.. _rgw_frontends: ============== HTTP Frontends ============== .. contents:: The Ceph Object Gateway supports two embedded HTTP frontend libraries that can be configured with ``rgw_frontends``. See `Config Reference`_ for details about the syntax. Beast ===== .. versionadded:: Mimic The ``beast`` frontend uses the Boost.Beast library for HTTP parsing and the Boost.Asio library for asynchronous network i/o. Options ------- ``port`` and ``ssl_port`` :Description: Sets the ipv4 & ipv6 listening port number. Can be specified multiple times as in ``port=80 port=8000``. :Type: Integer :Default: ``80`` ``endpoint`` and ``ssl_endpoint`` :Description: Sets the listening address in the form ``address[:port]``, where the address is an IPv4 address string in dotted decimal form, or an IPv6 address in hexadecimal notation surrounded by square brackets. Specifying a IPv6 endpoint would listen to v6 only. The optional port defaults to 80 for ``endpoint`` and 443 for ``ssl_endpoint``. Can be specified multiple times as in ``endpoint=[::1] endpoint=``. :Type: Integer :Default: None ``ssl_certificate`` :Description: Path to the SSL certificate file used for SSL-enabled endpoints. :Type: String :Default: None ``ssl_private_key`` :Description: Optional path to the private key file used for SSL-enabled endpoints. If one is not given, the ``ssl_certificate`` file is used as the private key. :Type: String :Default: None ``tcp_nodelay`` :Description: If set the socket option will disable Nagle's algorithm on the connection which means that packets will be sent as soon as possible instead of waiting for a full buffer or timeout to occur. ``1`` Disable Nagel's algorithm for all sockets. ``0`` Keep the default: Nagel's algorithm enabled. :Type: Integer (0 or 1) :Default: 0 ``max_connection_backlog`` :Description: Optional value to define the maximum size for the queue of connections waiting to be accepted. If not configured, the value from ``boost::asio::socket_base::max_connections`` will be used. :Type: Integer :Default: None Civetweb ======== .. versionadded:: Firefly The ``civetweb`` frontend uses the Civetweb HTTP library, which is a fork of Mongoose. Options ------- ``port`` :Description: Sets the listening port number. For SSL-enabled ports, add an ``s`` suffix like ``443s``. To bind a specific IPv4 or IPv6 address, use the form ``address:port``. Multiple endpoints can either be separated by ``+`` as in ````, or by providing multiple options as in ``port=8000 port=443s``. :Type: String :Default: ``7480`` ``num_threads`` :Description: Sets the number of threads spawned by Civetweb to handle incoming HTTP connections. This effectively limits the number of concurrent connections that the frontend can service. :Type: Integer :Default: ``rgw_thread_pool_size`` ``request_timeout_ms`` :Description: The amount of time in milliseconds that Civetweb will wait for more incoming data before giving up. :Type: Integer :Default: ``30000`` ``ssl_certificate`` :Description: Path to the SSL certificate file used for SSL-enabled ports. :Type: String :Default: None ``access_log_file`` :Description: Path to a file for access logs. Either full path, or relative to the current working directory. If absent (default), then accesses are not logged. :Type: String :Default: ``EMPTY`` ``error_log_file`` :Description: Path to a file for error logs. Either full path, or relative to the current working directory. If absent (default), then errors are not logged. :Type: String :Default: ``EMPTY`` The following is an example of the ``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf`` file with some of these options set: :: [client.rgw.gateway-node1] rgw_frontends = civetweb request_timeout_ms=30000 error_log_file=/var/log/radosgw/civetweb.error.log access_log_file=/var/log/radosgw/civetweb.access.log A complete list of supported options can be found in the `Civetweb User Manual`_. Generic Options =============== Some frontend options are generic and supported by all frontends: ``prefix`` :Description: A prefix string that is inserted into the URI of all requests. For example, a swift-only frontend could supply a uri prefix of ``/swift``. :Type: String :Default: None .. _Civetweb User Manual: https://civetweb.github.io/civetweb/UserManual.html .. _Config Reference: ../config-ref