============= CephFS Shell ============= The File System (FS) shell includes various shell-like commands that directly interact with the :term:`Ceph Filesystem`. Usage : cephfs-shell [-options] -- [command, command,...] Options : -c, --config FILE Set Configuration file. -b, --batch FILE Process a batch file. -t, --test FILE Test against transcript(s) in FILE Commands ======== mkdir ----- Create the directory(ies), if they do not already exist. Usage : mkdir [-option] ... * directory - name of the directory to be created. Options : -m MODE Sets the access mode for the new directory. -p, --parent Create parent directories as necessary. When this option is specified, no error is reported if a directory already exists. put --- Copy a file/directory to Ceph Filesystem from Local Filesystem. Usage : put [options] [target_path] * source_path - local file/directory path to be copied to cephfs. * if `.` copies all the file/directories in the local working directory. * if `-` Reads the input from stdin. * target_path - remote directory path where the files/directories are to be copied to. * if `.` files/directories are copied to the remote working directory. Options : -f, --force Overwrites the destination if it already exists. get --- Copy a file from Ceph Filesystem to Local Filesystem. Usage : get [options] [target_path] * source_path - remote file/directory path which is to be copied to local filesystem. * if `.` copies all the file/directories in the remote working directory. * target_path - local directory path where the files/directories are to be copied to. * if `.` files/directories are copied to the local working directory. * if `-` Writes output to stdout. Options: -f, --force Overwrites the destination if it already exists. ls -- List all the files and directories in the current working directory. Usage : ls [option] [directory]... * directory - name of directory whose files/directories are to be listed. * By default current working directory's files/directories are listed. Options: -l, --long list with long format - show permissions -r, --reverse reverse sort -H human readable -a, -all ignore entries starting with . -S Sort by file_size cat --- Concatenate files and print on the standard output Usage : cat .... * file - name of the file cd -- Change current working directory. Usage : cd [directory] * directory - path/directory name. If no directory is mentioned it is changed to the root directory. * If '.' moves to the parent directory of the current directory. cwd --- Get current working directory. Usage : cwd quit/Ctrl + D ------------- Close the shell. chmod ----- Change the permissions of file/directory. Usage : chmod mv -- Moves files/Directory from source to destination. Usage : mv rmdir ----- Delete a directory(ies). Usage : rmdir ..... rm -- Remove a file(es). Usage : rm ... write ----- Create and Write a file. Usage : write Ctrl+D Exit. lls --- Lists all files and directories in the specified directory.Current local directory files and directories are listed if no path is mentioned Usage: lls ..... lcd --- Moves into the given local directory. Usage : lcd lpwd ---- Prints the absolute path of the current local directory. Usage : lpwd umask ----- Set and get the file mode creation mask Usage : umask [mode] alias ----- Define or display aliases Usage: alias [name] | [ ] * name - name of the alias being looked up, added, or replaced * value - what the alias will be resolved to (if adding or replacing) this can contain spaces and does not need to be quoted pyscript -------- Runs a python script file inside the console Usage: pyscript [script_arguments] * Console commands can be executed inside this script with cmd ("your command") However, you cannot run nested "py" or "pyscript" commands from within this script Paths or arguments that contain spaces must be enclosed in quotes py -- Invoke python command, shell, or script Usage : py : Executes a Python command. py: Enters interactive Python mode. shortcuts --------- Lists shortcuts (aliases) available history ------- View, run, edit, and save previously entered commands. Usage : history [-h] [-r | -e | -s | -o FILE | -t TRANSCRIPT] [arg] Options: -h show this help message and exit -r run selected history items -e edit and then run selected history items -s script format; no separation lines -o FILE output commands to a script file -t TRANSCRIPT output commands and results to a transcript file unalias ------- Unsets aliases Usage : unalias [-a] name [name ...] * name - name of the alias being unset Options: -a remove all alias definitions set --- Sets a settable parameter or shows current settings of parameters. Usage : set [-h] [-a] [-l] [settable [settable ...]] * Call without arguments for a list of settable parameters with their values. Options : -h show this help message and exit -a display read-only settings as well -l describe function of parameter edit ---- Edit a file in a text editor. Usage: edit [file_path] * file_path - path to a file to open in editor load ---- Runs commands in script file that is encoded as either ASCII or UTF-8 text. Usage: load * file_path - a file path pointing to a script * Script should contain one command per line, just like command would betyped in console. shell ----- Execute a command as if at the OS prompt. Usage: shell [arguments] locate ------ Find an item in Filesystem Usage: locate [options] Options : -c Count number of items found -i Ignore case