""" Deploy and configure Tempest for Teuthology """ import contextlib import logging from six.moves import configparser from teuthology import misc as teuthology from teuthology import contextutil from teuthology import packaging from teuthology.exceptions import ConfigError from teuthology.orchestra import run log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_tempest_dir(ctx): return '{tdir}/tempest'.format(tdir=teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)) def run_in_tempest_dir(ctx, client, cmdargs, **kwargs): ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'cd', get_tempest_dir(ctx), run.Raw('&&'), ] + cmdargs, **kwargs ) def run_in_tempest_rgw_dir(ctx, client, cmdargs, **kwargs): ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'cd', get_tempest_dir(ctx) + '/rgw', run.Raw('&&'), ] + cmdargs, **kwargs ) def run_in_tempest_venv(ctx, client, cmdargs, **kwargs): run_in_tempest_dir(ctx, client, [ 'source', '.tox/venv/bin/activate', run.Raw('&&') ] + cmdargs, **kwargs) @contextlib.contextmanager def download(ctx, config): """ Download the Tempest from github. Remove downloaded file upon exit. The context passed in should be identical to the context passed in to the main task. """ assert isinstance(config, dict) log.info('Downloading Tempest...') for (client, cconf) in config.items(): ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'git', 'clone', '-b', cconf.get('force-branch', 'master'), 'https://github.com/openstack/tempest.git', get_tempest_dir(ctx) ], ) sha1 = cconf.get('sha1') if sha1 is not None: run_in_tempest_dir(ctx, client, [ 'git', 'reset', '--hard', sha1 ]) try: yield finally: log.info('Removing Tempest...') for client in config: ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'rm', '-rf', get_tempest_dir(ctx) ], ) def get_toxvenv_dir(ctx): return ctx.tox.venv_path @contextlib.contextmanager def install_python3(ctx, config): assert isinstance(config, dict) log.info('Installing Python3 for Tempest') installed = [] for (client, _) in config.items(): (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() try: packaging.get_package_version(remote, 'python3') except: packaging.install_package('python3', remote) installed.append(client) try: yield finally: log.info('Removing Python3 required by Tempest...') for client in installed: (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() packaging.remove_package('python3', remote) @contextlib.contextmanager def setup_venv(ctx, config): """ Setup the virtualenv for Tempest using tox. """ assert isinstance(config, dict) log.info('Setting up virtualenv for Tempest') for (client, _) in config.items(): run_in_tempest_dir(ctx, client, [ '{tvdir}/bin/tox'.format(tvdir=get_toxvenv_dir(ctx)), '-e', 'venv', '--notest' ]) yield def setup_logging(ctx, cpar): cpar.set('DEFAULT', 'log_dir', teuthology.get_archive_dir(ctx)) cpar.set('DEFAULT', 'log_file', 'tempest.log') def to_config(config, params, section, cpar): for (k, v) in config[section].items(): if isinstance(v, str): v = v.format(**params) elif isinstance(v, bool): v = 'true' if v else 'false' else: v = str(v) cpar.set(section, k, v) @contextlib.contextmanager def configure_instance(ctx, config): assert isinstance(config, dict) log.info('Configuring Tempest') for (client, cconfig) in config.items(): run_in_tempest_venv(ctx, client, [ 'tempest', 'init', '--workspace-path', get_tempest_dir(ctx) + '/workspace.yaml', 'rgw' ]) # prepare the config file tetcdir = '{tdir}/rgw/etc'.format(tdir=get_tempest_dir(ctx)) (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() local_conf = remote.get_file(tetcdir + '/tempest.conf.sample') # fill the params dictionary which allows to use templatized configs keystone_role = cconfig.get('use-keystone-role', None) if keystone_role is None \ or keystone_role not in ctx.keystone.public_endpoints: raise ConfigError('the use-keystone-role is misconfigured') public_host, public_port = ctx.keystone.public_endpoints[keystone_role] params = { 'keystone_public_host': public_host, 'keystone_public_port': str(public_port), } cpar = configparser.ConfigParser() cpar.read(local_conf) setup_logging(ctx, cpar) to_config(cconfig, params, 'auth', cpar) to_config(cconfig, params, 'identity', cpar) to_config(cconfig, params, 'object-storage', cpar) to_config(cconfig, params, 'object-storage-feature-enabled', cpar) cpar.write(open(local_conf, 'w+')) remote.put_file(local_conf, tetcdir + '/tempest.conf') yield @contextlib.contextmanager def run_tempest(ctx, config): assert isinstance(config, dict) log.info('Configuring Tempest') for (client, cconf) in config.items(): blacklist = cconf.get('blacklist', []) assert isinstance(blacklist, list) run_in_tempest_venv(ctx, client, [ 'tempest', 'run', '--workspace-path', get_tempest_dir(ctx) + '/workspace.yaml', '--workspace', 'rgw', '--regex', '(tempest.api.object_storage)' + ''.join([ '(?!{blackitem})'.format(blackitem=blackitem) for blackitem in blacklist]) ]) try: yield finally: pass @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): """ Deploy and run Tempest's object storage campaign Example of configuration: overrides: ceph: conf: client: rgw keystone admin token: ADMIN rgw keystone accepted roles: admin,Member rgw keystone implicit tenants: true rgw keystone accepted admin roles: admin rgw swift enforce content length: true rgw swift account in url: true rgw swift versioning enabled: true tasks: # typically, the task should be preceded with install, ceph, tox, # keystone and rgw. Tox and Keystone are specific requirements # of tempest.py. - rgw: # it's important to match the prefix with the endpoint's URL # in Keystone. Additionally, if we want to test /info and its # accompanying stuff, the whole Swift API must be put in root # of the whole URL hierarchy (read: frontend_prefix == /swift). frontend_prefix: /swift client.0: use-keystone-role: client.0 - tempest: client.0: force-branch: master use-keystone-role: client.0 auth: admin_username: admin admin_project_name: admin admin_password: ADMIN admin_domain_name: Default identity: uri: http://{keystone_public_host}:{keystone_public_port}/v2.0/ uri_v3: http://{keystone_public_host}:{keystone_public_port}/v3/ admin_role: admin object-storage: reseller_admin_role: admin object-storage-feature-enabled: container_sync: false discoverability: false blacklist: # please strip half of these items after merging PRs #15369 # and #12704 - .*test_list_containers_reverse_order.* - .*test_list_container_contents_with_end_marker.* - .*test_delete_non_empty_container.* - .*test_container_synchronization.* - .*test_get_object_after_expiration_time.* - .*test_create_object_with_transfer_encoding.* """ assert config is None or isinstance(config, list) \ or isinstance(config, dict), \ 'task tempest only supports a list or dictionary for configuration' if not ctx.tox: raise ConfigError('tempest must run after the tox task') if not ctx.keystone: raise ConfigError('tempest must run after the keystone task') all_clients = ['client.{id}'.format(id=id_) for id_ in teuthology.all_roles_of_type(ctx.cluster, 'client')] if config is None: config = all_clients if isinstance(config, list): config = dict.fromkeys(config) overrides = ctx.config.get('overrides', {}) # merge each client section, not the top level. for client in config.keys(): if not config[client]: config[client] = {} teuthology.deep_merge(config[client], overrides.get('keystone', {})) log.debug('Tempest config is %s', config) with contextutil.nested( lambda: download(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: install_python3(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: setup_venv(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: configure_instance(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: run_tempest(ctx=ctx, config=config), ): yield