#include "common/ceph_json.h" #include "include/utime.h" // for testing DELETE ME #include #include #include #include #include #include "json_spirit/json_spirit_writer_template.h" using namespace json_spirit; #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw static JSONFormattable default_formattable; void encode_json(const char *name, const JSONObj::data_val& v, Formatter *f) { if (v.quoted) { encode_json(name, v.str, f); } else { f->dump_format_unquoted(name, "%s", v.str.c_str()); } } JSONObjIter::JSONObjIter() { } JSONObjIter::~JSONObjIter() { } void JSONObjIter::set(const JSONObjIter::map_iter_t &_cur, const JSONObjIter::map_iter_t &_last) { cur = _cur; last = _last; } void JSONObjIter::operator++() { if (cur != last) ++cur; } JSONObj *JSONObjIter::operator*() { return cur->second; } // does not work, FIXME ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const JSONObj &obj) { out << obj.name << ": " << obj.val; return out; } JSONObj::~JSONObj() { multimap::iterator iter; for (iter = children.begin(); iter != children.end(); ++iter) { JSONObj *obj = iter->second; delete obj; } } void JSONObj::add_child(string el, JSONObj *obj) { children.insert(pair(el, obj)); } bool JSONObj::get_attr(string name, data_val& attr) { auto iter = attr_map.find(name); if (iter == attr_map.end()) return false; attr = iter->second; return true; } JSONObjIter JSONObj::find(const string& name) { JSONObjIter iter; map::iterator first; map::iterator last; first = children.find(name); if (first != children.end()) { last = children.upper_bound(name); iter.set(first, last); } return iter; } JSONObjIter JSONObj::find_first() { JSONObjIter iter; iter.set(children.begin(), children.end()); return iter; } JSONObjIter JSONObj::find_first(const string& name) { JSONObjIter iter; map::iterator first; first = children.find(name); iter.set(first, children.end()); return iter; } JSONObj *JSONObj::find_obj(const string& name) { JSONObjIter iter = find(name); if (iter.end()) return NULL; return *iter; } bool JSONObj::get_data(const string& key, data_val *dest) { JSONObj *obj = find_obj(key); if (!obj) return false; *dest = obj->get_data_val(); return true; } /* accepts a JSON Array or JSON Object contained in * a JSON Spirit Value, v, and creates a JSONObj for each * child contained in v */ void JSONObj::handle_value(Value v) { if (v.type() == obj_type) { Object temp_obj = v.get_obj(); for (Object::size_type i = 0; i < temp_obj.size(); i++) { Pair temp_pair = temp_obj[i]; string temp_name = temp_pair.name_; Value temp_value = temp_pair.value_; JSONObj *child = new JSONObj; child->init(this, temp_value, temp_name); add_child(temp_name, child); } } else if (v.type() == array_type) { Array temp_array = v.get_array(); Value value; for (unsigned j = 0; j < temp_array.size(); j++) { Value cur = temp_array[j]; string temp_name; JSONObj *child = new JSONObj; child->init(this, cur, temp_name); add_child(child->get_name(), child); } } } void JSONObj::init(JSONObj *p, Value v, string n) { name = n; parent = p; data = v; handle_value(v); if (v.type() == str_type) { val.set(v.get_str(), true); } else { val.set(json_spirit::write_string(v), false); } attr_map.insert(pair(name, val)); } JSONObj *JSONObj::get_parent() { return parent; } bool JSONObj::is_object() { return (data.type() == obj_type); } bool JSONObj::is_array() { return (data.type() == array_type); } vector JSONObj::get_array_elements() { vector elements; Array temp_array; if (data.type() == array_type) temp_array = data.get_array(); int array_size = temp_array.size(); if (array_size > 0) for (int i = 0; i < array_size; i++) { Value temp_value = temp_array[i]; string temp_string; temp_string = write(temp_value, raw_utf8); elements.push_back(temp_string); } return elements; } JSONParser::JSONParser() : buf_len(0), success(true) { } JSONParser::~JSONParser() { } void JSONParser::handle_data(const char *s, int len) { json_buffer.append(s, len); // check for problems with null termination FIXME buf_len += len; } // parse a supplied JSON fragment bool JSONParser::parse(const char *buf_, int len) { if (!buf_) { set_failure(); return false; } string json_string(buf_, len); success = read(json_string, data); if (success) { handle_value(data); if (data.type() != obj_type && data.type() != array_type) { if (data.type() == str_type) { val.set(data.get_str(), true); } else { val.set(json_spirit::write_string(data), false); } } } else { set_failure(); } return success; } // parse the internal json_buffer up to len bool JSONParser::parse(int len) { string json_string = json_buffer.substr(0, len); success = read(json_string, data); if (success) handle_value(data); else set_failure(); return success; } // parse the complete internal json_buffer bool JSONParser::parse() { success = read(json_buffer, data); if (success) handle_value(data); else set_failure(); return success; } // parse a supplied ifstream, for testing. DELETE ME bool JSONParser::parse(const char *file_name) { ifstream is(file_name); success = read(is, data); if (success) handle_value(data); else set_failure(); return success; } void decode_json_obj(long& val, JSONObj *obj) { string s = obj->get_data(); const char *start = s.c_str(); char *p; errno = 0; val = strtol(start, &p, 10); /* Check for various possible errors */ if ((errno == ERANGE && (val == LONG_MAX || val == LONG_MIN)) || (errno != 0 && val == 0)) { throw JSONDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } if (p == start) { throw JSONDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } while (*p != '\0') { if (!isspace(*p)) { throw JSONDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } p++; } } void decode_json_obj(unsigned long& val, JSONObj *obj) { string s = obj->get_data(); const char *start = s.c_str(); char *p; errno = 0; val = strtoul(start, &p, 10); /* Check for various possible errors */ if ((errno == ERANGE && val == ULONG_MAX) || (errno != 0 && val == 0)) { throw JSONDecoder::err("failed to number"); } if (p == start) { throw JSONDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } while (*p != '\0') { if (!isspace(*p)) { throw JSONDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } p++; } } void decode_json_obj(long long& val, JSONObj *obj) { string s = obj->get_data(); const char *start = s.c_str(); char *p; errno = 0; val = strtoll(start, &p, 10); /* Check for various possible errors */ if ((errno == ERANGE && (val == LLONG_MAX || val == LLONG_MIN)) || (errno != 0 && val == 0)) { throw JSONDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } if (p == start) { throw JSONDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } while (*p != '\0') { if (!isspace(*p)) { throw JSONDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } p++; } } void decode_json_obj(unsigned long long& val, JSONObj *obj) { string s = obj->get_data(); const char *start = s.c_str(); char *p; errno = 0; val = strtoull(start, &p, 10); /* Check for various possible errors */ if ((errno == ERANGE && val == ULLONG_MAX) || (errno != 0 && val == 0)) { throw JSONDecoder::err("failed to number"); } if (p == start) { throw JSONDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } while (*p != '\0') { if (!isspace(*p)) { throw JSONDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } p++; } } void decode_json_obj(int& val, JSONObj *obj) { long l; decode_json_obj(l, obj); #if LONG_MAX > INT_MAX if (l > INT_MAX || l < INT_MIN) { throw JSONDecoder::err("integer out of range"); } #endif val = (int)l; } void decode_json_obj(unsigned& val, JSONObj *obj) { unsigned long l; decode_json_obj(l, obj); #if ULONG_MAX > UINT_MAX if (l > UINT_MAX) { throw JSONDecoder::err("unsigned integer out of range"); } #endif val = (unsigned)l; } void decode_json_obj(bool& val, JSONObj *obj) { string s = obj->get_data(); if (strcasecmp(s.c_str(), "true") == 0) { val = true; return; } if (strcasecmp(s.c_str(), "false") == 0) { val = false; return; } int i; decode_json_obj(i, obj); val = (bool)i; } void decode_json_obj(bufferlist& val, JSONObj *obj) { string s = obj->get_data(); bufferlist bl; bl.append(s.c_str(), s.size()); try { val.decode_base64(bl); } catch (buffer::error& err) { throw JSONDecoder::err("failed to decode base64"); } } void decode_json_obj(utime_t& val, JSONObj *obj) { string s = obj->get_data(); uint64_t epoch; uint64_t nsec; int r = utime_t::parse_date(s, &epoch, &nsec); if (r == 0) { val = utime_t(epoch, nsec); } else { throw JSONDecoder::err("failed to decode utime_t"); } } void encode_json(const char *name, const string& val, Formatter *f) { f->dump_string(name, val); } void encode_json(const char *name, const char *val, Formatter *f) { f->dump_string(name, val); } void encode_json(const char *name, bool val, Formatter *f) { string s; if (val) s = "true"; else s = "false"; f->dump_string(name, s); } void encode_json(const char *name, int val, Formatter *f) { f->dump_int(name, val); } void encode_json(const char *name, long val, Formatter *f) { f->dump_int(name, val); } void encode_json(const char *name, unsigned val, Formatter *f) { f->dump_unsigned(name, val); } void encode_json(const char *name, unsigned long val, Formatter *f) { f->dump_unsigned(name, val); } void encode_json(const char *name, unsigned long long val, Formatter *f) { f->dump_unsigned(name, val); } void encode_json(const char *name, long long val, Formatter *f) { f->dump_int(name, val); } void encode_json(const char *name, const utime_t& val, Formatter *f) { val.gmtime(f->dump_stream(name)); } void encode_json(const char *name, const bufferlist& bl, Formatter *f) { /* need to copy data from bl, as it is const bufferlist */ bufferlist src = bl; bufferlist b64; src.encode_base64(b64); string s(b64.c_str(), b64.length()); encode_json(name, s, f); } /* JSONFormattable */ const JSONFormattable& JSONFormattable::operator[](const string& name) const { auto i = obj.find(name); if (i == obj.end()) { return default_formattable; } return i->second; } const JSONFormattable& JSONFormattable::operator[](size_t index) const { if (index >= arr.size()) { return default_formattable; } return arr[index]; } JSONFormattable& JSONFormattable::operator[](const string& name) { auto i = obj.find(name); if (i == obj.end()) { return default_formattable; } return i->second; } JSONFormattable& JSONFormattable::operator[](size_t index) { if (index >= arr.size()) { return default_formattable; } return arr[index]; } bool JSONFormattable::exists(const string& name) const { auto i = obj.find(name); return (i != obj.end()); } bool JSONFormattable::exists(size_t index) const { return (index < arr.size()); } bool JSONFormattable::find(const string& name, string *val) const { auto i = obj.find(name); if (i == obj.end()) { return false; } *val = i->second.val(); return true; } int JSONFormattable::val_int() const { return atoi(value.str.c_str()); } long JSONFormattable::val_long() const { return atol(value.str.c_str()); } long long JSONFormattable::val_long_long() const { return atoll(value.str.c_str()); } bool JSONFormattable::val_bool() const { return (boost::iequals(value.str, "true") || boost::iequals(value.str, "on") || boost::iequals(value.str, "yes") || boost::iequals(value.str, "1")); } string JSONFormattable::def(const string& def_val) const { if (type == FMT_NONE) { return def_val; } return val(); } int JSONFormattable::def(int def_val) const { if (type == FMT_NONE) { return def_val; } return val_int(); } bool JSONFormattable::def(bool def_val) const { if (type == FMT_NONE) { return def_val; } return val_bool(); } string JSONFormattable::get(const string& name, const string& def_val) const { return (*this)[name].def(def_val); } int JSONFormattable::get_int(const string& name, int def_val) const { return (*this)[name].def(def_val); } bool JSONFormattable::get_bool(const string& name, bool def_val) const { return (*this)[name].def(def_val); } struct field_entity { bool is_obj{false}; /* either obj field or array entity */ string name; /* if obj */ int index{0}; /* if array */ bool append{false}; field_entity() {} explicit field_entity(const string& n) : is_obj(true), name(n) {} explicit field_entity(int i) : is_obj(false), index(i) {} }; static int parse_entity(const string& s, vector *result) { size_t ofs = 0; while (ofs < s.size()) { size_t next_arr = s.find('[', ofs); if (next_arr == string::npos) { if (ofs != 0) { return -EINVAL; } result->push_back(field_entity(s)); return 0; } if (next_arr > ofs) { string field = s.substr(ofs, next_arr - ofs); result->push_back(field_entity(field)); ofs = next_arr; } size_t end_arr = s.find(']', next_arr + 1); if (end_arr == string::npos) { return -EINVAL; } string index_str = s.substr(next_arr + 1, end_arr - next_arr - 1); ofs = end_arr + 1; if (!index_str.empty()) { result->push_back(field_entity(atoi(index_str.c_str()))); } else { field_entity f; f.append = true; result->push_back(f); } } return 0; } static bool is_numeric(const string& val) { try { boost::lexical_cast(val); } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast& e) { return false; } return true; } int JSONFormattable::set(const string& name, const string& val) { boost::escaped_list_separator els('\\', '.', '"'); boost::tokenizer > tok(name, els); JSONFormattable *f = this; JSONParser jp; bool is_valid_json = jp.parse(val.c_str(), val.size()); for (const auto& i : tok) { vector v; int ret = parse_entity(i, &v); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } for (const auto& vi : v) { if (f->type == FMT_NONE) { if (vi.is_obj) { f->type = FMT_OBJ; } else { f->type = FMT_ARRAY; } } if (f->type == FMT_OBJ) { if (!vi.is_obj) { return -EINVAL; } f = &f->obj[vi.name]; } else if (f->type == FMT_ARRAY) { if (vi.is_obj) { return -EINVAL; } int index = vi.index; if (vi.append) { index = f->arr.size(); } else if (index < 0) { index = f->arr.size() + index; if (index < 0) { return -EINVAL; /* out of bounds */ } } if ((size_t)index >= f->arr.size()) { f->arr.resize(index + 1); } f = &f->arr[index]; } } } if (is_valid_json) { f->decode_json(&jp); } else { f->type = FMT_VALUE; f->value.set(val, !is_numeric(val)); } return 0; } int JSONFormattable::erase(const string& name) { boost::escaped_list_separator els('\\', '.', '"'); boost::tokenizer > tok(name, els); JSONFormattable *f = this; JSONFormattable *parent = nullptr; field_entity last_entity; for (auto& i : tok) { vector v; int ret = parse_entity(i, &v); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } for (const auto& vi : v) { if (f->type == FMT_NONE || f->type == FMT_VALUE) { if (vi.is_obj) { f->type = FMT_OBJ; } else { f->type = FMT_ARRAY; } } parent = f; if (f->type == FMT_OBJ) { if (!vi.is_obj) { return -EINVAL; } auto iter = f->obj.find(vi.name); if (iter == f->obj.end()) { return 0; /* nothing to erase */ } f = &iter->second; } else if (f->type == FMT_ARRAY) { if (vi.is_obj) { return -EINVAL; } int index = vi.index; if (index < 0) { index = f->arr.size() + index; if (index < 0) { /* out of bounds, nothing to remove */ return 0; } } if ((size_t)index >= f->arr.size()) { return 0; /* index beyond array boundaries */ } f = &f->arr[index]; } last_entity = vi; } } if (!parent) { *this = JSONFormattable(); /* erase everything */ } else { if (last_entity.is_obj) { parent->obj.erase(last_entity.name); } else { int index = (last_entity.index >= 0 ? last_entity.index : parent->arr.size() + last_entity.index); if (index < 0 || (size_t)index >= parent->arr.size()) { return 0; } parent->arr.erase(parent->arr.begin() + index); } } return 0; } void JSONFormattable::derive_from(const JSONFormattable& parent) { for (auto& o : parent.obj) { if (obj.find(o.first) == obj.end()) { obj[o.first] = o.second; } } } void encode_json(const char *name, const JSONFormattable& v, Formatter *f) { v.encode_json(name, f); } void JSONFormattable::encode_json(const char *name, Formatter *f) const { switch (type) { case JSONFormattable::FMT_VALUE: ::encode_json(name, value, f); break; case JSONFormattable::FMT_ARRAY: ::encode_json(name, arr, f); break; case JSONFormattable::FMT_OBJ: f->open_object_section(name); for (auto iter : obj) { ::encode_json(iter.first.c_str(), iter.second, f); } f->close_section(); break; case JSONFormattable::FMT_NONE: break; } } bool JSONFormattable::handle_value(const char *name, std::string_view s, bool quoted) { JSONFormattable *new_val; if (cur_enc->is_array()) { cur_enc->arr.push_back(JSONFormattable()); new_val = &cur_enc->arr.back(); } else { cur_enc->set_type(JSONFormattable::FMT_OBJ); new_val = &cur_enc->obj[name]; } new_val->set_type(JSONFormattable::FMT_VALUE); new_val->value.set(s, quoted); return false; } bool JSONFormattable::handle_open_section(const char *name, const char *ns, bool section_is_array) { if (cur_enc->is_array()) { cur_enc->arr.push_back(JSONFormattable()); cur_enc = &cur_enc->arr.back(); } else if (enc_stack.size() > 1) { /* only open a new section if already nested, * otherwise root is the container */ cur_enc = &cur_enc->obj[name]; } enc_stack.push_back(cur_enc); if (section_is_array) { cur_enc->set_type(JSONFormattable::FMT_ARRAY); } else { cur_enc->set_type(JSONFormattable::FMT_OBJ); } return false; /* continue processing */ } bool JSONFormattable::handle_close_section() { if (enc_stack.size() <= 1) { return false; } enc_stack.pop_back(); cur_enc = enc_stack.back(); return false; /* continue processing */ }