""" Thrash -- Simulate random osd failures. """ import contextlib import logging from tasks import ceph_manager from teuthology import misc as teuthology log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): """ "Thrash" the OSDs by randomly marking them out/down (and then back in) until the task is ended. This loops, and every op_delay seconds it randomly chooses to add or remove an OSD (even odds) unless there are fewer than min_out OSDs out of the cluster, or more than min_in OSDs in the cluster. All commands are run on mon0 and it stops when __exit__ is called. The config is optional, and is a dict containing some or all of: cluster: (default 'ceph') the name of the cluster to thrash min_in: (default 4) the minimum number of OSDs to keep in the cluster min_out: (default 0) the minimum number of OSDs to keep out of the cluster op_delay: (5) the length of time to sleep between changing an OSD's status min_dead: (0) minimum number of osds to leave down/dead. max_dead: (0) maximum number of osds to leave down/dead before waiting for clean. This should probably be num_replicas - 1. clean_interval: (60) the approximate length of time to loop before waiting until the cluster goes clean. (In reality this is used to probabilistically choose when to wait, and the method used makes it closer to -- but not identical to -- the half-life.) scrub_interval: (-1) the approximate length of time to loop before waiting until a scrub is performed while cleaning. (In reality this is used to probabilistically choose when to wait, and it only applies to the cases where cleaning is being performed). -1 is used to indicate that no scrubbing will be done. chance_down: (0.4) the probability that the thrasher will mark an OSD down rather than marking it out. (The thrasher will not consider that OSD out of the cluster, since presently an OSD wrongly marked down will mark itself back up again.) This value can be either an integer (eg, 75) or a float probability (eg 0.75). chance_test_min_size: (0) chance to run test_pool_min_size, which: - kills all but one osd - waits - kills that osd - revives all other osds - verifies that the osds fully recover timeout: (360) the number of seconds to wait for the cluster to become clean after each cluster change. If this doesn't happen within the timeout, an exception will be raised. revive_timeout: (150) number of seconds to wait for an osd asok to appear after attempting to revive the osd thrash_primary_affinity: (true) randomly adjust primary-affinity chance_pgnum_grow: (0) chance to increase a pool's size chance_pgpnum_fix: (0) chance to adjust pgpnum to pg for a pool pool_grow_by: (10) amount to increase pgnum by chance_pgnum_shrink: (0) chance to decrease a pool's size pool_shrink_by: (10) amount to decrease pgnum by max_pgs_per_pool_osd: (1200) don't expand pools past this size per osd pause_short: (3) duration of short pause pause_long: (80) duration of long pause pause_check_after: (50) assert osd down after this long chance_inject_pause_short: (1) chance of injecting short stall chance_inject_pause_long: (0) chance of injecting long stall clean_wait: (0) duration to wait before resuming thrashing once clean sighup_delay: (0.1) duration to delay between sending signal.SIGHUP to a random live osd powercycle: (false) whether to power cycle the node instead of just the osd process. Note that this assumes that a single osd is the only important process on the node. bdev_inject_crash: (0) seconds to delay while inducing a synthetic crash. the delay lets the BlockDevice "accept" more aio operations but blocks any flush, and then eventually crashes (losing some or all ios). If 0, no bdev failure injection is enabled. bdev_inject_crash_probability: (.5) probability of doing a bdev failure injection crash vs a normal OSD kill. chance_test_backfill_full: (0) chance to simulate full disks stopping backfill chance_test_map_discontinuity: (0) chance to test map discontinuity map_discontinuity_sleep_time: (40) time to wait for map trims ceph_objectstore_tool: (true) whether to export/import a pg while an osd is down chance_move_pg: (1.0) chance of moving a pg if more than 1 osd is down (default 100%) optrack_toggle_delay: (2.0) duration to delay between toggling op tracker enablement to all osds dump_ops_enable: (true) continuously dump ops on all live osds noscrub_toggle_delay: (2.0) duration to delay between toggling noscrub disable_objectstore_tool_tests: (false) disable ceph_objectstore_tool based tests chance_thrash_cluster_full: .05 chance_thrash_pg_upmap: 1.0 chance_thrash_pg_upmap_items: 1.0 aggressive_pg_num_changes: (true) whether we should bypass the careful throttling of pg_num and pgp_num changes in mgr's adjust_pgs() controller example: tasks: - ceph: - thrashosds: cluster: ceph chance_down: 10 op_delay: 3 min_in: 1 timeout: 600 - interactive: """ if config is None: config = {} assert isinstance(config, dict), \ 'thrashosds task only accepts a dict for configuration' # add default value for sighup_delay config['sighup_delay'] = config.get('sighup_delay', 0.1) # add default value for optrack_toggle_delay config['optrack_toggle_delay'] = config.get('optrack_toggle_delay', 2.0) # add default value for dump_ops_enable config['dump_ops_enable'] = config.get('dump_ops_enable', "true") # add default value for noscrub_toggle_delay config['noscrub_toggle_delay'] = config.get('noscrub_toggle_delay', 2.0) # add default value for random_eio config['random_eio'] = config.get('random_eio', 0.0) aggro = config.get('aggressive_pg_num_changes', True) log.info("config is {config}".format(config=str(config))) overrides = ctx.config.get('overrides', {}) log.info("overrides is {overrides}".format(overrides=str(overrides))) teuthology.deep_merge(config, overrides.get('thrashosds', {})) cluster = config.get('cluster', 'ceph') log.info("config is {config}".format(config=str(config))) if 'powercycle' in config: # sync everyone first to avoid collateral damage to / etc. log.info('Doing preliminary sync to avoid collateral damage...') ctx.cluster.run(args=['sync']) if 'ipmi_user' in ctx.teuthology_config: for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes.keys(): log.debug('checking console status of %s' % remote.shortname) if not remote.console.check_status(): log.warning('Failed to get console status for %s', remote.shortname) # check that all osd remotes have a valid console osds = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('osd', cluster)) for remote in osds.remotes.keys(): if not remote.console.has_ipmi_credentials: raise Exception( 'IPMI console required for powercycling, ' 'but not available on osd role: {r}'.format( r=remote.name)) cluster_manager = ctx.managers[cluster] for f in ['powercycle', 'bdev_inject_crash']: if config.get(f): cluster_manager.config[f] = config.get(f) if aggro: cluster_manager.raw_cluster_cmd( 'config', 'set', 'mgr', 'mgr_debug_aggressive_pg_num_changes', 'true') log.info('Beginning thrashosds...') thrash_proc = ceph_manager.Thrasher( cluster_manager, config, logger=log.getChild('thrasher') ) try: yield finally: log.info('joining thrashosds') thrash_proc.do_join() cluster_manager.wait_for_all_osds_up() cluster_manager.flush_all_pg_stats() cluster_manager.wait_for_recovery(config.get('timeout', 360)) if aggro: cluster_manager.raw_cluster_cmd( 'config', 'rm', 'mgr', 'mgr_debug_aggressive_pg_num_changes')