// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Copyright (C) 2015 CohortFS, LLC. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #ifndef COHORT_LRU_H #define COHORT_LRU_H #include #include #include "common/likely.h" #ifndef CACHE_LINE_SIZE #define CACHE_LINE_SIZE 64 /* XXX arch-specific define */ #endif #define CACHE_PAD(_n) char __pad ## _n [CACHE_LINE_SIZE] namespace cohort { namespace lru { namespace bi = boost::intrusive; /* public flag values */ constexpr uint32_t FLAG_NONE = 0x0000; constexpr uint32_t FLAG_INITIAL = 0x0001; constexpr uint32_t FLAG_RECYCLE = 0x0002; enum class Edge : std::uint8_t { MRU = 0, LRU }; typedef bi::link_mode link_mode; class ObjectFactory; // Forward declaration class Object { private: uint32_t lru_flags; std::atomic lru_refcnt; std::atomic lru_adj; bi::list_member_hook< link_mode > lru_hook; typedef bi::list, &Object::lru_hook >, bi::constant_time_size> Queue; bi::slist_member_hook< link_mode > q2_hook; typedef bi::slist, &Object::q2_hook >, bi::constant_time_size> Queue2; public: Object() : lru_flags(FLAG_NONE), lru_refcnt(0), lru_adj(0) {} uint32_t get_refcnt() const { return lru_refcnt; } virtual bool reclaim(const ObjectFactory* newobj_fac) = 0; virtual ~Object() {} private: template friend class LRU; template friend class TreeX; }; /* allocator & recycler interface (create or re-use LRU objects) */ class ObjectFactory { public: virtual Object* alloc(void) = 0; virtual void recycle(Object*) = 0; virtual ~ObjectFactory() {}; }; template class LRU { private: struct Lane { LK lock; Object::Queue q; // Object::Queue pinned; /* placeholder for possible expansion */ CACHE_PAD(0); Lane() {} }; Lane *qlane; int n_lanes; std::atomic evict_lane; const uint32_t lane_hiwat; static constexpr uint32_t lru_adj_modulus = 5; static constexpr uint32_t SENTINEL_REFCNT = 1; /* internal flag values */ static constexpr uint32_t FLAG_INLRU = 0x0001; static constexpr uint32_t FLAG_PINNED = 0x0002; // possible future use static constexpr uint32_t FLAG_EVICTING = 0x0004; Lane& lane_of(void* addr) { return qlane[(uint64_t)(addr) % n_lanes]; } uint32_t next_evict_lane() { return (evict_lane++ % n_lanes); } bool can_reclaim(Object* o) { return ((o->lru_refcnt == SENTINEL_REFCNT) && (!(o->lru_flags & FLAG_EVICTING))); } Object* evict_block(const ObjectFactory* newobj_fac) { uint32_t lane_ix = next_evict_lane(); for (int ix = 0; ix < n_lanes; ++ix, lane_ix = next_evict_lane()) { Lane& lane = qlane[lane_ix]; lane.lock.lock(); /* if object at LRU has refcnt==1, it may be reclaimable */ Object* o = &(lane.q.back()); if (can_reclaim(o)) { ++(o->lru_refcnt); o->lru_flags |= FLAG_EVICTING; lane.lock.unlock(); if (o->reclaim(newobj_fac)) { lane.lock.lock(); --(o->lru_refcnt); /* assertions that o state has not changed across * relock */ ceph_assert(o->lru_refcnt == SENTINEL_REFCNT); ceph_assert(o->lru_flags & FLAG_INLRU); Object::Queue::iterator it = Object::Queue::s_iterator_to(*o); lane.q.erase(it); lane.lock.unlock(); return o; } else { // XXX can't make unreachable (means what?) --(o->lru_refcnt); o->lru_flags &= ~FLAG_EVICTING; /* unlock in next block */ } } /* can_reclaim(o) */ lane.lock.unlock(); } /* each lane */ return nullptr; } /* evict_block */ public: LRU(int lanes, uint32_t _hiwat) : n_lanes(lanes), evict_lane(0), lane_hiwat(_hiwat) { ceph_assert(n_lanes > 0); qlane = new Lane[n_lanes]; } ~LRU() { delete[] qlane; } bool ref(Object* o, uint32_t flags) { ++(o->lru_refcnt); if (flags & FLAG_INITIAL) { if ((++(o->lru_adj) % lru_adj_modulus) == 0) { Lane& lane = lane_of(o); lane.lock.lock(); /* move to MRU */ Object::Queue::iterator it = Object::Queue::s_iterator_to(*o); lane.q.erase(it); lane.q.push_front(*o); lane.lock.unlock(); } /* adj */ } /* initial ref */ return true; } /* ref */ void unref(Object* o, uint32_t flags) { uint32_t refcnt = --(o->lru_refcnt); Object* tdo = nullptr; if (unlikely(refcnt == 0)) { Lane& lane = lane_of(o); lane.lock.lock(); refcnt = o->lru_refcnt.load(); if (unlikely(refcnt == 0)) { Object::Queue::iterator it = Object::Queue::s_iterator_to(*o); lane.q.erase(it); tdo = o; } lane.lock.unlock(); } else if (unlikely(refcnt == SENTINEL_REFCNT)) { Lane& lane = lane_of(o); lane.lock.lock(); refcnt = o->lru_refcnt.load(); if (likely(refcnt == SENTINEL_REFCNT)) { /* move to LRU */ Object::Queue::iterator it = Object::Queue::s_iterator_to(*o); lane.q.erase(it); /* hiwat check */ if (lane.q.size() > lane_hiwat) { tdo = o; } else { lane.q.push_back(*o); } } lane.lock.unlock(); } /* unref out-of-line && !LOCKED */ if (tdo) delete tdo; } /* unref */ Object* insert(ObjectFactory* fac, Edge edge, uint32_t& flags) { /* use supplied functor to re-use an evicted object, or * allocate a new one of the descendant type */ Object* o = evict_block(fac); if (o) { fac->recycle(o); /* recycle existing object */ flags |= FLAG_RECYCLE; } else o = fac->alloc(); /* get a new one */ o->lru_flags = FLAG_INLRU; Lane& lane = lane_of(o); lane.lock.lock(); switch (edge) { case Edge::MRU: lane.q.push_front(*o); break; case Edge::LRU: lane.q.push_back(*o); break; default: ceph_abort(); break; } if (flags & FLAG_INITIAL) o->lru_refcnt += 2; /* sentinel ref + initial */ else ++(o->lru_refcnt); /* sentinel */ lane.lock.unlock(); return o; } /* insert */ }; template class TreeX { public: static constexpr uint32_t FLAG_NONE = 0x0000; static constexpr uint32_t FLAG_LOCK = 0x0001; static constexpr uint32_t FLAG_UNLOCK = 0x0002; static constexpr uint32_t FLAG_UNLOCK_ON_MISS = 0x0004; typedef T value_type; typedef TTree container_type; typedef typename TTree::iterator iterator; typedef std::pair check_result; typedef typename TTree::insert_commit_data insert_commit_data; int n_part; int csz; typedef std::unique_lock unique_lock; struct Partition { LK lock; TTree tr; T** cache; int csz; CACHE_PAD(0); Partition() : tr(), cache(nullptr), csz(0) {} ~Partition() { if (csz) ::operator delete(cache); } }; struct Latch { Partition* p; LK* lock; insert_commit_data commit_data{}; Latch() : p(nullptr), lock(nullptr) {} }; Partition& partition_of_scalar(uint64_t x) { return part[x % n_part]; } Partition& get(uint8_t x) { return part[x]; } Partition*& get() { return part; } void lock() { std::for_each(locks.begin(), locks.end(), [](LK* lk){ lk->lock(); }); } void unlock() { std::for_each(locks.begin(), locks.end(), [](LK* lk){ lk->unlock(); }); } TreeX(int n_part=1, int csz=127) : n_part(n_part), csz(csz) { ceph_assert(n_part > 0); part = new Partition[n_part]; for (int ix = 0; ix < n_part; ++ix) { Partition& p = part[ix]; if (csz) { p.csz = csz; p.cache = (T**) ::operator new(csz * sizeof(T*)); // FIPS zeroization audit 20191115: this memset is not security related. memset(p.cache, 0, csz * sizeof(T*)); } locks.push_back(&p.lock); } } ~TreeX() { delete[] part; } T* find(uint64_t hk, const K& k, uint32_t flags) { T* v; Latch lat; uint32_t slot = 0; lat.p = &(partition_of_scalar(hk)); if (flags & FLAG_LOCK) { lat.lock = &lat.p->lock; lat.lock->lock(); } if (csz) { /* template specialize? */ slot = hk % csz; v = lat.p->cache[slot]; if (v) { if (CEQ()(*v, k)) { if (flags & FLAG_LOCK) lat.lock->unlock(); return v; } v = nullptr; } } else { v = nullptr; } iterator it = lat.p->tr.find(k, CLT()); if (it != lat.p->tr.end()){ v = &(*(it)); if (csz) { /* fill cache slot at hk */ lat.p->cache[slot] = v; } } if (flags & FLAG_LOCK) lat.lock->unlock(); return v; } /* find */ T* find_latch(uint64_t hk, const K& k, Latch& lat, uint32_t flags) { uint32_t slot = 0; T* v; lat.p = &(partition_of_scalar(hk)); lat.lock = &lat.p->lock; if (flags & FLAG_LOCK) lat.lock->lock(); if (csz) { /* template specialize? */ slot = hk % csz; v = lat.p->cache[slot]; if (v) { if (CEQ()(*v, k)) { if ((flags & FLAG_LOCK) && (flags & FLAG_UNLOCK)) lat.lock->unlock(); return v; } v = nullptr; } } else { v = nullptr; } check_result r = lat.p->tr.insert_unique_check( k, CLT(), lat.commit_data); if (! r.second /* !insertable (i.e., !found) */) { v = &(*(r.first)); if (csz) { /* fill cache slot at hk */ lat.p->cache[slot] = v; } } if ((flags & FLAG_LOCK) && (flags & FLAG_UNLOCK)) lat.lock->unlock(); return v; } /* find_latch */ bool is_same_partition(uint64_t lhs, uint64_t rhs) { return ((lhs % n_part) == (rhs % n_part)); } void insert_latched(T* v, Latch& lat, uint32_t flags) { (void) lat.p->tr.insert_unique_commit(*v, lat.commit_data); if (flags & FLAG_UNLOCK) lat.lock->unlock(); } /* insert_latched */ void insert(uint64_t hk, T* v, uint32_t flags) { Partition& p = partition_of_scalar(hk); if (flags & FLAG_LOCK) p.lock.lock(); p.tr.insert_unique(*v); if (flags & FLAG_LOCK) p.lock.unlock(); } /* insert */ void remove(uint64_t hk, T* v, uint32_t flags) { Partition& p = partition_of_scalar(hk); iterator it = TTree::s_iterator_to(*v); if (flags & FLAG_LOCK) p.lock.lock(); p.tr.erase(it); if (csz) { /* template specialize? */ uint32_t slot = hk % csz; T* v2 = p.cache[slot]; /* we are intrusive, just compare addresses */ if (v == v2) p.cache[slot] = nullptr; } if (flags & FLAG_LOCK) p.lock.unlock(); } /* remove */ void drain(std::function uref, uint32_t flags = FLAG_NONE) { /* clear a table, call supplied function on * each element found (e.g., returns sentinel * references) */ Object::Queue2 drain_q; for (int t_ix = 0; t_ix < n_part; ++t_ix) { Partition& p = part[t_ix]; if (flags & FLAG_LOCK) /* LOCKED */ p.lock.lock(); while (p.tr.size() > 0) { iterator it = p.tr.begin(); T* v = &(*it); p.tr.erase(it); drain_q.push_front(*v); } if (flags & FLAG_LOCK) /* we locked it, !LOCKED */ p.lock.unlock(); } /* each partition */ /* unref out-of-line && !LOCKED */ while (drain_q.size() > 0) { Object::Queue2::iterator it = drain_q.begin(); T* v = static_cast(&(*it)); drain_q.erase(it); /* must precede uref(v) in safe_link mode */ uref(v); } } /* drain */ private: Partition *part; std::vector locks; }; } /* namespace LRU */ } /* namespace cohort */ #endif /* COHORT_LRU_H */