/* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2015 CERN * * Author: Joaquim Rocha * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * */ /** \file * * This is an OSD class that implements methods for object numeric options on * its omap values. * */ #include "objclass/objclass.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define DECIMAL_PRECISION 10 CLS_VER(1,0) CLS_NAME(numops) static int add(cls_method_context_t hctx, bufferlist *in, bufferlist *out) { string key, diff_str; auto iter = in->cbegin(); try { decode(key, iter); decode(diff_str, iter); } catch (const buffer::error &err) { CLS_LOG(20, "add: invalid decode of input"); return -EINVAL; } char *end_ptr = 0; double difference = strtod(diff_str.c_str(), &end_ptr); if (end_ptr && *end_ptr != '\0') { CLS_ERR("add: invalid input value: %s", diff_str.c_str()); return -EINVAL; } bufferlist bl; int ret = cls_cxx_map_get_val(hctx, key, &bl); double value; if (ret == -ENODATA || bl.length() == 0) { value = 0; } else if (ret < 0) { if (ret != -ENOENT) { CLS_ERR("add: error reading omap key %s: %d", key.c_str(), ret); } return ret; } else { std::string stored_value(bl.c_str(), bl.length()); end_ptr = 0; value = strtod(stored_value.c_str(), &end_ptr); if (end_ptr && *end_ptr != '\0') { CLS_ERR("add: invalid stored value: %s", stored_value.c_str()); return -EBADMSG; } } value += difference; std::stringstream stream; stream << std::setprecision(DECIMAL_PRECISION) << value; bufferlist new_value; new_value.append(stream.str()); return cls_cxx_map_set_val(hctx, key, &new_value); } static int mul(cls_method_context_t hctx, bufferlist *in, bufferlist *out) { string key, diff_str; auto iter = in->cbegin(); try { decode(key, iter); decode(diff_str, iter); } catch (const buffer::error &err) { CLS_LOG(20, "mul: invalid decode of input"); return -EINVAL; } char *end_ptr = 0; double difference = strtod(diff_str.c_str(), &end_ptr); if (end_ptr && *end_ptr != '\0') { CLS_ERR("mul: invalid input value: %s", diff_str.c_str()); return -EINVAL; } bufferlist bl; int ret = cls_cxx_map_get_val(hctx, key, &bl); double value; if (ret == -ENODATA || bl.length() == 0) { value = 0; } else if (ret < 0) { if (ret != -ENOENT) { CLS_ERR("mul: error reading omap key %s: %d", key.c_str(), ret); } return ret; } else { std::string stored_value(bl.c_str(), bl.length()); end_ptr = 0; value = strtod(stored_value.c_str(), &end_ptr); if (end_ptr && *end_ptr != '\0') { CLS_ERR("mul: invalid stored value: %s", stored_value.c_str()); return -EBADMSG; } } value *= difference; std::stringstream stream; stream << std::setprecision(DECIMAL_PRECISION) << value; bufferlist new_value; new_value.append(stream.str()); return cls_cxx_map_set_val(hctx, key, &new_value); } CLS_INIT(numops) { CLS_LOG(20, "loading cls_numops"); cls_handle_t h_class; cls_method_handle_t h_add; cls_method_handle_t h_mul; cls_register("numops", &h_class); cls_register_cxx_method(h_class, "add", CLS_METHOD_RD | CLS_METHOD_WR, add, &h_add); cls_register_cxx_method(h_class, "mul", CLS_METHOD_RD | CLS_METHOD_WR, mul, &h_mul); }