// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * Copyright 2013 Inktank */ #include "TrackedOp.h" #define dout_context cct #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_optracker #undef dout_prefix #define dout_prefix _prefix(_dout) static ostream& _prefix(std::ostream* _dout) { return *_dout << "-- op tracker -- "; } void OpHistoryServiceThread::break_thread() { queue_spinlock.lock(); _external_queue.clear(); _break_thread = true; queue_spinlock.unlock(); } void* OpHistoryServiceThread::entry() { int sleep_time = 1000; list> internal_queue; while (1) { queue_spinlock.lock(); if (_break_thread) { queue_spinlock.unlock(); break; } internal_queue.swap(_external_queue); queue_spinlock.unlock(); if (internal_queue.empty()) { usleep(sleep_time); if (sleep_time < 128000) { sleep_time <<= 2; } } else { sleep_time = 1000; } while (!internal_queue.empty()) { pair op = internal_queue.front(); _ophistory->_insert_delayed(op.first, op.second); internal_queue.pop_front(); } } return nullptr; } void OpHistory::on_shutdown() { opsvc.break_thread(); opsvc.join(); std::lock_guard history_lock(ops_history_lock); arrived.clear(); duration.clear(); slow_op.clear(); shutdown = true; } void OpHistory::_insert_delayed(const utime_t& now, TrackedOpRef op) { std::lock_guard history_lock(ops_history_lock); if (shutdown) return; double opduration = op->get_duration(); duration.insert(make_pair(opduration, op)); arrived.insert(make_pair(op->get_initiated(), op)); if (opduration >= history_slow_op_threshold.load()) slow_op.insert(make_pair(op->get_initiated(), op)); cleanup(now); } void OpHistory::cleanup(utime_t now) { while (arrived.size() && (now - arrived.begin()->first > (double)(history_duration.load()))) { duration.erase(make_pair( arrived.begin()->second->get_duration(), arrived.begin()->second)); arrived.erase(arrived.begin()); } while (duration.size() > history_size.load()) { arrived.erase(make_pair( duration.begin()->second->get_initiated(), duration.begin()->second)); duration.erase(duration.begin()); } while (slow_op.size() > history_slow_op_size.load()) { slow_op.erase(make_pair( slow_op.begin()->second->get_initiated(), slow_op.begin()->second)); } } void OpHistory::dump_ops(utime_t now, Formatter *f, set filters, bool by_duration) { std::lock_guard history_lock(ops_history_lock); cleanup(now); f->open_object_section("op_history"); f->dump_int("size", history_size.load()); f->dump_int("duration", history_duration.load()); { f->open_array_section("ops"); auto dump_fn = [&f, &now, &filters](auto begin_iter, auto end_iter) { for (auto i=begin_iter; i!=end_iter; ++i) { if (!i->second->filter_out(filters)) continue; f->open_object_section("op"); i->second->dump(now, f); f->close_section(); } }; if (by_duration) { dump_fn(duration.rbegin(), duration.rend()); } else { dump_fn(arrived.begin(), arrived.end()); } f->close_section(); } f->close_section(); } struct ShardedTrackingData { ceph::mutex ops_in_flight_lock_sharded; TrackedOp::tracked_op_list_t ops_in_flight_sharded; explicit ShardedTrackingData(string lock_name) : ops_in_flight_lock_sharded(ceph::make_mutex(lock_name)) {} }; OpTracker::OpTracker(CephContext *cct_, bool tracking, uint32_t num_shards): seq(0), num_optracker_shards(num_shards), complaint_time(0), log_threshold(0), tracking_enabled(tracking), lock("OpTracker::lock"), cct(cct_) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_optracker_shards; i++) { char lock_name[32] = {0}; snprintf(lock_name, sizeof(lock_name), "%s:%" PRIu32, "OpTracker::ShardedLock", i); ShardedTrackingData* one_shard = new ShardedTrackingData(lock_name); sharded_in_flight_list.push_back(one_shard); } } OpTracker::~OpTracker() { while (!sharded_in_flight_list.empty()) { ceph_assert((sharded_in_flight_list.back())->ops_in_flight_sharded.empty()); delete sharded_in_flight_list.back(); sharded_in_flight_list.pop_back(); } } bool OpTracker::dump_historic_ops(Formatter *f, bool by_duration, set filters) { if (!tracking_enabled) return false; RWLock::RLocker l(lock); utime_t now = ceph_clock_now(); history.dump_ops(now, f, filters, by_duration); return true; } void OpHistory::dump_slow_ops(utime_t now, Formatter *f, set filters) { std::lock_guard history_lock(ops_history_lock); cleanup(now); f->open_object_section("OpHistory slow ops"); f->dump_int("num to keep", history_slow_op_size.load()); f->dump_int("threshold to keep", history_slow_op_threshold.load()); { f->open_array_section("Ops"); for (set >::const_iterator i = slow_op.begin(); i != slow_op.end(); ++i) { if (!i->second->filter_out(filters)) continue; f->open_object_section("Op"); i->second->dump(now, f); f->close_section(); } f->close_section(); } f->close_section(); } bool OpTracker::dump_historic_slow_ops(Formatter *f, set filters) { if (!tracking_enabled) return false; RWLock::RLocker l(lock); utime_t now = ceph_clock_now(); history.dump_slow_ops(now, f, filters); return true; } bool OpTracker::dump_ops_in_flight(Formatter *f, bool print_only_blocked, set filters) { if (!tracking_enabled) return false; RWLock::RLocker l(lock); f->open_object_section("ops_in_flight"); // overall dump uint64_t total_ops_in_flight = 0; f->open_array_section("ops"); // list of TrackedOps utime_t now = ceph_clock_now(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_optracker_shards; i++) { ShardedTrackingData* sdata = sharded_in_flight_list[i]; ceph_assert(NULL != sdata); std::lock_guard locker(sdata->ops_in_flight_lock_sharded); for (auto& op : sdata->ops_in_flight_sharded) { if (print_only_blocked && (now - op.get_initiated() <= complaint_time)) break; if (!op.filter_out(filters)) continue; f->open_object_section("op"); op.dump(now, f); f->close_section(); // this TrackedOp total_ops_in_flight++; } } f->close_section(); // list of TrackedOps if (print_only_blocked) { f->dump_float("complaint_time", complaint_time); f->dump_int("num_blocked_ops", total_ops_in_flight); } else f->dump_int("num_ops", total_ops_in_flight); f->close_section(); // overall dump return true; } bool OpTracker::register_inflight_op(TrackedOp *i) { if (!tracking_enabled) return false; RWLock::RLocker l(lock); uint64_t current_seq = ++seq; uint32_t shard_index = current_seq % num_optracker_shards; ShardedTrackingData* sdata = sharded_in_flight_list[shard_index]; ceph_assert(NULL != sdata); { std::lock_guard locker(sdata->ops_in_flight_lock_sharded); sdata->ops_in_flight_sharded.push_back(*i); i->seq = current_seq; } return true; } void OpTracker::unregister_inflight_op(TrackedOp* const i) { // caller checks; ceph_assert(i->state); uint32_t shard_index = i->seq % num_optracker_shards; ShardedTrackingData* sdata = sharded_in_flight_list[shard_index]; ceph_assert(NULL != sdata); { std::lock_guard locker(sdata->ops_in_flight_lock_sharded); auto p = sdata->ops_in_flight_sharded.iterator_to(*i); sdata->ops_in_flight_sharded.erase(p); } } void OpTracker::record_history_op(TrackedOpRef&& i) { RWLock::RLocker l(lock); history.insert(ceph_clock_now(), std::move(i)); } bool OpTracker::visit_ops_in_flight(utime_t* oldest_secs, std::function&& visit) { if (!tracking_enabled) return false; const utime_t now = ceph_clock_now(); utime_t oldest_op = now; // single representation of all inflight operations reunified // from OpTracker's shards. TrackedOpRef extends the lifetime // to carry the ops outside of the critical section, and thus // allows to call the visitor without any lock being held. // This simplifies the contract on API at the price of plenty // additional moves and atomic ref-counting. This seems OK as // `visit_ops_in_flight()` is definitely not intended for any // hot path. std::vector ops_in_flight; RWLock::RLocker l(lock); for (const auto sdata : sharded_in_flight_list) { ceph_assert(sdata); std::lock_guard locker(sdata->ops_in_flight_lock_sharded); if (!sdata->ops_in_flight_sharded.empty()) { utime_t oldest_op_tmp = sdata->ops_in_flight_sharded.front().get_initiated(); if (oldest_op_tmp < oldest_op) { oldest_op = oldest_op_tmp; } } std::transform(std::begin(sdata->ops_in_flight_sharded), std::end(sdata->ops_in_flight_sharded), std::back_inserter(ops_in_flight), [] (TrackedOp& op) { return TrackedOpRef(&op); }); } if (ops_in_flight.empty()) return false; *oldest_secs = now - oldest_op; dout(10) << "ops_in_flight.size: " << ops_in_flight.size() << "; oldest is " << *oldest_secs << " seconds old" << dendl; if (*oldest_secs < complaint_time) return false; l.unlock(); for (auto& op : ops_in_flight) { // `lock` neither `ops_in_flight_lock_sharded` should be held when // calling the visitor. Otherwise `OSD::get_health_metrics()` can // dead-lock due to the `~TrackedOp()` calling `record_history_op()` // or `unregister_inflight_op()`. if (!visit(*op)) break; } return true; } bool OpTracker::with_slow_ops_in_flight(utime_t* oldest_secs, int* num_slow_ops, int* num_warned_ops, std::function&& on_warn) { const utime_t now = ceph_clock_now(); auto too_old = now; too_old -= complaint_time; int slow = 0; int warned = 0; auto check = [&](TrackedOp& op) { if (op.get_initiated() >= too_old) { // no more slow ops in flight return false; } if (!op.warn_interval_multiplier) return true; slow++; if (warned >= log_threshold) { // enough samples of slow ops return true; } auto time_to_complain = (op.get_initiated() + complaint_time * op.warn_interval_multiplier); if (time_to_complain >= now) { // complain later if the op is still in flight return true; } // will warn, increase counter warned++; on_warn(op); return true; }; if (visit_ops_in_flight(oldest_secs, check)) { if (num_slow_ops) { *num_slow_ops = slow; *num_warned_ops = warned; } return true; } else { return false; } } bool OpTracker::check_ops_in_flight(std::string* summary, std::vector &warnings, int *num_slow_ops) { const utime_t now = ceph_clock_now(); auto too_old = now; too_old -= complaint_time; int warned = 0; utime_t oldest_secs; auto warn_on_slow_op = [&](TrackedOp& op) { stringstream ss; utime_t age = now - op.get_initiated(); ss << "slow request " << age << " seconds old, received at " << op.get_initiated() << ": " << op.get_desc() << " currently " << op.state_string(); warnings.push_back(ss.str()); // only those that have been shown will backoff op.warn_interval_multiplier *= 2; }; int slow = 0; if (with_slow_ops_in_flight(&oldest_secs, &slow, &warned, warn_on_slow_op) && slow > 0) { stringstream ss; ss << slow << " slow requests, " << warned << " included below; oldest blocked for > " << oldest_secs << " secs"; *summary = ss.str(); if (num_slow_ops) { *num_slow_ops = slow; } return true; } else { return false; } } void OpTracker::get_age_ms_histogram(pow2_hist_t *h) { h->clear(); utime_t now = ceph_clock_now(); for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < num_optracker_shards; iter++) { ShardedTrackingData* sdata = sharded_in_flight_list[iter]; ceph_assert(NULL != sdata); std::lock_guard locker(sdata->ops_in_flight_lock_sharded); for (auto& i : sdata->ops_in_flight_sharded) { utime_t age = now - i.get_initiated(); uint32_t ms = (long)(age * 1000.0); h->add(ms); } } } #undef dout_context #define dout_context tracker->cct void TrackedOp::mark_event(std::string_view event, utime_t stamp) { if (!state) return; { std::lock_guard l(lock); events.emplace_back(stamp, event); } dout(6) << " seq: " << seq << ", time: " << stamp << ", event: " << event << ", op: " << get_desc() << dendl; _event_marked(); } void TrackedOp::dump(utime_t now, Formatter *f) const { // Ignore if still in the constructor if (!state) return; f->dump_string("description", get_desc()); f->dump_stream("initiated_at") << get_initiated(); f->dump_float("age", now - get_initiated()); f->dump_float("duration", get_duration()); { f->open_object_section("type_data"); _dump(f); f->close_section(); } }