.. _ceph-volume-lvm-list: ``list`` ======== This subcommand will list any devices (logical and physical) that may be associated with a Ceph cluster, as long as they contain enough metadata to allow for that discovery. Output is grouped by the OSD ID associated with the devices, and unlike ``ceph-disk`` it does not provide any information for devices that aren't associated with Ceph. Command line options: * ``--format`` Allows a ``json`` or ``pretty`` value. Defaults to ``pretty`` which will group the device information in a human-readable format. Full Reporting -------------- When no positional arguments are used, a full reporting will be presented. This means that all devices and logical volumes found in the system will be displayed. Full ``pretty`` reporting for two OSDs, one with a lv as a journal, and another one with a physical device may look similar to:: # ceph-volume lvm list ====== osd.1 ======= [journal] /dev/journals/journal1 journal uuid C65n7d-B1gy-cqX3-vZKY-ZoE0-IEYM-HnIJzs osd id 1 cluster fsid ce454d91-d748-4751-a318-ff7f7aa18ffd type journal osd fsid 661b24f8-e062-482b-8110-826ffe7f13fa data uuid SlEgHe-jX1H-QBQk-Sce0-RUls-8KlY-g8HgcZ journal device /dev/journals/journal1 data device /dev/test_group/data-lv2 devices /dev/sda [data] /dev/test_group/data-lv2 journal uuid C65n7d-B1gy-cqX3-vZKY-ZoE0-IEYM-HnIJzs osd id 1 cluster fsid ce454d91-d748-4751-a318-ff7f7aa18ffd type data osd fsid 661b24f8-e062-482b-8110-826ffe7f13fa data uuid SlEgHe-jX1H-QBQk-Sce0-RUls-8KlY-g8HgcZ journal device /dev/journals/journal1 data device /dev/test_group/data-lv2 devices /dev/sdb ====== osd.0 ======= [data] /dev/test_group/data-lv1 journal uuid cd72bd28-002a-48da-bdf6-d5b993e84f3f osd id 0 cluster fsid ce454d91-d748-4751-a318-ff7f7aa18ffd type data osd fsid 943949f0-ce37-47ca-a33c-3413d46ee9ec data uuid TUpfel-Q5ZT-eFph-bdGW-SiNW-l0ag-f5kh00 journal device /dev/sdd1 data device /dev/test_group/data-lv1 devices /dev/sdc [journal] /dev/sdd1 PARTUUID cd72bd28-002a-48da-bdf6-d5b993e84f3f For logical volumes the ``devices`` key is populated with the physical devices associated with the logical volume. Since LVM allows multiple physical devices to be part of a logical volume, the value will be comma separated when using ``pretty``, but an array when using ``json``. .. note:: Tags are displayed in a readable format. The ``osd id`` key is stored as a ``ceph.osd_id`` tag. For more information on lvm tag conventions see :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-tag-api` Single Reporting ---------------- Single reporting can consume both devices and logical volumes as input (positional parameters). For logical volumes, it is required to use the group name as well as the logical volume name. For example the ``data-lv2`` logical volume, in the ``test_group`` volume group can be listed in the following way:: # ceph-volume lvm list test_group/data-lv2 ====== osd.1 ======= [data] /dev/test_group/data-lv2 journal uuid C65n7d-B1gy-cqX3-vZKY-ZoE0-IEYM-HnIJzs osd id 1 cluster fsid ce454d91-d748-4751-a318-ff7f7aa18ffd type data osd fsid 661b24f8-e062-482b-8110-826ffe7f13fa data uuid SlEgHe-jX1H-QBQk-Sce0-RUls-8KlY-g8HgcZ journal device /dev/journals/journal1 data device /dev/test_group/data-lv2 devices /dev/sdc .. note:: Tags are displayed in a readable format. The ``osd id`` key is stored as a ``ceph.osd_id`` tag. For more information on lvm tag conventions see :ref:`ceph-volume-lvm-tag-api` For plain disks, the full path to the device is required. For example, for a device like ``/dev/sdd1`` it can look like:: # ceph-volume lvm list /dev/sdd1 ====== osd.0 ======= [journal] /dev/sdd1 PARTUUID cd72bd28-002a-48da-bdf6-d5b993e84f3f ``json`` output --------------- All output using ``--format=json`` will show everything the system has stored as metadata for the devices, including tags. No changes for readability are done with ``json`` reporting, and all information is presented as-is. Full output as well as single devices can be listed. For brevity, this is how a single logical volume would look with ``json`` output (note how tags aren't modified):: # ceph-volume lvm list --format=json test_group/data-lv1 { "0": [ { "devices": ["/dev/sda"], "lv_name": "data-lv1", "lv_path": "/dev/test_group/data-lv1", "lv_tags": "ceph.cluster_fsid=ce454d91-d748-4751-a318-ff7f7aa18ffd,ceph.data_device=/dev/test_group/data-lv1,ceph.data_uuid=TUpfel-Q5ZT-eFph-bdGW-SiNW-l0ag-f5kh00,ceph.journal_device=/dev/sdd1,ceph.journal_uuid=cd72bd28-002a-48da-bdf6-d5b993e84f3f,ceph.osd_fsid=943949f0-ce37-47ca-a33c-3413d46ee9ec,ceph.osd_id=0,ceph.type=data", "lv_uuid": "TUpfel-Q5ZT-eFph-bdGW-SiNW-l0ag-f5kh00", "name": "data-lv1", "path": "/dev/test_group/data-lv1", "tags": { "ceph.cluster_fsid": "ce454d91-d748-4751-a318-ff7f7aa18ffd", "ceph.data_device": "/dev/test_group/data-lv1", "ceph.data_uuid": "TUpfel-Q5ZT-eFph-bdGW-SiNW-l0ag-f5kh00", "ceph.journal_device": "/dev/sdd1", "ceph.journal_uuid": "cd72bd28-002a-48da-bdf6-d5b993e84f3f", "ceph.osd_fsid": "943949f0-ce37-47ca-a33c-3413d46ee9ec", "ceph.osd_id": "0", "ceph.type": "data" }, "type": "data", "vg_name": "test_group" } ] } Synchronized information ------------------------ Before any listing type, the lvm API is queried to ensure that physical devices that may be in use haven't changed naming. It is possible that non-persistent devices like ``/dev/sda1`` could change to ``/dev/sdb1``. The detection is possible because the ``PARTUUID`` is stored as part of the metadata in the logical volume for the data lv. Even in the case of a journal that is a physical device, this information is still stored on the data logical volume associated with it. If the name is no longer the same (as reported by ``blkid`` when using the ``PARTUUID``), the tag will get updated and the report will use the newly refreshed information.