// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include "acconfig.h" #include "options.h" #include "common/Formatter.h" // Helpers for validators #include "include/stringify.h" #include #include #include // Definitions for enums #include "common/perf_counters.h" // rbd feature validation #include "librbd/Features.h" namespace { class printer : public boost::static_visitor<> { ostream& out; public: explicit printer(ostream& os) : out(os) {} template void operator()(const T& v) const { out << v; } void operator()(boost::blank blank) const { return; } void operator()(bool v) const { out << (v ? "true" : "false"); } void operator()(double v) const { out << std::fixed << v << std::defaultfloat; } void operator()(const Option::size_t& v) const { out << v.value; } void operator()(const std::chrono::seconds v) const { out << v.count(); } }; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Option::value_t& v) { printer p{os}; v.apply_visitor(p); return os; } void Option::dump_value(const char *field_name, const Option::value_t &v, Formatter *f) const { if (boost::get(&v)) { // This should be nil but Formatter doesn't allow it. f->dump_string(field_name, ""); return; } switch (type) { case TYPE_INT: f->dump_int(field_name, boost::get(v)); break; case TYPE_UINT: f->dump_unsigned(field_name, boost::get(v)); break; case TYPE_STR: f->dump_string(field_name, boost::get(v)); break; case TYPE_FLOAT: f->dump_float(field_name, boost::get(v)); break; case TYPE_BOOL: f->dump_bool(field_name, boost::get(v)); break; default: f->dump_stream(field_name) << v; break; } } int Option::pre_validate(std::string *new_value, std::string *err) const { if (validator) { return validator(new_value, err); } else { return 0; } } int Option::validate(const Option::value_t &new_value, std::string *err) const { // Generic validation: min if (!boost::get(&(min))) { if (new_value < min) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Value '" << new_value << "' is below minimum " << min; *err = oss.str(); return -EINVAL; } } // Generic validation: max if (!boost::get(&(max))) { if (new_value > max) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Value '" << new_value << "' exceeds maximum " << max; *err = oss.str(); return -EINVAL; } } // Generic validation: enum if (!enum_allowed.empty() && type == Option::TYPE_STR) { auto found = std::find(enum_allowed.begin(), enum_allowed.end(), boost::get(new_value)); if (found == enum_allowed.end()) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "'" << new_value << "' is not one of the permitted " "values: " << joinify(enum_allowed.begin(), enum_allowed.end(), std::string(", ")); *err = oss.str(); return -EINVAL; } } return 0; } int Option::parse_value( const std::string& raw_val, value_t *out, std::string *error_message, std::string *normalized_value) const { std::string val = raw_val; int r = pre_validate(&val, error_message); if (r != 0) { return r; } if (type == Option::TYPE_INT) { int64_t f = strict_si_cast(val.c_str(), error_message); if (!error_message->empty()) { return -EINVAL; } *out = f; } else if (type == Option::TYPE_UINT) { uint64_t f = strict_si_cast(val.c_str(), error_message); if (!error_message->empty()) { return -EINVAL; } *out = f; } else if (type == Option::TYPE_STR) { *out = val; } else if (type == Option::TYPE_FLOAT) { double f = strict_strtod(val.c_str(), error_message); if (!error_message->empty()) { return -EINVAL; } else { *out = f; } } else if (type == Option::TYPE_BOOL) { if (strcasecmp(val.c_str(), "false") == 0) { *out = false; } else if (strcasecmp(val.c_str(), "true") == 0) { *out = true; } else { int b = strict_strtol(val.c_str(), 10, error_message); if (!error_message->empty()) { return -EINVAL; } *out = (bool)!!b; } } else if (type == Option::TYPE_ADDR) { entity_addr_t addr; if (!addr.parse(val.c_str())){ return -EINVAL; } *out = addr; } else if (type == Option::TYPE_ADDR) { entity_addrvec_t addr; if (!addr.parse(val.c_str())){ return -EINVAL; } *out = addr; } else if (type == Option::TYPE_UUID) { uuid_d uuid; if (!uuid.parse(val.c_str())) { return -EINVAL; } *out = uuid; } else if (type == Option::TYPE_SIZE) { Option::size_t sz{strict_iecstrtoll(val.c_str(), error_message)}; if (!error_message->empty()) { return -EINVAL; } *out = sz; } else if (type == Option::TYPE_SECS) { try { *out = parse_timespan(val); } catch (const invalid_argument& e) { *error_message = e.what(); return -EINVAL; } } else { ceph_abort(); } r = validate(*out, error_message); if (r != 0) { return r; } if (normalized_value) { *normalized_value = to_str(*out); } return 0; } void Option::dump(Formatter *f) const { f->dump_string("name", name); f->dump_string("type", type_to_str(type)); f->dump_string("level", level_to_str(level)); f->dump_string("desc", desc); f->dump_string("long_desc", long_desc); dump_value("default", value, f); dump_value("daemon_default", daemon_value, f); f->open_array_section("tags"); for (const auto t : tags) { f->dump_string("tag", t); } f->close_section(); f->open_array_section("services"); for (const auto s : services) { f->dump_string("service", s); } f->close_section(); f->open_array_section("see_also"); for (const auto sa : see_also) { f->dump_string("see_also", sa); } f->close_section(); if (type == TYPE_STR) { f->open_array_section("enum_values"); for (const auto &ea : enum_allowed) { f->dump_string("enum_value", ea); } f->close_section(); } dump_value("min", min, f); dump_value("max", max, f); f->dump_bool("can_update_at_runtime", can_update_at_runtime()); f->open_array_section("flags"); if (has_flag(FLAG_RUNTIME)) { f->dump_string("option", "runtime"); } if (has_flag(FLAG_NO_MON_UPDATE)) { f->dump_string("option", "no_mon_update"); } if (has_flag(FLAG_STARTUP)) { f->dump_string("option", "startup"); } if (has_flag(FLAG_CLUSTER_CREATE)) { f->dump_string("option", "cluster_create"); } if (has_flag(FLAG_CREATE)) { f->dump_string("option", "create"); } f->close_section(); } std::string Option::to_str(const Option::value_t& v) { return stringify(v); } void Option::print(ostream *out) const { *out << name << " - " << desc << "\n"; *out << " (" << type_to_str(type) << ", " << level_to_str(level) << ")\n"; if (!boost::get(&daemon_value)) { *out << " Default (non-daemon): " << stringify(value) << "\n"; *out << " Default (daemon): " << stringify(daemon_value) << "\n"; } else { *out << " Default: " << stringify(value) << "\n"; } if (!enum_allowed.empty()) { *out << " Possible values: "; for (auto& i : enum_allowed) { *out << " " << stringify(i); } *out << "\n"; } if (!boost::get(&min)) { *out << " Minimum: " << stringify(min) << "\n" << " Maximum: " << stringify(max) << "\n"; } *out << " Can update at runtime: " << (can_update_at_runtime() ? "true" : "false") << "\n"; if (!services.empty()) { *out << " Services: " << services << "\n"; } if (!tags.empty()) { *out << " Tags: " << tags << "\n"; } if (!see_also.empty()) { *out << " See also: " << see_also << "\n"; } if (long_desc.size()) { *out << "\n" << long_desc << "\n"; } } constexpr unsigned long long operator"" _min (unsigned long long min) { return min * 60; } constexpr unsigned long long operator"" _hr (unsigned long long hr) { return hr * 60 * 60; } constexpr unsigned long long operator"" _day (unsigned long long day) { return day * 60 * 60 * 24; } constexpr unsigned long long operator"" _K (unsigned long long n) { return n << 10; } constexpr unsigned long long operator"" _M (unsigned long long n) { return n << 20; } constexpr unsigned long long operator"" _G (unsigned long long n) { return n << 30; } std::vector