// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2011 New Dream Network * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #define LARGE_SIZE 1024 #include "HTMLFormatter.h" #include "common/escape.h" #include "include/buffer.h" #include #include #include // ----------------------- namespace ceph { std::string fixed_u_to_string(uint64_t num, int scale) { std::ostringstream t; t.fill('0'); t.width(scale + 1); t << num; int len = t.str().size(); return t.str().substr(0,len - scale) + "." + t.str().substr(len - scale); } std::string fixed_to_string(int64_t num, int scale) { std::ostringstream t; bool neg = num < 0; if (neg) num = -num; t.fill('0'); t.width(scale + 1); t << num; int len = t.str().size(); return (neg ? "-" : "") + t.str().substr(0,len - scale) + "." + t.str().substr(len - scale); } /* * FormatterAttrs(const char *attr, ...) * * Requires a list of attrs followed by NULL. The attrs should be char * * pairs, first one is the name, second one is the value. E.g., * * FormatterAttrs("name1", "value1", "name2", "value2", NULL); */ FormatterAttrs::FormatterAttrs(const char *attr, ...) { const char *s = attr; va_list ap; va_start(ap, attr); do { const char *val = va_arg(ap, char *); if (!val) break; attrs.push_back(make_pair(std::string(s), std::string(val))); s = va_arg(ap, char *); } while (s); va_end(ap); } Formatter::Formatter() { } Formatter::~Formatter() { } Formatter *Formatter::create(std::string_view type, std::string_view default_type, std::string_view fallback) { std::string mytype(type); if (mytype == "") mytype = default_type; if (mytype == "json") return new JSONFormatter(false); else if (mytype == "json-pretty") return new JSONFormatter(true); else if (mytype == "xml") return new XMLFormatter(false); else if (mytype == "xml-pretty") return new XMLFormatter(true); else if (mytype == "table") return new TableFormatter(); else if (mytype == "table-kv") return new TableFormatter(true); else if (mytype == "html") return new HTMLFormatter(false); else if (mytype == "html-pretty") return new HTMLFormatter(true); else if (fallback != "") return create(fallback, "", ""); else return (Formatter *) NULL; } void Formatter::flush(bufferlist &bl) { std::stringstream os; flush(os); bl.append(os.str()); } void Formatter::dump_format(const char *name, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); dump_format_va(name, NULL, true, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } void Formatter::dump_format_ns(const char *name, const char *ns, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); dump_format_va(name, ns, true, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } void Formatter::dump_format_unquoted(const char *name, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); dump_format_va(name, NULL, false, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } // ----------------------- JSONFormatter::JSONFormatter(bool p) : m_pretty(p), m_is_pending_string(false) { reset(); } void JSONFormatter::flush(std::ostream& os) { finish_pending_string(); os << m_ss.str(); if (m_line_break_enabled) os << "\n"; m_ss.clear(); m_ss.str(""); } void JSONFormatter::reset() { m_stack.clear(); m_ss.clear(); m_ss.str(""); m_pending_string.clear(); m_pending_string.str(""); } void JSONFormatter::print_comma(json_formatter_stack_entry_d& entry) { if (entry.size) { if (m_pretty) { m_ss << ",\n"; for (unsigned i = 1; i < m_stack.size(); i++) m_ss << " "; } else { m_ss << ","; } } else if (m_pretty) { m_ss << "\n"; for (unsigned i = 1; i < m_stack.size(); i++) m_ss << " "; } if (m_pretty && entry.is_array) m_ss << " "; } void JSONFormatter::print_quoted_string(std::string_view s) { m_ss << '\"' << json_stream_escaper(s) << '\"'; } void JSONFormatter::print_name(const char *name) { finish_pending_string(); if (m_stack.empty()) return; struct json_formatter_stack_entry_d& entry = m_stack.back(); print_comma(entry); if (!entry.is_array) { if (m_pretty) { m_ss << " "; } m_ss << "\"" << name << "\""; if (m_pretty) m_ss << ": "; else m_ss << ':'; } ++entry.size; } void JSONFormatter::open_section(const char *name, const char *ns, bool is_array) { if (handle_open_section(name, ns, is_array)) { return; } if (ns) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << name << " " << ns; print_name(oss.str().c_str()); } else { print_name(name); } if (is_array) m_ss << '['; else m_ss << '{'; json_formatter_stack_entry_d n; n.is_array = is_array; m_stack.push_back(n); } void JSONFormatter::open_array_section(const char *name) { open_section(name, nullptr, true); } void JSONFormatter::open_array_section_in_ns(const char *name, const char *ns) { open_section(name, ns, true); } void JSONFormatter::open_object_section(const char *name) { open_section(name, nullptr, false); } void JSONFormatter::open_object_section_in_ns(const char *name, const char *ns) { open_section(name, ns, false); } void JSONFormatter::close_section() { if (handle_close_section()) { return; } ceph_assert(!m_stack.empty()); finish_pending_string(); struct json_formatter_stack_entry_d& entry = m_stack.back(); if (m_pretty && entry.size) { m_ss << "\n"; for (unsigned i = 1; i < m_stack.size(); i++) m_ss << " "; } m_ss << (entry.is_array ? ']' : '}'); m_stack.pop_back(); if (m_pretty && m_stack.empty()) m_ss << "\n"; } void JSONFormatter::finish_pending_string() { if (m_is_pending_string) { m_is_pending_string = false; add_value(m_pending_name.c_str(), m_pending_string.str(), true); m_pending_string.str(""); } } template void JSONFormatter::add_value(const char *name, T val) { std::stringstream ss; ss.precision(std::numeric_limits::max_digits10); ss << val; add_value(name, ss.str(), false); } void JSONFormatter::add_value(const char *name, std::string_view val, bool quoted) { if (handle_value(name, val, quoted)) { return; } print_name(name); if (!quoted) { m_ss << val; } else { print_quoted_string(val); } } void JSONFormatter::dump_unsigned(const char *name, uint64_t u) { add_value(name, u); } void JSONFormatter::dump_int(const char *name, int64_t s) { add_value(name, s); } void JSONFormatter::dump_float(const char *name, double d) { add_value(name, d); } void JSONFormatter::dump_string(const char *name, std::string_view s) { add_value(name, s, true); } std::ostream& JSONFormatter::dump_stream(const char *name) { finish_pending_string(); m_pending_name = name; m_is_pending_string = true; return m_pending_string; } void JSONFormatter::dump_format_va(const char *name, const char *ns, bool quoted, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { char buf[LARGE_SIZE]; vsnprintf(buf, LARGE_SIZE, fmt, ap); add_value(name, buf, quoted); } int JSONFormatter::get_len() const { return m_ss.str().size(); } void JSONFormatter::write_raw_data(const char *data) { m_ss << data; } const char *XMLFormatter::XML_1_DTD = ""; XMLFormatter::XMLFormatter(bool pretty, bool lowercased, bool underscored) : m_pretty(pretty), m_lowercased(lowercased), m_underscored(underscored) { reset(); } void XMLFormatter::flush(std::ostream& os) { finish_pending_string(); std::string m_ss_str = m_ss.str(); os << m_ss_str; /* There is a small catch here. If the rest of the formatter had NO output, * we should NOT output a newline. This primarily triggers on HTTP redirects */ if (m_pretty && !m_ss_str.empty()) os << "\n"; else if (m_line_break_enabled) os << "\n"; m_ss.clear(); m_ss.str(""); } void XMLFormatter::reset() { m_ss.clear(); m_ss.str(""); m_pending_string.clear(); m_pending_string.str(""); m_sections.clear(); m_pending_string_name.clear(); m_header_done = false; } void XMLFormatter::output_header() { if(!m_header_done) { m_header_done = true; write_raw_data(XMLFormatter::XML_1_DTD); if (m_pretty) m_ss << "\n"; } } void XMLFormatter::output_footer() { while(!m_sections.empty()) { close_section(); } } void XMLFormatter::open_object_section(const char *name) { open_section_in_ns(name, NULL, NULL); } void XMLFormatter::open_object_section_with_attrs(const char *name, const FormatterAttrs& attrs) { open_section_in_ns(name, NULL, &attrs); } void XMLFormatter::open_object_section_in_ns(const char *name, const char *ns) { open_section_in_ns(name, ns, NULL); } void XMLFormatter::open_array_section(const char *name) { open_section_in_ns(name, NULL, NULL); } void XMLFormatter::open_array_section_with_attrs(const char *name, const FormatterAttrs& attrs) { open_section_in_ns(name, NULL, &attrs); } void XMLFormatter::open_array_section_in_ns(const char *name, const char *ns) { open_section_in_ns(name, ns, NULL); } void XMLFormatter::close_section() { ceph_assert(!m_sections.empty()); finish_pending_string(); std::string section = m_sections.back(); std::transform(section.begin(), section.end(), section.begin(), [this](char c) { return this->to_lower_underscore(c); }); m_sections.pop_back(); print_spaces(); m_ss << ""; if (m_pretty) m_ss << "\n"; } template void XMLFormatter::add_value(const char *name, T val) { std::string e(name); std::transform(e.begin(), e.end(), e.begin(), [this](char c) { return this->to_lower_underscore(c); }); print_spaces(); m_ss.precision(std::numeric_limits::max_digits10); m_ss << "<" << e << ">" << val << ""; if (m_pretty) m_ss << "\n"; } void XMLFormatter::dump_unsigned(const char *name, uint64_t u) { add_value(name, u); } void XMLFormatter::dump_int(const char *name, int64_t s) { add_value(name, s); } void XMLFormatter::dump_float(const char *name, double d) { add_value(name, d); } void XMLFormatter::dump_string(const char *name, std::string_view s) { std::string e(name); std::transform(e.begin(), e.end(), e.begin(), [this](char c) { return this->to_lower_underscore(c); }); print_spaces(); m_ss << "<" << e << ">" << xml_stream_escaper(s) << ""; if (m_pretty) m_ss << "\n"; } void XMLFormatter::dump_string_with_attrs(const char *name, std::string_view s, const FormatterAttrs& attrs) { std::string e(name); std::transform(e.begin(), e.end(), e.begin(), [this](char c) { return this->to_lower_underscore(c); }); std::string attrs_str; get_attrs_str(&attrs, attrs_str); print_spaces(); m_ss << "<" << e << attrs_str << ">" << xml_stream_escaper(s) << ""; if (m_pretty) m_ss << "\n"; } std::ostream& XMLFormatter::dump_stream(const char *name) { print_spaces(); m_pending_string_name = name; m_ss << "<" << m_pending_string_name << ">"; return m_pending_string; } void XMLFormatter::dump_format_va(const char* name, const char *ns, bool quoted, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { char buf[LARGE_SIZE]; size_t len = vsnprintf(buf, LARGE_SIZE, fmt, ap); std::string e(name); std::transform(e.begin(), e.end(), e.begin(), [this](char c) { return this->to_lower_underscore(c); }); print_spaces(); if (ns) { m_ss << "<" << e << " xmlns=\"" << ns << "\">" << buf << ""; } else { m_ss << "<" << e << ">" << xml_stream_escaper(std::string_view(buf, len)) << ""; } if (m_pretty) m_ss << "\n"; } int XMLFormatter::get_len() const { return m_ss.str().size(); } void XMLFormatter::write_raw_data(const char *data) { m_ss << data; } void XMLFormatter::get_attrs_str(const FormatterAttrs *attrs, std::string& attrs_str) { std::stringstream attrs_ss; for (std::list >::const_iterator iter = attrs->attrs.begin(); iter != attrs->attrs.end(); ++iter) { std::pair p = *iter; attrs_ss << " " << p.first << "=" << "\"" << p.second << "\""; } attrs_str = attrs_ss.str(); } void XMLFormatter::open_section_in_ns(const char *name, const char *ns, const FormatterAttrs *attrs) { print_spaces(); std::string attrs_str; if (attrs) { get_attrs_str(attrs, attrs_str); } std::string e(name); std::transform(e.begin(), e.end(), e.begin(), [this](char c) { return this->to_lower_underscore(c); }); if (ns) { m_ss << "<" << e << attrs_str << " xmlns=\"" << ns << "\">"; } else { m_ss << "<" << e << attrs_str << ">"; } if (m_pretty) m_ss << "\n"; m_sections.push_back(name); } void XMLFormatter::finish_pending_string() { if (!m_pending_string_name.empty()) { m_ss << xml_stream_escaper(m_pending_string.str()) << ""; m_pending_string_name.clear(); m_pending_string.str(std::string()); if (m_pretty) { m_ss << "\n"; } } } void XMLFormatter::print_spaces() { finish_pending_string(); if (m_pretty) { std::string spaces(m_sections.size(), ' '); m_ss << spaces; } } char XMLFormatter::to_lower_underscore(char c) const { if (m_underscored && c == ' ') { return '_'; } else if (m_lowercased) { return std::tolower(c); } return c; } TableFormatter::TableFormatter(bool keyval) : m_keyval(keyval) { reset(); } void TableFormatter::flush(std::ostream& os) { finish_pending_string(); std::vector column_size = m_column_size; std::vector column_name = m_column_name; std::set need_header_set; // auto-sizing columns for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vec.size(); i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < m_vec[i].size(); j++) { column_size.resize(m_vec[i].size()); column_name.resize(m_vec[i].size()); if (i > 0) { if (m_vec[i - 1][j] != m_vec[i][j]) { // changing row labels require to show the header need_header_set.insert(i); column_name[i] = m_vec[i][j].first; } } else { column_name[i] = m_vec[i][j].first; } if (m_vec[i][j].second.length() > column_size[j]) column_size[j] = m_vec[i][j].second.length(); if (m_vec[i][j].first.length() > column_size[j]) column_size[j] = m_vec[i][j].first.length(); } } bool need_header = false; if ((column_size.size() == m_column_size.size())) { for (size_t i = 0; i < column_size.size(); i++) { if (column_size[i] != m_column_size[i]) { need_header = true; break; } } } else { need_header = true; } if (need_header) { // first row always needs a header if there wasn't one before need_header_set.insert(0); } m_column_size = column_size; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vec.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) { if (need_header_set.count(i)) { // print the header if (!m_keyval) { os << "+"; for (size_t j = 0; j < m_vec[i].size(); j++) { for (size_t v = 0; v < m_column_size[j] + 3; v++) os << "-"; os << "+"; } os << "\n"; os << "|"; for (size_t j = 0; j < m_vec[i].size(); j++) { os << " "; std::stringstream fs; fs << boost::format("%%-%is") % (m_column_size[j] + 2); os << boost::format(fs.str()) % m_vec[i][j].first; os << "|"; } os << "\n"; os << "+"; for (size_t j = 0; j < m_vec[i].size(); j++) { for (size_t v = 0; v < m_column_size[j] + 3; v++) os << "-"; os << "+"; } os << "\n"; } } } // print body if (!m_keyval) os << "|"; for (size_t j = 0; j < m_vec[i].size(); j++) { if (!m_keyval) os << " "; std::stringstream fs; if (m_keyval) { os << "key::"; os << m_vec[i][j].first; os << "="; os << "\""; os << m_vec[i][j].second; os << "\" "; } else { fs << boost::format("%%-%is") % (m_column_size[j] + 2); os << boost::format(fs.str()) % m_vec[i][j].second; os << "|"; } } os << "\n"; if (!m_keyval) { if (i == (m_vec.size() - 1)) { // print trailer os << "+"; for (size_t j = 0; j < m_vec[i].size(); j++) { for (size_t v = 0; v < m_column_size[j] + 3; v++) os << "-"; os << "+"; } os << "\n"; } } m_vec[i].clear(); } m_vec.clear(); } void TableFormatter::reset() { m_ss.clear(); m_ss.str(""); m_section_cnt.clear(); m_column_size.clear(); m_section_open = 0; } void TableFormatter::open_object_section(const char *name) { open_section_in_ns(name, NULL, NULL); } void TableFormatter::open_object_section_with_attrs(const char *name, const FormatterAttrs& attrs) { open_section_in_ns(name, NULL, NULL); } void TableFormatter::open_object_section_in_ns(const char *name, const char *ns) { open_section_in_ns(name, NULL, NULL); } void TableFormatter::open_array_section(const char *name) { open_section_in_ns(name, NULL, NULL); } void TableFormatter::open_array_section_with_attrs(const char *name, const FormatterAttrs& attrs) { open_section_in_ns(name, NULL, NULL); } void TableFormatter::open_array_section_in_ns(const char *name, const char *ns) { open_section_in_ns(name, NULL, NULL); } void TableFormatter::open_section_in_ns(const char *name, const char *ns, const FormatterAttrs *attrs) { m_section.push_back(name); m_section_open++; } void TableFormatter::close_section() { // m_section_open--; if (m_section.size()) { m_section_cnt[m_section.back()] = 0; m_section.pop_back(); } } size_t TableFormatter::m_vec_index(const char *name) { std::string key(name); size_t i = m_vec.size(); if (i) i--; // make sure there are vectors to push back key/val pairs if (!m_vec.size()) m_vec.resize(1); if (m_vec.size()) { if (m_vec[i].size()) { if (m_vec[i][0].first == key) { // start a new column if a key is repeated m_vec.resize(m_vec.size() + 1); i++; } } } return i; } std::string TableFormatter::get_section_name(const char* name) { std::string t_name = name; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_section.size(); i++) { t_name.insert(0, ":"); t_name.insert(0, m_section[i]); } if (m_section_open) { std::stringstream lss; lss << t_name; lss << "["; lss << m_section_cnt[t_name]++; lss << "]"; return lss.str(); } else { return t_name; } } template void TableFormatter::add_value(const char *name, T val) { finish_pending_string(); size_t i = m_vec_index(name); m_ss.precision(std::numeric_limits::max_digits10); m_ss << val; m_vec[i].push_back(std::make_pair(get_section_name(name), m_ss.str())); m_ss.clear(); m_ss.str(""); } void TableFormatter::dump_unsigned(const char *name, uint64_t u) { add_value(name, u); } void TableFormatter::dump_int(const char *name, int64_t s) { add_value(name, s); } void TableFormatter::dump_float(const char *name, double d) { add_value(name, d); } void TableFormatter::dump_string(const char *name, std::string_view s) { finish_pending_string(); size_t i = m_vec_index(name); m_ss << s; m_vec[i].push_back(std::make_pair(get_section_name(name), m_ss.str())); m_ss.clear(); m_ss.str(""); } void TableFormatter::dump_string_with_attrs(const char *name, std::string_view s, const FormatterAttrs& attrs) { finish_pending_string(); size_t i = m_vec_index(name); std::string attrs_str; get_attrs_str(&attrs, attrs_str); m_ss << attrs_str << s; m_vec[i].push_back(std::make_pair(get_section_name(name), m_ss.str())); m_ss.clear(); m_ss.str(""); } void TableFormatter::dump_format_va(const char* name, const char *ns, bool quoted, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { finish_pending_string(); char buf[LARGE_SIZE]; vsnprintf(buf, LARGE_SIZE, fmt, ap); size_t i = m_vec_index(name); if (ns) { m_ss << ns << "." << buf; } else m_ss << buf; m_vec[i].push_back(std::make_pair(get_section_name(name), m_ss.str())); m_ss.clear(); m_ss.str(""); } std::ostream& TableFormatter::dump_stream(const char *name) { finish_pending_string(); // we don't support this m_pending_name = name; return m_ss; } int TableFormatter::get_len() const { // we don't know the size until flush is called return 0; } void TableFormatter::write_raw_data(const char *data) { // not supported } void TableFormatter::get_attrs_str(const FormatterAttrs *attrs, std::string& attrs_str) { std::stringstream attrs_ss; for (std::list >::const_iterator iter = attrs->attrs.begin(); iter != attrs->attrs.end(); ++iter) { std::pair p = *iter; attrs_ss << " " << p.first << "=" << "\"" << p.second << "\""; } attrs_str = attrs_ss.str(); } void TableFormatter::finish_pending_string() { if (m_pending_name.length()) { std::string ss = m_ss.str(); m_ss.clear(); m_ss.str(""); std::string pending_name = m_pending_name; m_pending_name = ""; dump_string(pending_name.c_str(), ss); } } }