import time import signal import logging from unittest import case, SkipTest from random import randint from six.moves import range from tasks.cephfs.cephfs_test_case import CephFSTestCase from teuthology.exceptions import CommandFailedError from tasks.cephfs.fuse_mount import FuseMount log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TestClusterResize(CephFSTestCase): CLIENTS_REQUIRED = 1 MDSS_REQUIRED = 3 def grow(self, n): grace = float(self.fs.get_config("mds_beacon_grace", service_type="mon")) fscid = status = self.fs.status()"status = {0}".format(status)) original_ranks = set([info['gid'] for info in status.get_ranks(fscid)]) _ = set([info['gid'] for info in status.get_standbys()]) oldmax = self.fs.get_var('max_mds') self.assertTrue(n > oldmax) self.fs.set_max_mds(n)"Waiting for cluster to grow.") status = self.fs.wait_for_daemons(timeout=60+grace*2) ranks = set([info['gid'] for info in status.get_ranks(fscid)]) self.assertTrue(original_ranks.issubset(ranks) and len(ranks) == n) return status def shrink(self, n): grace = float(self.fs.get_config("mds_beacon_grace", service_type="mon")) fscid = status = self.fs.status()"status = {0}".format(status)) original_ranks = set([info['gid'] for info in status.get_ranks(fscid)]) _ = set([info['gid'] for info in status.get_standbys()]) oldmax = self.fs.get_var('max_mds') self.assertTrue(n < oldmax) self.fs.set_max_mds(n) # Wait until the monitor finishes stopping ranks >= n"Waiting for cluster to shink.") status = self.fs.wait_for_daemons(timeout=60+grace*2) ranks = set([info['gid'] for info in status.get_ranks(fscid)]) self.assertTrue(ranks.issubset(original_ranks) and len(ranks) == n) return status def test_grow(self): """ That the MDS cluster grows after increasing max_mds. """ # Need all my standbys up as well as the active daemons # self.wait_for_daemon_start() necessary? self.grow(2) self.grow(3) def test_shrink(self): """ That the MDS cluster shrinks automatically after decreasing max_mds. """ self.grow(3) self.shrink(1) def test_up_less_than_max(self): """ That a health warning is generated when max_mds is greater than active count. """ status = self.fs.status() mdss = [info['gid'] for info in status.get_all()] self.fs.set_max_mds(len(mdss)+1) self.wait_for_health("MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX", 30) self.shrink(2) self.wait_for_health_clear(30) def test_down_health(self): """ That marking a FS down does not generate a health warning """ self.mount_a.umount_wait() self.fs.set_down() try: self.wait_for_health("", 30) raise RuntimeError("got health warning?") except RuntimeError as e: if "Timed out after" in str(e): pass else: raise def test_down_twice(self): """ That marking a FS down twice does not wipe old_max_mds. """ self.mount_a.umount_wait() self.grow(2) self.fs.set_down() self.fs.wait_for_daemons() self.fs.set_down(False) self.assertEqual(self.fs.get_var("max_mds"), 2) self.fs.wait_for_daemons(timeout=60) def test_down_grow(self): """ That setting max_mds undoes down. """ self.mount_a.umount_wait() self.fs.set_down() self.fs.wait_for_daemons() self.grow(2) self.fs.wait_for_daemons() def test_down(self): """ That down setting toggles and sets max_mds appropriately. """ self.mount_a.umount_wait() self.fs.set_down() self.fs.wait_for_daemons() self.assertEqual(self.fs.get_var("max_mds"), 0) self.fs.set_down(False) self.assertEqual(self.fs.get_var("max_mds"), 1) self.fs.wait_for_daemons() self.assertEqual(self.fs.get_var("max_mds"), 1) def test_hole(self): """ Test that a hole cannot be created in the FS ranks. """ fscid = self.grow(2) self.fs.set_max_mds(1)"status = {0}".format(self.fs.status())) self.fs.set_max_mds(3) # Don't wait for rank 1 to stop self.fs.set_max_mds(2) # Prevent another MDS from taking rank 1 # XXX This is a little racy because rank 1 may have stopped and a # standby assigned to rank 1 before joinable=0 is set. self.fs.set_joinable(False) # XXX keep in mind changing max_mds clears this flag try: status = self.fs.wait_for_daemons(timeout=90) raise RuntimeError("should not be able to successfully shrink cluster!") except: # could not shrink to max_mds=2 and reach 2 actives (because joinable=False) status = self.fs.status() ranks = set([info['rank'] for info in status.get_ranks(fscid)]) self.assertTrue(ranks == set([0])) finally:"status = {0}".format(status)) def test_thrash(self): """ Test that thrashing max_mds does not fail. """ max_mds = 2 for i in range(0, 100): self.fs.set_max_mds(max_mds) max_mds = (max_mds+1)%3+1 self.fs.wait_for_daemons(timeout=90) class TestFailover(CephFSTestCase): CLIENTS_REQUIRED = 1 MDSS_REQUIRED = 2 def test_simple(self): """ That when the active MDS is killed, a standby MDS is promoted into its rank after the grace period. This is just a simple unit test, the harder cases are covered in thrashing tests. """ # Need all my standbys up as well as the active daemons self.wait_for_daemon_start() (original_active, ) = self.fs.get_active_names() original_standbys = self.mds_cluster.get_standby_daemons() # Kill the rank 0 daemon's physical process self.fs.mds_stop(original_active) grace = float(self.fs.get_config("mds_beacon_grace", service_type="mon")) # Wait until the monitor promotes his replacement def promoted(): active = self.fs.get_active_names() return active and active[0] in original_standbys"Waiting for promotion of one of the original standbys {0}".format( original_standbys)) self.wait_until_true( promoted, timeout=grace*2) # Start the original rank 0 daemon up again, see that he becomes a standby self.fs.mds_restart(original_active) self.wait_until_true( lambda: original_active in self.mds_cluster.get_standby_daemons(), timeout=60 # Approximately long enough for MDS to start and mon to notice ) def test_client_abort(self): """ That a client will respect fuse_require_active_mds and error out when the cluster appears to be unavailable. """ if not isinstance(self.mount_a, FuseMount): raise SkipTest("Requires FUSE client to inject client metadata") require_active = self.fs.get_config("fuse_require_active_mds", service_type="mon").lower() == "true" if not require_active: raise case.SkipTest("fuse_require_active_mds is not set") grace = float(self.fs.get_config("mds_beacon_grace", service_type="mon")) # Check it's not laggy to begin with (original_active, ) = self.fs.get_active_names() self.assertNotIn("laggy_since", self.fs.status().get_mds(original_active)) self.mounts[0].umount_wait() # Control: that we can mount and unmount usually, while the cluster is healthy self.mounts[0].mount() self.mounts[0].wait_until_mounted() self.mounts[0].umount_wait() # Stop the daemon processes self.fs.mds_stop() # Wait for everyone to go laggy def laggy(): mdsmap = self.fs.get_mds_map() for info in mdsmap['info'].values(): if "laggy_since" not in info: return False return True self.wait_until_true(laggy, grace * 2) with self.assertRaises(CommandFailedError): self.mounts[0].mount() def test_standby_count_wanted(self): """ That cluster health warnings are generated by insufficient standbys available. """ # Need all my standbys up as well as the active daemons self.wait_for_daemon_start() grace = float(self.fs.get_config("mds_beacon_grace", service_type="mon")) standbys = self.mds_cluster.get_standby_daemons() self.assertGreaterEqual(len(standbys), 1) self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('fs', 'set',, 'standby_count_wanted', str(len(standbys))) # Kill a standby and check for warning victim = standbys.pop() self.fs.mds_stop(victim)"waiting for insufficient standby daemon warning") self.wait_for_health("MDS_INSUFFICIENT_STANDBY", grace*2) # restart the standby, see that he becomes a standby, check health clears self.fs.mds_restart(victim) self.wait_until_true( lambda: victim in self.mds_cluster.get_standby_daemons(), timeout=60 # Approximately long enough for MDS to start and mon to notice ) self.wait_for_health_clear(timeout=30) # Set it one greater than standbys ever seen standbys = self.mds_cluster.get_standby_daemons() self.assertGreaterEqual(len(standbys), 1) self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('fs', 'set',, 'standby_count_wanted', str(len(standbys)+1))"waiting for insufficient standby daemon warning") self.wait_for_health("MDS_INSUFFICIENT_STANDBY", grace*2) # Set it to 0 self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('fs', 'set',, 'standby_count_wanted', '0') self.wait_for_health_clear(timeout=30) def test_discontinuous_mdsmap(self): """ That discontinuous mdsmap does not affect failover. See """ self.fs.set_max_mds(2) status = self.fs.wait_for_daemons() self.mount_a.umount_wait() grace = float(self.fs.get_config("mds_beacon_grace", service_type="mon")) monc_timeout = float(self.fs.get_config("mon_client_ping_timeout", service_type="mds")) mds_0 = self.fs.get_rank(rank=0, status=status) self.fs.rank_freeze(True, rank=0) # prevent failover self.fs.rank_signal(signal.SIGSTOP, rank=0, status=status) self.wait_until_true( lambda: "laggy_since" in self.fs.get_rank(), timeout=grace * 2 ) self.fs.rank_fail(rank=1) self.fs.wait_for_state('up:resolve', rank=1, timeout=30) # Make sure of mds_0's monitor connection gets reset time.sleep(monc_timeout * 2) # Continue rank 0, it will get discontinuous mdsmap self.fs.rank_signal(signal.SIGCONT, rank=0) self.wait_until_true( lambda: "laggy_since" not in self.fs.get_rank(rank=0), timeout=grace * 2 ) # mds.b will be stuck at 'reconnect' state if snapserver gets confused # by discontinuous mdsmap self.fs.wait_for_state('up:active', rank=1, timeout=30) self.assertEqual(mds_0['gid'], self.fs.get_rank(rank=0)['gid']) self.fs.rank_freeze(False, rank=0) class TestStandbyReplay(CephFSTestCase): MDSS_REQUIRED = 4 def _confirm_no_replay(self): status = self.fs.status() _ = len(list(status.get_standbys())) self.assertEqual(0, len(list(self.fs.get_replays(status=status)))) return status def _confirm_single_replay(self, full=True, status=None, retries=3): status = self.fs.wait_for_daemons(status=status) ranks = sorted(self.fs.get_mds_map(status=status)['in']) replays = list(self.fs.get_replays(status=status)) checked_replays = set() for rank in ranks: has_replay = False for replay in replays: if replay['rank'] == rank: self.assertFalse(has_replay) has_replay = True checked_replays.add(replay['gid']) if full and not has_replay: if retries <= 0: raise RuntimeError("rank "+str(rank)+" has no standby-replay follower") else: retries = retries-1 time.sleep(2) self.assertEqual(checked_replays, set(info['gid'] for info in replays)) return status def _check_replay_takeover(self, status, rank=0): replay = self.fs.get_replay(rank=rank, status=status) new_status = self.fs.wait_for_daemons() new_active = self.fs.get_rank(rank=rank, status=new_status) if replay: self.assertEqual(replay['gid'], new_active['gid']) else: # double check takeover came from a standby (or some new daemon via restart) found = False for info in status.get_standbys(): if info['gid'] == new_active['gid']: found = True break if not found: for info in status.get_all(): self.assertNotEqual(info['gid'], new_active['gid']) return new_status def test_standby_replay_singleton(self): """ That only one MDS becomes standby-replay. """ self._confirm_no_replay() self.fs.set_allow_standby_replay(True) time.sleep(30) self._confirm_single_replay() def test_standby_replay_singleton_fail(self): """ That failures don't violate singleton constraint. """ self._confirm_no_replay() self.fs.set_allow_standby_replay(True) status = self._confirm_single_replay() for i in range(10): time.sleep(randint(1, 5)) self.fs.rank_restart(status=status) status = self._check_replay_takeover(status) status = self._confirm_single_replay(status=status) for i in range(10): time.sleep(randint(1, 5)) self.fs.rank_fail() status = self._check_replay_takeover(status) status = self._confirm_single_replay(status=status) def test_standby_replay_singleton_fail_multimds(self): """ That failures don't violate singleton constraint with multiple actives. """ status = self._confirm_no_replay() new_max_mds = randint(2, len(list(status.get_standbys()))) self.fs.set_max_mds(new_max_mds) self.fs.wait_for_daemons() # wait for actives to come online! self.fs.set_allow_standby_replay(True) status = self._confirm_single_replay(full=False) for i in range(10): time.sleep(randint(1, 5)) victim = randint(0, new_max_mds-1) self.fs.rank_restart(rank=victim, status=status) status = self._check_replay_takeover(status, rank=victim) status = self._confirm_single_replay(status=status, full=False) for i in range(10): time.sleep(randint(1, 5)) victim = randint(0, new_max_mds-1) self.fs.rank_fail(rank=victim) status = self._check_replay_takeover(status, rank=victim) status = self._confirm_single_replay(status=status, full=False) def test_standby_replay_failure(self): """ That the failure of a standby-replay daemon happens cleanly and doesn't interrupt anything else. """ status = self._confirm_no_replay() self.fs.set_max_mds(1) self.fs.set_allow_standby_replay(True) status = self._confirm_single_replay() for i in range(10): time.sleep(randint(1, 5)) victim = self.fs.get_replay(status=status) self.fs.mds_restart(mds_id=victim['name']) status = self._confirm_single_replay(status=status) def test_rank_stopped(self): """ That when a rank is STOPPED, standby replays for that rank get torn down """ status = self._confirm_no_replay() standby_count = len(list(status.get_standbys())) self.fs.set_max_mds(2) self.fs.set_allow_standby_replay(True) status = self._confirm_single_replay() self.fs.set_max_mds(1) # stop rank 1 status = self._confirm_single_replay() self.assertTrue(standby_count, len(list(status.get_standbys()))) class TestMultiFilesystems(CephFSTestCase): CLIENTS_REQUIRED = 2 MDSS_REQUIRED = 4 # We'll create our own filesystems and start our own daemons REQUIRE_FILESYSTEM = False def setUp(self): super(TestMultiFilesystems, self).setUp() self.mds_cluster.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd("fs", "flag", "set", "enable_multiple", "true", "--yes-i-really-mean-it") def _setup_two(self): fs_a = self.mds_cluster.newfs("alpha") fs_b = self.mds_cluster.newfs("bravo") self.mds_cluster.mds_restart() # Wait for both filesystems to go healthy fs_a.wait_for_daemons() fs_b.wait_for_daemons() # Reconfigure client auth caps for mount in self.mounts: self.mds_cluster.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd_result( 'auth', 'caps', "client.{0}".format(mount.client_id), 'mds', 'allow', 'mon', 'allow r', 'osd', 'allow rw pool={0}, allow rw pool={1}'.format( fs_a.get_data_pool_name(), fs_b.get_data_pool_name())) return fs_a, fs_b def test_clients(self): fs_a, fs_b = self._setup_two() # Mount a client on fs_a self.mount_a.mount( self.mount_a.write_n_mb("pad.bin", 1) self.mount_a.write_n_mb("test.bin", 2) a_created_ino = self.mount_a.path_to_ino("test.bin") self.mount_a.create_files() # Mount a client on fs_b self.mount_b.mount( self.mount_b.write_n_mb("test.bin", 1) b_created_ino = self.mount_b.path_to_ino("test.bin") self.mount_b.create_files() # Check that a non-default filesystem mount survives an MDS # failover (i.e. that map subscription is continuous, not # just the first time), reproduces #16022 old_fs_b_mds = fs_b.get_active_names()[0] self.mds_cluster.mds_stop(old_fs_b_mds) self.mds_cluster.mds_fail(old_fs_b_mds) fs_b.wait_for_daemons() background = self.mount_b.write_background() # Raise exception if the write doesn't finish (i.e. if client # has not kept up with MDS failure) try: self.wait_until_true(lambda: background.finished, timeout=30) except RuntimeError: # The mount is stuck, we'll have to force it to fail cleanly background.stdin.close() self.mount_b.umount_wait(force=True) raise self.mount_a.umount_wait() self.mount_b.umount_wait() # See that the client's files went into the correct pool self.assertTrue(fs_a.data_objects_present(a_created_ino, 1024 * 1024)) self.assertTrue(fs_b.data_objects_present(b_created_ino, 1024 * 1024)) def test_standby(self): fs_a, fs_b = self._setup_two() # Assert that the remaining two MDS daemons are now standbys a_daemons = fs_a.get_active_names() b_daemons = fs_b.get_active_names() self.assertEqual(len(a_daemons), 1) self.assertEqual(len(b_daemons), 1) original_a = a_daemons[0] original_b = b_daemons[0] expect_standby_daemons = set(self.mds_cluster.mds_ids) - (set(a_daemons) | set(b_daemons)) # Need all my standbys up as well as the active daemons self.wait_for_daemon_start() self.assertEqual(expect_standby_daemons, self.mds_cluster.get_standby_daemons()) # Kill fs_a's active MDS, see a standby take over self.mds_cluster.mds_stop(original_a) self.mds_cluster.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd("mds", "fail", original_a) self.wait_until_equal(lambda: len(fs_a.get_active_names()), 1, 30, reject_fn=lambda v: v > 1) # Assert that it's a *different* daemon that has now appeared in the map for fs_a self.assertNotEqual(fs_a.get_active_names()[0], original_a) # Kill fs_b's active MDS, see a standby take over self.mds_cluster.mds_stop(original_b) self.mds_cluster.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd("mds", "fail", original_b) self.wait_until_equal(lambda: len(fs_b.get_active_names()), 1, 30, reject_fn=lambda v: v > 1) # Assert that it's a *different* daemon that has now appeared in the map for fs_a self.assertNotEqual(fs_b.get_active_names()[0], original_b) # Both of the original active daemons should be gone, and all standbys used up self.assertEqual(self.mds_cluster.get_standby_daemons(), set()) # Restart the ones I killed, see them reappear as standbys self.mds_cluster.mds_restart(original_a) self.mds_cluster.mds_restart(original_b) self.wait_until_true( lambda: {original_a, original_b} == self.mds_cluster.get_standby_daemons(), timeout=30 ) def test_grow_shrink(self): # Usual setup... fs_a, fs_b = self._setup_two() # Increase max_mds on fs_b, see a standby take up the role fs_b.set_max_mds(2) self.wait_until_equal(lambda: len(fs_b.get_active_names()), 2, 30, reject_fn=lambda v: v > 2 or v < 1) # Increase max_mds on fs_a, see a standby take up the role fs_a.set_max_mds(2) self.wait_until_equal(lambda: len(fs_a.get_active_names()), 2, 30, reject_fn=lambda v: v > 2 or v < 1) # Shrink fs_b back to 1, see a daemon go back to standby fs_b.set_max_mds(1) self.wait_until_equal(lambda: len(fs_b.get_active_names()), 1, 30, reject_fn=lambda v: v > 2 or v < 1) # Grow fs_a up to 3, see the former fs_b daemon join it. fs_a.set_max_mds(3) self.wait_until_equal(lambda: len(fs_a.get_active_names()), 3, 60, reject_fn=lambda v: v > 3 or v < 2)