},
+ {"response-cache-control", "Cache-Control"},
+ {"response-content-disposition", "Content-Disposition"},
+ {"response-content-encoding", "Content-Encoding"},
+int RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3Website::send_response_data(bufferlist& bl, off_t bl_ofs, off_t bl_len) {
+ map<string, bufferlist>::iterator iter;
+ if (iter != attrs.end()) {
+ bufferlist &bl = iter->second;
+ s->redirect = bl.c_str();
+ s->err.http_ret = 301;
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << __CEPH_ASSERT_FUNCTION << " redirecting per x-amz-website-redirect-location=" << s->redirect << dendl;
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ dump_content_length(s, 0);
+ dump_redirect(s, s->redirect);
+ end_header(s, this);
+ return op_ret;
+ } else {
+ return RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3::send_response_data(bl, bl_ofs, bl_len);
+ }
+int RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3Website::send_response_data_error()
+ return RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3::send_response_data_error();
+int RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ // for multisite sync requests, only read the slo manifest itself, rather than
+ // all of the data from its parts. the parts will sync as separate objects
+ skip_manifest = s->info.args.exists(RGW_SYS_PARAM_PREFIX "sync-manifest");
+ // multisite sync requests should fetch encrypted data, along with the
+ // attributes needed to support decryption on the other zone
+ if (s->system_request) {
+ skip_decrypt = s->info.args.exists(RGW_SYS_PARAM_PREFIX "skip-decrypt");
+ }
+ return RGWGetObj_ObjStore::get_params();
+int RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3::send_response_data_error()
+ bufferlist bl;
+ return send_response_data(bl, 0 , 0);
+template <class T>
+int decode_attr_bl_single_value(map<string, bufferlist>& attrs, const char *attr_name, T *result, T def_val)
+ map<string, bufferlist>::iterator iter = attrs.find(attr_name);
+ if (iter == attrs.end()) {
+ *result = def_val;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bufferlist& bl = iter->second;
+ if (bl.length() == 0) {
+ *result = def_val;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ auto bliter = bl.cbegin();
+ try {
+ decode(*result, bliter);
+ } catch (buffer::error& err) {
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ return 0;
+inline bool str_has_cntrl(const std::string s) {
+ return std::any_of(s.begin(), s.end(), ::iscntrl);
+inline bool str_has_cntrl(const char* s) {
+ std::string _s(s);
+ return str_has_cntrl(_s);
+int RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3::send_response_data(bufferlist& bl, off_t bl_ofs,
+ off_t bl_len)
+ const char *content_type = NULL;
+ string content_type_str;
+ map<string, string> response_attrs;
+ map<string, string>::iterator riter;
+ bufferlist metadata_bl;
+ string expires = get_s3_expiration_header(s, lastmod);
+ if (sent_header)
+ goto send_data;
+ if (custom_http_ret) {
+ set_req_state_err(s, 0);
+ dump_errno(s, custom_http_ret);
+ } else {
+ set_req_state_err(s, (partial_content && !op_ret) ? STATUS_PARTIAL_CONTENT
+ : op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ }
+ if (op_ret)
+ goto done;
+ if (range_str)
+ dump_range(s, start, end, s->obj_size);
+ if (s->system_request &&
+ s->info.args.exists(RGW_SYS_PARAM_PREFIX "prepend-metadata")) {
+ dump_header(s, "Rgwx-Object-Size", (long long)total_len);
+ if (rgwx_stat) {
+ /*
+ * in this case, we're not returning the object's content, only the prepended
+ * extra metadata
+ */
+ total_len = 0;
+ }
+ /* JSON encode object metadata */
+ JSONFormatter jf;
+ jf.open_object_section("obj_metadata");
+ encode_json("attrs", attrs, &jf);
+ utime_t ut(lastmod);
+ encode_json("mtime", ut, &jf);
+ jf.close_section();
+ stringstream ss;
+ jf.flush(ss);
+ metadata_bl.append(ss.str());
+ dump_header(s, "Rgwx-Embedded-Metadata-Len", metadata_bl.length());
+ total_len += metadata_bl.length();
+ }
+ if (s->system_request && !real_clock::is_zero(lastmod)) {
+ /* we end up dumping mtime in two different methods, a bit redundant */
+ dump_epoch_header(s, "Rgwx-Mtime", lastmod);
+ uint64_t pg_ver = 0;
+ int r = decode_attr_bl_single_value(attrs, RGW_ATTR_PG_VER, &pg_ver, (uint64_t)0);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to decode pg ver attr, ignoring" << dendl;
+ }
+ dump_header(s, "Rgwx-Obj-PG-Ver", pg_ver);
+ uint32_t source_zone_short_id = 0;
+ r = decode_attr_bl_single_value(attrs, RGW_ATTR_SOURCE_ZONE, &source_zone_short_id, (uint32_t)0);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to decode pg ver attr, ignoring" << dendl;
+ }
+ if (source_zone_short_id != 0) {
+ dump_header(s, "Rgwx-Source-Zone-Short-Id", source_zone_short_id);
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto &it : crypt_http_responses)
+ dump_header(s, it.first, it.second);
+ dump_content_length(s, total_len);
+ dump_last_modified(s, lastmod);
+ dump_header_if_nonempty(s, "x-amz-version-id", version_id);
+ dump_header_if_nonempty(s, "x-amz-expiration", expires);
+ if (attrs.find(RGW_ATTR_APPEND_PART_NUM) != attrs.end()) {
+ dump_header(s, "x-rgw-object-type", "Appendable");
+ dump_header(s, "x-rgw-next-append-position", s->obj_size);
+ } else {
+ dump_header(s, "x-rgw-object-type", "Normal");
+ }
+ if (! op_ret) {
+ if (! lo_etag.empty()) {
+ /* Handle etag of Swift API's large objects (DLO/SLO). It's entirerly
+ * legit to perform GET on them through S3 API. In such situation,
+ * a client should receive the composited content with corresponding
+ * etag value. */
+ dump_etag(s, lo_etag);
+ } else {
+ auto iter = attrs.find(RGW_ATTR_ETAG);
+ if (iter != attrs.end()) {
+ dump_etag(s, iter->second.to_str());
+ }
+ }
+ for (struct response_attr_param *p = resp_attr_params; p->param; p++) {
+ bool exists;
+ string val = s->info.args.get(p->param, &exists);
+ if (exists) {
+ /* reject unauthenticated response header manipulation, see
+ * */
+ if (s->auth.identity->is_anonymous()) {
+ }
+ /* HTTP specification says no control characters should be present in
+ * header values:
+ * field-vchar = VCHAR / obs-text
+ *
+ * Failure to validate this permits a CRLF injection in HTTP headers,
+ * whereas S3 GetObject only permits specific headers.
+ */
+ if(str_has_cntrl(val)) {
+ /* TODO: return a more distinct error in future;
+ * stating what the problem is */
+ }
+ if (strcmp(p->param, "response-content-type") != 0) {
+ response_attrs[p->http_attr] = val;
+ } else {
+ content_type_str = val;
+ content_type = content_type_str.c_str();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto iter = attrs.begin(); iter != attrs.end(); ++iter) {
+ const char *name = iter->first.c_str();
+ map<string, string>::iterator aiter = rgw_to_http_attrs.find(name);
+ if (aiter != rgw_to_http_attrs.end()) {
+ if (response_attrs.count(aiter->second) == 0) {
+ /* Was not already overridden by a response param. */
+ size_t len = iter->second.length();
+ string s(iter->second.c_str(), len);
+ while (len && !s[len - 1]) {
+ --len;
+ s.resize(len);
+ }
+ response_attrs[aiter->second] = s;
+ }
+ } else if (iter-> == 0) {
+ /* Special handling for content_type. */
+ if (!content_type) {
+ content_type_str = rgw_bl_str(iter->second);
+ content_type = content_type_str.c_str();
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(name, RGW_ATTR_SLO_UINDICATOR) == 0) {
+ // this attr has an extra length prefix from encode() in prior versions
+ dump_header(s, "X-Object-Meta-Static-Large-Object", "True");
+ } else if (strncmp(name, RGW_ATTR_META_PREFIX,
+ sizeof(RGW_ATTR_META_PREFIX)-1) == 0) {
+ /* User custom metadata. */
+ name += sizeof(RGW_ATTR_PREFIX) - 1;
+ dump_header(s, name, iter->second);
+ } else if (iter-> == 0) {
+ RGWObjTags obj_tags;
+ try{
+ auto it = iter->second.cbegin();
+ obj_tags.decode(it);
+ } catch (buffer::error &err) {
+ ldout(s->cct,0) << "Error caught buffer::error couldn't decode TagSet " << dendl;
+ }
+ dump_header(s, RGW_AMZ_TAG_COUNT, obj_tags.count());
+ } else if (iter-> == 0 && get_retention){
+ RGWObjectRetention retention;
+ try {
+ decode(retention, iter->second);
+ dump_header(s, "x-amz-object-lock-mode", retention.get_mode());
+ dump_time_header(s, "x-amz-object-lock-retain-until-date", retention.get_retain_until_date());
+ } catch (buffer::error& err) {
+ ldpp_dout(this, 0) << "ERROR: failed to decode RGWObjectRetention" << dendl;
+ }
+ } else if (iter-> == 0 && get_legal_hold) {
+ RGWObjectLegalHold legal_hold;
+ try {
+ decode(legal_hold, iter->second);
+ dump_header(s, "x-amz-object-lock-legal-hold",legal_hold.get_status());
+ } catch (buffer::error& err) {
+ ldpp_dout(this, 0) << "ERROR: failed to decode RGWObjectLegalHold" << dendl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (riter = response_attrs.begin(); riter != response_attrs.end();
+ ++riter) {
+ dump_header(s, riter->first, riter->second);
+ }
+ if (op_ret == -ERR_NOT_MODIFIED) {
+ end_header(s, this);
+ } else {
+ if (!content_type)
+ content_type = "binary/octet-stream";
+ end_header(s, this, content_type);
+ }
+ if (metadata_bl.length()) {
+ dump_body(s, metadata_bl);
+ }
+ sent_header = true;
+ if (get_data && !op_ret) {
+ int r = dump_body(s, bl.c_str() + bl_ofs, bl_len);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3::get_decrypt_filter(std::unique_ptr<RGWGetObj_Filter> *filter, RGWGetObj_Filter* cb, bufferlist* manifest_bl)
+ if (skip_decrypt) { // bypass decryption for multisite sync requests
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int res = 0;
+ std::unique_ptr<BlockCrypt> block_crypt;
+ res = rgw_s3_prepare_decrypt(s, attrs, &block_crypt, crypt_http_responses);
+ if (res == 0) {
+ if (block_crypt != nullptr) {
+ auto f = std::make_unique<RGWGetObj_BlockDecrypt>(s->cct, cb, std::move(block_crypt));
+ if (manifest_bl != nullptr) {
+ res = f->read_manifest(*manifest_bl);
+ if (res == 0) {
+ *filter = std::move(f);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+void RGWGetObjTags_ObjStore_S3::send_response_data(bufferlist& bl)
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+ dump_start(s);
+ s->formatter->open_object_section_in_ns("Tagging", XMLNS_AWS_S3);
+ s->formatter->open_object_section("TagSet");
+ if (has_tags){
+ RGWObjTagSet_S3 tagset;
+ auto iter = bl.cbegin();
+ try {
+ tagset.decode(iter);
+ } catch (buffer::error& err) {
+ ldout(s->cct,0) << "ERROR: caught buffer::error, couldn't decode TagSet" << dendl;
+ op_ret= -EIO;
+ return;
+ }
+ tagset.dump_xml(s->formatter);
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+int RGWPutObjTags_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ RGWXMLParser parser;
+ if (!parser.init()){
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ const auto max_size = s->cct->_conf->rgw_max_put_param_size;
+ int r = 0;
+ bufferlist data;
+ std::tie(r, data) = rgw_rest_read_all_input(s, max_size, false);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (!parser.parse(data.c_str(), data.length(), 1)) {
+ }
+ RGWObjTagging_S3 tagging;
+ try {
+ RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Tagging", tagging, &parser);
+ } catch (RGWXMLDecoder::err& err) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << "Malformed tagging request: " << err << dendl;
+ }
+ RGWObjTags obj_tags;
+ r = tagging.rebuild(obj_tags);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ obj_tags.encode(tags_bl);
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "Read " << obj_tags.count() << "tags" << dendl;
+ return 0;
+void RGWPutObjTags_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+ dump_start(s);
+void RGWDeleteObjTags_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ int r = op_ret;
+ if (r == -ENOENT)
+ r = 0;
+ if (!r)
+ set_req_state_err(s, r);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this);
+void RGWListBuckets_ObjStore_S3::send_response_begin(bool has_buckets)
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ dump_start(s);
+ // Explicitly use chunked transfer encoding so that we can stream the result
+ // to the user without having to wait for the full length of it.
+ end_header(s, NULL, "application/xml", CHUNKED_TRANSFER_ENCODING);
+ if (! op_ret) {
+ list_all_buckets_start(s);
+ dump_owner(s, s->user->user_id, s->user->display_name);
+ s->formatter->open_array_section("Buckets");
+ sent_data = true;
+ }
+void RGWListBuckets_ObjStore_S3::send_response_data(RGWUserBuckets& buckets)
+ if (!sent_data)
+ return;
+ map<string, RGWBucketEnt>& m = buckets.get_buckets();
+ map<string, RGWBucketEnt>::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = m.begin(); iter != m.end(); ++iter) {
+ RGWBucketEnt obj = iter->second;
+ dump_bucket(s, obj);
+ }
+ rgw_flush_formatter(s, s->formatter);
+void RGWListBuckets_ObjStore_S3::send_response_end()
+ if (sent_data) {
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ list_all_buckets_end(s);
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+ }
+int RGWGetUsage_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ start_date = s->info.args.get("start-date");
+ end_date = s->info.args.get("end-date");
+ return 0;
+static void dump_usage_categories_info(Formatter *formatter, const rgw_usage_log_entry& entry, map<string, bool> *categories)
+ formatter->open_array_section("categories");
+ map<string, rgw_usage_data>::const_iterator uiter;
+ for (uiter = entry.usage_map.begin(); uiter != entry.usage_map.end(); ++uiter) {
+ if (categories && !categories->empty() && !categories->count(uiter->first))
+ continue;
+ const rgw_usage_data& usage = uiter->second;
+ formatter->open_object_section("Entry");
+ formatter->dump_string("Category", uiter->first);
+ formatter->dump_int("BytesSent", usage.bytes_sent);
+ formatter->dump_int("BytesReceived", usage.bytes_received);
+ formatter->dump_int("Ops", usage.ops);
+ formatter->dump_int("SuccessfulOps", usage.successful_ops);
+ formatter->close_section(); // Entry
+ }
+ formatter->close_section(); // Category
+static void dump_usage_bucket_info(Formatter *formatter, const std::string& name, const cls_user_bucket_entry& entry)
+ formatter->open_object_section("Entry");
+ formatter->dump_string("Bucket", name);
+ formatter->dump_int("Bytes", entry.size);
+ formatter->dump_int("Bytes_Rounded", entry.size_rounded);
+ formatter->close_section(); // entry
+void RGWGetUsage_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret < 0)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ // Explicitly use chunked transfer encoding so that we can stream the result
+ // to the user without having to wait for the full length of it.
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml", CHUNKED_TRANSFER_ENCODING);
+ dump_start(s);
+ if (op_ret < 0)
+ return;
+ Formatter *formatter = s->formatter;
+ string last_owner;
+ bool user_section_open = false;
+ formatter->open_object_section("Usage");
+ if (show_log_entries) {
+ formatter->open_array_section("Entries");
+ }
+ map<rgw_user_bucket, rgw_usage_log_entry>::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = usage.begin(); iter != usage.end(); ++iter) {
+ const rgw_user_bucket& ub = iter->first;
+ const rgw_usage_log_entry& entry = iter->second;
+ if (show_log_entries) {
+ if ( != 0) {
+ if (user_section_open) {
+ formatter->close_section();
+ formatter->close_section();
+ }
+ formatter->open_object_section("User");
+ formatter->dump_string("Owner", ub.user);
+ formatter->open_array_section("Buckets");
+ user_section_open = true;
+ last_owner = ub.user;
+ }
+ formatter->open_object_section("Bucket");
+ formatter->dump_string("Bucket", ub.bucket);
+ utime_t ut(entry.epoch, 0);
+ ut.gmtime(formatter->dump_stream("Time"));
+ formatter->dump_int("Epoch", entry.epoch);
+ dump_usage_categories_info(formatter, entry, &categories);
+ formatter->close_section(); // bucket
+ }
+ summary_map[ub.user].aggregate(entry, &categories);
+ }
+ if (show_log_entries) {
+ if (user_section_open) {
+ formatter->close_section(); // buckets
+ formatter->close_section(); //user
+ }
+ formatter->close_section(); // entries
+ }
+ if (show_log_sum) {
+ formatter->open_array_section("Summary");
+ map<string, rgw_usage_log_entry>::iterator siter;
+ for (siter = summary_map.begin(); siter != summary_map.end(); ++siter) {
+ const rgw_usage_log_entry& entry = siter->second;
+ formatter->open_object_section("User");
+ formatter->dump_string("User", siter->first);
+ dump_usage_categories_info(formatter, entry, &categories);
+ rgw_usage_data total_usage;
+ entry.sum(total_usage, categories);
+ formatter->open_object_section("Total");
+ formatter->dump_int("BytesSent", total_usage.bytes_sent);
+ formatter->dump_int("BytesReceived", total_usage.bytes_received);
+ formatter->dump_int("Ops", total_usage.ops);
+ formatter->dump_int("SuccessfulOps", total_usage.successful_ops);
+ formatter->close_section(); // total
+ formatter->close_section(); // user
+ }
+ if (s->cct->_conf->rgw_rest_getusage_op_compat) {
+ formatter->open_object_section("Stats");
+ }
+ formatter->dump_int("TotalBytes", header.stats.total_bytes);
+ formatter->dump_int("TotalBytesRounded", header.stats.total_bytes_rounded);
+ formatter->dump_int("TotalEntries", header.stats.total_entries);
+ if (s->cct->_conf->rgw_rest_getusage_op_compat) {
+ formatter->close_section(); //Stats
+ }
+ formatter->close_section(); // summary
+ }
+ formatter->open_array_section("CapacityUsed");
+ formatter->open_object_section("User");
+ formatter->open_array_section("Buckets");
+ for (const auto& biter : buckets_usage) {
+ const cls_user_bucket_entry& entry = biter.second;
+ dump_usage_bucket_info(formatter, biter.first, entry);
+ }
+ formatter->close_section(); // Buckets
+ formatter->close_section(); // User
+ formatter->close_section(); // CapacityUsed
+ formatter->close_section(); // usage
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+int RGWListBucket_ObjStore_S3::get_common_params()
+ list_versions = s->info.args.exists("versions");
+ prefix = s->info.args.get("prefix");
+ // non-standard
+ s->info.args.get_bool("allow-unordered", &allow_unordered, false);
+ delimiter = s->info.args.get("delimiter");
+ max_keys = s->info.args.get("max-keys");
+ op_ret = parse_max_keys();
+ if (op_ret < 0) {
+ return op_ret;
+ }
+ encoding_type = s->info.args.get("encoding-type");
+ if (s->system_request) {
+ s->info.args.get_bool("objs-container", &objs_container, false);
+ const char *shard_id_str = s->info.env->get("HTTP_RGWX_SHARD_ID");
+ if (shard_id_str) {
+ string err;
+ shard_id = strict_strtol(shard_id_str, 10, &err);
+ if (!err.empty()) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << "bad shard id specified: " << shard_id_str << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ shard_id = s->bucket_instance_shard_id;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int RGWListBucket_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ int ret = get_common_params();
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (!list_versions) {
+ marker = s->info.args.get("marker");
+ } else {
+ = s->info.args.get("key-marker");
+ marker.instance = s->info.args.get("version-id-marker");
+ }
+ return 0;
+int RGWListBucket_ObjStore_S3v2::get_params()
+int ret = get_common_params();
+if (ret < 0) {
+ return ret;
+s->info.args.get_bool("fetch-owner", &fetchOwner, false);
+startAfter = s->info.args.get("start-after", &start_after_exist);
+continuation_token = s->info.args.get("continuation-token", &continuation_token_exist);
+if(!continuation_token_exist) {
+ marker = startAfter;
+} else {
+ marker = continuation_token;
+return 0;
+void RGWListBucket_ObjStore_S3::send_common_versioned_response()
+ if (!s->bucket_tenant.empty()) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Tenant", s->bucket_tenant);
+ }
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Name", s->bucket_name);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Prefix", prefix);
+ s->formatter->dump_int("MaxKeys", max);
+ if (!delimiter.empty()) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Delimiter", delimiter);
+ }
+ s->formatter->dump_string("IsTruncated", (max && is_truncated ? "true"
+ : "false"));
+ if (!common_prefixes.empty()) {
+ map<string, bool>::iterator pref_iter;
+ for (pref_iter = common_prefixes.begin();
+ pref_iter != common_prefixes.end(); ++pref_iter) {
+ s->formatter->open_array_section("CommonPrefixes");
+ if (encode_key) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Prefix", url_encode(pref_iter->first, false));
+ } else {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Prefix", pref_iter->first);
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void RGWListBucket_ObjStore_S3::send_versioned_response()
+ s->formatter->open_object_section_in_ns("ListVersionsResult", XMLNS_AWS_S3);
+ if (strcasecmp(encoding_type.c_str(), "url") == 0) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("EncodingType", "url");
+ encode_key = true;
+ }
+ RGWListBucket_ObjStore_S3::send_common_versioned_response();
+ s->formatter->dump_string("KeyMarker",;
+ s->formatter->dump_string("VersionIdMarker", marker.instance);
+ if (is_truncated && !next_marker.empty()) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("NextKeyMarker",;
+ if (next_marker.instance.empty()) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("NextVersionIdMarker", "null");
+ }
+ else {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("NextVersionIdMarker", next_marker.instance);
+ }
+ }
+ if (op_ret >= 0) {
+ if (objs_container) {
+ s->formatter->open_array_section("Entries");
+ }
+ vector<rgw_bucket_dir_entry>::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = objs.begin(); iter != objs.end(); ++iter) {
+ const char *section_name = (iter->is_delete_marker() ? "DeleteMarker"
+ : "Version");
+ s->formatter->open_object_section(section_name);
+ if (objs_container) {
+ s->formatter->dump_bool("IsDeleteMarker", iter->is_delete_marker());
+ }
+ rgw_obj_key key(iter->key);
+ if (encode_key) {
+ string key_name;
+ url_encode(, key_name);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Key", key_name);
+ }
+ else {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Key",;
+ }
+ string version_id = key.instance;
+ if (version_id.empty()) {
+ version_id = "null";
+ }
+ if (s->system_request) {
+ if (iter->versioned_epoch > 0) {
+ s->formatter->dump_int("VersionedEpoch", iter->versioned_epoch);
+ }
+ s->formatter->dump_string("RgwxTag", iter->tag);
+ utime_t ut(iter->meta.mtime);
+ ut.gmtime_nsec(s->formatter->dump_stream("RgwxMtime"));
+ }
+ s->formatter->dump_string("VersionId", version_id);
+ s->formatter->dump_bool("IsLatest", iter->is_current());
+ dump_time(s, "LastModified", &iter->meta.mtime);
+ if (!iter->is_delete_marker()) {
+ s->formatter->dump_format("ETag", "\"%s\"", iter->meta.etag.c_str());
+ s->formatter->dump_int("Size", iter->meta.accounted_size);
+ auto& storage_class = rgw_placement_rule::get_canonical_storage_class(iter->meta.storage_class);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("StorageClass", storage_class.c_str());
+ }
+ dump_owner(s, iter->meta.owner, iter->meta.owner_display_name);
+ if (iter->meta.appendable) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Type", "Appendable");
+ } else {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Type", "Normal");
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section(); // Version/DeleteMarker
+ }
+ if (objs_container) {
+ s->formatter->close_section(); // Entries
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section(); // ListVersionsResult
+ }
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+void RGWListBucket_ObjStore_S3::send_common_response()
+ if (!s->bucket_tenant.empty()) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Tenant", s->bucket_tenant);
+ }
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Name", s->bucket_name);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Prefix", prefix);
+ s->formatter->dump_int("MaxKeys", max);
+ if (!delimiter.empty()) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Delimiter", delimiter);
+ }
+ s->formatter->dump_string("IsTruncated", (max && is_truncated ? "true"
+ : "false"));
+ if (!common_prefixes.empty()) {
+ map<string, bool>::iterator pref_iter;
+ for (pref_iter = common_prefixes.begin();
+ pref_iter != common_prefixes.end(); ++pref_iter) {
+ s->formatter->open_array_section("CommonPrefixes");
+ if (encode_key) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Prefix", url_encode(pref_iter->first, false));
+ } else {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Prefix", pref_iter->first);
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void RGWListBucket_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret < 0) {
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ }
+ dump_errno(s);
+ // Explicitly use chunked transfer encoding so that we can stream the result
+ // to the user without having to wait for the full length of it.
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml", CHUNKED_TRANSFER_ENCODING);
+ dump_start(s);
+ if (op_ret < 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (list_versions) {
+ send_versioned_response();
+ return;
+ }
+ s->formatter->open_object_section_in_ns("ListBucketResult", XMLNS_AWS_S3);
+ if (strcasecmp(encoding_type.c_str(), "url") == 0) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("EncodingType", "url");
+ encode_key = true;
+ }
+ RGWListBucket_ObjStore_S3::send_common_response();
+ if (op_ret >= 0) {
+ vector<rgw_bucket_dir_entry>::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = objs.begin(); iter != objs.end(); ++iter) {
+ rgw_obj_key key(iter->key);
+ s->formatter->open_array_section("Contents");
+ if (encode_key) {
+ string key_name;
+ url_encode(, key_name);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Key", key_name);
+ } else {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Key",;
+ }
+ dump_time(s, "LastModified", &iter->meta.mtime);
+ s->formatter->dump_format("ETag", "\"%s\"", iter->meta.etag.c_str());
+ s->formatter->dump_int("Size", iter->meta.accounted_size);
+ auto& storage_class = rgw_placement_rule::get_canonical_storage_class(iter->meta.storage_class);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("StorageClass", storage_class.c_str());
+ dump_owner(s, iter->meta.owner, iter->meta.owner_display_name);
+ if (s->system_request) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("RgwxTag", iter->tag);
+ }
+ if (iter->meta.appendable) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Type", "Appendable");
+ } else {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Type", "Normal");
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ }
+ }
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Marker",;
+ if (is_truncated && !next_marker.empty()) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("NextMarker",;
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+void RGWListBucket_ObjStore_S3v2::send_versioned_response()
+ s->formatter->open_object_section_in_ns("ListVersionsResult", XMLNS_AWS_S3);
+ RGWListBucket_ObjStore_S3v2::send_common_versioned_response();
+ s->formatter->dump_string("KeyContinuationToken",;
+ s->formatter->dump_string("VersionIdContinuationToken", marker.instance);
+ if (is_truncated && !next_marker.empty()) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("NextKeyContinuationToken",;
+ s->formatter->dump_string("NextVersionIdContinuationToken", next_marker.instance);
+ }
+ if (strcasecmp(encoding_type.c_str(), "url") == 0) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("EncodingType", "url");
+ encode_key = true;
+ }
+ if (op_ret >= 0) {
+ if (objs_container) {
+ s->formatter->open_array_section("Entries");
+ }
+ vector<rgw_bucket_dir_entry>::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = objs.begin(); iter != objs.end(); ++iter) {
+ const char *section_name = (iter->is_delete_marker() ? "DeleteContinuationToken"
+ : "Version");
+ s->formatter->open_object_section(section_name);
+ if (objs_container) {
+ s->formatter->dump_bool("IsDeleteContinuationToken", iter->is_delete_marker());
+ }
+ rgw_obj_key key(iter->key);
+ if (encode_key) {
+ string key_name;
+ url_encode(, key_name);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Key", key_name);
+ }
+ else {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Key",;
+ }
+ string version_id = key.instance;
+ if (version_id.empty()) {
+ version_id = "null";
+ }
+ if (s->system_request) {
+ if (iter->versioned_epoch > 0) {
+ s->formatter->dump_int("VersionedEpoch", iter->versioned_epoch);
+ }
+ s->formatter->dump_string("RgwxTag", iter->tag);
+ utime_t ut(iter->meta.mtime);
+ ut.gmtime_nsec(s->formatter->dump_stream("RgwxMtime"));
+ }
+ s->formatter->dump_string("VersionId", version_id);
+ s->formatter->dump_bool("IsLatest", iter->is_current());
+ dump_time(s, "LastModified", &iter->meta.mtime);
+ if (!iter->is_delete_marker()) {
+ s->formatter->dump_format("ETag", "\"%s\"", iter->meta.etag.c_str());
+ s->formatter->dump_int("Size", iter->meta.accounted_size);
+ auto& storage_class = rgw_placement_rule::get_canonical_storage_class(iter->meta.storage_class);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("StorageClass", storage_class.c_str());
+ }
+ if (fetchOwner == true) {
+ dump_owner(s, s->user->user_id, s->user->display_name);
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ }
+ if (objs_container) {
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ }
+ if (!common_prefixes.empty()) {
+ map<string, bool>::iterator pref_iter;
+ for (pref_iter = common_prefixes.begin();
+ pref_iter != common_prefixes.end(); ++pref_iter) {
+ s->formatter->open_array_section("CommonPrefixes");
+ if (encode_key) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Prefix", url_encode(pref_iter->first, false));
+ } else {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Prefix", pref_iter->first);
+ }
+ s->formatter->dump_int("KeyCount",objs.size());
+ if (start_after_exist) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("StartAfter", startAfter);
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ }
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+ }
+void RGWListBucket_ObjStore_S3v2::send_response()
+ if (op_ret < 0) {
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ }
+ dump_errno(s);
+ // Explicitly use chunked transfer encoding so that we can stream the result
+ // to the user without having to wait for the full length of it.
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml", CHUNKED_TRANSFER_ENCODING);
+ dump_start(s);
+ if (op_ret < 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (list_versions) {
+ send_versioned_response();
+ return;
+ }
+ s->formatter->open_object_section_in_ns("ListBucketResult", XMLNS_AWS_S3);
+ if (strcasecmp(encoding_type.c_str(), "url") == 0) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("EncodingType", "url");
+ encode_key = true;
+ }
+ RGWListBucket_ObjStore_S3::send_common_response();
+ if (op_ret >= 0) {
+ vector<rgw_bucket_dir_entry>::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = objs.begin(); iter != objs.end(); ++iter) {
+ rgw_obj_key key(iter->key);
+ s->formatter->open_array_section("Contents");
+ if (encode_key) {
+ string key_name;
+ url_encode(, key_name);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Key", key_name);
+ }
+ else {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Key",;
+ }
+ dump_time(s, "LastModified", &iter->meta.mtime);
+ s->formatter->dump_format("ETag", "\"%s\"", iter->meta.etag.c_str());
+ s->formatter->dump_int("Size", iter->meta.accounted_size);
+ auto& storage_class = rgw_placement_rule::get_canonical_storage_class(iter->meta.storage_class);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("StorageClass", storage_class.c_str());
+ if (fetchOwner == true) {
+ dump_owner(s, s->user->user_id, s->user->display_name);
+ }
+ if (s->system_request) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("RgwxTag", iter->tag);
+ }
+ if (iter->meta.appendable) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Type", "Appendable");
+ } else {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Type", "Normal");
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ }
+ }
+ if (continuation_token_exist) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("ContinuationToken", continuation_token);
+ }
+ if (is_truncated && !next_marker.empty()) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("NextContinuationToken",;
+ }
+ s->formatter->dump_int("KeyCount", objs.size() + common_prefixes.size());
+ if (start_after_exist) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("StartAfter", startAfter);
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+void RGWGetBucketLogging_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+ dump_start(s);
+ s->formatter->open_object_section_in_ns("BucketLoggingStatus", XMLNS_AWS_S3);
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+void RGWGetBucketLocation_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this);
+ dump_start(s);
+ RGWZoneGroup zonegroup;
+ string api_name;
+ int ret = store->>get_zonegroup(s->bucket_info.zonegroup, zonegroup);
+ if (ret >= 0) {
+ api_name = zonegroup.api_name;
+ } else {
+ if (s->bucket_info.zonegroup != "default") {
+ api_name = s->bucket_info.zonegroup;
+ }
+ }
+ s->formatter->dump_format_ns("LocationConstraint", XMLNS_AWS_S3,
+ "%s", api_name.c_str());
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+void RGWGetBucketVersioning_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+ dump_start(s);
+ s->formatter->open_object_section_in_ns("VersioningConfiguration", XMLNS_AWS_S3);
+ if (versioned) {
+ const char *status = (versioning_enabled ? "Enabled" : "Suspended");
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Status", status);
+ const char *mfa_status = (mfa_enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
+ s->formatter->dump_string("MfaDelete", mfa_status);
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+struct ver_config_status {
+ int status{VersioningSuspended};
+ enum MFAStatus {
+ } mfa_status{MFA_UNKNOWN};
+ int retcode{0};
+ void decode_xml(XMLObj *obj) {
+ string status_str;
+ string mfa_str;
+ RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Status", status_str, obj);
+ if (status_str == "Enabled") {
+ status = VersioningEnabled;
+ } else if (status_str != "Suspended") {
+ status = VersioningStatusInvalid;
+ }
+ if (RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("MfaDelete", mfa_str, obj)) {
+ if (mfa_str == "Enabled") {
+ mfa_status = MFA_ENABLED;
+ } else if (mfa_str == "Disabled") {
+ mfa_status = MFA_DISABLED;
+ } else {
+ retcode = -EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int RGWSetBucketVersioning_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ int r = 0;
+ bufferlist data;
+ std::tie(r, data) =
+ rgw_rest_read_all_input(s, s->cct->_conf->rgw_max_put_param_size, false);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ r = do_aws4_auth_completion();
+ if (r < 0) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ RGWXMLDecoder::XMLParser parser;
+ if (!parser.init()) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to initialize parser" << dendl;
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ char* buf = data.c_str();
+ if (!parser.parse(buf, data.length(), 1)) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 10) << "NOTICE: failed to parse data: " << buf << dendl;
+ r = -EINVAL;
+ return r;
+ }
+ ver_config_status status_conf;
+ if (!RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("VersioningConfiguration", status_conf, &parser)) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 10) << "NOTICE: bad versioning config input" << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (!store->>is_meta_master()) {
+ /* only need to keep this data around if we're not meta master */
+ in_data.append(data);
+ }
+ versioning_status = status_conf.status;
+ if (versioning_status == VersioningStatusInvalid) {
+ r = -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (status_conf.mfa_status != ver_config_status::MFA_UNKNOWN) {
+ mfa_set_status = true;
+ switch (status_conf.mfa_status) {
+ case ver_config_status::MFA_DISABLED:
+ mfa_status = false;
+ break;
+ case ver_config_status::MFA_ENABLED:
+ mfa_status = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "ERROR: RGWSetBucketVersioning_ObjStore_S3::get_params(): unexpected switch case mfa_status=" << status_conf.mfa_status << dendl;
+ r = -EIO;
+ }
+ } else if (status_conf.retcode < 0) {
+ r = status_conf.retcode;
+ }
+ return r;
+void RGWSetBucketVersioning_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+int RGWSetBucketWebsite_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ const auto max_size = s->cct->_conf->rgw_max_put_param_size;
+ int r = 0;
+ bufferlist data;
+ std::tie(r, data) = rgw_rest_read_all_input(s, max_size, false);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ r = do_aws4_auth_completion();
+ if (r < 0) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ in_data.append(data);
+ RGWXMLDecoder::XMLParser parser;
+ if (!parser.init()) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to initialize parser" << dendl;
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ char* buf = data.c_str();
+ if (!parser.parse(buf, data.length(), 1)) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << "failed to parse xml: " << buf << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ try {
+ RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("WebsiteConfiguration", website_conf, &parser, true);
+ } catch (RGWXMLDecoder::err& err) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << "unexpected xml: " << buf << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (website_conf.is_redirect_all && website_conf.redirect_all.hostname.empty()) {
+ s->err.message = "A host name must be provided to redirect all requests (e.g. \"\").";
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << s->err.message << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ } else if (!website_conf.is_redirect_all && !website_conf.is_set_index_doc) {
+ s->err.message = "A value for IndexDocument Suffix must be provided if RedirectAllRequestsTo is empty";
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << s->err.message << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ } else if (!website_conf.is_redirect_all && website_conf.is_set_index_doc &&
+ website_conf.index_doc_suffix.empty()) {
+ s->err.message = "The IndexDocument Suffix is not well formed";
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << s->err.message << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ int max_num = s->cct->_conf->rgw_website_routing_rules_max_num;
+ if (max_num < 0) {
+ }
+ int routing_rules_num = website_conf.routing_rules.rules.size();
+ if (routing_rules_num > max_num) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 4) << "An website routing config can have up to "
+ << max_num
+ << " rules, request website routing rules num: "
+ << routing_rules_num << dendl;
+ s->err.message = std::to_string(routing_rules_num) +" routing rules provided, the number of routing rules in a website configuration is limited to "
+ + std::to_string(max_num)
+ + ".";
+ }
+ return 0;
+void RGWSetBucketWebsite_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret < 0)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+void RGWDeleteBucketWebsite_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret == 0) {
+ }
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+void RGWGetBucketWebsite_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+ dump_start(s);
+ if (op_ret < 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ RGWBucketWebsiteConf& conf = s->bucket_info.website_conf;
+ s->formatter->open_object_section_in_ns("WebsiteConfiguration", XMLNS_AWS_S3);
+ conf.dump_xml(s->formatter);
+ s->formatter->close_section(); // WebsiteConfiguration
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+static void dump_bucket_metadata(struct req_state *s, RGWBucketEnt& bucket)
+ dump_header(s, "X-RGW-Object-Count", static_cast<long long>(bucket.count));
+ dump_header(s, "X-RGW-Bytes-Used", static_cast<long long>(bucket.size));
+void RGWStatBucket_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret >= 0) {
+ dump_bucket_metadata(s, bucket);
+ }
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this);
+ dump_start(s);
+static int create_s3_policy(struct req_state *s, RGWRados *store,
+ RGWAccessControlPolicy_S3& s3policy,
+ ACLOwner& owner)
+ if (s->has_acl_header) {
+ if (!s->canned_acl.empty())
+ return s3policy.create_from_headers(store, s->info.env, owner);
+ }
+ return s3policy.create_canned(owner, s->bucket_owner, s->canned_acl);
+class RGWLocationConstraint : public XMLObj
+ RGWLocationConstraint() {}
+ ~RGWLocationConstraint() override {}
+ bool xml_end(const char *el) override {
+ if (!el)
+ return false;
+ location_constraint = get_data();
+ return true;
+ }
+ string location_constraint;
+class RGWCreateBucketConfig : public XMLObj
+ RGWCreateBucketConfig() {}
+ ~RGWCreateBucketConfig() override {}
+class RGWCreateBucketParser : public RGWXMLParser
+ XMLObj *alloc_obj(const char *el) override {
+ return new XMLObj;
+ }
+ RGWCreateBucketParser() {}
+ ~RGWCreateBucketParser() override {}
+ bool get_location_constraint(string& zone_group) {
+ XMLObj *config = find_first("CreateBucketConfiguration");
+ if (!config)
+ return false;
+ XMLObj *constraint = config->find_first("LocationConstraint");
+ if (!constraint)
+ return false;
+ zone_group = constraint->get_data();
+ return true;
+ }
+int RGWCreateBucket_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ RGWAccessControlPolicy_S3 s3policy(s->cct);
+ int r = create_s3_policy(s, store, s3policy, s->owner);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ policy = s3policy;
+ const auto max_size = s->cct->_conf->rgw_max_put_param_size;
+ int op_ret = 0;
+ bufferlist data;
+ std::tie(op_ret, data) = rgw_rest_read_all_input(s, max_size, false);
+ if ((op_ret < 0) && (op_ret != -ERR_LENGTH_REQUIRED))
+ return op_ret;
+ const int auth_ret = do_aws4_auth_completion();
+ if (auth_ret < 0) {
+ return auth_ret;
+ }
+ in_data.append(data);
+ if (data.length()) {
+ RGWCreateBucketParser parser;
+ if (!parser.init()) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to initialize parser" << dendl;
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ char* buf = data.c_str();
+ bool success = parser.parse(buf, data.length(), 1);
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "create bucket input data=" << buf << dendl;
+ if (!success) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "failed to parse input: " << buf << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (!parser.get_location_constraint(location_constraint)) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "provided input did not specify location constraint correctly" << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ ldout(s->cct, 10) << "create bucket location constraint: "
+ << location_constraint << dendl;
+ }
+ size_t pos = location_constraint.find(':');
+ if (pos != string::npos) {
+ placement_rule.init(location_constraint.substr(pos + 1), s->info.storage_class);
+ location_constraint = location_constraint.substr(0, pos);
+ } else {
+ placement_rule.storage_class = s->info.storage_class;
+ }
+ auto iter = s->info.x_meta_map.find("x-amz-bucket-object-lock-enabled");
+ if (iter != s->info.x_meta_map.end()) {
+ if (!boost::algorithm::iequals(iter->second, "true") && !boost::algorithm::iequals(iter->second, "false")) {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ obj_lock_enabled = boost::algorithm::iequals(iter->second, "true");
+ }
+ return 0;
+void RGWCreateBucket_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret == -ERR_BUCKET_EXISTS)
+ op_ret = 0;
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s);
+ if (op_ret < 0)
+ return;
+ if (s->system_request) {
+ JSONFormatter f; /* use json formatter for system requests output */
+ f.open_object_section("info");
+ encode_json("entry_point_object_ver", ep_objv, &f);
+ encode_json("object_ver", info.objv_tracker.read_version, &f);
+ encode_json("bucket_info", info, &f);
+ f.close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, &f);
+ }
+void RGWDeleteBucket_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ int r = op_ret;
+ if (!r)
+ set_req_state_err(s, r);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this);
+static inline void map_qs_metadata(struct req_state* s)
+ /* merge S3 valid user metadata from the query-string into
+ * x_meta_map, which maps them to attributes */
+ const auto& params = const_cast<RGWHTTPArgs&>(s->info.args).get_params();
+ for (const auto& elt : params) {
+ std::string k = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(elt.first);
+ if (k.find("x-amz-meta-") == /* offset */ 0) {
+ add_amz_meta_header(s->info.x_meta_map, k, elt.second);
+ }
+ }
+int RGWPutObj_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ if (!s->length)
+ map<string, bufferlist> src_attrs;
+ size_t pos;
+ int ret;
+ map_qs_metadata(s);
+ RGWAccessControlPolicy_S3 s3policy(s->cct);
+ ret = create_s3_policy(s, store, s3policy, s->owner);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+ policy = s3policy;
+ if_match = s->info.env->get("HTTP_IF_MATCH");
+ if_nomatch = s->info.env->get("HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH");
+ copy_source = url_decode(s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_COPY_SOURCE", ""));
+ copy_source_range = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_COPY_SOURCE_RANGE");
+ /* handle x-amz-copy-source */
+ boost::string_view cs_view(copy_source);
+ if (! cs_view.empty()) {
+ if (cs_view[0] == '/')
+ cs_view.remove_prefix(1);
+ copy_source_bucket_name = cs_view.to_string();
+ pos = copy_source_bucket_name.find("/");
+ if (pos == std::string::npos) {
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << "x-amz-copy-source bad format" << dendl;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ copy_source_object_name =
+ copy_source_bucket_name.substr(pos + 1, copy_source_bucket_name.size());
+ copy_source_bucket_name = copy_source_bucket_name.substr(0, pos);
+#define VERSION_ID_STR "?versionId="
+ pos = copy_source_object_name.find(VERSION_ID_STR);
+ if (pos == std::string::npos) {
+ copy_source_object_name = url_decode(copy_source_object_name);
+ } else {
+ copy_source_version_id =
+ copy_source_object_name.substr(pos + sizeof(VERSION_ID_STR) - 1);
+ copy_source_object_name =
+ url_decode(copy_source_object_name.substr(0, pos));
+ }
+ pos = copy_source_bucket_name.find(":");
+ if (pos == std::string::npos) {
+ copy_source_tenant_name = s->src_tenant_name;
+ } else {
+ copy_source_tenant_name = copy_source_bucket_name.substr(0, pos);
+ copy_source_bucket_name = copy_source_bucket_name.substr(pos + 1, copy_source_bucket_name.size());
+ if (copy_source_bucket_name.empty()) {
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << "source bucket name is empty" << dendl;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ ret = store->get_bucket_info(*s->sysobj_ctx,
+ copy_source_tenant_name,
+ copy_source_bucket_name,
+ copy_source_bucket_info,
+ NULL, &src_attrs);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << __func__ << "(): get_bucket_info() returned ret=" << ret << dendl;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /* handle x-amz-copy-source-range */
+ if (copy_source_range) {
+ string range = copy_source_range;
+ pos = range.find("bytes=");
+ if (pos == std::string::npos || pos != 0) {
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << "x-amz-copy-source-range bad format" << dendl;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /* 6 is the length of "bytes=" */
+ range = range.substr(pos + 6);
+ pos = range.find("-");
+ if (pos == std::string::npos) {
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << "x-amz-copy-source-range bad format" << dendl;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ string first = range.substr(0, pos);
+ string last = range.substr(pos + 1);
+ if (first.find_first_not_of("0123456789") != std::string::npos || last.find_first_not_of("0123456789") != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ ldpp_dout(this, 5) << "x-amz-copy-source-range bad format not an integer" << dendl;
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ copy_source_range_fst = strtoull(first.c_str(), NULL, 10);
+ copy_source_range_lst = strtoull(last.c_str(), NULL, 10);
+ if (copy_source_range_fst > copy_source_range_lst)
+ {
+ ret = -ERANGE;
+ ldpp_dout(this, 5) << "x-amz-copy-source-range bad format first number bigger than second" << dendl;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ } /* copy_source */
+ /* handle object tagging */
+ auto tag_str = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_TAGGING");
+ if (tag_str){
+ obj_tags = std::make_unique<RGWObjTags>();
+ ret = obj_tags->set_from_string(tag_str);
+ if (ret < 0){
+ ldout(s->cct,0) << "setting obj tags failed with " << ret << dendl;
+ if (ret == -ERR_INVALID_TAG){
+ ret = -EINVAL; //s3 returns only -EINVAL for PUT requests
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ //handle object lock
+ auto obj_lock_mode_str = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_OBJECT_LOCK_MODE");
+ auto obj_lock_date_str = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_OBJECT_LOCK_RETAIN_UNTIL_DATE");
+ auto obj_legal_hold_str = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_OBJECT_LOCK_LEGAL_HOLD");
+ if (obj_lock_mode_str && obj_lock_date_str) {
+ boost::optional<ceph::real_time> date = ceph::from_iso_8601(obj_lock_date_str);
+ if (boost::none == date || ceph::real_clock::to_time_t(*date) <= ceph_clock_now()) {
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ ldpp_dout(this,0) << "invalid x-amz-object-lock-retain-until-date value" << dendl;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(obj_lock_mode_str, "GOVERNANCE") != 0 && strcmp(obj_lock_mode_str, "COMPLIANCE") != 0) {
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ ldpp_dout(this,0) << "invalid x-amz-object-lock-mode value" << dendl;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ obj_retention = new RGWObjectRetention(obj_lock_mode_str, *date);
+ } else if ((obj_lock_mode_str && !obj_lock_date_str) || (!obj_lock_mode_str && obj_lock_date_str)) {
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ ldpp_dout(this,0) << "need both x-amz-object-lock-mode and x-amz-object-lock-retain-until-date " << dendl;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (obj_legal_hold_str) {
+ if (strcmp(obj_legal_hold_str, "ON") != 0 && strcmp(obj_legal_hold_str, "OFF") != 0) {
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ ldpp_dout(this,0) << "invalid x-amz-object-lock-legal-hold value" << dendl;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ obj_legal_hold = new RGWObjectLegalHold(obj_legal_hold_str);
+ }
+ if (!s->bucket_info.obj_lock_enabled() && (obj_retention || obj_legal_hold)) {
+ ldpp_dout(this, 0) << "ERROR: object retention or legal hold can't be set if bucket object lock not configured" << dendl;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ multipart_upload_id = s->info.args.get("uploadId");
+ multipart_part_str = s->info.args.get("partNumber");
+ if (!multipart_part_str.empty()) {
+ string err;
+ multipart_part_num = strict_strtol(multipart_part_str.c_str(), 10, &err);
+ if (!err.empty()) {
+ ldpp_dout(s, 10) << "bad part number: " << multipart_part_str << ": " << err << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ } else if (!multipart_upload_id.empty()) {
+ ldpp_dout(s, 10) << "part number with no multipart upload id" << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ append = s->info.args.exists("append");
+ if (append) {
+ string pos_str = s->info.args.get("position");
+ if (pos_str.empty()) {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ } else {
+ position = strtoull(pos_str.c_str(), NULL, 10);
+ }
+ }
+ return RGWPutObj_ObjStore::get_params();
+int RGWPutObj_ObjStore_S3::get_data(bufferlist& bl)
+ const int ret = RGWPutObj_ObjStore::get_data(bl);
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ const int ret_auth = do_aws4_auth_completion();
+ if (ret_auth < 0) {
+ return ret_auth;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int get_success_retcode(int code)
+ switch (code) {
+ case 201:
+ case 204:
+ }
+ return 0;
+void RGWPutObj_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret) {
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ } else {
+ if (s->cct->_conf->rgw_s3_success_create_obj_status) {
+ op_ret = get_success_retcode(
+ s->cct->_conf->rgw_s3_success_create_obj_status);
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ }
+ string expires = get_s3_expiration_header(s, mtime);
+ if (copy_source.empty()) {
+ dump_errno(s);
+ dump_etag(s, etag);
+ dump_content_length(s, 0);
+ dump_header_if_nonempty(s, "x-amz-version-id", version_id);
+ dump_header_if_nonempty(s, "x-amz-expiration", expires);
+ for (auto &it : crypt_http_responses)
+ dump_header(s, it.first, it.second);
+ } else {
+ dump_errno(s);
+ dump_header_if_nonempty(s, "x-amz-version-id", version_id);
+ dump_header_if_nonempty(s, "x-amz-expiration", expires);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+ dump_start(s);
+ struct tm tmp;
+ utime_t ut(mtime);
+ time_t secs = (time_t)ut.sec();
+ gmtime_r(&secs, &tmp);
+ char buf[TIME_BUF_SIZE];
+ s->formatter->open_object_section_in_ns("CopyPartResult",
+ "");
+ if (strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%dT%T.000Z", &tmp) > 0) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("LastModified", buf);
+ }
+ s->formatter->dump_string("ETag", etag);
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (append) {
+ if (op_ret == 0 || op_ret == -ERR_POSITION_NOT_EQUAL_TO_LENGTH) {
+ dump_header(s, "x-rgw-next-append-position", cur_accounted_size);
+ }
+ }
+ if (s->system_request && !real_clock::is_zero(mtime)) {
+ dump_epoch_header(s, "Rgwx-Mtime", mtime);
+ }
+ end_header(s, this);
+static inline int get_obj_attrs(RGWRados *store, struct req_state *s, rgw_obj& obj, map<string, bufferlist>& attrs)
+ RGWRados::Object op_target(store, s->bucket_info, *static_cast<RGWObjectCtx *>(s->obj_ctx), obj);
+ RGWRados::Object::Read read_op(&op_target);
+ read_op.params.attrs = &attrs;
+ return read_op.prepare();
+static inline void set_attr(map<string, bufferlist>& attrs, const char* key, const std::string& value)
+ bufferlist bl;
+ encode(value,bl);
+ attrs.emplace(key, std::move(bl));
+static inline void set_attr(map<string, bufferlist>& attrs, const char* key, const char* value)
+ bufferlist bl;
+ encode(value,bl);
+ attrs.emplace(key, std::move(bl));
+int RGWPutObj_ObjStore_S3::get_decrypt_filter(
+ std::unique_ptr<RGWGetObj_Filter>* filter,
+ RGWGetObj_Filter* cb,
+ map<string, bufferlist>& attrs,
+ bufferlist* manifest_bl)
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> crypt_http_responses_unused;
+ int res = 0;
+ std::unique_ptr<BlockCrypt> block_crypt;
+ res = rgw_s3_prepare_decrypt(s, attrs, &block_crypt, crypt_http_responses_unused);
+ if (res == 0) {
+ if (block_crypt != nullptr) {
+ auto f = std::unique_ptr<RGWGetObj_BlockDecrypt>(new RGWGetObj_BlockDecrypt(s->cct, cb, std::move(block_crypt)));
+ //RGWGetObj_BlockDecrypt* f = new RGWGetObj_BlockDecrypt(s->cct, cb, std::move(block_crypt));
+ if (f != nullptr) {
+ if (manifest_bl != nullptr) {
+ res = f->read_manifest(*manifest_bl);
+ if (res == 0) {
+ *filter = std::move(f);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+int RGWPutObj_ObjStore_S3::get_encrypt_filter(
+ std::unique_ptr<rgw::putobj::DataProcessor> *filter,
+ rgw::putobj::DataProcessor *cb)
+ int res = 0;
+ if (!multipart_upload_id.empty()) {
+ RGWMPObj mp(s->, multipart_upload_id);
+ rgw_obj obj;
+ obj.init_ns(s->bucket, mp.get_meta(), RGW_OBJ_NS_MULTIPART);
+ obj.set_in_extra_data(true);
+ map<string, bufferlist> xattrs;
+ res = get_obj_attrs(store, s, obj, xattrs);
+ if (res == 0) {
+ std::unique_ptr<BlockCrypt> block_crypt;
+ /* We are adding to existing object.
+ * We use crypto mode that configured as if we were decrypting. */
+ res = rgw_s3_prepare_decrypt(s, xattrs, &block_crypt, crypt_http_responses);
+ if (res == 0 && block_crypt != nullptr)
+ filter->reset(new RGWPutObj_BlockEncrypt(s->cct, cb, std::move(block_crypt)));
+ }
+ /* it is ok, to not have encryption at all */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<BlockCrypt> block_crypt;
+ res = rgw_s3_prepare_encrypt(s, attrs, nullptr, &block_crypt, crypt_http_responses);
+ if (res == 0 && block_crypt != nullptr) {
+ filter->reset(new RGWPutObj_BlockEncrypt(s->cct, cb, std::move(block_crypt)));
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+void RGWPostObj_ObjStore_S3::rebuild_key(string& key)
+ static string var = "${filename}";
+ int pos = key.find(var);
+ if (pos < 0)
+ return;
+ string new_key = key.substr(0, pos);
+ new_key.append(filename);
+ new_key.append(key.substr(pos + var.size()));
+ key = new_key;
+std::string RGWPostObj_ObjStore_S3::get_current_filename() const
+ return s->;
+std::string RGWPostObj_ObjStore_S3::get_current_content_type() const
+ return content_type;
+int RGWPostObj_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ op_ret = RGWPostObj_ObjStore::get_params();
+ if (op_ret < 0) {
+ return op_ret;
+ }
+ map_qs_metadata(s);
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "adding bucket to policy env: " << s->
+ << dendl;
+ env.add_var("bucket", s->;
+ bool done;
+ do {
+ struct post_form_part part;
+ int r = read_form_part_header(&part, done);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (s->cct->_conf->subsys.should_gather<ceph_subsys_rgw, 20>()) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "read part header --"
+ << << dendl;
+ for (const auto& pair : part.fields) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "" << pair.first << dendl;
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "field.val=" << pair.second.val << dendl;
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "field.params:" << dendl;
+ for (const auto& param_pair : pair.second.params) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << " " << param_pair.first
+ << " -> " << param_pair.second << dendl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (done) { /* unexpected here */
+ err_msg = "Malformed request";
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (stringcasecmp(, "file") == 0) { /* beginning of data transfer */
+ struct post_part_field& field = part.fields["Content-Disposition"];
+ map<string, string>::iterator iter = field.params.find("filename");
+ if (iter != field.params.end()) {
+ filename = iter->second;
+ }
+ parts[] = part;
+ break;
+ }
+ bool boundary;
+ uint64_t chunk_size = s->cct->_conf->rgw_max_chunk_size;
+ r = read_data(, chunk_size, boundary, done);
+ if (r < 0 || !boundary) {
+ err_msg = "Couldn't find boundary";
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ parts[] = part;
+ string part_str(,;
+ env.add_var(, part_str);
+ } while (!done);
+ string object_str;
+ if (!part_str(parts, "key", &object_str)) {
+ err_msg = "Key not specified";
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ s->object = rgw_obj_key(object_str);
+ rebuild_key(s->;
+ if (s->object.empty()) {
+ err_msg = "Empty object name";
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ env.add_var("key", s->;
+ part_str(parts, "Content-Type", &content_type);
+ /* AWS permits POST without Content-Type: */
+ if (! content_type.empty()) {
+ env.add_var("Content-Type", content_type);
+ }
+ map<string, struct post_form_part, ltstr_nocase>::iterator piter =
+ parts.upper_bound(RGW_AMZ_META_PREFIX);
+ for (; piter != parts.end(); ++piter) {
+ string n = piter->first;
+ if (strncasecmp(n.c_str(), RGW_AMZ_META_PREFIX,
+ sizeof(RGW_AMZ_META_PREFIX) - 1) != 0)
+ break;
+ string attr_name = RGW_ATTR_PREFIX;
+ attr_name.append(n);
+ /* need to null terminate it */
+ bufferlist& data = piter->;
+ string str = string(data.c_str(), data.length());
+ bufferlist attr_bl;
+ attr_bl.append(str.c_str(), str.size() + 1);
+ attrs[attr_name] = attr_bl;
+ }
+ // TODO: refactor this and the above loop to share code
+ if (piter != parts.end()) {
+ string n = piter->first;
+ string attr_name = RGW_ATTR_PREFIX;
+ attr_name.append(n);
+ /* need to null terminate it */
+ bufferlist& data = piter->;
+ string str = string(data.c_str(), data.length());
+ bufferlist attr_bl;
+ attr_bl.append(str.c_str(), str.size() + 1);
+ attrs[attr_name] = attr_bl;
+ }
+ int r = get_policy();
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ r = get_tags();
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ min_len = post_policy.min_length;
+ max_len = post_policy.max_length;
+ return 0;
+int RGWPostObj_ObjStore_S3::get_tags()
+ string tags_str;
+ if (part_str(parts, "tagging", &tags_str)) {
+ RGWXMLParser parser;
+ if (!parser.init()){
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "Couldn't init RGWObjTags XML parser" << dendl;
+ err_msg = "Server couldn't process the request";
+ return -EINVAL; // TODO: This class of errors in rgw code should be a 5XX error
+ }
+ if (!parser.parse(tags_str.c_str(), tags_str.size(), 1)) {
+ ldout(s->cct,0 ) << "Invalid Tagging XML" << dendl;
+ err_msg = "Invalid Tagging XML";
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ RGWObjTagging_S3 tagging;
+ try {
+ RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Tagging", tagging, &parser);
+ } catch (RGWXMLDecoder::err& err) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << "Malformed tagging request: " << err << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ RGWObjTags obj_tags;
+ int r = tagging.rebuild(obj_tags);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ bufferlist tags_bl;
+ obj_tags.encode(tags_bl);
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "Read " << obj_tags.count() << "tags" << dendl;
+ attrs[RGW_ATTR_TAGS] = tags_bl;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int RGWPostObj_ObjStore_S3::get_policy()
+ if (part_bl(parts, "policy", &s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.encoded_policy)) {
+ bool aws4_auth = false;
+ /* x-amz-algorithm handling */
+ using rgw::auth::s3::AWS4_HMAC_SHA256_STR;
+ if ((part_str(parts, "x-amz-algorithm", &s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.x_amz_algorithm)) &&
+ (s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.x_amz_algorithm == AWS4_HMAC_SHA256_STR)) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "Signature verification algorithm AWS v4 (AWS4-HMAC-SHA256)" << dendl;
+ aws4_auth = true;
+ } else {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "Signature verification algorithm AWS v2" << dendl;
+ }
+ // check that the signature matches the encoded policy
+ if (aws4_auth) {
+ /* AWS4 */
+ /* x-amz-credential handling */
+ if (!part_str(parts, "x-amz-credential",
+ &s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.x_amz_credential)) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "No S3 aws4 credential found!" << dendl;
+ err_msg = "Missing aws4 credential";
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* x-amz-signature handling */
+ if (!part_str(parts, "x-amz-signature",
+ &s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.signature)) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "No aws4 signature found!" << dendl;
+ err_msg = "Missing aws4 signature";
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* x-amz-date handling */
+ std::string received_date_str;
+ if (!part_str(parts, "x-amz-date", &received_date_str)) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "No aws4 date found!" << dendl;
+ err_msg = "Missing aws4 date";
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* AWS2 */
+ // check that the signature matches the encoded policy
+ if (!part_str(parts, "AWSAccessKeyId",
+ &s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.access_key)) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "No S3 aws2 access key found!" << dendl;
+ err_msg = "Missing aws2 access key";
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (!part_str(parts, "signature", &s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.signature)) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "No aws2 signature found!" << dendl;
+ err_msg = "Missing aws2 signature";
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ part_str(parts, "x-amz-security-token", &s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.x_amz_security_token);
+ /* FIXME: this is a makeshift solution. The browser upload authentication will be
+ * handled by an instance of rgw::auth::Completer spawned in Handler's authorize()
+ * method. */
+ const int ret = rgw::auth::Strategy::apply(this, auth_registry_ptr->get_s3_post(), s);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ return -EACCES;
+ } else {
+ /* Populate the owner info. */
+ s->owner.set_id(s->user->user_id);
+ s->owner.set_name(s->user->display_name);
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "Successful Signature Verification!" << dendl;
+ }
+ ceph::bufferlist decoded_policy;
+ try {
+ decoded_policy.decode_base64(s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.encoded_policy);
+ } catch (buffer::error& err) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "failed to decode_base64 policy" << dendl;
+ err_msg = "Could not decode policy";
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ decoded_policy.append('\0'); // NULL terminate
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "POST policy: " << decoded_policy.c_str() << dendl;
+ int r = post_policy.from_json(decoded_policy, err_msg);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ if (err_msg.empty()) {
+ err_msg = "Failed to parse policy";
+ }
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "failed to parse policy" << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (aws4_auth) {
+ /* AWS4 */
+ post_policy.set_var_checked("x-amz-signature");
+ } else {
+ /* AWS2 */
+ post_policy.set_var_checked("AWSAccessKeyId");
+ post_policy.set_var_checked("signature");
+ }
+ post_policy.set_var_checked("policy");
+ r = post_policy.check(&env, err_msg);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ if (err_msg.empty()) {
+ err_msg = "Policy check failed";
+ }
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "policy check failed" << dendl;
+ return r;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "No attached policy found!" << dendl;
+ }
+ string canned_acl;
+ part_str(parts, "acl", &canned_acl);
+ RGWAccessControlPolicy_S3 s3policy(s->cct);
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "canned_acl=" << canned_acl << dendl;
+ if (s3policy.create_canned(s->owner, s->bucket_owner, canned_acl) < 0) {
+ err_msg = "Bad canned ACLs";
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ policy = s3policy;
+ return 0;
+int RGWPostObj_ObjStore_S3::complete_get_params()
+ bool done;
+ do {
+ struct post_form_part part;
+ int r = read_form_part_header(&part, done);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ ceph::bufferlist part_data;
+ bool boundary;
+ uint64_t chunk_size = s->cct->_conf->rgw_max_chunk_size;
+ r = read_data(, chunk_size, boundary, done);
+ if (r < 0 || !boundary) {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* Just reading the data but not storing any results of that. */
+ } while (!done);
+ return 0;
+int RGWPostObj_ObjStore_S3::get_data(ceph::bufferlist& bl, bool& again)
+ bool boundary;
+ bool done;
+ const uint64_t chunk_size = s->cct->_conf->rgw_max_chunk_size;
+ int r = read_data(bl, chunk_size, boundary, done);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ if (boundary) {
+ if (!done) {
+ /* Reached end of data, let's drain the rest of the params */
+ r = complete_get_params();
+ if (r < 0) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ again = !boundary;
+ return bl.length();
+void RGWPostObj_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret == 0 && parts.count("success_action_redirect")) {
+ string redirect;
+ part_str(parts, "success_action_redirect", &redirect);
+ string tenant;
+ string bucket;
+ string key;
+ string etag_str = "\"";
+ etag_str.append(etag);
+ etag_str.append("\"");
+ string etag_url;
+ url_encode(s->bucket_tenant, tenant); /* surely overkill, but cheap */
+ url_encode(s->bucket_name, bucket);
+ url_encode(s->, key);
+ url_encode(etag_str, etag_url);
+ if (!s->bucket_tenant.empty()) {
+ /*
+ * What we really would like is to quaily the bucket name, so
+ * that the client could simply copy it and paste into next request.
+ * Unfortunately, in S3 we cannot know if the client will decide
+ * to come through DNS, with "bucket.tenant" sytanx, or through
+ * URL with "tenant\bucket" syntax. Therefore, we provide the
+ * tenant separately.
+ */
+ redirect.append("?tenant=");
+ redirect.append(tenant);
+ redirect.append("&bucket=");
+ redirect.append(bucket);
+ } else {
+ redirect.append("?bucket=");
+ redirect.append(bucket);
+ }
+ redirect.append("&key=");
+ redirect.append(key);
+ redirect.append("&etag=");
+ redirect.append(etag_url);
+ int r = check_utf8(redirect.c_str(), redirect.size());
+ if (r < 0) {
+ op_ret = r;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ dump_redirect(s, redirect);
+ } else if (op_ret == 0 && parts.count("success_action_status")) {
+ string status_string;
+ uint32_t status_int;
+ part_str(parts, "success_action_status", &status_string);
+ int r = stringtoul(status_string, &status_int);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ op_ret = r;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ switch (status_int) {
+ case 200:
+ break;
+ case 201:
+ op_ret = STATUS_CREATED;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (! op_ret) {
+ }
+ if (op_ret == STATUS_CREATED) {
+ for (auto &it : crypt_http_responses)
+ dump_header(s, it.first, it.second);
+ s->formatter->open_object_section("PostResponse");
+ std::string base_uri = compute_domain_uri(s);
+ if (!s->bucket_tenant.empty()){
+ s->formatter->dump_format("Location", "%s/%s:%s/%s",
+ base_uri.c_str(),
+ url_encode(s->bucket_tenant).c_str(),
+ url_encode(s->bucket_name).c_str(),
+ url_encode(s->;
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Tenant", s->bucket_tenant);
+ } else {
+ s->formatter->dump_format("Location", "%s/%s/%s",
+ base_uri.c_str(),
+ url_encode(s->bucket_name).c_str(),
+ url_encode(s->;
+ }
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Bucket", s->bucket_name);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Key", s->;
+ s->formatter->dump_string("ETag", etag);
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ }
+ s->err.message = err_msg;
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ if (op_ret >= 0) {
+ dump_content_length(s, s->formatter->get_len());
+ }
+ end_header(s, this);
+ if (op_ret != STATUS_CREATED)
+ return;
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+int RGWPostObj_ObjStore_S3::get_encrypt_filter(
+ std::unique_ptr<rgw::putobj::DataProcessor> *filter,
+ rgw::putobj::DataProcessor *cb)
+ std::unique_ptr<BlockCrypt> block_crypt;
+ int res = rgw_s3_prepare_encrypt(s, attrs, &parts, &block_crypt,
+ crypt_http_responses);
+ if (res == 0 && block_crypt != nullptr) {
+ filter->reset(new RGWPutObj_BlockEncrypt(s->cct, cb, std::move(block_crypt)));
+ }
+ return res;
+int RGWDeleteObj_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ const char *if_unmod = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_DELETE_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE");
+ if (s->system_request) {
+ s->info.args.get_bool(RGW_SYS_PARAM_PREFIX "no-precondition-error", &no_precondition_error, false);
+ }
+ if (if_unmod) {
+ std::string if_unmod_decoded = url_decode(if_unmod);
+ uint64_t epoch;
+ uint64_t nsec;
+ if (utime_t::parse_date(if_unmod_decoded, &epoch, &nsec) < 0) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 10) << "failed to parse time: " << if_unmod_decoded << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ unmod_since = utime_t(epoch, nsec).to_real_time();
+ }
+ const char *bypass_gov_header = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_BYPASS_GOVERNANCE_RETENTION");
+ if (bypass_gov_header) {
+ std::string bypass_gov_decoded = url_decode(bypass_gov_header);
+ bypass_governance_mode = boost::algorithm::iequals(bypass_gov_decoded, "true");
+ }
+ return 0;
+void RGWDeleteObj_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ int r = op_ret;
+ if (r == -ENOENT)
+ r = 0;
+ if (!r)
+ set_req_state_err(s, r);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ dump_header_if_nonempty(s, "x-amz-version-id", version_id);
+ if (delete_marker) {
+ dump_header(s, "x-amz-delete-marker", "true");
+ }
+ end_header(s, this);
+int RGWCopyObj_ObjStore_S3::init_dest_policy()
+ RGWAccessControlPolicy_S3 s3policy(s->cct);
+ /* build a policy for the target object */
+ int r = create_s3_policy(s, store, s3policy, s->owner);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ dest_policy = s3policy;
+ return 0;
+int RGWCopyObj_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ if_mod = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_COPY_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE");
+ if_unmod = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_COPY_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE");
+ if_match = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_COPY_IF_MATCH");
+ if_nomatch = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_COPY_IF_NONE_MATCH");
+ src_tenant_name = s->src_tenant_name;
+ src_bucket_name = s->src_bucket_name;
+ src_object = s->src_object;
+ dest_tenant_name = s->bucket.tenant;
+ dest_bucket_name = s->;
+ dest_object = s->;
+ if (s->system_request) {
+ source_zone = s->info.args.get(RGW_SYS_PARAM_PREFIX "source-zone");
+ s->info.args.get_bool(RGW_SYS_PARAM_PREFIX "copy-if-newer", &copy_if_newer, false);
+ }
+ copy_source = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_COPY_SOURCE");
+ auto tmp_md_d = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_METADATA_DIRECTIVE");
+ if (tmp_md_d) {
+ if (strcasecmp(tmp_md_d, "COPY") == 0) {
+ attrs_mod = RGWRados::ATTRSMOD_NONE;
+ } else if (strcasecmp(tmp_md_d, "REPLACE") == 0) {
+ attrs_mod = RGWRados::ATTRSMOD_REPLACE;
+ } else if (!source_zone.empty()) {
+ attrs_mod = RGWRados::ATTRSMOD_NONE; // default for intra-zone_group copy
+ } else {
+ s->err.message = "Unknown metadata directive.";
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << s->err.message << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ md_directive = tmp_md_d;
+ }
+ if (source_zone.empty() &&
+ ( == 0) &&
+ ( == 0) &&
+ ( == 0) &&
+ src_object.instance.empty() &&
+ (attrs_mod != RGWRados::ATTRSMOD_REPLACE)) {
+ need_to_check_storage_class = true;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int RGWCopyObj_ObjStore_S3::check_storage_class(const rgw_placement_rule& src_placement)
+ if (src_placement == s->dest_placement) {
+ /* can only copy object into itself if replacing attrs */
+ s->err.message = "This copy request is illegal because it is trying to copy "
+ "an object to itself without changing the object's metadata, "
+ "storage class, website redirect location or encryption attributes.";
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << s->err.message << dendl;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void RGWCopyObj_ObjStore_S3::send_partial_response(off_t ofs)
+ if (! sent_header) {
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ // Explicitly use chunked transfer encoding so that we can stream the result
+ // to the user without having to wait for the full length of it.
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml", CHUNKED_TRANSFER_ENCODING);
+ dump_start(s);
+ if (op_ret == 0) {
+ s->formatter->open_object_section_in_ns("CopyObjectResult", XMLNS_AWS_S3);
+ }
+ sent_header = true;
+ } else {
+ /* Send progress field. Note that this diverge from the original S3
+ * spec. We do this in order to keep connection alive.
+ */
+ s->formatter->dump_int("Progress", (uint64_t)ofs);
+ }
+ rgw_flush_formatter(s, s->formatter);
+void RGWCopyObj_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (!sent_header)
+ send_partial_response(0);
+ if (op_ret == 0) {
+ dump_time(s, "LastModified", &mtime);
+ if (!etag.empty()) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("ETag", std::move(etag));
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+ }
+void RGWGetACLs_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+ dump_start(s);
+ rgw_flush_formatter(s, s->formatter);
+ dump_body(s, acls);
+int RGWPutACLs_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ int ret = RGWPutACLs_ObjStore::get_params();
+ if (ret >= 0) {
+ const int ret_auth = do_aws4_auth_completion();
+ if (ret_auth < 0) {
+ return ret_auth;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+int RGWPutACLs_ObjStore_S3::get_policy_from_state(RGWRados *store,
+ struct req_state *s,
+ stringstream& ss)
+ RGWAccessControlPolicy_S3 s3policy(s->cct);
+ // bucket-* canned acls do not apply to bucket
+ if (s->object.empty()) {
+ if (s->canned_acl.find("bucket") != string::npos)
+ s->canned_acl.clear();
+ }
+ int r = create_s3_policy(s, store, s3policy, owner);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ s3policy.to_xml(ss);
+ return 0;
+void RGWPutACLs_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+ dump_start(s);
+void RGWGetLC_ObjStore_S3::execute()
+ config.set_ctx(s->cct);
+ map<string, bufferlist>::iterator aiter = s->bucket_attrs.find(RGW_ATTR_LC);
+ if (aiter == s->bucket_attrs.end()) {
+ op_ret = -ENOENT;
+ return;
+ }
+ bufferlist::const_iterator iter{&aiter->second};
+ try {
+ config.decode(iter);
+ } catch (const buffer::error& e) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << __func__ << "decode life cycle config failed" << dendl;
+ op_ret = -EIO;
+ return;
+ }
+void RGWGetLC_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret) {
+ if (op_ret == -ENOENT) {
+ set_req_state_err(s, ERR_NO_SUCH_LC);
+ } else {
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ }
+ }
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+ dump_start(s);
+ if (op_ret < 0)
+ return;
+ encode_xml("LifecycleConfiguration", XMLNS_AWS_S3, config, s->formatter);
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+void RGWPutLC_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+ dump_start(s);
+void RGWDeleteLC_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret == 0)
+ if (op_ret) {
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ }
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+ dump_start(s);
+void RGWGetCORS_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret) {
+ if (op_ret == -ENOENT)
+ set_req_state_err(s, ERR_NO_SUCH_CORS_CONFIGURATION);
+ else
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ }
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, NULL, "application/xml");
+ dump_start(s);
+ if (! op_ret) {
+ string cors;
+ RGWCORSConfiguration_S3 *s3cors =
+ static_cast<RGWCORSConfiguration_S3 *>(&bucket_cors);
+ stringstream ss;
+ s3cors->to_xml(ss);
+ cors = ss.str();
+ dump_body(s, cors);
+ }
+int RGWPutCORS_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ RGWCORSXMLParser_S3 parser(s->cct);
+ RGWCORSConfiguration_S3 *cors_config;
+ const auto max_size = s->cct->_conf->rgw_max_put_param_size;
+ int r = 0;
+ bufferlist data;
+ std::tie(r, data) = rgw_rest_read_all_input(s, max_size, false);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ r = do_aws4_auth_completion();
+ if (r < 0) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ if (!parser.init()) {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ char* buf = data.c_str();
+ if (!buf || !parser.parse(buf, data.length(), 1)) {
+ }
+ cors_config =
+ static_cast<RGWCORSConfiguration_S3 *>(parser.find_first(
+ "CORSConfiguration"));
+ if (!cors_config) {
+ }
+#define CORS_RULES_MAX_NUM 100
+ int max_num = s->cct->_conf->rgw_cors_rules_max_num;
+ if (max_num < 0) {
+ max_num = CORS_RULES_MAX_NUM;
+ }
+ int cors_rules_num = cors_config->get_rules().size();
+ if (cors_rules_num > max_num) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 4) << "An cors config can have up to "
+ << max_num
+ << " rules, request cors rules num: "
+ << cors_rules_num << dendl;
+ s->err.message = "The number of CORS rules should not exceed allowed limit of "
+ + std::to_string(max_num) + " rules.";
+ }
+ // forward bucket cors requests to meta master zone
+ if (!store->>is_meta_master()) {
+ /* only need to keep this data around if we're not meta master */
+ in_data.append(data);
+ }
+ if (s->cct->_conf->subsys.should_gather<ceph_subsys_rgw, 15>()) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 15) << "CORSConfiguration";
+ cors_config->to_xml(*_dout);
+ *_dout << dendl;
+ }
+ cors_config->encode(cors_bl);
+ return 0;
+void RGWPutCORS_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, NULL, "application/xml");
+ dump_start(s);
+void RGWDeleteCORS_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ int r = op_ret;
+ if (!r || r == -ENOENT)
+ set_req_state_err(s, r);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, NULL);
+void RGWOptionsCORS_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ string hdrs, exp_hdrs;
+ uint32_t max_age = CORS_MAX_AGE_INVALID;
+ /*EACCES means, there is no CORS registered yet for the bucket
+ *ENOENT means, there is no match of the Origin in the list of CORSRule
+ */
+ if (op_ret == -ENOENT)
+ op_ret = -EACCES;
+ if (op_ret < 0) {
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+ get_response_params(hdrs, exp_hdrs, &max_age);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ dump_access_control(s, origin, req_meth, hdrs.c_str(), exp_hdrs.c_str(),
+ max_age);
+ end_header(s, NULL);
+void RGWGetRequestPayment_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+ dump_start(s);
+ s->formatter->open_object_section_in_ns("RequestPaymentConfiguration", XMLNS_AWS_S3);
+ const char *payer = requester_pays ? "Requester" : "BucketOwner";
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Payer", payer);
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+class RGWSetRequestPaymentParser : public RGWXMLParser
+ XMLObj *alloc_obj(const char *el) override {
+ return new XMLObj;
+ }
+ RGWSetRequestPaymentParser() {}
+ ~RGWSetRequestPaymentParser() override {}
+ int get_request_payment_payer(bool *requester_pays) {
+ XMLObj *config = find_first("RequestPaymentConfiguration");
+ if (!config)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ *requester_pays = false;
+ XMLObj *field = config->find_first("Payer");
+ if (!field)
+ return 0;
+ auto& s = field->get_data();
+ if (stringcasecmp(s, "Requester") == 0) {
+ *requester_pays = true;
+ } else if (stringcasecmp(s, "BucketOwner") != 0) {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+int RGWSetRequestPayment_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ const auto max_size = s->cct->_conf->rgw_max_put_param_size;
+ int r = 0;
+ std::tie(r, in_data) = rgw_rest_read_all_input(s, max_size, false);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ RGWSetRequestPaymentParser parser;
+ if (!parser.init()) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to initialize parser" << dendl;
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ char* buf = in_data.c_str();
+ if (!parser.parse(buf, in_data.length(), 1)) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 10) << "failed to parse data: " << buf << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return parser.get_request_payment_payer(&requester_pays);
+void RGWSetRequestPayment_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s);
+int RGWInitMultipart_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ RGWAccessControlPolicy_S3 s3policy(s->cct);
+ op_ret = create_s3_policy(s, store, s3policy, s->owner);
+ if (op_ret < 0)
+ return op_ret;
+ policy = s3policy;
+ return 0;
+void RGWInitMultipart_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ for (auto &it : crypt_http_responses)
+ dump_header(s, it.first, it.second);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+ if (op_ret == 0) {
+ dump_start(s);
+ s->formatter->open_object_section_in_ns("InitiateMultipartUploadResult", XMLNS_AWS_S3);
+ if (!s->bucket_tenant.empty())
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Tenant", s->bucket_tenant);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Bucket", s->bucket_name);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Key", s->;
+ s->formatter->dump_string("UploadId", upload_id);
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+ }
+int RGWInitMultipart_ObjStore_S3::prepare_encryption(map<string, bufferlist>& attrs)
+ int res = 0;
+ res = rgw_s3_prepare_encrypt(s, attrs, nullptr, nullptr, crypt_http_responses);
+ return res;
+int RGWCompleteMultipart_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ int ret = RGWCompleteMultipart_ObjStore::get_params();
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ map_qs_metadata(s);
+ return do_aws4_auth_completion();
+void RGWCompleteMultipart_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ dump_header_if_nonempty(s, "x-amz-version-id", version_id);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+ if (op_ret == 0) {
+ dump_start(s);
+ s->formatter->open_object_section_in_ns("CompleteMultipartUploadResult", XMLNS_AWS_S3);
+ std::string base_uri = compute_domain_uri(s);
+ if (!s->bucket_tenant.empty()) {
+ s->formatter->dump_format("Location", "%s/%s:%s/%s",
+ base_uri.c_str(),
+ s->bucket_tenant.c_str(),
+ s->bucket_name.c_str(),
+ s->
+ );
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Tenant", s->bucket_tenant);
+ } else {
+ s->formatter->dump_format("Location", "%s/%s/%s",
+ base_uri.c_str(),
+ s->bucket_name.c_str(),
+ s->
+ );
+ }
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Bucket", s->bucket_name);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Key", s->;
+ s->formatter->dump_string("ETag", etag);
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+ }
+void RGWAbortMultipart_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ int r = op_ret;
+ if (!r)
+ set_req_state_err(s, r);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this);
+void RGWListMultipart_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ // Explicitly use chunked transfer encoding so that we can stream the result
+ // to the user without having to wait for the full length of it.
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml", CHUNKED_TRANSFER_ENCODING);
+ if (op_ret == 0) {
+ dump_start(s);
+ s->formatter->open_object_section_in_ns("ListPartsResult", XMLNS_AWS_S3);
+ map<uint32_t, RGWUploadPartInfo>::iterator iter;
+ map<uint32_t, RGWUploadPartInfo>::reverse_iterator test_iter;
+ int cur_max = 0;
+ iter = parts.begin();
+ test_iter = parts.rbegin();
+ if (test_iter != parts.rend()) {
+ cur_max = test_iter->first;
+ }
+ if (!s->bucket_tenant.empty())
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Tenant", s->bucket_tenant);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Bucket", s->bucket_name);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Key", s->;
+ s->formatter->dump_string("UploadId", upload_id);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("StorageClass", "STANDARD");
+ s->formatter->dump_int("PartNumberMarker", marker);
+ s->formatter->dump_int("NextPartNumberMarker", cur_max);
+ s->formatter->dump_int("MaxParts", max_parts);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("IsTruncated", (truncated ? "true" : "false"));
+ ACLOwner& owner = policy.get_owner();
+ dump_owner(s, owner.get_id(), owner.get_display_name());
+ for (; iter != parts.end(); ++iter) {
+ RGWUploadPartInfo& info = iter->second;
+ s->formatter->open_object_section("Part");
+ dump_time(s, "LastModified", &info.modified);
+ s->formatter->dump_unsigned("PartNumber", info.num);
+ s->formatter->dump_format("ETag", "\"%s\"", info.etag.c_str());
+ s->formatter->dump_unsigned("Size", info.accounted_size);
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+ }
+void RGWListBucketMultiparts_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret < 0)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ // Explicitly use chunked transfer encoding so that we can stream the result
+ // to the user without having to wait for the full length of it.
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml", CHUNKED_TRANSFER_ENCODING);
+ dump_start(s);
+ if (op_ret < 0)
+ return;
+ s->formatter->open_object_section_in_ns("ListMultipartUploadsResult", XMLNS_AWS_S3);
+ if (!s->bucket_tenant.empty())
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Tenant", s->bucket_tenant);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Bucket", s->bucket_name);
+ if (!prefix.empty())
+ s->formatter->dump_string("ListMultipartUploadsResult.Prefix", prefix);
+ const string& key_marker = marker.get_key();
+ if (!key_marker.empty())
+ s->formatter->dump_string("KeyMarker", key_marker);
+ const string& upload_id_marker = marker.get_upload_id();
+ if (!upload_id_marker.empty())
+ s->formatter->dump_string("UploadIdMarker", upload_id_marker);
+ string next_key =;
+ if (!next_key.empty())
+ s->formatter->dump_string("NextKeyMarker", next_key);
+ string next_upload_id =;
+ if (!next_upload_id.empty())
+ s->formatter->dump_string("NextUploadIdMarker", next_upload_id);
+ s->formatter->dump_int("MaxUploads", max_uploads);
+ if (!delimiter.empty())
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Delimiter", delimiter);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("IsTruncated", (is_truncated ? "true" : "false"));
+ if (op_ret >= 0) {
+ vector<RGWMultipartUploadEntry>::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = uploads.begin(); iter != uploads.end(); ++iter) {
+ RGWMPObj& mp = iter->mp;
+ s->formatter->open_array_section("Upload");
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Key", mp.get_key());
+ s->formatter->dump_string("UploadId", mp.get_upload_id());
+ dump_owner(s, s->user->user_id, s->user->display_name, "Initiator");
+ dump_owner(s, s->user->user_id, s->user->display_name);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("StorageClass", "STANDARD");
+ dump_time(s, "Initiated", &iter->obj.meta.mtime);
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ }
+ if (!common_prefixes.empty()) {
+ s->formatter->open_array_section("CommonPrefixes");
+ map<string, bool>::iterator pref_iter;
+ for (pref_iter = common_prefixes.begin();
+ pref_iter != common_prefixes.end(); ++pref_iter) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("CommonPrefixes.Prefix", pref_iter->first);
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ }
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+int RGWDeleteMultiObj_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ int ret = RGWDeleteMultiObj_ObjStore::get_params();
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return do_aws4_auth_completion();
+void RGWDeleteMultiObj_ObjStore_S3::send_status()
+ if (! status_dumped) {
+ if (op_ret < 0)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ status_dumped = true;
+ }
+void RGWDeleteMultiObj_ObjStore_S3::begin_response()
+ if (!status_dumped) {
+ send_status();
+ }
+ dump_start(s);
+ // Explicitly use chunked transfer encoding so that we can stream the result
+ // to the user without having to wait for the full length of it.
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml", CHUNKED_TRANSFER_ENCODING);
+ s->formatter->open_object_section_in_ns("DeleteResult", XMLNS_AWS_S3);
+ rgw_flush_formatter(s, s->formatter);
+void RGWDeleteMultiObj_ObjStore_S3::send_partial_response(rgw_obj_key& key,
+ bool delete_marker,
+ const string& marker_version_id, int ret)
+ if (!key.empty()) {
+ if (ret == 0 && !quiet) {
+ s->formatter->open_object_section("Deleted");
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Key",;
+ if (!key.instance.empty()) {
+ s->formatter->dump_string("VersionId", key.instance);
+ }
+ if (delete_marker) {
+ s->formatter->dump_bool("DeleteMarker", true);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("DeleteMarkerVersionId", marker_version_id);
+ }
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ } else if (ret < 0) {
+ struct rgw_http_error r;
+ int err_no;
+ s->formatter->open_object_section("Error");
+ err_no = -ret;
+ rgw_get_errno_s3(&r, err_no);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Key",;
+ s->formatter->dump_string("VersionId", key.instance);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Code", r.s3_code);
+ s->formatter->dump_string("Message", r.s3_code);
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ }
+ rgw_flush_formatter(s, s->formatter);
+ }
+void RGWDeleteMultiObj_ObjStore_S3::end_response()
+ s->formatter->close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+void RGWGetObjLayout_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/json");
+ JSONFormatter f;
+ if (op_ret < 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ f.open_object_section("result");
+ ::encode_json("head", head_obj, &f);
+ ::encode_json("manifest", *manifest, &f);
+ f.open_array_section("data_location");
+ for (auto miter = manifest->obj_begin(); miter != manifest->obj_end(); ++miter) {
+ f.open_object_section("obj");
+ rgw_raw_obj raw_loc = miter.get_location().get_raw_obj(store);
+ uint64_t ofs = miter.get_ofs();
+ uint64_t left = manifest->get_obj_size() - ofs;
+ ::encode_json("ofs", miter.get_ofs(), &f);
+ ::encode_json("loc", raw_loc, &f);
+ ::encode_json("loc_ofs", miter.location_ofs(), &f);
+ uint64_t loc_size = miter.get_stripe_size();
+ if (loc_size > left) {
+ loc_size = left;
+ }
+ ::encode_json("loc_size", loc_size, &f);
+ f.close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter(s, &f);
+ }
+ f.close_section();
+ f.close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter(s, &f);
+int RGWConfigBucketMetaSearch_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ auto iter = s->info.x_meta_map.find("x-amz-meta-search");
+ if (iter == s->info.x_meta_map.end()) {
+ s->err.message = "X-Rgw-Meta-Search header not provided";
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << s->err.message << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ list<string> expressions;
+ get_str_list(iter->second, ",", expressions);
+ for (auto& expression : expressions) {
+ vector<string> args;
+ get_str_vec(expression, ";", args);
+ if (args.empty()) {
+ s->err.message = "invalid empty expression";
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << s->err.message << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (args.size() > 2) {
+ s->err.message = string("invalid expression: ") + expression;
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << s->err.message << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ string key = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(rgw_trim_whitespace(args[0]));
+ string val;
+ if (args.size() > 1) {
+ val = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(rgw_trim_whitespace(args[1]));
+ }
+ if (!boost::algorithm::starts_with(key, RGW_AMZ_META_PREFIX)) {
+ s->err.message = string("invalid expression, key must start with '" RGW_AMZ_META_PREFIX "' : ") + expression;
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << s->err.message << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ key = key.substr(sizeof(RGW_AMZ_META_PREFIX) - 1);
+ ESEntityTypeMap::EntityType entity_type;
+ if (val.empty() || val == "str" || val == "string") {
+ entity_type = ESEntityTypeMap::ES_ENTITY_STR;
+ } else if (val == "int" || val == "integer") {
+ entity_type = ESEntityTypeMap::ES_ENTITY_INT;
+ } else if (val == "date" || val == "datetime") {
+ entity_type = ESEntityTypeMap::ES_ENTITY_DATE;
+ } else {
+ s->err.message = string("invalid entity type: ") + val;
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << s->err.message << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ mdsearch_config[key] = entity_type;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void RGWConfigBucketMetaSearch_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this);
+void RGWGetBucketMetaSearch_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, NULL, "application/xml");
+ Formatter *f = s->formatter;
+ f->open_array_section("GetBucketMetaSearchResult");
+ for (auto& e : s->bucket_info.mdsearch_config) {
+ f->open_object_section("Entry");
+ string k = string("x-amz-meta-") + e.first;
+ f->dump_string("Key", k.c_str());
+ const char *type;
+ switch (e.second) {
+ case ESEntityTypeMap::ES_ENTITY_INT:
+ type = "int";
+ break;
+ case ESEntityTypeMap::ES_ENTITY_DATE:
+ type = "date";
+ break;
+ default:
+ type = "str";
+ }
+ f->dump_string("Type", type);
+ f->close_section();
+ }
+ f->close_section();
+ rgw_flush_formatter(s, f);
+void RGWDelBucketMetaSearch_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret)
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this);
+void RGWPutBucketObjectLock_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret) {
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ }
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s);
+void RGWGetBucketObjectLock_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret) {
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ }
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+ dump_start(s);
+ if (op_ret) {
+ return;
+ }
+ encode_xml("ObjectLockConfiguration", s->bucket_info.obj_lock, s->formatter);
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+int RGWPutObjRetention_ObjStore_S3::get_params()
+ const char *bypass_gov_header = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_BYPASS_GOVERNANCE_RETENTION");
+ if (bypass_gov_header) {
+ std::string bypass_gov_decoded = url_decode(bypass_gov_header);
+ bypass_governance_mode = boost::algorithm::iequals(bypass_gov_decoded, "true");
+ }
+ const auto max_size = s->cct->_conf->rgw_max_put_param_size;
+ std::tie(op_ret, data) = rgw_rest_read_all_input(s, max_size, false);
+ return op_ret;
+void RGWPutObjRetention_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret) {
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ }
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s);
+void RGWGetObjRetention_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret) {
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ }
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+ dump_start(s);
+ if (op_ret) {
+ return;
+ }
+ encode_xml("Retention", obj_retention, s->formatter);
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+void RGWPutObjLegalHold_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret) {
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ }
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s);
+void RGWGetObjLegalHold_ObjStore_S3::send_response()
+ if (op_ret) {
+ set_req_state_err(s, op_ret);
+ }
+ dump_errno(s);
+ end_header(s, this, "application/xml");
+ dump_start(s);
+ if (op_ret) {
+ return;
+ }
+ encode_xml("LegalHold", obj_legal_hold, s->formatter);
+ rgw_flush_formatter_and_reset(s, s->formatter);
+RGWOp *RGWHandler_REST_Service_S3::op_get()
+ if (is_usage_op()) {
+ return new RGWGetUsage_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else {
+ return new RGWListBuckets_ObjStore_S3;
+ }
+RGWOp *RGWHandler_REST_Service_S3::op_head()
+ return new RGWListBuckets_ObjStore_S3;
+RGWOp *RGWHandler_REST_Service_S3::op_post()
+ const auto max_size = s->cct->_conf->rgw_max_put_param_size;
+ int ret = 0;
+ bufferlist data;
+ std::tie(ret, data) = rgw_rest_read_all_input(s, max_size, false);
+ string post_body = data.to_str();
+ if (this->isSTSenabled) {
+ RGWHandler_REST_STS sts_handler(auth_registry, post_body);
+ sts_handler.init(store, s, s->cio);
+ auto op = sts_handler.get_op(store);
+ if (op) {
+ return op;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this->isIAMenabled) {
+ RGWHandler_REST_IAM iam_handler(auth_registry, post_body);
+ iam_handler.init(store, s, s->cio);
+ auto op = iam_handler.get_op(store);
+ if (op) {
+ return op;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isPSenabled) {
+ RGWHandler_REST_PSTopic_AWS topic_handler(auth_registry, post_body);
+ topic_handler.init(store, s, s->cio);
+ auto op = topic_handler.get_op(store);
+ if (op) {
+ return op;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+RGWOp *RGWHandler_REST_Bucket_S3::get_obj_op(bool get_data)
+ // Non-website mode
+ if (get_data) {
+ int list_type = 1;
+ s->info.args.get_int("list-type", &list_type, 1);
+ switch (list_type) {
+ case 1:
+ return new RGWListBucket_ObjStore_S3;
+ case 2:
+ return new RGWListBucket_ObjStore_S3v2;
+ default:
+ ldpp_dout(s, 5) << __func__ << ": unsupported list-type " << list_type << dendl;
+ return new RGWListBucket_ObjStore_S3;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return new RGWStatBucket_ObjStore_S3;
+ }
+RGWOp *RGWHandler_REST_Bucket_S3::op_get()
+ if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("logging"))
+ return new RGWGetBucketLogging_ObjStore_S3;
+ if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("location"))
+ return new RGWGetBucketLocation_ObjStore_S3;
+ if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("versioning"))
+ return new RGWGetBucketVersioning_ObjStore_S3;
+ if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("website")) {
+ if (!s->cct->_conf->rgw_enable_static_website) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return new RGWGetBucketWebsite_ObjStore_S3;
+ }
+ if (s->info.args.exists("mdsearch")) {
+ return new RGWGetBucketMetaSearch_ObjStore_S3;
+ }
+ if (is_acl_op()) {
+ return new RGWGetACLs_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if (is_cors_op()) {
+ return new RGWGetCORS_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if (is_request_payment_op()) {
+ return new RGWGetRequestPayment_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if (s->info.args.exists("uploads")) {
+ return new RGWListBucketMultiparts_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if(is_lc_op()) {
+ return new RGWGetLC_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if(is_policy_op()) {
+ return new RGWGetBucketPolicy;
+ } else if (is_object_lock_op()) {
+ return new RGWGetBucketObjectLock_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if (is_notification_op()) {
+ return RGWHandler_REST_PSNotifs_S3::create_get_op();
+ }
+ return get_obj_op(true);
+RGWOp *RGWHandler_REST_Bucket_S3::op_head()
+ if (is_acl_op()) {
+ return new RGWGetACLs_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if (s->info.args.exists("uploads")) {
+ return new RGWListBucketMultiparts_ObjStore_S3;
+ }
+ return get_obj_op(false);
+RGWOp *RGWHandler_REST_Bucket_S3::op_put()
+ if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("logging"))
+ return NULL;
+ if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("versioning"))
+ return new RGWSetBucketVersioning_ObjStore_S3;
+ if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("website")) {
+ if (!s->cct->_conf->rgw_enable_static_website) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return new RGWSetBucketWebsite_ObjStore_S3;
+ }
+ if (is_acl_op()) {
+ return new RGWPutACLs_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if (is_cors_op()) {
+ return new RGWPutCORS_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if (is_request_payment_op()) {
+ return new RGWSetRequestPayment_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if(is_lc_op()) {
+ return new RGWPutLC_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if(is_policy_op()) {
+ return new RGWPutBucketPolicy;
+ } else if (is_object_lock_op()) {
+ return new RGWPutBucketObjectLock_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if (is_notification_op()) {
+ return RGWHandler_REST_PSNotifs_S3::create_put_op();
+ }
+ return new RGWCreateBucket_ObjStore_S3;
+RGWOp *RGWHandler_REST_Bucket_S3::op_delete()
+ if (is_cors_op()) {
+ return new RGWDeleteCORS_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if(is_lc_op()) {
+ return new RGWDeleteLC_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if(is_policy_op()) {
+ return new RGWDeleteBucketPolicy;
+ } else if (is_notification_op()) {
+ return RGWHandler_REST_PSNotifs_S3::create_delete_op();
+ }
+ if (s->info.args.sub_resource_exists("website")) {
+ if (!s->cct->_conf->rgw_enable_static_website) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return new RGWDeleteBucketWebsite_ObjStore_S3;
+ }
+ if (s->info.args.exists("mdsearch")) {
+ return new RGWDelBucketMetaSearch_ObjStore_S3;
+ }
+ return new RGWDeleteBucket_ObjStore_S3;
+RGWOp *RGWHandler_REST_Bucket_S3::op_post()
+ if (s->info.args.exists("delete")) {
+ return new RGWDeleteMultiObj_ObjStore_S3;
+ }
+ if (s->info.args.exists("mdsearch")) {
+ return new RGWConfigBucketMetaSearch_ObjStore_S3;
+ }
+ return new RGWPostObj_ObjStore_S3;
+RGWOp *RGWHandler_REST_Bucket_S3::op_options()
+ return new RGWOptionsCORS_ObjStore_S3;
+RGWOp *RGWHandler_REST_Obj_S3::get_obj_op(bool get_data)
+ RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3 *get_obj_op = new RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3;
+ get_obj_op->set_get_data(get_data);
+ return get_obj_op;
+RGWOp *RGWHandler_REST_Obj_S3::op_get()
+ if (is_acl_op()) {
+ return new RGWGetACLs_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if (s->info.args.exists("uploadId")) {
+ return new RGWListMultipart_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if (s->info.args.exists("layout")) {
+ return new RGWGetObjLayout_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if (is_tagging_op()) {
+ return new RGWGetObjTags_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if (is_obj_retention_op()) {
+ return new RGWGetObjRetention_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if (is_obj_legal_hold_op()) {
+ return new RGWGetObjLegalHold_ObjStore_S3;
+ }
+ return get_obj_op(true);
+RGWOp *RGWHandler_REST_Obj_S3::op_head()
+ if (is_acl_op()) {
+ return new RGWGetACLs_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if (s->info.args.exists("uploadId")) {
+ return new RGWListMultipart_ObjStore_S3;
+ }
+ return get_obj_op(false);
+RGWOp *RGWHandler_REST_Obj_S3::op_put()
+ if (is_acl_op()) {
+ return new RGWPutACLs_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if (is_tagging_op()) {
+ return new RGWPutObjTags_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if (is_obj_retention_op()) {
+ return new RGWPutObjRetention_ObjStore_S3;
+ } else if (is_obj_legal_hold_op()) {
+ return new RGWPutObjLegalHold_ObjStore_S3;
+ }
+ if (s->init_state.src_bucket.empty())
+ return new RGWPutObj_ObjStore_S3;
+ else
+ return new RGWCopyObj_ObjStore_S3;
+RGWOp *RGWHandler_REST_Obj_S3::op_delete()
+ if (is_tagging_op()) {
+ return new RGWDeleteObjTags_ObjStore_S3;
+ }
+ string upload_id = s->info.args.get("uploadId");
+ if (upload_id.empty())
+ return new RGWDeleteObj_ObjStore_S3;
+ else
+ return new RGWAbortMultipart_ObjStore_S3;
+RGWOp *RGWHandler_REST_Obj_S3::op_post()
+ if (s->info.args.exists("uploadId"))
+ return new RGWCompleteMultipart_ObjStore_S3;
+ if (s->info.args.exists("uploads"))
+ return new RGWInitMultipart_ObjStore_S3;
+ return new RGWPostObj_ObjStore_S3;
+RGWOp *RGWHandler_REST_Obj_S3::op_options()
+ return new RGWOptionsCORS_ObjStore_S3;
+int RGWHandler_REST_S3::init_from_header(struct req_state* s,
+ int default_formatter,
+ bool configurable_format)
+ string req;
+ string first;
+ const char *req_name = s->relative_uri.c_str();
+ const char *p;
+ if (*req_name == '?') {
+ p = req_name;
+ } else {
+ p = s->info.request_params.c_str();
+ }
+ s->info.args.set(p);
+ s->info.args.parse();
+ /* must be called after the args parsing */
+ int ret = allocate_formatter(s, default_formatter, configurable_format);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+ if (*req_name != '/')
+ return 0;
+ req_name++;
+ if (!*req_name)
+ return 0;
+ req = req_name;
+ int pos = req.find('/');
+ if (pos >= 0) {
+ first = req.substr(0, pos);
+ } else {
+ first = req;
+ }
+ /*
+ * XXX The intent of the check for empty is apparently to let the bucket
+ * name from DNS to be set ahead. However, we currently take the DNS
+ * bucket and re-insert it into URL in
+ * So, this check is meaningless.
+ *
+ * Rather than dropping this, the code needs to be changed into putting
+ * the bucket (and its tenant) from DNS and Host: header (HTTP_HOST)
+ * into req_status.bucket_name directly.
+ */
+ if (s->init_state.url_bucket.empty()) {
+ // Save bucket to tide us over until token is parsed.
+ s->init_state.url_bucket = first;
+ if (pos >= 0) {
+ string encoded_obj_str = req.substr(pos+1);
+ s->object = rgw_obj_key(encoded_obj_str, s->info.args.get("versionId"));
+ }
+ } else {
+ s->object = rgw_obj_key(req_name, s->info.args.get("versionId"));
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int verify_mfa(RGWRados *store, RGWUserInfo *user, const string& mfa_str, bool *verified)
+ vector<string> params;
+ get_str_vec(mfa_str, " ", params);
+ if (params.size() != 2) {
+ ldout(store->ctx(), 5) << "NOTICE: invalid mfa string provided: " << mfa_str << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ string& serial = params[0];
+ string& pin = params[1];
+ auto i = user->mfa_ids.find(serial);
+ if (i == user->mfa_ids.end()) {
+ ldout(store->ctx(), 5) << "NOTICE: user does not have mfa device with serial=" << serial << dendl;
+ return -EACCES;
+ }
+ int ret = store->check_mfa(user->user_id, serial, pin);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ldout(store->ctx(), 20) << "NOTICE: failed to check MFA, serial=" << serial << dendl;
+ return -EACCES;
+ }
+ *verified = true;
+ return 0;
+int RGWHandler_REST_S3::postauth_init()
+ struct req_init_state *t = &s->init_state;
+ bool relaxed_names = s->cct->_conf->rgw_relaxed_s3_bucket_names;
+ rgw_parse_url_bucket(t->url_bucket, s->user->user_id.tenant,
+ s->bucket_tenant, s->bucket_name);
+ dout(10) << "s->object=" << (!s->object.empty() ? s->object : rgw_obj_key("<NULL>"))
+ << " s->bucket=" << rgw_make_bucket_entry_name(s->bucket_tenant, s->bucket_name) << dendl;
+ int ret;
+ ret = rgw_validate_tenant_name(s->bucket_tenant);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ if (!s->bucket_name.empty()) {
+ ret = valid_s3_bucket_name(s->bucket_name, relaxed_names);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ ret = validate_object_name(s->;
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (!t->src_bucket.empty()) {
+ rgw_parse_url_bucket(t->src_bucket, s->user->user_id.tenant,
+ s->src_tenant_name, s->src_bucket_name);
+ ret = rgw_validate_tenant_name(s->src_tenant_name);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ ret = valid_s3_bucket_name(s->src_bucket_name, relaxed_names);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ }
+ const char *mfa = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_MFA");
+ if (mfa) {
+ ret = verify_mfa(store, s->user, string(mfa), &s->mfa_verified);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int RGWHandler_REST_S3::init(RGWRados *store, struct req_state *s,
+ rgw::io::BasicClient *cio)
+ int ret;
+ s->dialect = "s3";
+ ret = rgw_validate_tenant_name(s->bucket_tenant);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ bool relaxed_names = s->cct->_conf->rgw_relaxed_s3_bucket_names;
+ if (!s->bucket_name.empty()) {
+ ret = valid_s3_bucket_name(s->bucket_name, relaxed_names);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ ret = validate_object_name(s->;
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ }
+ const char *cacl = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_ACL");
+ if (cacl)
+ s->canned_acl = cacl;
+ s->has_acl_header = s->info.env->exists_prefix("HTTP_X_AMZ_GRANT");
+ const char *copy_source = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_COPY_SOURCE");
+ if (copy_source &&
+ (! s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_COPY_SOURCE_RANGE")) &&
+ (! s->info.args.exists("uploadId"))) {
+ ret = RGWCopyObj::parse_copy_location(copy_source,
+ s->init_state.src_bucket,
+ s->src_object);
+ if (!ret) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "failed to parse copy location" << dendl;
+ }
+ }
+ const char *sc = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_STORAGE_CLASS");
+ if (sc) {
+ s->info.storage_class = sc;
+ }
+ return RGWHandler_REST::init(store, s, cio);
+int RGWHandler_REST_S3::authorize(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp)
+ if (s->info.args.exists("Action") && s->info.args.get("Action") == "AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity") {
+ return RGW_Auth_STS::authorize(dpp, store, auth_registry, s);
+ }
+ return RGW_Auth_S3::authorize(dpp, store, auth_registry, s);
+enum class AwsVersion {
+ V2,
+ V4
+enum class AwsRoute {
+static inline std::pair<AwsVersion, AwsRoute>
+discover_aws_flavour(const req_info& info)
+ using rgw::auth::s3::AWS4_HMAC_SHA256_STR;
+ AwsVersion version = AwsVersion::UNKNOWN;
+ AwsRoute route = AwsRoute::UNKNOWN;
+ const char* http_auth = info.env->get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION");
+ if (http_auth && http_auth[0]) {
+ /* Authorization in Header */
+ route = AwsRoute::HEADERS;
+ if (!strncmp(http_auth, AWS4_HMAC_SHA256_STR,
+ strlen(AWS4_HMAC_SHA256_STR))) {
+ /* AWS v4 */
+ version = AwsVersion::V4;
+ } else if (!strncmp(http_auth, "AWS ", 4)) {
+ /* AWS v2 */
+ version = AwsVersion::V2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ route = AwsRoute::QUERY_STRING;
+ if (info.args.get("X-Amz-Algorithm") == AWS4_HMAC_SHA256_STR) {
+ /* AWS v4 */
+ version = AwsVersion::V4;
+ } else if (!info.args.get("AWSAccessKeyId").empty()) {
+ /* AWS v2 */
+ version = AwsVersion::V2;
+ }
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(version, route);
+ * verify that a signed request comes from the keyholder
+ * by checking the signature against our locally-computed version
+ *
+ * it tries AWS v4 before AWS v2
+ */
+int RGW_Auth_S3::authorize(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp,
+ RGWRados* const store,
+ const rgw::auth::StrategyRegistry& auth_registry,
+ struct req_state* const s)
+ /* neither keystone and rados enabled; warn and exit! */
+ if (!store->ctx()->_conf->rgw_s3_auth_use_rados &&
+ !store->ctx()->_conf->rgw_s3_auth_use_keystone &&
+ !store->ctx()->_conf->rgw_s3_auth_use_ldap) {
+ ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "WARNING: no authorization backend enabled! Users will never authenticate." << dendl;
+ return -EPERM;
+ }
+ const auto ret = rgw::auth::Strategy::apply(dpp, auth_registry.get_s3_main(), s);
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ /* Populate the owner info. */
+ s->owner.set_id(s->user->user_id);
+ s->owner.set_name(s->user->display_name);
+ }
+ return ret;
+int RGWHandler_Auth_S3::init(RGWRados *store, struct req_state *state,
+ rgw::io::BasicClient *cio)
+ int ret = RGWHandler_REST_S3::init_from_header(state, RGW_FORMAT_JSON,
+ true);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+ return RGWHandler_REST::init(store, state, cio);
+RGWHandler_REST* RGWRESTMgr_S3::get_handler(struct req_state* const s,
+ const rgw::auth::StrategyRegistry& auth_registry,
+ const std::string& frontend_prefix)
+ bool is_s3website = enable_s3website && (s->prot_flags & RGW_REST_WEBSITE);
+ int ret =
+ RGWHandler_REST_S3::init_from_header(s,
+ is_s3website ? RGW_FORMAT_HTML :
+ RGW_FORMAT_XML, true);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ RGWHandler_REST* handler;
+ // TODO: Make this more readable
+ if (is_s3website) {
+ if (s->init_state.url_bucket.empty()) {
+ handler = new RGWHandler_REST_Service_S3Website(auth_registry);
+ } else if (s->object.empty()) {
+ handler = new RGWHandler_REST_Bucket_S3Website(auth_registry);
+ } else {
+ handler = new RGWHandler_REST_Obj_S3Website(auth_registry);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (s->init_state.url_bucket.empty()) {
+ handler = new RGWHandler_REST_Service_S3(auth_registry, enable_sts, enable_iam, enable_pubsub);
+ } else if (s->object.empty()) {
+ handler = new RGWHandler_REST_Bucket_S3(auth_registry, enable_pubsub);
+ } else {
+ handler = new RGWHandler_REST_Obj_S3(auth_registry);
+ }
+ }
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << __func__ << " handler=" << typeid(*handler).name()
+ << dendl;
+ return handler;
+bool RGWHandler_REST_S3Website::web_dir() const {
+ std::string subdir_name = url_decode(s->;
+ if (subdir_name.empty()) {
+ return false;
+ } else if (subdir_name.back() == '/' && subdir_name.size() > 1) {
+ subdir_name.pop_back();
+ }
+ rgw_obj obj(s->bucket, subdir_name);
+ RGWObjectCtx& obj_ctx = *static_cast<RGWObjectCtx *>(s->obj_ctx);
+ obj_ctx.set_atomic(obj);
+ obj_ctx.set_prefetch_data(obj);
+ RGWObjState* state = nullptr;
+ if (store->get_obj_state(&obj_ctx, s->bucket_info, obj, &state, false) < 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (! state->exists) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return state->exists;
+int RGWHandler_REST_S3Website::init(RGWRados *store, req_state *s,
+ rgw::io::BasicClient* cio)
+ // save the original object name before retarget() replaces it with the
+ // result of get_effective_key(). the error_handler() needs the original
+ // object name for redirect handling
+ original_object_name = s->;
+ return RGWHandler_REST_S3::init(store, s, cio);
+int RGWHandler_REST_S3Website::retarget(RGWOp* op, RGWOp** new_op) {
+ *new_op = op;
+ ldout(s->cct, 10) << __func__ << " Starting retarget" << dendl;
+ if (!(s->prot_flags & RGW_REST_WEBSITE))
+ return 0;
+ int ret = store->get_bucket_info(*s->sysobj_ctx, s->bucket_tenant,
+ s->bucket_name, s->bucket_info, NULL,
+ &s->bucket_attrs);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ // TODO-FUTURE: if the bucket does not exist, maybe expose it here?
+ }
+ if (!s->bucket_info.has_website) {
+ // TODO-FUTURE: if the bucket has no WebsiteConfig, expose it here
+ }
+ rgw_obj_key new_obj;
+ bool get_res = s->bucket_info.website_conf.get_effective_key(s->, &, web_dir());
+ if (!get_res) {
+ s->err.message = "The IndexDocument Suffix is not configurated or not well formed!";
+ ldout(s->cct, 5) << s->err.message << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ ldout(s->cct, 10) << "retarget get_effective_key " << s->object << " -> "
+ << new_obj << dendl;
+ RGWBWRoutingRule rrule;
+ bool should_redirect =
+ s->bucket_info.website_conf.should_redirect(, 0, &rrule);
+ if (should_redirect) {
+ const string& hostname = s->info.env->get("HTTP_HOST", "");
+ const string& protocol =
+ (s->info.env->get("SERVER_PORT_SECURE") ? "https" : "http");
+ int redirect_code = 0;
+ rrule.apply_rule(protocol, hostname, s->, &s->redirect,
+ &redirect_code);
+ // APply a custom HTTP response code
+ if (redirect_code > 0)
+ s->err.http_ret = redirect_code; // Apply a custom HTTP response code
+ ldout(s->cct, 10) << "retarget redirect code=" << redirect_code
+ << " proto+host:" << protocol << "://" << hostname
+ << " -> " << s->redirect << dendl;
+ }
+ /*
+ * FIXME: if s->object != new_obj, drop op and create a new op to handle
+ * operation. Or remove this comment if it's not applicable anymore
+ */
+ s->object = new_obj;
+ return 0;
+RGWOp* RGWHandler_REST_S3Website::op_get()
+ return get_obj_op(true);
+RGWOp* RGWHandler_REST_S3Website::op_head()
+ return get_obj_op(false);
+int RGWHandler_REST_S3Website::serve_errordoc(int http_ret, const string& errordoc_key) {
+ int ret = 0;
+ s->formatter->reset(); /* Try to throw it all away */
+ std::shared_ptr<RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3Website> getop( static_cast<RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3Website*>(op_get()));
+ if (getop.get() == NULL) {
+ return -1; // Trigger double error handler
+ }
+ getop->init(store, s, this);
+ getop->range_str = NULL;
+ getop->if_mod = NULL;
+ getop->if_unmod = NULL;
+ getop->if_match = NULL;
+ getop->if_nomatch = NULL;
+ s->object = errordoc_key;
+ ret = init_permissions(getop.get());
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "serve_errordoc failed, init_permissions ret=" << ret << dendl;
+ return -1; // Trigger double error handler
+ }
+ ret = read_permissions(getop.get());
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "serve_errordoc failed, read_permissions ret=" << ret << dendl;
+ return -1; // Trigger double error handler
+ }
+ if (http_ret) {
+ getop->set_custom_http_response(http_ret);
+ }
+ ret = getop->init_processing();
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "serve_errordoc failed, init_processing ret=" << ret << dendl;
+ return -1; // Trigger double error handler
+ }
+ ret = getop->verify_op_mask();
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "serve_errordoc failed, verify_op_mask ret=" << ret << dendl;
+ return -1; // Trigger double error handler
+ }
+ ret = getop->verify_permission();
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "serve_errordoc failed, verify_permission ret=" << ret << dendl;
+ return -1; // Trigger double error handler
+ }
+ ret = getop->verify_params();
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "serve_errordoc failed, verify_params ret=" << ret << dendl;
+ return -1; // Trigger double error handler
+ }
+ // No going back now
+ getop->pre_exec();
+ /*
+ * FIXME Missing headers:
+ * With a working errordoc, the s3 error fields are rendered as HTTP headers,
+ * x-amz-error-code: NoSuchKey
+ * x-amz-error-message: The specified key does not exist.
+ * x-amz-error-detail-Key: foo
+ */
+ getop->execute();
+ getop->complete();
+ return 0;
+int RGWHandler_REST_S3Website::error_handler(int err_no,
+ string* error_content) {
+ int new_err_no = -1;
+ rgw_http_errors::const_iterator r = rgw_http_s3_errors.find(err_no > 0 ? err_no : -err_no);
+ int http_error_code = -1;
+ if (r != rgw_http_s3_errors.end()) {
+ http_error_code = r->second.first;
+ }
+ ldout(s->cct, 10) << "RGWHandler_REST_S3Website::error_handler err_no=" << err_no << " http_ret=" << http_error_code << dendl;
+ RGWBWRoutingRule rrule;
+ bool should_redirect =
+ s->bucket_info.website_conf.should_redirect(original_object_name,
+ http_error_code, &rrule);
+ if (should_redirect) {
+ const string& hostname = s->info.env->get("HTTP_HOST", "");
+ const string& protocol =
+ (s->info.env->get("SERVER_PORT_SECURE") ? "https" : "http");
+ int redirect_code = 0;
+ rrule.apply_rule(protocol, hostname, original_object_name,
+ &s->redirect, &redirect_code);
+ // Apply a custom HTTP response code
+ if (redirect_code > 0)
+ s->err.http_ret = redirect_code; // Apply a custom HTTP response code
+ ldout(s->cct, 10) << "error handler redirect code=" << redirect_code
+ << " proto+host:" << protocol << "://" << hostname
+ << " -> " << s->redirect << dendl;
+ } else if (err_no == -ERR_WEBSITE_REDIRECT) {
+ // Do nothing here, this redirect will be handled in abort_early's ERR_WEBSITE_REDIRECT block
+ // Do NOT fire the ErrorDoc handler
+ } else if (!s->bucket_info.website_conf.error_doc.empty()) {
+ /* This serves an entire page!
+ On success, it will return zero, and no further content should be sent to the socket
+ On failure, we need the double-error handler
+ */
+ new_err_no = RGWHandler_REST_S3Website::serve_errordoc(http_error_code, s->bucket_info.website_conf.error_doc);
+ if (new_err_no != -1) {
+ err_no = new_err_no;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ldout(s->cct, 20) << "No special error handling today!" << dendl;
+ }
+ return err_no;
+RGWOp* RGWHandler_REST_Obj_S3Website::get_obj_op(bool get_data)
+ /** If we are in website mode, then it is explicitly impossible to run GET or
+ * HEAD on the actual directory. We must convert the request to run on the
+ * suffix object instead!
+ */
+ RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3Website* op = new RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3Website;
+ op->set_get_data(get_data);
+ return op;
+RGWOp* RGWHandler_REST_Bucket_S3Website::get_obj_op(bool get_data)
+ /** If we are in website mode, then it is explicitly impossible to run GET or
+ * HEAD on the actual directory. We must convert the request to run on the
+ * suffix object instead!
+ */
+ RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3Website* op = new RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3Website;
+ op->set_get_data(get_data);
+ return op;
+RGWOp* RGWHandler_REST_Service_S3Website::get_obj_op(bool get_data)
+ /** If we are in website mode, then it is explicitly impossible to run GET or
+ * HEAD on the actual directory. We must convert the request to run on the
+ * suffix object instead!
+ */
+ RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3Website* op = new RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3Website;
+ op->set_get_data(get_data);
+ return op;
+namespace rgw {
+namespace auth {
+namespace s3 {
+static rgw::auth::Completer::cmplptr_t
+null_completer_factory(const boost::optional<std::string>& secret_key)
+ return nullptr;
+AWSGeneralAbstractor::get_auth_data(const req_state* const s) const
+ AwsVersion version;
+ AwsRoute route;
+ std::tie(version, route) = discover_aws_flavour(s->info);
+ if (version == AwsVersion::V2) {
+ return get_auth_data_v2(s);
+ } else if (version == AwsVersion::V4) {
+ return get_auth_data_v4(s, route == AwsRoute::QUERY_STRING);
+ } else {
+ /* FIXME(rzarzynski): handle anon user. */
+ throw -EINVAL;
+ }
+ const req_info& info,
+ const boost::string_view& signedheaders,
+ const bool using_qs) const
+ return rgw::auth::s3::get_v4_canonical_headers(info, signedheaders,
+ using_qs, false);
+AWSGeneralAbstractor::get_auth_data_v4(const req_state* const s,
+ const bool using_qs) const
+ boost::string_view access_key_id;
+ boost::string_view signed_hdrs;
+ boost::string_view date;
+ boost::string_view credential_scope;
+ boost::string_view client_signature;
+ boost::string_view session_token;
+ int ret = rgw::auth::s3::parse_v4_credentials(s->info,
+ access_key_id,
+ credential_scope,
+ signed_hdrs,
+ client_signature,
+ date,
+ session_token,
+ using_qs);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ throw ret;
+ }
+ /* craft canonical headers */
+ boost::optional<std::string> canonical_headers = \
+ get_v4_canonical_headers(s->info, signed_hdrs, using_qs);
+ if (canonical_headers) {
+ using sanitize = rgw::crypt_sanitize::log_content;
+ ldout(s->cct, 10) << "canonical headers format = "
+ << sanitize{*canonical_headers} << dendl;
+ } else {
+ throw -EPERM;
+ }
+ bool is_non_s3_op = false;
+ if (s->op_type == RGW_STS_GET_SESSION_TOKEN ||
+ s->op_type == RGW_STS_ASSUME_ROLE ||
+ s->op_type == RGW_OP_CREATE_ROLE ||
+ s->op_type == RGW_OP_DELETE_ROLE ||
+ s->op_type == RGW_OP_GET_ROLE ||
+ s->op_type == RGW_OP_MODIFY_ROLE ||
+ s->op_type == RGW_OP_LIST_ROLES ||
+ s->op_type == RGW_OP_PUT_ROLE_POLICY ||
+ s->op_type == RGW_OP_GET_ROLE_POLICY ||
+ s->op_type == RGW_OP_LIST_ROLE_POLICIES ||
+ s->op_type == RGW_OP_DELETE_ROLE_POLICY ||
+ s->op_type == RGW_OP_PUT_USER_POLICY ||
+ s->op_type == RGW_OP_GET_USER_POLICY ||
+ s->op_type == RGW_OP_LIST_USER_POLICIES ||
+ s->op_type == RGW_OP_DELETE_USER_POLICY) {
+ is_non_s3_op = true;
+ }
+ const char* exp_payload_hash = nullptr;
+ string payload_hash;
+ if (is_non_s3_op) {
+ //For non s3 ops, we need to calculate the payload hash
+ payload_hash = s->info.args.get("PayloadHash");
+ exp_payload_hash = payload_hash.c_str();
+ } else {
+ /* Get the expected hash. */
+ exp_payload_hash = rgw::auth::s3::get_v4_exp_payload_hash(s->info);
+ }
+ /* Craft canonical URI. Using std::move later so let it be non-const. */
+ auto canonical_uri = rgw::auth::s3::get_v4_canonical_uri(s->info);
+ /* Craft canonical query string. std::moving later so non-const here. */
+ auto canonical_qs = rgw::auth::s3::get_v4_canonical_qs(s->info, using_qs);
+ /* Craft canonical request. */
+ auto canonical_req_hash = \
+ rgw::auth::s3::get_v4_canon_req_hash(s->cct,
+ s->info.method,
+ std::move(canonical_uri),
+ std::move(canonical_qs),
+ std::move(*canonical_headers),
+ signed_hdrs,
+ exp_payload_hash);
+ auto string_to_sign = \
+ rgw::auth::s3::get_v4_string_to_sign(s->cct,
+ date,
+ credential_scope,
+ std::move(canonical_req_hash));
+ const auto sig_factory = std::bind(rgw::auth::s3::get_v4_signature,
+ credential_scope,
+ std::placeholders::_1,
+ std::placeholders::_2,
+ std::placeholders::_3);
+ /* Requests authenticated with the Query Parameters are treated as unsigned.
+ * From "Authenticating Requests: Using Query Parameters (AWS Signature
+ * Version 4)":
+ *
+ * You don't include a payload hash in the Canonical Request, because
+ * when you create a presigned URL, you don't know the payload content
+ * because the URL is used to upload an arbitrary payload. Instead, you
+ * use a constant string UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD.
+ *
+ * This means we have absolutely no business in spawning completer. Both
+ * aws4_auth_needs_complete and aws4_auth_streaming_mode are set to false
+ * by default. We don't need to change that. */
+ if (is_v4_payload_unsigned(exp_payload_hash) || is_v4_payload_empty(s) || is_non_s3_op) {
+ return {
+ access_key_id,
+ client_signature,
+ session_token,
+ std::move(string_to_sign),
+ sig_factory,
+ null_completer_factory
+ };
+ } else {
+ /* We're going to handle a signed payload. Be aware that even empty HTTP
+ * body (no payload) requires verification:
+ *
+ * The x-amz-content-sha256 header is required for all AWS Signature
+ * Version 4 requests. It provides a hash of the request payload. If
+ * there is no payload, you must provide the hash of an empty string. */
+ if (!is_v4_payload_streamed(exp_payload_hash)) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 10) << "delaying v4 auth" << dendl;
+ /* payload in a single chunk */
+ switch (s->op_type)
+ {
+ case RGW_OP_PUT_OBJ:
+ case RGW_OP_INIT_MULTIPART: // in case that Init Multipart uses CHUNK encoding
+ case RGW_OP_PUT_LC:
+ break;
+ default:
+ dout(10) << "ERROR: AWS4 completion for this operation NOT IMPLEMENTED" << dendl;
+ }
+ const auto cmpl_factory = std::bind(AWSv4ComplSingle::create,
+ s,
+ std::placeholders::_1);
+ return {
+ access_key_id,
+ client_signature,
+ session_token,
+ std::move(string_to_sign),
+ sig_factory,
+ cmpl_factory
+ };
+ } else {
+ /* IMHO "streamed" doesn't fit too good here. I would prefer to call
+ * it "chunked" but let's be coherent with Amazon's terminology. */
+ dout(10) << "body content detected in multiple chunks" << dendl;
+ /* payload in multiple chunks */
+ switch(s->op_type)
+ {
+ case RGW_OP_PUT_OBJ:
+ break;
+ default:
+ dout(10) << "ERROR: AWS4 completion for this operation NOT IMPLEMENTED (streaming mode)" << dendl;
+ }
+ dout(10) << "aws4 seed signature ok... delaying v4 auth" << dendl;
+ /* In the case of streamed payload client sets the x-amz-content-sha256
+ * when constructing the Canonical Request. */
+ /* In the case of single-chunk upload client set the header's value is
+ * coherent with the one used for Canonical Request crafting. */
+ /* In the case of query string-based authentication there should be no
+ * x-amz-content-sha256 header and the value "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD" is used
+ * for CanonReq. */
+ const auto cmpl_factory = std::bind(AWSv4ComplMulti::create,
+ s,
+ date,
+ credential_scope,
+ client_signature,
+ std::placeholders::_1);
+ return {
+ access_key_id,
+ client_signature,
+ session_token,
+ std::move(string_to_sign),
+ sig_factory,
+ cmpl_factory
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ const req_info& info,
+ const boost::string_view& signedheaders,
+ const bool using_qs) const
+ return rgw::auth::s3::get_v4_canonical_headers(info, signedheaders,
+ using_qs, true);
+AWSGeneralAbstractor::get_auth_data_v2(const req_state* const s) const
+ boost::string_view access_key_id;
+ boost::string_view signature;
+ boost::string_view session_token;
+ bool qsr = false;
+ const char* http_auth = s->info.env->get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION");
+ if (! http_auth || http_auth[0] == '\0') {
+ /* Credentials are provided in query string. We also need to verify
+ * the "Expires" parameter now. */
+ access_key_id = s->info.args.get("AWSAccessKeyId");
+ signature = s->info.args.get("Signature");
+ qsr = true;
+ boost::string_view expires = s->info.args.get("Expires");
+ if (expires.empty()) {
+ throw -EPERM;
+ }
+ /* It looks we have the guarantee that expires is a null-terminated,
+ * and thus string_view::data() can be safely used. */
+ const time_t exp = atoll(;
+ time_t now;
+ time(&now);
+ if (now >= exp) {
+ throw -EPERM;
+ }
+ if (s->info.args.exists("X-Amz-Security-Token")) {
+ session_token = s->info.args.get("X-Amz-Security-Token");
+ if (session_token.size() == 0) {
+ throw -EPERM;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* The "Authorization" HTTP header is being used. */
+ const boost::string_view auth_str(http_auth + strlen("AWS "));
+ const size_t pos = auth_str.rfind(':');
+ if (pos != boost::string_view::npos) {
+ access_key_id = auth_str.substr(0, pos);
+ signature = auth_str.substr(pos + 1);
+ }
+ if (s->info.env->exists("HTTP_X_AMZ_SECURITY_TOKEN")) {
+ session_token = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_SECURITY_TOKEN");
+ if (session_token.size() == 0) {
+ throw -EPERM;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Let's canonize the HTTP headers that are covered by the AWS auth v2. */
+ std::string string_to_sign;
+ utime_t header_time;
+ if (! rgw_create_s3_canonical_header(s->info, &header_time, string_to_sign,
+ qsr)) {
+ ldout(cct, 10) << "failed to create the canonized auth header\n"
+ << rgw::crypt_sanitize::auth{s,string_to_sign} << dendl;
+ throw -EPERM;
+ }
+ ldout(cct, 10) << "string_to_sign:\n"
+ << rgw::crypt_sanitize::auth{s,string_to_sign} << dendl;
+ if (!qsr && !is_time_skew_ok(header_time)) {
+ }
+ return {
+ std::move(access_key_id),
+ std::move(signature),
+ std::move(session_token),
+ std::move(string_to_sign),
+ rgw::auth::s3::get_v2_signature,
+ null_completer_factory
+ };
+AWSBrowserUploadAbstractor::get_auth_data_v2(const req_state* const s) const
+ return {
+ s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.access_key,
+ s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.signature,
+ s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.x_amz_security_token,
+ s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.encoded_policy.to_str(),
+ rgw::auth::s3::get_v2_signature,
+ null_completer_factory
+ };
+AWSBrowserUploadAbstractor::get_auth_data_v4(const req_state* const s) const
+ const boost::string_view credential = s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.x_amz_credential;
+ /* grab access key id */
+ const size_t pos = credential.find("/");
+ const boost::string_view access_key_id = credential.substr(0, pos);
+ dout(10) << "access key id = " << access_key_id << dendl;
+ /* grab credential scope */
+ const boost::string_view credential_scope = credential.substr(pos + 1);
+ dout(10) << "credential scope = " << credential_scope << dendl;
+ const auto sig_factory = std::bind(rgw::auth::s3::get_v4_signature,
+ credential_scope,
+ std::placeholders::_1,
+ std::placeholders::_2,
+ std::placeholders::_3);
+ return {
+ access_key_id,
+ s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.signature,
+ s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.x_amz_security_token,
+ s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.encoded_policy.to_str(),
+ sig_factory,
+ null_completer_factory
+ };
+AWSBrowserUploadAbstractor::get_auth_data(const req_state* const s) const
+ if (s->auth.s3_postobj_creds.x_amz_algorithm == AWS4_HMAC_SHA256_STR) {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "Signature verification algorithm AWS v4"
+ << " (AWS4-HMAC-SHA256)" << dendl;
+ return get_auth_data_v4(s);
+ } else {
+ ldout(s->cct, 0) << "Signature verification algorithm AWS v2" << dendl;
+ return get_auth_data_v2(s);
+ }
+AWSEngine::authenticate(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, const req_state* const s) const
+ /* Small reminder: an ver_abstractor is allowed to throw! */
+ const auto auth_data = ver_abstractor.get_auth_data(s);
+ if (auth_data.access_key_id.empty() || auth_data.client_signature.empty()) {
+ return result_t::deny(-EINVAL);
+ } else {
+ return authenticate(dpp,
+ auth_data.access_key_id,
+ auth_data.client_signature,
+ auth_data.session_token,
+ auth_data.string_to_sign,
+ auth_data.signature_factory,
+ auth_data.completer_factory,
+ s);
+ }
+} /* namespace s3 */
+} /* namespace auth */
+} /* namespace rgw */
+rgw::LDAPHelper* rgw::auth::s3::LDAPEngine::ldh = nullptr;
+std::mutex rgw::auth::s3::LDAPEngine::mtx;
+void rgw::auth::s3::LDAPEngine::init(CephContext* const cct)
+ if (! cct->_conf->rgw_s3_auth_use_ldap ||
+ cct->_conf->rgw_ldap_uri.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (! ldh) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mtx);
+ if (! ldh) {
+ const string& ldap_uri = cct->_conf->rgw_ldap_uri;
+ const string& ldap_binddn = cct->_conf->rgw_ldap_binddn;
+ const string& ldap_searchdn = cct->_conf->rgw_ldap_searchdn;
+ const string& ldap_searchfilter = cct->_conf->rgw_ldap_searchfilter;
+ const string& ldap_dnattr = cct->_conf->rgw_ldap_dnattr;
+ std::string ldap_bindpw = parse_rgw_ldap_bindpw(cct);
+ ldh = new rgw::LDAPHelper(ldap_uri, ldap_binddn, ldap_bindpw,
+ ldap_searchdn, ldap_searchfilter, ldap_dnattr);
+ ldh->init();
+ ldh->bind();
+ }
+ }
+bool rgw::auth::s3::LDAPEngine::valid() {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mtx);
+ return (!!ldh);
+rgw::auth::s3::LDAPEngine::get_acl_strategy() const
+ //This is based on the assumption that the default acl strategy in
+ // get_perms_from_aclspec, will take care. Extra acl spec is not required.
+ return nullptr;
+rgw::auth::s3::LDAPEngine::get_creds_info(const rgw::RGWToken& token) const noexcept
+ /* The short form of "using" can't be used here -- we're aliasing a class'
+ * member. */
+ using acct_privilege_t = \
+ rgw::auth::RemoteApplier::AuthInfo::acct_privilege_t;
+ return rgw::auth::RemoteApplier::AuthInfo {
+ rgw_user(,
+ acct_privilege_t::IS_PLAIN_ACCT,
+ };
+ const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp,
+ const boost::string_view& access_key_id,
+ const boost::string_view& signature,
+ const boost::string_view& session_token,
+ const string_to_sign_t& string_to_sign,
+ const signature_factory_t&,
+ const completer_factory_t& completer_factory,
+ const req_state* const s) const
+ /* boost filters and/or string_ref may throw on invalid input */
+ rgw::RGWToken base64_token;
+ try {
+ base64_token = rgw::from_base64(access_key_id);
+ } catch (...) {
+ base64_token = std::string("");
+ }
+ if (! base64_token.valid()) {
+ return result_t::deny();
+ }
+ //TODO: Uncomment, when we have a migration plan in place.
+ //Check if a user of type other than 'ldap' is already present, if yes, then
+ //return error.
+ /*RGWUserInfo user_info;
+ user_info.user_id =;
+ if (rgw_get_user_info_by_uid(store, user_info.user_id, user_info) >= 0) {
+ if (user_info.type != TYPE_LDAP) {
+ ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << "ERROR: User id of type: " << user_info.type << " is already present" << dendl;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }*/
+ if (ldh->auth(, base64_token.key) != 0) {
+ return result_t::deny(-ERR_INVALID_ACCESS_KEY);
+ }
+ auto apl = apl_factory->create_apl_remote(cct, s, get_acl_strategy(),
+ get_creds_info(base64_token));
+ return result_t::grant(std::move(apl), completer_factory(boost::none));
+} /* rgw::auth::s3::LDAPEngine::authenticate */
+void rgw::auth::s3::LDAPEngine::shutdown() {
+ if (ldh) {
+ delete ldh;
+ ldh = nullptr;
+ }
+/* LocalEngine */
+ const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp,
+ const boost::string_view& _access_key_id,
+ const boost::string_view& signature,
+ const boost::string_view& session_token,
+ const string_to_sign_t& string_to_sign,
+ const signature_factory_t& signature_factory,
+ const completer_factory_t& completer_factory,
+ const req_state* const s) const
+ /* get the user info */
+ RGWUserInfo user_info;
+ /* TODO(rzarzynski): we need to have string-view taking variant. */
+ const std::string access_key_id = _access_key_id.to_string();
+ if (rgw_get_user_info_by_access_key(store, access_key_id, user_info) < 0) {
+ ldpp_dout(dpp, 5) << "error reading user info, uid=" << access_key_id
+ << " can't authenticate" << dendl;
+ return result_t::deny(-ERR_INVALID_ACCESS_KEY);
+ }
+ //TODO: Uncomment, when we have a migration plan in place.
+ /*else {
+ if (s->user->type != TYPE_RGW) {
+ ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << "ERROR: User id of type: " << s->user->type
+ << " is present" << dendl;
+ throw -EPERM;
+ }
+ }*/
+ const auto iter = user_info.access_keys.find(access_key_id);
+ if (iter == std::end(user_info.access_keys)) {
+ ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "ERROR: access key not encoded in user info" << dendl;
+ return result_t::deny(-EPERM);
+ }
+ const RGWAccessKey& k = iter->second;
+ const VersionAbstractor::server_signature_t server_signature = \
+ signature_factory(cct, k.key, string_to_sign);
+ auto compare =;
+ ldpp_dout(dpp, 15) << "string_to_sign="
+ << rgw::crypt_sanitize::log_content{string_to_sign}
+ << dendl;
+ ldpp_dout(dpp, 15) << "server signature=" << server_signature << dendl;
+ ldpp_dout(dpp, 15) << "client signature=" << signature << dendl;
+ ldpp_dout(dpp, 15) << "compare=" << compare << dendl;
+ if (compare != 0) {
+ return result_t::deny(-ERR_SIGNATURE_NO_MATCH);
+ }
+ auto apl = apl_factory->create_apl_local(cct, s, user_info, k.subuser, boost::none);
+ return result_t::grant(std::move(apl), completer_factory(k.key));
+rgw::auth::s3::STSEngine::get_creds_info(const STS::SessionToken& token) const noexcept
+ using acct_privilege_t = \
+ rgw::auth::RemoteApplier::AuthInfo::acct_privilege_t;
+ return rgw::auth::RemoteApplier::AuthInfo {
+ token.user,
+ token.acct_name,
+ token.perm_mask,
+ (token.is_admin) ? acct_privilege_t::IS_ADMIN_ACCT: acct_privilege_t::IS_PLAIN_ACCT,
+ token.acct_type
+ };
+rgw::auth::s3::STSEngine::get_session_token(const boost::string_view& session_token,
+ STS::SessionToken& token) const
+ string decodedSessionToken;
+ try {
+ decodedSessionToken = rgw::from_base64(session_token);
+ } catch (...) {
+ ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: Invalid session token, not base64 encoded." << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ auto* cryptohandler = cct->get_crypto_handler(CEPH_CRYPTO_AES);
+ if (! cryptohandler) {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ string secret_s = cct->_conf->rgw_sts_key;
+ buffer::ptr secret(secret_s.c_str(), secret_s.length());
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (ret = cryptohandler->validate_secret(secret); ret < 0) {
+ ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: Invalid secret key" << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ string error;
+ auto* keyhandler = cryptohandler->get_key_handler(secret, error);
+ if (! keyhandler) {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ error.clear();
+ string decrypted_str;
+ buffer::list en_input, dec_output;
+ en_input = buffer::list::static_from_string(decodedSessionToken);
+ ret = keyhandler->decrypt(en_input, dec_output, &error);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: Decryption failed: " << error << dendl;
+ return -EPERM;
+ } else {
+ try {
+ dec_output.append('\0');
+ auto iter = dec_output.cbegin();
+ decode(token, iter);
+ } catch (const buffer::error& e) {
+ ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: decode SessionToken failed: " << error << dendl;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp,
+ const boost::string_view& _access_key_id,
+ const boost::string_view& signature,
+ const boost::string_view& session_token,
+ const string_to_sign_t& string_to_sign,
+ const signature_factory_t& signature_factory,
+ const completer_factory_t& completer_factory,
+ const req_state* const s) const
+ if (! s->info.args.exists("X-Amz-Security-Token") &&
+ ! s->info.env->exists("HTTP_X_AMZ_SECURITY_TOKEN")) {
+ return result_t::deny();
+ }
+ STS::SessionToken token;
+ if (int ret = get_session_token(session_token, token); ret < 0) {
+ return result_t::reject(ret);
+ }
+ //Authentication
+ //Check if access key is not the same passed in by client
+ if (token.access_key_id != _access_key_id) {
+ ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "Invalid access key" << dendl;
+ return result_t::reject(-EPERM);
+ }
+ //Check if the token has expired
+ if (! token.expiration.empty()) {
+ std::string expiration = token.expiration;
+ if (! expiration.empty()) {
+ boost::optional<real_clock::time_point> exp = ceph::from_iso_8601(expiration, false);
+ if (exp) {
+ real_clock::time_point now = real_clock::now();
+ if (now >= *exp) {
+ ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "ERROR: Token expired" << dendl;
+ return result_t::reject(-EPERM);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "ERROR: Invalid expiration: " << expiration << dendl;
+ return result_t::reject(-EPERM);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Check for signature mismatch
+ const VersionAbstractor::server_signature_t server_signature = \
+ signature_factory(cct, token.secret_access_key, string_to_sign);
+ auto compare =;
+ ldpp_dout(dpp, 15) << "string_to_sign="
+ << rgw::crypt_sanitize::log_content{string_to_sign}
+ << dendl;
+ ldpp_dout(dpp, 15) << "server signature=" << server_signature << dendl;
+ ldpp_dout(dpp, 15) << "client signature=" << signature << dendl;
+ ldpp_dout(dpp, 15) << "compare=" << compare << dendl;
+ if (compare != 0) {
+ return result_t::reject(-ERR_SIGNATURE_NO_MATCH);
+ }
+ // Get all the authorization info
+ RGWUserInfo user_info;
+ rgw_user user_id;
+ vector<string> role_policies;
+ string role_name;
+ if (! token.roleId.empty()) {
+ RGWRole role(s->cct, store, token.roleId);
+ if (role.get_by_id() < 0) {
+ return result_t::deny(-EPERM);
+ }
+ vector<string> role_policy_names = role.get_role_policy_names();
+ for (auto& policy_name : role_policy_names) {
+ string perm_policy;
+ if (int ret = role.get_role_policy(policy_name, perm_policy); ret == 0) {
+ role_policies.push_back(std::move(perm_policy));
+ }
+ }
+ if (! token.policy.empty()) {
+ role_policies.push_back(std::move(token.policy));
+ }
+ // This is mostly needed to assign the owner of a bucket during its creation
+ user_id = token.user;
+ role_name = role.get_name();
+ }
+ if (! token.user.empty() && token.acct_type != TYPE_ROLE) {
+ // get user info
+ int ret = rgw_get_user_info_by_uid(store, token.user, user_info, NULL);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ldpp_dout(dpp, 5) << "ERROR: failed reading user info: uid=" << token.user << dendl;
+ return result_t::reject(-EPERM);
+ }
+ }
+ if (token.acct_type == TYPE_KEYSTONE || token.acct_type == TYPE_LDAP) {
+ auto apl = remote_apl_factory->create_apl_remote(cct, s, get_acl_strategy(),
+ get_creds_info(token));
+ return result_t::grant(std::move(apl), completer_factory(boost::none));
+ } else if (token.acct_type == TYPE_ROLE) {
+ auto apl = role_apl_factory->create_apl_role(cct, s, role_name, user_id, role_policies);
+ return result_t::grant(std::move(apl), completer_factory(token.secret_access_key));
+ } else { // This is for all local users of type TYPE_RGW or TYPE_NONE
+ string subuser;
+ auto apl = local_apl_factory->create_apl_local(cct, s, user_info, subuser, token.perm_mask);
+ return result_t::grant(std::move(apl), completer_factory(token.secret_access_key));
+ }
+bool rgw::auth::s3::S3AnonymousEngine::is_applicable(
+ const req_state* s
+) const noexcept {
+ if (s->op == OP_OPTIONS) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ AwsVersion version;
+ AwsRoute route;
+ std::tie(version, route) = discover_aws_flavour(s->info);
+ return route == AwsRoute::QUERY_STRING && version == AwsVersion::UNKNOWN;