""" Generates and installs a signed SSL certificate. """ import argparse import logging import os from teuthology import misc from teuthology.exceptions import ConfigError from teuthology.orchestra import run from teuthology.task import Task log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class OpenSSLKeys(Task): name = 'openssl_keys' """ Generates and installs a signed SSL certificate. To create a self-signed certificate: - openssl_keys: # certificate name root: # results in root.key and root.crt # [required] make the private key and certificate available in this client's test directory client: client.0 # common name, defaults to `hostname`. chained certificates must not share a common name cn: teuthology # private key type for -newkey, defaults to rsa:2048 key-type: rsa:4096 # install the certificate as trusted on these clients: install: [client.0, client.1] To create a certificate signed by a ca certificate: - openssl_keys: root: (self-signed certificate as above) ... cert-for-client1: client: client.1 # use another ssl certificate (by 'name') as the certificate authority ca: root # --CAkey=root.key -CA=root.crt # embed the private key in the certificate file embed-key: true """ def __init__(self, ctx, config): super(OpenSSLKeys, self).__init__(ctx, config) self.certs = [] self.installed = [] def setup(self): # global dictionary allows other tasks to look up certificate paths if not hasattr(self.ctx, 'ssl_certificates'): self.ctx.ssl_certificates = {} # use testdir/ca as a working directory self.cadir = '/'.join((misc.get_testdir(self.ctx), 'ca')) # make sure self-signed certs get added first, they don't have 'ca' field configs = sorted(self.config.items(), key=lambda x: 'ca' in x[1]) for name, config in configs: # names must be unique to avoid clobbering each others files if name in self.ctx.ssl_certificates: raise ConfigError('ssl: duplicate certificate name {}'.format(name)) # create the key and certificate cert = self.create_cert(name, config) self.ctx.ssl_certificates[name] = cert self.certs.append(cert) # install as trusted on the requested clients for client in config.get('install', []): installed = self.install_cert(cert, client) self.installed.append(installed) def teardown(self): """ Clean up any created/installed certificate files. """ for cert in self.certs: self.remove_cert(cert) for installed in self.installed: self.uninstall_cert(installed) def create_cert(self, name, config): """ Create a certificate with the given configuration. """ cert = argparse.Namespace() cert.name = name cert.key_type = config.get('key-type', 'rsa:2048') cert.client = config.get('client', None) if not cert.client: raise ConfigError('ssl: missing required field "client"') (cert.remote,) = self.ctx.cluster.only(cert.client).remotes.keys() cert.remote.run(args=['mkdir', '-p', self.cadir]) cert.key = '{}/{}.key'.format(self.cadir, cert.name) cert.certificate = '{}/{}.crt'.format(self.cadir, cert.name) # provide the common name in -subj to avoid the openssl command prompts subject = '/CN={}'.format(config.get('cn', cert.remote.hostname)) # if a ca certificate is provided, use it to sign the new certificate ca = config.get('ca', None) if ca: # the ca certificate must have been created by a prior ssl task ca_cert = self.ctx.ssl_certificates.get(ca, None) if not ca_cert: raise ConfigError('ssl: ca {} not found for certificate {}' .format(ca, cert.name)) # these commands are run on the ca certificate's client because # they need access to its private key and cert # generate a private key and signing request csr = '{}/{}.csr'.format(self.cadir, cert.name) ca_cert.remote.run(args=['openssl', 'req', '-nodes', '-newkey', cert.key_type, '-keyout', cert.key, '-out', csr, '-subj', subject]) # create the signed certificate ca_cert.remote.run(args=['openssl', 'x509', '-req', '-in', csr, '-CA', ca_cert.certificate, '-CAkey', ca_cert.key, '-CAcreateserial', '-out', cert.certificate, '-days', '365', '-sha256']) srl = '{}/{}.srl'.format(self.cadir, ca_cert.name) ca_cert.remote.run(args=['rm', csr, srl]) # clean up the signing request and serial # verify the new certificate against its ca cert ca_cert.remote.run(args=['openssl', 'verify', '-CAfile', ca_cert.certificate, cert.certificate]) if cert.remote != ca_cert.remote: # copy to remote client self.remote_copy_file(ca_cert.remote, cert.certificate, cert.remote, cert.certificate) self.remote_copy_file(ca_cert.remote, cert.key, cert.remote, cert.key) # clean up the local copies ca_cert.remote.run(args=['rm', cert.certificate, cert.key]) # verify the remote certificate (requires ca to be in its trusted ca certificate store) cert.remote.run(args=['openssl', 'verify', cert.certificate]) else: # otherwise, generate a private key and use it to self-sign a new certificate cert.remote.run(args=['openssl', 'req', '-x509', '-nodes', '-newkey', cert.key_type, '-keyout', cert.key, '-days', '365', '-out', cert.certificate, '-subj', subject]) if config.get('embed-key', False): # append the private key to the certificate file cert.remote.run(args=['cat', cert.key, run.Raw('>>'), cert.certificate]) return cert def remove_cert(self, cert): """ Delete all of the files associated with the given certificate. """ # remove the private key and certificate cert.remote.run(args=['rm', '-f', cert.certificate, cert.key]) # remove ca subdirectory if it's empty cert.remote.run(args=['rmdir', '--ignore-fail-on-non-empty', self.cadir]) def install_cert(self, cert, client): """ Install as a trusted ca certificate on the given client. """ (remote,) = self.ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() installed = argparse.Namespace() installed.remote = remote if remote.os.package_type == 'deb': installed.path = '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/{}.crt'.format(cert.name) installed.command = ['sudo', 'update-ca-certificates'] else: installed.path = '/usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/anchors/{}.crt'.format(cert.name) installed.command = ['sudo', 'update-ca-trust'] cp_or_mv = 'cp' if remote != cert.remote: # copy into remote cadir (with mkdir if necessary) remote.run(args=['mkdir', '-p', self.cadir]) self.remote_copy_file(cert.remote, cert.certificate, remote, cert.certificate) cp_or_mv = 'mv' # move this remote copy into the certificate store # install into certificate store as root remote.run(args=['sudo', cp_or_mv, cert.certificate, installed.path]) remote.run(args=installed.command) return installed def uninstall_cert(self, installed): """ Uninstall a certificate from the trusted certificate store. """ installed.remote.run(args=['sudo', 'rm', installed.path]) installed.remote.run(args=installed.command) def remote_copy_file(self, from_remote, from_path, to_remote, to_path): """ Copies a file from one remote to another. The remotes don't have public-key auth for 'scp' or misc.copy_file(), so this copies through an intermediate local tmp file. """ log.info('copying from {}:{} to {}:{}...'.format(from_remote, from_path, to_remote, to_path)) local_path = from_remote.get_file(from_path) try: to_remote.put_file(local_path, to_path) finally: os.remove(local_path) task = OpenSSLKeys